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Morpheus 05-05-2013 05:08 PM

Relevance in Illustration, "The Matrix"
He's back...


Latest GE Commercial.

"It wasn't, however, directed by the Wachowskis. Perhaps they're too busy with the new series they're creating for Netflix, which is apparently all about hunted souls and linked minds.
Which rather sums up every hospital TV series ever made."


Morpheus 17-05-2013 09:26 PM

Ask yourselves, "What is a, ' Machine ' "?
Say, with reference to several hundred years ago.
Say, just a hundred years ago...

Say, several hundred years into the future..?
All dependant on time and a time period.
Which, we know since Einstein... is illusory.

This is in alignment with the, "Holographic Universe" Theory.

"The Matrix is a system, Neo..."

Morpheus 21-05-2013 07:08 PM

"The Universe operates like the gears in a watch. (A very big and complicated watch) All the cogs and wheels have a function.
If one of these cogs looses a tooth the mechanism will still function usually without much notice. However if this same part were to loose to many teeth than it become a burden on the whole and must be discarded in order for the larger function to be maintained without the entire mechanism grinding to a halt.

The lose of the cog puts a bit more strain on the other parts and is missed. But its better to discard that one part however regrettable to loose the whole of the machine.
"One more question you may ask"
"Is there a God?"
A wave of *Perfect *Joy,*Love *Euphoria came over my being. (words cannot describe the feeling of *Happiness)"


Morpheus 23-05-2013 08:57 PM

Dancing Machine
Certain, "Machinery" -


"He's a Dancing Machine..."


"Drink Your Powerade. We have quotas to meet.
Drink more.
Drink more..."

Morpheus 26-05-2013 08:11 PM

There is a, "Program", running.

Re: "Machine". - Note on the sides, gears or sprockets in the Mayan Calendar representation.

Morpheus 01-06-2013 09:06 PM

"Programs within programs"

" There are programs running everywhere..."


Morpheus 13-06-2013 08:10 PM




Re: The Prophecies... There's a program running.

Morpheus 23-06-2013 06:03 PM


And, this...

Because it attends to Truth involving true origins and nature, and as well, Science and the Metaphysical.

For encouragement, and perhaps revelation.

Einstein stated, "Reality is an illusion..." speaking of the material world.
It's been discussed ever since.

Morpheus 21-08-2013 04:48 AM

Today, we live in the "Digital Age", but few people are paying attention to the numbers involved with our timeline.

We are in the 21st century. 21 involves multiples of seven. We are now some three thousand years since Christ.

The numbers of, 2013 add up to 6. And, 2014 add up to seven.

Morpheus 23-08-2013 06:23 PM

Personal Bio on the Wachowski's. Their early careers and work.


Wachowski's movie, "Jupiter Ascending", scheduled to be released in 2014.

"In a universe where humans are near the bottom of the
evolutionary ladder, a young destitute human woman is targeted
for assassination by the Queen of the Universe because her
very existence threatens to end the Queen's reign."

Jupiter Jones was born under a night sky, with signs predicting

that she was destined for great things.
Now grown, Jupiter dreams of the stars but wakes up to the

cold reality of a job cleaning toilets and an endless run of bad
breaks. "


Morpheus 04-09-2013 07:31 PM

The foundaition of the Material World illusion, in time and space...

Frequency, Vibration, and Resonance. This starts a four part series.
Each not too long.


Morpheus 06-09-2013 07:38 PM

"The majority of people are captives in the matrix of nature, submerged in the sea of materiality. We must pray that they may be reborn, that they may attain insight and spiritual hearing, that they may receive the gift of another heart, a new transcendent power, and in the eternal world the unending bestowal of divine bounties."(Abdul Baha, Circa 1912)

Regarding "the Movie"; When the interogation of Neo scenes are stopped, and scrutinized...

"Some personal information can be seen on Thomas Anderson's "criminal record" that Agent Smith glances at when he interrogates Neo: ...
Neo's place of birth is "Lower Downtown, Capitol City" ...

Seconds later a photocopy of his passport can be seen.
There the place of his birth is CAPITAL CITY USA, his date of birth is the 13th of September 1971,
the passport was issued on the 12th of September 1991 and will expire on

the 11th of September 2001."

Yet, the movie was released two years prior, in 1999


Red Pill, Blue Pill ~1, 2, 3

Morpheus 10-09-2013 03:53 PM

This is one part of a eight part series on YouTube.

Relating to, "The Mathematical Universe" theory of Physicist Max Tegmark, and also the, "Holographic Universe", in Quantum Theory.

The number nine interwoven into the fabric of, "Reality". Once again bearing out how there is a "program" running, in time and space, and the material world.


Morpheus 16-09-2013 06:37 AM

Another source about numbers in material reality, and particularly about the number nine.

"According to Pythagoras all is number and languages use a numbering system especially ancient languages using sacred geometry hidden inside the language where the sounds of the words carry enormous power and can be decoded using numbers. "

"What do we know about the number 432? I find it quite interesting that the old 432 C's frequencies of 256 are multiples of 2 and seen in computers such as; i.e. 128=27256=28, 512=29.

Could it be that we are living inside a computer simulation know as the matrix? "


Morpheus 21-09-2013 02:25 PM

(In 1993...) Carrie-Anne Moss was a cast member of the short-lived television show Matrix.

"Steven Matrix is one of the underworld's foremost hitmen until his luck runs out, and someone puts a contract out on him. Shot in the forehead by a .22 pistol, Matrix "dies" and finds himself in "The City In Between", where he is shown the faces of all the men and women he's murdered and a sea of fire.
He's informed that he will being given a second chance. He must earn a reprieve from Hell by helping others. He then wakes up in the hospital, after an apparent "near death" experience.
In each episode, Matrix meets a new "guide" from the world beyond, and is given a new assignment, much in the manner of an unwilling guardian angel.

Usually his guides give him little or no useful information about the job to come, and his methods of handling the cases are sometimes as brutal as the rules of his old profession, but he gets the job done."


Morpheus 18-11-2013 05:26 PM

For pondering, and revelation:

If you study the below, you will come to certain understanding...

and Revelation

"The faculty of consciousness is one thing we all share, but what goes on in our consciousness, the content of our consciousness, varies widely.
This is our personal reality, the reality we each know and experience.

Most of the time, however, we forget that this is just our personal reality and think we are experiencing physical reality directly.

We see the ground beneath our feet; we can pick up a rock, and throw it through the air; we feel the heat from a fire, and smell its burning wood. It feels as if we are in direct contact with the world "out there."
But this is not so.

The colors, textures, smells, and sounds we experience are not really "out there"; they are all images of reality constructed in the mind. "

From the - : IONS Archives

Morpheus 21-11-2013 07:03 PM

Is this world our home?

Statement's about Time, and Timelessness, in the NDE.

"I felt and experienced all of creation as an omni-experience, there was no time involved at any level. I saw it is so simple it cannot be expressed, it is best to let the mind be still and then it may occur of itself. It was such a feeling of raised joy
I was in, and in the distance a Great Presence appeared which is the most Ultimate of Holiness emanating extraordinary Brilliance!

This Great Presence is the Heart of all of everything..and we are but foolish children!

I put my arms out to try to fly and saw that they were rainbows of colors I was a rainbow being..I was made of light and color I was overjoyed!
I thought I can fly to the Great Presence before me and unite with the purity of all that is was and ever shall be..
That was my hearts desire, to be at one with the Great Presence which 'they' call God, and yet I dare not announce a name to that which is beyond naming."


Endeavor to avoid, "Inurement" to this temporary world. And, slavery. Some believe that doing anything that they want "here", is "freedom". Their reasoning is inverted, and they decieve themselves.

Morpheus 25-11-2013 05:12 PM

It is research like this, as well as from the ancient teachings, which the Wachowski's drew from in creating their cinematic illustration of,
"The Matrix".
From Discover magazine:


Re: Lab work involving objective realization, and acknowledgement of Truth.

"This cosmic ray test may help reveal whether we are just lines of code in an artificial Matrix, where the established rules of physics may be bent, or even broken.

But if learning that truth means accepting that you may never know for sure what’s real — including yourself — would you want to know?"

Well... perhaps not, if you are the atheist, or unbelieving Marxist, and among the, "inured" in the, "World".

Mathew 22:30-31 "Jesus answered and said unto them,
'Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven. ' "

"Death is only an experience in which you are to learn a great lesson.
You cannot die."

"Reality is only an illusion albeit a very persistant one"-Albert Einstein

"Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." - Carl Jung

"Time and space are modes by which we think and not conditions in which we live." - Albert Einstein

Science thus brings us to the threshold of the ego and there leaves us to ourselves.--Max Planck

“Beneath all matter we must assume the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind.
This mind is the Matrix of all matter.”—Max Planck, “father” of quantum theory, 1917

Stars and Cosmology play a role in Prophecy

The "Code" has been communicated to the World. From apart
from the, "Construct", of time and space.

Matrix Code

Various colores of "Light" can be broken down into it's various constituent makeup, and spectrum. Lines of color spectrum looking similar to a colored, "bar code".

Involving, "The Fall"... a program has been running.

Morpheus 29-11-2013 05:54 AM

"This intuitive sense of self is an effortless and fundamental human experience. But it is nothing more than an elaborate illusion.
Under scrutiny, many common-sense beliefs about selfhood begin to unravel. Some thinkers even go as far as claiming that there is no such thing as the self.

In these articles, discover why "you" aren’t the person you thought you were."


New Scientist Magazine

Morpheus 29-11-2013 05:01 PM

A Study on "Time", and the greater reality of, "Timelessness". (Eternity)


Re: "The Construct". ( Creation )

"Numbers exist independently of our minds and are defined by sets of objects in the real world.
The physicist Eugene Wigner famously called mathematics an “unreasonably” (Incredibly reasonable), "effective tool in physics.
Views of more recent vintage, including naturalism, nominalism, and structuralism—the latter asserting that mathematical patterns are ingrained in reality—are highlighted as well.

The book concludes with a special focus on the philosophy of logic, including the grounds for our belief in the notions of logical consequence, higher-order logic, and more."


loopylucid 05-12-2013 07:02 PM

Enjoying this thread, good food for thought :)

Mind's Eye 05-12-2013 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Morpheus
"Regarding "the Movie"; When the interogation of Neo scenes are stopped, and scrutinized...

"Some personal information can be seen on Thomas Anderson's "criminal record" that Agent Smith glances at when he interrogates Neo: ...
Neo's place of birth is "Lower Downtown, Capitol City" ...

Seconds later a photocopy of his passport can be seen.
There the place of his birth is CAPITAL CITY USA, his date of birth is the 13th of September 1971,
the passport was issued on the 12th of September 1991 and will expire on

the 11th of September 2001."

Yet, the movie was released two years prior, in 1999

Here is one to ponder: What if we do live in a Matrix, what if we are just some sort of computer program or hologram? What if none of this is real at all...

And then what if there is no God? What if all the God's, Goddesses and saviors were nothing more than part of the program? Or what if they were computerized images of the people who created the Matrix as a way to insert themselves into our "reality" and interact with us and pass certain ethical and moral codes on to us?

What if we are a grand experiment that has the ability to learn and evolve and our creators have helped us do so by digitizing themselves and downloading themselves into our hologram?

What if heaven is nothing more than the next level of the game? What if there's nothing out there but people watching us on a screen or on some holodeck like universe?

If this is all an illusion, what makes us think that people like Jesus, Buddha or any other wise teacher or prophet was anything other than part of the program? And what if they were all just dropping clues that Heaven or Nirvana, ie, being absorbed back into all that is, was just another way of saying that we will disperse back into electronic particles in the end when our digital clock runs out? Or do they take the program that was our memory and recreate us in some "celestial" setting as a reward for doing what they want us to do and obeying their influences throughout time? Or at least what we perceive as time...

Now that can trip a mind out! :icon_eek:

Morpheus 06-12-2013 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by Mind's Eye
Here is one to ponder: What if we do live in a Matrix, what if we are just some sort of computer program or hologram? What if none of this is real at all...

And then what if there is no God? What if all the God's, Goddesses and saviors were nothing more than part of the program? Or what if they were computerized images of the people who created the Matrix as a way to insert themselves into our "reality" and interact with us and pass certain ethical and moral codes on to us?

What if we are a grand experiment that has the ability to learn and evolve and our creators have helped us do so by digitizing themselves and downloading themselves into our hologram?

What if heaven is nothing more than the next level of the game? What if there's nothing out there but people watching us on a screen or on some holodeck like universe?

If this is all an illusion, what makes us think that people like Jesus, Buddha or any other wise teacher or prophet was anything other than part of the program? And what if they were all just dropping clues that Heaven or Nirvana, ie, being absorbed back into all that is, was just another way of saying that we will disperse back into electronic particles in the end when our digital clock runs out? Or do they take the program that was our memory and recreate us in some "celestial" setting as a reward for doing what they want us to do and obeying their influences throughout time? Or at least what we perceive as time...

Now that can trip a mind out! :icon_eek:

Siddartha represented mankind transcending the Matrix.
Jesus or Yeshua represents The One Who comes from a greater reallity, and abides apart from the Matrix.
Or, in "Eternity"

Beccause the material world is the "lessor" reality, and illusory, doesn't mean that nothing is real.
There is the Construct, and Creation, and there is that which is apart from the Construct, and Creation; which is the greater reality and Truth. Involving the timeless.

What does Science today tell us about time and space?

Because "The Matrix" isn't "real", doesn't mean that nothing is real.
So then, "What is real ?", is the question posed.

This is where the various links I've posted come in. Such as this:

All the above can be substantiated by cross referencing between the ancient scriptures, and what Science is telling us today. Such as in Einsteins statement in my profile quote. Physicists have been involved with discovering the greater reality, and Truth.
Then, there are also the many NDE acounts to read.

What are "Ethics" and, "Morals", except the indications of the greater reality which exists
Answers are to be found, but one has to seek them.
What do those who pass on and return tell us?

They tell us that Love is the rule, apart from Ego, and this is what ethics and morals are about. To go and state that Ethics and Morals are a sort of slavery, is indication of being wayward, and Egoic in manner.

So then, bottom line is that "Transcendance" is the goal, and Objectivity, and not Subjectivity.

Morpheus 10-12-2013 03:40 PM

"Jupiter Ascending"; the latest cimematic work by the Wachowskis, is to be released on, 7/25/2014.

A date of portent.


Morpheus 12-12-2013 05:23 PM


As things progress... More in the News regarding the actual situation, and greater Objective reality. Further involved research.

Gracey 12-12-2013 05:35 PM


Morpheus 16-12-2013 01:38 AM


"Scientists discover second DNA code

It has long been believed that DNA is responsible for telling the cells how to make proteins, but thanks to an international collaboration of research groups scientists now believe they have identified a second DNA code,
one that instructs cells on how genes are controlled."

Morpheus 19-12-2013 06:18 PM

"Morpheus: The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy." (The World).

But when you're inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.
You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged."



"If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. ... "

Morpheus 05-01-2014 08:37 AM

"It was a terrible accident but nothing severe was happened afterward despite hitting my head.
All I can remember is that I saw my self lying on the street (Also I think that I saw myself sitting there looking for something before I fainted )
I have this weird feeling as if I have seen myself both out of my body for a few seconds and then within my body!"

"Did time seem to speed up or slow down?....
Everything seemed to be happening at once; or time stopped or lost all meaning...."

Morpheus 13-01-2014 07:47 PM

Before there was, "The Matrix", Existenze", or "The 13th Floor"...
There was "Tron".

All that is visible must grow beyond itself, and extend into the realm of the invisible."


Morpheus 14-01-2014 06:33 PM


"What is 'Real' ? How do you define, 'Real'?

When you think of the story in the Bible, about the "Garden of Eden", you may focus on the fruit of the tree, or the serpent... sex, or the Garden itself.

However, what it is really about, is "Desire", and appropriation of something.
To reach out, grasp, attain...

As discussed in both Buddhism and Christianity.
The above YouTube video is a short discussion on the nature of, "reality".

Morpheus 16-01-2014 06:50 PM

Think about when you were a child.
How long did a day last? A week?
How about Summer Vacation? It was like, "forever".

Once again, indicative of the greater reality, and Truth...
Timlessness, and Eternity.

Did time seem to speed up or slow down?.
...Everything seemed to be happening at once;
or time stopped or lost all meaning....Subjectively, it seemed I was there for "a long time".
Time seemed irrelevant or meaningless there.


Morpheus 22-01-2014 10:53 PM

"In the 1999 sci-fi film classic The Matrix, the protagonist, Neo, is stunned to see people defying the laws of physics, running up walls and vanishing suddenly. These superhuman violations of the rules of the universe are possible because, unbeknownst to him, Neo’s consciousness is embedded in the Matrix, a virtual-reality simulation created by sentient machines.

The action really begins when Neo is given a fateful choice: Take the blue pill and return to his oblivious, virtual existence, or take the red pill to learn the truth about the Matrix and find out “how deep the rabbit hole goes."


"This cosmic ray test may help reveal whether we are just lines of code in an artificial Matrix, where the established rules of physics may be bent, or even broken. But if learning that truth means accepting that you may never know for sure what’s real — including yourself — would you want to know?"

Morpheus 09-02-2014 03:51 PM


Ego, the Worst confidence Trick.

As well... "The Dirty Trick" - Article from Scientific American


"...consider an experiment in the 1980s by physiologist Benjamin Libet. He showed that neural activity reveals what an individual will do before that person becomes conscious of having made a decision."

BlueSky 11-02-2014 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by Morpheus

"What is 'Real' ? How do you define, 'Real'?

When you think of the story in the Bible, about the "Garden of Eden", you may focus on the fruit of the tree, or the serpent... sex, or the Garden itself.

However, what it is really about, is "Desire", and appropriation of something.
To reach out, grasp, attain...

As discussed in both Buddhism and Christianity.
The above YouTube video is a short discussion on the nature of, "reality".

I enjoyed the video. I just wish something like it could be made without using the words real or illusion. It is contradictory, word wise, to say that thoughts create and then call those creations illusions. It suggests, to me anyway, a state of "being" beyond it... And that is the source of conflict for many seekers who cannot find what isn't so.

Morpheus 12-02-2014 02:14 AM


The Matrix seemed very real to those within it, no? And, in that respect, it was. - True?

But, objectively speaking, what is the greater truth and reality?

BlueSky 12-02-2014 02:23 AM

I think using the words like real limit what this is. I think such words, including illusion are an attempt to grasp what cannot be grasped.

Morpheus 12-02-2014 02:25 AM

So then, there are the words, "Matrix", and, "Maya".

BlueSky 12-02-2014 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Morpheus
So then, there are the words, "Matrix", and, "Maya".

Beyond the words, there is something else and it cannot be described. When I hear them I sense how off they are and looking back I see how confused they made me because the words represent something that does not properly represent this.

Morpheus 13-02-2014 09:28 AM

"Faith comes by hearing... and hearing by the word..."

It's nice to feel exclusive, isn't it. But in reality, we are all in the same boat.

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