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FairyCrystal 31-10-2022 10:07 AM

Being a True Lightworker
A Lightworker is someone who has worked through most of their personal issues and because of that moved from the (lower) ego into their Heart.

Personal issues are usually inner child issues, things from our (early) childhood that often got enhanced later on in life until someone sorts them.
This can be a gradual process, can even take many lifetimes, but it can also be a more conscious decision to solve the problems because you want to feel better and happier.

As you clear out the closet, work through issues, you get more and more ready to move into the Heart. It's quite self-explanatory that you cannot live from the Heart, be open, have an open Heart, when you are still plagued by insecurity, low self-esteem, trust issues and so on.
So in order to get into a vibration of love, in the Heart, you first have to clear out and work through most of your issues.

The more you do that and get into your Heart the more you are shifting into being a Lightworker.

A Lightworker is someone who has an open Heart, lives in and from the Heart and with that a natural longing rises to serve. Serve the planet and people. This is not the 3D serving that comes with a "what do I get back for that?" thought. It's a 5D serving that comes straight from the Heart when the giving and serving IS the receiving. But that's not why you do it. You do it because it is Love, you are Love.

When you're in the Heart space, can open the Heart fully or close to, the backdoor of the Heart opens. You can physically feel this, it can be a little jolt under the shoulder blade (usually only the first time).
Then, through the open backdoor, the Light & Love of God, Source, The Divine comes in, moves through your Heart and shines out the front.
This is accompanied by the sound "Ohm" and "I AM". I AM being your Monad vibration, way way way above your Higher Self, the part of you that is as close to The Divine as you can get.
This Light fills your body and all its cells so you radiate it. It can also heal ailments as these cannot exist in this high vibration.

When you got this most of the time, let's say 80-85% of the time, you are a Lightworker as then the Light of Source shines through you and from you.
In this state of Love & Light you cannot not give, serve, love, share. There is no selfishness in this state of being, only love.

None of this takes real efforting, although going through the stage of resolving issues isn't always pleasant. But none of this can be forced by the will. It is a process for which you have to be ready, even the sorting of issues.
You cannot decide with willpower "I will not hurt anymore" or "I am happy & joyful now". It doesn't work that way. It's a process for which you have to be ready.
You can of course help it along so it goes faster.

This also means that in essence everyone is a Lightworker, but not everyone is as far as described above so the Light isn't shining through them yet. Some will get there this lifetime, others maybe the next one. It takes as long as it takes to get there. It's not a race or contest.
The only thing that matters is that you are where you are, and that's okay. Everyone is exactly where they're supposed to be.

I hope this resonates, is tangible, as there are so many misconceptions on what being a Lightworker comprises.

AaronStar 01-11-2022 02:13 PM

We do wear crowns all the time. These are the crowns of our divine virtues and Gifts of abundance from God, our Father, the Sabaoth. The more we are grateful and productive, the more diligently we follow our life mission, the more merrily our crown shines with our adamantine jewels, filled incessantly by the inspiration of fulfilment.
There is no ordinary life once we feel grateful about our immortality and every condition we are put in so that we can grow as individuals and learn valuable lessons; about being given the chance to serve in order to accomplish the global mission of humanity on this planet, along with the personal life plan; about every time we have been saved; about every precious thing we already have and could appreciate all the time instead of enjoying it only once; about the opportunity to be challenged so that we can avoid the death of stagnation. Honestly, we need to remember that we are blessed with all inner attributes that only await our awakening so that we can use them for our own appreciation and for the common good. Once one starts aweing the essence of Life's Source, it all changes. There is no boring moment or empty passing of time. Suddenly one is capable of bringing valuable meaning to everything and one starts using the creational bliss to always find new ways to express the Infinity of Abundance. As God is infinite mostly in riches and transcendental blessings.
A Light Worker needs to remember that we are all here in order to push the planet and ourselves forward to progress and constructive, friendly inventions and innovation.
Once the Spark is ignited, an awoken spirit cannot waste their time anymore and dedicate all efforts to attribute to the process of Education.

FairyCrystal 02-11-2022 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by AaronStar
A Light Worker needs to remember that we are all here in order to push the planet and ourselves forward to progress and constructive, friendly inventions and innovation.
Once the Spark is ignited, an awoken spirit cannot waste their time anymore and dedicate all efforts to attribute to the process of Education.

Another false belief I'm afraid...
Some will have a specific thing they wish to do, and that's a wish & desire that comes from the inside, not an external "must do" as you make it sound.
And some will not have that in particular but by being themselves, shining their Light & Joy, they do the Lightworker's thing. Nothing more is required as their high vibration will uplift and touch other people, giving them a little nudge to also wake up.
It's spreading joy and love. There's no external "must do this & that" required at all. So we do not 'have to' (= must) remember anything. We just have to be ourselves and spread our Light.
If that means you want to be Suzy Homemaker, be a wife, have kids, bake cakes, clean the house etc... perfect! That's then your way of spreading the Light.

All these "must do's" belong to the old 3D, the patriarchal, and have no place in the new 5D.
There is no rulebook other than spreading Light by doing what makes you feel good.

Such a shame that people can't grasp this concept that really isn't rocket science.

FallingLeaves 03-11-2022 02:19 AM

Hi Fairy Crystal,

overall i liked your entire comment, there is way too much trying to be what one is not for whatever reason. Just, I am also not stuck on the idea that I have to 'feel good' if i am going to keep going. Sometimes, other motivations seem just as good. lol.

FairyCrystal 03-11-2022 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
Hi Fairy Crystal,

overall i liked your entire comment, there is way too much trying to be what one is not for whatever reason. Just, I am also not stuck on the idea that I have to 'feel good' if i am going to keep going. Sometimes, other motivations seem just as good. lol.

You don't have to feel good all the time, although that would be best of course.
What matters is how long you are going to be in a mood, upset, etc. In other words: is the refraction period short or long?

Normally speaking when more advanced on your path your refraction period gets shorter. Like years ago when I got triggered it could take days for me to recover. Now I sometimes need minutes and the things that triggered me then don't necessarily trigger me anymore.

Then there's the amount of time you're on a higher vibration. If you're around 80% of the time there, then you're fine.
The above mentioned refraction time comes into play here as well. If that is long you likely won't be at 80% much.

Thing is that when you feel happy, high vibrational, there will be less and less that gets to you and gets you off-kilter. It's like upward perpetual motion.

It is interesting though that you have doubt/resistance/question feeling good most of the time?

Hologram8 03-11-2022 07:06 PM

do you recommend any card decks ?

FallingLeaves 03-11-2022 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
It is interesting though that you have doubt/resistance/question feeling good most of the time?

well for me personally, I get out of touch with reality and kind of lose myself if I get too happy.... it is kind of like taking a path towards death. I suppose I would *like* being happy but there doesn't seem much point if I'm just going to go away and die... I suppose others don't feel that way though sigh.

FairyCrystal 03-11-2022 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by FallingLeaves
well for me personally, I get out of touch with reality and kind of lose myself if I get too happy.... it is kind of like taking a path towards death. I suppose I would *like* being happy but there doesn't seem much point if I'm just going to go away and die... I suppose others don't feel that way though sigh.

I recognise that from when I had first set foot on my spiritual path. What happens then -for me at least- was that I got so thrilled & excited that all my energy went up, and with that I became ungrounded.
But the more I did, mostly the intuitive development courses I did at the time, the more grounded I got. And at first grounding is fragile, it isn't strong and doesn't last very long so you have to do it very often, as in daily.
But over time with practice it did become stronger and stronger and began to last longer too.
Then you get to feeling when you flip off of your grounding and you can very quickly & easily 'click' it back into place and feel stable again.
Basically with practice -which takes time- you become a conduit of both Cosmic & Earth energies. Then you won't get off your grounding very easily anymore.

It occasionally still happens to me, but really not very often and I notice it, fix it, and then I'm fine again.
Practice makes perfect. Just allow yourself the time to get there. I didn't get it overnight either but if you're busy with personal development on regular basis it does go quite fast nonetheless.

RedEmbers 09-11-2022 01:44 AM


Having ADHD I can relate to my energy being too "up"...

Come to think about it, I would get overexcited when I felt others connecting to me as my childhood trauma manifested as neglect and when I started to feel connected, I'd become too excited.

Learning skills in emotional regulation (emotional acceptance), breathing techniques, being present in my body and not making decisions when I feel too excited has helped... overall, learning how to calm my nervous system.

Actually, in general I find my energy to be much more stable and reliable now, it is the recognition that in heightened I am often very ungrounded on this plane.

I actually started to dislike the jitteriness which went along with this over excitability.

RedEmbers 09-11-2022 01:54 AM

What is a "monad vibration"?

FairyCrystal 11-11-2022 10:10 AM


Originally Posted by RedEmbers
What is a "monad vibration"?

What I said in my OP: the part of you that is as close to The Divine as you can get.

RedEmbers 12-11-2022 02:32 AM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
What I said in my OP: the part of you that is as close to The Divine as you can get.

Got ya :biggrin: there was alot of good information in your OP, I must have missed the definition somewhere.

FairyCrystal 13-11-2022 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Hologram8
do you recommend any card decks ?

I missed your question, apologies.

All of Diana Cooper's card decks. They are all 5D as are the messages and vibration.

Kyle Gray's latest deck "Gateway of Light Activation".

Rebecca Campbell's card decks. I like the "work your light" more than the "Starseed Oracle".

All these decks are absolutely high vibrational and 5D without being 'floaty' and 'out there'. True 5D isn't 'floaty' or elusive. It's very grounded yet high vibrational. It resonates on the higher aspects of things.
But do check if you feel resonance with them of course.

There are specific so called Lightworker decks, but I haven't got any of those so I can't really recommend them or not. They do not appeal to me which is why I haven't got them.

FairyCrystal 13-11-2022 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by RedEmbers
Got ya :biggrin: there was alot of good information in your OP, I must have missed the definition somewhere.

No worries, it was a lot of info :)

charly233 23-11-2022 08:31 PM

For me a lightworker is someone who constantly blesses the Universe. Someone who is constantly freeing all beings of all pain and all suffering.

SapphireBlue 02-04-2023 05:06 AM

I feel the call within at times but honestly when it comes to resolving issues I feel like I'm winging it. I do what I can but sometimes wonder if lightworkers are "activated" at a certain time.

Martino 06-06-2023 06:37 AM

I wonder what use it is using the term light worker ? is it a term to separate you self from other human beings ? would not be 'I am a human being' quite suffice, it would encompass all here on earth. Meaning that all here are exposed to the rising energies of this age. Energies that will bring human beings into a what could perhaps be described as a more glorious state of being.

I understand that some have it in their time line to share this info around and 'do things' and other perhaps not so much.

I found for one source being every thing, is also all knowledge and open to any one at his own leisure.

Creating a point of view that has lesser beings in it, in the incarnated reality will create reflections and reactions of those so designated in return.
Could be part of source its unfoldment or perhaps a thing to be avoided.

charly233 06-06-2023 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Martino
I wonder what use it is using the term light worker ? is it a term to separate you self from other human beings ?

Yes. Very good point.

Friend of the Fey 27-01-2024 10:00 PM

I didn't call myself a lightworker, but nowadays, I feel like I have a light body, or that I'm a light being, sometimes even when I'm not meditating. It feels like I'm pure light and I can see my own light (aura) during meditation. It feels like I'm here on earth to spread my own light. It's even possible to make your inner light stronger through a lot of spiritual (meditation) practice. You will radiate light to other people and the stronger your inner light, the more chance that it can affect others positively, I think. But there are also a lot of people with a very heavy pain-body (negative emotions, traumas, etc) as Eckhart Tolle calls it, so not everyone will be able to feel/sense your light directly. It's even possible that some people with a very heavy pain-body will even feel intimidated by your presence if you radiate your pure light to them. But the truth is, they can only free themselves if they can find light within themselves.

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