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Moon_Glow 16-02-2016 06:21 PM

Who Loves the Rain?
My favorite times are when the weather is fierce!

I love a good thunderstorm, snow storm, or even just a plain overcast day.

I live in NY and so many people around complain every time it snows....

I don't understand why they still live here?

I love it though! Whose with me!!!???

Clover 16-02-2016 06:37 PM

I have a whole board on Pinterest dedicated to rain lol.

If you search through youtube, there are a bunch of Rain audios for relaxation

Yes, I love the rain. :)

StrandedSnowMonkey 16-02-2016 07:47 PM

Rain is what makes it green and lush! I do also like cycling in the rain :)

Moon_Glow 16-02-2016 07:49 PM

I grew up in Florida and as long as it wasn't a thunderstorm - my mom would let me play in the rain for hours! It was always so warm there was no chance for catching cold... I would stay out in the rain until I my hands and feet were so pruned they hurt!

sparkles 16-02-2016 07:52 PM

I love that moment right before a storm. It's so quiet, yet you can feel something fierce is coming... And then I also love the storm, with rain, thunder, lightning, hail... and fierce wind! It always makes me feel humble towards Mother Nature. She will always be stronger than us.

knightofalbion 16-02-2016 08:02 PM

I'm not a rain person. Though I don't mind when it rains at night!

Howla Dark 16-02-2016 10:30 PM

I only like rain when I'm indoors reading a book or watching a good film over tea and biscuits.

Ladyrose92 17-02-2016 03:26 PM

I love being outside walking, it starts to rain, and I close my eyes and feel the rain against my skin, breathing in the freshness it brings.

I never used to like the rain, protecting my hair haha but things change :)

WabiSabi 17-02-2016 03:27 PM

I was just in New York and had a blast when we got snowed on.
I currently live in the Pacific Northwest and love the rain.

Clover 17-02-2016 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Moon_Glow
I grew up in Florida and as long as it wasn't a thunderstorm - my mom would let me play in the rain for hours! It was always so warm there was no chance for catching cold... I would stay out in the rain until I my hands and feet were so pruned they hurt!

My parents are in Florida and they are always sending pics of the rain lol. I love Florida rain too. Texas was the same, I remember playing out in the rain even during hail storms It's so hot lol

Clover 17-02-2016 03:33 PM

@Moon, My parents are in Florida and they are always sending pics of the rain lol. I love Florida rain too. Texas was the same, I remember playing out in the rain even during hail storms It's so hot lol


Originally Posted by WabiSabi
I was just in New York and had a blast when we got snowed on.
I currently live in the Pacific Northwest and love the rain

There is nothing more romantic than a rainy NYC day in a coffee shop :D *cheesey talk* I hate snow though. lol...

In a taxi, yes I am that corny tourist that takes a pic of everything. I just loved the rain element so I snapped. There was a calming and soothing feeling while I was riding, like the rain calmed the chaos in the city.

Moon_Glow 17-02-2016 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Clover
My parents are in Florida and they are always sending pics of the rain lol. I love Florida rain too. Texas was the same, I remember playing out in the rain even during hail storms It's so hot lol

Oh I love your new picture!

We had in INSANE hail storm here a couple years ago -- I was at work in a salon which was downtown and all of a sudden it was like the sky released millions of pink pong balls - they were rolling down the road! Rolling down the stairs, pouring off roofs... then it was all gone within like 15 minutes!

Gotta love Mother Nature :)

WabiSabi 17-02-2016 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by Clover
There is nothing more romantic than a rainy NYC day in a coffee shop :D *cheesey talk*

I love the city. It is such a departure from what I am used to, not to mention that I really want to get a bespoke suit made at Saks. But I don't know if I could live there. Being able to get away from people quickly is a nice commodity.

Moon_Glow 17-02-2016 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by WabiSabi
I love the city. It is such a departure from what I am used to, not to mention that I really want to get a bespoke suit made at Saks. But I don't know if I could live there. Being able to get away from people quickly is a nice commodity.

I couldn't live there either but it is so fun to visit.

I like being able to hide... in the city its so hard to hide :)

Somnia 04-03-2016 10:38 PM

I love being outside underneath protective cover watching the rain. The smell is so fresh and the sound of a gentle rainfall is calming and soothes the soul. I'm also partial to watching thunderstorms, but if it's too crazy I become quite jumpy. :tongue:

Angelena 26-04-2016 09:08 AM

Who cannont love Rain. I completely love dancing when it's raining from years and it always makes me so much happy doing so. It truly amazed me trying something like this from always.

Unseelie Queen 26-04-2016 06:01 PM

LOVE the rain. No matter how terrible my mood may be on any given day, if it rains I am instantly happy again. Especially if it's storming. Gives me an intense energy boost. I wish I could bottle and drown myself in the energy in the air during storms.

Clover 26-04-2016 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Zulabelle
LOVE the rain. No matter how terrible my mood may be on any given day, if it rains I am instantly happy again. Especially if it's storming. Gives me an intense energy boost. I wish I could bottle and drown myself in the energy in the air during storms.

I feel the same way. Music just sounds better too, jazz, oldies and ballads always hit the spot. it's raining lovely here in the Midwest today. Lots of storms last night :smile:

Nice Picture by the way, Zulabelle.

wolfgaze 26-04-2016 06:29 PM

I enjoy cloudy/overcast conditions.... Not a big fan of rain because I don't like to be wet (unless I'm in the shower haha)

Clover 26-04-2016 06:46 PM

Well, in this age, being outdoors isn't a requirement.




Although, I do prefer to the real thing. Hands down. :smile:

Somnia 26-04-2016 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by wolfgaze
I enjoy cloudy/overcast conditions....

Me too! In fact it's very cloudy/overcast in my part of the woods today...Heh


Originally Posted by wolfgaze
Not a big fan of rain because I don't like to be wet (unless I'm in the shower haha)

Haha, me too...This is why I enjoy watching it from covered shelter... :tongue:

I love the sound of gentle rainfall, and the smell is cooling and refreshing...I don't do well if it rains constantly, such as when I lived in WA state...I never did get use to all the rain but I enjoyed the mountain/forested terrain while I was living there...

Unseelie Queen 26-04-2016 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Clover
I feel the same way. Music just sounds better too, jazz, oldies and ballads always hit the spot. it's raining lovely here in the Midwest today. Lots of storms last night :smile:

Nice Picture by the way, Zulabelle.


It's true, music sounds so much better! Especially jazz and oldies. (Ella Fitzgerald, John Coltrane, Nina Simone, or melancholy 1950s doo-wop)
I'm partial to Rainymood.com when you need something to complement that sort of music without the luxury of an actual rainstorm :smile:

Stormy weather is also the perfect opportunity for watching old movies on TCM or Twilight Zone reruns.

runewizard 20-07-2016 06:49 PM

I love rain. The sound of it, the sensation of the drops coming into contact with my skin,
the smell of moist ground around me. Rain to me feels cleansing and it has a very
calming effect on me.

I don't mind the wetness :smile:

Tobi 20-07-2016 10:16 PM

runewizard, this is nice to 'meet' someone who loves the rain. I need to be near you when it rains! haha That would cheer me up.
I think I don't like rain because in England it can sometimes go on for too long and the skies get so dark with hardly a glimpse of daylight some days....and it can go on for weeks at times.
But a few times I have seen the loveliest rain. Like millions of tiny crystals coming from the sky. Lit up with sunlight. That is so beautiful.
Thunder storms are good too.

Native spirit 21-07-2016 12:12 AM

Well what a question , I HATE RAIN with a vengance i would be happy if i never saw rain again, here in the uk it does nothing but rain especially in wales where you get one nice day 6 horrid ones,when i was a kid we had 4 seasons now we get 4 seasons in one day.its just beyond me how anyone could even like the horrid wet stuff, ive always said since 2 years old i was born and living in the wrong country.


Sarian 21-07-2016 01:27 PM

I live in NYS and people often ask how I can stand it. I love the changing seasons. I love them all. As for do I love the rain, yes. Can't live without the rain, the trees and grass and other plants would simply die without it as would we without rain. I especially love rain in October. It could rain every day in October and it would not bother me .

Currently, people carry on about the fantastic weather we've been having. I just want it to rain. Nice days are nice, but so is a good rainy day with a steady rain. I'm not asking for floods but steady rains so the ground and what grows can drink it in.

Storms are fascinating too. I enjoy a good snowstorm or thunderstorm but not when people lose homes or lives.

All that said, I can certainly understand how those who live in areas that rain all the time would not like it so much. It can get depressing!

1in9combined 21-07-2016 01:48 PM

yes I really love rain the sound, the look of the sky,the aesthetic,its very beautiful and serene,however the only thing that bothers me about rain just a little bit is the smell afterwards

runewizard 21-07-2016 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by Tobi
Thunder storms are good too.


Originally Posted by Sarian
Storms are fascinating too. I enjoy a good snowstorm or thunderstorm but not when people lose homes or lives.

Storms, yes, I find them fascinating as well. Today it was rather rainy and
stormy where I live -- which is a great change to me, especially in light of the
fact that it's been so terribly hot here for the last few days...

I must admit that I'm not a fan of summer. I prefer autumn or spring :icon_smile:

Sarian 21-07-2016 11:48 PM

Hi runewizard. I have to agree with you about summer. I love spring with the new growth, the fresh life is just breathtaking. The smells of blossoms...by the time summer comes, plant/tree life starts to stress (like now, it's terrible) I'm not a fan of hot and humid nor frigid -0 temps but I deal with them. Spring and fall are my favorites but summer and winter months make spring and falls that much more wonderful.

My dad and I used to sit outside on warm nights and watch 'heat lightning' as he would call it, soon a storm would come with the thunder and rain and winds. Totally fascinating watching the light show!

Tobi 22-07-2016 12:50 AM

My favourite weather is that minus-something cold frosty weather with perhaps snow as well and blue skies in the day and thousands of icy stars at night. My body doesn't like it but my mind loves it so much. My feet go numb and my leg aches, but I love that weather!
Basically I do prefer it when it doesn't rain. I have to admit.

Ciona 22-07-2016 04:14 AM

I'm a rain girl. :) There are such beautiful rains, deeply spiritual rains...

I love a good thunderstorm too, but I just love an incessant sweet beautiful rain...then a lush intermission...then more sweet incessant rain...

I love listening to them....I love soft quiet rains especially...such secrets and wild creativity, they bring...

Serenity 22-07-2016 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by Sister Moon
I'm a rain girl. :) There are such beautiful rains, deeply spiritual rains...

I love a good thunderstorm too, but I just love an incessant sweet beautiful rain...then a lush intermission...then more sweet incessant rain...

I love listening to them....I love soft quiet rains especially...such secrets and wild creativity, they bring...

These are my sentiments too. :smile:

diamondbaby 14-08-2016 01:05 PM

I LOVE rain! Also, I love that fresh, earthy smell that comes after!

Hong-Sau 22-08-2016 08:03 AM

"Some people feel the rain, others just get wet."
- Bob Marley

Trichakra 24-08-2016 07:42 AM

I love raining. Its raining today and i am enjoying.

RosieGeller 22-09-2016 10:05 PM

I LOVE the rain.. right now sitting, and listing to it behind my window... Makes your presence calm and cosy and gentle. If you are inside of the warm house of course)))

CarolineD 26-09-2016 09:47 PM

Rain is good for vegetables, and for the animals who eat those vegetables, and for the animals who eat those animals.

- Samuel Johnson

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

- Langston Hughe

The rain is famous for falling on the just and unjust alike, but if I had the management of such affairs I would rain softly and sweetly on the just, but if I caught a sample of the unjust out doors I would drown him.

- Mark Twain

And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow.

- G. K. Chesterton

Serenity69 27-09-2016 09:10 AM

I remember around four years ago Singing In The Rain came into my head, when there was a torrent of rain

I felt Gene Kelly's presence around me


blackraven 27-09-2016 08:12 PM

I love a good thunder storm any day. In fact if it's been too sunny for many days in a row I crave rain.

Love the sound of water running, churning. In fact, I cannot sleep without my wave sound machine. The breaking waves lull me to sleep.

Alice_1 18-10-2016 05:03 PM

I like raining weather too. It inspires me!

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