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Clover 22-01-2017 07:20 PM

Lapis Lazuli - Your Personal Experience
Hello, I just made my first Lapis purchase. It's an exceptional size ( 25mm). A bit larger than a quarter, nice girth size all around. I have googled and been inspired to purchase one. What has been your best experience with it? Any cons? I know I can google, but I wanted to hear it from individuals from here.

BellaSage 23-01-2017 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Clover
Hello, I just made my first Lapis purchase. It's an exceptional size ( 25mm). A bit larger than a quarter, nice girth size all around. I have googled and been inspired to purchase one. What has been your best experience with it? Any cons? I know I can google, but I wanted to hear it from individuals from here.

Beautiful piece you have there, Clover!

I absolutely love Lapis. She is the one to this day that has given me my most intense and vivid dreams. Along with that, I find her very comforting.

I feel Lapis gives us some powerful insights and very strong protection.

The most potent dream; I lived on another planet and we all had abilities. We were all trying to work out our journey on this planet and we could only have our abilities activated when these little lead balls were thrown at us and we absorbed them.

These lead balls changed our eyes and helped us see our purpose. You wouldn't know when one of these balls was coming at you, but if you were able to stall it in time you could control it above your hand until your were ready to absorb it and start your journey.

Seeing people, a couple specifically, and watching them hold hands. I was able to see them as pure energy, no skin or bones. Simply their hands melding together like fluid. It was beautiful.

While in writing it here, it seems kinda mild now, but wowsers the feelings and experience blew my mind. LOL

I really believe it was little miss Lapis that allowed that intense journey for me and that has been my best experience so far. :D

I also don't feel any cons, Ive only experienced good from her.

I hope this helps. :hug3:

Clover 23-01-2017 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by BellaSage
Beautiful piece you have there, Clover!

I absolutely love Lapis. She is the one to this day that has given me my most intense and vivid dreams. Along with that, I find her very comforting.

I feel Lapis gives us some powerful insights and very strong protection.

The most potent dream; I lived on another planet and we all had abilities. We were all trying to work out our journey on this planet and we could only have our abilities activated when these little lead balls were thrown at us and we absorbed them.

These lead balls changed our eyes and helped us see our purpose. You wouldn't know when one of these balls was coming at you, but if you were able to stall it in time you could control it above your hand until your were ready to absorb it and start your journey.

Seeing people, a couple specifically, and watching them hold hands. I was able to see them as pure energy, no skin or bones. Simply their hands melding together like fluid. It was beautiful.

While in writing it here, it seems kinda mild now, but wowsers the feelings and experience blew my mind. LOL

I really believe it was little miss Lapis that allowed that intense journey for me and that has been my best experience so far. :D

I also don't feel any cons, Ive only experienced good from her.

I hope this helps. :hug3:

Hello BellaSage. Wow, what great experience you have with the stone :icon_thumleft: Reading your story has me very excited to play with it! I use these Egyptian Oracle cards and I kept drawing the "Lapis" card, urging me to connect with one. So I am very excited, thanks. :smile:

moonincancer 23-01-2017 04:12 AM

I find Lapis protects from psychic attacks. It helps me focus better, appear more professional and communicate clearly. It puts me in the thinking mode and is good for both rational and intuitive thoughts.
I cannot wear it continuously.
It is supposed to help one speak one's truth.

Dude 23-01-2017 07:38 AM

I am not a huge fan.. but won't be without it! I must say i was very drawn to this stone for how it looks on paper and it's highly regarded for many reasons... but we all react different to different stones and this one just doesn't have much impact on me.

I don't like taking medication so lapis is my headache tablet! I tried it with some smaller tumble stones and found it worked so got one especially for this reason.

It is supposed to be good for 3rd eye, I do meditate with it on 3rd eye if I have something I'm pondering over, I find it's good for pointing things out or bringing new perspective to things.

It's supposed to be good for eyes and ears but I find it makes my tinnitus worse so don't rate it for ears anyway.

I do find it a powerful stone, I can kind of feel it's energy buzzing about when I use it for a long time but I just find there is always a better stone for me generally. It's good for throat chakra apparently but I love aquamarine for that, supposed to be good for stress but I prefer scolecite, mangano? Calcite or blue aragonite for that (my chill pills). Supposed to be good for "psychic protection" but I prefer moldavite black tourmaline or fire agate for those...

It's supposed to be good for things caused by not speaking up in the past on paper it has so many benefits with communication and repressed emotions etc so... I like to use it just incase but have not found any benefits really.

i don't know why but my main one I always feel is like a light saber lol... so may have been super super sad and done the imaginary light sabre thing lol.

FairyCrystal 23-01-2017 11:09 AM

I got a larger piece, which was sold as a master piece. Very pure in the sense that it barely has any pyrite or calcite in it (Afghan lapis). That's what drew me to it, the intense blue colours.
I don't do anything much with it, have had it for 8 years, yet the other day I needed it. My throat chakra was upset, in connection with my heart, and I really needed it with me. So I got it upstairs and put it directly on my heart chakra.
Sat with it later on, with another lapis tumble in my other hand.
It was soothing and calming, both to my heart and throat. Very powerful, loving energy.
I normally don't do anything much with it, I've even thought of selling it. But I can't. I do need it. Just don't need it on me or near me a lot.

Dude 23-01-2017 03:34 PM

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BellaSage 23-01-2017 06:47 PM


Originally Posted by Clover
Hello BellaSage. Wow, what great experience you have with the stone :icon_thumleft: Reading your story has me very excited to play with it! I use these Egyptian Oracle cards and I kept drawing the "Lapis" card, urging me to connect with one. So I am very excited, thanks. :smile:

Hi Clover!

You are very welcome! :smile: I've had some fun, that's for sure. I hope you have some wonderful experiences with her too.

Could you please share your experiences with her once they start? I would love to hear. :biggrin:

The oracle seems to be pointing you towards it, looks like you have some things in store. :hug3:

Clover 25-01-2017 04:41 AM

Thank you everyone for your comments/insights regarding the stone. I enjoyed reading them thoroughly and what the stone does for you.

@Dude, beautiful rock and card. Thanks for your insights. :thumbsup: According to my Isis Oracle, the Lapis is tied to the star people of Sirus. Galactic consciousness!
@BelleSage, will do. It's only been a few days, I haven't noticed much difference/changes, but i do love to hold it all the time like it's a part of me. Sounds weird I know, haha.


Lynn 25-01-2017 02:11 PM


I have one from England that was gifted to me that has a stone of each Chakra on it. I have gifted it out twice now for it to be given back to me.

I know that it has a place to go but not sure where that is yet. It is not a stone that calls to me personally but one that seems to have a mind of its own.


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