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mandi 16-06-2020 01:33 AM

sleep demon?
i just posted another thread but have another unrelated question, so recently i could hear weird throaty noises , like choaking, coming from my eldest daughters room, she sleeps with her door open so i got up and went and looked in, the hall light was on so was low light in there an i saw wat looked like a tall skinny shadow man , bit alien in shape , standing at the end of her bed as if with a really long finger pointing towards her, i looked at her and she wasnt making any noise just lookes a bit stiff haw shed fallen asleep, as i stepped into the room to take a proper look as i thought i was seeing wrong, it seemed to run behind the wardrobe and was a weird rage vibe from its direction, checked my daughter again and she was fine, so the next morning i got up and said something along the lines of seeing her sleep demon and she went white and said shed seen it too, standing over her and it was trying to steal her breath, she then discribed exaxtly what i saw but she saw it clearer, any idea what tht was about? is it something that can be got rid of? and if yes, how?

one-light 18-06-2020 02:21 PM

How are you both doing? - I met a lady in Kinmel Bay in Wales a few years ago, I was talking to her about Higher Self and she was talking about going on a psychic diet, she knew her stuff I can tell you, and as we parted, it was said then we wonder if we might meet again one day - don't know if she's on here.

Anyway this lady I met briefly outside a cafe was saying to my wife aliens exist and are here in our world... I totally agree, doesn't mean they are bad in any way - some here say they have aliens or aliens spirits as Guides - they are far more advanced than us I can tell you... If it returns and something it does in future that bothers you then we can discuss it further...

If it still concerns you after reading this, and it looks aggressive in any way, then there is info further down the page, a thread by asearcher that might help get rid of anything dark with negative vibes... but if its an intelligent high vibrational spirit then then that info won't work...

Welcome here by the way...

lomax 19-06-2020 03:27 PM

Burn frankisence resin.Try also camphor discs over charcoals.It's unpleasant smell for parasites.

Use heavy salt baths (both of you) and srpinkle a little to the corners of the rooms.

Also you can try bay leave water (works very well).You put the leaves into water,you leave it some hours and then you use the water over your body,or even to purify places.

There are plenty of other teqniques to use as well.These are the simple and effective ones.

You can find some good stuff here about psychic defence.

mandi 22-06-2020 02:03 AM

hi both, thanks for the replies and the book link :) i really dont know what it was, i can usually figure something logical but i cant with this. so since it happened my daughter got serious with her short term partner , moved out and become pregnant, all very quick. i just have a feeling like i need to move home asap, i will defo try the frankinsence and other stuff as moving isnt an option at the moment. and i will have a read up on aliens too.

asearcher 22-06-2020 04:40 PM

Hi! What a fright that must have been. Sounds to me like some depressed man who did not feel like eating or did not have enough money to eat and hung himself for example or what ever it was that caused that kind of gasping for air. Sorry to be this frank. I might have a wild imagination. Have you check previous owners? Nearby? Maybe it doesn't matter.

Anyhow, Spirits seem drawn to children because they have one foot in that world and one in ours. "Good" and "bad" ones seem to be drawn to them.

Your ghost may not have it all together due to trauma or mental illness or both in previous life. Try to do the salt thing, salt away, and pray and like One Light told me to be positive, surround one self with that etc.

I've been around my family when they all went down-down and easily ****ed off with their tempers for no reason while I could tell that these feelings did not come from them, it did not come from me, there was something outside. Which is why too important to keep chins up :) If one is sensitive one can get effected.

I remember being a spirit and wanting to somehow get into a man's head during sleep. yes, I know. I am super duper strange. But not crazy. Could be he is trying to get into her sleep, dreams.

One time a child got afraid of a ghost who was just there when the child called for help and was crying (That hateful wait one minute, 5 minute rule before coming into the child's room. I was this close to killing the daddy, panicking on the outside. His darn idea. After that ordeal - never again. We both said. Never again. I don't judge people who do it, but i felt like the worst. Anyhow. The child would tell me when that went on and we would not go into the child room - the ghost appeared instead. And did not look happy. Guess even the ghost could tell something was wrong. The child later said it was too young to tell us but never forgot about it. But the ghost never touch the child. Never threaten. But the child got even more afraid as the ghost just looked so serious. When the child told me this story several years later I again felt like one big failure. Last time I ever listen to some darn child expert. it is only I guess recent generations where babies, children have the "luxury" to have their own bedrooms. Usually before they would sleep with others, the family being close. Also those new equipment we have these days where we put something in the baby's room, baby monitor I think it's called, and we go outside...heard and seen of cases where spirit then visit. Some "good" ones must think there is something wrong with the grown ups for leaving them like that. These days we do exactly like you do - have a light on in the child's bedroom, then we have one in the hallway, and the door open to the child's room and to ours. We're close by. Some sort of diplomatic solution :) But one time when the child was a baby and in a crib in our bedroom I saw a mist take shape by it and sort of lean down as if to look at the baby. I felt something just before so I sat right up and stared at it, frozen at first, because first I thought there is something wrong with my eyes. It was as if it became aware of me, I felt like get away from my baby or I'll "kill" you-that type of feeling, and it just dissolve in thin air. The baby slept through it all. Could have been someone friendly or something else but my mother instinct took charge without caring which it was.

So is hard to say what this spirit or ghost wants with your child. To protect it from something. Get into it's sleep. Or be seen, heard - is trapped. If trapped there are procedure to how to see if others who knew, loved this spirit is on the spirit side and you can co-operate how to make it move on, you could try contact a medium who could help you with this if you like.Also you might have more than one there, in the home, I mean. I have a friend who sees ghosts and she has seen more than one but say they don't see each other and she has seen, children too, those dark shadow people. Thing is she gets afraid when she sees ghosts and would act uncomfortable in our home and then tell me she had to go outside, and then told me there. She would say they were "station" in certain areas of the home, like 2 of them, and then there were the shadow and she felt very much this was a male who had his target on me for some reason. She could pick out those she thought were most sensitive in the home and say it, they were moving more with them, us. I don't know if us sensitive ones use up more energy to the other side or what the deal is. If your child is sensitive or maybe I should use another word, one I get like all the time with mine - delicate - I guess the emotions she is wearing off is of extra interest?

I hope I have not frighten you with any of this. I hope it works out :) ours did. There is nothing bad here now. Took a while but we got there.

GlitterRose 22-08-2020 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by mandi
i just posted another thread but have another unrelated question, so recently i could hear weird throaty noises , like choaking, coming from my eldest daughters room, she sleeps with her door open so i got up and went and looked in, the hall light was on so was low light in there an i saw wat looked like a tall skinny shadow man , bit alien in shape , standing at the end of her bed as if with a really long finger pointing towards her, i looked at her and she wasnt making any noise just lookes a bit stiff haw shed fallen asleep, as i stepped into the room to take a proper look as i thought i was seeing wrong, it seemed to run behind the wardrobe and was a weird rage vibe from its direction, checked my daughter again and she was fine, so the next morning i got up and said something along the lines of seeing her sleep demon and she went white and said shed seen it too, standing over her and it was trying to steal her breath, she then discribed exaxtly what i saw but she saw it clearer, any idea what tht was about? is it something that can be got rid of? and if yes, how?

I have a suspicion that these things are thoughtforms created by our subconscious and then somehow manifested when we have strong emotions like fear or grief.

Whatever you believe about them, they yield easily to various forms of banishment. Usually, people will have something from their own belief system they can use. If they don't know anything, I usually recommend the LBRP (Lesser Banisment Ritual of the Pentagram) because it can be found online for free and it worked for me.

It's all about what makes you feel empowered.

Shalimar 28-08-2020 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by mandi
i just posted another thread but have another unrelated question, so recently i could hear weird throaty noises , like choaking, coming from my eldest daughters room, she sleeps with her door open so i got up and went and looked in, the hall light was on so was low light in there an i saw wat looked like a tall skinny shadow man , bit alien in shape , standing at the end of her bed as if with a really long finger pointing towards her, i looked at her and she wasnt making any noise just lookes a bit stiff haw shed fallen asleep, as i stepped into the room to take a proper look as i thought i was seeing wrong, it seemed to run behind the wardrobe and was a weird rage vibe from its direction, checked my daughter again and she was fine, so the next morning i got up and said something along the lines of seeing her sleep demon and she went white and said shed seen it too, standing over her and it was trying to steal her breath, she then discribed exaxtly what i saw but she saw it clearer, any idea what tht was about? is it something that can be got rid of? and if yes, how?

Can't be sure 100% as with all that sort of matter. But, that entity doesn't seem benevolent to me.

#1 it tried to touch your kid and she looked stiff. Makes me feel like if it was making sure she wouldn't be able to defend herself and had somewhat numbed her.

#2 your daughter "saw" it too. I'll say that even if she was asleep, and "kept" in that way by that entity, her spirit was aware of what was going on.

Her analysis of what was going on is what matter the most and what tells me that the entity wasn't positive.

"Trying to steal her breath". That entity was after her very life and she was kept from doing something about it. That entity had in mind to either take her life, or possess her body.

Fortunately, you disturbed the process by entering the room.

If it had happened to me and my daughter, I would take this seriously, as dealing with a dark entity. The entity failed but could come back to try again.
I would cleanse the room, and would look for anything possibly used as a portal.
I would bless the room with prayers and holy water. I would have God step in, cuz it's really difficult to deal with that kind of entity on your own.
Eventually, if I would still sense the oppression of a dark presence after all that can be done was done, I would leave the place.
Some houses have portals difficult to close even for experienced persons. Some have malevolent entities that just won't leave for good.

I know someone personally that used to live in such house, she ended up leaving and where she is now all is peaceful.
I grew up in a house having a lot of malevolent entities, so glad when we moved.

A closer experience was when an entity tried to attack my daughter. Like your daughter she was sleeping but suddenly she got aware of an oppressive dark entity, she could sense it was malevolent. It leaned over her, pressing down on the bed, her cat who sleeps on her bed darted out of the room. Actually, after that happened her cat didn't want to re-enter the room and didn't until it was all cleared up.

Here is what we did:

Cleanse the room using sage,cedar incense, holy water, casting out darkness, and blessing with light.
Which usually is sufficient but in the case of that dark entity, we had to work harder to finally get the room completely cleared up. The entity left and never came back.
Here is what we did (note, that we do believe in the power of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Therese, Archangel Michael, etc...)

- August Queen prayer (old prayer powerful against dark entities)
- Novena to St Therese
- Prayer to the Archangel Michael
- Prayer to her guardian angel
- Bind away prayer in the name of Jesus

Hope that sharing my own experience will be of help. Above all I hope that you and your daughter won't have to deal with it again.

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