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Pinkroses 25-11-2012 02:11 AM

After Death Communications Experiences
It seems like so many people have received some form of communication or signs from a deceased loved one or friend. I thought it would be interesting to share our experiences here.

I'll share a couple of mine:
1) Several years after my grandmother passed, I was dealing with a life crisis. I woke up one morning and felt like someone was laying next to me. I also smelled my grandmother's perfumed powder. When I opened my eyes no one was there.

2) After my ex-boyfriend passed, I started hearing songs by his favorite band (from 25 years ago) everywhere I went. I would hear a song, change the station and hear another. Then a few minutes later, hear a 3rd song. This happened several times.

What signs have you received from those who have passed?

Gracey 25-11-2012 02:14 AM

i had a dream my daughter was walking to school and a flock of tiny birds came out of a bush and one of them touched her face. then i saw her grandma who has passed. and i heard some music.

that morning my daughter went to school and a flock of tiny birds flew out of a bush and one of them touched her face. when she told me this i showed her the dream i had recorded in my dream journal and let her know that her grandma loves her and is with her.

Tobi 25-11-2012 02:46 AM

I'm afraid my answer is going to be a bit doggy
I was walking in a big field feeling a connection to my dog who passed this year, and thinking we used to play in there, we used to throw sticks. I felt the love....walked on a bit....and then....trod on one of the sticks we used to play with! It was definitely one of ours, as when I pulled it out of the tangled grass, I noticed it had been stripped of bark. I always used to do that with a stick she played with.
Honestly, the chances, in a 10-acre field, of treading on one of our at least 8-month old dog-sticks was remote. Because I felt her affectionate Soul near me at the time that happened, I was sure it was a sign.

Pinkroses 25-11-2012 03:42 PM

Thank you both for sharing your wonderful experiences! Reading them is very uplifting. I look forward to hearing more after-death communication experiences. :)

Tobi 25-11-2012 04:21 PM

My mother had dementia in the last 2-3 years of her life. She could not remember anything, didn't know what day it was, etc, and she didn't make much logical sense.
Anyway, about 3 weeks before she died, (age 90) she was in a hospital. I went to visit, and one day she told me she had an interesting experience. She said my father (who died 8 years before) had come to sit on her bed, held her hand, and said "Why don't you come with me? We could go now, come on".
She said she had answered him saying no, she wasn't ready and still had things to do, but she wouldn't be long.
Now when she told me this -(very lucid experience) she remembered every detail, and she recounted the experience in a totally lucid way.
She passed away 3 weeks later approximately.

EarthyGirl 25-11-2012 06:47 PM

I have a hat that belonged to my Grandpa. It was the only thing of his I wanted when my Grandma asked me. I used to keep it on top of the lamp by my bed. One day, while making the bed, I bumped the lamp. The hat did a flip and landed square on my head... exactly as I should be wearing it! I said, "Well Hi, Grandpa!" :o)

travelgirlfl 26-11-2012 05:51 AM

Ooo, I love this question & reading all the different ways people's loved ones show they are with us!

My beloved was killed by a drunk driver 8/23/11..right away he started showing us signs (the first night after I was with his oldest son and his brother in law) -- we saw shooting stars while talking about him, and each song on the radio after that (until we all said, Okay, this is cool but so weird, enough! :) ) had a meaning to one of us, or the title held a message. These have continued for me so many times for me; I'll sit outside & talk to him & see shooting stars as I ask a question or say something key (though I joke that he may be right there beside me sorta giggling at me gazing at the night sky talking to him, as though he's 'up there' :) ); on important anniversary dates I've turned on Pandora & I call it "Kelly playing cosmic DJ", the messages in the songs & lyrics just can't be denied it's him (including 2 I'd never heard before - one described his tattoo, and philosophy on life, and another, an odd talent of his, he could do splits on the trampoline like a 16 year old cheerleader, though he was 40 year old former football player...and who knew there was a song about bouncing on a trampoline!)

Mostly, though, he sends the yellow smiley faces to all of us (me, his family) :) One was in this infamous tattoo of his & now they pop up everywhere -- balloons, flags, license plates, servers nametags, etc. (esp. server workers with the name Kelly, many with a smiley on it, too...)

These have all helped me IMMENSELY, esp. with the suddenness and shock of 'losing' him, that he remains close in whatever way he can...

Thanks for the opportunity to share these, as I love talking about it, and, learning more ways others experience the ongoing connection! :)

Pinkroses 26-11-2012 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by travelgirlfl

These have all helped me IMMENSELY, esp. with the suddenness and shock of 'losing' him, that he remains close in whatever way he can...

So sorry for your loss. I agree that these signs and communication experiences are very helpful when dealing with grief. I also found that it helps to talk to your loved ones who have passed and recently discovered that you can actually ask them to send you signs. Many people don't realize this. I wasn't aware that it was possible myself until I tried it. I'll share another one of my experiences. This one is by far my favorite and most amazing one! :smile:

A few months after my ex-boyfriend passed, I started receiving signs but was unsure whether or not to believe they were real or brush them off as coincidence. I decided to ask for confirmation. I spoke aloud to him and asked him to send me a pink rose. A couple of weeks later I was at a park to have lunch with my family. As I was about to sit down on the picnic table bench, I spotted something directly underneath my seat. I bent over to pick it up and was amazed to find a PINK ROSE! I got chills and was sure the rose was meant for me. It was artificial, so I was able to take it home and put it in my kitchen. I view it as a very special gift, and keep it nearby as a reminder that our loved ones live on after death.

Miss Hepburn 26-11-2012 03:49 PM

I have them a lot with my Uncle...but this one is too cool...
2 yrs ago my friend Brad's dad died, Alzheimers for years, didn't know anyone...
Brad's 28 yr old nephew went to his hotel after The Wake to notice all his coins
had been stacked on his dresser!...chambermaids, he thought?

When he came out from the bathroom they were all scattered...then his
Grandfather was their in a flannel shirt all perky, winking and motioning,
The nephew ran outta the room...Brad had to drag it outta him!
Wow...what a FAST appearance!

MutedBlue 26-11-2012 10:41 PM

I received an after death communication from my dad the day after he passed. I was ripping music off a cd to put on my music player when suddenly the video that I shot of him not too long before started playing out of nowhere. It freaked me out a bit so I tried to close the window. A notice came up that asked are you sure you want to stop ripping music and I clicked no, and the video continued to play all the way through. This definitely was no coincidence, and any doubts I had about if there is life after death were taken away after this experience.

Thanks for this discussion, it felt good to share my experience, as I'm sure it will be for many people.:hug2:

Tiss 26-11-2012 10:41 PM

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share these experiences. :hug3:

After my beloved passed, I had several signs that I can relate to his presence:

a. One day I was meditating and I could meet him and have a telepathic conversation. It was wonderful. He was much younger than when he passed and he was quietly smiling. He looked happy and I noticed that our conversation was telepathic because he did not move his lips, just smiled and looked at me with love. He told me that he was so comfortable there, he moved as if that was his true place, as the owner of that place. It was a beautiful first experience not so easy to equate in the future...

b. Some time after such great experience I wanted to repeat it but my expectations were so high, and I began to have difficulties to visualise while meditating. So I requested him desperaterly to manifest in ANY way. It is long to tell, but the case is that a WiFi printer that was located in another room unexpectedly began to print a pic of us that I loved so much, but that I have not seen in many many time. I cannot find an explanation for it yet. I am not a person that could by mistake call the image from my notebook to print...

c. The third was one day...I needed to deliver a very important report the following day but I felt so tired and decided to ask for an extension. I went to bed. At 3 am the same printer that was in the neighbour room to my bedroom began to print alone... I heard the noise and I feel no fear. It served to wake me up and finish the report to deliver it on time. I cannot explain it either as no notebook was on at that early time.

d. Some plants in my garden that never have flourished [ I talk of years and years] began to do it...

e. After he passed, a robin comes almost every day to knock my window. Never had happened before.

I feel that he is protecting me, even though I miss his physical presence so much. We were deeply in love during the many years we lived together, and I am still deeply in love with him.

TISS :hug:

Tobi 27-11-2012 12:02 AM

My own personal hard evidence of life after death came this August when I had a brief out of body experience in full consciousness, and actually encountered my deceased dog.
She was vibrant, alive, happy, very much "herself", overjoyed I had made contact with her like this, and her astral/etheric body felt very warm to my touch.
I had never received hard evidence like this prior to this event.

Henri77 27-11-2012 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Tobi
My own personal hard evidence of life after death came this August when I had a brief out of body experience in full consciousness, and actually encountered my deceased dog.
She was vibrant, alive, happy, very much "herself", overjoyed I had made contact with her like this, and her astral/etheric body felt very warm to my touch.
I had never received hard evidence like this prior to this event.

This is cool as we don't hear a lot about animals

travelgirlfl 27-11-2012 12:43 AM

Lahiri, I've wondered why I've read & heard so many stories about coins being used to communicate ...that's a great story, though! Shortly after my beloved passed I ended up telling my new hair dresser about him, turned out she'd just had a very vivid dream about her deceased mother (3 years passed)...we got talking about the signs...I mentioned coins & butterflies are common signs friends have told me about. She said she always notices nickels at odd times that weren't there before & never knew what it was...not 10 minutes later we go up to the counter to pay, and she is 30 seconds ahead of me. I look down, and there are nickels on the ground. I call her back to see & she can hardly believe it - her mom!

MutedBlue, I love the video story! My beloved's google account will open up randomly when I'm online; it's strange but cool like that, too ;) That was my response, too -- once these communications started, I KNEW there was a spirit world beyond in a whole new way...I'd always believed, but with an agnostic's 'but I guess we can't really know for sure...'....but now I KNOW. I wont' say I know all the specifics of what it all means, how it all works, what the experience is or will be in Spirit, but, they are still or can be around & communicate with us, this much I know for sure....

Tobi 27-11-2012 12:44 AM

No I guess not...
If she went "there", then we all do. It makes me smile. She was the only one who could really get through to me.
Others tried, and I always had "another explanation" for anything I sensed might be contacts from Spirit to me....because I was never 100% convinced. Prior to this event, I had a very skeptical approach, even though I'd had out of body experiences before. Whatever I had encountered did not necessarily prove life after death for me. Even though I KNEW there were other dimensions, I still was unsure what happens after death.
Since August I have been 100% convinced.

travelgirlfl 27-11-2012 12:46 AM

And Tobi, I realized I'd missed your post just now...wow! Would you mind elaborating about your experience? I've never experienced something like that before & am fascinated...and how beautiful to experience your pup in such a tangible way again! I've longed for something like that with my boyfriend but all I've gotten is a strong sense of him, it FELT like him, his energy, around me, but no sense of touch or direct encounter like that... cool!

Tobi 28-11-2012 12:36 AM

Yes it was cool. It was beautiful. I have a thread up about this on the "Death and the Afterlife" section dated this August. It's towards the end of page 2. Entitled "My dog's life after death".
Or check out her blog in my signature: A dog's after death communications...there's some nice music on it too.

If you feel your beloved's presence as a sensing of him, his vital energy, his "character-pattern"....then that sounds very much like a "visit". It could well be one. Just honour the love. Send him your love.

The only reason I actually touched my dog is because I went out of body at the time. She was either visiting from an astral location, or she was still present and near me and in our home, in the Etheric body.

Belle 28-11-2012 07:08 AM

I was about 7 when my grandfather died, and I was away on a brownie thingy when he died. I sensed his presence on the night he died and felt desperately sad, it was all put down to homesickness and even at that age I was too self-conscious to mention what I had experienced.

LadyImpreza1111 28-11-2012 12:57 PM

I have recieved two white butterflies. One was from my grandmother, and the other was from the spirit of a child that has been around me.

The one from my grandmother, I came across hiking one day.
She stood still so I could get a picture and that picture is now on the desktop screen of my laptop. I got a dream not long after confirming that it was her. I could feel her energy in the dream. I actually posted about this on the mediumship forum as well. I also saw memorabilia from her favorite baseball team-the Atlanta Braves at random times and I always associated that team with her.

I encountered the one from the little girl in the coolest way, and recently she confirmed what I already sensed at the time........that it was her. I was coming out of work one day and what I could only see as a white blur fly in front of my face in almost a loop-to-loop pattern. Not being able to tell right away what it was, I waved my hand in front of my face (like most do when an insect is flying so close to it) but looking back, I know she was all, "Hey! Look at me! Look at me!!" After the 2nd "loop," she started flying heavenward and then and only then when I saw the way her wings moved did I realize it was a white butterfly........a tiny one too. I also realized that it was no coincidence that the butterfly flew in such a profound way to get my attention. I realized who it was. I thought telepathically, "Hey (her name)," like I was greeting her. She started flying upward away from me and then I thought, "Hey! Come back! I wanna get a picture." I felt bad for waving my hand in my face, but was grateful she dodged it and she assured me she wasn't hurt. She didn't fly back but told me this week that she'll send another butterfly when it gets warmer. And I won't wave it away next time.......And she said she won't fly in my face like that again, either. LOL.

I thought both instances were too cool!

LadyImpreza1111 28-11-2012 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by EarthyGirl
I have a hat that belonged to my Grandpa. It was the only thing of his I wanted when my Grandma asked me. I used to keep it on top of the lamp by my bed. One day, while making the bed, I bumped the lamp. The hat did a flip and landed square on my head... exactly as I should be wearing it! I said, "Well Hi, Grandpa!" :o)

That's awesome.

Pinkroses 28-11-2012 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Belle
I was about 7 when my grandfather died, and I was away on a brownie thingy when he died. I sensed his presence on the night he died and felt desperately sad, it was all put down to homesickness and even at that age I was too self-conscious to mention what I had experienced.

I find it interesting that sometimes we can feel when someone dies. I had a similar experience when my aunt passed. I was a teenager at the time. I knew she had been sick and was in the hospital. One afternoon I was driving from school to the mall to do some Christmas shopping. Out of no where, I was suddenly filled with an overwhelming sense of sadness. I burst into tears and started sobbing aloud. It lasted a few minutes, and I remember looking at the clock and seeing it was around 3 p.m. Several hours later I called my mom to see how my aunt was doing. She told me my aunt had passed around 3 p.m. I got chills.

Tobi 28-11-2012 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Tiss
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share these experiences. :hug3:

After my beloved passed, I had several signs that I can relate to his presence:

a. One day I was meditating and I could meet him and have a telepathic conversation. It was wonderful. He was much younger than when he passed and he was quietly smiling. He looked happy and I noticed that our conversation was telepathic because he did not move his lips, just smiled and looked at me with love. He told me that he was so comfortable there, he moved as if that was his true place, as the owner of that place. It was a beautiful first experience not so easy to equate in the future...

b. Some time after such great experience I wanted to repeat it but my expectations were so high, and I began to have difficulties to visualise while meditating. So I requested him desperaterly to manifest in ANY way. It is long to tell, but the case is that a WiFi printer that was located in another room unexpectedly began to print a pic of us that I loved so much, but that I have not seen in many many time. I cannot find an explanation for it yet. I am not a person that could by mistake call the image from my notebook to print...

c. The third was one day...I needed to deliver a very important report the following day but I felt so tired and decided to ask for an extension. I went to bed. At 3 am the same printer that was in the neighbour room to my bedroom began to print alone... I heard the noise and I feel no fear. It served to wake me up and finish the report to deliver it on time. I cannot explain it either as no notebook was on at that early time.

d. Some plants in my garden that never have flourished [ I talk of years and years] began to do it...

e. After he passed, a robin comes almost every day to knock my window. Never had happened before.

I feel that he is protecting me, even though I miss his physical presence so much. We were deeply in love during the many years we lived together, and I am still deeply in love with him.

TISS :hug:

Tiss, this is so beautiful, comforting and heartwarming,
I am sure he does come to visit you, and as there was great love between you, he may well be helping you Spiritually as well as showing you his love and support.
Blessings to you and the Soul of your beloved:hug:

Katiekm 29-11-2012 02:15 AM

One year on Christmas we were at my grandmas house and I sat across from her playing cards, I had a strong sense that was the last time I was going to see her like that. Two days later she had a stroke, affecting half her body and her speech. She couldn't talk, or walk and was bound to a wheelchair and everyone trying to learn what she was trying to tell us. She lived for close to two years like this. She passed away after they found some type of cancer a couple months prior. A week after her passing I had a dream that my family was walking down a hospital hallway with my grandma in a wheelchair rolling herself with both arms and she kept telling me "it's okay, I love you". It was her voice that I knew before she had the stroke, I missed that voice so much. I've had two other dreams with her in them as well, both had meanings to them.

MYFIGO 30-11-2012 12:29 AM

Here is a fresh experience from just last night. I found out yesterday that a previous coworker of mine passed away this week. I sent the thought out to him that I wondered if he was "okay" and if he needed help. I also told him to come during the night when I would be more open to him.

I woke during the night to a vision of myself from the back at work, but my hair was much shorter. I heard myself saying, "I miss my long hair."

Then I could feel fingers at the back of my neck. I felt my hair gathered together into a loose pony tail and then dropped against my back. I realized my boyfriend was on the other side of me and I was facing his back, so it certainly wasn't him. My arms were in front of me, so it wasn't me either.

I realized that when this gentleman knew me, my hair was short and since then I have grown it quite long. I think he was expressing surprise at how long my hair was now.

Tiss 30-11-2012 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Tobi
Tiss, this is so beautiful, comforting and heartwarming,
I am sure he does come to visit you, and as there was great love between you, he may well be helping you Spiritually as well as showing you his love and support.
Blessings to you and the Soul of your beloved:hug:

Thanks so much Tobi for your sweet message and for your blessings. I receive them with my heart open as they bring me much light. I wish you the best!

Thanks again! :hug2:

Wandering_Star 03-12-2012 06:37 AM

My best friend died 12 years ago this month. At the time, I believed there was no afterlife--that all the lights went out when we died and there was nothing left.

Three days after he died, I was sitting at my desk, paying bills. It was a gray, rainy day, and I felt immense sadness at his passing, as well as guilt and regret that I hadn't called him a week before, when I'd felt the sudden urge to. I finished what I was doing, then sat there for a few minutes, just looking out at the rain.

Suddenly, I sensed my friend's presence in the room with me. It was as if he was standing right behind me, only he was huge and filled the room. Then I felt what can best be described as the energetic equivalent of a warm, loving embrace from behind. It was such a powerful, intense experience, I knew it couldn't just be my imagination.

And as it happened I realized that I was experiencing my friend in an incredibly pure form--I was experiencing the essence of him, with all the heaviness and worries of earthly life burned off, so the best, wisest, most loving aspects of him were able to come right through. I was aware that he was seeing his life, and me, and our relationship with all its ups and downs with a much higher level of clarity, that he fully understood everything that had happened between us, and that I had nothing to feel sad, guilty, or regretful about.

And the two phrases that came through loud and clear were, I love you and It's all right.

The entire experience was incredibly brief--no more than 30 seconds. But it was so overwhelming and so powerful that to this day I've never forgotten the feelings I had, or the way the flood of his energy felt. In no time at all, he blew the doors off reality for me and gave me a fleeting glimpse of something so mind-blowing and beautiful I don't even have proper words for it. I still get weepy when I tell people the story face-to-face; the memory is still that intense.

It took me a long time to integrate that initial experience into my reality--it was just so much to take in all at once; I had to think on it and receive further insights before it felt comfortable and natural and didn't make my head spin. But it did immediately destroy any fear I had of death.

And over the years, I have occasionally been "pushed" to learn more, with new information showing up as I'm ready for it. I had a big surge at the end of this past summer, when I received Michael Newton's books (Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls) through an odd series of "coincidences." By now I'm attuned enough to know that it was really important that I read them immediately. As if to underscore that, one of my cats suddenly suffered a freak ailment and passed away two days after I received the books.

And I'm now using the stuff my friend taught me during that first post-death encounter, as well as everything else I've learned since, because my father's dying of cancer. We've always had an extremely difficult relationship, but now that I've been given information about soul purpose and soul agreements, and have started looking at us from that perspective, it's become easy for me to forgive him, act compassionately, and just do whatever he needs me to do--I'm no longer lugging around all the baggage we packed in this lifetime.

I haven't had another intense visit from my friend, though I have encountered him in dreams and I sometimes sense he's around, helping my guides to look after me. I still miss seeing him here, in physical form; I've yet to make another friend I was as close to as I was with him. But I know he's still out there, still exists, is helping me on my own journey as we both agreed before coming here, and that when it's my time to leave here he'll be waiting for me.

Pinkroses 03-12-2012 07:32 PM

Wandering Star,
What an amazing and heartwarming story! Thanks so much for sharing this with us. :hug3:

Tobi 03-12-2012 11:24 PM

Wandering Star, this is an amazing beautiful experience, and how it changed your viewpoint profoundly.
I had a similar experience recently, with my dog whom I loved very much indeed, as a Soul, not just as a dog.
Our story is in the second link (below) "my dog's after death communications".
Blessings to you.

Kaceykat 04-12-2012 12:52 AM

I once heard from a relative I didn't know I had, at least not by that name.

I was staying up late one night, working on a project. I didn't feel good physically, I had a sore throat and was achy, but my creativity was flowing and I just - couldn't - stop.

Then I heard a thought "Go to the kitchen and get some Vitamin C." I ignored it. I heard it again a few minutes later, but brushed it off again. The third time, it was a bit louder, more firm and amused "Now, listen to your Auntie. Go to the kitchen, and get some Vitamin C!"

This startled me now into awareness. I looked up at the air. "I don't have an Auntie!," I said out loud, arguing. My dad's sister never had kids and my moms an only child, so I hadn't a clue who was claiming to be my aunt. And I clearly heard the sweet rebuttal in my head "Yes you do. Aunty Birdie."

Yeah, I went and I got the Vitamin C at that, and probably went to bed not too much longer.

A few days later, I asked my Mom if I had had an "Aunty Bird". She replied, "Oh you mean Auntie Birdie" supplying the last syllable I had forgotten. "That was your grandmother's sister M****. She used to call you and your brother on the phone, and whistle like a robin for you." She died forty years ago and I don't think I ever actually met her, since she lived on the other side of USA.

And get this: she was a nurse. I don't know why she decided to drop in and say hi to me that particular night, expressing her concern for my health, but I love it that she did. :D

goldie08 05-12-2012 01:20 AM

Several years ago a loved one passed on and it was tragic to me then. After a few months I had a dream one night near dawn of being in their presence, not seeing but sensing. I sat in the foreground of this dream only for a few moments that seemed like eternity. I became aware of a window behind the loved one with a very bright light from outside. Days later I received a photo from the sister of the loved one, an aunt was in it too, all sitting at a restaurant table. The photo seemed quite dark so I scanned it into my computer and lightened it to be visible. Result was the loved one sitting at table with a window in background and a very white light shining from outside! Somehow I felt it was a kind gift over the abyss of time and space, from one soul to another and I've always cherished it ever since.

azoura111 07-12-2012 10:42 AM

How very beautiful and uplifting to read all of these!
This is rather long but may take a moment to explain
It's been about 7 years now that my mother has passed. When it happened it was very traumatic to me at the time as well.. I was most fearful that after death there was nothing. That I might not see her again.The very thought of it was certainly harrowing and gave me a homesick feeling, could not put to words..
The way that she passed was rather sudden and a mystery to me. She had left to go out of town for a few weeks and the man she was with wasn't the best influence I should say..She became depressed and started on hard drugs shorty after getting with him. She was there with him for 2 days when we got the news that she had been hit by a truck. The man she was with witnessed this and when asked by me personally what exactly had happened, he told me probably 5 or 6 different versions of how. She stumbled, she was running in the rain,she was cleaning her glasses, he even told me weeks later that she was taking her shirt off flashing herself and tripped on a rock..almost in a joking way he said this.. I could strongly feel this was not genuine..

I was 14 at the time and already a strange time in life ( what isn't ) I wasn't dealing well with it. What bothered me most was not knowing the truth. I had and have a strong relationship with my mum. Over a year went by and I constantly would have dreams that were full of sorrow involving her. I would see her and instantly be sobbing and we would try to speak to one another and the words always sounding like a blurred version of actual words.
I didn't see the man she was with, whom seemed so un-genuine to me for that whole year. Until I ran into him at the market. When he saw me he burst into tears hugging me in a very uncomfortable way. This was weird to me.

A little later, a random day my two best friends (who actually lived across the hall from me) decided to get an Ouija board. I didn't really believe in those sorts of things at the time. As they played it as a game they tried to get me into it and I pretty much laughed it off as I thought they were pretending, talking to random spirits saying odd things. I became a little curious and ask them to ask it something I knew they would not know about me. It answered correct! It kinda flipped me out a little I should say..

So I gave it a try, I sat down thinking I was going to be speaking with the random spirits my friends had been naming. Instantly, when my hand touched the planchette it started flying around like my friends or me had not witnessed. We took our hands away as it scared us.. We waited a minute and tried as it did the same again. It began spelling with such quickness " I love you so" saying my name over and over "I love you so".. R** pushed me R** pushed me it said it over and over.
I asked, what is your name and spelled out my mothers full name.. My best friend and I, balling with tears were not expecting anything like this. You could feel the energy so strong, she was right there, filling the room with love and truth. I even asked why! why did he do this? Explaining with quickness and in depth about what they were arguing about I read each word with hunger for the next. I cannot put into words what I felt that night. I stopped having those such sad dreams, which seemed to consume me. My life changed forever after that, I starting seeing things, lovely magic things. I no longer fear that there is nothing after death of this physical body. Me thinks, love, only that I feel shine every moment. My mother made sure to show me that, in many ways and take care of me even from the other side.
thank u for reading love and blessing to all of you

Tobi 07-12-2012 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Kaceykat
I once heard from a relative I didn't know I had, at least not by that name.

I was staying up late one night, working on a project. I didn't feel good physically, I had a sore throat and was achy, but my creativity was flowing and I just - couldn't - stop.

Then I heard a thought "Go to the kitchen and get some Vitamin C." I ignored it. I heard it again a few minutes later, but brushed it off again. The third time, it was a bit louder, more firm and amused "Now, listen to your Auntie. Go to the kitchen, and get some Vitamin C!"

This startled me now into awareness. I looked up at the air. "I don't have an Auntie!," I said out loud, arguing. My dad's sister never had kids and my moms an only child, so I hadn't a clue who was claiming to be my aunt. And I clearly heard the sweet rebuttal in my head "Yes you do. Aunty Birdie."

Yeah, I went and I got the Vitamin C at that, and probably went to bed not too much longer.

A few days later, I asked my Mom if I had had an "Aunty Bird". She replied, "Oh you mean Auntie Birdie" supplying the last syllable I had forgotten. "That was your grandmother's sister M****. She used to call you and your brother on the phone, and whistle like a robin for you." She died forty years ago and I don't think I ever actually met her, since she lived on the other side of USA.

And get this: she was a nurse. I don't know why she decided to drop in and say hi to me that particular night, expressing her concern for my health, but I love it that she did. :D

That is just amazing and beautiful!

JazzJazz 12-12-2012 08:56 AM

It's amazing reading all of these experiences :) They must bring great comfort. Thank you so much for sharing these personal experiences! I mentioned my uncle in a previous post who died when I was 12. 8 years later, I still remember everything about him so he really made a lasting impact on my life so it is always a great comfort when he contacts me.

A few months after he died, it was my 13th birthday and because he was usually there for all my birthdays, I was very upset that day. That evening, everytime I walked past the bathroom, the light would flick on and then off again when I had passed. This happened a few times and I believe this was him letting me know he was still there :)

I've had two dream visitations off him too. I know some people might say it was just me thinking about him the day preceding my sleep but these dreams were so vivid and I can still remember them to this day. The night after he had died, I dreamed I was in his car with him and we were just driving around like we used to and he was saying goodbye to me. I found this comforting because his death was very sudden and he didn't get chance to say goodbye to anyone.

The second dream was a few years later. I was in a school production and when I looked down at the audience, my uncle and my grandad (who was his brother) were sat next to one another. This is really significant because they had fallen out a few years before he had died and did not get to resolve their differences. When I went down to see them, they said that they had forgiven each other now and then my uncle went on to ask how my life was going and we had a chat. This dream was so vivid and real and I really feel like it was my uncle telling me not to worry or feel guilt over their argument (which had been over me) because they had forgiven each other.

Thank you for reading this and please keep sharing your own stories :)

MikeThePhoenix 12-12-2012 10:10 PM

I can think of two instances of this off the top of my head.

1) My second semester of junior year of college I was struggling with a terrible bout of depression. I fell behind in all of my classes and had to drop out of two of them. A couple months after the semester ended, I had a dream that the grade in one of the classes I had dropped had been changed to a B+ and thought to myself that I'd better e-mail the professor and let him know. Then I woke up to an e-mail informing me that the professor of that class had passed away a few days prior.

2) A girl I vaguely knew from college was taken out by a falling tree during Hurricane Sandy. I asked her for a sign. About 5 minutes later, I was having a conversation with my friend on Facebook chat about how to face your self-destructive tendencies, and he used the analogy of looking at a tree. Then he said, "You don't claim that the tree is attacking you and run away from it in terror."

sugarpain 28-12-2012 08:19 AM

after death communication
My grandmother passed away in 1999. A few years later I asked her to visit me and give me a sign. Two days later I was on the phone with my aunt and she was talking about my little cousin having more toys then she had growing up and I heard my grandmother over the phone say, "I tried to give you the best of everything with what I had and you turned out alright!"

My aunt didn't hear her, but I heard her like we were on a three-way call.

A day after my stepdad passed from lung cancer (in 2006), my mother asked me if I had seen him since he crossed over. She knew of my experiences with spirit. He kept showing me his watch all day and I told her. She told me she wasn't doing well, healthwise.

My mom passed away 4 months later of a broken heart. She visited me the morning after her funeral. I saw her standing in the doorway of the bedroom and we had a brief conversation and she was gone. She revisited me 2 months later in a dream.

I am greatly appreciative of each encounter!

coolchic101 31-12-2012 09:24 PM

It is nice to know someone has started this thread. Thank you everyone for posting your experiences. I enjoyed reading them. It brings great comfort. I hope more people will share their stories. My grandma passed away recently and she has been sending me beautiful signs, messages, guidance and love. When she was alive, she believed in life after death communication so it is easy for her to communicate with me and my son and I talked about it during her eulogy. When I'm up to par, I'll also be posting my experience as well. :-)

AmberFire 31-12-2012 09:54 PM

What beautiful experiences posted here....

.... My father died of cancer when I was seventeen and a senior in high school.... by this point I already knew I could feel things and knew things before they happened or knew things about stuff that maybe I shouldn't...

..... after he passed and still to this day that will be 17 years come 2013 ... my Dad comes to me in my dreams... we have full on conversations and talk about things to do with family matters that might be going to happen ... is happening.... or maybe even something that I know nothing about at that time but still yet talk with him about that then comes true in the future... I have these dreams often even if it's just my Dad checking up on me... and the funny thing is my Husband that never got to meet my Dad has had a dream were her came to him and talked with him... it scared my Husband sooo bad.. but really tickled me to know that my Daddy could still put the scare in him when it comes to his little girl even if he isn't here anymore...

With my Older Brother it's a totally different story... He had always said that he would die at an early age from something that couldn't be helped... I would have never thought what he was saying would happen until they call me one evening going on 3 years ago and wouldn't tell me anything about him other then I need to go to my Moms cause he had been in a really bad car wreck... I knew right then and there that he was gone... I have another Sister and Brother that just in these past 3 years have gotten close to... but before all this he was my best friend ... the brother that was there to help his little sister with anything she would need... we could just set and talk for hours on end about nothing and have the best time doing it.... we loved to cook and eat and laugh and sing and be just who we are........ nothing more... we didn't need anything more then that... it was the perfect brother sister relationship ....

.... Within the week after his death I was still crying myself to sleep every night and as soon as I would wake in the morning the tears would return because I knew I wouldn't be seeing him or talking to him that day.... when that one morning I hadn't even opened my eyes yet when I heard his voice saying my name...... he called to me 3 or 4 times before I realized what I was hearing..... I didn't open my eyes but all I said was ... "Bubby" and just as if he was in the room with me he told me He loved me and that was that.... gone.... the only other time I've heard from him was through a message on my cell phone.... I haven't told many people about this because I would not know what they would think... but the message said it was him and he gave his name... but it sounded like he was miles away and I could hardly hear him... but He said that he guessed I was working on my house... " Which was being built when he passed" and that he just want to say hello and that he missed me and my Husband and he hoped to talk with me soon..... and that he loved me..... I have seen this on some talk shows and wondered how real some of these peoples stories were.... about the message on cell phones and answering machines... and then it happened to me... with no number left or any way of finding out were it came from... just so strange and heart warming at the same time.... other then that when I can get in my jeep to go somewhere I can always asked for the Divine to send protection to me and it never fails for his and mine favorite band we shared to always come on the radio... and just like others to say they can change the channel and even more music from that band to come on... it's just letting me know he's with me protecting me.... and so thankful for that each and every time it happens which is often....

Emmalevine 31-12-2012 10:32 PM

My son was born just a few weeks before my ex husband's Grandad passed over. Everyone said that his Grandad was very fond of me. Sadly he was very ill with stomach cancer in the last few weeks of his life and had become mentally confused so he did not understand who my son was and kept needing to be told why there was a baby in the room. He died shortly after I had visited and fed my baby in the lounge where he was in a coma. It might sound odd but it was very peaceful to be there with him.

Anyway, a few days after his death I was in my flat and my son was asleep in his cot. The cot had high bars all around and a musical mobile attached to one side. My son always slept with a dummy (pacifier) at the time, and it was always either in his mouth or somewhere in the cot near him. But on this occasion I walked in and found the dummy sitting on top of the mobile in my full view! There was no way my tiny son could have thrown the dummy up there at his young age. He couldn't even sit up. Even if he had been able to chuck the dummy in the air (which is completely implausible) it would have been a chance in a million to land right on top of the mobile which was much higher than him.

I believe my ex's Grandad had come to say goodbye and that was his way of indicating his presence. Two days later it happened again. That was it, no more.

coolchic101 03-01-2013 05:13 PM

Someone started a thread called "Send a Postcard to Heaven":

If you want to write to your loved ones on the Other Side, feel free to do so. It can bring lots of healing, peace, and comfort. :-)

Pinkroses 24-02-2013 08:50 PM

Bumping this thread up for new members. :)

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