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Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-10-2010 02:29 PM

Common Questions About The Afterlife

Common questions about the afterlife

Once again I bring to light the subject of the afterlife, as it has been called. So too it is again I attempt to alleviate fears, strengthen faith and aspire courage in what I hope will be a useful thread. I will attempt to address common questions individuals have asked me, with insight and perspective from my inner and inter-dimensional council.

I do not have all the answers, as nobody really does. But I bring to you reflections of my spirit and my soul through the wisdom and knowledge I have to share as a spirit guide. My experience of what truth is originates from the vantage point of my current experience and awareness. Your own truth lies in the realms of your own experience, through your own eyes, within your own soul understanding. I will not answer questions from the resource of books or videos since this simply would be somebody else’s beliefs. Knowing something to be true does not require the beliefs of others, for there is no doubt present. What is left is an innate desire to share it so that a deeper connection is forged with the universe.

I write from my perspective of spiritual truths and mechanics that appear to me from my own state of understanding. Not from my human mind or from human belief, but from a state of awareness and observation imprinted in me by my time within the spirit realms. Spiritual truths - those that exist whether you believe in them or not, have a very specific resonance which can be identified within you. You can acknowledge this through how something makes you feel, how your energy responds. I am not speaking of emotions or thoughts, but of feelings of intuition and soul wisdom.

I may not explain things perfectly, and can understand the human languages can sometimes be very restricting and prone to misinterpretation. Or at least, when speaking of the spirit world, words can only paint a certain fraction of the fullness of its true nature. For it is so that to truly understand, you have to see it, experience it, and know it, for yourself. I can only show you the door.

I write this thread here, that I may speak and paint some words for those who to come to them, that they may reflect on their meaning in their own way. And with them, through what I share, others may aspire to look within to discover their own truth. For the answers I provide are truly available for everyone, when you heart is in the right place.

This thread has an open door, for all opinions, all views and experiences of readers.
Please maintain respect, politeness and good intention in your words.

With that introduction out of the way…
Enjoy the thread.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-10-2010 02:37 PM

What happens when I die?

Nothing truly dies. Even the physical body of which you animate is recycled back into the garden of nature, to seed and feed new life.
It is not all of who and what you were, but an aspect of all of that. It was the instrument for your soul and your spirit. An instrument you used to indulge certain experiences through certain physical potentials. Though this came with many challenges and difficulties, that was merely part of being human. As with all physical states of being, perfection is found only via the spirit.

And so it is that you surrender your final breath. The soul which you associate with your Self-awareness, your concept of identity, your thoughts, feelings, free will, memories that make up your consciousness severs its link with the material world.
Depending on the current state of awareness at that moment, the soul will either align itself with higher frequencies of the spirit world, or will focus its awareness to the physical world.
If the latter is true, the soul may exist in a momentary state of confusion, denial or attachment to the Earth. Its thoughts anchor its consciousness, its awareness, to what is occurring on the Earth, and consequently causing them to float around unseen and unheard.
Eventually, through a change of thought or desire, the soul is made aware of a loving vibration coming from another source. At this moment the soul will reach a state where other souls usually reach who are more awakened at their time of passing.
A loved one, who they hold dear in their heart, will come to greet them and escort them to a higher frequency of energy. Most souls tend to be in a state of temporary confusion or amnesia about who they really are as a soul, and need their loving guides and loved ones to provide a comfort blanket to welcome them in their new state.
You will be taken into a loving environment familiar to you similar to what you are used to in your life past. Here you will be greeted by all those beings who you would so wish to see once more.

Of course, this is not always the way it works, for many souls project themselves into a completely different experience, based on their beliefs and their consciousness. Though this is generally what occurs in a typical sense, it is possible for souls to project a different picture for their experience. Sometimes it can be a frightening process if a soul is first drawn through a sea of sorrow and screams of all those souls they had harmed. In this instance, the soul itself is reflecting its own energy to itself in order to come to terms with their vibration. Before you can enter the realms of unconditional love, one must first shed the layers that do not resonate to that. This means acknowledging all aspects of who you are and what you have created. And from there processing this in a way you can comprehend and go beyond.
From here awaits you infinite potentials and endless pathways.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-10-2010 02:43 PM

Is there a hell?

Such a fear fuelled subject of conscious concern.

I would be happy to offer my particular thoughts on this over-exaggerated scenario.

The gates of hell quite frankly are but those very gates to your own garden of fear.
There can just as much be hell on Earth as there can be hell under heaven.
It should not be seen as a state of place somewhere in a distant land of judgement and suffering, but as a state of mind within the confines of Self-judgement and Self-suffering.
There are those on Earth who so rightly conform to the belief that their life is literally hell on Earth. For it is for them, in the way they choose to live their lives.
They literally bring hell down upon them as they go about their lives in a state of victimhood and disharmony.
There are those who completely ignore and defy any responsibility for their own lives, or the circumstances of their unhappiness, and then look elsewhere to place blame for the suffering and misery they face as a result.
Most humans are the embodiment of children who play around with matches; uneducated to their own inherent powers of creation, and subsequently burn themselves by their own hand.
This is so even in the spirit realms. For those who hold such strong fear-fuelled beliefs, held in ignorance for a lack of education, ultimately project these as their individual experience there then upon the afterlife.

Since the substance that forms the framework for the spirit realms is sensitive to thought projections, you cannot then expect to simply stroll straight into heaven if you have spent a lifetime in a state of hell. The spirit realm will always be a reflection of what you resonate within.
If you do not want to experience a state of hell upon mortal death, then start creating a state of heaven upon mortal life. For you will then carry forth this state into the ether world.

You will, all of you, project your own life review come your mortal end.
You will be your own judge and jury upon every thought, word and deed done.
There will be no one else there to force learnings and sensations of regret upon you.
Your soul will realize its own wisdom in its own time to comprehend its own mistakes, and its own quality of living.
For some, this can be quite a painful and upsetting insight, as they bare witness to their own misconduct upon the planet, feeling every hurt caused upon others, observing the ramifications of the greed, jealousy, hate and anger inflicted upon others. It will all be visited upon their own soul upon their passing.
For those who have caused much pain and suffering of others, or even just to themselves, will potentially face a type of hell when it is revisited upon them.
Not as a sort of punishment by some high seated being, but as a means for your soul to come to terms with itself on an energy level.
All souls must do this before they may gain entry into the higher states of peace, love and harmony of their soul group communities.
Without this ironing out of your own energy vibration you simply could not resonate at the required frequency to transcend into higher states of consciousness.
So to say, those who upon crossing over refuse to face or accept their own actions from their mortal life, will subsequently have to remain in the lower states of consciousness, the lesser planes, until they choose to do so.
Again, this is not as a punishment, but simply how the laws of consciousness work.
Mass murderers who refuse to acknowledge the error of their disharmonious ways will not be permitted to walk among those souls who they have caused to return to the spirit world. This is unless they have genuinely understood the nature of their ways and have, on a soul level, sought forgiveness of themselves and of those souls who they victimized. This change of heart, so to speak, will then raise their vibration of consciousness to such a degree that they can then reintegrate into higher states of soul-communion.
The more loving a being you develop yourself as, the more states and potentials you will gain access to on the spiritual planes.
It is for this reason it is imperative for all souls to realize their life is, in a sense, a preparation for their death. It is not enough to seek penitence for a lifetime of misdeeds upon your final breath, you have to work at it here and now!


Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-10-2010 03:37 PM

I am mentally/physically impaired.
Will I still be in the afterlife?

No. The physical ailments of the biological body are not carried forth into the spirit world, unless you so choose to manifest that. Such ailments and disabilities only effect the physical body and its functions, they do not effect the function of the soul or spirit.
This is to say, if you were unfortunate to have lost a limb at some point in your physical life, you will regain that limb in the spirit world. Not only that, but you can revert back to whatever age and appearance you most desire.
This is to say also, those who are ascribed sever disfigurements, illnesses, pains, diseases and so on will be victim to such things no further. Even those who cross over to the spirit world by particularly violent means, such as fire or explosion, will retain no lasting scar, injury or disfigurement to the soul.

Those that cannot walk, will walk once again. Those who cannot see, will see once again. Those who cannot talk, will talk once again. Those who cannot sense or touch will touch everything through multiple senses. This may time a little time to adjust to.

Those who ascribe to a particular mental disability or imbalance will similarly ascend beyond this in their afterlife. Again, such circumstances are a produce of the biological brain, not of the soul mind. It is a flaw in imperfect biology, not imperfect soul energy. Though in these instances greater care must be given to them upon first passing over to the spirit world. They will require initial adjustment and reintegration back to their divine state of remembrance.

For those in particular desperate situations:
It should be emphasized, as wonderful as the afterlife sounds to be, any act of desperation through physical suicide, as means to escape your life challenges, will ultimately lead to deep soul trauma and a deep rooted sense of regret. One kind of suffering will be replaced with a different kind. For this reason it is strongly recommended you seek a spiritual or life counsellor for advice.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-10-2010 06:26 PM

The Akashic Records

Every thought, every word, every deed, every event …
Are all eternally a part of the Akashic record system.

From the dawn of time and space. Ever since your soul and spirit was conceived into the realms of possibility, and the physical planes of existence spewed forth, all your memories and experiences have been saved and scribed into the halls of records; the halls of learning.

There are many halls of learnings, for there are many soul groups in which they are kept. Each soul group keep and maintain their own hall of records in a way that is best suited to them. Not all physical life forms require an akashic book to imprint their journey, but sure enough you yourself have one. It is this book which you will look upon to review the life you have just lived upon your passing to the spirit world. It is in and through this akashic book that you will be your own judge and jury. It is in and through this book that you reflect and learn about who you have been and determine who you want to be.
You will not immediately confront your life review, your akashic book, straight after passing unless you are ready and able to do so. Some souls who pass to the spirit world bring with them chains of negativity which shackle them from a place of true reflection and understanding. They must be given time to shed the fears, inflictions and traumas of their physical journey before they can move forward. This may take a sense of days, or thousands of years. Each soul is different in this respect.

Once you are in a place of emotional readiness you will be taken to the hall of records to view your akashic book and your life history. Though many other souls will be there using the celestial library of your soul group, it is unlikely you will be able to see everyone present. Since each soul resonates at different states of vibration, this makes some souls invisible to others. You will simply see books flying and opening by themselves being read by an invisible presence. Those that resonate close to your own vibration will be visible to you, but they will be busy doing their own thing, as one usually does in a human library. Personal ‘space’ is respected and souls are given the privacy of engaging in their own activity of learning and reflection without interruption.

The hall of records works completely independent, and the books themselves are written by your own spirit itself the exact moment a word or action is manifested. Your spirit is constantly uploading and updating your akashic book every moment of your life. With each page is a new day of your life, amassing an incredible collection of volumes in the hall of records. This is why each hall of records is continuously expanding.
When you enter the hall of records you will be able to access certain records simply by your energy vibration. That is to say, the hall of records will already know what it is you seek and will bring the appropriate book to you completely automatically. The book will fly off the shelf and hover before you like a loving pet happy to see you.
You will only be able to access the level of knowledge and information that you resonate to at that specific time. This means if your loving vibration is not at the required state to gain access to specific information, then you simply will not have access at that time. As you develop your energy state to a more loving, universal state, your soul will gain keys to a much broader range of information encompassing every aspect, every corner of the galaxy and universe.
Access to such information is completely dependant on the permission and allowance of the spirit involved in writing that book. If another species does not feel you resonate to the required loving vibration then they will ask you to come back at another time, or they will only show you certain pages of certain books.

Each akashic record, each book, is a living perpetual manifestation. It has a life of its own and responds to the very thoughts and feelings you have. If there is a specific aspect or time of your life you wish to review then the book will automatically open to that page. The page will present the events in real time, as a multi-dimensional holographic projection. It will contain factual recorded thoughts, emotions and sensations felt at that exact moment in time and space. So you could say, you can relive every single moment of your life over and over again.
This is not all fun and games however, as such reflections often invoke deep emotion, guilt, regret, sorrow and sometimes anger. Your spirit guides will help to deal with these consequential emotions and suggest courses of action to remedy them. This will usually involve some kind of recompense or service to someone else, or further study in other halls of learning. You will try to understand why you felt as you did, thought as you did and acted as you did. In doing so you raise your own vibration and open doors to further possibilities within the spirit world.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-10-2010 06:28 PM

Do I have a house in the spirit world?

There are exact replicas of everything in the physical dimension in the etheric. The difference is, the physical version is more fragile, flawed and animated within fewer colour spectrums.
This is to say it is possible to have an exact replica of your physical home in the afterlife, should you co choose.
The mechanics of this is that everything is constructed of thought projections. This is to say, the environment in which you find yourself is animated and sensitive to your thoughts upon it.
While some structures in the etheric realms do not change, because they are shared projections, other structures you manifest do.

Upon crossing over to the etheric the soul retains sentimental attachments and memories to lives and roles experienced. These sentimental feelings and memories are projected and reserved within your soul sanctuary, your soul home. This may take on any form you so choose, and there are those in this world that will construct it for you. Those with a very strong aspiration and passion for architecture and building will always volunteer their services in creating your perfect home. Or you can create it yourself.
It is useful to understand the substance of the spirit realm as a sort of plasticine or clay. While things around you, including yourself, seem solid, they can be manipulated by thought into an intimate dance with you. Nothing is bound to or in one appearance.

Many souls, while often busy and active with their spirit work, choose to retire to their home here from time to time. Not so much because they need rest, for a soul does not really need to rest, but because it is a focal point of reflection and Self-identity. It brings you closer to yourself and is a place to ‘hang’ your most dearest objects of reference. This may be in the form of paintings, pictures, books, furniture, musical instruments, sports memorabilia, and whatever else holds meaning for you.
It is also a place your beloved pets or family, who have since passed before or after you, can come and visit you in a familiar environment.

It is possible to go to this home in your dream states, projection or meditation states.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 03-10-2010 06:32 PM

Do I reunite with God and become ‘one with all that is’ upon my passing?

Some belief systems will try to convince you that once you have crossed over to the spirit world everything miraculously changes and you become one with God. Some will try to persuade you that you will enter an infinite state of bliss where there is no longer separation seen, felt or experienced, and that your soul and spirit loses its individual identity. They may say that you no longer have any distinguishing appearance or form and you simply enter into some void of everlasting state of completion and perfection with Creator.

As pleasing to believe for some it may be, such a reality would deface and defy every purpose and value of the life you now have. In actual fact it would make your physical life journey completely irrelevant and pointless. If such a state of union was so wonderful and desirable why do you suppose your own spirit left such a state to create an individual soul and a soul journey?. It was not so you could have one human incarnation then return back into ‘all there is’, for all there is - is a continuation of creation. To be one with all there is, is to be one with continuation. This continuation is the journey of the soul, and the soul group. The very fact that you have a soul is a proof of the pudding statement that reveals the spirit’s desire to know and be a separate entity of consciousness. The soul journey is the spirits way of being one with the continuum that God is experienced as. This is the true state of bliss. This is the true adventure and relationship with God.
For those who insist reality is contrary to the case, it reveals they themselves cannot recollect their soul journey prior to their own physical conception, and the work they are continuously doing in their soul group. The whole purpose of soul groups, of which all are a part, is to perpetuate the gift of free will and choice to manifest your own destiny through your own individual soul journey. It is through this gift, this vehicle of individual-ness, that all of what God is can be created, explored and experienced through the mechanism of time and co-manifestation.

The state of which you in fact ascend to upon your passing is more or less the same as you experience in physical life. You still retain all the many human facets of thought and feeling, all those beliefs that form your identity. The difference will be that many souls will gain swift access to a much broader range of opportunities and potentials in the spirit world. They will have access to a whole wealth of resources, knowledge, understanding and direction. Some soul pathways and modes of exploration, especially when venturing into other dimensional states, can be described as being ‘one will everything’, because that is simply a close approximation to the description of the experience in human language. It is not in fact a literal experience of being one with everything, but a state of consciousness, a state of being that resembles your idea of what it would feel like. A literal experience of being one with everything cannot be achieved as and within a state of soul over spirit. The soul and spirit would be required to be transcended and have no consciousness left of its Self whatsoever. So then, any experiences the spirit has via the soul journey which resembles being one with everything is purely an individualized interpretation. It is not possible to experience a literal state of one-ness whilst in physical form, only a fragmented reflection that meets the individuals current state of comprehension. The same applies in the immediate afterlife. What is experienced then is the one-ness with your divine spirit, and the bliss attained within your own understanding of the continuum that God is experienced as. As more and more of this continuum is explored, the more you literally become one with all that is.

When the soul becomes light and transparent the spirit shall shine through more profoundly. This is what is known as enlightenment and ascension. It is through this understanding you can ascend closer to your higher Self and that which is God. There is no journey to God but through you. There is no love of God but through you. There is no one with God but the continuum explored through you.


Coming2 04-10-2010 03:53 AM

Sparrow I appreciated your views on Hell. I believe alot of people live in constant fear of the unknown and what will happen to their spirit when death comes. That being said as I have grown spiritually and evolved as a human being the more and more I believe Hell to be an actual plane of existence. I question, and this is me questioning the universe, if demons exist(and I have had the displeasure of having encounters) then how can there not be a hell and a Devil so to speak. I agree that Hell is of our own making but I also believe that there are angry demonic spirits that torment the living. Are these souls who left the Earth plane angry and full of rage and hate?? In many ways I do believe this could be a possibility but again I have witnessed NON human entities that were demonic. When I have encountered tortured souls I try to send them into the Divine Light of the The Source but there are nasty critters telling them not to trust the light...are these demonic entities?? Are tortured souls of men taking on the role of demons?? Again I cannot answer that. All I do know is that for me, and this is only for me, Hell is a real place full of sorrow, anger, hatred and torment..whether that is self imposed then so be it but it is Hell none the less.


Truth_Seeker 04-10-2010 07:30 AM

^I signed up to this site because of this thread and had a similair question in mind, I unfortunately have had negative contact with the spirit world and often ponder this question of the existence of such a place. It would be a great help if you could give us your thoughts Sparrow, and I appreciate what I have already read it all resonated with me and I do believe what you have written to be true.

xxSaffronxx 04-10-2010 09:52 AM

Thankyou for reposting this sparrow. I really enjoyed it before :)

Cal 04-10-2010 02:07 PM

Yes, thanks very much Sparrow for reposting on this topic! I had almost read the whole original thread for the first time a couple days before the server crashed. I was really hoping that you would be so kind as to repost these helpful and informative messages about the afterlife.

I had some questions that I wanted to ask after reading your first few initial posts in the original thread but decided to read the whole thread first to see if any of those questions were answered in subsequent posts.

I will to re-read and digest all the posts thus far in this thread soon and see what questions I have.


Adrienne 04-10-2010 09:31 PM

Thank you Sparrow for re- posting your topic, great to see it again !

Dream Angel xx

Spirit Guide Sparrow 05-10-2010 12:50 PM

RE: Addressing comments on hell/demons.

Salutations of love and light.

To understand the nature of what is perceived as hell, as a place, and the nature of what demons are, one must adopt a broader perspective. Allow yourself to sit yourself above a mountain top looking down upon the great many swarms of life and circumstances that span the land below. This allows a more unbiased perspective of not actually being ‘submerged’ within whatever it is you’re trying to understand.

Firstly, contemplate the fabric of the spirit world. It is a multi-verse of thought; a sensually founded and cohesive living matrix. The very substance and fabric of it melds and bends to your interaction within it. Everything is alive; the matrix that forms your surroundings and manifests image structures to support you, it sings from whatever song sheet you currently have within your soul. If your soul is full of negativity, then the song sung by the living matrix will reflect that back to you for you to experience what you are. So too if your soul projects peace and harmony the living matrix will reflect this back to you in order for you to see that.

What state of experience and sensation of spirit you have whilst within the spirit world will depend on how you vibrate as an energy being. Because that is what you are, a being of energy. You can only gain access to particular states, or places, if you so wish to call them that, if you resonate at a frequency of energy that state is placed upon. If you want to travel to a place in the spirit world where you are completely surrounded by beautiful angelic tree formations, or forests, then you have to resonate at a state of appreciation and love for trees to such an extent you will gain access there. If, for example, you have no regard for the wellbeing of trees and could care less about them and their ancestry, you will never gain access to specific places in the spirit world where trees exist within vast paradise communities and speak to one another like humans do.

Hell then, might be considered a place, for there is a ‘place’ for all beings and all things in the spirit world. No-thing is ever denied access to the spirit world. So then, those of hell-ish standing, who resonate an energy of great negativity, hate, anger and cruelty have a ‘place’ of their own in the spirit world. In fact, the spirit world is so vast, everyone has enough ‘space’ to have their own private universe.
This is not to then say, all ‘bad’ souls are sent to this one place, or that place. It does not work that way. It is about the law of attraction and proximity.
What the person is attracted to in physical life will be the momentum force that propels them into a specific state within the spirit world. As said, because the spirit matrix responds to the energy you give it, it will reflect it back to you by creating the surroundings that represent what you have become.

There are gateways to states in the spirit world where energies are collected together by law of attraction, where such energies lose their sense of identity altogether. When I speak of the sense of identity, I mean the sense of who they are as a divine spirit and a part of all that is. Beings who remove themselves from their own loving nature to such a degree as to defy any association with it, can be what are known as demons. These are energy forms which have lost their sense of identity and have become lost within the sea of despair they have created for themselves. They do not, as such, have any specific form, for they have given up their identities in the grace of God, rather they exist as dark dense masses which exist within whatever private universe they have created for themselves in the spirit world.
These energies are made up from life forms from all over the universe, and multi-verse, from all corners of different dimensions that exist parallel to yours. Many people believe demons are deceased humans turned bad, but this is not the case. There are by far, much more twisted and cruel forms of nature in the multi-verse than any so-called evil human soul. These energies may actually manifest to your senses humanoid looking or in some other form which provokes fear because it is effective for them to do so. If they manifest as something which you could not associate with, you would not be as afraid, and more so confused or intrigued. Do not assume just because something appears to you with sharp teeth and wings that this is their true form, for they are merely utilizing the living matrix to manipulate their appearance to you. The fear provoked in you then feeds them your own energy as you acknowledge their presence and feel vulnerable to them, which opens doors of disaster.

There are also life forms, what could be referred to as extraterrestrials, or dimensional beings, who have the ability to shift in and out of your current physical dimension. There are also beings under this category who exist in etheric worlds, like planets, which do not occupy the frequency of physical matter. These beings will occasionally become drawn to your dimension of physicality due to something which is occurring in your proximity. These beings also have the ability to appear as they see fit in order to provoke fear and torment, for whatever purpose they have for being there. Sometimes these beings are mistaken for poltergeists, abductions or demonic attacks. The best defence in this regard is to stay as calm as possible and build the courage to empower your own spiritual authority and gifts of spirit to defend your energy space.
Often faith in Angels or spirit guides are eroded because people commonly ask, well why didn’t my guardian angel or guide come to rescue me? The answer is because often times these events happen so quickly and spontaneously your guides and helpers are not immediately aware of what’s happening. They do not watch over your every move 24/7. That would be a violation of privacy, and they have their own things to do. The event may also be out of their immediate capacity to handle due to the complex energies involved. Many of those helpers around you will not be trained to handle aggressive energy forces like this and may have to seek assistance from specialist light workers in other dimensions. So please do not lose your faith in your guides and helpers over the fact they cannot solve every negative experience you have.

Let love be your guiding light.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 05-10-2010 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Yes, thanks very much Sparrow for reposting on this topic! I had almost read the whole original thread for the first time a couple days before the server crashed. I was really hoping that you would be so kind as to repost these helpful and informative messages about the afterlife.

I had some questions that I wanted to ask after reading your first few initial posts in the original thread but decided to read the whole thread first to see if any of those questions were answered in subsequent posts.

I will to re-read and digest all the posts thus far in this thread soon and see what questions I have.


So glad you found meaning in my stream of words. Nothing of true meaning is ever lost, and so I hope to return to you that which was taken in subsequent posts. I will aspire to lay food for thought upon the table of contemplation.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 05-10-2010 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
Thank you Sparrow for re- posting your topic, great to see it again !

Dream Angel xx

Flurries of fond blessings Dream Angel. Ever blessed I am to receive your sprinkle of words to any of my mental fondues. Welcome as ever, peace and love with you, and may I spare no moment without you. :hug3:


Spirit Guide Sparrow 05-10-2010 01:05 PM

Will I reunite with lost loved ones?

If it is within your desire to see any particular soul, your very thought about that being will trigger the process for you to meet. You will not however, meet those who you have no desire to meet. Love itself, when felt for another being, is a form of communication and connection. When you focus on that love, you are forging a bridge to that persons soul. This bridge then allows a pathway for the two of you to meet and reunite anywhere in the spirit world. You will travel at the speed of thought and appear wherever they may be, and vice versa. If, on the other hand, the other soul has no desire to see you, they can make themselves appear invisible to you through their energy vibration. It is a matter of mutual desire and permission.
Since there is no aging process in the spirit world, and the soul is not limited to any one specific form or appearance. Your loved ones will manifest in whatever way is suited for that instance. It may be in their human prime in whatever form that took. If they used to have a physical disability or were physically immobile, they will no longer embody that ailment, and in fact appear as a fully figured person with no disability whatsoever. Those who, for example, choose to continue to wear spectacles, do so not because they still have a vision impairment, but because that has become an aspect of their individual persona and outward appearance others relate to. This is not then to say those in the physical world who were confined to a wheelchair will then appear in one in the ether world, because they will not. They will walk just as you do. In fact they do not have to walk at all, they can fly or float if it suits them.
The same can be said for those of mental dysfunction on the physical plane, they too will, in most instances, no longer embody such traits in their new form.
Those who passed on at an early age, such as a child, will likely first appear to you as you once knew them. Only afterwards will they present themselves to you in their true chosen form following recognition.
Following reintegration into your soul group and spiritual kinship, it will dawn on you that you have a great many long forgotten friends and companions that transcend all time. Soul acquaintances which go back millions of years even before you were ever human. It is these companions in spirit which you will reintegrate with and spend most of your time with. Those other souls you shared a human experience with, through the many roles that they played, will not necessarily continue to be your social focal point in the afterlife. After all, what is one human lifetime next to the infinity of spirit, and the souls journey of so many millions of years.

Will I reunite with lost loved pets?

As was spoken, if your desire is present that you would wish such a meeting with your pets of the past, then so shall it come to be. Pets of the physical realm are much more inclined to want to reunite with you than are many other human souls. This is because such pets tend to have a much more loving, forgiving, neutral vibration which allows them to move forward more quickly. Upon your passing your beloved pets will most certainly wish to see you, and the only reason for this not to occur is if you had no interest, or you were not emotionally/mentally ready. Again, your pets will take the form as they once did in the best prime of their physical life. They will follow you around the etheric realms if you so wish and keep you company. Perhaps to your utmost surprise, you will discover they can speak telepathically to you in a language you can understand. This is always an emotional event as both the human, and the animal, finally get to exchange words with each other and express their true feelings.

Will I have to face those people who abused me?

This is a question many humans ask while alive. The answer is quite simply no, you will not.
Those who inflicted certain unloving deeds and harmful actions upon you when in human form lose their right to engage with you in any shape or form in the afterlife. This is to say, they will not be allowed to cross your path or cause any further trauma. You will simply appear invisible to them.
At some point in their soul development they will come to understand the repercussions of their actions upon you and will wish to make amends with you. In this instance another on their behalf will raise this desire to your awareness and allow you to choose whether or not you wish to accept this other persons recompense. This will take place entirely at your own readiness, not of the one who did you wrong. It may be that you do in fact wish to confront them as soon as possible and show them exactly how they made you feel. This then tends to invoke in them feelings of regret and sorrow in their loving soul, and speeds their growth process. This ultimately aids your own healing and growth process similarly.
The same can be said for anyone who takes the life of another human being, and in fact, any form of life form whatsoever. An animal you have hunted and killed for pleasure or food will come visit you in the spirit world, and will do so to raise your awareness that they too had a soul journey, which ended through your very actions.


Cal 05-10-2010 02:11 PM

Sparrow, thanks so much for bringing us all these wonderful insights about the afterlife. As I read your words I feel a sense of truth and comfort, sort of like a series of ah-ha moments for lack of a better description.

One of the things I read here that greatly pleases me is to know that I can reunite with my pets eventually AND communicate in a language we mutually understand. I think that I tend to love my pets more than most humans, short of my wife whom I’ve been a partner in life with for 25 years. My wife and I have many differences but the one thing we share in equal strength is our love and passion for our animal companions.

I’ve had many animal companions in my lifetime of nearly 50 years. I tend to see them more like family members and/or children. One of the most difficult things I continual seem to face is losing them. It never gets easier. It’s so difficult when I actually have to make the dreaded decision to put them down by lethal injection because they are ill and suffering greatly. However, when that decision is made I am always with them, holding them in my arms, comforting them until their last breath. It is one of the most difficult situations I face. It is very difficult to lose a loved one in your arms watching the love and light in their eyes go out. It’s so difficult for me but I do it and will continue to do as long as I feel it makes it easier for them. We currently have 14 pets (cats dogs and birds) living with us so I will be re-visiting that scenario over and over again for some time into the future. I am in tears thinking about it as I type because our oldest cat has a large cancer tumor and this event is coming again soon and it isn’t going to be easy.

More than dealing with a recurring broken heart I often contemplate if there is anything I could do to make it easier/better for them. I would greatly appreciate if you could share your perspective on how my animal companions may view this decision/event and if there is anything I could or should do to make it easier or better for them.

I have many more questions or concerns about the afterlife and how to best prepare for it while I am still here but I feel moved to address this one first.

**bowing in appreciation and gratitude**

Spirit Guide Sparrow 05-10-2010 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Sparrow, thanks so much for bringing us all these wonderful insights about the afterlife. As I read your words I feel a sense of truth and comfort, sort of like a series of ah-ha moments for lack of a better description.

One of the things I read here that greatly pleases me is to know that I can reunite with my pets eventually AND communicate in a language we mutually understand. I think that I tend to love my pets more than most humans, short of my wife whom I’ve been a partner in life with for 25 years. My wife and I have many differences but the one thing we share in equal strength is our love and passion for our animal companions.

I’ve had many animal companions in my lifetime of nearly 50 years. I tend to see them more like family members and/or children. One of the most difficult things I continual seem to face is losing them. It never gets easier. It’s so difficult when I actually have to make the dreaded decision to put them down by lethal injection because they are ill and suffering greatly. However, when that decision is made I am always with them, holding them in my arms, comforting them until their last breath. It is one of the most difficult situations I face. It is very difficult to lose a loved one in your arms watching the love and light in their eyes go out. It’s so difficult for me but I do it and will continue to do as long as I feel it makes it easier for them. We currently have 14 pets (cats dogs and birds) living with us so I will be re-visiting that scenario over and over again for some time into the future. I am in tears thinking about it as I type because our oldest cat has a large cancer tumor and this event is coming again soon and it isn’t going to be easy.

More than dealing with a recurring broken heart I often contemplate if there is anything I could do to make it easier/better for them. I would greatly appreciate if you could share your perspective on how my animal companions may view this decision/event and if there is anything I could or should do to make it easier or better for them.

I have many more questions or concerns about the afterlife and how to best prepare for it while I am still here but I feel moved to address this one first.

**bowing in appreciation and gratitude**

Blessings and gratitudes for your friendly and heart warming exchange.

I see we share a common affection and appreciation for companion species. It is unfortunate many human beings still wear attitudes that portray animals as inferior ‘things’ with less right of life than they. Little do they know those very animals are more spiritually evolved than them and closer to the experience of inner-peace than they will ever know.

Incidentally I am due to add a post in the near future explaining how human beings can communicate with other species, while still in physical life, in a way they can understand. Such as dogs, horses and insects. I will post this in a different thread in good time.

It is such a wonderful thing to see someone with such love and empathy for their pets, and care for so many at one time. A great commitment. Your influence in their life journey is taken with them back to their own soul group species. This strengthens the bond and connection between your own soul group and theirs. This forges bridges of future potentials and created destinies that tie both together in love and kinship. It also means you personally will have much greater access to the wisdom and resources that species hold in the spirit world when you cross over. More so than many others upon the planet at this time. They will show you aspects of themselves and their ancient ancestry, both of planet Earth and of other planets spanning millions of years. This, because you had gained their love and respect. Your energy vibrates close to their own due to your love for them.

It is never an easy task to make a decision to end the suffering of a beloved pet. With illnesses and physical problems like these, the animal itself is actually quite aware of what is happening. Animals have a great Self awareness and connection to the functionality of the body. It also, in some cases, has the natural ability to heal itself under the right supportive circumstances. Often it will know what the problem is and will know exactly what to do to mend itself or ease its own suffering. This is why you will often see animals simply laying down in some corner doing nothing. In fact it is altering and maintaining a chemical state of balance and physical functionality which aids the condition it has. Other animals will also sense and understand the situation of another animal in distress, pain or disease. You will sometimes see animals from a completely different species go out of its way to help another animal who is somehow in distress. This is because all animals have the innate ability to communicate with each other when the need is present. This is something human beings have forgotten how to do since the loss of their spiritual ancestral heritage.

Your beloved animal will be able to receive the vibrational frequencies of your mental intention. If you wish it to know that you wish to help it to end its suffering, and help it to die, you can, in your mind, project this intention slowly and clearly to your animal. Speaking your human language to do this will not suffice, since it will not understand the meanings behind each sound. Physical sounds from voices can often cause animals more distress. Placing your hand on the animal and imparting your intention to it mentally is best. The consciousness field that connects you to the animal in spirit will automatically translate your mental human language to a language the animal can understand, in its own language. Do this in advance, and give the animal warning before you intend to put it to sleep. It will then have time to prepare itself on other levels, and say its goodbyes.

Good journey.

Truth_Seeker 06-10-2010 09:32 AM

Thankyou for your insights Sparrow, very much appreciated and that certainly put things into perspective for me in regards to dark spirits and the like, in some crazy way I am looking forward to leaving this world, the spirit world sounds like a blast!

Spirit Guide Sparrow 06-10-2010 10:13 AM

Do we reincarnate over and over?

A soul, or rather, your spirit, does not have to have a physical experience at all.
The spirit that you are is perfect in every way, it remains so no matter how many incarnations you have. No matter the consciousness you create around it, your spirit always remains unchanged and as pure as it was since its conception.
Those that choose to have a physical life do so, not because they must, but because they are curious as to the potentials it offers in terms of experiences.
More experiences do not in any way make you more ‘ascended’ than anyone else, simply because your spirit does not change regardless of consciousness. The spirit is the essence of life, not the product of it. This is how everyone can be equal, and IS equal.
Consciousness is what changes and develops, through the aspirations you create for yourself as a soul be-ing. This soul being embodies free will and independent character. It is this unique character that chooses whether or not to undertake a physical existence.
But the physical existence itself is merely one potential for your soul to engage.
This engagement in activity is how the spirit, the essence, expresses itself through creation. First into soul refraction - the embodiment of consciousness, then through the journey of that consciousness.
It is up to your soul to lay the path for your own unique journey in the multi-dimensional multi-verse.
Ever since the physical multi-verse was created, many souls/spirits took great interest in this path and assigned themselves to develop it and create within it.
Many souls/spirits were first observers and co-creators of planets and galaxies in the cosmos. They worked to develop the elements and the primitive structures of life. Spirit assigned refractions of itself into these primitive physical life forms. And on returning to the etheric world they brought stories or incredible sensations and experiences. As more and more of spirit refracted into different experimental life forms, different soul groups emerged representing different archetypical intelligence and character.
Eventually human beings came into creation. And just as every other species and life form, they too held souls of their own and returned to their own soul groups to share their experiences. Each of them being recorded and logged in the hall of records by spirit.
Many souls choose to simply watch, learn and create within the many vast realms of spirit in service to the physical multi-verse. They act as guides, friends, facilitators and channels of inspiration and creation to counterparts upon the planets.
Many souls do not associate themselves with the physical realm whatsoever. Simply because they do not need to. Not because they are more evolved than anyone else, but because they simply choose to express their spirit in another way, through other means. Some work in other dimensions which have no physical structure whatsoever. Some work in dimensions which compliment both physical and etheric energies in creative harmony.
With so many different paths, pursuits of work and avenues of potential, this is not to say that once you have a physical life you will then go on to have another. Choices vary between individuals within their own greater soul intention. The physical incarnation is simply a small part of a much bigger plan your soul is constructing.
You will not have to reincarnate to pay back some karmic debt. Energy is resolved and realigned in the spirit world. For if it wasn’t you wouldn’t be able to vibrate at the necessary rate to reintegrate back into your original state prior to your physical life.
Souls tend to reincarnate to fulfil a sense of un-accomplishment they felt after retuning from one life. When passing, if they have not particularly achieved what they had hoped, there is a degree of returning desire to ‘have another go’. Some souls develop a sense that they let themselves down and did not do as much as they thought they could. This stubbornness and pride compels many to return to the same planet, to begin a new potential, a new hope.
Perhaps it is they wanted to bring a new type of music to the world, or perhaps they wanted to bring a new democracy. Perhaps they wanted to bring their artistic talents or their healing knowledge. We all have our own talents and qualities to offer the world.
There really is no rule in place regarding when a soul can incarnate. So the human sense of time between lifetimes will differ with each soul.
Most souls do however plan their next life as best they can according to what they wish to achieve. This means the soul will undergo study of a particular talent, ability, quality, that it wishes to perfect and perform in physical life. Such as a certain type of music, art or healing. Any souls in the etheric world who specialize in such qualities will volunteer themselves as one of your guides for that lifetime. Though you will always have others as well.
It is up to those in the physical world to awaken their seeds of remembrance as to what it is they came to Earth to do. Then do that with every breath, until death do you part.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 06-10-2010 10:15 AM

Do we eat in the afterlife?

This question must be answered in two different ways. From the point of view of necessity, and from the view of personal choice.

To understand the answer in regard to necessity, you must first understand how the soul sustains itself in an etheric environment. But first we must look at what the soul really is.

The soul and the spirit.

The soul is the Self-aware presence. The consciousness of that which I AM. This includes your memories, your thoughts, your feelings, your beliefs, your desires and aspirations, your fears, your sense of character and personality, your knowledge, and all those qualities, imperfections and aspects that distinguish and illuminate you as a separate entity. It is the embodiment of your Self-Journey. This is within a continuous cycle of change and expression, the creative experiential instrument of the spirit.

Your spirit on the other hand is that which does not change. Does not give way to any imperfection, flaw or fear. It is the aspect of you which is closest to that which God is. It is that which requires nothing, but provides everything. It is that which is unseen but forever felt through the vehicle of love, wisdom and service. It is the pure, the perfect and the permanence of the divine. It is the sublime marriage of that which is God and that which is conceived into you.

With the above understanding one can differentiate that which provides with that which manifests from provision. The spirit provides, and the soul manifests.
We call the spirit world as such because it is a place of provision. It is a state of being provided for with every need that you may conceive of. This is why the spirit world is a state and place of infinite potentials and possibilities. Thus, some term it ‘Heaven’.
So then, to understand better how the soul sustains itself in the spirit world, you simply have to understand the spirit, and the world of spirit, simply provides all the sustenance that is required. This is simply radiated from your beloved spirit into your soul and engulfs it in blissful rays of energy. That is also why, upon crossing over to the spirit world, you will experience a great surge of revitalization and invigoration.
It is this that feeds you, fulfils your necessities, in a permanent state of eternity.

When it comes to personal choice, we speak of the free will and expression of the soul. From having one or many sensual and sentimental experiences in the physical world the soul develops attachments to aspects of their journey. Attachments come in an infinite array of forms, one of which is food, and another is drink. Although the soul understands it is not required to eat, it will sometimes retain the desire to relive sensations those experiences provided. It is not uncommon for souls to be seen manifesting their once favourite food or drink. The exception would be that nobody relives the experience of eating meat because it is not aligned to their vibration anymore. Animals they have eaten in physical life cause regret to the soul in an enlightened state because those very animals share the afterlife with them.
When reanimating the act of consuming a type of food, or drink, the soul has to rely on memories of sensations they retain, such as the texture, the flavour, the aroma and the colour. They then allow their memory to project these thoughts into a solid form which they can then touch. While this can be, at first, a thrilling experience, especially when you have no risk of putting on any weight, the activity soon loses its appeal. The apple or the cup of tea fades into nothingness. The soul moves away from Earthly habits and repetitious activates and engages itself with greater activities of indulgence. This will be whatever drives them to be who they aspire to be.


Cal 06-10-2010 01:04 PM

Sparrow, thanks so much for the heart filled response. It is greatly appreciated. I will make sure to communicate mentally in advance the next time I have to put one of my pets to sleep. I am relieved to know they understand when that has to be done and that my bond with them will even strengthen our species soul groups and future potentials. I look forward to reading your future post and understanding how to communicate better with animal species. I really want to see them all again when I pass over.

I’ve always felt that somehow my animal companions were more spiritually advanced than me. From them I have learned about unconditional love and forgiveness, simplicity and focusing awareness in the present moment. One problem I have is forgetfulness, as if it is programmed to forget what I have learned and seem to automatically revert back unknowingly.

Again, thanks so much!


Cal 06-10-2010 01:27 PM

I am really enjoying reading and contemplating your posts Sparrow. Thanks so much for the time and energy you are putting forth.


When it comes to personal choice, we speak of the free will and expression of the soul. From having one or many sensual and sentimental experiences in the physical world the soul develops attachments to aspects of their journey. Attachments come in an infinite array of forms, one of which is food, and another is drink.

Very interesting that the soul has attachments and seeks to relive them in the afterlife out of want or desire and not out of necessity. I couldn't help to wonder if sex falls into this category as well. In dreams, especially lucid dreams, sex seems somewhat empty or lacking compared to the physical experience. Makes me wonder if it's because it’s just a mental projection as opposed to two separate entities exchanging energies.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 06-10-2010 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Sparrow, thanks so much for the heart filled response. It is greatly appreciated. I will make sure to communicate mentally in advance the next time I have to put one of my pets to sleep. I am relieved to know they understand when that has to be done and that my bond with them will even strengthen our species soul groups and future potentials. I look forward to reading your future post and understanding how to communicate better with animal species. I really want to see them all again when I pass over.

I’ve always felt that somehow my animal companions were more spiritually advanced than me. From them I have learned about unconditional love and forgiveness, simplicity and focusing awareness in the present moment. One problem I have is forgetfulness, as if it is programmed to forget what I have learned and seem to automatically revert back unknowingly.

Again, thanks so much!


Perhaps you would like to speak more of this forgetfulness, so that it can be addressed here?


Spirit Guide Sparrow 06-10-2010 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
I am really enjoying reading and contemplating your posts Sparrow. Thanks so much for the time and energy you are putting forth.

Very interesting that the soul has attachments and seeks to relive them in the afterlife out of want or desire and not out of necessity. I couldn't help to wonder if sex falls into this category as well. In dreams, especially lucid dreams, sex seems somewhat empty or lacking compared to the physical experience. Makes me wonder if it's because it’s just a mental projection as opposed to two separate entities exchanging energies.


The physical act of sex is not practiced in the spirit world. For this reason you can perhaps understand why so many souls choose to have a physical experience.

The spirit itself is genderless. The soul is a combination of both male and female energies depending on their soul journey up to that moment. Whether they choose to wear the form of a male or female in the afterlife is purely a matter of individual identity and character choice. This is the aspect of ego, which gives you your ability to have the personality that you have, and then wear an image that best personifies that personality for your self gratification. Ego is to be understood as not a negative aspect of yourself, but a means to experience expression and creation. Every beautiful song written or love letter written to a spouse comes through ego. Or a piece of art or architect. People often misunderstand this, and focus purely on the opposite spectrum of ego which gets the finger pointed at as ‘bad’.

The energy that ignites the desire for sex with another human being is still experienced in the afterlife, but in a different way. It is not felt as a desire to perform animal-like practices, but is felt as a desire to be of service to someone else. To give something of yourself to that other. This can be in the form of all sorts of deeds and creative phenomenon, not even imagined on Earth. One of the most beautiful is a type of merging experience shared by two beings. They will come together to create a unified moulding of the energy between both beings, sharing with one another every intimate sensation, thought and feeling they have within their deepest core. Like two flames from two candles merging together as one. In that moment the two temporarily become as one. This is unlike anything experienced in human form.

Sex in physical form, with all its chemical and mental/emotional stimulations is considered a sacred and privileged experience for the soul. So too the practice of self-love in similar respect. It is a shame so much taboo is placed on these gifts.


Cal 06-10-2010 07:47 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Sparrow, thanks so much for the heart filled response. It is greatly appreciated. I will make sure to communicate mentally in advance the next time I have to put one of my pets to sleep. I am relieved to know they understand when that has to be done and that my bond with them will even strengthen our species soul groups and future potentials. I look forward to reading your future post and understanding how to communicate better with animal species. I really want to see them all again when I pass over.

I’ve always felt that somehow my animal companions were more spiritually advanced than me. From them I have learned about unconditional love and forgiveness, simplicity and focusing awareness in the present moment. One problem I have is forgetfulness, as if it is programmed to forget what I have learned and seem to automatically revert back unknowingly.

Again, thanks so much!


Perhaps you would like to speak more of this forgetfulness, so that it can be addressed here?


Hi Sparrow. Sure, I can elaborate more on what I mean about the forgetfulness I speak of. Thanks for the opportunity to expand on it and to hopefully gain some insight as to why this happens. Hopefully it will be meaningful to someone else as well.

I am fairly well educated and work in management in a high paced high tech business environment and my memory is pretty good for those things. However, when it comes to spiritual development or self improvement that’s where forgetfulness is a problem for me. Maybe I could start at a point where I was in my life about 18 years ago when I started reading material about and avidly practiced lucid dreaming. After a short while of dedicated intent and practice at lucid dreaming I became fairly sufficient at it, meaning entering a ‘dream world’ with full conscious awareness, albeit short periods at a time. Ultimately what I had learned from that dream world or reality was that my intent/thoughts could manipulate the environment in ‘real-time’ and that physical laws didn’t apply. I could fly, walk through walls, instantly appear somewhere else, etc. I was more or less a rooky though, certainly not a master of that reality. Occasionally I was surprised when I met an opposing (fierce/angry) entity that I could not manipulate, control or make disappear when they attacked or chased me. My only escape was to make myself wake up, disappear or fly away.

After a while I realized the same was possible to a certain extent in the physical world, which thoughts actually effect or manifest in the physical world, only a lot slower and that I had a small amount of influence. I later had learned about the law of attraction from books and thought I had put two and two together. I thought the purpose of my lucid dreaming experiences was to teach me what I needed to know at the time so that I could apply in my physical life. However, when I find myself in stressful situations I seem to forget that everything is as it should be partially co-created unknowingly by my own thoughts and actions. In my day to day interactions and in the heat of the moment I often forget and say and do things that have the opposite effect of what I really want and feel like a victim of circumstances. I try but certainly have to get better at consciously catching and redirecting myself, my thoughts and actions.

A few years after that I started studying and working with plant spirits in respectful ceremonial ways, like our ancestors did in the shamanic traditions. I learned things such as multidimensional beings and that many other dimensions exist; that everything is composed of energy. Most of the time the intent was as simple as please show me what I need to know most right now. I was often shown the same things in different ways. It appeared that unconditional love was often something I needed to work on – being more like my dogs. Many of the insights I received were extremely profound at the moment but didn’t seem to carry the same weight in my ‘waking’ physical mind. As a result I would forget about those insights and to apply them.

I never could understand why this forgetfulness happens so consistently. Not too long ago I found some videos on youtube about the afterlife from a group called Desteni and their inter-dimensional portal. I went to their website and watched dozens of videos. If what they/she says is true then that would explain my forgetfulness in the areas of spiritual development and self improvement. In case you are unfamiliar with that group they basically say that humans are enslaved spirits, captured and enslaved by the Annunaki creator gods and that the mind consciousness field is pre-programmed to keep spirits enslaved and unaware of their true nature. I don’t really want to believe that and try not to dwell on it but a seed of possibility was planted.

Everything I say here is in truth about me and my expereinces and I acknowledge that others may have different experiences and truths. I hope that this dialog will have some value for someone else as well. Thanks in advance for sharing your perspective on the type of forgetfulness that I am speaking of.


Cal 06-10-2010 08:21 PM


The energy that ignites the desire for sex with another human being is still experienced in the afterlife, but in a different way. It is not felt as a desire to perform animal-like practices, but is felt as a desire to be of service to someone else. To give something of yourself to that other. This can be in the form of all sorts of deeds and creative phenomenon, not even imagined on Earth. One of the most beautiful is a type of merging experience shared by two beings. They will come together to create a unified moulding of the energy between both beings, sharing with one another every intimate sensation, thought and feeling they have within their deepest core. Like two flames from two candles merging together as one. In that moment the two temporarily become as one. This is unlike anything experienced in human form.

Sounds like a beautiful experience indeed.

Perhaps my dream world is closer to the spirit world than the physical one.

Very interesting insights:smile:


Spirit Guide Sparrow 06-10-2010 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by Cal

Hi Sparrow. Sure, I can elaborate more on what I mean about the forgetfulness I speak of. Thanks for the opportunity to expand on it and to hopefully gain some insight as to why this happens. Hopefully it will be meaningful to someone else as well.

I am fairly well educated and work in management in a high paced high tech business environment and my memory is pretty good for those things. However, when it comes to spiritual development or self improvement that’s where forgetfulness is a problem for me. Maybe I could start at a point where I was in my life about 18 years ago when I started reading material about and avidly practiced lucid dreaming. After a short while of dedicated intent and practice at lucid dreaming I became fairly sufficient at it, meaning entering a ‘dream world’ with full conscious awareness, albeit short periods at a time. Ultimately what I had learned from that dream world or reality was that my intent/thoughts could manipulate the environment in ‘real-time’ and that physical laws didn’t apply. I could fly, walk through walls, instantly appear somewhere else, etc. I was more or less a rooky though, certainly not a master of that reality. Occasionally I was surprised when I met an opposing (fierce/angry) entity that I could not manipulate, control or make disappear when they attacked or chased me. My only escape was to make myself wake up, disappear or fly away.

After a while I realized the same was possible to a certain extent in the physical world, which thoughts actually effect or manifest in the physical world, only a lot slower and that I had a small amount of influence. I later had learned about the law of attraction from books and thought I had put two and two together. I thought the purpose of my lucid dreaming experiences was to teach me what I needed to know at the time so that I could apply in my physical life. However, when I find myself in stressful situations I seem to forget that everything is as it should be partially co-created unknowingly by my own thoughts and actions. In my day to day interactions and in the heat of the moment I often forget and say and do things that have the opposite effect of what I really want and feel like a victim of circumstances. I try but certainly have to get better at consciously catching and redirecting myself, my thoughts and actions.

A few years after that I started studying and working with plant spirits in respectful ceremonial ways, like our ancestors did in the shamanic traditions. I learned things such as multidimensional beings and that many other dimensions exist; that everything is composed of energy. Most of the time the intent was as simple as please show me what I need to know most right now. I was often shown the same things in different ways. It appeared that unconditional love was often something I needed to work on – being more like my dogs. Many of the insights I received were extremely profound at the moment but didn’t seem to carry the same weight in my ‘waking’ physical mind. As a result I would forget about those insights and to apply them.

I never could understand why this forgetfulness happens so consistently. Not too long ago I found some videos on youtube about the afterlife from a group called Desteni and their inter-dimensional portal. I went to their website and watched dozens of videos. If what they/she says is true then that would explain my forgetfulness in the areas of spiritual development and self improvement. In case you are unfamiliar with that group they basically say that humans are enslaved spirits, captured and enslaved by the Annunaki creator gods and that the mind consciousness field is pre-programmed to keep spirits enslaved and unaware of their true nature. I don’t really want to believe that and try not to dwell on it but a seed of possibility was planted.

Everything I say here is in truth about me and my expereinces and I acknowledge that others may have different experiences and truths. I hope that this dialog will have some value for someone else as well. Thanks in advance for sharing your perspective on the type of forgetfulness that I am speaking of.


Salutations of love and kinship, with gratitude for sharing your voice.

Thank you for elaborating.

This lucid dream state you have spoken of is much like the fabric of the spirit world and so you will experience many similarities. Lucid dreaming basically is your consciousness accessing subtle layers of the spirit world. Those close to the physical dimension. You are then using tools, and eyes, from another aspect of what you are, and then bringing them back and trying to translate the memory of the experiences through your brain. Much is naturally lost in translation, and forgotten. The brain is primarily designed for handling physical functions, rather than interpreting spiritual experiences.

I do understand where you are coming from and your mental processes. It is one thing to learn a spiritual lesson and principle, but quite another to put it into practice in an every day situation. This is why intention, commitment and action is all so important.

One of the things you are finding is that those around you do not share your aspired spiritual outlook on life, and of yourself, or of themselves. They engage with you as if you are just a man, and your spiritual principles seem often out of place in their presence. They hold expectations of you to be ‘just a man’ and act like one. For if you act any differently, if you act spiritually evolved and enlightened, you will be alienated and criticized for being different and special. This modernised disconnected social conditioning is like a wall blocking you from where you want to be and who you want to be. You are finding that the repetition of life’s struggles and responsibilities triggers a spontaneous ‘learned’ attitude and behaviour which you fall into as a result of many years of repetitious programming. This learnt attitude and behaviour has taken the reins of your life and is your default setting and state of mind. The moment you attempt to reach inward for spiritual upliftment or strength of will, the trained animal, that is your mindset and response mechanism jumps in to create conflict.

What you want to do is unlearn that which has become your mindset, your attitude and your behaviour program. You will then have a clean canvass to paint a new mindset, attitude and program from the wisdom of your spirit and strength of your heart.

You will also find that repetitious surroundings are influencing you, and not in a good way. If you want to experience more sunshine and sandy beaches, you do not stay rooted in some snow covered cold barren landscape. If you want to be that which you aspire to be, then seek out others who also aspire to be that and build your strength on the pillars of their support. Do not stay bound among those who are simply satisfied with being just a man, or women. Follow the stream of influence which propels you closer to who and where you aspire to be.

You will also find that self-neglect creates stagnant energy and lack of progress. If you want to progress and grow into a spiritually fluid, placid, love-motivated and peace filled being you need to spend quality time with yourself alone. Without the opinions or expectations, or responsibilities of others on your mind. If you do not make this time for yourself, then your inner-self will have no time for you.

So then, this forgetfulness is basically a result of all these things. It is not because you do not have the heart to apply them to the real world, or lack the belief. It is that you rely too much on these illusions you still assume is the real reality, when in fact the real reality are those things you feel are so removed and mystical to be lived true. The true perspective of things is what you keep forgetting, and it is because it is so very much easier to simply rely on your learned illusions of the here and now, rather than make the extra effort to change permanently.

If you want to remember. If you want to have the attitude and outlook you aspire to have. If you want to embody all those qualities, gifts, insights and principles you have read about, seen, heard and felt, then stop pretending to be someone who you are not. Someone you have pretended to be for so long, for the sake of pleasing others. This is the time now, to be who you really are. To recognise the illusions that surround you, that work against you, and for you. To recognise the reason you think and act as you do, and to think yourself into someone you really are. That someone who in truth does embody all of those qualities, insights and abilities. You are your greatest obstacle to your greatest dream. Yet you are also your greatest force to create your greatest reality. Have the courage to stand up for what you believe, and make every intention through thought, word and deed be a statement to that.

Whilst there have been alterations to the DNA of human beings by other species, this occurred long ago and humanity has since worked to reverse these effects. Do not fall victim to the fear-fuelled beliefs that some inter-dimensional species is somehow controlling your destiny. While indeed there are species not of the earth who have their own agendas in mind for humanity, the alliance that oversees humanities spiritual development is vastly superior in protecting human destiny among the stars, as a star family. As a free willed family of loving sentient beings.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 07-10-2010 08:39 AM

Do we choose when and how we die?

It is a common shared belief that all human beings return to the Earth with some sort of blueprint, and that this blueprint prescribes that soul to a particular road of destiny. While true that certain facets of the soul journey are chosen prior to physical birth, the actual outcome of events are not forecast or foretold. This allows free will and choice to take place throughout the physical lifetime, instead of simply being a puppet for your spirit. Most souls accept this reality and find it a very exciting prospect, until they are actually having the human experience, and then they adopt a contradictory outlook, because they think it will make their lives easier.

There are those in the spirit world with access to far superior knowledge and foresight, due to their vibrational state and the roles and responsibilities they are appointed. While in the spirit world there will always appear to be someone who knows far more than you, and can sometimes be quite vague when indulging others with their information. This will be because the soul who is asking the question is not vibrationally ready to know what there is to know, or that they will understand better when they discover the truth for themselves.
When the time comes closer to the end of your physical life term, whether it be from illness, disease or cell degeneration, it will become much more apparent to the spirit world as to the nature of your passing. It may or may not be as apparent to you, unless you are aware of the conditions your body has. Some psychics may claim to foretell the time and means of someone’s passing prior to it happening. In such instances they are tuning into the energy field of that person to translate the potentials that are orbiting their vibrational system. An auric field which harnesses certain energies that form from the thoughts and doings of a person. What can be seen here does not have to come to pass if the individual alters their own destiny through a change of actions. If a condition or imbalance of dis-ease has been allowed to have its way for too long, changes in action in later stages will bring about very little difference in the end result.

The time and nature of your physical passing is subsequently going to depend entirely on how you live your life, how you maintain balance, and the actions you perform at any given moment. There are so many other factors in place, such as the free will of others, or planetary issues, which interweave within your life, which give added unexpected twists to the outplay of events. This is what is it to be a human being.

The only way to predict what your future holds, is to be the one who creates it.


Cal 07-10-2010 12:47 PM


Salutations of love and kinship, with gratitude for sharing your voice.

Thank you for elaborating.

This lucid dream state you have spoken of is much like the fabric of the spirit world and so you will experience many similarities. Lucid dreaming basically is your consciousness accessing subtle layers of the spirit world. Those close to the physical dimension. You are then using tools, and eyes, from another aspect of what you are, and then bringing them back and trying to translate the memory of the experiences through your brain. Much is naturally lost in translation, and forgotten. The brain is primarily designed for handling physical functions, rather than interpreting spiritual experiences.

I do understand where you are coming from and your mental processes. It is one thing to learn a spiritual lesson and principle, but quite another to put it into practice in an every day situation. This is why intention, commitment and action is all so important.

One of the things you are finding is that those around you do not share your aspired spiritual outlook on life, and of yourself, or of themselves. They engage with you as if you are just a man, and your spiritual principles seem often out of place in their presence. They hold expectations of you to be ‘just a man’ and act like one. For if you act any differently, if you act spiritually evolved and enlightened, you will be alienated and criticized for being different and special. This modernised disconnected social conditioning is like a wall blocking you from where you want to be and who you want to be. You are finding that the repetition of life’s struggles and responsibilities triggers a spontaneous ‘learned’ attitude and behaviour which you fall into as a result of many years of repetitious programming. This learnt attitude and behaviour has taken the resigns of your life and is your default setting and state of mind. The moment you attempt to reach inward for spiritual upliftment or strength of will, the trained animal, that is your mindset and response mechanism jumps in to create conflict.

What you want to do is unlearn that which has become your mindset, your attitude and your behaviour programme. You will then have a clean canvass to paint a new mindset, attitude and programme from the wisdom of your spirit and strength of your heart.

You will also find that repetitious surroundings are influencing you, and not in a good way. If you want to experience more sunshine and sandy beaches, you do not stay rooted in some snow covered cold barren landscape. If you want to be that which you aspire to be, then seek out others who also aspire to be that and build your strength on the pillars of their support. Do not stay bound among those who are simply satisfied with being just a man, or women. Follow the stream of influence which propels you closer to who and where you aspire to be.

You will also find that self-neglect creates stagnant energy and lack of progress. If you want to progress and grow into a spiritually fluid, placid, love-motivated and peace filled being you need to spend quality time with yourself alone. Without the opinions or expectations, or responsibilities of others on your mind. If you do not make this time for yourself, then your inner-self will have no time for you.

So then, this forgetfulness is basically a result of all these things. It is not because you do not have the heart to apply them to the real world, or lack the belief. It is that you rely too much on these illusions you still assume is the real reality, when in fact the real reality are those things you feel are so removed and mystical to be lived true. The true perspective of things is what you keep forgetting, and it is because it is so very much easier to simply rely on your learned illusions of the here and now, rather than make the extra effort to change permanently.

If you want to remember. If you want to have the attitude and outlook you aspire to have. If you want to embody all those qualities, gifts, insights and principles you have read about, seen, heard and felt, then stop pretending to be someone who you are not. Someone you have pretended to be for so long, for the sake of pleasing others. This is the time now, to be who you really are. To recognise the illusions that surround you, that work against you, and for you. To recognise the reason you think and act as you do, and to think yourself into someone you really are. That someone who in truth does embody all of those qualities, insights and abilities. You are your greatest obstacle to your greatest dream. Yet you are also your greatest force to create your greatest reality. Have the courage to stand up for what you believe, and make every intention through thought, word and deed be a statement to that.

Whilst there have been alterations to the DNA of human beings by other species, this occurred long ago and humanity has since worked to reverse these effects. Do not fall victim to the fear-fuelled beliefs that some inter-dimensional species is somehow controlling your destiny. While indeed there are species not of the earth who have their own agendas in mind for humanity, the alliance that oversees humanities spiritual development is vastly superior in protecting human destiny among the stars, as a star family. As a free willed family of loving sentient beings.


Thank you very much Sparrow. I am in deep gratitude for such a thoughtful, heart filled and detailed response. As I read through it I felt your sincerity, honesty and truth behind the written words, striking deep accord within me. I will sit with your wise words and absorb and integrate.

Yesterday I noticed another post you made about procrastination. Perhaps I can apply some of that wisdom to my situation as well.

Maybe at some point in some thread the timing will be ripe for you to tell us your perspective about the alliance you speak of that oversees humanities spiritual development.

Blessings from my heart & soul

Adrienne 07-10-2010 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Cal
Maybe at some point in some thread the timing will be ripe for you to tell us your perspective about the alliance you speak of that oversees humanities spiritual development.

If I may, I would also like to learn more about the alliance you speak of.

Dream Angel xx

Spirit Guide Sparrow 07-10-2010 03:33 PM

I wish you well on your pathway to understanding.

In regard to the hidden alliance, these are those beings who work in unison, as well as independently, to oversee and support spiritual awakening for all species on planet Earth. It is important you understand this work is for all species on the Earth, not solely for humans alone.
This work is primarily organised by those beings commonly visualised as Angels. Not winged messengers of God, but dimensional beings that resonate a completely different energy to your own on much higher bands of consciousness and vibration. It is not necessary to play with names and labels, for doing so would only represent a miniscule aspect of what they are. Enough to say they remain hidden in high places. They observe from every angle, from every perspective and from every possibility. They are the ones who have been entrusted with the keys of sacred knowledge.
They do not interfere with human affairs, but they will assign other multi-dimensional sub-species in galactic service , and physical bodied species, to work on their behalf.
Because so many different species, both of the physical domain and the etheric domains, are working for a similar cause, they have forged an alliance with one another. Different soul groups have come together from all these different corners of time and space for the benefit of this particular galaxy, planet and those that occupy it. They are enlightened enough to understand, what effects one species effects them all. My own soul group, called Asceleottyi, or the Asceleott group are of such standing, of those who oversee and observe spiritually awakening species on different planets. This perhaps helps you understand my presence on this forum today. It is an ideal location to facilitate light bearers of good standing, who are ready to hear what we have to say.

Most of the influences and conflicts between what is often seen as ‘the forces of light and dark’ actually take place, not in your physical dimension, but in dimensions between this and those unperceived by human senses. The result of such conflicts occasionally spew out into the physical realm. You may come across such scenarios in dream states where you are confronted by strange beings not from the Earth.
Some humans on Earth as I speak are assigned ‘sleepers’ of cosmic origin and multi-dimensional heritage, here to transmute consciousness to new foundations. Their souls are from somewhere completely different. They will have a completely different energy to what is considered normal. They may not even know what or who they are, but they are out there.


kaze 07-10-2010 07:17 PM

what i see happening, i believe in 2 separate 'heavens' right now
1. if you can picture this: telepathic conscious engulfed in infinite light, forever occupied by love

2. you become a calculator of memories, forever occupied with love

only god can judge me

our fate is a lifetime of hate, lol

Cal 08-10-2010 02:09 AM


I wish you well on your pathway to understanding.

In regard to the hidden alliance, these are those beings who work in unison, as well as independently, to oversee and support spiritual awakening for all species on planet Earth. It is important you understand this work is for all species on the Earth, not solely for humans alone.
This work is primarily organised by those beings commonly visualised as Angels. Not winged messengers of God, but dimensional beings that resonate a completely different energy to your own on much higher bands of consciousness and vibration. It is not necessary to play with names and labels, for doing so would only represent a miniscule aspect of what they are. Enough to say they remain hidden in high places. They observe from every angle, from every perspective and from every possibility. They are the ones who have been entrusted with the keys of sacred knowledge.
They do not interfere with human affairs, but they will assign other multi-dimensional sub-species in galactic service , and physical bodied species, to work on their behalf.
Because so many different species, both of the physical domain and the etheric domains, are working for a similar cause, they have forged an alliance with one another. Different soul groups have come together from all these different corners of time and space for the benefit of this particular galaxy, planet and those that occupy it. They are enlightened enough to understand, what effects one species effects them all. My own soul group, called Asceleottyi, or the Asceleott group are of such standing, of those who oversee and observe spiritually awakening species on different planets. This perhaps helps you understand my presence on this forum today. It is an ideal location to facilitate light bearers of good standing, who are ready to hear what we have to say.

Most of the influences and conflicts between what is often seen as ‘the forces of light and dark’ actually take place, not in your physical dimension, but in dimensions between this and those unperceived by human senses. The result of such conflicts occasionally spew out into the physical realm. You may come across such scenarios in dream states where you are confronted by strange beings not from the Earth.
Some humans on Earth as I speak are assigned ‘sleepers’ of cosmic origin and multi-dimensional heritage, here to transmute consciousness to new foundations. Their souls are from somewhere completely different. They will have a completely different energy to what is considered normal. They may not even know what or who they are, but they are out there.


Very interesting indeed. Your sharing on this subject is greatly appreciated. Please know that I am honored to have received the information provided. Thank you!

Spirit Guide Sparrow 09-10-2010 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by kaze
what i see happening, i believe in 2 separate 'heavens' right now
1. if you can picture this: telepathic conscious engulfed in infinite light, forever occupied by love

2. you become a calculator of memories, forever occupied with love

only god can judge me

our fate is a lifetime of hate, lol

Perhaps you want to speak more into these statements?


Spirit Guide Sparrow 09-10-2010 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Cal
Very interesting indeed. Your sharing on this subject is greatly appreciated. Please know that I am honored to have received the information provided. Thank you!

As do I appreciate your thought exchange on these subjects. :hug3:


SoCalAngel2009 09-10-2010 12:01 PM

Hi Sparrow,

Interesting reading. Can you tell us what sphere you are living in? I understand there are seven spheres with many planes in each sphere and above the seventh sphere is the Celestial Heavens, where only those spirits who have received God's Divine Love in their souls may progress to.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 11-10-2010 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by SoCalAngel2009
Hi Sparrow,

Interesting reading. Can you tell us what sphere you are living in? I understand there are seven spheres with many planes in each sphere and above the seventh sphere is the Celestial Heavens, where only those spirits who have received God's Divine Love in their souls may progress to.

Hello, SoCalAngel -

I am currently living in the same sphere(s) as you, that of the physical one.

I do not associate or distinguish these spheres by number, as you are doing. More by vibrational or soul sensitivity (perceptivity) and creativity. As a being, in the work that I have being doing for so long, I have existed in multiple dimensions, or ‘spheres’ at different times. I have existed as part physical, part metaphysical, being able to weave in and out of both worlds, on different planets, or domains of consciousness. Both utilizing aspects of the, as it is understood, 5th dimension to the 7th. These dimensions, as well as the physical, are necessary to work in for certain structures of information to be communicated to other beings, in a way that they can understand. There are domains where I have worked within which have very human looking structures of society and community, with temples and sacred buildings, and houses to hospitals. There are also domains, which you perhaps may associate with celestial planes or heavens, which do not align themselves with the same type of structural communities. Within these domains it is exceedingly difficult to describe since they are more of a sensual and perceptual environment, rather than a structured humanoid environment. You are actually using different or modified soul senses to interpret and interact with this platform, and so describing them with tools from the physical dimension is futile. These realms rely much less on the lower-ego identity projections and more on the expansive conscious awareness of the spirit.
As a facilitator of information, it is my experience as thus far, to interact with many different domains, or spheres. So I am blessed to work and facilitate with, and associate with very enlightened spiritual beings, and also very ignorant and self-deluded beings on the opposite spectrum.
My current role in human form does not represent at all my spiritual origin, sphere index, or advancement in spirit. It is simply one direction, or project I am currently engaged in. As can be said for others you will certainly come across.
Blessings. -SPARROW-

kaze 11-10-2010 08:33 PM

so your blinded by the light when you die, cool

Spirit Guide Sparrow 12-10-2010 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by kaze
so your blinded by the light when you die, cool

Perhaps you can expand on this further? Such short statements are open to misinterpretation I fear.


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