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Maynah 31-10-2011 11:30 AM

I was just wondering if there was anyone that knows much about Merlin. Was he a real person?
I did a guided meditation a few years ago and a man wearing a hooded cloak walked over to me. He gave me a crystal ball. When I was asked if he had a name the name I got was Merlin. For some reason I never mentioned it. I just said no I didn't get a name. I just couldn't believe it was the actual Merlin and felt that it sounded too arrogant if I did say his name and I started doubting myself. Anyway, any thoughts would be appreciated.

Native spirit 31-10-2011 09:02 PM

:smile: Merlin was a real person but them made into myth he was from wales

there is a craft centre in corris, midwales where trips can be had by going down into the labarynth of king arthur, the two main stars of the tv programme merlin. went around wales to see where the story came from, they couldnt get over the natural beauty of the place, the two stars of the tv programme are Colin Morgan who plays the part of merlin and Bradley James plays King arthur, colin comes from Ireland bradley i think its portsmouth.


Gracey 31-10-2011 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Maynah
I was just wondering if there was anyone that knows much about Merlin. Was he a real person?
I did a guided meditation a few years ago and a man wearing a hooded cloak walked over to me. He gave me a crystal ball. When I was asked if he had a name the name I got was Merlin. For some reason I never mentioned it. I just said no I didn't get a name. I just couldn't believe it was the actual Merlin and felt that it sounded too arrogant if I did say his name and I started doubting myself. Anyway, any thoughts would be appreciated.

Cool! You met Merlin. Do you have a crystal ball these days? If not, maybe you should get one. Just a thought.

Maynah 31-10-2011 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
:smile: Merlin was a real person but them made into myth he was from wales

there is a craft centre in corris, midwales where trips can be had by going down into the labarynth of king arthur, the two main stars of the tv programme merlin. went around wales to see where the story came from, they couldnt get over the natural beauty of the place, the two stars of the tv programme are Colin Morgan who plays the part of merlin and Bradley James plays King arthur, colin comes from Ireland bradley i think its portsmouth.


Wow that is amazing. I would love to go there. I've seen bits of the show but always miss it. Must get the box set. Thanks for sharing that.

Maynah 31-10-2011 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Gracey
Cool! You met Merlin. Do you have a crystal ball these days? If not, maybe you should get one. Just a thought.

Thanks Gracey. I do have a crystal ball. I picked it up really quickly. See images clearly. I've read for about 3 people, I have a feeling I can develop it more but hard to find people to practice on. I also remember trying to read for a friend but just by holding their hand. I just kept seeing Merlin flicking through a book. Not sure what that meant.

Gracey 01-11-2011 12:11 AM

maybe he is trying to teach some stuff that he knew.

Maynah 01-11-2011 12:40 AM

Maybe. Wish I was more intuitive to pick up on what it was.

Scibat 01-11-2011 02:15 AM

They have the show on Netflix if you have that, I just started watching when I ran out of Dr. Who episodes, and it's quite good.

Maynah 01-11-2011 10:45 AM

Cheers Scibat, so hard for me to sit down and watch a full episode. Someone just told me about Ghost Whisperer, I borrowed a whole series from the library twice and returned both times unopened! hopeless.

I have a book called Merlin's Book of Magic Spells (or something like that have hid it somewhere.) I thought it was just something fun to read through but now I'm curious.

Medium_Laura 01-11-2011 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Maynah
I was just wondering if there was anyone that knows much about Merlin. Was he a real person?
I did a guided meditation a few years ago and a man wearing a hooded cloak walked over to me. He gave me a crystal ball. When I was asked if he had a name the name I got was Merlin. For some reason I never mentioned it. I just said no I didn't get a name. I just couldn't believe it was the actual Merlin and felt that it sounded too arrogant if I did say his name and I started doubting myself. Anyway, any thoughts would be appreciated.

Merlin was an "office" back then. He is my Universal master guide as well. Like the title of KING or PAGE, MERLIN was the name of the "seers" position in the castle.

Merlin was indeed an historical figure, living in what are now the lowlands of Scotland at the end of the sixth century A.D...an authentic prophet, most likely a druid surviving in a pagan enclave of the north.

norseman 01-11-2011 01:21 PM

Taken from the annals of the Cymry Gwyddonniad

"Cunning Folk and Seers also existed in Celtic Culture. These people had constant contact with natural and magickal forces, had gifts of prophecy and healing, and were highly respected in clan communities. These Cunning Folk and Seers often acted as counselors, Crafters of the Cunning Arte, and spiritual healers. The most famous of these is Myrddin, the wizard advisor of King Arthur. Although Cunning Folk were highly respected, some felt bound to Nature and preferred to roam the wilderness in solitude."

There is an awful lot more if anyone is interested.

Medium_Laura 01-11-2011 06:03 PM

Thanks Norseman. :) Glad you found what I couldn't :)

Maynah 01-11-2011 08:56 PM

Thanks for all that info Medium Laura. I'm intrigued by him. That would make sense that he give me a crystal ball then. It's also ironic that my last name by marriage is scottish. I will call on him for help.

Maynah 01-11-2011 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by norseman
Taken from the annals of the Cymry Gwyddonniad

"Cunning Folk and Seers also existed in Celtic Culture. These people had constant contact with natural and magickal forces, had gifts of prophecy and healing, and were highly respected in clan communities. These Cunning Folk and Seers often acted as counselors, Crafters of the Cunning Arte, and spiritual healers. The most famous of these is Myrddin, the wizard advisor of King Arthur. Although Cunning Folk were highly respected, some felt bound to Nature and preferred to roam the wilderness in solitude."

There is an awful lot more if anyone is interested.

Fantastic, thank you! I will definitely look that up and read more.

norseman 01-11-2011 09:10 PM

If you cant find it, pm me. I have it all.

However, there are serious questions about "King Arthur". There is another legend concerning Arturios, Dux Bellorum, who was a Romano-British war band leader [ 5/6 century AD ]. After the Roman legions left, he fought the Picts, the Hibernians, and the Saxons. His legend is, in many ways, more fantastic than King Arthur. One thing, Arturios was pagan and there were no knights in sheet metal - for one thing the Percheron horse had not appeared yet to carry the weight. Camelot is pure Walt Disney.

norseman 02-11-2011 10:55 AM

Read this. Fascinating stuff !

http://www.vortigernstudies.org.uk/a...estsheila2.htm :smile:

Maynah 05-11-2011 12:31 PM

Just remembered another encounter..
Thanks for that link Norseman, I find it all very interesting.

I actually just had one of those aha moments tonight. Thinking about Medium Laura's post on Merlin being her Universal Master Guide and also reading another thread where Medium Laura went into detail about how to meet guides, thank you for that by the way, thoroughly enjoyed it.

I remembered my first meditation which I did with a cd on meeting your guide. When I started my journey a friend of mine suggested I keep a journal and write down every experience I have. So digging my journal out and going back to Good Friday 19th April 2003.. this is what I wrote..

"When I knocked and the door opened, I noticed a large figure, a gentle face, old and wise. He had white hair and beard, long beard that ended at a point at his chest, he reminded me of a wizard, without the pointy hat. He seemed happy to see me. We sat in another room, very warm and inviting, the couches were large and white. The name that came to me when I asked was Santa. I think it was the white beard. I don't think that's his real name though. He walked out of the room and came back with my other spirit guides. There were plenty all walking in. It was overwhelming. I felt so happy to be there, a feeling of excitement and anxiousness to meet my guides, especially my master guide."

Medium Laura, does this sound like Merlin to you? Why would he give me a false name if it is? My reaction of disbelief during the other guided meditation could be the reason why I was not given the name then? not sure.

Medium_Laura 05-11-2011 01:27 PM

Sounds like him to me. :) To me he resembled Dumbledor on Harry Potter!

There is a fine line between giving and you creating. :) He didn't give you Santa, your mind said "he looks like Santa" lol

Names aren't really that important to them. Just to us. So they will hold back until you believe more or are not afraid, etc. Don't get so hooked up on "name, appearance", If you can sense them and you've already established that they are of the Divine light (they will tell you) then you can just go on with working with them. Doing some of the exercises I have with cards and symbols. These help to establish a "working" order with them. The names and stuff can come later. I didn't know my protectors name at all. He does not speak. So... I named him ! :)

He's Gandelf!

mattie 05-11-2011 01:31 PM

Yes, More

Originally Posted by norseman
Taken from the annals of the Cymry Gwyddonniad

"Cunning Folk and Seers also existed in Celtic Culture. These people had constant contact with natural and magickal forces, had gifts of prophecy and healing, and were highly respected in clan communities. These Cunning Folk and Seers often acted as counselors, Crafters of the Cunning Arte, and spiritual healers. The most famous of these is Myrddin, the wizard advisor of King Arthur. Although Cunning Folk were highly respected, some felt bound to Nature and preferred to roam the wilderness in solitude."

There is an awful lot more if anyone is interested.

More would be interesting. Is this the http://www.vortigernstudies.org.uk/a...estsheila2.htm link you posted?

Maynah 05-11-2011 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Medium_Laura
Sounds like him to me. :) To me he resembled Dumbledor on Harry Potter!

:smile: very cool, thank you

mattie 05-11-2011 01:34 PM

Some Myths Turn Out To Be Very Real
Pompeii, which was buried by volcanic ash was considered to be a myth or legend for centuries BEFORE abundant evidence of it was found. Just like we found evidence that Pompeii was VERY real it is likely that we will find that many of the figures claimed to be legends were actually here.

Medium_Laura 05-11-2011 01:37 PM

So true Mattie!

Uma 05-11-2011 02:18 PM

Caroline Myss takes a Jungian view to see Merlin as a useful "archetype" people can identify with sometimes: link

If there was a historical person named Merlin, he was probably a Druid associated with a Mystery tradition related to King Arthur... some tarot enthusiasts are into this... It's nice because it gives Western culture its own authentic mystical tradition... and the knights were the exemplars of this. Probably Wiccans know more about it...

norseman 05-11-2011 03:19 PM

" Probably Wiccans know more about it"

Doubtful since Wicca only came into being in 1950's. I did read somewhere that Merlin might not be a name but a hereditary title.

norseman 07-11-2011 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by mattie
More would be interesting. Is this the http://www.vortigernstudies.org.uk/a...estsheila2.htm link you posted?

No. It's in some stuff I downloaded from Cymry Gwyddoniad. I have the downloaded material but not sure now about the exact link address. Will have to dig for the PRECISE address :smile:

Best way is to PM me an e-mail addy and I can attach the entire file :smile:

blackflame 20-11-2011 02:47 AM

I think people would always amplify stuff just to get a better story out of something, but he was a real person.

Medium_Laura 20-11-2011 05:15 AM


Originally Posted by norseman
" Probably Wiccans know more about it"

Doubtful since Wicca only came into being in 1950's. I did read somewhere that Merlin might not be a name but a hereditary title.

That's what he tells me at least. Never read it. When I asked his name he said, I'm called "Merlin"but that is my title, not my name.

Native spirit 21-11-2011 01:19 PM

:smile: There are a lot of legends from wales Merlin being one of them. as the legends go through the ages they become myths.
the druids were the story tellers from the celtic nation. these legends hold more truths than people think. there is one pacific legend that shows that the legend to be true you can see it when the water level falls,and the village that was drowned to provide water to england,that will prove to be true, the church bell can still be heard ringing.


Maynah 21-11-2011 09:59 PM

Thanks for all info, very interesting.

Native spirit what is the name of this village? I suddenly have this urge to google and read more.

Native spirit 22-11-2011 04:44 PM

:smile: Hi maynah.

The village is called CAPEL CELYN it is in bala which is not far from here,they drowned the village to provide liverpool with our water,


norseman 23-11-2011 09:56 AM

Plenty of drowned valleys with villages in Northern England too.
Cow Green, Derwent, Kielder just to mention a few.

Indigo_Leader 30-12-2013 09:33 PM

The druid Merlin was on of the many who tapped deeply into cosmos power.
Yes he was/is real.

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