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-   -   What era/historical period do you gravitate to? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=80123)

dashofgold 15-01-2015 03:36 AM

What era/historical period do you gravitate to?
They say when you are fascinated by a particular historical period, it is usually because you have lived back then.

I'm curious to learn what periods some of you are interested in/gravitate to.

For me it's always been ancient egypt and ancient greece. What about you?

PrincessSerena 15-01-2015 04:38 AM

For me, it's mostly the Victorian and the Medieval/Renaissance period.

Jenny Crow 15-01-2015 04:44 AM

To that time, around AD 50 - AD 100 when the Celts occupied the area in England where I'm from.

Gryneos 17-01-2015 06:46 AM

Ancient Greece, as well as Ancient Arabia and Persia. Though I will admit the latter is likely more of the fictional places of the folk tales than the actual times. So, alternate realities where a more magical Ancient Persia existed :wink:

ZenSar 20-01-2015 06:26 AM

A few, WW1-WW2, Age of Muskets, Medieval Times-European, Mid-Dark Ages-Islamic Empire, Middle Roman Empire, Ancient China and Japan.

serenebluehills 01-02-2015 05:44 AM

I am particularly drawn to and interested in the time of slavery in America and World War II though it is not as strong as it used to be in the beginning. As for places and people, I find myself very drawn to India and its people.

More than 10 years back, I saw this short video clip taken during WW2 and on the video was this very handsome Jewish boy around the age of 5 along with other children lined up on the street. I could not take my eyes off his sad innocent face (and his tattoed arm) and had to replay the clip many times over. It was heartbreaking and I felt I wanted to take him in my arms. I must have wondered that time if I might have been his mother back then.


durgaa 01-02-2015 06:56 PM


For me it's always been ancient egypt and ancient greece

Funny, before l read your post l was going to say exactly those two places - especially around the time of Nefertiti and Akhenaton in Egypt (after meeting my twinsoul a lot of this egyptian stuff came out)..
Also, l feel a connection with ancient rome and china - but if we are old souls, we've probably had hundred's of incarnations. The one's we remember were most likely the happiest, or possibly the most Spiritually rewarding..

Fleur de Frost 02-02-2015 03:37 AM

No time period for me! Only countries. Japan and Norway, specifically :)

Just a quick note - you don't need to be drawn to an era to have lived in it. Have you ever experienced intense hatred towards a certain country, time period, etc. for no reason? Maybe you lived there and just despised that lifetime. Some terrible event occured, it was incredibly boring, the lesson your soul undertook was just too challenging: whatever's possible. But I think it's also worth noting the historical eras/locations you feel yourself pulling away from, and exploring that (dis)connection further.

Food for thought. :)

yumi14 02-02-2015 05:32 AM

No period for me either, but I've always been drawn to farming as well as the Asian countries... either Japan or south Korea.

DoctorStrange 02-02-2015 01:50 PM

Atlantis for me

The Back Seat 02-02-2015 02:58 PM

When Moses led the Israelites lit of Egypt.

When slavery was abolished in America.

When the surviving Jews were released from the concentration camps.

Any other time when a group of people found freedom.

fennel 02-02-2015 02:59 PM

Famine time Ireland, for one...the mid-eighteen hundreds famine. I'm not really specifically drawn to one particular time, as I have experiences in so many.

serenebluehills 03-02-2015 06:55 AM

Let me also add that in recent years, I started to have an interest in Native American culture and people. This seemed to have been triggered by a movie I had seen once.

Renessme 03-02-2015 10:35 AM

medieval and world war I era.

sohappy 03-02-2015 12:16 PM

France during the Middle Ages and Renaissance era. I think maybe Medieval England as well but that might be influenced by the Robin Hood stories. When I see castles and palaces I feel like home.

OctoberSky 03-02-2015 05:16 PM

Medieval times
Ancient Greek
Ancient Egypt
Old Western Times
I know there is more but I can't remember...

Sapphirez 06-02-2015 10:47 PM

cool, oh yeah I really love Native American culture, the Old South, Victorian era as I had a Samantha Parkington American Girl doll lol. I also long for an imaginary world free of the clutches of history's evil villains reigning over us.. maybe Atlantis or Lemuria but maybe it's a place in the future.. so weird how they say time is or isn't linear and all that. I think I also had some close unicorn friends and dragons :tongue:

briansgotaprettierwife 12-02-2015 08:35 PM

1960's-70's. What evidence I've uncovered via regression, examination of some repeating issues in my life and astrological methods definitely points to a certain life lived during those times. Don't ask.

One time I was wandering around the city and came across a thrift store, so I went in and looked at all the stuff, tried on some shoes, flipped through some books. I saw these vinyl records from that era, and the whole vibe just DISTURBED me after a while. I looked through them trying to find something I recognized. Went thru like 100 of them. Flowered record sleeves with pictures of people dressed in fashions that I had never consciously seen before but seemed familiar. Then it started.

Something just felt so wrong about the situation. I felt...afraid. But the store was largely empty. No one was around to get too close or make me uncomfortable. The fear was chokingly real. Relics from that era creep me out, but I like the music.

I dropped the records, paid for an embroidered shirt I liked and left before I started tripping out.

~ A. Person :)

Star Wolf Medicine Woman 13-02-2015 12:48 AM

I identify with the old NAI's of 1850's on and early 1800 nautical history, previous aspect of scottish history around the times of the clearances and Culloden, also a period of greek history which i cannot pinpoint in time oddly..

goobah88 13-02-2015 01:02 AM

Strong gravitation towards Aztecs to me - prior to the Spanish Inquisition.. along with Inca's.

I've also had one specific vision of being in a meadow with long yellow daisy like flowers around with a daughter...possibly caveman time but no dinosaurs around, the absolute beginning perhaps? Would this be possible?

And more "recently" the 50's..

StarRobin 13-02-2015 08:39 AM

The Tudor era all the way through to the Victorian era. I enjoy reading and learning about the Plantagenets too, but it just doesn't interest me as much as the others. I love history, especially learning about the British monarchy, so that explains why I love learning about these eras, but I know I would be comfortable in a Tudor style dress and Hampton Court Palace!

electrum198 15-02-2015 05:02 PM

I love history but tend to have always had a big interest in ancient greece and egypt even when very young i find myself at the moment drawn to ancient celtic symbols the triskel and triquatra i have the triskel tattooed on my chest

Red83 16-02-2015 01:35 AM

greek's gods era and a lot with atlantis.. have no idea why :)

Mik26 22-02-2015 12:34 PM

Definitely the Deep South in the 1800s and prevolutionary France. I've also always been interested in Victorian England and colonial India.

Interestingly enough I had two past lives in the south. But none of the other time frames have come up, though I've only had one other regression which was in the carribean during the early 1800s.

Natively Libran 23-02-2015 06:14 PM

For me it's 1950s, New York City. The great war had ended, jazz was the staple of the time, with the breakouts artists in soul music getting their footing, ie Sam Cooke, Otis Redding. It was a reckless time in the big city. Everyone was after fame and money, and intent on rebuilding their lives.

Not only do I remember the setting of my most recent lifetime, I remember what I did, and pieces of that life. It was a dark time.

Other than this time period the only era I've felt truly connected to was Atlantis, as mentioned by others.

Beautifulmind 06-03-2015 04:08 PM

most of the periods mentioned above ..even BC period(one had a dream that i was somewhere when there were no roads and ppl traveled on mules -width of path was enough for mule steps only. ppl lived not in houses but in caves carved out of rock)..anything in past but future... :)

Louisa 07-03-2015 12:35 AM

i really feel like i have some connection to some kind of hunter gatherer native american society. maybe it's my imagination, but i get a lot of guidance and synchs related to books by native americans. also, sites, threads of native american subjects. so i know it's a broad category, since many different tribes, yet i feel a connection to that, so somewhere somehow, sometime in traditional native america..

i also am more and more interested in tribal communities of all kinds. just like the communal values, more than modern ones. indigenous roots, i guess we all have, if you go far enough back in genetic history?

also, i lately seem to feel more drawn and have dreams and book/author guidance and synchs relating to the victorian era, particularly the artists and avant garde kind of artists and social movements that were on the cutting edge, ahead of the time social values. paris, maybe? anyway... i like to dream about it. moulin rouge and such.. hehe

durgaa 07-03-2015 01:30 AM

l mentioned ancient Greece (always liked Socrates) and Rome before, but also lndia - l was naturally sitting in Yoga positions from a very young age (lotus mainly) and l've being doing yoga most of my life. So, lndia has had the greatest effect on my evolution, l think..

girlsearching 18-03-2015 02:39 AM

I gravitate towards the 1970's era, the Civil rights movement . I love learning about Malcom x, Angela Davis, Black panther activist and Founders Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton. I also enjoy the music R&B slow love songs. I like ancient Egypt too, and India learning about Hinduism. I don't know why I like Ohio, especially Columbus and Cleveland , I have no family there nor have I ever been to Ohio. But I would love to see their tourist attractions such as the Rock N Roll hall of fame, and their Art museums and zoos and aquarium centers.

PastPilot 28-03-2015 06:09 AM

I have a wide range of interest when it comes to history. Not all these represent time period I have lived in past lives. My main areas of interest are: Roman, China (Tang Dynasty), First Crusades, late Medieval, Renaissance, 1600s, American Frontier, American Civil War, Indian Wars, Boer War, Mexico Revolution, WWI and WWII. I didn't have an interest in ancient Mexico until I went to the Yucatan and had flash memories of having once lived in the ancient Maya culture.

I often think about my past life memories and write down anything I can remember. Its surprising how many details I recalled that could be Googled successfully for verification. I seem to know a lot of obscure details that only a few history books have noted.


amazonite 30-03-2015 03:45 PM

Yes Fleur I was going to mention that too, that aversion can be just as much an indicator!

I'm led to believe we have lived in many times and places so would assume that the most relevant lives to our current one would be more notable.

For me - Victorian London, mid 17th Century London too. I've incarnated in England but I have a connection to 1790 America too ~Portugal and Africa also.

Interestingly I've had others say that they think they knew me in the first two I listed and vice-versa, as if a whole group of us has jumped from those eras to where we are now :angel8:

JenGy 15-04-2015 03:23 AM

I am drawn to italian culture and the language but not an era specifically. Though when I was younger I loved reading books and movies based around the Victorian era.

Spectral1212 15-04-2015 04:17 PM

I am drawn to the early 1900's through the 1930's. I have often said that I wish I was born in 1900 and have always felt like maybe I lived then. There would definitely have been a huge influx of changes to witness in those times.

Emvee 23-04-2015 02:27 AM

I am drawn to the 50's...I am in love with the style, the music. Oldies music. Rockabilly. Women's hairstyle in that era.

Carnelian72 30-04-2015 12:37 AM

WWII era for me. I find that I can speak with folks from that time period (the "greatest generation") very easily as if I understand their mannerisms, their assumptions. I've always gotten along with and enjoy the company of anyone born in the teens or twenties.

For several years in a row, perhaps longer without realizing the cause, I had a strange experience around the same date every summer--in late July. I was drawn to war films, documentaries, books, during this time each year. Then it dawned on me....there was more to it.

Scheduled a channeling session, and according to a certain medium, I was an American officer, U.S. Army, who died one week after arriving in France in 1944. Said it was very traumatic, because I had just spent years in college, graduated a 2nd Lt, and one week later, was captured. I died on the last day of the D-Day campaign (Operation Cobra) as a POW.

I also have a strong affiliation for Robert A. Heinlein, which I'm still exploring. Best I can determine/validate, it's a guide relationship. He has been urging me to publish a sci-fi novel I have worked on for many years. And, I finally did last month! So I'll see what happens next. :)

LadyMay 30-04-2015 08:23 AM

Mayan civilisation :) It was a good past life.

One Soul 30-04-2015 01:28 PM

New England colonial period is strongest.

Some Egyptian and Roman.

Taokuoh 30-04-2015 08:18 PM

I seem to get drawn into Chinese culture a lot. The Three Kingdom era, Shaolin monks, wisdom, martial arts and their language. Not sure what period I'd fall under though. The other would be America in the 1920s where the Mafia was at their peak. Always found the two; Chinese and Mafia times very interesting. Some Japanese culture as well in terms of their language and the Samurais.

Clover 30-04-2015 08:49 PM

Stuck in the 60's, musically and culturally enlightening for me. Interesting enough, someone did a reading for me and said I died in that era in a past life.

Ravenspirit 03-05-2015 09:27 AM

Ireland circa the mid 1800's, Victorian England, Regency England, Russia just before the revolution there, the early 60's, in England and America. Diaghilev and The Ballet Russe that's always been a big thing with me even since I was a kid and I don't know why. I don't recall much from the periods before that except for being forced into being a nun at one point and being a cat oriented priestess of some kind in ancient times. I want to say temple at Bubastis but I'm not sure of that. All I know is I was taking care of tons of cats all the time. I have a feeling I've spent a few lives being a major cat lady actually, lol. There are always tons of cats in my lives, and crows and ravens. Sometimes also wolves, owls, and snakes but mostly cats and black birds...

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