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Gemcrusader 18-08-2017 05:59 PM

Ok, this is just starting to become mainstream. Which means its still NOT mainstream. The birth of this has taken place and before that it was the pregnancy.
So... if any understands cryptocurrency, fine. If not here is 1 vid:


I allways thought that bitcoins were given out by some sort of company that just wanted to push a virtual coin. Because of this i never looked into it, thus never thought this would have a chance.
This is not how it works!
Its based on decentralised ownership. Which means no one holds power over it and thus everybody has power over it.

Bitcoin is just one cryptocurrency, there are others and many more. Also with different technology.

This technology is IMV the start of a new world, or the fuel of a new world. Were powerstructures are no longer present, cause lets face it, these are mostly build on... money.

What i feel like, these new cryptocurrencies stand much closer if not are within us spiritually...

This technology has direct contact with the spiritual realms. Now might sound crazy but its not... I cant quite explain it yet. Though i am very excited about it.
Ok, one explanation is that all the transactions are DONE trough us! THERE IS NO BANK OR MIDDLEMAN! Meaning that all the money circulates trough us!
This is why these are powerstructures. ALL the money goes to them and them only and we have to ask to act upon our request. With cryptocoins WE ARE THE BANK.

CrystalSong 18-08-2017 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Gemcrusader
This is why these are powerstructures. ALL the money goes to them and them only and we have to ask to act upon our request. With cryptocoins WE ARE THE BANK.

I really like this part.
I'm convinced that nearly all banks are owned by just a few families and they've been controlling our countries, economy's and presidents for decades. The question has always been - how to de-throne them?
They basically have the worlds army's at their beck and call. For many decades now the only countries we invade are those that are keeping their banks National and haven't joined the World Bank Group.
USA and Allies then go in destroy their economy and re-build them under the Central Bank. Boom, they are now Sheeple too and their national economy controlled by the World Bank Group.
Most of the Arab countries have fallen in line now after decades of war and destruction. The next big hold-out countries are in South America.
It would be awesome to end the World Banks Strangle hold over the world wide banking industry.

Lorelyen 19-08-2017 08:24 AM

Various financial organisations are considering taking this idea up, even looking at the software. Effectively they do this now as "banking" and money moving becomes increasingly electronic. There are plenty of recent reports about this and/or financial outfits creating their own. The difference is that no one firm controls bitcoin. However, there's speculation that things might change as it becomes mainstream.

Call it crypto- whatever, it's still just a currency subject to rises and falls and exchange rates just like any other. Where it differs is allowing people to hold it anonymously and spend it anonymously usually through the dark web where it's particularly useful to pay for prohibited things. Not much different from cash in a way, an anonymous buffer...something governments hate because they can't control or even know what people are doing finance-wise (esp the tax people); and hated by banks as it represents the second biggest cost to them, after staff. Dad who's in finance, sometimes talks about this. I don't think either parent have any holding in bitcoin if so they never told me!

Interesting to see how it pans out. It will have to remain clandestine to avoid attention from the "power structure" as you call it.

I can vaguely see this as a "spirituality" issue but only just. Money is there to allow people to trade their labour for things they need. A buffer. The Romans found it easier than turning up at the toga shop asking for a tunic hoping to pay with a goat. Yes sir - your tunic and two chickens and a hamster change.

Gemcrusader 19-08-2017 12:41 PM

It is spiritual because the way these currencies work is that everybody is basicly connected because of the technology. And money is energy...
Whereas with banks everybody is connected to the bank meaning all that energy goes there as well which i guess gives them power.

Im tellin you, its huge, very huge, extremely huge. Definitly huge. Thank you.

Lorelyen 19-08-2017 04:23 PM

Not a valid argument for me. Banks have the technology so you can transact but they take no functional part in transactions unless you are abusing them in which case they're entitled to decline the transaction. If you have no overdraft facility and your action puts you in debit it will be stopped. That is no different from bitcoin or in former times with cash. If you have none, you can't do the transaction. Sending someone a payment from your funds at a bank is no different than handing them the cash.

It's certainly true that of late banks are exploiting new payment methods for profit (in which case, sure, they're intervening). If I make a debit card purchase banks take a cut from the merchant who presumably passes it on to me. If I do the transaction by phone the provider also takes from me.

But if I write a cheque, do an on-line transfer, hand cash to someone, pay them in chickens, I'm connecting with them as directly as I would by using bitcoin. Unless you have complex or specific instructions banks are pretty transparent. Plus they offer certain regulated safeguards.

Interestingly the Japanese are getting into cyber-currencies. They know how people love to borrow and that's how they'll get their claws in, I bet. The Japs are also hot on regulation so you bet that'll remove some of its anonymity.

If you run out of bitcoins or want to start up you still have to buy them (usually through an exchange) and create a bitcoin wallet. Depending where your wallet is it's still like a bank account. You're still subject to the laws of your country re exchanges. You can buy with hard cash at risk... there are lots of things to think about.

I've done some research always with an eye to providing for my future but the currency looked a bit too volatile. I may get some just to say I have them but I doubt I'll transact with them...as things stand now.

They're a bit like spirituality - as long as they're doing the establishment no harm they'll be left alone.

PS if you want to store your wallet on your hard drive be sure to back up the files. It's a lot safer than an online wallet I'm advised.
PPS. I notice from the one source I'd consider (bitty*****s) the purchase limits are extremely low unless you prove your full identity.


Gemcrusader 19-08-2017 04:35 PM

Banks have nothing to do with the technology. And no country has authority over its technology. Its completely decentralized. Like i said, the owners of bitcoin currency are the bank. Which means that can be everybody. And by " getting some" i either presume u have a lot of cash behind or u dont know much about it. I reckon the last.

Lorelyen 19-08-2017 08:15 PM

You can stuff that. Sure, I don't know much about it but neither do you. My recent foray is the second time in 9 years I've bothered to even think about it. And....I've been looking at the acquisition of web-based wallets (unless you want to pay $100 or so for a reliable offline one. Even then, Trezor still needs an online wallet for the transations)

Buying bitcoin is fraught with regulation. Unless you're buying less than B0.003 per shot (about $12) you'll have to register and prove your full identity with your wallet/account holder. They have very detailed requirements.

I suggest you look up the T&C for, let's say Blockchain and Cryptopay. It should enlighten you.

You come on here as if this is all something new. I was talking about it in 2009 when it first went on line. It didn't interest me because I don't buy drugs or weapons. And it is no way as easy as you make out.

You're naive claiming no country has authority over the technology. It doesn't but it has tight control over practice. It may not control what actually goes over the air but countries certainly have control over the acquisition and sale and transaction verification. For that matter no country has control over ANY bank's technology but regulates practice and deals with complaints - in other words no different from crypto brokers, wallet/account holding and business practice.

Have a look at those terms and conditions and the regulatory powers. I'm not known for sloppy analysis.

So, let me ask you - have you a holding in one or more of the cryptocurrencies? Have you bought or sold things with them?


Gemcrusader 19-08-2017 08:40 PM


You come on here as if this is all something new

Thats ur assumption.

I didnt said i know a lot about it. What i do say is that i think it will bring people closer together and divides power and what not. Its really the start of a new world... new dimensions... higher vibration. And what im sayin is that these crypto currencies fit exactly in that picture. So... instead of people talkin about "higher dimensions". I think cryptocurrency will actually DO that. And the technology will do that will all platforms. Such as things like facebook etc etc.

And in that retrospect i am actually combining some factors of the spiritual side in it. And well... that actually is new to most, if not all. If im right, and i have a pretty good feeling i am.
Plus, it may not be new, it is still to many. The technology behind it that is.

Plus i litterally can see and see this cryptocurrency technology connects with energy in higher dimension/vibration.

THATS why im mentioning it, not in ur assumption that im the first one discovering it or somethin. :rolleyes:

Lorelyen 19-08-2017 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Gemcrusader
Thats ur assumption.

You said it. I rarely assume.


I didnt said i know a lot about it.
You claimed I didn't which implies your superior knowledge.

What i do say is that i think it will bring people closer together and divides power and what not. Its really the start of a new world... new dimensions... higher vibration. And what im sayin is that these crypto currencies fit exactly in that picture. So... instead of people talkin about "higher dimensions". I think cryptocurrency will actually DO that. And the technology will do that will all platforms. Such as things like facebook etc etc.
You have every right to that belief. I don't think it will alter the functionality of money by so much as a jot. People need to buy and sell things. But you're right it will be cheaper than using international credit cards that charge commission - but that's as long as both sides of the transaction are in BTC. If one isn't, exchange rates apply.


And in that retrospect i am actually combining some factors of the spiritual side in it. And well... that actually is new to most, if not all. If im right, and i have a pretty good feeling i am.

Plus i litterally can see and see this cryptocurrency technology connects with energy in higher dimension/vibration.

THATS why im mentioning it, not in ur assumption that im the first one discovering it or somethin. :rolleyes:
Now that IS a wide interpretation of an assumption. You said Ok, this is just starting to become mainstream. Which means its still NOT mainstream. Well, it's been going for 9 years and is pretty mainstream. It's been avoided because of its volatility.

Here's a note I just picked up from Fortune. "At the start of April, regulators in Japan introduced new rules that treated bitcoin less like an outlaw currency and more as a part of the banking system. That change led to a burst of trading activity in the country investors rushed to swap yen for bitcoin. The effect on price has been predicable."

Have you got any? Traded in them? Nice if you bought them back in 2010.

Thanks for the discussion.

Gemcrusader 20-08-2017 03:17 PM

What ur actually arguing about. This wasnt my intention at all. Like making it some sort of idiotic contest who knows the most about it. I have a close enough idea how it works, but certainly not exactly. But thats all i need to see its potential.

Are u gonna do the same to her? She posted a vid a couple months ago.


There are still millions, if not billions. who dont know anything about it. Yes heard about bitcoin, but its about the technology that people need, imo, to understand to see its potential.
My main point is it will change the world as we know it and that is much more closer to us in a spiritual point of view.

Lorelyen 20-08-2017 09:02 PM


I'm not interested in making any kind of "idiotic" contest. If idiotic contests are your bag they certainly aren't mine.

My worry (and I doubt I'd be alone) was it's easy to mislead people into thinking it's easy. If you want to do that...go ahead. All I've done is list a few cautions.

I rest my case. watched the video and will refrain from comment on how you may have misled yourself. An important point she makes is that as at now you can avoid paying tax on your investment or purchases. How long, honestly, do you think governments will let that go on when volumes start to rise? 20 years ago UK banks didn't have to disclose anything to the tax people. I had to fill in my tax return and had to be honest. Now the bank does the necessary deductions on their behalf. 10 years ago Swiss bank accounts were utterly secret. Not now.

So while I seriously love to hope its freedom from interference goes on a while yet (the transaction, profit, capital gain etc detail) things have yet to develop (as in the Japan example). The actual transmission technology is much like SWIFT and the little key thing you saw in the video will set you back around £100.

I hesitate to say it but dad fronted me a small amount in his BTC account around 2010 speculating the value would rise. He has a few people who thought it was a good idea - so to that extent you're right! Earlier today I asked him what its current value is against the £. Let's just say I'm not unhappy!

However, in case this seems any kind of contest I'll back away from this topic now. I did my best. Once more, thank you for the discussion.

Gemcrusader 20-08-2017 09:15 PM

Well it seemed like u were setting ur knowledge about it vs mine... Which i have absolutely no interest in cause im by no means an expert. Im a beginner actually. BUT i can put two plus two together. Meaning i have never been so enthousiastic about some technology which again i can link to higher vibrational developments, hench the excitement and yes i also see oppurtunities to make a buck. Which combined is firework to me. Some say its like the internet at the start while being aware its becoming big. Thats how i see it and pretty much my gut and feeling tells me the same.

So u have bitcoins stored? Mcaffee was sayin on tube they can go to half a million. Or more. It could also go to zero ofcourse. But that doesnt matter, i believe in it.

Gemcrusader 20-08-2017 09:15 PM

Well it seemed like u were setting ur knowledge about it vs mine... Which i have absolutely no interest in cause im by no means an expert. Im a beginner actually. BUT i can put two plus two together. Meaning i have never been so enthousiastic about some technology which again i can link to higher vibrational developments, hench the excitement and yes i also see oppurtunities to make a buck. Which combined is firework to me. Some say its like the internet at the start while being aware its becoming big. Thats how i see it and pretty much my gut and feeling tells me the same.

So u have bitcoins stored? Mcaffee was sayin on tube they can go to half a million. Or more. It could also go to zero ofcourse. But that doesnt matter, i believe in it.

What is SWIFT?

I believe Japan has actually adopted Bitcoin as an acknowledged currency.

Lorelyen 20-08-2017 10:19 PM

Ok, I'll pop back to answer that question - SWIFT is a financial messenging system. (Acronym of Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Traffic - or some such). It's used by banks and related outfits simply because they had the need for such a thing.

Each msg has a header that identifies the recipient. I forget how its formatted but a bit like your International bank number (IBAN) on your statement/details.
With BTC it probably only includes the wallet ID (which is longer and more complicated! than an IBAN. There will be standards just the same to be sure of security and accuracy. I haven't looked how it's formatted but it is verified before being sent out. It may include time-zone stuff and other things.

Anyway, just the basis and I have to admit that's all I know.

Gemcrusader 20-08-2017 11:00 PM

I feel like thats still all BANK related. As in with crypto there are no banks. Yeah sure, u have online wallets and what not, but its much different.

Brucely 23-08-2017 01:20 AM

Its biggest feature is also its biggest problem: nobody controls it. Its like earning points at a store u can only use at that store. There are dozens if not hundreds of cryptocurrencies.

Its simple now that a store says "we accept such and such credit cards" but imagine if they had to list several dozen forms of online coins, and prices are so volatile its very risky for a store to accept them, and it will always be volatile because its unregulated, prices will only stabilize if banks ever disband

Im saddened that i didnt buy bitcoins when i first saw it blooming in $50 range. Will it reach over $10,000 as predicted? Unlikely. Banks are trying to downplay it and not talk about it because the worst thing that could happen to them is if every headline said something about BITCOIN.

It will likely become somehow regulated, banned, or taken over by govt. Id say its in the same stage as recreational marijuana: its growing, but too many uncertanties and i certainly cant imagine either of them becoming universally used or accepted

Gemcrusader 23-08-2017 07:58 PM

Many coins serve different purposes and by then payment methods have ofcourse developed to.

This stuff is speeding up so fast now, people hav no idea whats comin.
Some coins have also different technologies.

Banks have been developing their own coin now, or some company. Im not sure. But anyway, there is one coin called Ripple. This coin is supposed to speed up transactions without the help of anybody. Which reduces fees for the banks.

Another coin is called Iota. This project will enable robots to do payments or somethin like that. Iow robots will be able to send money to eachother.

The way we use internet now will be outdated as well. Everything will be in hyperspeed compared to now.

In the old world cryptocurrency CANNOT exist. Thats why its becoming a new world. This age is the age between the middle ages and the future.

Lorelyen 24-08-2017 04:49 AM

Acknowledged. However, as I ducked out of the discussion I'll refrain from further comment. You're widening the topic; opening up possibilities down several avenues which may break into separate discussions.

Always a problem with scope-creep! I doubt many here will ponder the nature of fiat money and its seemingly inexorable failing. Do cryptos which are just as fiat solve the problem?

Goddessa 24-08-2017 08:33 AM

Interesting topic ruined by unnecessary arguing

Lorelyen 24-08-2017 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by Goddessa
Interesting topic ruined by unnecessary arguing

It's a consequence of the topic itself no matter where you turn. It has huge scope.
There are no arguments here that I can see - differences of opinion, yes, because we approach the subject from different angles. Isn't that what a forum is about?

If it's been ruined for you by the level of argument here it's probably best not to dig deeper. You'll encounter far more ferocious argument. It is a fashion to have a small holding though and acquisition of some of the more usable cryptos is a good start. I have some stuck in an old paper wallet but thinking of setting up an account of my own.

As I'm on your ignore list I'll have a chuckle at "unnecessary" arguing. How wild would a totally silent forum be?!

Gemcrusader 24-08-2017 08:56 AM


Do cryptos which are just as fiat solve the problem?

I think its very fine. Complete or too much freedom can result in utter chaos if people are irresponsible. And... they are still. So counterweight is fine imv.

I wanna explain or explore the energy aspect a bit further. Money is energy.
Connections are made trough the internet. When u write a message or somethin u can feel energy comin of it. Gettin a feel how their personality is and what not. Thats energy.
The intention and character of the person gets in the words. If a bot writes a message on a forum or whatever u would get a "non" feelin from it if u know what i mean.
So with cryptocurrency u can send money DIRECTLY to eachother. Meaning in some way ur energies are getting connected. At least MUCH more then with banks. So... if banks do that. THEN ur energy is tangled with the bank. Since banks own a lot of money and clients they dont care about you. Either way u are making a connection with the bank. The bank holds all the money. THus the energy as well. Thus power.
The banks imv are symbolic and responsible for the slave lives or slave structure we live in. But we all do that. Crypto will change that because we dont want that anymore and are wakening up. Thats at least is my view on it.

Lets turn it around. What if crypto was the fiat right now and fiat as we know it now would not exist. Lets say somebody would come up with the system we have now... saying here is some paper and metal. Lets call it money. Right... Without banks that cannot work. Banks need to exist in order to make any type of money work. It doesnt matter how it looks. They could be triangle metal plates or whatever. Paper with a watermark sure makes sense. But its about the principle. Money the way we know it now cant exist without banks. What can exist without banks? Crypto...

Lorelyen 24-08-2017 09:17 AM

Well, you're certainly right about banks and their power. Most of them are crooks anyway propped up by the state in one way or another if not regulatory through the setting of interest rates, bailouts, manipulations. The financial crash of 2007/8 should have taught governments lessons! But did it? Not one bit. Regulators were quick to say "Yeah, those practices were bad......but they weren't illegal."

And so the cycle starts again - 2016. We don't call them CDOs any more. Now they're CLOs, same, only as good as the security that backs them!

It's in situations like what appears on a horizon soon to close in, that the cryptos will win. They aren't part of the casino. Fromm a spiritual viewpoint it's timely that the conduits of money/energy exchange were removed from the hands of the banks.

Edit: I responded to a topic yesterday way down the bottom drawing on the idea of "necessary evil" of religions and how they've reached through society generally. Perhaps the world financial system as is, is the main conduit of the evil.

Goddessa 24-08-2017 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Lorelyen
It's a consequence of the topic itself no matter where you turn. It has huge scope.
There are no arguments here that I can see - differences of opinion, yes, because we approach the subject from different angles. Isn't that what a forum is about?

If it's been ruined for you by the level of argument here it's probably best not to dig deeper. You'll encounter far more ferocious argument. It is a fashion to have a small holding though and acquisition of some of the more usable cryptos is a good start. I have some stuck in an old paper wallet but thinking of setting up an account of my own.

As I'm on your ignore list I'll have a chuckle at "unnecessary" arguing. How wild would a totally silent forum be?!

I don't have an "ignore list" Lorelyn

Goddessa 24-08-2017 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Lorelyen
It's a consequence of the topic itself no matter where you turn. It has huge scope.
There are no arguments here that I can see - differences of opinion, yes, because we approach the subject from different angles. Isn't that what a forum is about?

If it's been ruined for you by the level of argument here it's probably best not to dig deeper. You'll encounter far more ferocious argument. It is a fashion to have a small holding though and acquisition of some of the more usable cryptos is a good start. I have some stuck in an old paper wallet but thinking of setting up an account of my own.

As I'm on your ignore list I'll have a chuckle at "unnecessary" arguing. How wild would a totally silent forum be?!

I don't have an "ignore list.

Gemcrusader 24-08-2017 11:58 AM

Well since Godessa came on, i didnt think much of your posts Lorelyn, but i did felt like thats not where i wanna go. I did felt some sort of mild "attack" but i replied back. Im not blaming u or am bothered but a bit more less invasive could be welcomed more so to speak.

Lorelyen 24-08-2017 03:33 PM

I'll sit out then. No point staying on as I've already withdrawn from the philosophical / spiritual side (in deference to you).

I go for sincerity rather than socially desirable responses (as one might on social media just to get "liked" a lot)

However, you've awoken my interest in starting my own account/wallet. So thank you for that.

Gemcrusader 24-08-2017 04:09 PM

Well, lets just say being a bit critical as you are, you can expect back the same as well.. It doesnt mean u have to stay out entirely all of the sudden. Like i said, i wasnt particulary bothered but as said...

The market is WIDE open at this point. Especially the asian countries are stepping in (Korea mainly so it seems).

CrystalSong 29-08-2017 11:31 PM

I looked into this more, did a little research and talked with my financial advisor for 1 1/2 hours which has led to me now having an opinion. LOL

Opinion: Cryptocurrencies are most excellent for laundering money and moving money around which needs to be untraceable.

As more people use it banking institutions and government will get wise and want their share and want to regulate it.

However it will very likely become the monetary form of the future.
One's in existence now will likely fold into each other or get taken over until only a few remain which will then be heavily regulated.

Investing in them currently has no guarantee or insurance in case of scam, there is no FDIC or other large financial firm to guarantee the invested funds in case the crypto currency form owner decides to run of with our money and buy a private island in international waters.

It's the 'wild west' money form, you may strike gold or you may get shot at High Noon by the OK Corral.

Consider it a Highly Volatile stock with no backing of any type.

Or this is how I know consider it personally :) I am however pretty risk adverse, I'll gamble but only if the odds are in my favor.

Lorelyen 30-08-2017 10:41 AM

I took the plunge and bought myself a Trezor (hardware wallet) that is so easy to use and, interestingly there are intriguing spiritually inspired tones about it!!

This type of wallet has a series of 24 "recovery words" so if you lose the thing you can reconstruct your accounts in a new one. These words included "spirit" "dance" "beauty" "inspire"....well, I can't list them all as someone might try to build my account elsewhere but there it is.

You're right about security issues. Buying coins is no problem but I don't know about buying things with the coins yet. There are a couple of shops who accept them - small priced like t-shirts.

You're also right about investment potential but the big hike has probably gone. Without the history dad bought some speculatively late in 2010 for about £1 each BTC. He sent one to my wallet and I did a vastly smaller purchase from a P2P seller that I think I'll like. No need to mention what one would cost someone now!
Volatile, dangerous but...(half-smiling) isn't that sometimes in the nature of some people's spirituality!

As things stand I'm unsure of Gemcrusader's spiritual/social hopes. The marketplace is intensely anonymous. But...it's still new. People may get closer together.

CrystalSong 30-08-2017 06:49 PM

Just watched this, it really helped me to understand the early history and the obstacles faced and the future potential

Gemcrusader 30-08-2017 11:30 PM

So ive been investing a little here and there and so far im only a couple hundred down HA! Learned a lot. And expecting to get some gains in the future. But who cares. Its only money. :p

Whats more important...

I am actually experiencing exactly what ive been sorting out here...

It has been insane. In the cryptoworld everything seems to move extremely fast. As light?

And ive been sleeping half the ammount i used to. Partly adrenaline, but i have mayb slept 7 hours in the last three days and the days before that kinda.

I experienced i could leave the old world behind and am allready living in the future. I am much more inclined to eat healthy food and have absolutely no desire for candy and such, while before the cravings just kept on goin and goin... and goin... and goin. (im not fat though... :p)

But i have some catching up to do i guess. Cause im sure it will takes it tolle eventually. But yeah.

Lorelyn. I was excited about it all, but i have no interest anymore in getting referrals or whatever. It becomes a bussiness on itself and neither do i want to be responsible for possible losses and risk. That particulary site is attacked by many as a scam, but they are back up and running and i still have a good feeling about it. Ive tested myself to the absolute core to be as objective as possible but it still feels right so im taking the plunge. If i lose it so be it. But i just do it for myself and take the risk.

Gemcrusader 30-08-2017 11:34 PM

Also i think i can say by now, bitcoin isnt going anywhere. I think it will be $7000 by the end of the year (not financial advise!)

This Ethereum is also kinda cool. It needs gas to be sended, lol. What the hell gas is, ive no idea. Probably to get the data goin or somethin.

And yes, its indeed the Wild West. :p Supercool really lol.

CrystalSong 31-08-2017 02:56 AM

So you have to watch the stock daily I take it? It's not Buy and Hold?

Gemcrusader 31-08-2017 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by CrystalSong
So you have to watch the stock daily I take it? It's not Buy and Hold?

Well, in this u mainly speculate the coin is going up (alternative coins..)

U can watch daily but u dont have to ofcourse. Its extremely volatile. Im taking a risk to earn some extra and then hold a full bitcoin before the end of 2018. But rather now. Its gonna rocket i think. Because a second wave of speculants is coming now they here bitcoin is so much worth now, just like me. Im an early second wave adopter though. The beginning basicly. Its in this time the most money can be made probably. And ofcourse the first wave of bitcoinholders etc.
Because before this second wave bitcoin was quite stagnant for a couple years.

Edit: but yes, mostly buy and hold. Daytrading i dont recommend. U either win a bit or lose a lot. Plus the frustration of when selling seeing the coin keep going up and to never come down anymore for the day.

Lorelyen 31-08-2017 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Gemcrusader
Also i think i can say by now, bitcoin isnt going anywhere. I think it will be $7000 by the end of the year (not financial advise!)

This Ethereum is also kinda cool. It needs gas to be sended, lol. What the hell gas is, ive no idea. Probably to get the data goin or somethin.

And yes, its indeed the Wild West. :p Supercool really lol.

You're dead on there!

As you say, this is becoming the new reality, a world of electronic signals flying about - I suppose it isn't so far off analogising how the nervous system works, from which we develop a view of "reality" through our perceptive processing.

An interesting twist to "as above so below."

Also intriguing is how to interface the psychic environment in which I live with this new quasi-reality, the manifestations of these electronics dished up on screens, through loud-speakers and via sensuographic devices....

How long before this revolution can take in all our senses and manifest a new semiotics... the sign systems that let us communicate, a new body language without bodies, etc. How long before people will be afraid to leave their front doors?!

Gemcrusader 31-08-2017 09:57 AM


How long before this revolution can take in all our senses and manifest a new semiotics... the sign systems that let us communicate, a new body language without bodies, etc. How long before people will be afraid to leave their front doors?!

I wouldnt let fear come into the eqoation. Here is somethin interesting for example. Vibe coins can be used within this system.


CrystalSong 31-08-2017 02:58 PM

Just wow. I can't believe how far it's come already. I remember when they captured the first holographic coke can...it seems like not so long ago.

CrystalSong 31-08-2017 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Gemcrusader
I wouldnt let fear come into the eqoation. Here is somethin interesting for example. Vibe coins can be used within this system.


I just watched the video and went to Vibhub.io and was interested in investing in the holoport tech only to discover this in the contribution contract "By participating in this fundraiser I agree to the terms and conditions and confirm that I am not a citizen of the USA"
Like what the heck?

Lorelyen 31-08-2017 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Gemcrusader
I wouldnt let fear come into the eqoation. Here is somethin interesting for example. Vibe coins can be used within this system.


Interesting. Will a simulacrum of telepathy one day be possible? Explored in science fiction, it seems possible in that we construct a "reality" through our perceptive workings. Could these be decoded and passed to another person? Sounds unlikely seen from today's domestic electronics scene but a) as this video shows, developments are miles ahead of domestic electronics in R&D, and b) any AI machine would presumably form some view of "reality" to be able to function. Eventually the codes will be understood.

At the moment we're tied to examining others' imaginations through film and sound. There's so much more.

Brucely 31-08-2017 05:39 PM

Well in 100 years it will become mainstream, but not in our lifetime. If it were adopted tomorrow it would only work in the biggest first worlds, but it would be completly worthless anywhere else. Maybe as much as a peso. Physical money is needed until the majority of the population catches up with first worlds

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