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Inika 15-10-2017 08:20 AM

Week Ahead Spread

This could be fun to play with so putting it here for anyone to give it a go.


tealily 15-10-2017 09:32 AM

Week ahead
* Happy tarot

Think about: The Moon - uncertainty!
Challenge: Queen of Pent rev
Do: 8 of Swords

8 of Swords can look scary but here I feel this spread is honestly telling me to meditate the frig out of this week :D And get enough exercise.

55Degrees 15-10-2017 09:54 AM

Oooh I've just given this a go......

What I need to think about - The World.
In the image the world weeps, a figure stands underneath collecting those tears in a large vessel.
Well tomorrow sees the first day of something that is a completion for me, something I've strived and worked for. It's an 'end game' that takes me into new territory. The tears make me ask myself, what can I offer back? Have my actions been for the good of the group? Will it end in tears?

What I need to do - 2 of Cups
A couple sit, comfortable in each others company and enjoying the beauty that is around them, the girl manifests many different flowers, there is a red rose that is the last flower to manifest. The male sits watching while manifesting a single rose, looking at all the flowers the girl has manifested.
Hmmmm, I do have someone coming in to go through some training with me this week. Maybe this suggests that I need to show just what I know and can do for the business. He's looking for something specific that matches his expectation, although it might take me a while to get there :confused:

The challenge - Justice.
Interesting image......Lady Justice is formed from a treble clef and she is releasing musical notes into the atmosphere. In the background her sword is piercing a snake.
Keeping things harmonious and in balance could be a challenge. I'll need to deal with trouble quickly and effectively, stopping it in its tracks to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

I think I'm going to go deeper with this spread as it has brought up some questions for me that I want some insight into.

FairyCrystal 15-10-2017 10:25 AM

Hmm interesting...

Think about:
The Witch
(Magician); see all I am and got and can do, yet do not hide it from the world (she's cast a circle around herself).

Athames 7:
Stop hiding/pretending I got it all sussed and can do it all myself. It's okay to know that you can take care of yourself, but don't pretend it is so, and don't be afraid to be vulnerable.

Ace of Athames:
Transform doubts and fears into trust, be more open, and transparent.

Hmmzzz, I've decided I don't like this reading, haha.

55Degrees 15-10-2017 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Hmm interesting...

Think about:
The Witch
(Magician); see all I am and got and can do, yet do not hide it from the world (she's cast a circle around herself).

Athames 7:
Stop hiding/pretending I got it all sussed and can do it all myself. It's okay to know that you can take care of yourself, but don't pretend it is so, and don't be afraid to be vulnerable.

Ace of Athames:
Transform doubts and fears into trust, be more open, and transparent.

Hmmzzz, I've decided I don't like this reading, haha.

Haha, you want to see my Kipper spread. I think I'm going to hibernate :icon_frown:

FairyCrystal 15-10-2017 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
Haha, you want to see my Kipper spread. I think I'm going to hibernate :icon_frown:

Haha, I may very well join you :D

Pandora. 15-10-2017 11:47 AM

Great spread, thanks Inika :smile:

Need to think about planning my long term financial security
Need to keep my emotions in check and don't get swallowed up by the rough seas, lol
My challenge is accepting that death is death, things will never be the same but the sun will shine again

Think I'll join you in hibernation :icon_frown:

Clover 15-10-2017 11:59 AM

From the Legacy of the Divine. tarot

Think about:

Two of Wands
Queen of Wands


The Tower
Ten Of Coins


Nine of Wands
The Star

I gotta think about this more

Lots of wand energy. I am ALL Queen of Wands this year, so she's got delegation to do. 'How' will she delegate this week, errrrr, Ill think about it via stuffing my face in doughnuts

FairyCrystal 15-10-2017 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by Clover
Think about:

Two of Wands
Queen of Wands


The Tower
Ten Of Coins


Nine of Wands
The Star

I gotta think about this more

Lots of wand energy. I am ALL Queen of Wands this year, so she's got delegation to do. How will she delegate this week, errrrr, Ill think about it via stuffing my face in doughnuts

Don't know if we're supposed / allowed to comment on each other's readings (I wouldn't mind, but if this is not the idea... someone lemme know :tongue: )

Could it be that it means this:
Plan ahead, think about long term goals, but also start acting upon them. Queen of Wands is also about expressing yourself, your inner feminine side.
So in that sense maybe think about what and how you want to do this, how you want to express your long term goals from your inner, genuine self.

Get out of your comfort-zone so you can work on making your dreams come true, and find that satisfaction that you will not get behind those walls (comfort-zone).

Step out from behind the wands (limiting beliefs, which do not always have to be deep traumas, can be more superficial, yet still limit you in taking action).
Be content, know you're on your path, but don't put your life on hold.

Now since it is a week reading, it will likely refer to something quite mundane, but still something you'd like to do or have or achieve and aren't right now.

Clover 15-10-2017 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Don't know if we're supposed / allowed to comment on each other's readings (I wouldn't mind, but if this is not the idea... someone lemme know :tongue: )

Could it be that it means this:
Plan ahead, think about long term goals, but also start acting upon them. Queen of Wands is also about expressing yourself, your inner feminine side.
So in that sense maybe think about what and how you want to do this, how you want to express your long term goals from your inner, genuine self.

Get out of your comfort-zone so you can work on making your dreams come true, and find that satisfaction that you will not get behind those walls (comfort-zone).

Step out from behind the wands (limiting beliefs, which do not always have to be deep traumas, can be more superficial, yet still limit you in taking action).
Be content, know you're on your path, but don't put your life on hold.

Now since it is a week reading, it will likely refer to something quite mundane, but still something you'd like to do or have or achieve and aren't right now.

Oh cool, thanks for the additional insight! :redface: :biggrin: Ill read it again later when I get time so it can sink in.

Oh man, rules, we got a rule for everything :laugh: Your fine! This tarot area is more open for feedback and game play. There is a rule on reading without permissions but that is for out on the open forum( outside this section). We have had people in the past get upset and try to energy read them during heated discussions ( like in the spirituality section) so that is now allowed, but here in tarot areas it's different and we took the rules thing down in this section, we just let people be guided to what feels right. Reader has the right to reject or offer.

Thanks again for the insight :hug:

FairyCrystal 15-10-2017 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Clover
Oh cool, thanks for the additional insight! :redface: :biggrin: Ill read it again later when I get time so it can sink in.

Oh man, rules, we got a rule for everything :laugh: Your fine! This tarot area is more open for feedback and game play. There is a rule on reading without permissions but that is for out on the open forum( outside this section). We have had people in the past get upset and try to energy read them during heated discussions ( like in the spirituality section) so that is now allowed, but here in tarot areas it's different and we took the rules thing down in this section, we just let people be guided to what feels right. Reader has the right to reject or offer.

Thanks again for the insight :hug:

Thanks for the feedback! And you're welcome. Hope something in it resonates.


Inika 15-10-2017 08:20 PM

guy's! Im getting married this week.

The cards say so! lol
10 cups, we look out at the landscape happily married
4 wands - we start buildng out first home
page of swords I wake up and think of how this is not a reality!

Ok so in all seriousness. JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel the love of family and friends and being part of 'the community' feelin my place in the world, where i belong. love, friendship, family, all the stuff from one of those cheesey american sit-coms where the audience go 'awwww' and some corny background music. FOCUS ON THIS ^

4 of wands - Get my energy strong in each corner. To stand strong, for my community, family, friends, I need to make sure my energies are strong, upright, like a pillar to hold those I love in rough times. If my energy is weak imno good to anyone. I have support, I have love and I have the energy to pull this through. If my family is the back, im the spine. 4 of wands.

Page of swords - well, always reminds me of the internet junkie forever looking for mind food. Ready to explore new information and research. Kind of a nerd basically. So maybe I need to stop any need to feed the mind and just let love in. Stop 'thinking' everything through to the tiniest detail and just let it all be. Stop coming in with a sword (thought) when the upper cards come to mind. A clever soul told me very recently 'thoughts cause stress' and i couldn't agree more. So i lay down that sword and just allow myself to be happy (10 of cups) this week.

:laughing11: @ homer simpson

Pandora. 15-10-2017 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Inika

guy's! Im getting married this week.

The cards say so! lol
10 cups, we look out at the landscape happily married
4 wands - we start buildng out first home
page of swords I wake up and think of how this is not a reality!

Ok so in all seriousness. JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Feel the love of family and friends and being part of 'the community' feelin my place in the world, where i belong. love, friendship, family, all the stuff from one of those cheesey american sit-coms where the audience go 'awwww' and some corny background music. FOCUS ON THIS ^

4 of wands - Get my energy strong in each corner. To stand strong, for my community, family, friends, I need to make sure my energies are strong, upright, like a pillar to hold those I love in rough times. If my energy is weak imno good to anyone. I have support, I have love and I have the energy to pull this through. If my family is the back, im the spine. 4 of wands.

Page of swords - well, always reminds me of the internet junkie forever looking for mind food. Ready to explore new information and research. Kind of a nerd basically. So maybe I need to stop any need to feed the mind and just let love in. Stop 'thinking' everything through to the tiniest detail and just let it all be. Stop coming in with a sword (thought) when the upper cards come to mind. A clever soul told me very recently 'thoughts cause stress' and i couldn't agree more. So i lay down that sword and just allow myself to be happy (10 of cups) this week.

:laughing11: @ homer simpson

That was an awesome reading! Love the way you described everything:D

For a moment, I got all excited and thought you were really getting married. :icon_eek: :D

Anne 16-10-2017 03:11 AM

Nice thread Inika! Previously I've pulled eight card spreads, but they can be a bit overwhelming on a Sunday morning :rolleyes:

What do I need to think about ~Strength
(And the fact I've drawn VIII Strength for myself the last 3 readings.., from two different decks. Hmmm.)
I'm thinking how to get in better shape as I need to be physically strong for upcoming events.

What do I need to do ~Ace of Swords
Stay clear and be present

The Challenge ~4 of Cups
The challenge this week will be to avoid falling into my usual ruts. Yuck!

Have a good week everyone! :hug3:

cosmicsacredheart 19-10-2017 05:35 AM

Using the Tarot of the Mermaids deck and am doing this for Thursday till Sunday for this week for myself :)

1. The Magician - time to think and gather all of your creative ideas into place. All the juices you have been receiving from Spirit
2. 8 of Swords - do nothing active. It is a time to tune in, reflect and receive higher messages from Divine
3. 4 of Wands - the challenge is to step up in joyous, celebratory energies and embracing change and love.

55Degrees 12-11-2017 05:11 PM

Reviving this thread as I believe it's great self reading practice.

What I need to think about - Ace of Wands.
Consider what potential is there and which direction it can be taken. Try and look at the bigger picture of what can be achieved.

What I need to do - 8 of Chalices.
Take a new direction, without forgetting what past experience has taught. Remain in touch with core values but use them to grow from.

Challenge - Knight of Wands.
Not going in full throttle, setting things in motion but having the confidence to slow down, step back and reassess if it appears that things have moved too far too fast.

The amount of green that jumped out of the cards suggests a week of new growth.

This week's bibliomancy reading comes from Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell.
"Just as the redwood that longs to rise toward the light must first drop her roots deep, so must we. She cannot grow tall without that anchoring, without being held by the Earth."

This suggests that growth and expansion are possible if the underpinning of the system is strong.
This further supports the cards given the area I was asking them about.
Looks like it'll be a fruitful week.

Clover 12-11-2017 05:38 PM

( I screwed up the order while photographing, oops) I see this health related. Although, ending with the King of Swords, this may be an intense week ahead as far as "Getting Real" on many spectrums.

What you need to think about? Ace Of Cups. My cup runtheth over, but it's important to keep my cup full. Be healthy, nurture internally. I got some health challenges, and today I just started chugging down on a detox diet...

What you need to do: Ten of Wands, clear that cra*p up, lots of grounding and meditation and detoxing needed. Your eye sights is foggy and you get headaches because you haven't worn your glasses in how long?? :D

The challenge: King of Swords: Fun Vacation time is over, now its time to Get real with where I am at. Especially, with health and doctors appointments. I have been neglecting the health appointments. Call the doc, dentist ( major problem) and the eye doctor I need my glasses, its been LONG awaited. Putting everyone first and stalling with my own progression

Clover 20-11-2017 02:13 AM


Originally Posted by Clover
( I screwed up the order while photographing, oops) I see this health related. Although, ending with the King of Swords, this may be an intense week ahead as far as "Getting Real" on many spectrums.

What you need to think about? Ace Of Cups. My cup runtheth over, but it's important to keep my cup full. Be healthy, nurture internally. I got some health challenges, and today I just started chugging down on a detox diet...

What you need to do: Ten of Wands, clear that cra*p up, lots of grounding and meditation and detoxing needed. Your eye sights is foggy and you get headaches because you haven't worn your glasses in how long?? :D

The challenge: King of Swords: Fun Vacation time is over, now its time to Get real with where I am at. Especially, with health and doctors appointments. I have been neglecting the health appointments. Call the doc, dentist ( major problem) and the eye doctor I need my glasses, its been LONG awaited. Putting everyone first and stalling with my own progression

End of week review. This was funny. Father of swords came through, *phew* dicing, chopping, mincing :laugh:

Ill have to do a fresh one for the thanksgiving holiday : ) Maybe less analyzing/sporadic thoughts

Realm Ki 20-11-2017 08:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Ill give it a try:

Need to think about: The High Priestess This week to listen within to inner knowledge, not so much contemplation, and perhaps to remember to be the 'third pillar' in duality, the third path.

Need to do: Seven of Cups This week it is time to take action attain your many dreams; it is time to head out into reality to manifest.

The Challenge: Four of Pentacles The material stability that you have accomplished is possibly locking you in, owning you. While it is sound to protect what you have and care for yourself and your loved ones, some changes require you let go of the outcome. Trust and you will be free.

Alright, we'll see how that goes for the week :)

Realm Ki 20-11-2017 08:15 AM

Hi guys can I ask how your pictures can be so big? When I try and upload images the site keeps telling me to reduce the size, and so mine are just tiny thumbnails, what am I doing wrong? Thx

Kine Lea 20-11-2017 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mi Rakel
Hi guys can I ask how your pictures can be so big? When I try and upload images the site keeps telling me to reduce the size, and so mine are just tiny thumbnails, what am I doing wrong? Thx

I see you're using an online resize program?
I use postimage.org, which has an image upload size drop-down box. Message boards are 800x600 for 15" monitors or 640x480 optimal.

There are lots of free photo editing programs out there. I have Photoscape at the present, where I can resize and shape my photos to whatever size I like.
I usually just drop the photo image into win.paint if I wish to quickly crop the edges, then save as a jpeg for uploading.

Hope this helps

Realm Ki 21-11-2017 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Kine Lea
I see you're using an online resize program?
I use postimage.org, which has an image upload size drop-down box. Message boards are 800x600 for 15" monitors or 640x480 optimal.

There are lots of free photo editing programs out there. I have Photoscape at the present, where I can resize and shape my photos to whatever size I like.
I usually just drop the photo image into win.paint if I wish to quickly crop the edges, then save as a jpeg for uploading.

Hope this helps

Thank you I'll try that!

Clover 17-12-2017 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Inika

This could be fun to play with so putting it here for anyone to give it a go.


Using The Psychic Tarot

What I need to think about?: Authority ( The Emperor)
What you need to do?: Spiritual Union ( 2 of cups)
The challenge: Material and Spiritual Prosperity ( 6 cups)

This week is all about pulling up my big girl panties LOL I have to delegate, plan and manage Christmas and Birthday's with kid's father coming down to see us. Family vacation type deals. Lots of fun things to do in this tourist state, so I am going to have to plan smart and make sure dad and I don't kill each other in the process :D

Will I have fun? Rest and Rejuvenate Reversed Cripe it's gonna get hectic :laugh:

Edit: Kids dad won't be able to make it. So that sucks, they are going to be super heart broken. I'll have to think more about this reading and what is signifies. *sigh*

rainbow.sprinkles 18-12-2017 01:57 AM

what I need to think about: Page of Cups
what I need to do: 7 of Cups
the challenge: Queen of Pentacles

something tells me this is speaking to the fact that my ex recently told me he's still in love with me, and the cards want me to think about this, but to be careful and not fall into any traps of disillusionment. it may be challenging for me to balance our current friendship and the supportive dynamic we've developed with this new information. wanting to continue to help and support him and maintain that friendship without making any foolish mistakes, or maybe sending the wrong message.

55Degrees 21-01-2018 03:51 PM

What I need to think about - 7 of Cups.
I need to be mindful of the options that seem to be presenting themselves, however, careful consideration needs to be given as to whether they're real opportunities or if they are poisoned chalices.

What I need to do - Hierophant.
Stop. Think. Ask for advice and do the 'right' thing no matter how tempting it may be to think outside the box. This is about conforming to set standards, not artistic licence

Challenge - 6 of Wands.
This week's challenge suggests that I may be tempted to rest on my laurels (haha, see what I did there) however past success is no guarantee of future ones.

Ugh, looks like I need to toe the line and work my butt off this week.

FairyCrystal 21-01-2018 04:48 PM

What do I need to think about? The Star
Stay connected with my heart and higher purpose and intuition. Don't share if not connected to those.

What do I need to do? Swords 9
I have to be authentic and not try to be someone I'm not. At the same time not dwell on pain from the past and surround myself with things/people that make me feel good and beautiful.

Challenge: Swords 6
Not losing track of my desires and goals in life. Possibly feeling a bit lost.

I wonder if this ends up being correct because I am about to enter a 5 day training on self-love. I feel sadness come up with all three cards (Tarot of Sexual Magic).

55Degrees 28-01-2018 09:10 PM

Ugh! This proved to be accurate :icon_frown:


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon

What I need to think about - 7 of Cups.
I need to be mindful of the options that seem to be presenting themselves, however, careful consideration needs to be given as to whether they're real opportunities or if they are poisoned chalices.

What I need to do - Hierophant.
Stop. Think. Ask for advice and do the 'right' thing no matter how tempting it may be to think outside the box. This is about conforming to set standards, not artistic licence

Challenge - 6 of Wands.
This week's challenge suggests that I may be tempted to rest on my laurels (haha, see what I did there) however past success is no guarantee of future ones.

Ugh, looks like I need to toe the line and work my butt off this week.

Anyhow a new week awaits....

What I need to think about - 3 of Swords.
Where am I hurting myself by not letting go?

What I need to do - Page of Wands.
Do something that scares me.

Challenge - Hierophant.
Looking at the other two cards, this suggests that my challenge will be my conditioning, what I have been told to believe about my self and the world.

Ooh looks like an interesting week lies ahead.

Inika 28-01-2018 10:27 PM

What I need to think about - Justice

What I need to do - Temperance

What my challenge is - Wheel of Fortune

All majors. nothing light here!

I need to think about justice through means of knowledge, balance, fairness, higher order, higher mind. kindness. Am I being just and fair? I need to think about this.

What to do? Temper it. dont be too severe, dont be too kind. Don't be a damn fool. Bring in harmony through obtaining mental equilibrium. finding that middle path.

The challenge - Wheel of fortune turns from up to down, from down to up. Finding a balance and justice in energies that are forever moving will be a challenge. some are up, some are down. There is constant change. dancing energies at all times. somehow i got to find my balance to regain true harmony and peace in that middle path among it all. totally full moon energies to blame, everyones gonna be dancing.

SeekerOfKnowledge 28-01-2018 10:29 PM

What I need to think about - Wheel of Fortune
Do not worry or think too much about things I cannot change, just let it flow... maybe it even will be something wonderful

What I need to do - The Moon
Embrace my Shadow and trust my intuition

The Challenge - The Star
Have faith, have trust in myself and know that I deserve all the good things in my life (makes sense, I sometimes find it very hard to trust myself and worry too much when there is nothing to worry about)

All in one, seems to suggest that when I have faith and trust in myself and make decisions with my heart instead of my brain, happiness and joy are waiting for me next week.

Clover 17-12-2018 03:47 AM

*Bumps* Cause this is such a cool spread/thread

Using the Fountain Tarot

1. Three of swords ( 4 of swords clarification)
2. Page of Swords
3. Four of Coins

Good freakin' gawd.

Had to really think about this one, but I feel it's over hurt family members from not hearing from me and the kids. No hard feelings, I am such a natural hermit but Err, does this mean I have to come out and socialize :sad1:

Clover 06-01-2019 07:07 PM

Week ahead with Golden Thread tarot

Think about: Nine of Wands

Do: The Devil

The challenge: 3. Two of pentacles

Gotta think about this one! Devil is Capricorn, and we are in this shift. So structure/order/ Home Management of sorts now that we are post Christma$$.Got an exciting week but a cautious one with trying to build routine & stability after kids's long long school break. Have fun at school.. BYE!

Pandora. 06-01-2019 09:23 PM


From the Sharman-Caselli deck.

Think about: The Moon
Do: 6 of Cups
Challenge: 8 of Pentacles

Interesting. I get two things here. I need to face my fears regarding moving through various difficult obstacles and make an effort to get out of my comfort zone regarding my present relationships surrounding my current plan to move somewhere with my son and daughter in law. The challenge is to not let my fears overrun things and keep working towards that goal. Or something like that. Hahahaha.

Anne 07-01-2019 02:12 AM

@Clover - LOL!

(Legacy of the Divine)

Think about: 5 of coins reversed.
Yay! This is spot on, as I feel I’m turning a much needed financial corner which will boost my overall morale. It’s about time and thank you universe for some relief xo.

Need to Do: the Moon.
Pay attention and set intentions on this New Moon.
Not everything is clear but do your best with what you’ve got.

The Challenge: 7 of Coins. ‘Good things come to those who wait’. Well, it’s been awhile, but I expect I can wait a mite longer, lol.

Clover 16-01-2019 01:42 AM

^ *Happy mom* : D

Coming in late but I gotta sharpen my skills..

The Stella Tarot

I have been starting to ask a 4th question, ' What does this situation pertain to in my life"

Think about: Seven of Swords ( this card look like the Magician)

Do: Four of Swords

Challenge: Page of Pentacles

Situation: Wheel of Fortune

Opening a channel of communication on opportunities that are being presented to me. Yeah, there is a lot of paper work I gotta get on and I am stalling but excited nevertheless.

Clover 16-01-2019 01:42 AM

^ *Happy mom* : D

Coming in late but I gotta sharpen my skills..

The Stella Tarot

I have been starting to ask a 4th question, ' What does this situation pertain to in my life"

Think about: Seven of Swords ( this card look like the Magician)

Do: Four of Swords

Challenge: Page of Pentacles

Situation: Wheel of Fortune

Interpretation: Opening a channel of communication on opportunities that are being presented to me. Yeah, there is a lot of paper work I gotta get on and I am stalling but excited nevertheless.

55Degrees 02-02-2019 06:33 PM

For week beginning 3rd Feb, using RWS.

Think about Chariot reversed.
Where am I heading? Where have I lost control/ direction?
(This may require further reading).

Do 8 of Coins.
Haha, physio excercises......boring, repetitive but necessary.

Challenge The Sun.
Given the first card, my inner optimist is currently on a vacation, so maybe I should try and be a tad more optimistic about life.

angelic star 05-02-2019 02:35 PM

Just a random hello to all...hi Pisces moon..nice to see you around after a while �� hope you have been well.

Aglaya 07-02-2019 05:37 AM

Think: 2 of swords, clarified by 10 of wands
Well, I was so ungrounded and lacking energy in the beginning of the week. My doctor proved it and suggested that I should totally change my dayly routine.
Do: The Fool and the World card as clarification.
Just entering into a new cycle, without much time for reflection or assessment of the previous one. I really needed some time for preparation, but circumstances have already changed.
Challenge: 10 of cups and Queen of pentacles
I have to learn to be happy with what I have. And somehow... have to turn the toddler (2 of swords) into that gorgeous queen of pentacles.
My cards are about a sudden transition, I think.

55Degrees 09-02-2019 08:55 PM

For week beginning 10th Feb.

Think about 4 of Cups.
Where am I feeling bored with the 'same old, same old' ? And what am I missing/ just 'not getting'? It's definitely a frame of mind thing.

Do The Empress.
Last week was physically draining, so this week needs to be about self care.

Challenge 2 of Cups.
Hell is other people :laughing9: Networking, connecting with like minded people, maaaaaan! Do I have to? A necessary evil, but maybe this week isn't going to be the best time to do it.

Hi @angelic star. I'm good.

Clover 10-02-2019 06:50 PM

Week Feb 10th

Deck: BoneFire Tarot

Think about: The Empress: While I get the need for 'self care' I feel this is more about softening up. Empress is ruled by Venus, so maybe be a little more compassionate than always being so task oriented/demanding ( Aka, So 'Capricorn')

Do: Temperance: *Balance* being the operative word here for the week. Chill out and declutter more ( meditate/Yoga)

Challenge: Three of coins; Getting caught up in wants vs needs with spring break coming up ( ugh, someone throw me a life saver). Being mindful of how much I give and knowing when to push the breaks, and of course with the Empress there, don't be so bossy 'Queen of Swords' like trying to perfect everything. Let loose and relax said no mother ever, :tongue:

Phew, that was tolerable, glad there wasn't any surprises :D

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