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midnightstar 06-04-2011 04:20 PM

How do runes work?
I picked a book up today in a charity shop that's got runes, tarot, crystals, numerology etc, had a quick glance though it but I don't really get how the runes work. Could anyone explain it to me please? They just look like funny squiggles (sorry:redface: )

stepspractice 08-04-2011 03:53 AM

The Runes.... I have a deep connection with the Runes. I was given a bag of runes for my 29th birthday along with the book by Ralph Blum... that was 23 years ago. There is a great deal of controversy regarding the authenticity of Blum's interpretation and there are many wonderful books on the subject that delve into the ancient roots of this divination tool.

My suggestion would be to do a google search on the runes and explore the various teachings on their history and use. Check out the various rune sets to buy. See what you connect with on a deeper level. What books are you drawn to, what rune sets, etc.

The only way to really "get to know" the runes is by using them. Each runic symbol has a specific meaning related to it - kind of like a tarot card. You will get to know the runes and their meaning over time. Pick up a set that you like and engage in some "rune play." I like using the runes party because I like the feel of them in my hands. There is a strong connection through touch that I haven't found with other divination tools.

I look forward to what other's have to say on the subject and what you yourself find in your search.

Blessed be.

Wolfe of Wildwood 25-04-2011 07:23 PM

ya, I feel thrifty. I found out about runes in a book I got for a dime at a charity book sale, and didn't know you could buy them. So I spent a long while collecting shiny stones I found that were flat enough to use and that I thought felt right together, and then painted the runes on them myself. Probably means I've got a deeper connection with mine than if I'd bought 'em, huh?

(kinda off topic, but always suprised that people can buy them, kinda wanna buy a carved set, always having to repaint mine)

stepspractice 28-04-2011 05:55 PM

making runes
I've make a couple sets of Runes over the years. It think it does create a deeper connection with them.

The first set I make from collected stone like you. But the stones were thin and evetually broke. I then made a set out of a type of clay that could be dried in the oven. I pressed the sympols into the clay before baking. Then stained them.

I found making Runes very enjoyable. Blum recommends taking a bit of clay from each Rune as they are made to make the last Rune - the Blank Rune...

Kontufuto 10-05-2011 07:15 PM

I bought my set from a New Age bookstore about 20 yrs ago. I used to use them frequently and found them to be an excellent tool. My favorite was the one by Blum on the five questions as it was easy to master. Most of it is interpetation but if you ask the right questions (Blum guides you on what to ask) the stones are like magic. Some of the stones I took out of the bag were exactly spot on and guided me to positive results. I will have to do this again now that this thread helped to motivate me!

Lunacie 10-05-2011 07:55 PM

So many people say that Blum is ****, but I say if it works for you then it's all good. I couldn't get the hang of runes until my daughter bought a book of new-agey runes and the meanings in the book clicked for me. From there I was able to incorporate the older meanings in a blend that works for me.

The first set I made I used metallic gold paint on small hematite stones, about the size of my smallest fingernail. It's still my favorite set, but I was so shocked to learn that some people can't handle hematite so I had to make another set for when I set up a table to do readings. I've used polished river rocks from the dollar store, and small pieces of finished wood from the crafts store and I used a wood burner to burn in the runes.

iolite 10-05-2011 08:48 PM

I have Blum's book and runes ... SOMEWHERE, my daughter got a hold of them when she was little. I've made two sets, one from flat river stones that I got from an amazing woman who was a lapidarist and had the MOST amazing assortment of crystals in her home. I also made a set from sculpy. All three sets worked well for me. Haven't used them in decades though.

The runes work a lot like tarot cards, in that there is an upright and reverse (upside down) meaning. I went by Blum's book for definition and it was quite accurate for me anyway. I even had a vanity plate once with one of the rune's name Eihwaz which symbolizes growth. Always got asked about it too.

Kontufuto 10-05-2011 09:12 PM

I also have one of Blum's blank books for entering results. I think I bought it because the cover matched the regular book! Go figure!

Kontufuto 10-05-2011 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by iolite
I have Blum's book and runes ... SOMEWHERE, my daughter got a hold of them when she was little. I've made two sets, one from flat river stones that I got from an amazing woman who was a lapidarist and had the MOST amazing assortment of crystals in her home. I also made a set from sculpy. All three sets worked well for me. Haven't used them in decades though.

The runes work a lot like tarot cards, in that there is an upright and reverse (upside down) meaning. I went by Blum's book for definition and it was quite accurate for me anyway. I even had a vanity plate once with one of the rune's name Eihwaz which symbolizes growth. Always got asked about it too.

Love your signature! Long live Earth and Chocolate!! :hug3:

Animus27 10-05-2011 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by beautydylan
I picked a book up today in a charity shop that's got runes, tarot, crystals, numerology etc, had a quick glance though it but I don't really get how the runes work. Could anyone explain it to me please? They just look like funny squiggles (sorry:redface: )

The Elder Futhark (runes) were the alphabet of the Scandinavians. They were used for marking property and weapons, and even just graffiti. There is some evidence of magical use, i.e, the same rune repeating in a seemingly meaningful pattern. But there is no historical evidence of them being used for divination, and it seems to be a mostly modern invention used by New Age authors who thought they looked nice and mystical.

But, thankfully, some people with an actual knowledge of the runes have made attempts to reclaim the runes from New Age devouring. One author that is considered decent is Diana Paxson. Her book Taking Up The Runes, is widely recommended by people. But I have not read it, so I cannot comment.

I know that two authors that should be steered clear of are Edred Thorsson (he is far too romantic and woo-woo in many respects from what I've heard) and Ralph Blum, whose books are nearly worthless for really learning about the runes (any book that mentions a "blank rune" should be thrown away).

One thing you have to keep in mind is that the runes themselves have no "power" whatsoever. They are merely letters. They have no textbook "meaning". Which is why you cannot really go by the books that list what they represent, because they may not be wrong in some of their interpretations, but it's a tiny piece of the picture (similar to saying A stands for apple, aardvark, and aerosol, and nothing else).

If you're curious about getting a GENERAL idea about the runes, you can check out this site, which seems decent: http://www.tarahill.com/runes/runehist.html

Another book that is supposed to be VERY good is Rudiments Of Runelore by Stephen Pollington (it's on my wishlist :D ). It has a short, but good introduction of the use of runes, magical and mundane, from what I've heard.

Hope that helps.

dhaga 13-05-2011 08:42 PM

My first experience with the runes was also the set that came with the Ralph Blum book; the book focuses on divination interpretations and techniques. I got that 16 or 17 years ago. It's still the only physical set I have. Someday, I will make my own set but those have worked fine for me... I haven't actually divined with them in several years. I do agree the blank rune can be tossed; if I remember correctly, it represents "the unknown"... there's always a bit of that with divination anyway :)

Animus -- I've found a lot of knowledge in Edred Thorsson's writings, when it comes to the magical properties and use of the elder futhark set of runes, as well as a bit of history and interpretation. I guess like pretty much everything else, it's all in what one finds "useful" and what you are looking to learn.

I'll have to check out the Pollington book; I haven't picked up a new rune book in a long time.

paulrosk 21-05-2011 01:24 AM

I tried to get into the Runes a while ago, purchased several sets, one really beautiful hand painted made from River Stones. Couldn't get it all together, tried for weeks. I even purchased 2 sets of Runes "Cards" to make it easier, still had trouble interpreting those Runes. It wasn't until I saw that the Runes can actually correspond to the cards of the Tarot Major Arcana that I started to make sense out of the whole mess. I'm still trying to get somewhere, but it's a slow road. I'm much better at Tarot and Oracle cards, but I heard once where someone actually used a set of Runes and tossed them on her Tarot cards to make card selections, then paired up the Rune and the card it fell on for a deeper interpretation. She was great at it, and it always seemed to work perfectly for her. I'm still working at it, not ready to give up just yet. Besides with the Runes you only have to learn 25 meanings, where in Tarot you need to learn 78 meanings!

"The Quest Tarot" deck has the "Runes" printed on the Major Arcana cards, but not much depth in the book about them.

If you want any easy way to learn the Runes I suggest "The Rune Vision Cards" by Sylvia Gainsford with Howard Rodway. Published by AGM (AGMULLER). It's a card set with a great book included. Each card has the Rune symbol plus a picture and the NAME of the rune, great for learning what each rune is and it's name. They say you can find it here: www.tarotworld.com but I'm sure Amazon has it too. OK I checked www.tarotworld.com, they have it:


So check it out, might just help you a lot!

Adrienne 08-06-2011 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Wolfe of Wildwood
ya, I feel thrifty. I found out about runes in a book I got for a dime at a charity book sale, and didn't know you could buy them. So I spent a long while collecting shiny stones I found that were flat enough to use and that I thought felt right together, and then painted the runes on them myself. Probably means I've got a deeper connection with mine than if I'd bought 'em, huh?

(kinda off topic, but always suprised that people can buy them, kinda wanna buy a carved set, always having to repaint mine)

hi Wildwolfe !

Very cool that you painted your own set of runes ! Just an idea that might help you ~ you can seal the rocks after you paint them. Either by using clear nail polish or there are a variety of sealers in the craft dept that sells acrylic paints. Some of the sealers have a slightly shiny sheen, usually called Satin Varnish - comes in a bottle usually and clean up is soap and water or there is a Matte Finish Varnish, more of a dull or non- shiny finish.

Dream Angel xx

Adrienne 08-06-2011 02:39 PM

Runes look very interesting, but most confusing ! Especially if one needs to go by their own intuition as to what the meanings of the stones are, how does one figure that out ? Or does one use a book at first and then go from there ?

Dream Angel xx

dhaga 28-06-2011 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
Runes look very interesting, but most confusing ! Especially if one needs to go by their own intuition as to what the meanings of the stones are, how does one figure that out ? Or does one use a book at first and then go from there ?

Dream Angel xx

Like any divination method, it is easiest to start with a book to find the meanings, then let intuition be your guide on how they work together.

sunwolf411 19-08-2011 02:18 PM

from Sunwolf411
You can buy Ralph Blum's "The book of Runes", it has instructions, interpretations, and comes with a set of runes. It is an excellent beginners book, I still refer to it. I choose a rune everyday, write out the interpretation and meditate on it's meaning. You also write your day's or weeks issue that you have, then write the interpretation. I read my interpretations once in a while to see my progress, which is extraordinary. The book has instructions on how to cast, how to pick your rune (or runes if you are doing a spread) - this book has everything in it you need to know about runes, I refer to it all the time. Runes are for self improvement mostly, Mr. Blum also wrote a book "The Healing Runes" which is also very helpful. I have read several books on runes and this book is the best one as far as I am concerned. It's all self improvement. you can get the book by ordering it from Amazon on the computer. Some bookstores have it, but very few. They are fun, try them!

Finnster 20-08-2011 01:21 PM

So let me ask this... I think I saw this earlier ..and I apologize if this is a rehash of earlier posts.. but is it better to make your own or purchase a set that jumps off the shelf at you?

I bought a set a while back and haven't used them yet. I cleansed them and they seem to resonate a little better.

But I would like to make my own and see how those feel in comparison...

Any thoughts?

iolite 22-08-2011 05:27 AM

If you read Blum's book, he talks about his research into runes and their meaning. He met a woman who made her own set. His runes are quite nice to use, but if you feel pulled to make your own, go a head. I've used sculpy as well as large round glass nuggets (the kind used for flower arranging). I drew the runes on with a gold paint pen. All sets worked very well for me. Then my daughter got a hold of them and I don't think I have a complete set among them.

Medium_Laura 22-08-2011 02:11 PM

You can also get nice sets of semiprecious stones on ebay :) I bought mine in a shop. They are hematite with gold etched in.

Great divination tool :)

Adrienne 03-09-2011 12:53 AM


I have heard that people that make their own rune set, have a closer connection to the stones.

Give it a try, make your own set and then let us know which set you feel a closer connection with.

Dream Angel xx

seahorse 04-09-2011 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel

I have heard that people that make their own rune set, have a closer connection to the stones.

Give it a try, make your own set and then let us know which set you feel a closer connection with.

Dream Angel xx

Yep that's true !:smile: Thanks for the rune thread tip DA i'd never found it otherwise lol....i made my own set of runes a while ago after i gathered some nice flat pebbles (some not so flat but a dremel tool took care of that...) and i can honestly say i feel so connected with my lil stones:hug: i know it's because i devoted time and effort to them but i really feel some of my spirit essence (or something) passed on to them. When i compare my runes with some commercially made i feel them to be completely lifeless and "carrying" the profit-chasing attitude in them, just my thoughts....
Dream Angel you're right about the use of sealers to protect the runes, i used spray clear varnish on mine, i suspect there will be a need to re-apply after some time as it will most probably wear off with frequent use.
I think one of the best materials for runes are pebbles found on the beach as they are usually flat enough to paint, and the salt on them has purifuing properties (at least i think i've read something like that- sorry spiritual newbie here lol)

Adrienne 04-09-2011 11:49 AM

hi seahorse,

I see you found the place :smile: I believe this is true about the runes you made " i really feel some of my spirit essence (or something) passed on to them." And good idea for putting the varnish on them, for protection and it adds a nice shine to them too.

Very interesting comment about the pebbles from the beach and the salt, having the purifying qualities. Good thinking !

I am guessing then that most runes are made with stones ?

:angel10: Dream Angel xx

seahorse 04-09-2011 12:03 PM

I have done an extensive search on the internet the past few days, found out many use wood and find the use of stone or other materials "not proper" or something. Now i can understand wood is a much more friendly material to work with but cannot really understand this "purist" attitude many people have towards runes and other things, believing there's only 1-2 "proper" ways and everyting else is not valid. I like to go completely on instinct and do whatever i am inclined to do regardless of what other self-proclaimed "knowers"say. Heretical to the bone i know (but lovin it:tongue:)

Adrienne 04-09-2011 12:17 PM

Now that is the strangest thing, preference for wood over the stone. If there was one " proper " material to use for runes, I would think it would be stones ! That seems so much more natural to me and just think of the variety and beauty of your set if using stones, each one is an original. With wood it is basically all the same. Somehow I just can't see Vikings sitting around with wooden runes, the stones seem more natural. Maybe not , just my visual perhaps :D

you do have an independent streak seahorse :tongue: I like it !:hug:

seahorse 04-09-2011 12:25 PM

Yep i likes me 2 lol i had the same thinking when i decided to make Nordic runes for me stone was a "natural", fitting choice. You know, imagine a big bad Viking warrior...playing with a wooden stick ?! doesn't fit.... and i was overly glad to go to a beach the last day of vacation and discover exactly what i was looking for, rugged stratified rock, some menir-shaped (ever read Asterix?) but smoothed enough by the sea so they didn't need much work with the dremel tool, some not at all. Perfect ! I was a little sad before because i wanted something like that for the Nordic runes but didn't really know where to find such stones. Seems the Universe provides your heart desire :smile: (if so, where's my lottery ?)

Adrienne 04-09-2011 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by seahorse
Perfect ! I was a little sad before because i wanted something like that for the Nordic runes but didn't really know where to find such stones. Seems the Universe provides your heart desire :smile: (if so, where's my lottery ?)

hmmm, maybe the Universe knows winning the lottery really isn't your heart's desire ?
now what would you do with all that money, except buy crystals, lol ! :D Just think of all the energy surrounding you, you would be swirling and twirling and getting dizzy ! :tongue: and then, if your crystals started speaking to you, you wouldn't know which one is saying what !! LOL !

seahorse 04-09-2011 12:37 PM

Hey i'm always like that anyway swirling and twirling and dizzy lol that's why i need (permanent) vacation to hawaii to relax...or somewhere eastern and mystical i could live with that too !

Adrienne 04-09-2011 12:40 PM

so what do I know ? :tongue: now why did I think you were thinking something spiritual about the east ? :D

seahorse 04-09-2011 12:48 PM

Hey what could be more spiritual than a beautiful woman belly dancing ?!

seahorse 04-09-2011 12:48 PM

I know.... bahahaha

sunwolf411 11-09-2011 02:42 PM

I took up runes about 1 year ago, and truly they helped me get on track on my spiritual journey. I continue to use them, they almost always have profound meaning, that you can apply to your life. I couldn't be without them

Adrienne 11-09-2011 02:50 PM

hi sunwolf, could you explain just a little, how the runes helped you " get on track on my spiritual journey" ?

Dream Angel xx

Michael B. 19-09-2011 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by Dream Angel
hi sunwolf, could you explain just a little, how the runes helped you " get on track on my spiritual journey" ?

Dream Angel xx

I'm sorry to go grave digging or anything, but I think I can add a few things to this.

I can't speak for Sunwolf, but Runes have a lot of lessons that are easy to miss. They go a lot deeper than they seem to though, so you do have to be able to read between the lines. They can be completely obvious and horribly subtle. It all depends. Just like any other method of divination you have to use your best judgement.

Every Rune has a lesson or ideal. They're not just for reading the future. In fact, you really have to do more than Runecast to really get a feel for what they mean. Some meanings come harder and need an example. I had a hard time with the Jera, personally. It depends on the person really. As for other uses for runes, I know there's Galdr, but I haven't gone into that a whole lot.

I hope that helps.

Chicken Hawk 26-02-2012 04:29 AM

Runes sound so interesting, I would love to learn more about them. I would love to make a wooden set to learn on. I'll have to give that some thought. :)

LadyTerra 29-02-2012 08:23 PM

Greetings Everyone:
The way in which the Runes can help is largely dependent upon the Rune cloth that you employ.

The Focus of your Cloth will help to determine the messages and their interpretation.

Peace and Love on the path of your choice...

Blessed be...

Michael B. 29-02-2012 10:01 PM

I've never known that to be the case, I haven't used a rune cloth yet. I use different layouts, and sometimes no layout at all, which works more than well enough. As for layouts, it sounds like they serve the same sort of purpose as the cloth.

LadyTerra 02-03-2012 07:23 PM

Greetings MichaelB:

Originally Posted by Michael B.
I've never known that to be the case, I haven't used a rune cloth yet. I use different layouts, and sometimes no layout at all, which works more than well enough. As for layouts, it sounds like they serve the same sort of purpose as the cloth.

This can be true--if you choose to use the Runes in a similar way to the Tarot--by using different types of Spreads (or--to use your term--Layouts).

The way in which I use the Runes is unique to the Tarot Spreads that I prefer--because I use the Runes to help determine the personal imbalances that have lead to the present situation being faced by the Subject.

The differences are subtle and I employ Runes only for individuals that are seriously seeking to actively promote personal change in their lives.

Peace and Love on the path of your choice...

Blessed be...

dhaga 13-03-2012 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Michael B.
Every Rune has a lesson or ideal. They're not just for reading the future. In fact, you really have to do more than Runecast to really get a feel for what they mean. Some meanings come harder and need an example.

This is true. More work and deeper study into the runes can yield previously undiscovered meanings. This is why I enjoy studying them :)

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