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annonafox 05-11-2010 06:16 AM

Tribute For Matt (Devolution)
This is a tribute in honour of Matt Warne, founder of this site, and twin flame soulmate of my heart. Matt passed away on November 6th, 2009, at age 28.

Please feel free to add anything you wish to this thread in remembrance of Matt.

We honour Matt on this day, sending him love and gratitude for his beautiful soul.

We keep his family and friends in our prayers and thoughts~~~

We celebrate his life, his gentle heart, and the vision that made this forum a reality.

“His heart is at rest
In its little nest
His heart is asleep
In the quiet deep”

I love you, precious Matt, my Matt. I remember you told me that life is very fragile, and that we should be careful with the hearts of those we love.

I miss your beautiful heart, its radiance and compassion. I miss you……..

“Freed from its shell
I know it well
Freed from its wound
It flew too soon”

You came to me in a dream recently and said that you wanted to show me where your heart once was. When you pointed to your chest, you vanished~~~ I cry for you, I yearn for you, I love you and long to hold you.

I have been working on a poem for you, but the words are all jumbled, and all I can manage to get out are the little stanzas I wrote above….

Your heart is everywhere for me, infused in me, beating in union with me and keeping a gentle rhythm as I wake and as I sleep. You are the pulse of my life. I feel you are the reason I wanted to come into this life.

Your heart has touched so many people, and continues to do so. I will be a living extension of your tender heart for as long as I live.

Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for loving me.

Remember that Gibran said the breaking of your heart is the breaking open of the shell of your understanding……My heart has broken open, and now it stands to the sun, and now it enfolds you…..

Be safe, “Ten Cuidado” “E.O..”

I love you, my liebling………My Matt………..I love you……..I will see you on the other side……………….

sound 05-11-2010 06:55 AM

Once again I would like to say thank you
for creating such a wonderful community here, known as Spiritual Forums.
It enriches lives and provides a space for people to share their spirituality
free from the constraints of routine and ritual.

Please know that it is lovingly appreciated and respected

Much love and peace to you wherever you 'be'
Kate xx

psychoslice 05-11-2010 07:07 AM

This is a song I wrote for annonafox a little while ago, I thought it would be nice to placed it here. Its called "I wish I could touch you one more time". :hug:


Silver 05-11-2010 07:39 AM

I would have liked to known Matt, because what he started in this Forum is so special. This Forum has become a home away from home as I like to call it, for thousands. Matt's forum had grown to just over 17,000 members before we had to start all over just recently. And I'm so proud to have become a member of Spiritual Forum's team of moderators.

Roselove 05-11-2010 02:02 PM

I'm greatful to him for creating this forum, I never had the pleasure of meeting him but I'm sure he was a lovely and wonderful human being, May he rest in peace

BlueSky 05-11-2010 02:09 PM

What a special part of everyones lives Matt obviously was.
What a tribute to the life of an individual to be loved and to live on in the memories and life of someone like Annonafox and in this forum.
I have never met Matt but I know him.
Blessings and gratitute to life for Matt on this special day tomorrow.

Neville 05-11-2010 02:35 PM

I was lucky enough to have spoken with him on a number of occasions and he remains very much a positive influence in my life,

LightFilledHeart 05-11-2010 03:28 PM

As a new member who only joined the forum last month, I never had the privilege to meet Matt, but his spirit lives on in this beautiful forum he created and which we all honor. I believe the code of conduct should reflect that, as another way in which to honor the wise and gentle heart of the man who founded it. It is so very hard on the hearts of those entwined when one is snatched from this world, leaving the others to find a way to muddle through without the physical presence of the one they love. My heart goes out to Annonafox and all Matt's family members and friends. How lucky you all were to have had the privilege to know this brilliant light-filled soul, and to have shared time with him in his short sojourn on the earth! I pray each day that find some measure of comfort and the strength to carry on Matt's dream and vision. It is such a trememdous service he rendered the world! God bless you all, and God bless Matt.....

daisy 05-11-2010 05:45 PM

For Matt....

A whole year has gone
since you returned home
four seasons have passed,
we return to the cold.
Suns still have to set
and newer days dawn,
we cannot stand still,
for time chases us on.
Yet though the days,
speed hastily forth,
we stand firm today,
hold on to this one
to remember a man,
we were blessed to know,
so hard to let go
of such a beautiful soul.
Wherever you may be
know these words to be true,
as we remember everything
we loved about you.

LightFilledHeart 05-11-2010 10:24 PM

Daisy, what an exquisite tribute. I did not know Matt, but I feel I've come to know him through the experience of this magificent site he founded and energized. It's a beautiful place, and I'm sure that is in large part due to who and what he was. May his journey be a bright one, and may all of you who played a personal role in his life and are grieving that loss be comforted and uplifted knowing he is carrying on the work from where he is now.....

CiaranRT 06-11-2010 12:13 AM

It sounds like he died as a real man should - after starting something more important than one man's life. I salute him.

otto 06-11-2010 03:28 AM

Thank you so very much for everything you do. I am so sorry for your lose of someone you loved so so much... And to be so young and pass...

You will see one another again, I know you know this...

This site is a wonderful place full of love, you can feel it all in it. There is no room for anything else...
Peace and love be with you and your family...
Lots of love... Melanie

inspirit 06-11-2010 05:00 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I liked this Christmas photo of Matt (Devolution) and Annonafox so much I saved it. Here it is again for everyone to see for his memory. It's so sad when someone dies young but I believe in God's gift of eternal life and that Matt lives on on the other side. :angel7:

Tuscora 06-11-2010 05:58 AM

What a nice photograph !

Agatestone 06-11-2010 02:13 PM



sound 06-11-2010 02:16 PM

Bless you and your family Agatestone xx

sleepyamethyst 06-11-2010 02:20 PM

id would just like to say how i love this place and even though some stuff has been lost i hope we can get it back to be as good as ever and thanks for creating this place :D

Silver 06-11-2010 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Agatestone


Biggest hugs ever, from one grieving mom to another.

May you and the rest of the family experience joyous revelations this holiday season and beyond~


tsb 06-11-2010 02:34 PM

To Matt's family and friends, may the comfort of God help you during this difficult time. When we lose someone we love, it seems that time stands still.

Tuscora 06-11-2010 02:44 PM

I think Matt would like this song. It is Judy Collins singing the William Butler Yeats poem The Song Of Wandering Aengus. She calls it The Golden Apples Of The Sun:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygQGVG8yHoE .

W.B. Yeats (1865–1939). The Wind Among the Reeds. 1899.

9. The Song of Wandering Aengus

I went out to the hazel wood,
Because a fire was in my head,
And cut and peeled a hazel wand,
And hooked a berry to a thread;
And when white moths were on the wing,
And moth-like stars were flickering out,
I dropped the berry in a stream
And caught a little silver trout.

When I had laid it on the floor
I went to blow the fire a-flame,
But something rustled on the floor,
And someone called me by my name:
It had become a glimmering girl
With apple blossom in her hair
Who called me by my name and ran
And faded through the brightening air.

Though I am old with wandering
Through hollow lands and hilly lands,
I will find out where she has gone,
And kiss her lips and take her hands;
And walk among long dappled grass,
And pluck till time and times are done,
The silver apples of the moon,
The golden apples of the sun.

Rest in Peace, Matt . You are missed.

annonafox 06-11-2010 04:45 PM

Living show life of love, whereof
The force wields earth and heaven above:
Who knows not love begotteth love?

Love poises earth in space, Love rolls
Wide worlds rejoicing on their poles,
And girds them round with aureoles.

Love lights the sun, Love thro’ the dark
Lights the moon’s evanescent arc,
Lights up the star, lights up the spark.

O ye who taste that love is sweet,
Set waymarks for the doubtful feet
That stumbles on in search of it.

Sing notes of love: that some who hear
Far off inert may lend an ear,
Rise up and wonder and draw near.

Lead life of love: that others who
Behold your life, may kindle too
With love, and cast their lot with you.
--Christina Rossetti

With love to you, dear Matt. I didn't want you to go.......

Silver 06-11-2010 04:47 PM

~How beautiful that is!

Adrienne 06-11-2010 04:57 PM

I believe (dedicated to Anonnafox & Matt )

I believe the heart lives on
Long after we are gone
It stays with you
It stays with me
Forever is how it will always be

I believe you're here with me
I believe you always will be
The memories of times we've spent
The moments we shared and still share
Are truly Heaven sent !

I believe in happily ever after
Whether its here on earth, or in the here after
Together we will always be
Me with you, and you with me

The tears we shared
And also the laughter
Echo in the mind, happier times
Always and forever, yours and mine

Memories we treasure,
and keep close in our hearts
a Love divine will keep us together
remembrances of you Heaven sent
sometimes a song, sometimes a feather

I believe the heart lives on
Long after we are gone
It stays with you
It stays with me
Forever is how it will always be

with love ♥
Dream Angel xx

(written last night with Anonnafox & Matt on my mind )

LightFilledHeart 06-11-2010 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by annonafox
With love to you, dear Matt. I didn't want you to go.......

How poignant the poem and painting... I feel your pain to the depths of my soul. May you be comforted as time goes by. It doesn't fade, the pain born of loss, but we do learn to cope over time. I am extending healing, comforting light to you ....

LightFilledHeart 06-11-2010 05:19 PM

Dream, what a beautiful and inspired poem.....

Celeste 06-11-2010 11:39 PM

I think when the forum crashed it was a message from you, to pick up the pieces and start afresh, just as you did, one year ago today. Thank you for this forum. I actually like it better now even though we lost so many meaningful words that were written by its members. Because nothing is really lost if it is important enough. It stays in the memory, or it will be said again and again, falling on the eyes that are meant to read it. This was the second crash since you passed. And again, I thought we lost it all for good. I let it go, and it came back, just like love. It is spirit that got it going, and keeps it, and I am appreciative. I know you are resting in peace, looking over it all. Because you did what you were supposed to do this life, and then left. Take care.

annonafox 07-11-2010 12:01 AM

With love and blessings to Matt's family~~~

With eternal love for dear, precious Matt~~~

annonafox 07-11-2010 05:56 AM

Where Hyacinth's blood flowed, the beautiful flower bearing his name sprung forth.

Your spirit flows through my life, and beauty forevermore will spring forth wherever I feel your love, your presence, and your gentle heart.

I love you......dear one......

pdeandreis 07-11-2010 07:29 AM

I believe Matt created Spiritualforums to give his beloved, Annonafox, and my life-long true friend, a steady home where she can always go and feel Matt's love for her and his hope for a more loving world.

easy 07-11-2010 10:53 AM

I never met, or even interacted with Matt, but i am grateful for this space by him created... blessed u be!
Love and light to all

astralsuzy 09-11-2010 09:39 AM

My thoughts go out to you. It is sad when you loose someone. Life is precious.

Litha 09-11-2010 09:14 PM

I have only recently created a profile here after having been a fan of this site for a while now. I love the warmth and feel of this place and am grateful to Matt to have created it... Thank you Matt... L.I.S. (Live In Spirit)

Thanks to everyone who put time and effort here for keeping the forums alive with love and light...
Blessings to all,

Agatestone 13-11-2010 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by daisy
For Matt....

A whole year has gone
since you returned home
four seasons have passed,
we return to the cold.
Suns still have to set
and newer days dawn,
we cannot stand still,
for time chases us on.
Yet though the days,
speed hastily forth,
we stand firm today,
hold on to this one
to remember a man,
we were blessed to know,
so hard to let go
of such a beautiful soul.
Wherever you may be
know these words to be true,
as we remember everything
we loved about you.

What a beautiful poem thank you daisy

daisy 20-11-2010 01:41 AM

Hi Agatestone, it's good to see you, I hope you are all as well as you can be, I was away on Matt's anniversary but he, you and Heidi and all the family were very much in my thoughts, i'm glad you like the poem. (((hugs)))

Agatestone 21-11-2010 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by daisy
Hi Agatestone, it's good to see you, I hope you are all as well as you can be, I was away on Matt's anniversary but he, you and Heidi and all the family were very much in my thoughts, i'm glad you like the poem. (((hugs)))

Blessed be to you

lightwithin 29-11-2010 01:09 AM

I'm so very grateful to Matt for creating this space where we can all come together to share in our spirituality!! He has created such a place of learning and experiences!! God bless you Matt, your angelic legacy will go on forever.

annonafox 03-12-2010 05:47 AM

I love you Matt......I would like to hold you in my arms.....

NightSpirit 03-12-2010 08:41 AM

A year has passed,
Did I blink?
Oh so very fast,
Barely time to think.

The pain is yet strong,
I feel you near.
My aching heart be gone,
Fly away fear.

Take my hand and squeeze,
Stroke my soul.
As subtle as a soft breeze,
I am consoled.

Yet with no more sight,
I do believe.
You are my perfect light,
I will not grieve.

All that you are remains,
Stay eternally.
No binding chains,
We are free.

Written by NightSpirit in dedication to Heidi and Matt

Agatestone 04-12-2010 12:54 PM

What a lovely message I am sure it has also reached Matt. Mum:brave:

002 Cents 04-12-2010 07:28 PM

Dedicated to Matt Warne creator of Spiritual Forums


Blessed be,

he who blesses thee,

while among us you may no longer be,

blessed be your memory.

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