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Usako 28-01-2012 01:16 AM

Why do good people die?
Why is that good people and/or those who want to live die or are killed. But those who only bring suffering and/or want to die keep on living?

psychoslice 28-01-2012 01:26 AM

They die for the good of the rest, if no one died there would be no room on this planet for anyone to live, I think those who bring suffering also die at the same rate as those who don't, life doesn't discriminate.

Usako 28-01-2012 01:28 AM

Sometimes I feel like it does, for example (and I don't want to give too many details or I'll make it obvious who I am) how come out of twelve people, eleven who deserve to live are killed, but the one who probably betrayed his friends is saved?

psychoslice 28-01-2012 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Suikagirl
Sometimes I feel like it does, for example (and I don't want to give too many details or I'll make it obvious who I am) how come out of twelve people, eleven who deserve to live are killed, but the one who probably betrayed his friends is saved?

Well again, life doesn't discriminate, in reality there is no right or wrong, why do gentle creatures have to die and be eaten by predatory animals, its the same thing, its just our perception of what we think is fair or not. In a deeper level, no one dies, no one is born, there is just the mind body dreaming.

SoulSparkles 28-01-2012 01:39 AM

Wow, thats a deep question Suikagirl, and I doubt anyone can give you an answer that is 100% However, everybody has thier beliefs about things like this.

For example, Im a great believer in 'when your time is up its up' I actually believe that we all have a given time when we are destined to leave the earth plane.

Many may disagree with me and thats ok, I respect others beliefs, but here I am talking about mine.

I used to have my work auctioned for a childrens luekemia charity, and at some of the events I attended they would play a video of these poor sick children, some of which had passed...

I would feel mortified at this, id think its so not fair, why?

I came to a conclusion that when your time is up its up...

I thought why would a child be taken.

But upon deeper thought, I began to think of soul agreements, and what if that soul had agreed a certain time to die before incarnation here? What would be the reason for a soul to agree to die as a child?

I looked at this childs life and what that child had shown to others, that child showed so much courage, smiled in the face of the countless operations and sickness, bought so much love to her parents and the many people who became aware of her through the charity, and that child also bought unity to strangers who were all sitting at these events raising money and awareness for others who would go on to suffer....

In that childs short life, she had achieved more than what many people do in a lifetime.

So, I believe that a soul maybe agrees before incarnating as to their purpose and time here....

As for bad people, well thats quite contraversial, even when an awful natural disaster happens it brings about a unity of strangers near and far in the aftermath, maybe people who are bad remain here to learn? Or so others can learn from their mistakes..... Ive not really given that one much thought... But you do sometimes find with people who have commited terrible crimes that they later can repent and feel remorse for what they have done.... Maybe that is what they remain here for, in order to change, and in order to give us the gift of being able to forgive???

I know ive not answered your question, but this is what your question made me think of...


Usako 28-01-2012 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by SoulSparkles
Wow, thats a deep question Suikagirl, and I doubt anyone can give you an answer that is 100% However, everybody has thier beliefs about things like this.

For example, Im a great believer in 'when your time is up its up' I actually believe that we all have a given time when we are destined to leave the earth plane.

Many may disagree with me and thats ok, I respect others beliefs, but here I am talking about mine.

I used to have my work auctioned for a childrens luekemia charity, and at some of the events I attended they would play a video of these poor sick children, some of which had passed...

I would feel mortified at this, id think its so not fair, why?

I came to a conclusion that when your time is up its up...

I thought why would a child be taken.

But upon deeper thought, I began to think of soul agreements, and what if that soul had agreed a certain time to die before incarnation here? What would be the reason for a soul to agree to die as a child?

I looked at this childs life and what that child had shown to others, that child showed so much courage, smiled in the face of the countless operations and sickness, bought so much love to her parents and the many people who became aware of her through the charity, and that child also bought unity to strangers who were all sitting at these events raising money and awareness for others who would go on to suffer....

In that childs short life, she had achieved more than what many people do in a lifetime.

So, I believe that a soul maybe agrees before incarnating as to their purpose and time here....

As for bad people, well thats quite contraversial, even when an awful natural disaster happens it brings about a unity of strangers near and far in the aftermath, maybe people who are bad remain here to learn? Or so others can learn from their mistakes..... Ive not really given that one much thought... But you do sometimes find with people who have commited terrible crimes that they later can repent and feel remorse for what they have done.... Maybe that is what they remain here for, in order to change, and in order to give us the gift of being able to forgive???

I know ive not answered your question, but this is what your question made me think of...


Thank you that was very enlightening. It is true that those children may teach us more that we think. I had always thought about parents with troubled children, and maybe sometimes is not about what the parents teach them, but the other way around, like tolerance for example.

I just see this amount of evil people, who never find the remorse you talk about and bring so much hurt to thousands of those who could have brought so much good into the world.

I really hope bad deeds don't go unpunished, because sometimes you see bad people thrive and good ones only find more suffering in their lives. I also hope that suffering without doing something about it burns karma off, for those who believe in the Law of Karma at least.

Usako 28-01-2012 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by psychoslice
Well again, life doesn't discriminate, in reality there is no right or wrong, why do gentle creatures have to die and be eaten by predatory animals, its the same thing, its just our perception of what we think is fair or not. In a deeper level, no one dies, no one is born, there is just the mind body dreaming.


Do you believe in reincarnation? Or the After Life?

SoulSparkles 28-01-2012 01:55 AM

I have great faith in the powers that be...Im very sure they know what they are doing. I know sometimes things seem so unfair, but we just have to have faith..... I believe that for everything there is a reason.....

Having said that I still see starving children dying and I weep and wonder how this can happen.....

But all I can do is pray for those who suffer and try and do my own small part in making the world a better place to live in... Its constructive.



psychoslice 28-01-2012 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Suikagirl

Do you believe in reincarnation? Or the After Life?

No, I don't think we go anywhere after we die, the mind body that we think is us, is just all the conditioning and programming that we have accumulated, who are you without your past, just think about it.....we are in reality pure Source, or Consciousnesses, that is what is left when the body dies, all that we thought was us, is no longer, it is finished. So many want to have their life continuing, so they believe in all sorts of beliefs to give them hope.

Usako 28-01-2012 02:06 AM


Originally Posted by psychoslice
No, I don't think we go anywhere after we die, the mind body that we think is us, is just all the conditioning and programming that we have accumulated, who are you without your past, just think about it.....we are in reality pure Source, or Consciousnesses, that is what is left when the body dies, all that we thought was us, is no longer, it is finished. So many want to have their life continuing, so they believe in all sorts of beliefs to give them hope.

But where would this "consciousness" go? We are energy and energy isn't destroyed...Who is dreaming us then? Wouldn't it be pointless for all to be just a dream, a dream that is shared with many others at the same time and with the same characteristics?

I know I won't change your way of thinking, nor will you be able to change mine, for I believe in reincarnation just because I know it to be true, like a innate knowing...but I enjoy the discussion:wink:

Silver 28-01-2012 02:08 AM

I think it's an interesting belief to believe that people 'choose' who they are and how they live, how long they live etc. It's been said the rain falls on the just and the unjust ~ the sun shines on the 'bad' and the good'.

I like things short and simple ~ to me, life is just a big **** shoot, no matter what one believes.

Usako 28-01-2012 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by SoulSparkles
I have great faith in the powers that be...Im very sure they know what they are doing. I know sometimes things seem so unfair, but we just have to have faith..... I believe that for everything there is a reason.....

Having said that I still see starving children dying and I weep and wonder how this can happen.....

But all I can do is pray for those who suffer and try and do my own small part in making the world a better place to live in... Its constructive.



I also have the same faith as you, only the reason seems inexistent at times...

I want to make my own small part also, I use writing for it, I found it to be a great way to reaching many people at the same time, hopefully at least some will listen.:smile:

Usako 28-01-2012 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Silvergirl
I think it's an interesting belief to believe that people 'choose' who they are and how they live, how long they live etc. It's been said the rain falls on the just and the unjust ~ the sun shines on the 'bad' and the good'.

I like things short and simple ~ to me, life is just a big **** shoot, no matter what one believes.

I have always believed you chose when to die, but then something happened that made me feel that you could put yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, hopefully I am very wrong!

A big **** shoot?:confused:

Silver 28-01-2012 02:12 AM

A **** shoot is a game of dice ~ a gambling game.:smile:

Usako 28-01-2012 02:19 AM


Originally Posted by Silvergirl
A **** shoot is a game of dice ~ a gambling game.:smile:

Oh, I see!:D

I can see it in some events, but in some there seems to be a bigger reason for things. Like the person who avoids a plane crash, because they were late and missed it.

Maybe things are like Steve Jobs said, we cannot connect the dots when looking to the future, only when we look behind we are able to see how things connect to each other.

Silver 28-01-2012 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Suikagirl
Oh, I see!:D

I can see it in some events, but in some there seems to be a bigger reason for things. Like the person who avoids a plane crash, because they were late and missed it.

Maybe things are like Steve Jobs said, we cannot connect the dots when looking to the future, only when we look behind we are able to see how things connect to each other.

I like that, smart fellow he was.:smile:

Usako 28-01-2012 02:28 AM

Oh yes he was, unfortunately he didn't seem to be that great of a boss! :tongue:

Have you heard his speech? He gave it at Stanford University in 2005, he said such great things in it, very motivational!

sound 28-01-2012 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by psychoslice
I think those who bring suffering also die at the same rate as those who don't, life doesn't discriminate.

I agree Robert ... everybody passes ... death is part of life and, like you say, it doesn't discriminate ... many people are seen, by those still living, in a more understanding light after they have passed ... but that's digressing ...

psychoslice 28-01-2012 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Suikagirl
But where would this "consciousness" go? We are energy and energy isn't destroyed...Who is dreaming us then? Wouldn't it be pointless for all to be just a dream, a dream that is shared with many others at the same time and with the same characteristics?

I know I won't change your way of thinking, nor will you be able to change mine, for I believe in reincarnation just because I know it to be true, like a innate knowing...but I enjoy the discussion:wink:

Yes I enjoy discussing this stuff also, and in the end none of us really know what were talking about lol, ..Consciousness goes nowhere, it is the energy that is molded into whatever, but this is from Consciousnesses not pure Consciousnesses its SELF, this world that we live in, is our dream, yes we all dream together. Some Awaken in this dream and realize that there is more than just this dream, but still the dream goes on.

I'm not out to change anyone's mind, I just realize my own inner truth and that is all I ever share, I also never say that I know anything to be true, that would be arrogance on my part, as I said I can only share that which I have experienced.:smile:

Usako 28-01-2012 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by psychoslice
Yes I enjoy discussing this stuff also, and in the end none of us really know what were talking about lol, ..Consciousness goes nowhere, it is the energy that is molded into whatever, but this is from Consciousnesses not pure Consciousnesses SELF, this world that we live in, is our dream, yes we all dream together. Some Awaken in this dream and realize that there is more than just this dream, but still the dream goes on.

I'm not out to change anyone's mind, I just realize my own inner truth and that is all I ever share, I also never say that I know anything to be true, that would be arrogance on my part, as I said I can only share that which I have experienced.:smile:

It sounds very Matrix like!:tongue: Although for me we are dreaming, and when we die we wake up.

I really hope there is an After Life, and I'll be able to meet my loved ones there, especially someone who was taken away violently and prematurely.:wink:

I just wished the truth was given to us, in a way no one could doubt it, making things so much easier! But that's just me, Miss Impatient!:laughing7: Would prevent a lot of wars at least!

Silver 28-01-2012 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by Suikagirl
Oh yes he was, unfortunately he didn't seem to be that great of a boss! :tongue:

Have you heard his speech? He gave it at Stanford University in 2005, he said such great things in it, very motivational!

No, I didn't hear his speech ~ nor did I hear he was a not-so-great boss!
:icon_eek: :cool:

psychoslice 28-01-2012 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by Suikagirl
It sounds very Matrix like!:tongue: Although for me we are dreaming, and when we die we wake up.

I really hope there is an After Life, and I'll be able to meet my loved ones there, especially someone who was taken away violently and prematurely.:wink:

I just wished the truth was given to us, in a way no one could doubt it, making things so much easier! But that's just me, Miss Impatient!:laughing7: Would prevent a lot of wars at least!

Yes I can see the emotion that we attach to wanting to continue on to another life, but when we realize that we are all ONE, this way of thinking changes, when we die we are are all that there IS, just as we were even in the life that we lived, but in the life that we lived we cannot fully realize this, because the mind takes first place.

Separation, or the belief in separation, is what causes us misery, its just like you toe, its connected to you, but you have no idea what is going on there unless you kick it, this is like when we Awaken, we are kicked into the realization of who we truly are, and we then can see the truth, not with our eye's but with our inner Being, it at last has recognized its SELF in the mirror of Enlightenment.

Usako 28-01-2012 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by psychoslice
Separation, or the belief in separation, is what causes us misery, its just like you toe, its connected to you, but you have no idea what is going on there unless you kick it, this is like when we Awaken, we are kicked into the realization of who we truly are, and we then can see the truth, not with our eye's but with our inner Being, it at last has recognized its SELF in the mirror of Enlightenment.

Have you studied Buddhism? Because that is one of the reasons for suffering according to Buddha.
I wish people not only found that truth about separation regarding each other, but animals...

What do you think will happen when you die?

psychoslice 28-01-2012 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by Suikagirl
Have you studied Buddhism? Because that is one of the reasons for suffering according to Buddha.
I wish people not only found that truth about separation regarding each other, but animals...

What do you think will happen when you die?

I have read many philosophies, including Buddhism, but I don't make my camp there, I don't hold onto any of their beliefs.

We are all One, and that includes animals, in fact we are animals.

When I die that's it, the life of Robert is over, but the Consciousness of Robert is there, where it always was, it goes nowhere.

Other bodies will appear in Consciousness, but they will have their own story to tell, and all these stories are part of your story, the story just continues, through evolution, the mind body organism just continues, its really one in its self also, and that is where you will continue, because you are the mind body in evolution, but again your story will be a new story, no an old one continuing.

Usako 31-01-2012 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by psychoslice
I have read many philosophies, including Buddhism, but I don't make my camp there, I don't hold onto any of their beliefs.

We are all One, and that includes animals, in fact we are animals.

When I die that's it, the life of Robert is over, but the Consciousness of Robert is there, where it always was, it goes nowhere.

Other bodies will appear in Consciousness, but they will have their own story to tell, and all these stories are part of your story, the story just continues, through evolution, the mind body organism just continues, its really one in its self also, and that is where you will continue, because you are the mind body in evolution, but again your story will be a new story, no an old one continuing.

First, forgive me for taking so long to reply, the day after we talked I had this huge headache, and this days I haven't been feeling so well, emotionally wise...

I love how you think of animals, I am very sure that only until humans learn to respect them will they be able to respect other human beings as well.

So is your conciousness the equivalent of a soul for you? Is this great Conciusness the same as "God" for you?

For me they are, but I believe only after you become what buddhists call "enlightened" would you finally be able to join this great Conciousness which I believe can only be achieved by removing all karma, hence coming back until you are ready.

psychoslice 31-01-2012 01:30 AM

Hi Suikagirl, nice to talk to you again, yes i love all animals very much, in fact I don't even like eating them lol.

Our Consciousness is all that there IS, I don't like to label it but we have to talk abut what IS I suppose, to me the soul is our energy package, or the life force that animates throughout the mind body organism, when the body dies the life force dissolves back into Consciousness, to me the soul doesn't continue onward's.

You could call this Consciousness God, but that only causes dualism, in fact any word we apply to what IS becomes dualistic, but then we think of the word and miss what the word points to.

Enlightenment is just another word that points to your true nature, what Enlightenment brings, is already there, you are where you have always been, you haven't gone anywhere, where you stand is always holy ground, when one Awakens, they simply Realize this, as long as we believe this through just the mind, we will always still be in the mind, Enlightenment must be experienced by you only, but when i say you, i don't mean you as your ego, that must disappear first, or be put out of sight, for it will always be in the way.

Karma is again of the mind, no mind no karma, as long as we believe we are the mind we will always be under Karma, when Realized, karma also dissolves.

There will still be what we call good and bad happening, but you will now realize it to be nothing to do with you, you no longer get involved, or no where as much.

The mind is the only thing that makes you think you are coming back, and in a way that package of energy that has recorded all your programming and conditioning does come back, but when one is awakened, that package of energy at death also dissolves.

These words that I have spoken are not to be taken as truth, they can only point to truth, you must find for your SELF your own inner truth.:hug3:

Aquarian 31-01-2012 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Suikagirl
Why is that good people and/or those who want to live die or are killed. But those who only bring suffering and/or want to die keep on living?

God doesn't use the death penalty.

Some karma is reserved for the next life - this is Buddhist and Hindu tradition.

Also I regressed into pre-incarnation. Might have hallucinated it but others here have validated it.

Lastly, God personally descended and told me I'm immortal.

Sarian 31-01-2012 01:42 PM

People always say that. I don't think it's true. Made me think of what my doctor gave me a stern lecture on once. She knew about my miserable abusive marriage and said I needed to get out. "Don't wait for him to simply die because his health is bad! My father is an abusive, controlling man. He was so cruel to my mother, and she always felt he would die soon. the man's 89 years old now and just the same miserable, mean b*astard he was as in his younger days! Get out NOW!" I saw a lawyer. lol

BlueSky 31-01-2012 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Suikagirl
Why is that good people and/or those who want to live die or are killed. But those who only bring suffering and/or want to die keep on living?

Good question. I don't have an answer but it does make you see things differently when you see the reality of this.....it seems like life isn't fair sometimes when you look at others but it seems to make complete sense when we look at ourselves...don't you think?......anyways, at the very least it helps us to understand that we really don't understand and that is a good place to start...........:smile:

Blessings, James

Sarian 31-01-2012 03:41 PM

My mom is dying. We didn't have the greatest of relationships. But was she a bad person? Not really. She had a side to her with a heart of gold, but the flip side was different. I don't know why it is that way, but it is. She's still my mom and I love her immensely. My dad is a wonderful, wonderful man, my role model in many ways... he's got his own health issues. I feared he wouldn't make it out of last year, but he is a fighter and he sprung back to life it seems. Mom doesnt have what dad has, but she has lung cancer, so it makes it harder. She's about 70 pounds now. Startling to see her. Dad called me a bit ago and said she's getting worse and we'll have to bring her bed down stairs. So I'm going over there shortly to get her out of the house and tend to some of her needs and see about re-arranging stuff. Anyway, I think it's all just that we are looking at those that are dying or died. My daughter's boyfriend died in 2009... he was a spitfire, but a real good kid. Sadly tragedies happen all the time...we never know when our time of this life is up.

Miss Hepburn 31-01-2012 03:43 PM

Why do good people die...

Gee, my question is why are good people incarnated
here in this Dimension!!!!


Aquarian 31-01-2012 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Gee, my question is why are good people incarnated
here in this Dimension!!!!


Karma, has to be. God isn't that cruel (actually very loving).

The only other possibility is that God isn't all powerful. Maybe Satan gets a say. Forgot to ask about that one...

Oh, one other possibility: God doesn't exist and I imagined our meeting whilst in an amazing state of mind for reasons I can't fathom. But Satan would love me to believe that.

Celeste 31-01-2012 07:53 PM

from an astrological point of view, these people often have a few grand trines in their charts, which often gets them off this earth life early.

grim789 31-01-2012 08:03 PM

Death does not differenciate between good and bad people. Good and bad are only matters of human perspective, and view. I belive when someone dies, then there attatched astral body detaches. This happens there is a release into higher dimensions, or back into lower ones based on ones Karma.


Usako 01-02-2012 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by psychoslice
Hi Suikagirl, nice to talk to you again, yes i love all animals very much, in fact I don't even like eating them lol.

Our Consciousness is all that there IS, I don't like to label it but we have to talk abut what IS I suppose, to me the soul is our energy package, or the life force that animates throughout the mind body organism, when the body dies the life force dissolves back into Consciousness, to me the soul doesn't continue onward's.

You could call this Consciousness God, but that only causes dualism, in fact any word we apply to what IS becomes dualistic, but then we think of the word and miss what the word points to.

Enlightenment is just another word that points to your true nature, what Enlightenment brings, is already there, you are where you have always been, you haven't gone anywhere, where you stand is always holy ground, when one Awakens, they simply Realize this, as long as we believe this through just the mind, we will always still be in the mind, Enlightenment must be experienced by you only, but when i say you, i don't mean you as your ego, that must disappear first, or be put out of sight, for it will always be in the way.

Karma is again of the mind, no mind no karma, as long as we believe we are the mind we will always be under Karma, when Realized, karma also dissolves.

There will still be what we call good and bad happening, but you will now realize it to be nothing to do with you, you no longer get involved, or no where as much.

The mind is the only thing that makes you think you are coming back, and in a way that package of energy that has recorded all your programming and conditioning does come back, but when one is awakened, that package of energy at death also dissolves.

These words that I have spoken are not to be taken as truth, they can only point to truth, you must find for your SELF your own inner truth.:hug3:

That was beautiful.

I guess our light is always there, clouded by our notions and other bad feelings and thoughts... Only they are so hard to get rid off!
My light shines through at times, but then a million bad things come that make it retrieve and feel almost gone at times.

Usako 01-02-2012 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Aquarian
God doesn't use the death penalty.

Some karma is reserved for the next life - this is Buddhist and Hindu tradition.

Also I regressed into pre-incarnation. Might have hallucinated it but others here have validated it.

Lastly, God personally descended and told me I'm immortal.

I will give your link a read, thank you!

Is just sometimes the balance seems to lean on the bad side, meaning there seems to be more bad people staying here, than good ones.


Originally Posted by Sarian
My mom is dying. We didn't have the greatest of relationships. But was she a bad person? Not really. She had a side to her with a heart of gold, but the flip side was different. I don't know why it is that way, but it is. She's still my mom and I love her immensely. My dad is a wonderful, wonderful man, my role model in many ways... he's got his own health issues. I feared he wouldn't make it out of last year, but he is a fighter and he sprung back to life it seems. Mom doesnt have what dad has, but she has lung cancer, so it makes it harder. She's about 70 pounds now. Startling to see her. Dad called me a bit ago and said she's getting worse and we'll have to bring her bed down stairs. So I'm going over there shortly to get her out of the house and tend to some of her needs and see about re-arranging stuff. Anyway, I think it's all just that we are looking at those that are dying or died. My daughter's boyfriend died in 2009... he was a spitfire, but a real good kid. Sadly tragedies happen all the time...we never know when our time of this life is up.

I am so sorry for what you are going through. My mom's friend died from stomach cancer and it was also very difficult to see her go through that, vanishing away, she was also so thin and weak that she had to be carried from the bed to the bathroom.

Hopefully this will help both of you overcome the issues of your past, bringing healing while she is with you. I guess that is the silver lining in these cases, having the time to mend hearts and say our goodbyes.

Unfortunately there are times we don't have the chance to say our goodbye, although sometimes they are deaths that seem more merciful, at least for the person who goes to the Spirit Realm.

It is the opposite way for me, my problems, well bigger ones have been with my dad but we have been able to work out a lot of them, with his health problems I am always wishing he'll be able to see me achieve my dreams or at least be in a place which brings him the calm of knowing he won't be leaving me unprotected, that I will be able to take care of myself.

My best wishes and thoughts for you and your family through this hard times!:hug2:

Usako 01-02-2012 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Celeste
from an astrological point of view, these people often have a few grand trines in their charts, which often gets them off this earth life early.

But is it possible to take the wrong decision and go before your time? Many people believe that was the case in my uncle's passing. They say he had the chance to avoid the experience that put him in that place, but he chose not to, I don't know if the person is telling the whole story, and it is hard for me to trust him since he seems to be someone who betrayed his friends...


Originally Posted by grim789
Death does not differenciate between good and bad people. Good and bad are only matters of human perspective, and view. I belive when someone dies, then there attatched astral body detaches. This happens there is a release into higher dimensions, or back into lower ones based on ones Karma.


Well I have a hard time not labeling someone who murders a person easily and has no regards for other's suffering as not bad, also forgiving them.

Toolite 02-02-2012 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Suikagirl
Why is that good people and/or those who want to live die or are killed. But those who only bring suffering and/or want to die keep on living?

why do good people die? I believe we all have a written expiration date and if we pass it was time for us to go. Remember we are trained by the world so we dont get all the spiritual truth while on earth so we perceive with a carnal mind and any experiences that we had spiritually to draw conclusions.

Those who bring torment and suffering consistantly are probably spiritually dead anyone and those who want to die but, cant die still has lessons to learn..

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever!

Occultist 02-02-2012 08:11 PM

Everyone Dies everything dies all in good time my dear.

LadyTerra 02-02-2012 08:34 PM

Greetings Suikagirl:

Originally Posted by Suikagirl
Why is that good people and/or those who want to live die or are killed. But those who only bring suffering and/or want to die keep on living?

My Paternal-Grandmother had a saying, "Only the good die young.". Now--I'm sure she didn't invent it--but it remains just as true (all the same).

I believe in destiny and that each life serves a purpose--once that purpose is fulfilled--then that Spirit moves-on to the next stage of its development.

Not all destinies are positive. Some come here to act as a catalyst for social change--take Hitler (for instance).

I had a younger Sister--who was just too delicate for the ugliness in this world. She took her own life--in the end. I like to think that she came to bring her children into the world and that somewhere down the line--one of her decendants may make a difference in the world.

Peace and Love on your path to doing your own research and forming your own opinions...

Blessed be...

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