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VictorianCat 08-03-2016 05:15 PM

What makes you happy?
Pretty straight forward question :)

alcyone 08-03-2016 10:18 PM


Creating and having my very own life.

Being free to have this life as my own, create it and own it in my self. :)

Tobi 09-03-2016 03:00 AM

Oh goodness....so many things!

Reading inspiring posts, here and in other places. Seeing that there is so much kindness and compassion from many, to balance the harsh things in the world.
Eating my dinner in the evening, walking in my favourite woods..... seeing a Jackdaw walking outside my window when I have just woken up, then look up at me and tip his head on one side....and I am suddenly vibrantly aware that I am surrounded by living intriguing characters; the birds, who pass by us every day and only sometimes we notice them.
When the stove lights easily....
When a dear one greets me from Spirit, filled with undying Love.
Being able to walk, and eat, and sleep, and breathe, and even run -at my age.
When the sun teases you, just behind a cloud, then suddenly breaks through and floods you with yellow light, then disappears again.
Nice dreams.
Starry skies.
Frosty mornings with blue skies.....but even moreso -snowy mornings with blue skies, or even snowy mornings with just snow.
Utter quietness....and on the other hand, that late show on Classic FM called smooth classics (lovely!)
Having a great book to read.
When a mean dog gives me a lick and a wag after weeks of working with her.
Somebody I know saying they now have the all-clear from a cancer scare.

H:O:R:A:C:E 09-03-2016 03:39 AM

that was a moving post Tobi.
you lost me at the frosty mornings part though,
i crave warmth.

Clover 09-03-2016 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Tobi
Oh goodness....so many things!

Reading inspiring posts, here and in other places. Seeing that there is so much kindness and compassion from many, to balance the harsh things in the world.
Eating my dinner in the evening, walking in my favourite woods..... seeing a Jackdaw walking outside my window when I have just woken up, then look up at me and tip his head on one side....and I am suddenly vibrantly aware that I am surrounded by living intriguing characters; the birds, who pass by us every day and only sometimes we notice them.
When the stove lights easily....
When a dear one greets me from Spirit, filled with undying Love.
Being able to walk, and eat, and sleep, and breathe, and even run -at my age.
When the sun teases you, just behind a cloud, then suddenly breaks through and floods you with yellow light, then disappears again.
Nice dreams.
Starry skies.
Frosty mornings with blue skies.....but even moreso -snowy mornings with blue skies, or even snowy mornings with just snow.
Utter quietness....and on the other hand, that late show on Classic FM called smooth classics (lovely!)
Having a great book to read.
When a mean dog gives me a lick and a wag after weeks of working with her.
Somebody I know saying they now have the all-clear from a cancer scare.

Lovely list.
I gotta a few things here and there myself.. :smile:

Ilovecats 04-04-2016 09:55 PM

It makes me happy to be here. To experience life and love. It makes me happy that I am healthy, vital, vibrant and alive. I am enthusiastic about life.

It makes me happy that I know deep inside that all is well. That I am loved, appreciated. It makes me happy that I feel so free and calm. I am confident about myself and my life.

It makes me happy that I don't have fears about the future. I just feel that everything will turn out well and that faith really gives me ability to enjoy moment by moment. My faith in goodness and love makes me happy. I just love being here.

I find happiness in all things. Like petting my cat and listening how he purrs. I am happy that today was a beautiful sunny day. That I enjoyed this day with people I love.

I am happy that I am able to do what I love. And that I learned to focus mainly on positive things in my life. Happiness is fun :D

ocean breeze 05-04-2016 12:22 AM

My thoughts: dreaming about the future and making my dreams into reality, thinking about my past and reflecting back at what i'm capable of.
Cooking a good meal then eating it.
That feeling of aliveness especially when pursuing a passion.
Running outdoors.
Martial Arts training and pushing my body beyond its normal limits.
Nature Hikes.
Exploring and traveling to new places.
The way the sky changes colors before and after a sunset.

Imzadi 05-04-2016 12:40 AM

God in all Its infinite names. :)

And dancing ballet is one of the ways I express that Joy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OR-n3Rg6E8

jimrich 05-04-2016 12:51 AM

Happiness is a choice
I do! It's only a choice. :hug3:

WabiSabi 05-04-2016 01:15 AM

I am a whitewater kayaker, and I couldn't imagine my life without it. I am extremely passionate about it.

Here is what I do in my free time: https://youtu.be/7TOHRujQxu8

SaraTherase 05-04-2016 03:36 PM

Unconditional love, anything that moves me or titillates my senses.

Shivani Devi 25-05-2016 03:10 AM

Yes...unconditional love, God, ...life, the universe and everything..

...and that moment when a spiritual aspirant has almost reached their peak state and needs just a little help getting over the final hurdle and my words and love just gives them that little boost or push they need to make it all the way there.

When I feel somebody else's energies rise up to meet mine, it makes me break down in tears and jump around ecstatically at the same time...weird feels them ones...

Requiem 06-08-2016 07:02 AM

My dog, laughing with others, discovering things out in nature, cooking, reading about things I'm interested in.

Imzadi 06-08-2016 07:15 AM

Being Connected To My Heart and Being in Alignment with Nature :)

sweetrainbowfire 11-10-2016 06:19 AM

My daughter's laughter
My dog's exuberance
Walking in the woods
Rain on my skin
Clean, fresh air
A healthy, yummy dessert like vanilla pudding
Helping people
Chatting with my best friend
Practising yoga
Being next to the ocean
Swinging in a swing
Feeling loved by my partner

Dan_SF 11-10-2016 06:18 PM

Knowing that God is God and nothing else, and that he is leading me back to him.

lilith 20-11-2016 01:08 PM

Love. Giving love. Meeting people who are open to accept it.

Dargor 20-11-2016 02:48 PM

Nothing I suppose. Here and then I have some good days, but none of them give me true happiness.

Liliel 20-11-2016 08:09 PM

Here are some things that randomly came to my mind:
- feeling relaxed and safe
- spending time with people who are close to me
- hugging
- joking and laughing with people
- helping others
- reading books
- playing computer games
- being surrounded with nature (too bad I live in a big city, good that there are parks)
- taking long walks
- animals, especially cats (I own 3 :smile: )
- traveling and watching travel channels
- staring at the mountains/sea
- drawing,coloring
- looking at old photos
- eating delicious food
- learning languages
- watching cartoons (I'm adult :biggrin: )
- cooking for someone else

And probably many more :smile:

thebeautifulsacred 20-11-2016 08:19 PM

Freedom, lightheartedness, good people.

lamb1 14-12-2016 03:26 PM

my family, I suppose I can help them and I do help my mother, and that makes me unreliable happy. If that would be truth, that I'm actually here to help her, that would be probably the most wonderful thing I can imagine right now.
thinking about my guides? makes me happy and about Home and remembering some states and having hope to come back there

lamb1 14-12-2016 03:27 PM

I also love to pain, painting makes me happy and drawing. Being among random people.

lilith 14-12-2016 08:21 PM

art. it always makes me happy. living beings can't do that, not always.

Xanny 15-12-2016 10:45 AM

My cats <3
Cats in general <3
Listening to music
Discovering new music
Playing some instruments
Eating something delicious
Spicy food!
Bad jokes
Funny people
Funny situations
My brothers dog <3 Even when he's naughty
Nice people
Sleeping in
Squirrels especially with their twitchy tails (sadly, I can only admire them through youtube videos)
Making someone smile
Things that smell good
9-10am when the morning rush hours are over and the day seems calm
The sound of wind blowing through leaves
Deserted places
Suffering through a long hike for the view at the end of it
Long drives
Deep conversations
Milk tea
When I think I ate all the fries but actually there is still one (or a couple) hiding at the bottom of my take out bag
A really cold cola when I'm super thirsty and it's super hot
Freshly baked Spanish rolls, dang.
A good book
Free trials (if I remember to cancel them before they charge me for the subscription service)
Good company
Cheesy/non cheesy 80's music (and the music videos that go along with them)
Peace and quiet
Wrapping presents
Christmas lights are very nice
When summer is over and fall is here
Secretly watching the rat my grandma hates stealing food from the birds at her house hahahahaha (it's so cute :I)
Little gecko chirps
When a peacock honks (majestic creatures)
When I'm jogging/walking and dogs bark at me (I like to think they're actually cheering me on)
My cousin's infant son especially when he waves back at me ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
When the people around me are happy

There are just tons and tons of things/people/situations etc. that make me happy! :)

jojobean 15-12-2016 05:28 PM

what really makes me happy is watching my pets do their thing when they don't know they are being watched.
they are such beautiful creatures and my heart melts that they live with me and they seem happy and content with both themselves, each other and myself & husband. they know they are loved and they love us too

seedoflight 28-12-2016 01:23 AM

French Fries :blob3:
What can I say, its the little things that bring me joy!

NurtureInNature84 01-01-2017 06:22 PM

Hiking and the payoff at the end, of a beautiful waterfall or lake
My boyfriend
My parents
Discovering my spiritual side
Mexican Food
Yellowstone National Park
Wolves, Foxes, Coyotes
Wine and cheese nights
Being a wildlife Photographer
Camping in the mountains and standing outside at night and seeing every star
Hearing coyotes howling in the middle of the night
The smell of tree sap, collecting it and using it as incense

LKBern 01-01-2017 07:44 PM

Trees :)
Trees/living plants are my happy place, particularly green lush forests. I love the smell of ferns in the mud, decaying pine needles, moss. If its in the forest I love it. Also happy movies that help me tap into my happy place, for some reason the lion the witch and the wardrobe has always been one of them, and Imogen heaps beautiful amazing music. A million other things make me happy however, those things are a straight line to my happy place. experiencing them allows me to tap into my self and my happy place instantaneously.

dream jo 02-01-2017 08:40 AM

bean on hear or sitsts lk thes maks me feal it hom it duz iv gitft i hav wish 1 day ill be alod 2 usee it lk wen i do my art it maks me happy esply watr colr pnts or postr 1s or acrills not a fan on olpanitisn im not but dnt md verin othr pepel ols panits sum of it can look so real

Kine Lea 02-01-2017 04:31 PM

:glasses6::happy7: :glasses7::wav::glasses7:

mmm...popcorn. And emoticons.

light-seer 03-01-2017 06:05 PM

The sun. Light in general. Listening to music. And hugs :)

figaromelting 04-01-2017 08:32 PM

I second that aswell as fresh air, seeing the sun reflect on water and helping people to overcome their challenges

Cookie_Crumbs 05-01-2017 08:34 AM

I love the sun... but I only like a nice, wet rain during the summer! Very soothing

boshy b. good 08-01-2017 05:18 PM

lay low just off-beat reecesing dd-tv makes me fill-up aliked drink. just positive sorted

[ ok youre fine all the way ]

i like wishmaker stuff too & resolution stuff

lemongrass_ 07-03-2017 04:26 AM

One of the things that make me happy is being at home in bed on a cool rainy day/night... reading or watching if not sleeping.

shoni7510 07-03-2017 09:30 AM

Listening to music

Positive Soul 21-03-2017 08:18 AM

All those small things that matter in our life :)

A smile on my family's face seeing my success.
A smile on my colleague's face when i help them.
A smile on my nice face when i meet her after a long time.

I believe Happiness dwells inside us we just have to find it

Dude 21-03-2017 09:36 AM

Wowzer so much around us to bring us happiness, would be impossible to list them all

Seeing people happy/laughing
Weather- mostly the sun but also snow, strong wind, heavy rain if I'm inside or already wet through
Thunder and lightening
Places full of nature, parks, woods, beaches etc
Clocks going back and having an extra hour in bed!
Having my hair cut before I have seen what they did to it!
Sounds and music
Some smells, cut grass, a nice perfume/aftershave, certain flowers
Seeing people do nice things for others
Nice food
Seeing a random balloon float across the sky
A clear starry sky at night... in fact a lot of sky's, clear clue, really moody dark skies before a storm..
Feeling sounds like at the cinema, thunder, feeling the sun warm your skin, cats fur brushing past skin
Birds singing
Waking up thinking it's time to get up and realising you still have hours left
Most animals
The postman when I have ordered new crystals
A cup of tea when it's just right!
A good book or film
Not the most gross thing I could put but, peeling off a big bit of skin after sunburn (sorry)
Water, a good shower or bath, swimming in a warm pool
Getting in bed with fresh bedding
Fires with a good crackle
Hearing mopeds in summer (reminds me of holidays)
Comfortable silences
Sunsets and sunrises
A good meditation

Lucky 1 22-03-2017 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Dude
Wowzer so much around us to bring us happiness, would be impossible to list them all

Seeing people happy/laughing
Weather- mostly the sun but also snow, strong wind, heavy rain if I'm inside or already wet through
Thunder and lightening
Places full of nature, parks, woods, beaches etc
Clocks going back and having an extra hour in bed!
Having my hair cut before I have seen what they did to it!
Sounds and music
Some smells, cut grass, a nice perfume/aftershave, certain flowers
Seeing people do nice things for others
Nice food
Seeing a random balloon float across the sky
A clear starry sky at night... in fact a lot of sky's, clear clue, really moody dark skies before a storm..
Feeling sounds like at the cinema, thunder, feeling the sun warm your skin, cats fur brushing past skin
Birds singing
Waking up thinking it's time to get up and realising you still have hours left
Most animals
The postman when I have ordered new crystals
A cup of tea when it's just right!
A good book or film
Not the most gross thing I could put but, peeling off a big bit of skin after sunburn (sorry)
Water, a good shower or bath, swimming in a warm pool
Getting in bed with fresh bedding
Fires with a good crackle
Hearing mopeds in summer (reminds me of holidays)
Comfortable silences
Sunsets and sunrises
A good meditation

Me too to all of that!!!! That's a great list!!!.....to that I'll add cuddling with my wife!

Dude 22-03-2017 11:58 AM

Lucky one thank you. I was tempted to edit mine and add cuddles with Luckys wife but I didn't want to cause offence lol

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