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Adrienne 26-06-2012 06:15 PM

Healing in Reiki ?
I am not sure what it means, when one talks about healing in Reiki ?

Healing as in energy being sent ? and if so what does this energy actually do ?

Does this just energize the person or actually cure a health problem ?

Confused Angel xx

EmergingPath 26-06-2012 06:45 PM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
I am not sure what it means, when one talks about healing in Reiki ?

Healing as in energy being sent ? and if so what does this energy actually do ?

Does this just energize the person or actually cure a health problem ?

Confused Angel xx

Energy Healing... a great topic

So, a couple of grounding points about "energy".
Energy is always either a particle or a wave and can never be destroyed.
Energy is either limitless (more created when needed by divine source) or limited and just recycled
Energy fields in the body can be measured by many divices now, from the field around the heart to brain waves, to aura’s or body fields, etc.

Healing can be done on many levels
Physical (cure my cancer)
Emotional (Cure my broken heart)
Psychological/Mental (heal my stress)

Some would say Psychological and emotional are the same, I would say Psychological/Mental issues can be emotional

Reiki (or any intention based energy healing modality) is based upon the concept that thought directs energy so focused intention will direct energy to a particular “issue” be it physical, emotional, mental.

The energy does not originate from the Reiki healer but directs the energy from all around them to the specific issue or just to a generalize area/person.

The belief is that ill health can come from a lack of energy and that negative thought will actually create issues while positive thought will direct positive energy to promote good health.

What does it feel like? Depends upon who you ask J For me it is sometime like being wrapped in a nice warm blanket J

Hope this opinion helps!

Adrienne 26-06-2012 06:57 PM

Thank you very much EP !

Your explanation clears up my confusion. I must say your explanation is very understandable (thanks for keeping it basic for me). Sometimes one asks a question and there is as much confusion in the answer as in the reason for asking the question. I like the being wrapped in a warm blanket feeling , unless of course if it is in the 90s or higher tempwise :D

:angel10: xx

EmergingPath 26-06-2012 07:01 PM

My pleasure DA!


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
I like the being wrapped in a warm blanket feeling , unless of course if it is in the 90s or higher tempwise :D

Then its probably just a poorly managed sweat lodge :wink:

Adrienne 26-06-2012 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by EmergingPath
Then its probably just a poorly managed sweat lodge :wink:

ewwww ! :icon_eek:

ces 26-06-2012 08:24 PM

I was going to reply but Emerging Path has visited. Wonderful. X

Healingangelus 26-06-2012 08:35 PM

Me too but ces was faster then I was... :rolleyes: :D

EmergingPath 26-06-2012 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by ces
I was going to reply but Emerging Path has visited. Wonderful. X


it has been a long time CES and I am so glad to see that you are still at it! :hug2:

innerlight 26-06-2012 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
Does this just energize the person or actually cure a health problem ?

Confused Angel xx

Even though EmergingPath, has once again given a fantastic reply, I will add my two cents into this question as well.

The main thing that gets people confused and hung up is the word healing. When you see healing many will quickly see that as being cure, or a miracle, without actually knowing what healing means.

While they can go hand and hand with each other, that may not always be the case. Not all times, or cases, can something be cured. That is when healing is sought to help alleviate symptoms, if possible, to help bring balance back to an individual and to help them gain peace of mind. There are cases where finding balance and peace of mind can bring about a cure. But it does not always happen. It is the reason many get discouraged with their healing because it's not working at the level they expect it to.

A shoulder to learn on, a hug from a loved one/family member, can be forms of healing as well.

Energy healing works on more then one level. As EP, had already stated. Emotional, physical, and spiritual. Most times we work to heal the present symptoms without actually healing the issue.

EmergingPath 26-06-2012 09:06 PM

You nailed in Innerlight!


Originally Posted by innerlight
Not all times, or cases, can something be cured. That is when healing is sought to help alleviate symptoms, if possible, to help bring balance back to an individual and to help them gain peace of mind.

Nicely stated. I too believe that this aspect is often overlooked or minimized and then when an immediate "cure" is not realized they walk away and miss out on the "healing" to help them to come to terms with their reality...

ADDED: To this point, this is also a space where Hospice can add value. Having taught Reiki to Hospice staff and volunteers I am often overwhelmed at the relief that Reiki provides in this type of a setting...

Adrienne 26-06-2012 09:08 PM

Your two cents are always welcome Inner :smile:

You do have a point on the actual word " healing " being part of the confusion, or the confusion itself.

When I first heard of Reiki as healing, I thought it actually cured the problem, thinking of a physical ailment . Somewhat deceptive in a way.

innerlight 26-06-2012 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by EmergingPath
You nailed in Innerlight!

Nicely stated. I too believe that this aspect is often overlooked or minimized and then when an immediate "cure" is not realized they walk away and miss out on the "healing" to help them to come to terms with their reality...

ADDED: To this point, this is also a space where Hospice can add value. Having taught Reiki to Hospice staff and volunteers I am often overwhelmed at the relief that Reiki provides in this type of a setting...

A lot of times people do not make the full commitment to their healing. They look for a quick fix, or a band aid, and then go about their business, until they end up back to where they were. Or they look to heal their energy, clear their chakras, but do not actually work to resolve the reason they got that way in the first place. So they end up in a spiral doing the same thing over and over.

Hospice workers are a real good bunch. There is a book called Learning from the light, where a hospice doctor shares the stories and "visits" from the patients he works with on their last few days on earth. It's a touching book. A little too religious for me, but good nonetheless.

Reiki could be a tremendous benefit to those who are elderly as well as those in a hospice.

innerlight 26-06-2012 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
Your two cents are always welcome Inner :smile:

You do have a point on the actual word " healing " being part of the confusion, or the confusion itself.

When I first heard of Reiki as healing, I thought it actually cured the problem, thinking of a physical ailment . Somewhat deceptive in a way.

Energy healing(Reiki) is a means to encourage healing. The person themselves bring about their own healing. Sometimes it can be a cure, other times it can not. There are those that will tell you they can "cure" you but those are the individuals that one should stay clear from. Each and every person is different. What works for one may not work for another.

Adrienne 26-06-2012 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by innerlight
Each and every person is different. What works for one may not work for another.

Yes, this is true in many areas. And thanks for the warning .

Now about that Cupcake Reiki .... what was it EP said, bribery ? coaxing ? :hug2:

EmergingPath 26-06-2012 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
Now about that Cupcake Reiki .... what was it EP said, bribery ? coaxing ? :hug2:

Dont forget blackmail... just saying... :tongue:

Adrienne 26-06-2012 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by EmergingPath
Dont forget blackmail... just saying... :tongue:

oh oh, something going on behind the scenes here ? :icon_eek: maybe there is more to this CR than just frosting ? :D

pssst Inner... you can tell me later , or not ....

Tanemon 30-06-2012 02:26 AM

I'm a Reiki-ist. But I'm interested in and have been around other forms of energetic & spiritual healing. I've arrived at a way of looking at the general realm of energy healing. I currently think of the results (or outcomes) of healing as situated at one or more of three levels. In terms of effects or outcomes, I'd describe these levels as:

1. Inner healing of the person – substantial improvements in outlook, mood, self-image, calmness, personal capability, ability to relate interpersonally, increased sense of spirituality, and similar results. (Ideally, a kind of healing result sometimes called "soul harmony".)

2. General physical healing – improvements to general wellbeing, daily energy level, resistance to viral & bacterial infections, increased coordination, restful sleep, and similar positive results.

3. Specific physical healing – resolution of an infection, an acute illness, a chronic illness, or disappearance of tumors, healing of a diseased organ, bone or other tissue restoration, and similar results.

My experience is that Reiki sessions often get actual results on the first two levels or types. Type 3 is rarer, though not unheard of, with Reiki. I don't like to limit how people view or discuss Reiki, but I probably should mention that most other Reiki practitioners I've talked with have shared similar observations.

EmergingPath 30-06-2012 04:10 AM

I would generally agree with your groupings, although for group one I would be more definitive with the definition of "emotional healing".

While the vast majority of generalized energy healing sessions (like Reiki) do end with a "feel good" result for the client, a surprising number will also end in an emotional release from them, spanning the spectrum of just a few simple tears to a full blown crying/sobbing episode as they release whatever they have been holding on to.

Just my observations :)

Adrienne 30-06-2012 09:18 AM

Looks like Kilroy was here and I missed him :D

another healing type question ~

does Reiki healing usually take more than one session ? to do what it is being directed to do, with regards to the different kinds of healings ?

I suppose it varies with the person, or whether the healing is emotional, physical or other.

Dream Angel xx

ces 30-06-2012 10:11 AM

You can require more then one session yes. It does depend on the individual and the reason you are attending the session. I think also the individual needs to be open to receiving reiki because although it goes to the points where it is needed the most you need to be accepting of it.

Adrienne 30-06-2012 10:17 AM

hello Ces, thanks for your reply.

That is one of the amazing things, how the Reiki knows where to go ! Just amazes me. And would you say, these sessions work best in person or by distance healing ? or does this also depend on the person and the area to be healed ?

ces 30-06-2012 11:10 AM

I would say again its individual. I think its always an experience to have a treatment session one to one. Partly because in the right environment you can experience such bliss. By having the right atmosphere it helps to relax and let the receiver be comfortable. Distance reiki is fab because you can be anywhere in the world. I think its helpful to have some one avaiable ot answer any questions and to ensure that you are ready to move to do something different after. sounds daft but someone to get you glass of water, to tidy up the area you have been using for sitting etc in.

Adrienne 30-06-2012 11:15 AM

Yes, makes sense.

ces 30-06-2012 11:22 AM

I was just coming back to add something............

I think if you have a reiki treatment and you are open to reiki you should be aware that potentially emotions, situations, etc could come to the surface. Things that an invdividual may not want to face, things that are forgotten or not etc. In my opinion a good reiki therapist will advsea client that they may experience x y or z and that this is okay, or equally that they may not. As individuals we all experience reiki in our own way.

No surprises although surpising none the less

Tanemon 30-06-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
You do have a point on the actual word " healing " being part of the confusion, or the confusion itself.

When I first heard of Reiki as healing, I thought it actually cured the problem, thinking of a physical ailment . Somewhat deceptive in a way.

In post #17 in this thread, I tried to speak to this point you're asking about. You were asking about something that a lot of people are interested in.

I believe some forms of spiritual healing are actually aimed quite directly at resolving or curing a physical ailment. But in my experience, Reiki takes the route of working more from the emotional or inner level - which may or may not much affect the physical.


Originally Posted by EmergingPath
I would generally agree with your groupings, although for group one I would be more definitive with the definition of "emotional healing".

While the vast majority of generalized energy healing sessions (like Reiki) do end with a "feel good" result for the client, a surprising number will also end in an emotional release from them, spanning the spectrum of just a few simple tears to a full blown crying/sobbing episode as they release whatever they have been holding on to.

Yes, you're right. What I described as the "inner healing" (type 1) sort of result can emerge from one or more sessions like what you're describing... the emotional release. Rather than focussing on release of stored pain or tension in the form of tears or whatever, I was writing about outcomes - rather than the process during the session.

And my observation would be that, due to the purging, cleansing process that results in inner healing, a general physical healing can be another outcome (what I described as type 2).

Reikichris 02-07-2012 11:30 AM

Just as we can think ourselves ill, many of the physical issues (not all) are a result of how we are - when we heal these issues it is natural that the physical issues disappear - this is the benefit of self-healing. Nothing strange there, it is just how we work.


Adrienne 16-07-2012 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Reikichris
Just as we can think ourselves ill, many of the physical issues (not all) are a result of how we are - when we heal these issues it is natural that the physical issues disappear - this is the benefit of self-healing. Nothing strange there, it is just how we work.


sounds so easy... when reading the words ....

EmergingPath 16-07-2012 10:12 PM

A quote from Bruce Lipton that I think is related:

"Our positive and negative beliefs not only impact our health but also every aspect of our life. Henry Ford was right about the efficiency of assembly lines, and he was right about the power of the mind: “If you believe you can or if you believe you can't... you're right.” Think about the implications of the man who blithely drank the bacteria that medicine had decided caused cholera. Consider the people who walk across coals without getting burned. If they wobble in the steadfastness of their belief that they can do it, they wind up with burned feet. Your beliefs act like filters on a camera, changing how you see the world. And your biology adapts to those beliefs. When we truly recognize that our beliefs are that powerful, we hold the key to freedom. While we cannot readily change the codes of our genetic blueprints, we can change our minds and, in the process, switch the blueprints used to express our genetic potential. " - Bruce Lipton

Tanemon 16-07-2012 11:23 PM

I don't see anything wrong in the Lipton quote. However, my experience with Reiki attunement, and some experiences both before and after it, suggests to me that there is something more fundamental than beliefs.

Some beliefs are pretty superficial, and simple acquisition of more information can change them. Deep-seated beliefs are more persistent. But I also think deep-seated beliefs can change - they can dissolve or morph into something new - as your energy matrix changes. I've been having a strong and convincing experience of this since my Reiki attunement 11 years ago. Something at a very deep level in a person changes, hence the beliefs then change, and then perception changes or opens up.

Adrienne 17-07-2012 01:48 AM

EP, thanks for the quote, I have heard part of that in regards to Henry Ford and the mind ~ something like the power of suggestion.

“If you believe you can or if you believe you can't... you're right.”

EmergingPath 17-07-2012 07:27 PM

Thanks D.A.:hug2:


Originally Posted by Tanemon
Some beliefs are pretty superficial, and simple acquisition of more information can change them. Deep-seated beliefs are more persistent. But I also think deep-seated beliefs can change - they can dissolve or morph into something new - as your energy matrix changes. I've been having a strong and convincing experience of this since my Reiki attunement 11 years ago. Something at a very deep level in a person changes, hence the beliefs then change, and then perception changes or opens up.

I am in violent agreemnt with you on this Tanemon :smile:

Adrienne 17-07-2012 09:04 PM

Welcome EP :hug2:

Adrienne 18-07-2012 11:55 PM

when one receives Reiki, is it helpful for the receiver to already know how to feel energy ?

and is there a certain technique for learning how to feel energy ?

res 19-07-2012 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
I am not sure what it means, when one talks about healing in Reiki ?

Healing as in energy being sent ? and if so what does this energy actually do ?

Does this just energize the person or actually cure a health problem ?

Confused Angel xx

I dont know about you but the word healing or more to the point healer dont sit well with me. i feel healer conveys ego and i would beg for a better word for a person that assists the body in gaining extra energy to heal itself. i sort if see my self as a battery charger that can assess the state of batteries using processes as taught by usui. the transmission of energy is just human nature that we all possess though some have excercised our ability to charge at a higher rate of amperage. sounds good to me anyway.

Adrienne 19-07-2012 12:04 AM

thanks for sharing your thoughts res, I don't see the word healer as being ego related though.

Reikichris 19-07-2012 11:44 AM

The wish to be a healer can be ego related, and the more it becomes so the more that the 'healer' forgets that only the client can effect the healing that they need, healing the issues that they are ready to heal and at the rate that they are ready to allow - once people begin to talk about healing others they are imposing thier own wishes on the client - not a safe process.


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