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lovetruth 15-12-2011 07:24 PM

Message from Babaji
If you could banish all karma, all indebtedness created by the souls that inhabit the earth, Would you? If you could forgive every infraction, every insult to the

ego,every inhumanity to the world and each other, would you? If you could wipe the slate clean so no stain remained and let go of all the burdens you have dragged

with you throughout your lives, would you?

What stops you from doing this? The world and its appearances are your own creation, you have been given full reign to do what you will, to learn, to build with

beauty instead of horror. You make your own place in the world, there is no one to blame,no finger to point.

Dear ones, here is the simple secret to your release. Refuse to support the disharmony in yourselves, then you can let go of the disharmony all around you. Your inner

world creates your outer world. If you are torn and undecided, if you spread yourselves out so your innate power is fragmented, then you will encounter a fragmented


See the divine light shine in everyone and in everything,-let go of the appearance. See the inner light, not the shadow that is cast before you. If you can see the light

in each other then you will begin to heal because you are experiencing truth instead of a lie. You go through the motions of purity when your heart is filled with

animosity toward others.

Self is all encompassing. If you can truly love yourself and the truth of yourself, then you will also see it in each other, because self is one, seemingly divided yet the

same. Illusion is just the belief that you are less than you truly are.

Let your light shine on everyone and everything, let go of the need to judge to make right and wrong. Let go of the urge to make others different than yourselves.

Walk your truth in every moment, not just when you sit to contemplate or meditate. See the spark in all. That is all there is to awakening dear ones, to see and then

live truth.


Xan 15-12-2011 08:45 PM

Dear ones, here is the simple secret to your release....

Thank you, lovetruth and Babaji.


Miss Hepburn 15-12-2011 09:04 PM

And here I am - I didn't say thank you - I just copied it and sent it to someone that I knew needed it - thank you, Babaji.

lovetruth 16-12-2011 05:49 PM

Xan and Miss Hepburn, you are most welcome. I know most of your already know this information, but when I receive it, I pass it on. Love to all. lovetruth

See the face of divinity (be it Jesus, Krishna, Babaji, Mohammed, etc.) on the face of all you encounter, truth once seen cannot be denied.

Xan 16-12-2011 10:28 PM

Knowing, yes... and letting it go in deeper from these inspirations, also yes.


surrendertotheflow 16-12-2011 10:46 PM

words I need to remind myself of constantly!!!

Refuse to support the disharmony in yourselves, then you can let go of the disharmony all around you. Your inner

See the divine light shine in everyone and in everything,-let go of the appearance.

let go of the need to judge to make right and wrong. Let go of the urge to make others different than yourselves.

FlowerChild420x 17-12-2011 08:05 AM

I think I'm going to wake up every morning and read this.

lovetruth 17-12-2011 09:30 PM

Second part of message from Babaji

Beloveds of light, you have all been lead into believing that what you see in the world is reality. Reality has many forms, the least, is the hallucinations you experience

in this world of appearances. Because it seems solid and thus you believe your senses, yet the senses do not reveal the truth. All the appearances are projections from

the mind. Matter is not but light taking form, so you can learn from the various appearances you create for your own soul growth. Once you realize this, you will see

what is beyond the appearance. Truth lies in love only. Every time you realize this, you bring yourselves closer to the truth of who you are. Savor the lessons but then

learn to move beyond them. You were not meant to linger in matter for so many lifetimes. When you are blinded with fear, you increase the cycles of birth and death

because you are not learning only lingering. Full Realization takes courage, you must make the effort. If you continually fall into the trap of fear, the lessons are not

retained. Do you see you have the opportunity to move forward in every moment? It is simply a choice. Love each other, you are all in this grand play to learn this

very basic lesson. Love alone can unlock the cycle of birth and death. Fill your hearts with love each morning and make the commitment to live love in every situation,

then your day will be geared toward moving forward. When you feel fear, examine it. See what the trigger was, then learn to appreciate the cause of your every

action or reaction. If you become a witness to your actions, you will not have to repeat them. Examine your day each evening and give yourselves a score from 1-10

on how well you remembered your lessons. You see dear ones, it is not so very hard, It just takes commitment to change. Do not take life so very seriously. Do you

not know you are all loved and cared for by your innate spirit, which is truth? Here is your source for all things, but you need to acknowledge this and know that your

lives are special. Do not waste a moment of it on things that have no true spiritual value. You will know what these are. Be that beautiful light and share yourselves

with others. Give in whatever way you can to help others on the path. You are all in this together, oneness experiencing division. Remember oneness is your truth

and do not hesitate to ask for help. In deepest compassion Babaji

Just a note: Babaji is committed to stay on the earth plane until all beings find truth. He is an exceptionally sweet and compassionate being of light.

krishna 17-12-2011 10:15 PM

This is so beautiful.
Babaji is very close to me.
In pure light.

Miss Hepburn 17-12-2011 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by FlowerChild420x
I think I'm going to wake up every morning and read this.

You are very wise.

Welcome here, btw.
:smile: Miss Hepburn

And you know how to center your posts....
I like that.

lovetruth 18-12-2011 06:30 PM

Message from Babaji Part 3

In every life there is a seed. This seed is meant to sprout and then be nurtured so that it grows into something magnificent and beautiful. You have let your seeds

sprout but then you forget to water them. You neglect to remove the weeds so that your sprout can grow in the light. All come to earth with a special purpose and

meaning. If you do not discover that meaning then you are not living to your fullest. Once you have chosen the path of freedom, and abide by its laws, you will have

all that you need in this world, and in the next. Life was not given to be a struggle, rather it was given that you learn to take all it hands you and make well of it.

You are not here to destroy or judge, but to love and honor. Each of you are divine by nature and when you finally behold that spark of beauty, you will have no

trouble in knowing which direction to take. Life becomes simple and rewarding when you give your life to truth. the greatest power of the world is within each of you

and it only waits to be implemented so that you can create with beauty and wisdom. Do not throw this back into the face of God, use your talents to help each

other. The self cannot live in selfishness, this has gone on for too long. Precious beings, you are, and your gifts to the world are only just being discovered. This is

the reason you are here in such numbers, each of you has a distinct purpose in bringing balance back to the earth. Do not waste time grasping for things that are of

a material nature only, these are finite and give such limited pleasure. Go rather for the divine choices that bring happiness to all, and reunion of spirit to the all. Feel

the pain of another so you can learn compassion, and know that each that feels pain, is also your pain. If the people of the world would work in unison toward peace

and love, all would unfold in an instant. You must lose the illusion of separation and know your brother, your neighbor etc. as yourselves. Help them, listen to them,

feed them if you must. How can one starved for the basics know to strive for the love of truth? Share of yourselves, give what you can to another to make their

path easier. This need not always be of a material nature, rather a smile, a listening ear, all these are important to your own soul growth. Recognize yourselves in

others, and this will not be so hard. You have come to believe that you are all sufficient unto yourselves, this is the biggest lie. All are interdependent, because you

are one and as you help each other, you are helped. Discard the lies of those who wish to rule in chaos and divide you. You know your nature is of love. Live it dear

ones, live it. Babaji

It gives me great joy to be able to relay these messages from the Master Babaji. And love to all of you and your comments. He also has a great sense of humor, but that is another story. lovetruth

Aquarian 19-12-2011 04:27 PM

Babaji just materialised in my living room and said tell them not to be so gullible before eating my last piece of chocolate and walking through the door (it wasn't open).

Xan 19-12-2011 07:46 PM

Actually Babaji did float through my room once some years ago, and gave me a simple message that made a big difference in my spiritual growth.

He didn't say anything about chocolate, though he mention something about people these days being a bit cynical from lack of love.


lovetruth 19-12-2011 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Xan
Actually Babaji did float through my room once some years ago, and gave me a simple message that made a big difference in my spiritual growth.

He didn't say anything about chocolate, though he mention something about people these days being a bit cynical from lack of love.


There is nothing as powerful of love, and yes it does change your life.
lovetruth :hug2:

Aquarian 20-12-2011 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by Xan
Actually Babaji did float through my room once some years ago, and gave me a simple message that made a big difference in my spiritual growth.

He didn't say anything about chocolate, though he mention something about people these days being a bit cynical from lack of love.

I'm hardly cynical am I? I can tolerate dressing up your own beliefs and pretending they come from some wacky alien or even a made-up angel.

But when it comes to putting your words in the mouth of the Holy Avatar of Avatars, Babaji... who wouldn't even be known about had Yogananda not shared "the most sacred of my human experiences"...

... it's a bit much.

lovetruth 20-12-2011 06:38 PM

Dearest Aquarian, Are you feeling some doubt in your own spirituality I ask this because you are spending your energy putting down something you appear to love.

I recognize it is because I have been there too. Doubt in the self can manifest in doubt in everything around you. Perhaps you are looking for healing

but you are not quite sure how to go about it, so you sally around the edges, maybe poke your toe in the waters but the truth is Aquarian, it takes more than

that. At some point you will realize you will need to take the full plunge (that means surrendering the ego, Logic, belief, pain, blame.) You get it. Why do you think

the Masters came to the earth if they did not want us to follow in their divine footsteps, this includes all of us, not just a select few. That is the final goal after all.

We can trust the ego and keep believing we are less than, and others are less than, or we can rise above the ego to the truth that has always been there, but

unfortunately goes unrecognized because the egos belief in its own supremacy.

You may not believe a word of what is written above, that is fine. I will tell you I have been practicing Kriya yoga since my 20s and it is a powerful tool to realization.

You would know this if you have read "Autobiography of a Yogi" which it appears you have. Do you remember the parts where Yogananda says he is always with

his devotees. It is true, and Babaji has said the same. I find it sad that you cannot look beyond your limited interpretation. The ego will never give

you a true picture of reality. Go within your own heart and ask Babaji to speak to you if you have not already spoken with him, I guarantee if you do this sincerely,

he will, but if you do so, that cynical side will also transform. Do you believe you are the only one connected to Babaji. I know there are many who receive his divine

message. He expects us to move forward and live his sage advice. At some point we have to let go of the little self to make room for the Divine. In doing so my own

Life has become simple and blissful. I am not saying that I have reached the goal, I still have a long way to go, but Aquarian I am on the path, and people are truly

dear to me now, I do not see the differences like I used to. My life runs smoothly, there is no longer confrontation or fear. It is a wonderful place to be, but Babaji

reminds me this is only the beginning. I have nothing to gain by posting the words of sweet Babaji, he simply would like to get his word out there. Time is short in this

finite world, we all have everything to gain when we finally turn to love. lovetruth

BlueSky 20-12-2011 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Aquarian
I'm hardly cynical am I? I can tolerate dressing up your own beliefs and pretending they come from some wacky alien or even a made-up angel.

But when it comes to putting your words in the mouth of the Holy Avatar of Avatars, Babaji... who wouldn't even be known about had Yogananda not shared "the most sacred of my human experiences"...

... it's a bit much.

I'm curious Aquarian. After reading this thread a few days ago and remembering my Yogananda days, I did some research on Babaji.
I remember being strongly 'drawn' to Babaji after reading Autobiography of a Yogi but i didn't know (and you alude to it here) that the mention of him in that book started a series of these such things (people channeling him and or seeing him).
What I am curious about is why you call him the Holy avatar of avatars?
Do you have experience of him outside of Yoganandas book?

Blessings, James

Aquarian 20-12-2011 08:22 PM

I don't mean to be harsh but...


Originally Posted by lovetruth
Dearest Aquarian, Am I sensing some deep wound from your past?



The reason I bring this up is it appears to be worn on your shoulder for all to see.


The only reason I recognize it is because I was wounded also. It is nothing to be ashamed of, I am guessing you are on the forum because somewhere in your heart you are looking for healing but you are not quite sure how to go about it, so you sally around the edges, maybe poke your toe in the waters but the truth is Aquarian it takes more than that.
I was initially looking to protect myself from demonic attacks but no-one here seems capable of helping me. Not that that's any concern of yours or I'm asking for anything. Just giving you feedback on your wayward mindreading here.


At some point you will realize you will need to take the full plunge (that means surrendering the ego, Logic, belief, pain, blame.) You get it.
Why do you think the Masters came to the earth if they did not want us to follow in their divine footsteps. That is the final goal after all. We can trust the ego and keep believing we are nothing but bundles of pain in a finite world or we can rise above the ego to the truth that has always been there, but unfortunately goes unrecognized because the egos belief in its own supremacy.

You may not believe a word of what is written above, that is fine. I will tell you I have been practicing Kriya yoga since my 20s and it is a powerful tool to realization.
So why do you think 'Babaji' just happens to state what you already believe? Why do you need Him to attract interest in your beliefs?


You would know this if you have read "Autobiography of a Yogi" Do you remember the parts where Yogananda says he is always with his devotees. It is true, and Babaji has said the same.
Unsurprisingly, none of their real devotees attempt to 'channel' them.


I find it sad that you cannot look beyond your egos interpretation of the world around you.
I'm not the one who needs the name of Babaji to give herself permission to access her inner wisdom.


It will never give you a true picture of reality. Go within your own heart and ask Babaji to fill the void, I guarantee if you do this sincerely, he will, but if you do so, change will be expected because we do not move forward if we cannot let go of the little self to make room for the Divine. I truly hope you find your way Aquarian. It took me most of my life before I sincerely surrendered but I can tell you my life did change in magnificent ways. You may not want to believe any of this but the truth is my life had become simple and blissful.
There is no void in my heart. I have repeatedly asked for help from Babaji and Yogananda. Maybe they did help me.

I do know I had actual God-contact through Yogananda's instructions. This is not a boast -- I simply followed his written instructions.

But it may make you think twice before acting all superior to me.


I am not saying that I have reached the goal, I still have a long way to go, but Aquarian I am on the path, and people are truly dear to me now, I do not see the differences like I used to. My life runs smoothly, there is no longer confrontation or fear.

It is a wonderful place to be, but Babaji says this is only the beginning. I have nothing to gain by posting the words of sweet Babaji, he simply would like to get his word out there.
Babaji could paint them in the sky if he wanted to.


Time is short in this finite world, we all have a choice to make and I would guess that most on this forum have already made their choices by the posts that I read. There really is beauty in the world Aquarian but I admit it is hard to see when you carry the world on your shoulders. I only have one other thing to say Dear Aquarian. Your are loveable and I can see that. The people on this forum can see that, unfortunately you do not seem to be able to see that in yourself. When you do, your attitude will change. You are a pussycat, you just believe you are a tiger.
Well that's sweet. And I am a very very nice person, loved by rather lovely people. But when I see delusion, sometimes I feel a sledgehammer is the only tool I have.

It is my limitation I know.

Aquarian 20-12-2011 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by WhiteShaman
I'm curious Aquarian. After reading this thread a few days ago and remembering my Yogananda days, I did some research on Babaji.
I remember being strongly 'drawn' to Babaji after reading Autobiography of a Yogi but i didn't know (and you alude to it here) that the mention of him in that book started a series of these such things (people channeling him and or seeing him).
What I am curious about is why you call him the Holy avatar of avatars?
Do you have experience of him outside of Yoganandas book?

Through Yogananda's instruction, I met God the Father - the most significant experience of my life. It was brief and I didn't get round to asking about Babaji.

But because of this experience, and because Yogandanda communicated a more accurate version of reality than anyone else I've found, I trust his word.

An Avatar is a perfected being. Perfected even beyond Sri Yukteswar who came back from the dead to describe the world that the ascended hope to ascend to. Perfected beyond Lahiri who could actually levitate.

It was Yogananda who called Babaji Mahavatar or Great Avatar. Sri Yogananda himself had to wait something like 10 years for a visit from Babaji, his guru's guru's guru -- and that was because Babaji had a mission for Yogananda to bring Kriya to the West.

Yogananda, who consulted with Jesus on the real meaning of the Gospels, stated that Babaji was Jesus's counterpart corporeally present on planet Earth - and that he'd been here for 300 years at least.

BlueSky 20-12-2011 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Aquarian
Through Yogananda's instruction, I met God the Father - the most significant experience of my life. It was brief and I didn't get round to asking about Babaji.

But because of this experience, and because Yogandanda communicated a more accurate version of reality than anyone else I've found, I trust his word.

An Avatar is a perfected being. Perfected even beyond Sri Yukteswar who came back from the dead to describe the world that the ascended hope to ascend to. Perfected beyond Lahiri who could actually levitate.

It was Yogananda who called Babaji Mahavatar or Great Avatar. Sri Yogananda himself had to wait something like 10 years for a visit from Babaji, his guru's guru's guru -- and that was because Babaji had a mission for Yogananda to bring Kriya to the West.

Yogananda, who consulted with Jesus on the real meaning of the Gospels, stated that Babaji was Jesus's counterpart corporeally present on planet Earth - and that he'd been here for 300 years at least.

Thank you for explaining........Yogananda was a big part of my life as well, and Babaji.............well there is just something magic about him to me.

Blessings, James

lovetruth 20-12-2011 08:54 PM

Dearest Aquarian, I did change the post, too long..... but in all sincerity I do read and take to heart whatever I receive from Babaji, and why wouldn't I. I hesitated in

posting these messages because there are always those who will doubt what is received. I am not trying to make you a believer or anyone else. I am posting what I

received from Babaji because it has made a difference in my own life, and quite frankly he asked me to. I am sorry if you felt I was putting you down , that is not my

intention at all, I only know where I have come from compared to where I am now, and thought perhaps you could relate to that. If this creates anger and pain for

some then I will stop posting. Please take the time to read "The voice of Babaji" These three books were given To V.T. Neelakanten and S.A.A Ramaiah in 1952 from

Babaji where he did in fact visit in V.T. Neelakantens home. I just recently found this book. Yes Babaji does want his message spread to the world. I think when you

do make that beautiful connection with Babaji you will understand where I am coming from, at least that is my hope. lovetruth

Miss Hepburn 20-12-2011 10:22 PM

love truth, please continue...kay?
Whenever you're ready.
:smile: Miss Hepburn

Aquarian 21-12-2011 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
Dearest Aquarian, I did change the post, too long..... but in all sincerity I do read and take to heart whatever I receive from Babaji, and why wouldn't I.

Because I've given you sufficient reason to doubt it is Babaji you're channelling - and you haven't responded to those points.

Please understand that I consider you my sister and wish to help you avoid the mistakes I've made. We probably have a lot in common.

Your thoughts are worthwhile enough without putting Babaji's name on them. However, feel free to continue with whatever you are comfortable with.


Please take the time to read "The voice of Babaji" These three books were given To V.T. Neelakanten and S.A.A Ramaiah in 1952 from Babaji where he did in fact visit in V.T. Neelakantens home.
I note Daya Mata claimed it is fake. She was the head of the SRF for 55 years and a close personal disciple of Yogananda. Yogananda himself stated that the SRF would always be run by an ascended master.

There is also this:

lovetruth 21-12-2011 05:14 PM

Dearest Aquarian, It's not necessary to defend myself, why would you want to put doubt in my mind anyway? You had a strong reaction to something in these posts.

That indicates there is something in you that they are bringing up that needs to be looked at in yourself. Its all mirrors. and please do not take that as a barb. It is

exactly what I had to do for years, with myself. And once you start digging there is all manner of refuse that has to be looked at and let go of. I will tell you this, it

took me years of deep meditation and self examination before Babaji ever showed up, it is simply a cleansing of the mind. And he only comes if I am in a blissful state

of mind. At first it was all information for myself, always loving and kind and he is immensely patient. He has announced himself three times with the scent of Jasmine

once, and roses twice. He truly does come to his devotees and I cannot prove this to you or anyone else but I assure it is not my imagination. I am going to give you

a little of my background because I think it will help you to understand. I made a deep spiritual commitment a long time ago. I dallied with the Kriya yoga

off and on through the years because even though I was committed I let life get in the way. But I did keep up with my meditation through the years. In the past two

years I have practiced the Kriya yoga extensively every day for 5 hours. Believe me this has healed me in beautiful ways. More cleaning up of the refuse, it continues

to come around until it is finally finished.

I don't watch T.V. I don't read novels unless they are of a spiritual nature I don't go to movies unless thy are of a spiritual nature. I listen to classical and uplifting

music, I live in the forest, and walk in nature every day rain or snow. I'm a vegetarian, and I don't own a cell phone. I only spend time with positive and spiritual

people. Pretty boring huh. Is that what it takes to attract Babaji into your heart, I don't think so, but for me it was all necessary to keep my mind uncluttered and

receptive. Because believe me once that is accomplished you will not want to go back to the chaotic mind. Babaji keeps his distance if I am in any kind of mood, and

yes they still come up but it is easier now. I am able to let things go, and that in itself brings immense peace. I don't know what Daya Maya had to say about the

books "The voice of Babaji" but I can tell you it is a beautiful book and I was given the message to read it. At some point you just have to trust your own inner

guidance Aquarian. And I do consider you my brother, we are all in this together for a reason. God bless you. lovetruth

Aquarian 21-12-2011 05:29 PM

Perhaps it would help to ask what form these messages come to you?

BlueSky 21-12-2011 05:35 PM

why would you want to put doubt in my mind anyway? lovetruth

I think this is beautiful and I think you are as well. It says so much about love and the essence of what Babaji or the story of Babaji represents.
blessings, James

lovetruth 21-12-2011 05:58 PM

Dearest Aquarian, that is an excellent question. When I am in an uplifted state of mind, information begins to come in a unbroken flow. I simply grab my notebook and begin to take dictation. that is what it comes down to, dictation. Sometimes it comes so quickly I will get a cramp in my hand, and have a hard time reading my own not so lovely penmanship. But when I go to put in on the computer it is there again, so the bad penmanship doesn't really matter. lol And thank you White Shaman and Miss Hepburn, my only commitment is to spirit and that will continue.

Aquarian 21-12-2011 07:09 PM

How are you dictated to? A voice in your head?

Miss Hepburn 21-12-2011 07:12 PM

5 hours doing meditation?
You just inspired me to meditate more like I used to.

I don't know where you came up with spacing your posts after 2 lines, but, boy, does it make it easy to read!
Thank you.

By the way - since you do Kriya Yoga - is it ok to tell me what are the premises for the techniques without revealing the techniques?
I thought there were 3?
Light, Music and Sat Nam - maybe called something else?

Or maybe it is 2 - Light and Hamso, So Hung, Hung so, So ham - so many names for the Holy Name, the Word, Sat Naam...thank you.


lovetruth 21-12-2011 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Aquarian
How are you dictated to? A voice in your head?

This is a little hard to explain. it is not a voice. It is a train of thought, there is a difference. It comes with a beautiful blissful presence, I guess you would call it a light

transmission. When I first started to channel it was short phrases, because I was still getting in the way with my own thoughts. It was only after being able to still my

mind that the transmission became strong and clear. Hope this answers your question.

lovetruth 21-12-2011 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
5 hours doing meditation?
You just inspired me to meditate more like I used to.

I don't know where you came up with spacing your posts after 2 lines, but, boy, does it make it easy to read!
Thank you.

By the way - since you do Kriya Yoga - is it ok to tell me what are the premises for the techniques without revealing the techniques?
I thought there were 3?
Light, Music and Sat Nam - maybe called something else?

Or maybe it is 2 - Light and Hamso, So Hung, Hung so, So ham - so many names for the Holy Name, the Word, Sat Naam...thank you.


I took courses through Self Realization Fellowship in the early 70's. There is

a whole year, ( if I remember correctly) of exercises and breath techniques

before receiving Kriya Yoga breath instruction. that was to prepare the

body. I'm sorry, I don't feel comfortable in revealing anymore than that. I

took an oath when I received the lessons not to to reveal the techniques.

There are initiations into Kriya Yoga throughout the country, I don't know

what they require now. I do know I needed that year of intro. and I am sure

that is why it worked out the way it did. And the 5 hours of Kriya are not a

burden. there are profound blissful states throughout, and I divide it up into

two sessions. One in the late afternoon and once during the night. Hope

this helps. :hug2: I find I need less sleep too.

lovetruth 23-12-2011 05:08 PM

Hello all, just wanted to mention another book called "Babaji and the 18

Siddha Kriya Yoga Tradition" by M. Govindan, M.A. It tells the story of Babaji

and other Masters. A really beautiful book.

If you are sincere about contacting Babaji it is necessary to clean up the

mind clutter so you can receive the mind of God, which is always there we

just have to be receptive. The heart also must be cleansed of any negative

patterns, you will have to be brutally honest with yourself. If you are

holding onto anything that hardens your heart and you do not know how to

release it, ask spirit for help. They will come in and soften your heart, but

you then need to go in and open the windows of your heart,(it doesn't hurt

to then clean the windows, clear out the cobwebs and then dust and

rearrange the furniture either.) Flowers are nice too. In other words make

it a place Babaji would want to visit and perhaps stay. If you do choose the

path of mastery over self, the path is a razors edge, but beautiful beings of

light will hold your hands so you do not easily lose your balance. And if you

should fall off on occasion, they will pick you up and put you back where you

fell off. Their service is to help humanity and at some point you have to give

back to the Godhead with service, but amazingly it is something your heart

yearns to do anyway. Love to all of you, and have a beautiful season of

light. This is a lovely video Of James Twyman singing, enjoy

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aymtk0BeJV0 lovetruth

lovetruth 24-12-2011 05:27 PM

Message from Babaji 4

Dear ones, do not be concerned with the old way of things. These of themselves will dissolve. Anything that is not love will disintegrate, for the earth holds only the

things of truth and discards that which is false. You will still see the appearances for awhile but in truth those things are no longer in this new reality. They are the

conflict of the past only, and cannot be in the now. This may not make sense to the concrete mind but the soul understands. Be grateful for the beauty and love

that surrounds you and let these illusions pass away from your awareness. Dear ones, these are the things of the world and this old world has already turned over to

present a new side. The truth will always prevail. Remember you are never alone in any of this. My children are always in my heart and I hold each one so dear. The

crucifix is nearly down and now the healing begins. That only means the old fearful ways are over and the people of truth (soul) take the reins from the old worn out

paradigm. A new world awaits those who have had the faith to witness the past present and future and now choose to live fully in the now. Create with this concept

of now and let the past crumble. All are witness to this change and will forever remember the old way as a test, a passage that had to be experienced as part of

greater growth of the spirit. Now that is gone, and reality can reveal itself to the whole. You are all in for a beautiful surprise in the next year. Just know that we

await it also. What wonders will befall the earth. I look ever to the purity of the heart to carry us through. In deepest love. Babaji

Miss Hepburn 27-12-2011 04:39 PM

Thank you...:hug:

lovetruth 27-12-2011 06:58 PM

Dear Ms Hepburn, thank Babaji. I do. Love to all.

lovetruth 27-12-2011 08:07 PM

In cocoons of dark we doze,
hearts ablaze, await the dawn.
Restless sleep, in space and time,
yea are mine, sweet Divine.

As we tear the bitter womb,
we surrender, hearts entombed.
Rip asunder, prison wall,
come to me one in all.

Sun and air, wake inner light,
weak and weary from long night.
In protection, each I hold,
as thy golden wings unfold.

You were always meant to fly,
let your burdens fall on me.
Light and free of years untold,
glide again on wings of gold.

We will weave a tapestry,
silver threads of unity.
In remembrance of me,
yea are mine, sweet divine

This poem came to me several nights ago. (had to get up and write in down)

I just found this link: interesting explains and answers many questions on Babaji and Kriya Yoga. lovetruth http://www.enlightennext.org/magazine/j21/babaji.asp

Kiki04 27-12-2011 09:49 PM

Beautiful poem! Thank you so much for sharing. :D

Love and light,
Kiki04 :hug2:


Originally Posted by lovetruth
In cocoons of dark we doze,
hearts ablaze, await the dawn.
Restless sleep, in space and time,
yea are mine, sweet Divine.

As we tear the bitter womb,
we surrender, hearts entombed.
Rip asunder, prison wall,
come to me one in all.

Sun and air, wake inner light,
weak and weary from long night.
In protection, each I hold,
as thy golden wings unfold.

You were always meant to fly,
let your burdens fall on me.
Light and free of years untold,
glide again on wings of gold.

We will weave a tapestry,
silver threads of unity.
In remembrance of me,
yea are mine, sweet divine

This poem came to me several nights ago. (had to get up and write in down)

I just found this link: interesting explains and answers many questions on Babaji and Kriya Yoga. lovetruth http://www.enlightennext.org/magazine/j21/babaji.asp

lovetruth 28-12-2011 05:46 PM

You are most welcome Kikio4

lovetruth 28-12-2011 06:24 PM

Question to Babaji: What must we do in this timing?

Dear ones, when you have cleared yourselves to the degree you believe is possible, the next step is to keep your light bright and full. Your lives are special in that,

you are the carriers of light. The final countdown is here for the release of the soul. Your lives have been held in check because you allowed fear to rule you, and

when this happens, fear will take on many faces. You are now experiencing that fear in a big way, because it takes your own willingness to move it out of your world

of form. What caused such a degree of fear? Dear ones when one does not deal with what is at hand, it will increase until it is finally recognized. this is a simple

reaction to what you believe is true, but is not. Many lives have been wasted in fearful expressions and now the time has come to realize your mistakes. You are fully

capable of cleansing yourselves, then the earth. Many have trusted in the false appearances and tried to create a security that is not possible from the outside. So

the lesson , of course, is to realize that all is supported from the inner realms, not the outer appearance. As your world unfolds in these images of fear, remember it is

just a projection to be healed. Keep your balance by acknowledging that you are truly not a part of the appearance. the spirit always looks on in perfect calm,

this, dear ones is who you truly are. those false images that support the body only, make you think you are the body. You are not. The finite can never hold the

fullness of who you truly are. It is a temporary device to propel you toward wisdom. If you choose not to learn, you will repeat the cycle in another body, until you

take to heart the fullness of who you are. Do you think God does not love his creations? He is dreaming your existence, but you are also that spark and it is your

opportunity, your duty to create with that spark. Co-creating in matter is a wonderful experience if one can only remember the self instead of the flesh as reality. You

can cancel out the fears, the ugliness that appears before you. You must heal yourselves first, and many have. No one will truly be left behind, all will come to this

wisdom sooner or later, but it can happen in an instant if you have the faith that it can be so. Unleash that inner power, now is the time to blaze with brilliance

instead of hiding behind the flesh. Your light is recognized and it does attract greater light. You are the unity of spirit only if you choose to unite in the beautiful

blazing light and share your balance with the world. Stand up to the fearful images, proclaim your light. that is your calling, your inner life is who you are.

One final note. Some of you stand terrified of what is occurring and that only keeps you from moving forward. Help each other to be strong. You will finally learn that

you are all one, and powerful in that unity. I have the greatest respect for each of you, and in unity we will remake the world. Babaji

lovetruth 30-12-2011 06:45 PM

Many doors will open when one commits to the life of spirit. No one is confined to a certain life. You are given the choice to remake your lives in each moment. That

is why you experience linear time, but in truth there is not the linear, only NOW. This gives you a sense of moving in a direction in space and time and each

entity has a basis for measuring growth. Growth is an actuality in many dimensions, not just this appearance, but many. In each aspect you unfold your inner truth

to the satisfaction of the soul. When these are all integrated the learning is profound because it takes place on many levels of consciousness, and in every form

imaginable. Awareness has many avenues of expression. When you behold the stillness that is the self,a miracle of true beginning emerges and the spirit will begin to

awaken on many levels. All are give innumerable opportunities to experience in form. Some take many different paths in many different dimensions,others will

experiment with alternative lives in a more careful scenario where the changes are small, but lead to other means of accomplishing growth. There is unlimited

possibility in each of you. Your spark of truth tests the many aspects of being and then returns to the stillness to regroup. Your lives are vast and varied and what

you experience in one life has a direct effect on the current experience of your present lives. It is all interconnected, like a wheel ever turning, one cannot point to

only one part of the wheel, the effect is movement, and constant change, yet the stillness remains in stillness yet observes the movement without judgement. Every

life purpose is played out in conscious awareness yet the body can only experience the limited view of it's present circumstances. To reach the ever conscious state,

one must endeavor to purify the mind and the body, then pursue direct knowing from the mind of Divine presence. This alone will move you from the idea of being the

one who experiences to being the observer and in this state of being, you release the small will to the true will of the Divine. In this alone will you grow into the

magnificent beings you are. Surrender your lower self, for the fullness of your true being. Be willing to forgo the small and finite, for the infinite. This choice is ever

your own to make. God has given you free will to experience in time and space, but if you yearn to break the cycle of finite experience you must have the courage to

break the old pattern and forge a new path beyond limitation. Let your imagination expand. It was given that you might see yourselves in perfection. See yourselves

as magnificent beings of light, then begin to forge the path to reality. The small will fall away as you step toward inner perfection. Each of you know this intuitively,

yet you hide your beauty from yourselves when you get caught up in the human dramas. Have the courage to break this vicious cycle and move out of the circle into

the expanding spiral. As your awareness increases, your awareness helps the next person to become aware and so on. Oneness is sharing on every level because life

itself intermingles with every other part of itself. Be creative, you have such abilities to heal and be healed of your twisted imaginings. then you can imagine the best

in yourselves. Walk in the light of perfection, then pass that light to your neighbor by sharing your inner life. This does not mean you preach your understanding to

another, but you first live that understanding, then a change will be noticed by all who interact with you, and your life will be observed. This observation will prompt

one on an inner level to change. Do you see how it works? live your life impeccably and others will choose to live their lives impeccably. Perhaps it will only let some

light into their consciousness but it is the start of inner awakening that is beginning to spiral among the restless souls who yearn for release. Be your divine power

dear ones, be the light so that others can see more clearly. In divine love Babaji

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