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samantha 26-09-2012 05:36 AM

High pitched tone in ear?
Is anyone else experiencing this? I have had this all my life, it comes and goes it is very high pitched and it can last a few seconds or about a minute. I have been getting this alot recently more than ever before. I asked a few people if they got it and to my surprise they said no. I thought everyone got this, i thought it was normal. It doesnt hurt or cause me any problems, anyway i had read that it could be psychic communication. Just wondered if anyone knew anything?

Henri77 26-09-2012 06:13 AM

http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/sh...+in+the+ea rs

very common phenomena, see this discussion

Gem 26-09-2012 06:37 AM


Originally Posted by samantha
Is anyone else experiencing this? I have had this all my life, it comes and goes it is very high pitched and it can last a few seconds or about a minute. I have been getting this alot recently more than ever before. I asked a few people if they got it and to my surprise they said no. I thought everyone got this, i thought it was normal. It doesnt hurt or cause me any problems, anyway i had read that it could be psychic communication. Just wondered if anyone knew anything?

I had it all my life too. I think the stories about it are bogus though.

shadedragon 26-09-2012 09:00 AM

I think it'd be the inner sound current, as each time we tune in we can hear it. For me it has risen more recently as my frequency went up, I hear a higher sound then before. There are many different names for it, the golden thread, inner sound current, etc.

angelwhispers 26-09-2012 09:27 AM

Yes i also have had this all my life.

Serenity Bear 26-09-2012 11:56 AM

It can be both physical and spiritual.

Physical - Tinnitus or just hearing electricity running through the walls. If it becomes annoying see the Dr for a check up.

Spiritual - Spirit use high pitch whistles to tune in the ears for clairaudience.

Henri77 26-09-2012 09:02 PM

I typically hear more than one subtle whistling tone or a louder short one when spirit is contacting me with a message.
Occasionally a deeper tone as well.

Native spirit 27-09-2012 08:04 AM

:smile: If you have ruled out anything physical then its more than likely spirit trying to tune into your vibration, as spirit are on a higher vibration than us


Xan 28-09-2012 02:45 AM

samantha... I listen to non-physical sounds like this as a central part of my meditation practice.

Here's a thread about the Inner Sound Current:


Rin 28-09-2012 04:15 AM


Originally Posted by samantha
Is anyone else experiencing this? I have had this all my life, it comes and goes it is very high pitched and it can last a few seconds or about a minute. I have been getting this alot recently more than ever before. I asked a few people if they got it and to my surprise they said no. I thought everyone got this, i thought it was normal. It doesnt hurt or cause me any problems, anyway i had read that it could be psychic communication. Just wondered if anyone knew anything?

IMO it is Tinnitus, many people get it as they grow older.
I don't think it is an inner sound current for the simple reason that it has a high pitch and that is annoying. The global and universal sounds are all in a relatively low range AFAIK. Shumann resonances (6 to 50Hz), Solfeggio harmonic frequencies (all below 1000Hz), the sound of the sun (152Hz IIRC) which was once on the European space exploration website.
This is quite different to tinnitus noise which I estimate to be from 6000 Hz up.

Have you ever heard someone singing or chanting OM in a high pitched voice?
Why not? I think it is because long high pitched tones become irritating. I don't think that natural sounds with significance to us would have trying characteristics.

Gem 28-09-2012 04:53 AM

It's speculative as to 'what causes it' but there's surety about 'what it is', so finding out more entails listening to it, if that's what makes you curious. The sound 'in your head' makes a good meditation tool.

immortal coil 28-09-2012 05:38 AM

Sometimes I hear what sounds like pulsation when I'm trying to fall alseep at night. Anyone else get this?

Gem 28-09-2012 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by immortal coil
Sometimes I hear what sounds like pulsation when I'm trying to fall alseep at night. Anyone else get this?

Sometimes my outer ear touches the pillow and I can hear it pulsing against the pillow case.

Rin 28-09-2012 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by immortal coil
Sometimes I hear what sounds like pulsation when I'm trying to fall alseep at night. Anyone else get this?

You listen to your own heart beat and pulse.

mac 28-09-2012 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by samantha
Is anyone else experiencing this? I have had this all my life, it comes and goes it is very high pitched and it can last a few seconds or about a minute. I have been getting this alot recently more than ever before. I asked a few people if they got it and to my surprise they said no. I thought everyone got this, i thought it was normal. It doesnt hurt or cause me any problems, anyway i had read that it could be psychic communication. Just wondered if anyone knew anything?

Before looking to the cause you're asking about, you might want to get your GP to check things out.

I have tinnitus which started in a similar way to what you've described.....

Xan 28-09-2012 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Rin
IMO it is Tinnitus, many people get it as they grow older.
I don't think it is an inner sound current for the simple reason that it has a high pitch and that is annoying. The global and universal sounds are all in a relatively low range AFAIK. Shumann resonances (6 to 50Hz), Solfeggio harmonic frequencies (all below 1000Hz), the sound of the sun (152Hz IIRC) which was once on the European space exploration website.
This is quite different to tinnitus noise which I estimate to be from 6000 Hz up.

Have you ever heard someone singing or chanting OM in a high pitched voice?
Why not? I think it is because long high pitched tones become irritating. I don't think that natural sounds with significance to us would have trying characteristics.

Tinnitus is a physical condition and anyone can get it checked out medically. However, my view is that even such a diagnosis may be wrong and medical scientists most likely aren't familiar with the inner sound current.

The non-physical sounds we may hear are not like singing or chanting with the voice and have a much wider range.

Whether it's tinnitus or not, the annoying quality could come simply from resisting it. Letting go of the resistance and annoyed feeling, and simply listening yields a whole different experience.


Gem 29-09-2012 02:02 AM


Originally Posted by Xan

Tinnitus is a physical condition and anyone can get it checked out medically. However, my view is that even such a diagnosis may be wrong and medical scientists most likely aren't familiar with the inner sound current.

The non-physical sounds we may hear are not like singing or chanting with the voice and have a much wider range.

Whether it's tinnitus or not, the annoying quality could come simply from resisting it. Letting go of the resistance and annoyed feeling, and simply listening yields a whole different experience.


Your agenda isn't more important than peoples plight.

What if, in fact, the person has developed tinitus and becomes all wishful that some woo woo is happening?

Fact is, near enough everyone I know has times when their ears change pitch, and soon they return to the normal.

If the person find it an irritation then thats a good indicator that something might have gone wrong, because to me, the change in ear pitch I experience isn't at all irritating.

Notice there. xan. how I expressed a view from various angles and didn't try to push an agenda of my own?

Xan 29-09-2012 02:30 AM

Notice how you're pushing your way now? ha ha

This is the beauty of a forum... everyone gets to share their views and a reader is free to choose what makes the most sense to him/her.


Gem 29-09-2012 03:19 AM

No-one knows if it's tinitus or a common occurance of ears changing pitch or spirits or 'inner sound current' (a very subjective term). How is anyone on a forum to know such a thing?

People leap on any sensation and say the most supernatural possibility they can conjure. It just the nature of this forum, but no one really knows what, they just 'think it might be'.

The Guru mentality has a predisposition that asserts their particular idea, but they don't know what it is either, it might be just a bit of wax build up causing air pressure too. It could be anything.

I mean... really, who knows? See a doctor if your ears feel irritated.

Buzz 29-09-2012 03:24 AM

I have Tinitus caused from loud music mainly, but I tell everyone it is a spiritual inner sound manifestation. Following that logic must mean that Ozzy truly is God.

Emmalevine 29-09-2012 10:10 AM

I experience the high pitched buzz in my ears when awaking from a particularly spiritual dream, during meditation, when talking to spirit or when thinking about spiritual things. Therefore my conclusion is that it's a spiritual thing.

That said, I do experience tinnitus as well, but this usually occurs after being around loud music or when ill. I can tell it apart from spiritual experiences.

Everyone is entitled to their own views and perspectives and it is up to the reader to ascertain which ones feel right to him/her. That is how it is on any forum.

mac 29-09-2012 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Starbuck
I experience the high pitched buzz in my ears when awaking from a particularly spiritual dream, during meditation, when talking to spirit or when thinking about spiritual things. Therefore my conclusion is that it's a spiritual thing.

That said, I do experience tinnitus as well, but this usually occurs after being around loud music or when ill. I can tell it apart from spiritual experiences.

Everyone is entitled to their own views and perspectives and it is up to the reader to ascertain which ones feel right to him/her. That is how it is on any forum.

The key is that you know the difference between both states because you experience - and can differentiate between - them.

It's not uncommon just to want there to be a psychic/spiritual explanation for a condition that may simply be a physiological problem as with tinnitus....

Emmalevine 29-09-2012 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by mac
The key is that you know the difference between both states because you experience - and can differentiate between - them.

It's not uncommon just to want there to be a psychic/spiritual explanation for a condition that may simply be a physiological problem as with tinnitus....

Oh I agree completely. That's why I feel it's important to rule out any physcial problems before labelling experiences as spiritual. The trouble is that tinnitus isn't easily diagnosed and often boils down to when/how you experience it. Over time you can 'tune in' as it were to your body and sense what is causing the experiences. Or at least, I have been able to.

Gem 29-09-2012 01:56 PM

The problem is, a person might really really hope it's some really cool spiritual growth indicator, and follow an internet guru who can't possibly know what's really going on, but likes to sell the inner sound current theory, and by being so led by the promise which appealed to hope, neglect to have their ears checked.

In that case, as the condition deteriorates and the irritation become more prominant, they believe that it's an indicator of spiritual growth, when it might bne a sign of going deaf.

Of course if the feller did end up having a bad outcome, then it's '100% their responsibility' and no consideration is given to the ethical delimma that the peoson was coerced by feeding a hope that was expressed in first instance.

Once someone takes an authoritive position as the Bringer of Truth, they weild influence too, and with that power comes responsibility, but they don't understand that.

No-one knows anything about th OP's condition. They merely speak from some personal perspective.

Emmalevine 29-09-2012 03:02 PM

I guess it's about personal responsibility for self at all times.

That can be a hard concept in this day and age, but it's an important one.

What someone takes from a post is their responsibility, not anyone else's. That is how I see it.

Of course, forums have guidelines, and those are important too,particularly because of children.

But ultimately, we're each responsible for our own reactions, feelings and experiences, regardless of what others perspectives are.

That is actually quite freeing because it means each of us are allowed our own perspective. Or at least that's how I see it.

But you're right that no one can possibly know someone else's experience. It is up to the person who asked the question to take what reasonates and disregard the rest.

This too, is my perspective :tongue:

Rin 30-09-2012 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Gem
The problem is, a person might really really hope it's some really cool spiritual growth indicator, and follow an internet guru who can't possibly know what's really going on, but likes to sell the inner sound current theory, and by being so led by the promise which appealed to hope, neglect to have their ears checked.

In that case, as the condition deteriorates and the irritation become more prominant, they believe that it's an indicator of spiritual growth, when it might bne a sign of going deaf.

It is one of the problems in a forum like this that many people go for the most outlandish, esoteric and seemingly spiritual explanation first.
We can see that often in threads about orbs, tf's and sm's, psychotic and delusional states and dysfunctional relationships.

lili 30-09-2012 03:22 AM

I dont know about having tinnitis. From what I have heard, that condition is pretty annoying. And loud.

Recently I was listening to a teleconference. I have no clue who the speaker was that day. But it was a spiritual teleconference series. whomever the speaker was, he or she suggested to turn off all music and sound at some time in the future. Then listen carefully. And you will hear a high pitch sound. This is the sound of your own soul. Is this true? I have no clue.

Xan 30-09-2012 04:58 PM

Yes... this is sound from the spiritual dimension. If you're interested you could read this thread about it, lili:

The Inner Sound Current - http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=3703

There's also a good book on the subject by Erik Gustafson called "The Ringing Sound".

I've gained many benefits in spiritual growth by simply listening to the sounds in a meditative way.


shadedragon 30-09-2012 09:47 PM

:) you can always check with going deaf, I have my doubts its that though :D
Anyone who wishes can also use it to compare the sounds they hear to the sounds available there, its a hearing testing with the different higher vibrations we can hear.
Personally I can hear all of them, although the last took me twice to hear. My mother cannot hear past the fourth, however :tongue:
I can often hear the vibrations of the things around me if I listen for them, sometimes the inner current does come out and I hear it loud and clear :)
A few of my friends have some things where they can hear their ear hairs dying, also high pitched.
Go with what rings with your gut, :hug2: as each time you hear the sound, it may vary, it may be different, thus it may have different sources.
My kindle, which I keep with me a lot, produces around 20 thousand Hz, very occationally I'll tune into it and be able to hear it, othertimes it may just be my ears reacting to it.

Gem 01-10-2012 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Xan
Yes... this is sound from the spiritual dimension. If you're interested you could read this thread about it, lili:

The Inner Sound Current - http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=3703

There's also a good book on the subject by Erik Gustafson called "The Ringing Sound".

I've gained many benefits in spiritual growth by simply listening to the sounds in a meditative way.


And there it is.

Gem 01-10-2012 12:15 AM


Originally Posted by lili
I dont know about having tinnitis. From what I have heard, that condition is pretty annoying. And loud.

Recently I was listening to a teleconference. I have no clue who the speaker was that day. But it was a spiritual teleconference series. whomever the speaker was, he or she suggested to turn off all music and sound at some time in the future. Then listen carefully. And you will hear a high pitch sound. This is the sound of your own soul. Is this true? I have no clue.

I have a high pitched sound there, and all I do is listen for it and and it's there. If I were a speaker and I said audience listen for the sound they'd all go 'hey yeah I hear a sound!'. LOL

lili 01-10-2012 05:33 AM


Originally Posted by Xan
Yes... this is sound from the spiritual dimension. If you're interested you could read this thread about it, lili:

The Inner Sound Current - http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=3703

There's also a good book on the subject by Erik Gustafson called "The Ringing Sound".

I've gained many benefits in spiritual growth by simply listening to the sounds in a meditative way.


Really nice to read, Xan. Thanks for posting it. It would be wonderful to hear the om in my ears. Perhaps it I imagined it, I could bring that forth !! Thanks again.

lili 01-10-2012 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by Gem
If I were a speaker and I said audience listen for the sound they'd all go 'hey yeah I hear a sound!'. LOL

Good point, Gem :wink:

Xan 01-10-2012 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by lili
Really nice to read, Xan. Thanks for posting it.

It would be wonderful to hear the om in my ears. Perhaps it I imagined it, I could bring that forth !! Thanks again.

You're welcome, lili.

In all the years I've been listening to the wide variety of sounds in the inner current, I've only heard the OM once. It's not like we chant, and beyond imagination really. Perhaps with intention you could invite it. As for me I just receive what comes.


onetruebeliever 05-10-2012 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Xan
You're welcome, lili.

In all the years I've been listening to the wide variety of sounds in the inner current, I've only heard the OM once. It's not like we chant, and beyond imagination really. Perhaps with intention you could invite it. As for me I just receive what comes.


Xan, what do these sounds sound like? Are they describable? I get tones from time to time . Is that what you're talking about? Or is it only through meditation that they are heard? I'm really curious.:smile: I've started opening up again, a little anyway.

Xan 05-10-2012 11:31 PM

believer... The inner sounds may be heard with or without meditation. This kind of meditating just means focused listening to them.

There are a variety of sounds, the ringing tone being the most common, and may also be bells, flute or other musical instruments, wind or ocean - like putting a conch shell up to your ear, drumming, deep rumbling and so on. One might also hear a wide range of tones from low to high at various times.


Rin 06-10-2012 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by onetruebeliever
Xan, what do these sounds sound like? Are they describable? I get tones from time to time . Is that what you're talking about? Or is it only through meditation that they are heard? I'm really curious.:smile: I've started opening up again, a little anyway.

The OP wonders about a high pitched tone in the ear.
We may remember when we were young that a high pitched sound could be heard from the TV set. That sound, 15kHz is fairly close to the maximum frequency a human can perceive and thus not too distracting for most people.

If one can remember it, then the tinnitus noise is very similar, constant, high pitched, except without a TV set. As it has no modulation it carries no message other than to announce its presence.

Something like a sound current will have to be considerably different.

onetruebeliever 06-10-2012 01:08 PM

Thanks for the info. I will have to pay closer attention to the sounds. At various times I have heard a rumbling, tinkling bells, and the other night, a harp(although I think that was part of a lucid dream.)

Gem 06-10-2012 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by Rin
The OP wonders about a high pitched tone in the ear.
We may remember when we were young that a high pitched sound could be heard from the TV set. That sound, 15kHz is fairly close to the maximum frequency a human can perceive and thus not too distracting for most people.

If one can remember it, then the tinnitus noise is very similar, constant, high pitched, except without a TV set. As it has no modulation it carries no message other than to announce its presence.

Something like a sound current will have to be considerably different.

If it's quiet and you listen carefully, you'll hear a sound. It's not different, it's just the sound which is there. I bet everyone has a 'sound in their head.

Who cares about the 'inner sound current'?pffft. No one can hear a sound which isn't there. They can only hear the sound which is actually audible.

If ones want to use it as meditation focus it's a good tool for that.

Gosh. people really buy into this woo woo xan's selling ay?

Xan 06-10-2012 03:28 PM

The term "inner sound current" indicates sound that is non-physical in nature. I understand deaf people can hear it, perhaps even better because they are not distracted by outer/physical sounds.

The vast non-physical dimensions we call spiritual may seem "woo woo" and unreal, until one experiences this for him/herself.


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