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annonafox 02-08-2020 03:57 PM

Continuing the site!
Hello everyone. Just a quick note to say the admin is discussing the option to keep this going! Please continue posting and supporting!

Reading through the comments, it is clear this site means so much to so many. I feel it would be devastating to close it down right now. I see this more now than ever.

Thank you all.:hug:

girlsearching 02-08-2020 04:46 PM

:smile: well I hope not but it's all really up the Admins to decide the fate of the website. whatever the decision you guys pick I will be okay. Thank you for giving me such a safe atmosphere online.

linen53 02-08-2020 05:45 PM

Hi annonafox, I see you are an administrator here as well. Since you haven't been here since 2015, I warmly welcome you back. :hug: I know virtual hugs don't mean much but this one comes from my heart. I do hope you can come back from time to time.

Matt gave us something here, and we all, from time to time go to his thread (under Devolution's Dream/ Matt Warne) both in the Stickies and individual
created threads and give our thanks to him.

I for one want the forum to stay open. There is no other place like this. I've been looking for a substitute since the news of closing, and there are very poor sites to choose from. They don't have the camaraderie like SF does. NO PLACE on the planet has what SF has. I have made lifelong friends here that I would have not made otherwise.

Sure there are flareups here and there, and Lynn has been a wonderful administrator over the years. I really don't know how she does it. And when she closes down one of my threads (there have been quite a few :redface: ) she always does so graciously.

In the Site Closing Down thread Lynn kindly started so we could express our feeling, there are many who have offered to make donations. I noticed a few days ago there is actually a Donate button on the left side of the main SF page. I clicked on that and low and behold, there is a donation option. :redface: I for one have never donated to this forum.

It says it costs $90 a month to keep it open. I for one am willing to donate $90 one month of the year. If we can get 11 more members to donate for other months we can meet the financial goals or two @ $45 and so on. And those who can send $5, $10, even a one time donation can fill the coffers with, I'm sure, if money is needed.

Since you opened this thread, I will be sending PM's to my friends (members of SF whom I have met here) to come here and express their optimism at keeping it open.

Many blessing,

Ciona 02-08-2020 05:47 PM

Wow! Thank you!

BigJohn 02-08-2020 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by linen53
Hi annonafox, I see you are an administrator here as well. Since you haven't been here since 2015, I warmly welcome you back. :hug: I know virtual hugs don't mean much but this one comes from my heart. I do hope you can come back from time to time.

Matt gave us something here, and we all, from time to time go to his thread (under Devolution's Dream/ Matt Warne) both in the Stickies and individual
created threads and give our thanks to him.

I for one want the forum to stay open. There is no other place like this. I've been looking for a substitute since the news of closing, and there are very poor sites to choose from. They don't have the camaraderie like SF does. NO PLACE on the planet has what SF has. I have made lifelong friends here that I would have not made otherwise.

Sure there are flareups here and there, and Lynn has been a wonderful administrator over the years. I really don't know how she does it. And when she closes down one of my threads (there have been quite a few :redface: ) she always does so graciously.

In the Site Closing Down thread Lynn kindly started so we could express our feeling, there are many who have offered to make donations. I noticed a few days ago there is actually a Donate button on the left side of the main SF page. I clicked on that and low and behold, there is a donation option. :redface: I for one have never donated to this forum.

It says it costs $90 a month to keep it open. I for one am willing to donate $90 one month of the year. If we can get 11 more members to donate for other months we can meet the financial goals or two @ $45 and so on. And those who can send $5, $10, even a one time donation can fill the coffers with, I'm sure, if money is needed.

Since you opened this thread, I will be sending PM's to my friends (members of SF whom I have met here) to come here and express their optimism at keeping it open.

Many blessing,

I am willing to donate $250.00.

BigJohn 02-08-2020 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by annonafox
Hello everyone. Just a quick note to say the admin is discussing the option to keep this going! Please continue posting and supporting!

Reading through the comments, it is clear this site means so much to so many. I feel it would be devastating to close it down right now. I see this more now than ever.

Thank you all.:hug:

Your choice words are music to my ears.

I hope it can build into a crescendo!

55Degrees 02-08-2020 06:12 PM

Hi Annonafox.
Thank you so much for trying to find a way to keep the site going.
This forum means so much to so many.
I've made some amazing friends here and learned so much.
Over those few short years of being here I've seen this forum change organically and it's wonderful to witness the new members come in, full of questions and see older members leave to practice and pass on the wisdom they gained from being here.
If there is any way to keep this ship afloat you can trust that the members here will do all they can to support it.

inavalan 02-08-2020 06:42 PM

Thanks! !

Just Tim 02-08-2020 06:43 PM

Hello annonafox ! Pleasure to meet you. And thank you linen.

I cannot afford to give a penny for the moment, but in the mean time, I just wanted to express gratitude for the reconsideration.

Instead, I offer goodwill and some of my time if needed, in any way I can help.

Once again, thank you for manifesting. :smile:

Saggi 02-08-2020 06:44 PM

As someone who was here just before the 2010 crash and returned when it started again, then has since moved on and drop in from time to time; I was sad to hear it was going to go completely.

I always remember it being referred to as waves of people joining within the numerous where is so-and-so threads and as with waves there is ebb and flow, although it being here is always a comfort.

The one thing that brings me comfort is that it was, has been and is there whenever I've needed it.

I learned a great deal here when I was on my delicate, little, spiritual, bambi legs over 10 years ago; this site was the first link, when I typed into google what I was searching for to try and make sense of what was happening at the time and I never got to click any others.

This became like a second home.

This is where I gained confidence to bring my spiritual side into my every day life.

I will always be grateful to SF, plus the family I have found along the way too :hug:

It's always been lovely to watch others join and grow too and I think that's what has kept it rich.

From my point of view, selfishly :lurk: I would love to know that it's still here.

Love and hugs



Elfin 02-08-2020 06:52 PM

...I know how hard a desision to close the forum was in the first place. Very difficult. And many people were saddened . But none more than all of you beautiful people behind the scenes. If there Was any way to keep it going then that would be wonderful. So many people have been brought together. And if it is decided that despite everything it still has to close , then that would be respected too. I don't have a lot of money , but I would very happily set up a direct debit to pay a modest amount of money each month to help with admin costs. Love to all concerned...xx

Legrand 02-08-2020 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by annonafox
Hello everyone. Just a quick note to say the admin is discussing the option to keep this going! Please continue posting and supporting!

Reading through the comments, it is clear this site means so much to so many. I feel it would be devastating to close it down right now. I see this more now than ever.

Thank you all.:hug:

Hello annonafox,

You have such a beautiful soul. First time I read you.

If money is an issue, I am willing also as says Big John to donate also $250.

This place cannot be recreated elsewhere IMHO. And the world needs a centre to rest and exchange.


Kaere 02-08-2020 07:04 PM

It's very kind to want to try to keep it open, annonafox, thank you :heart:

I only ask that you make the decision that is right for you in every way.

Much love... K

MyndFull 02-08-2020 07:05 PM

This is fantastic news to hear!

A big yip-eeeee from me :-)

loopylucid 02-08-2020 07:08 PM

I never knew matt, i didnt turn up here because of him, and id say ive been here a good decade or more. the very fact someone ive never known, has produced connections for me in so many ways, helped me have a space to grow and be real, and never even entered my actual existence, is an energy worth keeping, in always, all ways x and if i can help atall, idbe happy to x

Flexi-Girl 02-08-2020 07:16 PM

Whatever decision is made, I fully support it. The most important thing is the happiness for everyone involved, especially those maintaining the forums.

Should you decide to keep the forum open but need help with donations, or time, please let me know. I want help any way I can. Thank you.

Bubbles 02-08-2020 07:18 PM

The Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. The Library was part of a larger research institution called the Mouseion, which was dedicated to the Muses, the nine goddesses of the arts. The loss of the ancient world's single greatest archive of knowledge, the Library of Alexandria, has been lamented for ages. The books at the library were divided into the following subjects: rhetoric, law, epic, tragedy, comedy, lyric poetry, history, medicine, mathematics, natural science, and miscellaneous. The library is believed to have housed between 200,000 and 700,000 books, divided between two library branches. It is said that it burned a couples of times actually and I won't go further in detail with this. The real tragedy of course is not the uncertainty of knowing who to blame for the Library's destruction but that so much of ancient history, literature and learning was lost forever. If you have seen the movie Black Panther with that realm of Wakanda... I think that world could have been our world right now, if all that knowledge would have not been lost.

And so... there were great things going on in the world back then when all these books and scrolls were written, just like all these threads and comments being made here. In the process, we learn, grow, help each other and so on, just as those people from 2000 years ago have researched everything and wrote it down. They did it because they know it has a build up effect, one thing leads to another, future generations will always be smarter than previous generations because everything is already ready for the new ones and it is their duty to keep climbing.

And the legacy of this forum that is left behind is not just an experience, but it is the spiritual modern version of Library of Alexandria. We should think of the future generations as well, those that right now are falling into a dark path, and one day they can end up on one of the posts of this forum, then browse around, make an account, and join the big family and use it as a crutch or an escape or a help or a guide or an unmatched knowledge source,.. endless reasons. There is no other place like this and there will not be, because this forum already has a certain vibe that when people join it, they understand it and just blend in. I was struggling to understand shadow work meditation few years ago, I did read articles and watched videos, but it wasn't until I found a thread on this forum with people who talked about it, that made me finally have an a-ha moment.

I could have gone in circles for a long time if it wasn't for this forum. We all know the impact it has on all our lives, but this impact will never end if it will keep being up forever, as new generations will come, and all the talks will become more refined as people who learn things from here will grow as parents and is rare to find parents these days to know many of the things being discussed in this forum. And with such parents, their children will be way more aware of a lot of things, and so it keeps growing from generation to generation. I think SF mission is just beginning.

I recommend a gofundme project and it could raise enough money to keep it stress free for a long time.

PS I received the explanation that the other admins do not want to sell it because it is immoral to sell it since it isn't their forum, but it was Matt's. They also cannot just give it away randomly to someone as maybe that someone might sell it. And to destroy all the forum data instead is also even worse in my opinion. Sure, they could sell it and open a foundation in Matt's name. Send missionaries all over the world who can teach meditation in schools, kindergardens.. do something in Matt's name. But this is also not what is going to happen. Then what? Is simply... trust! Choose trust, and not randomly. It takes years to form relations, and I am sure the admins can always promote some mods into admins, and some users into mods. The whole forum would be managed by multiple people, and always other people will pop up and take the place. Can something guarantee that in 60 years from now on it will not be sold? No. But will it be worth? To be online for this long.. to have such a great impact on the world and on so many people's lives. I know the answer. We all do.

Flexi-Girl 02-08-2020 07:20 PM

One thing I would hope for, if the forum is kept open is if we could find a way to bringing it back to the way it was originally intended.

hazada guess 02-08-2020 07:22 PM

This forum has literally been a life support for me since i found it a year and a half ago. I haven't met such a friendly bunch of people for a long time. I would be truly devastated if it were to end.
Sorry for being so dramatic, but that's the way I feel. Everyone gives each other support in their own way, especially during these times of hardship
I would be eternally grateful if you could somehow keep this site active.:hug:

annonafox 02-08-2020 07:33 PM

Hello to all who have replied! The outpouring is tremendous and has deeply touched my heart! Let me start by saying that I am 100% committed to keeping the site going. I am also very happy to keep paying the hosting fees. Donations are always lovely and welcomed, but please don't feel pressured at all. I don't mind covering all the costs where that is concerned. The most important thing for me is to sustain the site---which is clearly a beloved safe, educational, inspirational, and supportive place for so many.

I was telling admin that even if just a handful of people remain as time goes on, I'm realising SF live would remain a valued place. Sometimes just knowing "home" is there, even if you can't visit all the time, that is enough. In my heart, I feel Matt would agree. He was a very sentimental person---he saved little momentos, special books and letters. He had a very poetic, deep heart. Being back on the site, I start remembering that all over again. It would feel devastating to close down a place that has touched so many hearts.

I know there will be a lot of communication and work needed amongst the very dedicated admin, but please know I am supporting the site staying live and am very happy to continue the financial support for the desktop version we currently have. There has been some talk about creating a mobile-friendly version as well, and it is my understanding this is very expensive. Perhaps it won't be possible or even necessary. But even if we can only afford to maintain what currently is, I believe most would be ecstatic about that. Knowing how many people love this site, my heart would feel so much better continuing the effort to keep it here.

Thank you all for reaching out and expressing your love!:hug:

Elfin 02-08-2020 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by annonafox
Hello to all who have replied! The outpouring is tremendous and has deeply touched my heart! Let me start by saying that I am 100% committed to keeping the site going. I am also very happy to keep paying the hosting fees. Donations are always lovely and welcomed, but please don't feel pressured at all. I don't mind covering all the costs where that is concerned. The most important thing for me is to sustain the site---which is clearly a beloved safe, educational, inspirational, and supportive place for so many.

I was telling admin that even if just a handful of people remain as time goes on, I'm realising SF live would remain a valued place. Sometimes just knowing "home" is there, even if you can't visit all the time, that is enough. In my heart, I feel Matt would agree. He was a very sentimental person---he saved little momentos, special books and letters. He had a very poetic, deep heart. Being back on the site, I start remembering that all over again. It would feel devastating to close down a place that has touched so many hearts.

I know there will be a lot of communication and work needed amongst the very dedicated admin, but please know I am supporting the site staying live and am very happy to continue the financial support for the desktop version we currently have. There has been some talk about creating a mobile-friendly version as well, and it is my understanding this is very expensive. Perhaps it won't be possible or even necessary. But even if we can only afford to maintain what currently is, I believe most would be ecstatic about that. Knowing how many people love this site, my heart would feel so much better continuing the effort to keep it here.

Thank you all for reaching out and expressing your love!:hug:

I feel so honoured to have been a part of all of this. I feel your emotion. The outpouring of love in Matt's memory. Those of us that can, will do all we can to help. With money...strength..support... And most of all LOVE...X

one-light 02-08-2020 07:51 PM

I only just seen this 15 mins ago - I think this would be an opportunity to fully redesign this site, bring it up to ultra modern standards - there are 1000's of short of work web designer out there, young ones with energy to get it looking right, who would do this for a 'fair price' and make it the 'bees knees' of websites - sometimes things happen on our journeys to make us sit back and 'think' - I said this before who says Matt's website can't survive for a 1000 yrs... a few less pages would be good, and more up to date and more user friendly... And many people here will support cash wise if needed.

annonafox 02-08-2020 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by one-light
I only just seen this 15 mins ago - I think this would be an opportunity to fully redesign this site, bring it up to ultra modern standards - there are 1000's of short of work web designer out there, young ones who would do this for a 'fair price' and make it the 'bees knees' of websites - sometimes things happen on our journeys to make us sit back and 'think' - I said this before who says Matt's website can't survive for a 1000 yrs... a few less pages would be good, and more up to date and more user friendly...

Thank you for this. Lynn and other admin would appreciate any information about this---any recommendations anyone might have....and cost estimates.

Even if we can only afford to keep the site in the current version, it would be worth it for so many. I can see that so clearly now reading all of these posts.

LadyMay 02-08-2020 08:02 PM

I agree with one-light, I know the admin don’t want to change anything here as this is the way Matt originally made it. but I think he’d be happy to know it lived on and outgrew its server and changed with the times so it will keep the community we already have here but be accessible for new people who are just beginning their spiritual path and are looking for community too.

As others have said this site has been invaluable to me in many ways, I’m not as active as I once was but I’ve met so many people here and feel supported and safe in ways that’s rare elsewhere on the internet. Like others have also said there’s nothing quite like this forum, neither one Facebook or Reddit or other forums. This one is truly unique and I believe in that vein of uniqueness an update would be very much keeping in line with that.

I know about hosting websites as I learned from a parent who was a website designer, that said my experience with forums is nil but $90 a month sounds a lot to me to host one. It may be that a different server is needed, with more ergonomic prices and updated bandwidth (let’s be honest everyone knows the struggles of “server is busy”!). Also, I always had the impression apps didn’t cost that much, I think if you use a site theme that is already designed to be compatible with mobile it should integrate easily.

There was something else I meant to add but I have to be going now, maybe it’ll come back to me later. I am in favour of the site staying open that said I totally understand if it’s unable or the admins decide it’s not right :smile:

Legrand 02-08-2020 08:05 PM

Hello annonafox,

If my opinion means something. The format to me is not important. What is really important is the content.

And I only see the Spirit in the content of what is said on this Forum.


bloke 02-08-2020 08:11 PM

Thanks for deciding to carry on.

As a gesture of gratitude I'll make a small donation (probably about $100) in the next few days - stating it publicly so I have to follow through.

Thanks to you again and to all staff for the work you do.

hazada guess 02-08-2020 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by annonafox
Hello to all who have replied! The outpouring is tremendous and has deeply touched my heart! Let me start by saying that I am 100% committed to keeping the site going. I am also very happy to keep paying the hosting fees. Donations are always lovely and welcomed, but please don't feel pressured at all. I don't mind covering all the costs where that is concerned. The most important thing for me is to sustain the site---which is clearly a beloved safe, educational, inspirational, and supportive place for so many.

I was telling admin that even if just a handful of people remain as time goes on, I'm realising SF live would remain a valued place. Sometimes just knowing "home" is there, even if you can't visit all the time, that is enough. In my heart, I feel Matt would agree. He was a very sentimental person---he saved little momentos, special books and letters. He had a very poetic, deep heart. Being back on the site, I start remembering that all over again. It would feel devastating to close down a place that has touched so many hearts.

I know there will be a lot of communication and work needed amongst the very dedicated admin, but please know I am supporting the site staying live and am very happy to continue the financial support for the desktop version we currently have. There has been some talk about creating a mobile-friendly version as well, and it is my understanding this is very expensive. Perhaps it won't be possible or even necessary. But even if we can only afford to maintain what currently is, I believe most would be ecstatic about that. Knowing how many people love this site, my heart would feel so much better continuing the effort to keep it here.

Thank you all for reaching out and expressing your love!:hug:

God bless you.:hug3:

ocean breeze 02-08-2020 08:25 PM

What an interesting turn of events!

It would be more amusing if the admins decided to keep it open but didn't say anything about it until Oct 1. Like everyone says their good-byes then the admins announce that they are just kidding the whole time and the forum is staying open. :tongue:

I know i would be happy regardless of whether the forum stays open or not but if i had to vote, i'd vote to keep it open. :cool:

one-light 02-08-2020 08:33 PM

annonafox ... I think there will be many web designer on here that can give it a ''proper'' 'freshen up' for a low/fair cost - a nice coloring for peoples's 'delicate to light' eyes on here - lets see if any offers come.

I have been in the web design industry since 1999, but coming to the end of my career in IT - my years now are to help people 'power of the mind' etc - so its now way out of my league, big site this to redevelop and maybe slim it slightly, my opinion... Lets see what offers come in to you through these messages - I know of 2 younger web designers who have messaged offering help already regarding this site, and many more I reckon on here when they see you need assistance with anything design wise...

If I was you running such a big site with 'so many' people looking on, and I wanted it refreshing, bringing up to 2020 standards and beyond - I'd be tempted to put a thread on 'a new website to be designed' any thoughts people in IT and offers to do it....... And obviously very important 'what have they designed before' and how much, doesn't need to be anywhere near as big as it is at the moment, its massive this site, get lost in it... Just my thoughts on it all... See who sees this thread and message and if any interest comes to give ideas... Sometimes someone just says the right thing at the right moment, makes such a difference, so you could see if any offers come - might give you all a boost there in the office a fresh looking site, same regular people, and new people...


LadyVirgoxoxo 02-08-2020 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Bubbles
The Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. The Library was part of a larger research institution called the Mouseion, which was dedicated to the Muses, the nine goddesses of the arts. The loss of the ancient world's single greatest archive of knowledge, the Library of Alexandria, has been lamented for ages. The books at the library were divided into the following subjects: rhetoric, law, epic, tragedy, comedy, lyric poetry, history, medicine, mathematics, natural science, and miscellaneous. The library is believed to have housed between 200,000 and 700,000 books, divided between two library branches. It is said that it burned a couples of times actually and I won't go further in detail with this. The real tragedy of course is not the uncertainty of knowing who to blame for the Library's destruction but that so much of ancient history, literature and learning was lost forever. If you have seen the movie Black Panther with that realm of Wakanda... I think that world could have been our world right now, if all that knowledge would have not been lost.

And so... there were great things going on in the world back then when all these books and scrolls were written, just like all these threads and comments being made here. In the process, we learn, grow, help each other and so on, just as those people from 2000 years ago have researched everything and wrote it down. They did it because they know it has a build up effect, one thing leads to another, future generations will always be smarter than previous generations because everything is already ready for the new ones and it is their duty to keep climbing.

And the legacy of this forum that is left behind is not just an experience, but it is the spiritual modern version of Library of Alexandria. We should think of the future generations as well, those that right now are falling into a dark path, and one day they can end up on one of the posts of this forum, then browse around, make an account, and join the big family and use it as a crutch or an escape or a help or a guide or an unmatched knowledge source,.. endless reasons. There is no other place like this and there will not be, because this forum already has a certain vibe that when people join it, they understand it and just blend in. I was struggling to understand shadow work meditation few years ago, I did read articles and watched videos, but it wasn't until I found a thread on this forum with people who talked about it, that made me finally have an a-ha moment.

I could have gone in circles for a long time if it wasn't for this forum. We all know the impact it has on all our lives, but this impact will never end if it will keep being up forever, as new generations will come, and all the talks will become more refined as people who learn things from here will grow as parents and is rare to find parents these days to know many of the things being discussed in this forum. And with such parents, their children will be way more aware of a lot of things, and so it keeps growing from generation to generation. I think SF mission is just beginning.

I recommend a gofundme project and it could raise enough money to keep it stress free for a long time.

PS I received the explanation that the other admins do not want to sell it because it is immoral to sell it since it isn't their forum, but it was Matt's. They also cannot just give it away randomly to someone as maybe that someone might sell it. And to destroy all the forum data instead is also even worse in my opinion. Sure, they could sell it and open a foundation in Matt's name. Send missionaries all over the world who can teach meditation in schools, kindergardens.. do something in Matt's name. But this is also not what is going to happen. Then what? Is simply... trust! Choose trust, and not randomly. It takes years to form relations, and I am sure the admins can always promote some mods into admins, and some users into mods. The whole forum would be managed by multiple people, and always other people will pop up and take the place. Can something guarantee that in 60 years from now on it will not be sold? No. But will it be worth? To be online for this long.. to have such a great impact on the world and on so many people's lives. I know the answer. We all do.

This is such a BEAUTIFUL way of putting this. This forum has meant a lot to me over the years. I joined it when I just graduated from high school about ten years ago and I was only just beginning my spiritual and life journey. I've popped in and out over the years and finally returned to it earlier this year. The pandemic made me start reflecting on what in my life has brought me meaning and happiness, and this was one of those things. So, I had to come back. Now to hear that the forums are ending is absolutely devastating. I would love to help any way that I can as well. I've made so many friends on these forums, this is truly a special corner of the internet.

LadyVirgoxoxo 02-08-2020 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Bubbles
The Great Library of Alexandria in Alexandria, Egypt, was one of the largest and most significant libraries of the ancient world. The Library was part of a larger research institution called the Mouseion, which was dedicated to the Muses, the nine goddesses of the arts. The loss of the ancient world's single greatest archive of knowledge, the Library of Alexandria, has been lamented for ages. The books at the library were divided into the following subjects: rhetoric, law, epic, tragedy, comedy, lyric poetry, history, medicine, mathematics, natural science, and miscellaneous. The library is believed to have housed between 200,000 and 700,000 books, divided between two library branches. It is said that it burned a couples of times actually and I won't go further in detail with this. The real tragedy of course is not the uncertainty of knowing who to blame for the Library's destruction but that so much of ancient history, literature and learning was lost forever. If you have seen the movie Black Panther with that realm of Wakanda... I think that world could have been our world right now, if all that knowledge would have not been lost.

And so... there were great things going on in the world back then when all these books and scrolls were written, just like all these threads and comments being made here. In the process, we learn, grow, help each other and so on, just as those people from 2000 years ago have researched everything and wrote it down. They did it because they know it has a build up effect, one thing leads to another, future generations will always be smarter than previous generations because everything is already ready for the new ones and it is their duty to keep climbing.

And the legacy of this forum that is left behind is not just an experience, but it is the spiritual modern version of Library of Alexandria. We should think of the future generations as well, those that right now are falling into a dark path, and one day they can end up on one of the posts of this forum, then browse around, make an account, and join the big family and use it as a crutch or an escape or a help or a guide or an unmatched knowledge source,.. endless reasons. There is no other place like this and there will not be, because this forum already has a certain vibe that when people join it, they understand it and just blend in. I was struggling to understand shadow work meditation few years ago, I did read articles and watched videos, but it wasn't until I found a thread on this forum with people who talked about it, that made me finally have an a-ha moment.

I could have gone in circles for a long time if it wasn't for this forum. We all know the impact it has on all our lives, but this impact will never end if it will keep being up forever, as new generations will come, and all the talks will become more refined as people who learn things from here will grow as parents and is rare to find parents these days to know many of the things being discussed in this forum. And with such parents, their children will be way more aware of a lot of things, and so it keeps growing from generation to generation. I think SF mission is just beginning.

I recommend a gofundme project and it could raise enough money to keep it stress free for a long time.

PS I received the explanation that the other admins do not want to sell it because it is immoral to sell it since it isn't their forum, but it was Matt's. They also cannot just give it away randomly to someone as maybe that someone might sell it. And to destroy all the forum data instead is also even worse in my opinion. Sure, they could sell it and open a foundation in Matt's name. Send missionaries all over the world who can teach meditation in schools, kindergardens.. do something in Matt's name. But this is also not what is going to happen. Then what? Is simply... trust! Choose trust, and not randomly. It takes years to form relations, and I am sure the admins can always promote some mods into admins, and some users into mods. The whole forum would be managed by multiple people, and always other people will pop up and take the place. Can something guarantee that in 60 years from now on it will not be sold? No. But will it be worth? To be online for this long.. to have such a great impact on the world and on so many people's lives. I know the answer. We all do.

This is such a BEAUTIFUL way of putting this. This forum has meant a lot to me over the years. I joined it when I just graduated from high school about ten years ago and I was only just beginning my spiritual and life journey. I've popped in and out over the years and finally returned to it earlier this year. The pandemic made me start reflecting on what in my life has brought me meaning and happiness, and this was one of those things. So, I had to come back. Now to hear that the forums are ending is absolutely devastating. I would love to help any way that I can as well. I've made so many friends on these forums, this is truly a special corner of the internet.

LadyMay 02-08-2020 08:57 PM

Oh! I just remembered my thought :smile:

In my profile I have the quote “every end is a new beginning and every beginning is one of many” (actually I think I made that up :D). That’s how I was thinking of this site. It may have to be an ending in one sense because there’s not enough server bandwidth... that’s the reason I believe why it was having to be closed down in the first place as it is too expensive to upgrade.

Whilst all the lovely replies here include a willing to donate, my main point is that if you change servers yes the site will change and it will be the end of one era, it will also be the beginning of a new era with a server that would better perform at a price meaning money would no longer be an issue.

If that is a possibility, then to me that makes the most logical sense. However, I also understand many here are quite fond of the way it already is and may rather keep it that way with donations.

It is just a thought anyway :smile:

Uma 02-08-2020 09:01 PM

Thank you annafox and all who are supporting this!
I've been part of SF over a decade and it flows with Light!
Great moderation has been for sure the key - openness to all points of view, respectful - it is a peaceful valley filled with beautiful flowers of many different colours and very unique on internet - an oasis.
Count me in for whatever support you need.
How wonderful that you and administrators are considering this!

I read something about returning to an original idea and simplifying.
I would actually like to see more thread houses - like ecology or peace or green energy - to speak about ways of integrating spirituality into daily life because our world needs this more than ever. But it might be too much work so it's just a thought.

Honza 02-08-2020 09:21 PM

Keeping the forum going would be wonderful as long as the people who run the place can cope. Perhaps the site needs some new moderators to help run it. Perhaps Lynn is feeling the pressure.

StrandedSnowMonkey 02-08-2020 09:23 PM

I think it would be amazing to keep it going. It's always felt like home:hug2:

RedEmbers 02-08-2020 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by ocean breeze
What an interesting turn of events!

It would be more amusing if the admins decided to keep it open but didn't say anything about it until Oct 1. Like everyone says their good-byes then the admins announce that they are just kidding the whole time and the forum is staying open. :tongue:

I know i would be happy regardless of whether the forum stays open or not but if i had to vote, i'd vote to keep it open. :cool:

Lol, yes, I now feel a little bit silly for starting my premature goodbye poetry thread Lol... Ahhh... The anouncement of the site shutting down turned me into sentimental mush :redface:

Nothing like a rush of heart felt goodbyes to make one realise the value of what one has :biggrin:

Anala 02-08-2020 09:38 PM


Thank you for planting a seed of hope for the future! And thank you for sharing Matt and his vision with all of us. :hug2:

linen53 02-08-2020 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by RedEmbers
Lol, yes, I now feel a little bit silly for starting my premature goodbye poetry thread Lol... Ahhh... The anouncement of the site shutting down turned me into sentimental mush :redface:

Nothing like a rush of heart felt goodbyes to make one realise the value of what one has :biggrin:

Poetry is poetry. It's still beautiful. And here's another thing SF offers: a place to express it. :hug:

Heck I feel like :hug: ing everyone right now.

gemma 02-08-2020 11:38 PM

Adding my support and love to this, hoping to see the site continue..

Flexi-Girl 02-08-2020 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by annonafox
Thank you for this. Lynn and other admin would appreciate any information about this---any recommendations anyone might have....and cost estimates.

Even if we can only afford to keep the site in the current version, it would be worth it for so many. I can see that so clearly now reading all of these posts.

If you and the admin wanted to give this place a facelift, (for the record I like it as is, but that's beside the point) I would be happy to contribute a good chunk to help cover the expense. I want to help keep the lights on if I can.

If on the other hand Lynn is truly ready to move on, I fully support her decision.


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