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Patrycia-Rose 01-06-2019 08:34 AM

EMF Protection
Has anyone tried energy dots to protect against EMFs?


Any thoughts or experiences?


Lucky 1 01-06-2019 02:14 PM

I think those are pure nonsense. ......the best protection from EMF is distance.

All forms of emf fall off at an inverse square of the distance.....

For instance. ......the microwave energy of a cell phone head to your head is not 10 times less held at 10 inches. ....its 100 times less.

Patrycia-Rose 01-06-2019 02:45 PM

Yes I am aware of the inverse square law.

I must admit I was a little sceptical of the energy dots but some people seem to swear by them but I wonder if that that is placebo.

Sapphirez 25-06-2019 08:32 PM

that's an interesting product.. can't say I can grasp what they're claiming exactly so I won't comment further, though I do believe a lot of things, even a symbol, can have profound healing effect.. that's also interesting about the inverse square law which I didn't know. thankfully the man I moved in with a few years ago has the internet hard-wired and he even removes this wi-fi chip (that you're not supposed to) in the hardware lol.. I feel yucky when I turn on my old cell phone which doesn't even have service..

that's such a cool quote in your signature Patrycia-Rose.

well anyways, the energy dots made me think of shungite cuz some companies make versions you can attach to your cell phone or electronics. I am not really sure how big of a crystal you need for it to have a sufficient protective effect, but shungite is researched to have a host of healing properties and help shield harmful radiation. Apparently Russians have been researching it for years because it is only found in Karelia, Russia.. and the US has some done some research but of course they're not going to advertise how amazing this earthly substance could be for people.. they do however try to use it in bad technology in my opinion and exploit its properties, but surely that's another post or forum.. there are more exhaustive research papers and studies, but here is a simple one that states how rats were protected against emf damage with it


I'll try to find one more paper that has more elaborate research about it.. and there are other crystals which have displayed protective and healing properties in scientific study, tourmaline and zeolite crystals to name two. all these crystals have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. shungite and zeolite have also been used to purify water with success.


ceidauilyc 26-06-2019 05:58 AM

I use energy generators for EMF protection. I keep it under my bed and working chair.

BigJohn 07-08-2019 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
Has anyone tried energy dots to protect against EMFs?

Sure they work, they are another form of hypnosis.

I worked at companies that had equipment to test for EMFs.

The device shown produce zero protection.

By using the test equipment to test for EMFs, products can be made that produce less EMFs.

If a person wants to be in an EMF free area, create a faraday cage, but then your cell phone, WIFI, radio, etc. will not work.

Patrycia-Rose 07-08-2019 10:22 AM

I've just bought an Acoustimeter, no arguing with one of those.

I'm undecided whether these energy dots help, but coming down on the side of they don't. There are various youtube videos demonstrating that shungite does not protect against EMFs, putting your finger (holding the shungite) between the meter and the object you're testing gives the appearance of the shungite protecting you.

One thing that did surprise me was the amount of radiation given off a 'simple' mouse and especially when you are scrolling, it made the Acoustimeter go into the red zone. I've since bought myself a wired mouse. All of my house is now wired.

BigJohn 08-08-2019 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I've just bought an Acoustimeter, no arguing with one of those.

I'm undecided whether these energy dots help, but coming down on the side of they don't. There are various youtube videos demonstrating that shungite does not protect against EMFs, putting your finger (holding the shungite) between the meter and the object you're testing gives the appearance of the shungite protecting you.

Your computer is 'wired' and still gives off a lot EMFs. Check your computer around the power switch: that has always been a 'hot' area.
Shungite, which is predominately carbon, provides absolutely zero EMF protection. Shielding in copper (a Faraday cage) will stop EMFs.

Satchidananda 11-01-2020 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by Patrycia-Rose
I've just bought an Acoustimeter, no arguing with one of those.
I'm undecided whether these energy dots help, but coming down on the side of they don't. There are various youtube videos demonstrating that shungite does not protect against EMFs, putting your finger (holding the shungite) between the meter and the object you're testing gives the appearance of the shungite protecting you.

These things wont weaken the EM field or stop the EMR waves, the field strength remains the same. What happens instead is that the harmonics in EMF that would have otherwise damaged the living cells/DNA are no longer able to do so in the presence of EMF protection devices like celldots/orgonite/scalar pendants/MWO/LAKHOVSKY coils/ tensor rings / torsion field generators, etc.

Tis Armand 06-03-2020 04:56 PM

I haven't tried energy dots but in my experience, if you are not going to steam rooms every week, you are accumulating EMFs instead of discharging them.

LillianSimpson31vB7 20-12-2022 04:10 PM

I've also tried Energydots and didn't see any effect.

Aldous 21-12-2022 06:20 PM



LillianSimpson31vB7 29-12-2022 06:23 PM

It's said that they counteract the harmful energy released by electronic and wireless equipment to help you sleep better, give you a clearer mind, and even cure headaches.

BrooksLowe 16-01-2023 09:31 PM

Hey, I saw your post about EMF protection and wanted to say that I've heard of energy dots before. It's good that there are products out there to protect against EMFs. I also wanted to mention that there are fabrics that can protect you from EMFs. It's worth checking out. Have you tried any of these fabrics or have any experience with energy dots?

LillianSimpson31vB7 18-01-2023 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by BrooksLowe
Hey, I saw your post about EMF protection and wanted to say that I've heard of energy dots before. It's good that there are products out there to protect against EMFs.

My doctor advised me about these

Miss Hepburn 18-01-2023 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by LillianSimpson31vB7
I've also tried Energydots and didn't see any effect.

Did you ever have any effect without them, tho?
Is anyone here having a noticeable effect with EMF all around them?

I know one person on a 2nd floor that had wires everywhere outside her window. It really was a lot.
She was not happy about it...she died of cancer eventually.
She 'felt' they were not 'good'. No proof, of course.
No one is saying they caused her health issues...but laying, there she hated them.

Patrycia-Rose 22-01-2023 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by Satchidananda
These things wont weaken the EM field or stop the EMR waves, the field strength remains the same. What happens instead is that the harmonics in EMF that would have otherwise damaged the living cells/DNA are no longer able to do so in the presence of EMF protection devices like celldots/orgonite/scalar pendants/MWO/LAKHOVSKY coils/ tensor rings / torsion field generators, etc.

An Acoustimer is not intended to block EMF; it is a measurement meter designed to tell you where EMFs are being generated from, including next door neighbours etc. It will make specific sounds depending on the source of EMF, so the meter will emit a different sound if it picks up a wifi signal, a dect (cordless) phone, smart phone, base station etc. It will give a measurement with a numerical scale which also has a LED light index, green, amber, red. A fascinating device; when I first got it I took it all over the place and was rather surprised to see how much EMF was in my work place.


I am completely wired at home, disabling wifi on my router and computer and I don’t have a smart anything.

To protect me from the low level EMF from next door I got a Harmony from Comosystems which most defintely works. I then also got a Traveller.


MAYA EL 18-04-2023 10:59 PM

A good way to tell if something that's sold as a EMF blocker is snake oil or if it actually works to some degree is if it meets a few mandatory requirements that it HAS TO MEET or else it CAN'T WORK and these mandatory things are , #1 it has to be made out of a conductive material such as metal/ copper/silver/tech
#2 it has to be connected to earth ground at all times via a metal wire to either the ground plug in your wall outlet or directly to a grounding rod outside in the dirt , if it doesn't meet these 2 things then it cannot actually get rid of anything other then your money

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