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HopeForChange 10-06-2023 01:11 PM

HELP!!! Something is trying to kill me in my sleep
Something was trying to drown me in the bathtub in my sleep, I woke up in my bed and was like "what the heck?", I went back sleep not too long afterwards on my back this time, and this time as I fell asleep I felt myself in the tub again with water filling up to the top over my head and I felt someone put my left arm down to get me fully submerged into the water. Then I woke up again and now I'm up and annoyed. For years I've been having bad dreams and I want them gone. I'm tired of going through this.

Miss Hepburn 10-06-2023 02:37 PM

That sounds awful and terrifying. I'm so sorry.

BUT, I would not say ''someone' -' is doing this...our subconscious mind is complicated, imo, how it works.
Something is coming out into your dreams, from what I know about it.

Google about the subconscious and our dreams - learn more...someone here I hope can offer more help .
Best wishes...In the meantime, think good thoughts during the day --meaning kind, compassionate thoughts about
others even those that have hurt you or you can't stand. Ha! :)

Native spirit 10-06-2023 06:41 PM

What Miss Hepburn said is good advice.
but this could also be a Past life Memory
Have you looked into past life regression? this may give you the answers you seek


Miss Hepburn 10-06-2023 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
but this could also be a Past life Memory

OH....yes. Agree!
I don't wanna say anything...but...my friend's little boy had a a serious thing happen to him
when he was SO little he could be washed in the kitchen sink. I rem the day she called me to tell me
what her boyfriend did. We were freaked...we knew this would have a lasting effect...he is 43 now...and doesn't get
near a swimming pool or do water sports.

Of course, he doesn't rem the incident.
Is it still in there? You bet!!

ThatMan 11-06-2023 09:10 AM

There could be many things but in my opinion whatever is, is expressed by the subconscious mind that way.

Before going into the spiritual and things like that, make sure your health is fine and that you do not suffer from some kind of problem, for example, your breathing may stop for a while at night and that is the experience you get because of it. If you wake up taking a huge breath of air this may be explained by a health issue, I am not a doctor, just trying to put things in perspective.

Then there's also trauma, a traumatic event that happened to you in which you could not breath, possibly something related with water. Notice that you are not drowning in an ocean, see, pool or something with a large quantity of water, but in your bathtub.

There could be something totally different, for example, things from your day to day life that may come up in your subconscious in the form of that experience.

As a last resort there could be supernatural things which are more difficult to quantify for there could be so so many things, sudden past life memory, having a nasty entity around that area, things like that.

HopeForChange 11-06-2023 09:14 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
...BUT, I would not say ''someone' -' is doing this...our subconscious mind is complicated, imo, how it works.
Something is coming out into your dreams, from what I know about it

What exactly do you mean that "Something is coming out into your dreams".? I've also tried thinking positively, and I still seem to have bad dreams. I don't know what's going on.

Miss Hepburn 11-06-2023 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by HopeForChange
What exactly do you mean that "Something is coming out into your dreams".?
I've also tried thinking positively, and I still seem to have bad dreams. I don't know what's going on.

Something in our unconscious mind or our subconscious could be coming out in our dreams that is UN -conscious to us:

As in, someone could have seen a terrifying thing, a traumatic 'thing' could have happened to a person, say even at 6 months old ,
2 yrs old...the person doesn't rem it at all consciously ---but it is 'in there'.
This 'thing' could act itself out in your life or come out into your dreams.

Ok, say you were terrified on a camping trip or hike as a baby...a 9 foot
bear roars on it's hind legs...as you are being carried.
That event stays with you, tho you have NO memory of it.
Then, it could act itself out in a dream of seeing a scary bear or a monster of some kind.

All of this has been written about extensively - it can be Googled.

Btw, trying never cuts it...people ''try' to quit smoking everyday.
You either do it or you don't ...Ref to Yoda in Star Wars.
Sorry, but true.

iamthat 11-06-2023 07:06 PM

This could well be a subconscious memory of a past traumatic event trying to make itself known to your conscious awareness.

Another possibility is that water is the element associated with the emotions, so dreams of water and drowning could reflect that we sometimes feel we are being overwhelmed by our emotions.

Or recurring dreams of someone trying to harm us may require us to turn and face this "someone". As Miss H. said earlier, this someone may be a creation of our own subconscious, a personification of some aspect of ourselves acting out a particular role. When we turn and face whoever or whatever is trying to harm us then it dissolves.

We are each the best interpreters of our own dreams.


Yaoughta 11-06-2023 10:19 PM

This is NOT a past memory. It just doesn't seem to fit the normal pattern of such things presented in the dreamscape. More than likely, it is a projection of how you're feeling in a current situation. I suspect you're feeling emotionally manipulated or overwhelmed and are experiencing more drama than usual. The water in the tub represents are emotional body. Typically, baths represent cleansing and relaxing, but since you're feeling as if someone is drowning you, it probably represents the feeling of being forced to explore your emotions or go deeper with your emotions or that you feel you cannot have a relaxing and calm moment. Either way, you as the dreamer should be able to tell. I always recommend going off of how you felt to steer you in the right direction of your dreams. Since you felt annoyed, that should be your clue. What are you annoyed about in your waking state?

A good way to rid yourself of these is upon awakening from bad dreams or any dream really and the moment you realize you're awake in the realm you feel is you or your waking state, ask yourself in your mind "Why did I receive this?" "What must I learn from this?" Also, as soon as you awaken from ANY bad dream and you realize that is was but a dream, close your eyes and picture the dream images playing out the way you would wish and reclaim your power. In this case, picture yourself seeing who is holding you down in the water. Picture yourself rising above the water and telling whoever it is holding you down "You have NO power over me!"

Miss Hepburn 12-06-2023 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Yaoughta
This is NOT a past memory.

Ya just can't say that here as a fact. We can't know that for sure.
Whether true or not...think it, believe it, ok...but, say it's your opinion on the Forum, please.
It seems I'm starting to write this one time a day!

Native spirit 12-06-2023 12:04 PM

When we sleep our unconscious minds come to the forefront so as i said before this could be a past life memory or a memory from when you were young
going to see a past life regressionist could tell you more


HopeForChange 12-06-2023 02:27 PM

I just had another dream, or Astral experience/situation. This time they took me up to the water (ocean), they had my arms and they took me underneath the water and drowned me. I heard myself screaming. Then I woke up. I've had dreams of being stabbed in the chest, someone pulling a lighter out on me and burning me ect. I don't even feel like these are dreams they feel like out of body experiences.

Podshell 12-06-2023 09:00 PM

Have you tried looking for ways of cleansing the room you sleep in? I usually burn incence that has been offered to Krsna,also without fail chanting the Hare Krsna mantra works when I am in a predicament-not that long ago I was trapped by two entities until I started chanting (if you have read Lord of the Rings/Hobbit one escape strategy is to summon Tom Bombadil just by invoking his name,this reminds me of it but he doesn't appear in the films)

HopeForChange 12-06-2023 09:20 PM

Yes, I've done that. But I'll just keep trying things until something works.

Podshell 12-06-2023 09:49 PM

When you were in the trapped situation you chanted and it didn't work? Sometimes it doesn't work for me immediately but i carried on until it did ,which was not long.(I used to be an heavy drinker damaging my protection and opening myself to attack from negative entities,another thing was to play chanting or lectures etc from a pure devotee like Srila Prabhupada,there is also the album George Harrison made,Goddess of Fortune,you can substitute other things depending on your beliefs but get a bona fide teacher/chanter on a loop play whilst you sleep)

HopeForChange 13-06-2023 05:36 PM

How do I find out who's/what is attacking me in my sleep?
Something tried to drown me in my sleep. I was asleep in my bed, and as I fell asleep I was in the tub but something was trying to drown me, the tub was slowly filling up then I woke up. It freaked me out cause it felt so real. Then as I sat in my bed, I fell back asleep but this time on my back. As I fell asleep this time, the dream continued and this time the tub was slowly filling up, the water got so high that it went over my head, but my arm was still up (I couldn't see anything in this dream it was all black, but I could feel I was in the tub), so something comes up and grabs my left wrist from outside of the tub that I was in, and begins to pull my left arm down with me to fully submerge me under the water, then I woke up. It felt so real and the dream was a continuation of the first drowning dream. Then the third time came I fell back asleep but this time as I fell back asleep it was like my body was fully submerged in the water this time, arms and all and I could feel an uncomfortable full-feeling like water congestion filling all the openings of my body and then i woke up.

And then like last night or the night before someone or something took me down to the ocean, and I heard myself saying "please forgive me" ect. And they took me deep out to the ocean, (could of been a river or a lake, who knows) but I heard myself begging or asking for forgiveness and then they had my wrists and pushed my head down underneath the current of the ocean, river, lake or ect. Whatever it could have been and drowned me and I heard myself scream basically its like they killed me and then I woke up. I've been having nothing but bad dreams for years now. Another strange fact about me is a lot of my fears seem to happen, I can try to avoid them but they seem to happen anyway, and it's getting on my nerves cause I can't seem to understand why I keep having my fears come true and it seems almost without me trying. I know they say you can attract what you fear but I don't even have to fear something that much I could just not want it to happen and next thing I know it's happening to me, I'm tired of it as I've been suffering because of this strange phenomenon how it seems as if everything I don't want seems either strangely attracted to me or I just seem to keep manifesting this and I wish I knew how to stop attracting my fears or manifesting them. I've been suffering for years and I feel like I'm trapped in some type of nightmare, and it's like everything is trying to overwhelm me with all of these things I either fear or don't want and now I don't know what to do. I am so used to being scared ad manifesting or attracting everything I either fear or do not want, that I have basically taken on apathy as a default because it's like I seem to manifest or attract either something I dread, am afraid of, or just plain old simply do not want. I don't know how to stop it and it really has me drained and I feel like it's sucking all of the life out of me. I am so tired of suffering. I don't know what to do to get it to stop. Also how to stop being emotionally manipulated by other people.

Podshell 13-06-2023 09:25 PM

Put your foot down,bullies usually crumble.Would you let physical plane bullies in your home?So check if you are doing anything to weaken your protection eg over indulgence of certain foods,alcohol or drugs .I would think it a waste wondering what they are as many psychic investigators are puzzled still to what some of them are-and remember you will learn and gain from this,I recall a wise man saying that if you find yourself in hellish conditions,it's only going to be temporary so look for things you can grab hold of that will benefit you on your return.

Native spirit 14-06-2023 11:32 AM

What Miss Hepburn has said is correct, your opinion is just that your opinion.


Podshell 14-06-2023 04:38 PM

The O.P. Considers them to be real entities,even if it is subconcious imagining the procedure of treating them as real should have the desired effect anyhow.(if it doesn't work ,what's been lost,professional help can still be sought)

CosmicWonder 14-06-2023 05:48 PM

I know that sometimes in life, for some more than others, we are bringing up our worst fears. This may seem wrong if you look at it from a manifesting standpoint. But looking at it from an even higher understanding as far as I can see, I can understand that it can aid for transformation and/or growth. Sometimes it truly is sink or swim (or drown or breathe..). In dreams we can breathe underwater sometimes. So as long as it is a dream, it might be an irrational fear surfacing IMO…

If you are constantly bombarded with your fears, it may be because you are going through rapid growth. And then it is sink or swim.

Kind regards,


AstralTraveller 19-06-2023 02:52 PM

Very interesting! I think it could be a past life experience, some repeated lesson you need to overcome this time around. But I also think it could be your higher self trying to teach you something. When you up to your nose in water, stay calm. There is a library down there.

vibrations 27-06-2023 07:31 AM

Have you ventured on a spiritual awakening path, this could help you connect with your inner child, things come to light when we do this, facing the shadow self and walking with it through meditations through time and realms, draw and visions you have and keep a diary, it’s true when one looks back at them it’s begins to make sense. It could also mean you feel smothered in ur waking life, something g you’re trying to escape, and you may need to change your direction or pattern. Try planning a day where you do the opposite instead of tea in the morning have coffee, instead of watching tv sit in the garden, meditate see if it helps you sleep better.

HopeForChange 29-06-2023 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by vibrations
Have you ventured on a spiritual awakening path, this could help you connect with your inner child, things come to light when we do this, facing the shadow self and walking with it through meditations through time and realms, draw and visions you have and keep a diary, it’s true when one looks back at them it’s begins to make sense. It could also mean you feel smothered in ur waking life, something g you’re trying to escape, and you may need to change your direction or pattern. Try planning a day where you do the opposite instead of tea in the morning have coffee, instead of watching tv sit in the garden, meditate see if it helps you sleep better.

What part of my dream do you think would suggest being smothered?

vibrations 01-07-2023 09:21 PM

Something was trying to drown me in the bathtub in my sleep? smothered.
dictionary meaning - What is being smothered mean?
To smother is to overwhelm or suffocate. drowning is like someone covering their face so they cannot breathe. I apologise if this startled you, it's only what I picked up on from the words that I read, and what it resembles to me in an understanding of psychology.

HopeForChange 10-07-2023 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Yaoughta
This is NOT a past memory. It just doesn't seem to fit the normal pattern of such things presented in the dreamscape. More than likely, it is a projection of how you're feeling in a current situation. I suspect you're feeling emotionally manipulated or overwhelmed and are experiencing more drama than usual.

I am hearing voices that keep repeating themselves that is annoying me, and making me angry and it's all day and all night. That's what's annoying me.

AngelBlue 11-07-2023 09:06 AM

I went through a period of several months of bad nightmares due to an armed robbery by a group of masked men in my shop.
But by far the worst of the nightmares was that I dreamt it was pitch black and then I felt from behind hands go round my neck as though to strangle me.
It was my son .
And as his hands tightened around my neck he said in my ear "don't worry mother. You will love it where you're going ""
This was the most horrible thing I dealt with in my dreams.

Rah nam 11-07-2023 09:54 AM

HELP!!! Something is trying to kill me in my sleep

This reminded me of a dream I had, many years ago, where I stabbed someone with a pipe and the blood came up the pipe into my mouth. I woke up with a blood taste in my mouth. I was spitting to get rid of the blood taste.
Later I learned by talking to those who oversee my incarnation, I killed a part of myself, that was not relevant any longer. I knew, the dramatisation is to ensure we remember the dream, and, at least for me, to ask questions.

CosmicWonder 11-07-2023 11:01 AM

I recall a set of nightmares as well.

I was leading a gang, involved in a gang war. A lot of aspects died of me in that dream. Even confronted my higher self. That one did not survive everytime.

Kind regards,


AngelBlue 11-07-2023 11:07 AM

These dreams can be so very disturbing.
On the one hand I'm glad it's not just me that has them, but on the other hand I'm sorry that everyone has them.

HopeForChange 12-07-2023 04:38 PM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
I went through a period of several months of bad nightmares due to an armed robbery by a group of masked men in my shop.
But by far the worst of the nightmares was that I dreamt it was pitch black and then I felt from behind hands go round my neck as though to strangle me.
It was my son .
And as his hands tightened around my neck he said in my ear "don't worry mother. You will love it where you're going ""
This was the most horrible thing I dealt with in my dreams.

That's weird. I don't even know what to say. Have you had any nightmares lately?

Miss Hepburn 12-07-2023 05:31 PM

Admin has asked that we all quote only 2-3 sentences of others, thanks.

crystaladdict99 13-07-2023 02:43 AM

After googling it, the dream you had could symbolize overwhelm and lack of focus.

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