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feohgoddess 08-04-2006 12:27 PM

Astral catalepsy
Hello. I'm new to this message board. I've been experiencing astral catalepsy since i was around 12, along with astral projection, and currently have been traveling astrally as well. I'm just looking for other people who experience this on a regular basis such as I do. I have yet to meet anyone who has and would be interested in discussing this with others.

When I was about 12, I would be terrified of going to sleep, because I got this thing I called "The Shakes" My body would feel as if it were viberating, and I hear a ringing noise, I would try to move, speak and open my eyes, and couldn't. Even though my eyes were closed, I could still see what was infront of me.

One night I sat up, and it felt as if the air were so compressed, I was under water. I sat up and turned over, thinking that I was just sitting up, but then when I turned over, I saw myself sleeping. This is when I realized that I was out of my body. I never left too far from my sleeping body, out of fear. I always feel like I'm in some sort of lucid state, but at the same time I feel as if I were getting up to get a drink of water. I notice I have no need to breath. I can either walk or float, and go through doors without opening them. I don't feel cold or hot. The only living beings that seem to be able to see me are my 2 cats.

My father, who had passed on when I was 6, comes to visit me often. The first time I had an encounter with him while out of my body, we embraced, and it felt as if he were away for years. I could smell him, feel him, and he can totally see me as well. Its amazing, exciting and shocking.

Recently I have started feeling comfortable travelling astrally. I can either go at a normal speed as if taking a walk, or at a speed where it seems really fast but I can still see things pass me as I'm going toward my destination, or I just end up somewhere so quickly nothing passes me. It is amazing how many people are awake in your own home town at 3 am. I've seen people at the quick stop stores, just walking around, sitting, standing. TONS of people who are either passed on or also out of their bodies.

I am very facinated with astral projection and travel, and I'm happy I actually know what it is now, and know that others remember these lucid states as well. I still have TONS to learn. I would love to hear other's stories, and to hear if other people had shaking and viberating, the ringing in their ears and even sometimes hallucinations.

dreamer 10-04-2006 09:44 AM

Hi Feohgoddess,

I had this experience last night. A few weeks ago I felt as though my body was unbuckling like unbuttoning buttons down my chakra points and i moved out of my body but I haven't seen myself yet, or anything else, I struggled to understand how to let go, but last i realised that it was probably just about letting go like you do when you fall asleep. I started shaking and my body felt like it does just before take off on an airoplane, like it was being shaken in a rumbling, vibrating sort of way. i concentrated on staying as relaxed as possible but i suppose my mind is still getting used to the idea this is possible so it was hard to do so. I can't really remember much else except that I ended up feeling very relaxed for a bit and my wife who was lying next to me seemed to be experiencing the same as me because her breathing became heavy and she gripped my hand tighter as the rush progressed although she didn't say anything and was asleep when it finished.

The process is breaking down the certainties that stop me dreaming and lock me into this "physical" belief. If i can let go i can live the dream, but it's only when you start to let go that you realise how tightly bound you are to the ideas which stop you feeling peace. Its an interesting challenge though.

feohgoddess 12-04-2006 12:08 AM

Hello Dreamer!

I can honestly say I know how you feel about not being able to let go. What works for me is I tell myself " I wish to have an easy exit and re-entry" I say this in my head to myself every time I come out now. I used to feel threatened and it would get to the point where I was fighting to wake up, and it would literally exhaust me. Now when I come out, I let myself relax as if I were first stepping into heated water. I think once you stop fighting that urge to wake up or thinking too much about whats going on, its so much easier to come out. It was a great challenge for me. Now, travelling astrally is somewhat of a challenge still. I hope you can share your future experiences and I will as well! :)

dreamer 12-04-2006 06:32 PM

Hi feohgoddess,

thanks for that i will give it a try. Do you feel that you are in a lucid dream when you are awake? I sort of wonder whether controlling my dreams might transfer, i feel like my waking state is a dream, the more i think it the more it becomes that way. Are you able to control things in your lucid dreams, and if so have you tried using the same techmiques when you are awake. I wonder whether spirits are more creations of my own mind than outside forces. What do you think, i'd be really interested to know.

feohgoddess 21-04-2006 03:05 AM

Hey Dreamer!

I feel like I am in a lucid dream, though I have control over where Im going, what I'm thinking, what ideas I have and what I recognize. There have been times, however, where when I come out of my body, I sorta roll on to the floor, as if I fell out. I'm not sure if I actuall DID 'fall out' but this has happened. Thats one thing I notice that I haven't had control over when projecting.

saj 18-05-2006 12:30 PM

Hi Feohgoddess,

Perception is projection and can be painful. What you are experiencing is the astral body, commonly known as the soul, comprising of molecular atomic particles illuminated by light.
Peace,love and light

mikron 13-09-2006 05:38 AM

you must be an indigo child 25 years and under ! the vibration is a natural part of the astral seperating at night to cleans the emotion ! its not just you its every one in the world ! you have gift enjoy it !


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