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Invidia Luxe 11-04-2012 03:04 AM

Natural remedy for menstrual cramps?
I want to stop taking over the counter pain medication for my menstrual cramps. Is there a natural alternative? I've also thought about ways to have mental power over the pain. Is there a way to do that?

ribiq 11-04-2012 03:08 AM

I would recommend energy work with a focus on energizing the lower chakras

knightofalbion 11-04-2012 08:49 AM

Try this...


Kristin050585 12-04-2012 12:59 AM

I found a couple different things that might help. One is called cramp bark, it comes from europe. Also catnip or peppermint tea can help ease the cramps. Hope it helps.

Kaere 12-04-2012 01:02 AM

I find that putting some tuna in my diet helps - like a tuna casserole or just a sandwich. Potassium can help with muscle cramps so it might be worth it to increase the number of bananas you eat. Sitting down with a hot water bottle and a book also helps me.

Xan 12-04-2012 01:36 AM

StarSkye... Evening primrose oil is an herbal medicine for women's issues, among other things. It needs to be taken every day, not just when there is cramping.

Here's a good article about it: http://www.herbwisdom.com/herb-evening-primrose.html

Also... oddly enough, when I used to take Ibuprofen for cramps my other pms symtoms decreased too.


psychoslice 12-04-2012 02:13 AM

A good healthy diet is important, as toxins will find their way out of a weak area such as menstruation, also i have found that evening primrose oil capsules help, i had a woman come to me once that had endometriosis, she couldn't get pregnant, so i put her on a fruit cleansing diet and evening primrose capsules in about two months she got pregnant. This is when i was a practicing naturopathy, all the best to you.

Newfreedom9 22-04-2012 04:12 PM

I've had bad cramps for a long time. Usually they start in the middle of the night which is annoying! lol. When they're during the day I used a hot pack on my stomach and that helped. (I put white rice in a sock and warmed it up, but you can also use a cup of tea or bowl of soup there and enjoy it too.)

Last month I didn't have any cramping at all. I think it's because I was in the sun so much the week leading up to it. I've heard that sun is a natural anti-inflammatory so that would make sense. Also last year I switched to cloth pads and a diva cup because I heard that the chemicals in unnatural pads/tampons can worsten cramping and your period.

And I agree with psychocoslice pain/illness is a sign of nutritional deficiency. Making sure you're eating healthy and getting exercise will help too in every area of your life. Course I thought I was eating healthy, but a week ago I found out I was gluten intolerant, so I wasn't eating healthy for me.

L88 23-04-2012 04:32 AM

Reduce/eliminate sugar and caffeine intake.

Berry 14-05-2012 09:43 PM

I used to have a lot of cramping too until I started taking flaxeed and flaxeed oil. I'm not sure if it's the flaxeed or an increase in exercise that did it for me.

On a similar subject, has anyone tried Lady's Mantle, Sage, and Shepard's Purse herbal teas to stop heavy menstral bleeding? I do take Lysteda as needed but I would like to avoid it if possible.

L88 22-09-2012 02:05 AM

I've followed a vegan diet for the last 6 months, I've literally not had one menstrual cramp or any pain. That alone is enough for me to stick with the change in what I eat, but I've also noticed so many other great benefits too.

Belle 22-09-2012 08:19 PM

It's a curse it's a curse.

I want to run away from the painkillers and drugs but it's so sore and gets sorer by the month.

I'm in a bit of a stew about it as it's been so uncomfortable that I daren't dodge the painkillers. I do take magnesium as I was deficient and I need to try and see how that works out in reality without the painkillers. It's a catch 22 tho - with the pain I have to take the painkillers at the first sign of trouble. Maybe next month I'll ease of the drugs ...??

Sapphirez 03-01-2013 08:35 PM

hi! it's been a while since this thread was posted in, but I wanted to say that if you're still having trouble, I had great success with a homeopathic remedy for cramps..

I used the brand Hyland's; they have a formula simply called PMS and another called Menstrual Cramps. I think I've used both and either worked as I currently have both of them now.. however, I barely ever take them now because I don't need them!
when I first took it, my cramps disappeared within minutes! and the same happened for my mother who I gave some too. this happened the vast majority of the time I took them

now let me just say that I think if you are experiencing pain and discomfort from your period it's a sign that something is not right within you.. they say that women shouldn't have menopausal symptoms like they do, it's just the unwell state of the person that causes all that stuff, otherwise it would be a relatively painless transition...
so I am of the opinion that your monthly period follows the same tune..

I totally recommend the homeopathic remedy, but there are other things that work great too. you can always google if you need to find an alternative, but I would definitely try the homeopathy. those bottles I mentioned are less than $10 each and come with a long-lasting supply.

if anyone is going to take my advice, I will include here an important note about taking homeopathic remedies:
when taking an oral dose that's meant to dissolve under your tongue (which the kind I recommended is) you are supposed to have a "clean" mouth, which constitutes not eating, drinking or smoking anything (except water unless it's polluted or something) 10-15 minutes before and after taking the remedy.
the little pills are like sugar pills but can be kind of chalky so I do recommend making sure your thirst is quenched before taking it

I hope this can help someone, because we don't need to be in such pain every month!

Lucid68 03-01-2013 08:39 PM

Calcium and Vitamin D tablets worked for me :)

scoobawater 23-03-2013 06:12 AM

Cal-mag tablets and vitex/chaste berry extract (Femaprin is supposedly the best brand), also avoiding any meat/dairy that might contain added hormones.

7luminaries 08-04-2013 12:06 AM

Wow...all of the above are good suggestions.
You do need to check your diet. I am gluten and cow's dairy intolerant.
So whilst still eating gluten in my 20s, none of my nutrients were being properly absorbed, and my cramps were terrible no matter how many vitamins I took.
Light protein (like tuna, eggs, or yoghurt) is great, though, all else equal.

I have found that vitamin C, calcium and b-complex are key...need at least 1 month (or up to 2 cycles) before seeing some help.
Many find that D, E, and fish oil supplements help, as some have mentioned.

In general, nutrients and herbals, including teas, that strengthen the blood and calm the nerves will help.

Vitex/Chasteberry extract every day on top of all the others is what relieved me of the need to take much if any ibuprofen. Now I hardly ever need it.
The others didn't hurt but didn't help me so much...plus, though I didn't have terrible PMS as some do, I think that I do feel that the vitex/chasteberry extract does noticeably support you at that time.

Peace & blessings,

missrachel300 08-04-2013 08:13 AM

Dong Quai is supposed to be very helpful for different kinds of menstrual problems. You can take it in a pill or make it into tea.... It will also probably thin your blood (which can be good or bad depending on your health issues).

scoobawater 08-04-2013 07:14 PM

I've recently found a Yogi tea - Woman's Moon Cycle - that contains both Dong Quai Root & Chaste Berry. I know with chaste berry you have to wait 3-4 cycles to see results and should be used regularly, so not too sure how effective this tea is. The directions on the box says to drink 4-5 cups throughout the day during premenstrual days.

moonincancer 13-04-2013 08:45 AM

eating a banana first thing in the morning esp on a couple of days before and during the period helps prevent painful cramps...possibly because of magnesium.

Antheia 19-04-2013 02:54 PM

This is quite an old thread, but I wanted to add to all the great suggestions here that I have found that crampbark tincture (don't try to make a tea, it tastes awful) and raspberry leaf tea work wonders. The raspberry leaf tea also tastes great so it is an easy remedy to take.

Also, just be very careful with herbal remedies. Read up as much as you can. A lot of remedies contain phytoestrogens and, if you are estrogen dominant, you may not want to add to that.

alamode 07-07-2013 05:51 PM

Use only natural pads. Don't use tampons. I think the Diva Cup might be ok. But I personally use cloth pads. The commercial tampons and commercial menstrual pads have nasty chemicals in them that certainly don't help for menstrual cramps.

Menstrual cramps can also be related to diet. Magnesium deficiencies. I drink plenty of raw grass-fed milk and that is a good source of magnesium.

Belle 08-07-2013 08:27 AM

I'm despairing! The last few months have been agony.

I eat a lot of bananas, and green leafy things and take magnesium supplements.

I was stunned to receive a stab of pain as opposed to the normal cramps last month. You know the shot out of the blue which had me doubled up.

ChristopherKoch 15-02-2016 04:16 AM

Natural ingredient is the best medicine to cure from any disease. I think we should always prefer to use natural medicines rather than getting medicines from chemist. As this oil given has so many health benefits specially for women, to improve menstrual cycle.The most common natural remedies include:
Exercising,Heating pad ,Acupuncture,Abdominal massage,Warm baths,Yoga,Adequate sleep.

To Get More Information Here on How to get Menstrual Cramp Relief .

Silver 15-02-2016 07:31 AM

Nobody in my family drank much, but my grandmother had a small bottle of wine in the cupboard for menstrual cramps, and it was about the only thing that sometimes worked - sometimes not.

AmyNickiD 17-03-2017 03:17 AM


AmyNickiD 17-03-2017 03:18 AM

best thing is they can last for like 10 years, buy it off ebay its reusable, hospital grade material and all you need to do is clean it twice a day and sterilise after each period.

Tobi 18-03-2017 12:42 AM

I will use herbal medicines for absolutely anything I get wrong with me. They have worked well for me over the years with remarkable results. Some bad infections I have cured within 3 days or so.
But there was only ONE thing that ever helped me with menstrual pain (and it was very bad every month) -and that was a couple of painkillers. Without them I would be doubled up, with them I could walk, eat and sleep. I am glad they were invented!

BrightRose 23-03-2017 01:26 PM

Try honey and lemon. Warm of course. :)

Shaolan 11-04-2017 03:55 AM

It's so weird how some treatments totally work for some and not at all for others! I think I've tried at least 10-15 different natural treatments/healing methods for menstrual cramps and truthfully, the only thing that seems to work for me is a dong quai based herbal tincture.
Every month, on my first day, I would be in terrible pain, so much that I wouldn't be able to do anything but lie down and cry until it would get better, about 3-4 hours after.
The first time I tried the tincture it worked so well I couldn't believe it! For the first time in many years I was able to do stuff on my first bleeding day! I was merely uncomfortable!
I used it again this month but this time I unfortunately had a good 30 minutes of horrible pain, which is still better compared to the usual 3-4 hours non-stop. Not long after I found I had expulsed a really big chunk of endometrium so no wonder I was in such pain! ×_× Now if I could stop having those big clots I'd be happy!

rainbow.sprinkles 12-04-2017 08:47 PM

I don't think honeybush tea has been mentioned in this thread yet.

it works great for me, after a cup or 2 my cramps have gone away completely. and depending on what's available in your area, you might be able to get a nice herbal mix with other flavours added to it. of course that means less of the actual honeybush per cup. personally I think plain honeybush tea tastes quite nice.

Berry 13-04-2017 11:04 AM

I don't think extreme pain, heavy flow, and clots are normal. Please get seen and have those issues checked out prior to natural remedies, especially a complete blood work. The flaxseed and raspberry leave tea eventually did nothing for me. I had severe endometriosis and anemia that required drastic measures that most likely saved my life.

Shaolan 13-04-2017 02:26 PM

Unfortunately (or fortunately?) I have already seen doctors in the past for my menstrual symptoms and it seems I'm 'normal'. Mmh :rolleyes:

I know many people who have the same inconveniences as me, but they do take prescribed medication for the pain, while I don't want to.
Doctors also suggest to take the pill to ease the symptoms and make the cycle more regular, but I don't want that either.

I know some of these symptoms can be due to some serious condition like endometriosis, but in my case I think it's mainly a hormonal imbalance.
I will have a bloodwork done soon and it might give me valuable information. Then I will go see a naturopath if I need to. :smile:

Green.Heals 05-11-2017 05:39 AM

Primrose oil, cramp bark, there are other tea's/herbs you can try as well. Krill Oil. I forget how it is taken, I used it for some time, I thought it was helpful.

You might look into endometriosis. Hormonal health. Acupuncture.

Increase daily water intake.

I also use raspberry leaf tea, sometimes it is helpful, but not always.

Shivani Devi 16-11-2017 10:58 AM

When I was younger, my grandma would give me a teaspoon of powdered ginger mixed in warm water and a hot water bottle...did the trick.

I've also tried dong quai, which helped and an old Chinese doctor recommended hawthorn berry tea...which was excellent!

So, those things I have found helpful:

Hawthorn berry extract
Dong Quai
Wild Asparagus
Sesame seeds
Vitamin B6

...and a hot water bottle. =)

Tobi 18-11-2017 01:27 AM

There may be acupressure points to help with menstrual pain. You maybe should check that out.

The other night I had a nerve pain in my arm (old pain which is mostly gone but occasionally comes back for a few hours) I used the acupressure point in the hand for it, giving gentle firm pressure for 30 seconds, in 2 stages. Then I fell asleep, and in the morning there was no more pain.

dream jo 19-11-2017 12:19 AM

dnt no iv tryd a few thns all i no pms can trn me in 2 a syco frm hell it can

travelingwithin 02-01-2018 10:18 AM

Hot water bottle, ginger and magnesium do the trick for my wife's menstrual cramps. But not always...it depends on the level of stress as well.

trixiewilbury 02-01-2018 06:46 PM

Helpful thread - good info here, lots to try! Thanks everyone.

trixiewilbury 02-01-2018 06:48 PM

Oh, and when it's been extremely bad, I have tried mind over matter since anything over the counter messes with my cycle and I would rather not use it anyway. Me, clenched in pain: "I acknowledge that the body is an illusion, I thank these pains for everything they have taught me, now I say goodbye! You are illusory and I am well, healed and whole." Nothing is an immediate fix, lol. I'll make note of some of these teas and oils.

Spearmint Leaf 02-01-2018 11:05 PM

Don't wait until you have the debilitating cramps.
STOP them before they start.
About one week prior to your cycle start drinking a mixture of
organic calcium/magnesium rich Tisane.
( or for serious Cramp-Relief-Annihilator-Women : drink every single day)

A simple mixture of Organic Red Raspberry Leaves steeped overnight in
distilled water in a Mason Jar and then squeezed thoroughly is usually strong enough to annihilate the cramps.
Drink every day of the month not just during the cycle.

If that's not strong enough then drink Organic Red Raspberry Leaves, Shavegrass, Nettles & Oatstraw mixture everyday or starting at least one week prior to cycle. ( all herbs must be 100% organic )

IF you only steep the herbs for 5 or 10 minutes or whatever the recommended steeping time states, then it is still too weak .
It needs to be a strong Medicinal Concoction to do anything to help you.

For people that don't understand menstrual cramps I usually compare it
to the same pain as Charlie Horses and that same concoction above relieves Charlie Horses, too.

If you use store bought Tea Bags out of a box then you'll probably need to use four TeaBags compared to one serving made by you .

If you drank this everyday for a month ( but even a week is better than nothing ) your menstrual cycle pain will be reduced to zero and the flow reduced to a minimal and you'll have to learn how to live with no cramps and minimal / normal flow. Then you'll save money on feminine products and also feel healthier and happier and nourished as well.

HUG :)

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