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-   -   What are your fears about the afterlife? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=92944)

Burntfruit 31-10-2015 10:01 AM

What are your fears about the afterlife?
It will be a bit different to earthly life.

I am not sure if I will like the transience of it all.

I like the firm ground under my feet.

I am afraid that it will be fake? People being too nice?

I am afraid I will be alone.

I may miss eating, sleeping, and walking around.

I can't just catch a movie there? Will it be serious or too fake for me?

Shrek 31-10-2015 10:05 AM

I am afraid I will be a bad guy in the after life.
It doesn't matter how is the after life. Become human again or not, female or male, as long as I not done something I regret.

DaiBach 31-10-2015 10:41 AM

I've been quite good, so far, so am bound to sit at the Right Hand of The Lord. My greatest fear is that I'll have to spend eternity with the likes of Sarah Palin. Hopefully, St. Peter won't let gun lovers in, but if he does, I pray that she's not allowed to take her favourite assault rifle with her.

metal68 31-10-2015 09:06 PM

My greatest fear is that there isn't one; as much as the evidence suggests a real possibility, it is not a certainty and there may well be nothing, we may be just a disease of matter and the universe is one big accident with no purpose. A grim prospect but a real possibility., no longer being me

My fear if there is an afterlife is losing my identity, all my memories. I also greatly fear my loved ones not being there.

I fear blind reincarnation greatly, by that I mean if there was no inbetween stage and I was just born again in totally different circumstances. That would be only marginally better than non existence and it would still beas if all my loved ones had never existed.

WhiteWarrior 31-10-2015 09:28 PM

Fears of the afterlife. Just one, and it is more of a resigned certainty: that my existence will be merely a casually sacrificable play piece in a game where others will make the rules and be the actual players. In other words, exactly like in the physical world.

Native spirit 31-10-2015 09:42 PM

I have no fear of the after life whatsoever .why should I fear something that I know to be a better place.


Rokon 31-10-2015 09:58 PM

Fears about afterlife? Only that I might have regrets about not getting everything done that I wanted to in this life... evolving.

TheImmortal 31-10-2015 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Rokon
Fears about afterlife? Only that I might have regrets about not getting everything done that I wanted to in this life... evolving.

Well said.

Clover 01-11-2015 12:09 AM

I am indifferent and have zero fears. I'll throw some deuces and peace out.

HMyBodhisattva 01-11-2015 12:13 AM

No fear of going back into the cosmic flow.

TheGlow 01-11-2015 12:22 AM

Not one, nothing to fear

knightofalbion 01-11-2015 12:31 AM

Only that I'll be there before I'm ready!

wolfgaze 01-11-2015 01:15 AM

I hope that I'll be able to reconnect with the spirit of my canine friend (who is still currently alive)....

TheGlow 01-11-2015 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by wolfgaze
I hope that I'll be able to reconnect with the spirit of my canine friend (who is still currently alive)....

I have a cat that passed on and a horse. Both were basically mother, father, protector and taught me to love. And be loved. I know my mare has visited me.. My cat... He protected me(actually sent 3 people to the hospital) when they were trying to physically hurt me. I have no doubt he remains with me.

I bet your canine won't even leave your side after death.

HMyBodhisattva 01-11-2015 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by TheGlow
I bet your canine won't even leave your side after death.

I agree with that completely!

SilentLegend 01-11-2015 03:02 AM

That I will be punished and tortured in the afterlife for the bad things I would have done here on Earth.

harleyquinn 01-11-2015 04:27 AM

my biggest fears:
  • that it's not real. that after death I just disappear and none of this meant anything
  • losing memories
  • not being able to connect with the loved ones I want to
  • Being punished for all the bad decisions I made while i'm here

SpiritCarrier 01-11-2015 12:25 PM

My only fear is that the person I was meant to help in this life has chosen not to be with me and so being with him is no longer in my control. So here is the fear part.....in other lives this person has killed me. I know he will not do so in this life so things have improved. However, he chose not to be with me and thus we will not fulfill our destiny. My fear is that we will be doomed to continue in a cycle until we get it right. I don't want to do this again, I gave my all and it was not enough. You can't force someone to love you.

Okay that was longer than I meant it to be......Sorry.

Peace and Light

lenvdb64 01-11-2015 12:44 PM

:laughing7: Ha ha ha!!! LOL

When I grew up and My stepfather would threaten me for supposedly being naughty, he would say things like, "The Devil is coming to get you and BBQ you in his fire!"

During my life as a Christian this fear haunted me. The whole religious dogma was that we are lost poor sinners destined for Eternal Hell, but we (the Church) have a solution for your problem: Jesus can save you and you can go to heaven!

It was only after my Awakening when I saw the Marketing Psycho-babble for what it is, and studied some material on Reincarnation, Life between lives etc.

Now I know better. I can pass on and pass over and proceed with my work on the Astral as soon as I get there, knowing I have the help of my Loved ones, my Spirit Guides, the Angels etc all eager to help me with my Ascent. I am quite excited about the prospect really!!


knightofalbion 01-11-2015 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by lenvdb64
:laughing7: Ha ha ha!!! LOL

When I grew up and My stepfather would threaten me for supposedly being naughty, he would say things like, "The Devil is coming to get you and BBQ you in his fire!"

During my life as a Christian this fear haunted me. The whole religious dogma was that we are lost poor sinners destined for Eternal Hell, but we (the Church) have a solution for your problem: Jesus can save you and you can go to heaven!

It was only after my Awakening when I saw the Marketing Psycho-babble for what it is, and studied some material on Reincarnation, Life between lives etc.

Now I know better. I can pass on and pass over and proceed with my work on the Astral as soon as I get there, knowing I have the help of my Loved ones, my Spirit Guides, the Angels etc all eager to help me with my Ascent. I am quite excited about the prospect really!!


Yes, Orthodoxy has a lot to answer for! This is where the big, black cloud of terror surrounding death hails from.

Our distant forefathers were much more insightful regarding the matter, and whilst they didn't want to die of course, they recognising for what it is , as part of a cycle of birth and rebirth.

Anything we can do to help people understand the survival of the spirit, even just passing on that information though it be rejected at the time, is of value.

knightofalbion 01-11-2015 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by SilentLegend
That I will be punished and tortured in the afterlife for the bad things I would have done here on Earth.

This troubled me. I'm not going to ask, but ...

Yesterday is gone, but today is yours, tomorrow is yours, the future is yours.
No matter what you've done in the past, you can plant 'beautiful roses' in the times that lie ahead.

'You cannot redeem yourself by fruitless regret. if you have brought harm to some part of the creation, you can help to set things right by giving a greater amount of good or helpful action to that part of the creation so harmed.'
- Ramadahn

knightofalbion 01-11-2015 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by wolfgaze
I hope that I'll be able to reconnect with the spirit of my canine friend (who is still currently alive)....

And you will. ALL our beloved animal companions will be there.
Dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs etc. I heard of a NDE the other day where somebody met their 'dead' pet parakeet! They'll all be there.
Love is love. And love is the most powerful force in the Universe.

In vita mea 01-11-2015 11:01 PM

Fear of not existing.

As has been said above, even if we are reincarnated, if we do not remember our past selves, or feel the same, how can that really be any different from non existence? We will exist, in some form, but will not be truly 'ourself'.

I am also scared that we will not reunited with loved ones and pets. I miss my cat & hope to be reunited with him, but seems unlikely.

In vita mea 01-11-2015 11:06 PM

Oh & I fear that my life will be played out in front of me. I have made many decisions which I regret, and I would hope not to live through these again. I don't like my life, as it is, so to watch my whole life unfold in front of me would be akin to watching the scariest & most unnerving horror movie. That isn't to say that I have committed serious crimes, as I haven't, it's just that I've hurt people, like my parents, through alcohol misuse when I was younger, and through never truly realising my potential. I feel as if they look back on when I was a child, full of joy, and then look at me now and realise that the happiness has been poured out of me.

knightofalbion 01-11-2015 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by In vita mea
Oh & I fear that my life will be played out in front of me. I have made many decisions which I regret, and I would hope not to live through these again. I don't like my life, as it is, so to watch my whole life unfold in front of me would be akin to watching the scariest & most unnerving horror movie. That isn't to say that I have committed serious crimes, as I haven't, it's just that I've hurt people, like my parents, through alcohol misuse when I was younger, and through never truly realising my potential. I feel as if they look back on when I was a child, full of joy, and then look at me now and realise that the happiness has been poured out of me.

I'm sorry to hear that too. Life is full of regrets and mistakes. Who doesn't have regrets? Who hasn't made mistakes? We all have and it's part of life's learning curve.

We need to learn from our mistakes and move on, as a better and wiser person.

Your parents look back on your childhood when you were 'full of joy' ... I'm sure they do, happy memories, AND I'm equally sure they still wish you were 'full of joy'.

Like I said to Silent Legend, the past is done and gone, but the present and the future are yours.... You can turn things around and be the person you were always meant to be.

knightofalbion 01-11-2015 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by In vita mea

I am also scared that we will not reunited with loved ones and pets. I miss my cat & hope to be reunited with him, but seems unlikely.

Don't you worry about that either! Animals have souls just the same as we humans do.

Being a pet 'owner' you'll know animals have personalities, feelings, emotions, also as we do. They're animated by the same Spirit of God, just packaged differently.

So yes, it'll be there. And right at home. The average moggy is more psychic than anyone on here!

harleyquinn 02-11-2015 12:10 AM


Originally Posted by In vita mea
Fear of not existing.

As has been said above, even if we are reincarnated, if we do not remember our past selves, or feel the same, how can that really be any different from non existence? We will exist, in some form, but will not be truly 'ourself'.

I am also scared that we will not reunited with loved ones and pets. I miss my cat & hope to be reunited with him, but seems unlikely.

this....if we start new lives and don't remember anything or anyone......what difference does it make ...it's just like not existing.

knightofalbion 02-11-2015 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by harleyquinn

this....if we start new lives and don't remember anything or anyone......what difference does it make ...it's just like not existing.

We have a life in spirit, it isn't straight out, straight back in.

In our sleep, we go to the astral. We meet loved ones, old friends etc. It's like an unremembered NDE every night! If we remembered, it would totally distract us from our purpose in this earthly life.

With every life experience we add to our sum being, akin to a lotus flower unfurling its petals one by one.

There is a reason for everything and in everything.

Miss Hepburn 02-11-2015 12:47 AM

Here, there...what's the difference, really...:icon_smile::icon_joker::glasses9:

Theophila 02-11-2015 12:52 AM

Losing very rare beloved persons from my existence.........

Rah nam 02-11-2015 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by knightofalbion
Don't you worry about that either! Animals have souls just the same as we humans do.

Being a pet 'owner' you'll know animals have personalities, feelings, emotions, also as we do. They're animated by the same Spirit of God, just packaged differently.

So yes, it'll be there. And right at home. The average moggy is more psychic than anyone on here!

Yes, since they have a direct link to their oversoul.

Yes it is possible one's pets will be there but not certain.

In regards to the original question, fear is an emotion and with this a learning tool. The question would be, who is fearful, the ego (body/mind) or spirit? Once the ego trust spirit, the fear will go. No matter whether we belief in an existence after or not.
Fear is illogical.

Rokon 02-11-2015 01:33 AM


Originally Posted by Rah nam
In regards to the original question, fear is an emotion and with this a learning tool. The question would be, who is fearful, the ego (body/mind) or spirit? Once the ego trust spirit, the fear will go. No matter whether we belief in an existence after or not.
Fear is illogical.

Using this I could easily say "spirit is illogical for desiring to manifest" and it is spirit that should learn to trust it's mirror. :wink:

Rah nam 02-11-2015 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Rokon
Using this I could easily say "spirit is illogical for desiring to manifest" and it is spirit that should learn to trust it's mirror. :wink:

Spirit does not have desires.
Desires are part of the emotional set up within the body/mind system (ego)
Once we have solved all "riddles" on this planet, emotions will dissolve and with it all desires.

ocean breeze 03-11-2015 12:22 AM

I'll wait until i'm dead to worry about it. :cool:


Originally Posted by metal68
My greatest fear is that there isn't one;

I would be more disappointed if there was one. :/

Reincar-Nation 03-11-2015 01:23 AM

I don't fear what's next, part of me is looking forward to it, what I fear the most is getting there before I done down here...

Rosebud 03-11-2015 02:23 AM

Hi lenvd64!

Forget the astral plane. I want to head right for the 5th dimension. Wow. The thing that worries me getting there is physical suffering. Can you say Living Will and Incapacitated Care Instructions?


Arkx6 03-11-2015 03:22 AM

What worries me is loosing the memmories of my loved ones as im ready to re incarnate...cause when i forget how can i still love them?

LibraCharm 03-11-2015 01:16 PM

I really haven't thought about it as much as you might have but it would be the worst thing to me doing everything I could in this lifetime and in the end there is nothing. Just saying haha

Burntfruit 03-11-2015 11:26 PM

Narcisstic types who suddenly become all religious in the afterlife.

Burntfruit 11-11-2015 02:48 PM

Feelings of being judged or shamed, but from what I know this does not happen.

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