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justreal 16-09-2011 07:24 PM

Whats is? Most Powerful crystal/Stone/Gem
So I was just thinking of crystals and all that and wanted to ask you what crystals/stones/gems that are most powerful to you and in general?

And what have they done for you or could do in general?

Topaz 17-09-2011 09:27 AM

Too many crystals to mention :) I love them all and so glad to be on this journey of self development.

PEACE 17-09-2011 02:02 PM

Hi i love all crystals and tend to carry different ones at different times and ive ad a piece of phenacite/phenakite for over a year and never used it till this week boy is it amazing great vibrations strong affects carefull usage neededxxx

emeraldmiss 17-09-2011 08:02 PM

I used to wear a quartz crystal pendant. I have this natural attraction for quartz crystals. I mainly use it for healing and as amplification for the energies of the other working stones. I just discovered a new stone when I was a at metaphysics fair... malachite. It's a stone of transformation. Very powerful.

Silver 17-09-2011 08:14 PM

I'm a bit of a beginner, a very enthusiastic one at that for about 2 or 3 months. I am the most impressed with the rainbow fluorite wands that I bought, they're about 2-3 inches long and smooth 6-sided little wonders. When I first bought them and took them home, sat on the bed and opened the package, I took them out and examined them. As I held one in each hand and just laid back on the bed I could not fight how relaxed I became. This is VERY unusual for me to just relax! Tiredness doesn't do it, so I concluded very quickly that it was the rainbow fluorite wands. Since then, I bought a chubby little fluorite wand pendant from Amazon.com and have been wearing it almost all the time since I got it. They ran out of stock and I just recently saw they had a new batch in, so I ordered some more. I just hope I don't get greedy and decide to keep them instead of giving some as gifts like I initially was thinking about.

Likes2Read 18-09-2011 11:44 PM

I"m a big fan of clear quartz. I think it's a great starter stone for anyone who wants to get involved with crystals. It's one of the reasons I just got a bunch of quartz spheres and jewelry points -- so I can make jewelry that will allow a person to wear some quartz on their person.

GSX-R girl 19-09-2011 04:01 AM

Hi I would have to say Moldavite - I don't normally feel anything from crystals

but as soon as i picked one up I felt a huge rush of energy and felt so dizzy

I had to put it down ! I bought a Moldavite pendant because having it close

to you is helpful in making changes in your life - I wore it for a month at the

beginning of this year and so far I have moved house , changed job and am

getting married in November !!!!!!!!! none of which I was planning for:smile:

mattie 19-09-2011 05:42 AM

I don’t know about the power of this, but a high quality opal has a play of colors & luminescence that is ethereal.

Some meanings-
‘Opal - Divination and prophecy, balances chakras, used for centering self, aids in channeling and teaching truths to others, psychic journeys, anchor of hope, stone of cupid.’

Allot of information about the metaphysical properties of opal.

Tysklar 19-09-2011 07:17 AM

Nice Opals.

I would have to say and this is a tad esoteric, The Arc Of The Covenant is the most powerful!

Check this link out (http://www.stormchaser.ca/Caves/Naica/Naica.html) ...makes me wonder what else is inside our Mother Earth, this example could be just a small piece!

The only crystal I currently own is a, green, purple and clear quartz obelisk, given to me by my partner.
My partner has the accompanying Amethyst sphere. There is a magical and powerful connection between them.

mattie 19-09-2011 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by Tysklar
Check this link out (http://www.stormchaser.ca/Caves/Naica/Naica.html) ...makes me wonder what else is inside our Mother Earth, this example could be just a small piece!

Incredible link. Thanks for posting it. It's wonderful they got good photos of this.
I suspect you're Spot On about this just being a mere glimpse of what is underground. Tyberonn has said there are Earth crystals the size of skyscrapers.

I couldn't help but think about Tyberonn's (Jim Tipton) messages about the giant Earth crystals. Some of Tyberonn’s messages about the giant Earth crystals.




As they say, a pic is worth 1000 words. Pics from the above link.

mArIya 19-09-2011 09:00 AM

i love all crystals and usually go with what pleases my eye although i definitely get a buzz off a few.

My absolute favourite it seems is Amethyst and i want more of it or all I see of it LOL

Super Seven, Cactus quartz and Phenacite are amazing to hold and i have seriously felt the affect of them held in my hand...almost floated off once holding Super Seven and just a small piece....powerful gem

PEACE 19-09-2011 10:19 AM

Hi i agree had to remove my phenacite last night to go to sleep as my ears constantly buzzed im also carrying moldavite today and the combo of the 2 is great i actually feel really positive today in a wierd way unusual for me its greatxxxxx

Neville 19-09-2011 10:29 AM

Moldavite is a wonderful vbraton but it has been known to cause very vivid dreams and diturbed sleep in some cases, while in others its unique vibration of both Earth and the heavens can leave one feeling a little Spaced...I Love the stuff personally..

It is however not my most powerful Stone, that accolade remains firmly wth Nuummite. :smile:

mattie 19-09-2011 12:22 PM

‘April 9, 2007—Geologist Juan Manuel García-Ruiz calls it "the Sistine Chapel of crystals," but Superman could call it home.

A sort of south-of-the-border Fortress of Solitude, Mexico's Cueva de los Cristales (Cave of Crystals) contains some of the world's largest known natural crystals—translucent beams of gypsum as long as 36 feet (11 meters).

How did the crystals reach such superheroic proportions?

In the new issue of the journal Geology, García-Ruiz reports that for millennia the crystals thrived in the cave's extremely rare and stable natural environment. Temperatures hovered consistently around a steamy 136 degrees Fahrenheit (58 degrees Celsius), and the cave was filled with mineral-rich water that drove the crystals' growth.

Modern-day mining operations exposed the natural wonder by pumping water out of the 30-by-90-foot (10-by-30-meter) cave, which was found in 2000 near the town of Delicias (Chihuahua state map). Now García-Ruiz is advising the mining company to preserve the caves.

"There is no other place on the planet," García-Ruiz said, "where the mineral world reveals itself in such beauty."’

Neville 19-09-2011 12:49 PM

Whilst the size of a crystal is never an indication of it's power it is fair to say.

Boy they are huge, It as a shame that the caves are toxic and breathing protection is required. Innerlight put me onto these caves about 4 years ago now.. and no matter how many times I see those caves, I can't be other than impressed to say the least.

StrandedSnowMonkey 20-09-2011 08:19 AM

Hi :)

I'd pick Chevron Amethyst, because it feels very protective and it was my first stone. It was always reassuring when I'd be woken up in the middle of the night, which was all the time. So I ended up reading or meditating in the early hours! lol

Those crystals in Mexico are amazing! but remember that there's crystals Kilometres long in the core of the earth :color:

Snow Monkey :smile:

mattie 20-09-2011 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by loveyduck
My absolute favourite it seems is Amethyst and i want more of it or all I see of it LOL

Very large amethyst geode & smaller geodes.

Likes2Read 21-09-2011 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Neville
Whilst the size of a crystal is never an indication of it's power it is fair to say.

Boy they are huge, It as a shame that the caves are toxic and breathing protection is required. Innerlight put me onto these caves about 4 years ago now.. and no matter how many times I see those caves, I can't be other than impressed to say the least.

Every time I see a natural wonder, from a gorgeous sunset to a rainbow to pics of those caves, I'm reminded of my motto: "God makes the best artwork." :smile: We humans can create some things of beauty, but nature has got some stunning, mind-blowingly beautiful works of art.

Likes2Read 21-09-2011 05:12 AM

While there might not be one particular crystal that's The Strongest One, it might help to remember that the form of the crystal does have an impact on the way it radiates energy.

Natural crystals seem to offer the most potent, or at least most focused, energies. I've taken advantage of quartz points' ability to kind of "laser" their energy in the needed direction. Carved crystals have softer energies -- I've seen their energies described as being "softer" around the edges.

So maybe if someone finds the energies of a natural crystal to be a bit too much of a good thing at a given moment, they could try a carved or tumbled stone instead. Maybe they'll feel more comfortable with the energies of the same mineral if it's been made into a tumblestone, a sphere, or some other shape.

brightlight 26-09-2011 04:41 PM

i love tanzanite i bought a tumble of tanzanite and had it made into a pendant as soon as i wore it i had to sit down as i felt so dizzy i didnt take it off i worked through it and now feel fine while wearing it xx

OnAPath 26-09-2011 05:33 PM

I would have to say my moldavite is the strongest, but since I just got her, I can't really say much more. I find myself reaching for my smoky quartz though, he helps me fall asleep every night! He would be my "must useful" winner.

Neville 26-09-2011 05:37 PM

tanzanite is a beautiful crystal brightlight and it has some amazing attributes associated with it. if my memory is correct it is the Purple variety of Zoisite. I am not surprised that you love it, I do too :)

Neville 26-09-2011 05:39 PM

Hello OnAPath,

I have heard so many wonderful things about Moldavite, well done for getting some, It would be interesting to hear you get on with it:smile:

Kristin050585 26-09-2011 06:35 PM

the strongest one for me is selenite. i had an experience at night with it. it kept vibrating my head and body. had to move it away from my bed.

OnAPath 27-09-2011 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Neville
Hello OnAPath,

I have heard so many wonderful things about Moldavite, well done for getting some, It would be interesting to hear you get on with it:smile:

Well... So far, it's been a very happy experience. I had a headache Sunday, and went to lay down with it, not only did my headache go away, but I did not even think I was sleeping. My husband told me I was snoring like crazy!

I have her in a box with some cleansing herbs, her sanctuary. She's been lifting up my energy. I have been sleeping very lightly, like anything could wake me up. I have to do more grounding than I used to.

Overall I'm happy with her. Once I'm attuned, it will be an even better connection!

scorpiowitch66 27-09-2011 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by OnAPath
I would have to say my moldavite is the strongest, but since I just got her, I can't really say much more. I find myself reaching for my smoky quartz though, he helps me fall asleep every night! He would be my "must useful" winner.

Me too. I love my moldavite. First of all, I have a pendant that has moldavite, amethyst, and kyanite that I wear every day. Each time I take it off to wear something else, after a day or two, I start to feel really run down and unfocused. When I hold any other pieces of moldavite I get the feeling of absolute joy and excitement. It is really remarkable... I was in a crystal store that had tons of it and I was practically giggling the whole time. It actually felt like I was high or something and it lasted the rest of the day...It was embarrassing!

goddess9 04-10-2011 09:29 PM

I'm surprised to see so many people loving amethyst...not that there's anything wrong with it! My boyfriend loves it (it's his birthstone).

I don't have a "strongest" crystal...my Lapis has been with me forever. 3 moves, miles away, and somehow it always sticks with me. Same with my Larimar.

thriftyarek888 27-11-2016 08:51 PM

+ for Moldavite. Sleep with one almost daily. Feel pulsating and uplifting straight away. Thinking of trying Phenakite to see if its as powerful.

Crystal canuck 30-11-2016 09:01 AM

I don't know about it's power, I am not sensitive to crystal energy like my wife is, but I absolutely adore Labradorite, I think it's extremely beautiful, so much in fact we are getting this as a kitchen countertop when we renovate the kitchen. It is after all a type of granite ! :smile:

itscamilleyo 30-11-2016 05:46 PM

I have so many crystals and I love them ALL but recently, some of my "power" stones have been:

I just cant get enough of these three!

Errol 30-11-2016 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by itscamilleyo
I have so many crystals and I love them ALL but recently, some of my "power" stones have been:

I just cant get enough of these three!

Great crystals, indeed :)
All three on the top of my list, maybe not in the same order.
One really very good Moldavite and Sugilite is quite enough for me, but can't get enough of Petalite (I have hundreds of them, stopped counting long time ago).

Sarian 30-11-2016 11:43 PM


Originally Posted by Errol
Great crystals, indeed :)
All three on the top of my list, maybe not in the same order.
One really very good Moldavite and Sugilite is quite enough for me, but can't get enough of Petalite (I have hundreds of them, stopped counting long time ago).

What do you do with so many?

FairyCrystal 01-12-2016 12:21 AM

I have no strongest one...
The strongest is the one I need at any given moment in time, which changes.
Has been anything from citrine, golden-yellow calcite, Lemurian laser point, to Mt Shasta opal, Machu Picchu stone and sacred heart crystal.
Oh, and my ruby tumble, larger carnelian tumble, morganite etc etc ...
I could name them all really, because I only buy them when they really resonate with me. Then after a while I need something different and that is stronger for me, at that moment.

Errol 01-12-2016 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Sarian
What do you do with so many?

Every time I go to my crystal shop I can't resist to take a few pieces of Petalite. I keep them everywhere, except in my bathroom :) I find that Petalite is very strong crystal, but also very gentle. I don't do anything special with them, but I really feel nice to keep them around me.

Sarian 02-12-2016 01:45 PM

Well, putting that on my list. I mentioned I'm new to all this...and my last visit to the gem shop...there was this man and he just made me smile. He was so happy looking and touching and gathering stones and telling the owner how this particular one was just calling out to him. :-)

itscamilleyo 03-12-2016 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Errol
Great crystals, indeed :)
All three on the top of my list, maybe not in the same order.
One really very good Moldavite and Sugilite is quite enough for me, but can't get enough of Petalite (I have hundreds of them, stopped counting long time ago).

I agree! I have more Petalite than I do of any other stone :)

Errol 04-12-2016 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by itscamilleyo
I agree! I have more Petalite than I do of any other stone :)

Nice to hear that, I was afraid that I'm the only one :)

SpiritofZoe 04-12-2016 10:53 PM

And how much difference does it make to have a lot of the crystal, very large pieces, etc. Does it make more difference than the type of crystal?

Krystaline Shifter 19-12-2016 05:42 PM

Depends on the type of crystal some crystals are more general purpose others are more focused in certain types of ways/energies. ALthough size does help you have to believe in the power and let into your being. If you think they do nothing then they probably will for you. There are special.
Although i think this type might me one of the most powerful on the planet i've seen so far.
crystal vogel wand

FairyCrystal 20-12-2016 10:15 AM


Originally Posted by Errol
Every time I go to my crystal shop I can't resist to take a few pieces of Petalite. I keep them everywhere, except in my bathroom :) I find that Petalite is very strong crystal, but also very gentle. I don't do anything special with them, but I really feel nice to keep them around me.

I happened to get myself a piece a week ago. I must say I really really like it!
I had missed it as I went through the shop, people behind me at the cash register had a piece and I thought "OMG I want one too!"
I carry it on my skin quite a lot, even though it's a rough piece.

In spite of that, the strongest one for me at this moment is the beautiful piece of blue barite I bought. That really hit me the second I laid eyes on it, made my solar plexus tingle.

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