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Mysticrose37 23-08-2018 11:06 AM

Looking for older indigos
Hi I am just over forty therefore classed as an early indigo. I never wanted to be a system breaker yet the universe puts me in places I have no choice. I believe strongly in the United nations rights of the child. So when I see that breeched I have to do something about it. I have found myself in some uncomfortable situations. Yet I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror if I didn't.
I have always felt different. I saw ghosts, angels and knew things from a young age. I was sensitive to negative environments including at fourteen throwing up when I went to Alcatraz in San Francisco on holiday.

I was hoping to talk with other older indigos and hear there experiences.

Three14 25-08-2018 01:43 PM

Hey there. I am a 40 year old Indigo) Nice to meet you.

Mysticrose37 25-08-2018 11:13 PM

Hi nice to meet you too. How did you find out you were an early indigo Three14 ? :)

AngelRain 27-08-2018 01:46 PM

Hello, I am 29. <3

Three14 27-08-2018 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mysticrose37
Hi nice to meet you too. How did you find out you were an early indigo Three14 ? :)

I found out about 6-7 years ago when I had my aura read by one of those machines. Did this after I had of a spiritual awakening, and had some very unique experiences.

Mysticrose37 27-08-2018 07:18 PM

Hi Angel Rain :). Could I ask when you discovered you were an indigo?
Three14.. I have never heard of a machine that does that. Is it like a camera? :)

Three14 28-08-2018 06:00 PM

It was something you place your hand on hooked to a computer imaging system. Cannot recall the name of it. It's not the only reason I believe I am indigo, as there were other things going on at the same time. Just seemed pretty coincidental.

Mysticrose37 28-08-2018 07:06 PM

Three14. Surely you know nothing happens by chance. Everything for a reason.

MissCreativeSpirit 13-09-2018 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mysticrose37
Hi I am just over forty therefore classed as an early indigo. I never wanted to be a system breaker yet the universe puts me in places I have no choice. I believe strongly in the United nations rights of the child. So when I see that breeched I have to do something about it. I have found myself in some uncomfortable situations. Yet I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror if I didn't.
I have always felt different. I saw ghosts, angels and knew things from a young age. I was sensitive to negative environments including at fourteen throwing up when I went to Alcatraz in San Francisco on holiday.

I was hoping to talk with other older indigos and hear there experiences.

Mystic.....ditto all the way! I took a pass on Alkatraz knowing I wouldn't be able to block that kind of energy while visiting! I feel so less alone today just because of. This thread. I am turning 46 in about 17 days. I sm guessing si sm s very early indigo.And my life has Bern a mess to manage given I am such a strong sensitive when it comes to energies everywhere I ho. I do a lot of running from situations.

Mysticrose37 14-09-2018 01:06 PM

Hi Creative Spirit.
Looking forward to chatting to you more. :) I completely understand where you are coming from. I often feel very alone. As I know things before others. So I have always been different.

MissCreativeSpirit 15-09-2018 06:57 AM

Indigos developing abilities alone
I really have opened up to such greater awareness of my own abilities to peer towards future and such. I no longer have s live beer of people with this kind of open minded thinking. This this site hes given me a reprieve from people who doubt this stuff is real. I get yo be out of a closet so to speak here.

Mysticrose37 15-09-2018 08:27 AM

Creative.. In time you will find you won't care what people think. As you get there the universe will unite you with more like minded people. :) I found this place five years ago and I am really glad I did.

MissCreativeSpirit 28-09-2018 01:03 PM

I used to be s part of s Spiritualist church but that was only considtant for me many years ago.

MissCreativeSpirit 28-09-2018 01:05 PM

I wad up in Or. Noe I am kind of between States. I may go to Nm or AZ. I want yo live where it doesn't snow at all.

Mysticrose37 29-09-2018 03:08 PM

Hi I live in Australia Creativespirit so not sure what these places are. :). I think ask the universe where your next journey lays. :)

MissCreativeSpirit 05-10-2018 04:01 AM

Oregon or New Mexico or California or Arizona..states. I am going to Arizona for sure.

zenmaster 18-10-2018 12:33 AM

25 Here. Very old soul though. Ancient Lol

Mysticrose37 18-10-2018 10:15 AM

Zen master.. Lol that's okay then. I was recently told this is my last lifetime. So i have a lot to learn. Lol. How did you come to find out you were indigo. :)

zenmaster 19-10-2018 01:30 AM

Haha I had a rude awakening to the fact of my psychic powers. I was also contacted by entities and light workers telling me of this path. What about you?

Mojo Pan 19-10-2018 04:28 AM

Back in 2011 I was searching the internet for spiritual sites and forums in general. I was strongly guided to join a forum for indigo people, and from this moment on my life changed forever. The interactions I had were profound, even though some were especially painful, nevertheless it was an amazing, life-altering experience.

Mysticrose37 19-10-2018 07:54 AM

Hi Mojo.. That sounds fascinating. I personally have only met a couple of Indigos in my early years of university. It is only recently I have felt a need to reach out. So how about we share our experiences. :)

Mysticrose37 19-10-2018 07:55 AM

Let's start with a question?
Indigos are known as system breakers. In what way have you challenged the system? :).

Mojo Pan 19-10-2018 08:59 AM

Everything must first come inside in my opinion, strictly personal and subjective views of course. I first addressed the brainwash done to me by the system ever since I was born. I realized I existed in a Matrix-like coccon feeding the system by desiring and buying stuff that didn't make me happy, at least for long. Then came many other realizations, some painful about myself but invaluable to my spiritual evolution.

Mojo Pan 19-10-2018 09:00 AM

It's like a wise person once said...wanna change the world ? Change yerself first !

Mysticrose37 19-10-2018 10:28 AM

Mojo Pan.. I would agree with that. May I ask the meaning of your handle? I was wondering if it referred to Peter Pan?

IndigoGeminiWolf 19-10-2018 11:28 PM

I am an indigo I believe, and am 41.
I am here to comfort others, and provide catalyst to some.

I carry a loving energy. I am not a systems buster either,
but I do carry a soft energy that sometimes takes on too much Light.

I carry a lot of love, and have compassion, though sometimes not as much as I'd like.

Mysticrose37 19-10-2018 11:37 PM

Hi Indigogeminiwolf.
I think in this time in history. Comforting others is very important. I was wondering is the wolf your totem animal?

IndigoGeminiWolf 20-10-2018 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by Mysticrose37
Hi Indigogeminiwolf.
I think in this time in history. Comforting others is very important. I was wondering is the wolf your totem animal?

Wolf, fox, and certain breeds of dog like German Shepherds, Huskies and Malamutes. I call them woofers.

Mysticrose37 20-10-2018 01:55 AM

Lol I barrack for the woofers. Australian rules football.

Mysticrose37 20-10-2018 01:56 AM

Seriously though. May I ask why the woofers is your totem? Mine is the unicorn. Or the Spider.

Mysticrose37 21-10-2018 05:28 AM

Hi I was wondering if anyone else is sensitive to things. I went to party recently and got a facial done. It was supposed to be Natural products. I was so sensitive my cheeks actually burnt. Does anyone else have this problem?

Akira 17-12-2018 04:26 PM

Years ago I went for a reading and the psychic told me that I am an early Indigo - she said that you have had it tough because you just see the world in a different way.

Also yes, I get allergic to stuff a lot, I don't wear perfume, I tend to use organic products and hope that all stays well, although I have had some trouble with them too.

Ashanna 18-01-2019 05:54 AM

I'm 35, and I'm an indigo/early-ish indigo. My older sister is 50, and she's been told that she's a "pre-indigo"; someone who came to pave the way for us indigo children.

As for allergies, both my older sister and I have a TON of sensitivities, mostly to synthetic/chemical scents.

BelieveInGod 06-02-2019 05:49 AM

I start walkin' your way and you start walkin' mine... We'll meet in the middle.

Enchanted_DreamFaerie 07-02-2019 12:23 AM

I'm an Indigo and I'm sensitive to a lot of things.

Sounds, lights, too much sun and medications from what I've learned.

Instead of wearing perfume, I wear lotions. There's still some things I'm learning along the way.

Mysticrose37 12-02-2019 05:40 AM

Thank you for answering. I am sensitive to more things all the time.

Laurielee 21-02-2019 07:09 PM

I;m old, 49. I've often wondered if I am an Indigo child because I have a lot of the characteristics, but perhaps not. I'm probably too old. Maybe my kids? They are interesting souls as well.

Love and Light,

Akira 03-03-2019 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Laurielee
I;m old, 49. I've often wondered if I am an Indigo child because I have a lot of the characteristics, but perhaps not. I'm probably too old. Maybe my kids? They are interesting souls as well.

Love and Light,

You could be an indigo - the really early ones came in just before the early 70's I think ... My friend is a well known psychic, and she said that the Indigos started to birth in the mid 60's however there were very, very few of them then in the early 70's there were a few more, this figure progressively went up as the years went by and once the Indigo's had mostly done their job, the crystals started to be birthed...

BoBana 08-04-2019 09:31 PM

I can't say if you are or not, though certain I am (and I'm 55).
I feel autistic children/adults (aka those with autism for the semantically sensitive) are the Indigos Edgar Cayce spoke of decades ago when he said "the Indigos are coming"

WildHairedWoman 11-04-2019 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by Mysticrose37
Hi I am just over forty therefore classed as an early indigo. I never wanted to be a system breaker yet the universe puts me in places I have no choice. I believe strongly in the United nations rights of the child. So when I see that breeched I have to do something about it. I have found myself in some uncomfortable situations. Yet I wouldn't be able to look myself in the mirror if I didn't.
I have always felt different. I saw ghosts, angels and knew things from a young age. I was sensitive to negative environments including at fourteen throwing up when I went to Alcatraz in San Francisco on holiday.

I was hoping to talk with other older indigos and hear there experiences.

I was born in the 50's and in the 80's when I read the description of indigo children I knew the author was not paying attention by claiming they were just being born into the world in the late 70's. Indigo is a label that can fit anyone who wants to claim it. I felt it described me and a lot of my friends who are older, but I don't claim it as a label, it is hard to pin me down, but I am a natural communicator that still needs practice.

Maybe you don't need a label, just say who you are and what your mission is if you feel you have a mission. You will find more rational compatriots (people with the same mission) if you do that than claiming a new age label like Indigo.

And accept yourself, even if you think you are weird, love that weirdness.

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