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-   -   What are the characteristics of indigo/crystal/star people? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=8679)

casper 01-01-2011 10:58 PM

What are the characteristics of indigo/crystal/star people?
and How would i know if someone or myself was definitely one of them?

Also, is anyone here one of them or knows one?? :smile:

AngelBreeze 19-01-2011 04:23 PM

Great Question!
Greetings, Casper! You have asked an excellent question and since the answer can be quite lengthy, you might wish to visit the following excellent website for more on this fascinating subject matter. The page may contain PDF material as well.


Dezzymandius 29-03-2011 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by AngelBreeze
Greetings, Casper! You have asked an excellent question and since the answer can be quite lengthy, you might wish to visit the following excellent website for more on this fascinating subject matter. The page may contain PDF material as well.


Thank you for that link, i did not know anything about indigo/crystal or star children until i read this.


iolite 29-03-2011 02:47 PM

My daughter struggles especially with rules and has a HUGE conflict with authority. She made life h3ll for her 1st grade teacher and herself. Her teacher DID NOT know how to channel my daughter's strong will positively. That kid got sent to the principals office constantly. She's mellowing with age...

Waiting in line... ever since she was a toddler, she has loudly announced (in line no less) how she hates waiting in line, lol.

Warrior Spirit...LOL!!! Like Poncho Villa, she's always ready to fight for ANY cause. I used to call her my little warrior princess. I absolutely love her indignation. Any injustice will prompt her to gear for battle to fight it, whether she really can or not.

xXHauntedxLadyXx 01-04-2011 06:45 PM

I'm a kid myself...A teenager, actually...And I think I may be what they call a Star Child because I am very sensitive and usualy have clear premonitions (if i understood correcly, that's the "knowledge" the dude was talking about. I can't be something else because I don't like my body and I don't like to play, and I'm not hyperactive and don't hate rules. I'm usualy calm. Now, my question is how can I develop those "gifts" the guy was talking about?

Love, Haunted Lady

iolite 01-04-2011 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by iolite
My daughter struggles especially with rules and has a HUGE conflict with authority. She made life h3ll for her 1st grade teacher and herself. Her teacher DID NOT know how to channel my daughter's strong will positively. That kid got sent to the principals office constantly. She's mellowing with age...

Waiting in line... ever since she was a toddler, she has loudly announced (in line no less) how she hates waiting in line, lol.

Warrior Spirit...LOL!!! Like Poncho Villa, she's always ready to fight for ANY cause. I used to call her my little warrior princess. I absolutely love her indignation. Any injustice will prompt her to gear for battle to fight it, whether she really can or not.

Like Poncho Villa, I meant Don Quixote

Violet615 17-04-2011 01:29 AM

I know for sure I'm an indigo. Everything about an indigo is me. Especially the warrior spirit. I always feel like I want to fight and I don't even know why. I'm a shy, quiet girl and the feeling of wanting to fight makes me laugh.

ShamanBird 26-04-2011 12:15 AM

Well, i myself, 16 years old, am an Indigo Child, i suppose you would call it. i assume star children, and indigo children are the same, but i may be wrong. I have a feeling like i dont belong sometimes, like, i wonder, did i come from space or something? for being 16, my interests are very mature, i read many college type books on metaphysics, and stuff like that. i like healing, herbs, natural medicine, color therapy, ufos/extra terrestrial life, stones, a bit of meditating, art music, and sometimes, i like just being a "kid" and watching cartoons and playing with toys, something i should of out grown by now, but hey im myself, and not every teen is mature like me, and im not mature like every other teen, if any of that makes sense, haha. got any questions, just let em know, i dont mind explaining more (:

paulrosk 26-04-2011 07:02 AM

Indigo people **** everyone else off, that's the main characteristic! They are misunderstood, thought to be "weird" or have ADS, mental problems, or hyper, moody, just not "normal". I know because I am one and has NOT been an easy life for me. YOU know a few Indigos, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Robert Oppenhiemer, Steven Hawking, David Copperfield ..

Energyatwork 18-05-2011 07:46 PM

Actually if you look at the supposed traits of Special Education children you will find that they are very similar to supposed indigo children etc.
Children like this are nothing new at all. Its an unfortunate aspect of 'New Age' thinking that does there kids no favours at all. Some people are simply different. Sadly there are those that see a way of cashing in on peoples ignorance. Do you really want to stick a label on a child that will do more harm than good?
Let me ask a question here why would Spirit set some children apart as "special"? Is that not judgement on the part of Spirit? But then i have always known Spirit to be 'love without condition' some may have a differrent view.

crystalhealer1992 19-05-2011 09:47 PM

I am almost certain I am a crystal child, I have been told many times by people who have much more experience than myself that I am. I am 19 which does not fit in with the age range but who knows eh?
All I know is that I LOVE channelling crystal energy to help people and that I need a bigger house to play host to the crystals i've collected since i was a toddler! Lol
Meghan x

Energyatwork 19-05-2011 09:57 PM

Glad you are having fun but there is no such thing as a crystal/indigo child its all new age ** thought up to make money. Just enjoy being the person you are without worrying about supposed labels. Children that are different are really nothing new.

crystalhealer1992 19-05-2011 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by Energyatwork
Glad you are having fun but there is no such thing as a crystal/indigo child its all new age ** thought up to make money. Just enjoy being the person you are without worrying about supposed labels. Children that are different are really nothing new.

Steve, to each their own :)

Many people believe these people do exist whether or not this is true, I dont know. I certainly am not out to make money by "labelling" myself as a crystal child and many people like myself are the same.

Why are you so certain that you are correct about this ?

I dont mean to sound rude at all I was just wondering :)

Energyatwork 19-05-2011 10:34 PM

Megan i did not mean that you were out to make money from this but the originators certainly were and that is what i mean. Kids that are different can have enough problems without having labels slapped on them.

Why an i so certain? well to answer that is to understand that Spirit loves us all without condition and would never place one group of individuals above another by calling them special.
That is ego pure and simple; sadly much of what is sold as spiritual relies on ego to hook people. Cynical yeah maybe but i have been around healing and spirituality a long time and yeah it annoys me when people are duped because someone sees a way to make a lot of money.

Again people that are different/gifted are nothing new, i am close to 60years old and know how i grew up. People then used to say nothing because they were afraid of being labeled as nuts; and belive me some were labeled and ended up in loony bins

crystalhealer1992 19-05-2011 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Energyatwork
Megan i did not mean that you were out to make money from this but the originators certainly were and that is what i mean. Kids that are different can have enough problems without having labels slapped on them.

Why an i so certain? well to answer that is to understand that Spirit loves us all without condition and would never place one group of individuals above another by calling them special.
That is ego pure and simple; sadly much of what is sold as spiritual relies on ego to hook people. Cynical yeah maybe but i have been around healing and spirituality a long time and yeah it annoys me when people are duped because someone sees a way to make a lot of money.

Again people that are different/gifted are nothing new, i am close to 60years old and know how i grew up. People then used to say nothing because they were afraid of being labeled as nuts; and belive me some were labeled and ended up in loony bins

Thanks for your explanation, it makes a lot of sense, I suppose I fall into the trap of being gullible when it comes to this kind of stuff,

I have a lot to learn when it comes to anything spiritual and even though I am an "accomplished" healer, there is always more knowledge to gain :)

Energyatwork 19-05-2011 11:03 PM

We all start somewhare and to a large degree we are all gullable; i know i was.
The best is always simple. Be very careful what you accept from others and try and listen to your instincts. Its the only way that you can learn to trust yourself.
Spirituality is after all an individual pathway that simply means a desire to try and be 'love without condition' (ie spirit with the skin on) even if only for moments at a time. That in itself can produce extraordinary results. All else is a distraction and really not needed. Its what you are from the inside out that counts! Treasure who you are just as you are.

annaalant 20-05-2011 01:02 PM

I´m really sure that my son is an Indigo. He´s only 4, and at first I wasn´t sure as I read that from the year 2000 crystal children are being born, but he´s certainly indigo. He also has problems accepting rules and knows things untypical for his age. He is very creative and often complains about a loud environment and earache (messages in his ears) He sees angels and can sometimes read my thoughts. I read the book from Doreen Virtue about indigos, and this confirmed my suspicion:) He is a great kid and I think we will be able to learn alot from him.

Ascensia 29-05-2011 05:57 PM

Indigo Spirits Increase
I substitute at our local middle and high schools and I am amazed everyday how many children I meet with indigo spirits! I want to reach out to them all and let them know how special they are and the blessings they bring earth at this time. With all the labels out there for those misunderstood the universe reveals to me over and over why I work with today's youth.


Originally Posted by paulrosk
Indigo people **** everyone else off, that's the main characteristic! They are misunderstood, thought to be "weird" or have ADS, mental problems, or hyper, moody, just not "normal". I know because I am one and has NOT been an easy life for me. YOU know a few Indigos, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Robert Oppenhiemer, Steven Hawking, David Copperfield ..

dawn chorus 14-06-2011 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by crystalhealer1992
Thanks for your explanation, it makes a lot of sense, I suppose I fall into the trap of being gullible when it comes to this kind of stuff,

I have a lot to learn when it comes to anything spiritual and even though I am an "accomplished" healer, there is always more knowledge to gain :)

Hi Meghan,
If you resonate with being a crystal child then there is no harm in associating yourself with this, it is only by placing yourself on a pedestal that it will cause harm. Everyone believes differently and if you wish to believe this then you have that right.
I personally do not see there being a problem in labelling indigo and crystals, the problem is if you choose to let it go to ego, it can be helpful in trying to understand that you are gifted, as we all are, instead of labelled negatively as so many different people are, especially in schools - eg; when kids are bullied for being a bit different. It's not to let it get out of hand but to understand that we are all gifted. I know personally i had a tough time at school with other kids not understanding me, i resonate more with the indigo description, and for a long time i beat myself up for my differences and tried to fit in at the expense of my happiness. But learning about indigo's has helped, i do not hold onto that label but it does give me hope that i am here to serve a purpose and it has helped me to have the courage to explore my gifts rather than to shut off from them.

Explorer 15-06-2011 07:34 PM

How exactly did this all start?

Who decided that it wasn't enough for there to be 'gifted children' and thought that injecting some Hollywood drama into to the mix to spice things up a bit would be a good idea?

I agree with another poster that it was just a great way to churn some books out. Nothing more!

Any one of us could make up some funky label, associate characteristics with it and claim that these 'Jesus Mk2 Children' are from a very special soul group.

Where are all the 'Useless Chaff Children' from the rubbish soul groups? For goodness sakes!

AngelicOrin 15-06-2011 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Explorer
How exactly did this all start?

Who decided that it wasn't enough for there to be 'gifted children' and thought that injecting some Hollywood drama into to the mix to spice things up a bit would be a good idea?

I agree with another poster that it was just a great way to churn some books out. Nothing more!

Any one of us could make up some funky label, associate characteristics with it and claim that these 'Jesus Mk2 Children' are from a very special soul group.

Where are all the 'Useless Chaff Children' from the rubbish soul groups? For goodness sakes!

You are defiantly mistaken, and do not know what an indigo is. I will have you know I have been told my respectable mediums that I am an Indigo and a Lightworker - that these people have not done anything for profit about the topic. These people are genuinely amazing people and full of light.

More or less Indigos began in this world "officially" in the mid-late 80s - this is what I am told, I am 24, and indigo adult and there is others about my age and younger.

We are all Gods children, but some of us (the Indigos, Star and Crystals) are different and I am sure it all connects with our past lives, and our spirituality in this world. Everyone can be spiritual, yes if they learn, but for us Indigos we pretty much have no choice to be spiritual or not.

Like I said before, I am an Indigo and a Lightworker - who is a teaching/healing earth angel. These terms are used by Archangel Raphael to describe me, who is currently overseeing me at the moment.

Energyatwork 16-06-2011 12:04 AM

It still amazes me that people think Indigo is something new. ALL it is, is a new label for something that has been around as long as mankind. Nancy Anne Tappe is simply an oppertunist who saw a way to make money; Indigo children, kids with indigo auras. Of course only she could see them!
She did not even have the sense to realize that she has made life far harder for people your age and younger to fit in the world.
Angelicorin do not belive all you are told. EVERYBODY has a choice its called free will. Spirituality is simply a wish to be an expression of love without condition during your time on Earth, even if only for a moment or two at a time. All else is often based on pure ego.
I do not mean to offend but please realize just how much ego/arrogance your post exhibits. Please do yourself a favor just be who you are; there is no need for New Age labels that give a false sense of self importance. Yes you are different but if you are not careful you will push people away from you because of your attitude, not because you are different

AngelicOrin 16-06-2011 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Energyatwork
Angelicorin do not belive all you are told. EVERYBODY has a choice its called free will. Spirituality is simply a wish to be an expression of love without condition during your time on Earth, even if only for a moment or two at a time. All else is often based on pure ego.
I do not mean to offend but please realize just how much ego/arrogance your post exhibits. Please do yourself a favor just be who you are; there is no need for New Age labels that give a false sense of self importance. Yes you are different but if you are not careful you will push people away from you because of your attitude, not because you are different

You mention free will, and yet tell me not to believe those who I respect the most - more experienced mediums/lightworkers and God's heavenly messengers. So it is my free will to believe who I trust the most.

Do not believe I am more important than others - heck I am still learning about who I am as a spiritualist. I have had so much negativity towards who I am, and what I believe that, yes, my posts may come across arrogant on the internet. But I am very quick to defend my own beliefs, and I try my best, which is difficult over the internet to convey vocal tone, to explain myself. So it may seem arrogant to you, but in reality - away from the written word, it may not. :)

Energyatwork 16-06-2011 02:02 AM

Respect yourself! Should you choose to rely on the words of others then you open yourself to that which may be less then authentic. It is common for many to make claims as to their abilities in order to impress the unweary and in turn influence their development. Those who have the authentic ability to share the messages of spirit with you are rare indeed; exercise caution when you seek the words of Spirit from another individual.

All the time in the world is available to you so that you may explore your traits and abilitites for yourself. True insight that is given to anyone will always lack the trappings of the New Age and the boxes and labels that it imparts.

When an individual is seeking the truth only by looking within will you find what you seek. Each and every individual is a lightworker with one no more special then another. It is true to say that some are indeed more sensitive than the average person and posess qualities that may seem desirable to others; but you know from your own inner conflicts that these abilities can be difficult to master; for much of what you seek there are no books that will supply answers.

We will tell you in deference to your desire to know that no authentic guide will confer labels and titles upon you, they are counter productive and encourage ego. Ideas implanted from books and people fuel expectation this can can and does feed self created illusion which will seem very real.
Your journey is one of individuality. Take the time to examine yourself in that way you will gain confidence.

AngelicOrin 16-06-2011 03:05 AM

The other people who I talk about are to me spiritual teachers, I go to them for advice for things I am not too sure about, as I am still learning. I have been primarily by myself so far during my journey as I do know it is an individual journey and know my strengths and weaknesses. And of course, there are times were I do need to ask advice for other spiritual people from them, and I trust them, as they have been very honest with me. It is just natural.

Energyatwork 16-06-2011 03:17 AM

Understanding gained through personal insight will place you in a far better position than learned knowledge. Building your relationhip with Spirit is always personal and lasts a lifetime. Yes it is more difficult to rely on yourself but in the long run you will be better served. You will find you actually need very little; much that exists and is referred to as spiritual is simply not needed. The words of Spirit when shared always contain far more than is first realized

AngelicOrin 16-06-2011 03:32 AM

I have been by myself, learning by myself for the past 3 years - heck I didn't know anything about spirituality when I started off! LOL It only has been only the last 6mths, I have sought advice from the very few trust, and we also share experiences - it is really nice to talk to others who understand and don't treat me like a freak. I also always conduct oracle readings on myself - it is very rare I go to someone else for one, because I want to make the personal connection to those within the deck - I only use Archangel and God/ess cards. But hey, everyone is different, and there are different approaches to gaining a connection with the divine, this is just my way of learning.

Energyatwork 16-06-2011 03:45 AM

You have no need to gain a connection, you have retained your connection from birth; that is a large part of the reason why you are different. If you wish to choose the guide or energy you wish to connect to you are exerting control and this will not allow the full expression of Spirit. Self Healing simply given by placing your hands where you instinctivly feel they need to be and then just asking for the healing you need will strengthen your connection. Do not concentrate or focus; just ask. Bedtime is a good time or watching tv, reading a book even. Its a natural process for you if you can keep human wants and needs out of the equation, enjoy

AngelicOrin 16-06-2011 04:10 AM

It isn't to gain connection, it is to deepen the connection so to speak. I do not pick the cards when I do my own readings, I actually let the energies and angels/gods pick their cards to what ever question I may have or to what advice they may give me. I have a few who I do remain in contact with away from the cards because of my life, as a University student, I do call upon the Gods Athena, and Thoth, and Archangel Uriel for advice and blessings. I evoke on the God Ganesha to remove negativity, and to help me remain calm, and he blesses me with his presence, and of course the mighty Archangel Michael for love and protection. :)

tragblack 16-06-2011 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Energyatwork
Each and every individual is a lightworker with one no more special then another.

Bumping this quote!


Originally Posted by Energyatwork
Understanding gained through personal insight will place you in a far better position than learned knowledge. Building your relationhip with Spirit is always personal and lasts a lifetime. Yes it is more difficult to rely on yourself but in the long run you will be better served. You will find you actually need very little; much that exists and is referred to as spiritual is simply not needed.

And this too.

Chrysaetos 16-06-2011 07:14 AM

What we need to know.. http://www.skepdic.com/forer.html

Most of those child labels go like this: you've always been ''shy'' as a child, you have a ''connection'' to animals, you ''sensed'' there was more to life, and you are also an ''empath'', and you are ''eclectic'', you feel ''special'' and feel you have a higher ''task'', and you know people don't really ''understand'' you.. Does this describe you? Well it's your lucky day, you can call yourself Indigo/Crystal/Ruby Star/Star/Moon/Angel Incarnate/Agate/Pristine/Blue/Purple/Blue Ray/Rainbow/Emerald/Jade Etc.

And more importantly, you will find that all of them inhabit western countries, usually the US, but also Canada, western Europe, and Australia.
Majority seems to be female..

It is an interesting phenomena, and it is deeply cultural.

AngelicOrin 16-06-2011 07:47 AM

Believe what you wish.

I was never asked those questions, I was always suspicious that I was an Indigo, and when I met a medium (I am now friends with) for the first time, literally the first question she asked me was, "You are an indigo aren't you?"

So *shrugs* you all can stay skeptical, but I am choosing to be open to the topic. :rolleyes: Blessings with love and light.

Chrysaetos 16-06-2011 01:03 PM

That's not really surprising as the mediums are all influenced by New Age thought. They are skilled at cold readings and when they see young people coming towards them, they will have their assumptions (as we all have when we see people) and will make use of the spiritual paradigm that is prevalent at the time.

Cold readings and Forer effects are very much alive in spiritual circles. It's good to take a sceptical view.

You say you were always ''suspicious'' that you were an ''Indigo'' which means you were already familiar with the concept and its characteristics. It could be that mediums can give believers the much wanted approval so that they can now live with the label out in the open. It is a sense of purpose, and identification.

Believe as you wish, but I will give my point of view be it ''spiritually correct'' or not. :smile:

Explorer 16-06-2011 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by AngelicOrin
You are defiantly mistaken, and do not know what an indigo is. I will have you know I have been told my respectable mediums that I am an Indigo and a Lightworker - that these people have not done anything for profit about the topic. These people are genuinely amazing people and full of light.

More or less Indigos began in this world "officially" in the mid-late 80s - this is what I am told, I am 24, and indigo adult and there is others about my age and younger.

We are all Gods children, but some of us (the Indigos, Star and Crystals) are different and I am sure it all connects with our past lives, and our spirituality in this world. Everyone can be spiritual, yes if they learn, but for us Indigos we pretty much have no choice to be spiritual or not.

Like I said before, I am an Indigo and a Lightworker - who is a teaching/healing earth angel. These terms are used by Archangel Raphael to describe me, who is currently overseeing me at the moment.

Yes I do know what an Indigo is. It's a funky new age title invented by some author from his/her own head. And of course it's interesting, and it caught on.
The respected mediums you mention have read/heard about it from Earthly sources. The terminology and distinctions are present in their minds, and it's somehow a pleasing idea. They like to share it.
I mean no offence to them! BUT to label anybody as Indigo, Star Child, Rainbow etc etc is sadly confining, segregating and very misguided.

For many years I have observed how the spiritualist movement has tried desperately to convince people that we are all capable of these 'spiritual abilities'. That clairvoyance, healing etc etc etc are NOT for 'special people', but are Human traits that can be tapped into by ALL.:smile:

Then somebody writes a book about 'Special Special people', and the freak show is back in town.:icon_frown:

Really? Do you think that if those mediums called you a Rainbow Child instead of an Indigo, that you'd be doing anything different today?
If you are told that you are NOT an indigo, would you suddenly quit your light-work?


We are all Gods children, but
There is NO 'but' after that statement!:hug3:

AngelicOrin 16-06-2011 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Explorer
If you are told that you are NOT an indigo, would you suddenly quit your light-work?

No. I knew I was a lightworker before I knew I was an indigo. Being a lightworker is as I know part of my life-purpose, I am already going down that path as well, with my uni studies - and if I did quit I know there will be a emptiness inside me.

Explorer 17-06-2011 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by AngelicOrin
No. I knew I was a lightworker before I knew I was an indigo. Being a lightworker is as I know part of my life-purpose, I am already going down that path as well, with my uni studies - and if I did quit I know there will be a emptiness inside me.

I think that's a wonderful purpose to adopt.:hug3:

earth2bella 25-06-2011 02:58 AM

I demonstrated all of the qualities of an Indigo during my adolescence, and I used to think it was one, but it's never been confirmed to me.

Who's to say, yes you are an Indigo, no you're not? I can't do that for myself. Who am I to give myself that?

Each characteristic checks out for me, but I certainly don't feel special, and its not enough confirmation for me to give myself the label. It feels boastful and I honestly don't know if I am or not.

Who does the official diagnoses? Do you call yourself an Indigo because your traits match up, or because you've been told by a psychic?

I seriously never felt right about these classifications, although I'm not doubting them.

pre-dawn 26-06-2011 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by AngelBreeze
Greetings, Casper! You have asked an excellent question and since the answer can be quite lengthy, you might wish to visit the following excellent website for more on this fascinating subject matter. The page may contain PDF material as well.

http://www.reflectionsinlight.org/NewFiles/Indigos%20Crystals%20Star%20Children%20CP_2.doc%20 %5BCompatibility%20Mode%5D.pdf

If I would have shown these characteristics when I was young I know that my parents would have called me a self-centered brat.
It is really nothing to be proud of. A sense of royalty ... what next? Blue light convoys and bodyguards?

RisenPhoenix 15-07-2011 06:39 PM

Just yesterday I felt the knowing that I was a star child. I wasn't thinking about these types of children and never read about them before. The thought just came to me out of the blue. I came here to read about the star children and the pdf on the second post confirmed it for me.

Tipareth 24-07-2011 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Energyatwork
It still amazes me that people think Indigo is something new. ALL it is, is a new label for something that has been around as long as mankind. Nancy Anne Tappe is simply an oppertunist who saw a way to make money; Indigo children, kids with indigo auras. Of course only she could see them!
She did not even have the sense to realize that she has made life far harder for people your age and younger to fit in the world.
Angelicorin do not belive all you are told. EVERYBODY has a choice its called free will. Spirituality is simply a wish to be an expression of love without condition during your time on Earth, even if only for a moment or two at a time. All else is often based on pure ego.
I do not mean to offend but please realize just how much ego/arrogance your post exhibits. Please do yourself a favor just be who you are; there is no need for New Age labels that give a false sense of self importance. Yes you are different but if you are not careful you will push people away from you because of your attitude, not because you are different

I agree with this, in the way that indeed there's a lot of ego in some of those books, and inflated names...

I do believe that our souls incarnate on Earth, but also other planets. But this is normal, this is ordinary, and does not need names to separate groups. It's not such big deal, universe is so vast, and souls are living lives in many planets, galaxies etc But one cannot be 100% sure that in a previous life was on certain planet, out of this galaxy for example... I am very skeptical about this. How can one be so sure, when one cannot even remember well the childhood, or even some things from few years ago... Maybe is my limitation, but I look around and people forget a lot. lol

So those names - indigo, crystal, golden or whatever are creations of the ego, in my opinion... It gets easier to feel good about your child, or about yourself.. when it's hard to adapt, comes the thought and feeling... 'that's because I am not from here, I am different, I am indigo etc etc' But what if you are not that special? What if these are pure deceptions?

What if it's more simple than we might think...? We all are made out of light, and names to separate groups are not beneficial.. Love and aspiration toward divine is all that matters.

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