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-   -   Curious, do you think Jesus stopped speaking after Paul? (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=116761)

Miss Hepburn 07-09-2017 03:30 PM

Curious, do you think Jesus stopped speaking after Paul?
Just that.
He obviously did not stop speaking to humans after his 'death'...he is still
Do you ever read messages from him to others or do you shun them
thinking they are from some devil/demon? Has he spoken to you?

Here is an example of something he said in 1987 to someone...from a demon? Or can you tell?

''Are you willing to allow yourself to see everything around you
and within you as the doorway to the Kingdom of heaven, waiting only
for you to acknowledge its presence and to open it?''

Ab Origine 08-09-2017 06:44 PM

Hi Folks..

Miss H; Hello :smile:

Hmm - interesting thing to think about - from a demon, or from Christ..??...

Well - I believe I met Christ in a face to face encounter so to spiritually speak - mind to mind actually, but it played out as though it were "flesh and blood" of course it never was that.. So I know HE CAN manifest directly.... But also - Iam acutely aware of His teaching -which He basically said we are to become Him, and as this was happening, as the transformation was ongoing for us, we would have a "comforter" - the Holy Ghost - and it is through THAT connection to Him, that all guidance comes He promised..

Now I can only go by experience as I say - and believe Christ fully and know for sure for my Self, His truth applies - I found the exact thing He said I would find, so I trust Him completely, that Holy Ghost connection is VERY real - legitimate knowledge is indeed made acessable VERY Easily here directly by the mortal mind - and SOMETIMES for me it is like a "spoken voice" in that manner - but more usually, its like a "memory" that youve always known, and can be recalled fully, instantly - like 2 x 2 lol - it becomes absolutely foundaitonal truth, rather than a spoken, delivered truth...

Personally, I tend to trust the deeper memory type far more that the spoken voice type of wisdom....I t just seems more complete, whole.... The first time it was spoken - it said "Peter, dont be afraid" - deep in silent trance - I of course, immediately jerked OUT of said trance, missed its invite...lol..

Other times it has spoken it has always been URGENT and immediate situation advise -do this - say this -act now !! Usually like a minute or so later, the reason becomes clear and Im prepared already - Handy, my mate ALWAYS has our back always know how to deal with whatever we face if wwe learn to trust it... Its NEVER led me astray - Ive never met a spiritual demon directly but I do believe they exist, knew someone who had such an encounter - but I do know evil here in the world exists for sure - so I cant really say if demons deliver spiritual confusion in that manner, but going on what I do know, if they did, it would indeed HAVE to be by the voice method - as see, the Holy Ghost has to be invited, ALLOWED, and is primarily an INNER energetic union that starts it off... It is indeed, the identical process of opening chakra and awakening Kundalini - identical phenomena..

Only later as that process nears completion, does the spiritual realm become opened up to the mortal mind.. The mortal mind becomes whole as the process completes - this part here reading this, and "subconscious self" known as ONE reality - the third eye is opened and spiritual realms are accessed...

But as I say, for the "learning of truth" element" for me, its more that deep seated memory type - very - comfortable and secure feeling.. Once "thine eye becomes single" as He says - the mind is WHOLE - so its easy to understand how we perceive now a WHOLE truth, as if it was "memory", because now we have access to OUR whole mind and the wisdom that was delivered directly into that which we think is "subconscious" is now laying open and clear here at the surface also.. No longer separate but whole awareness...

Jeremy Bong 08-09-2017 10:00 PM

You've not learn dharma or Mana or spiritual abilities from Jesus, then you believe you've met Jesus. You never tell what important things he has either teaching or let you to know something about your belief. Then it's a fake, he has no knowledge of Jesus. He can only provide you with wrong concept.

You see what I've learned from Jesus. I can pray and nail my fiercest bad god when both him and alien attack me. After that the prayers from the Bible (that you think is fake) nailed the bad god in my body and the alien fleeing away.

Jesus can make his Bible by only put a hand on empty book for a few minutes then the rules for human to follow is written. (My spirit can do as him). And he places it to the sky to keep an eye on human action.

The cross can shoot out light from the middle of it to very far space. I can see him coming out from my chest by my naked eyes. And he seldom leaves me for far distance travel.

I can using his dharma to do things in spiritual that's to take the sickness from my parents, demons or dark energy ....... So I'm proving that I'm his apprentice.

So what does he teach you? The answer is nothing only what you know.....but all are not true, it's the demonic projection that cheating you and it's in the astral playground in your body but not outside. You think that It's outside your body, no. Your consciousness can never go outside. It's because your spirit is no yet can go outside. He can possessed you and let you in trance and see whatever that's not true. But if you still insist and have that problem with wrong confidence to believe that's your own business but don't cheat others with your wrong believe.

That's what I can help you to see the exact truth. And you mustn't tell wrong concept to misleading others especially the Christianity concept. It's by wrong perception of your cheated encounters.

Miss Hepburn 09-09-2017 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ab Origine
Hi Folks..
Miss H; Hello :smile:

Well - I believe I met Christ in a face to face encounter so to spiritually speak...

Wow. Nice post. Thank you.
I believe he still speaks to whomever and some have written books or somewhere told about it...cuz it wasn't
just a couple times but an on-going message...that sometimes went for years!
I don't need to tell all the books I know about...but they are very intelligent,
clear and all for the purpose of helping us come Home. :angel1:

theophilus 10-09-2017 01:19 PM

Today Jesus speaks through his word, the Bible, and through the Holy Spirit. He also warned us that there would be false Christs who try to deceive us. If you receive a message that claims to be from him, compare it with what the Bible teaches to find out if it is from him or from a deceiver.

Ab Origine 10-09-2017 01:32 PM

Hi Folks..

Theophilus; Yes, that's a good core sentiment - but - what if the bible itslf has been corrupted..??...

And look - it HAS been exactly that - the NEW testament is a man made fraud and that is NOT the actual disciples writing those canon gospels, and in fact nobody speaking in those canon gospels even knew Christ or the disciples directly -the new testament is a manufactured book with stated intention to "stop a civil war" - it is more like a POLITICAL MANIFESTO rather than a spiritual text..

Constantine had it manufactured - pieced together - like cut n paste - from HUNDREDS of pre existant manuscripts... Once they had assembled the bits they wanted as "truth", they then OUTLAWED everything else and simply murdered anybody who didn't agree... Thus they FORCED that bible truth upon us all - but it was never WHOLE or LEGITIMATE or ORIGINAL truth - it is done to enable them to continue to dominate you (all)..

If you want Christ ORIGINAL truth - then its far more profitable to seek out EVERYTHING that the religion forbad you to know - if THEY call it "heresy" then it is actually rather crucial that you see it and learn its meaning, as they have WITH HELD the truth of Christ from you - just as He warned - DAMN those Pharisees, they tool the keys to KNOWLEDGE He said, and have trapped you (all) in deceit.... For those with ears to hear...

Amilius777 10-09-2017 03:19 PM

This is kinda sensitive subject since we are on the Christian forum

Jesus at that time was just recently ascended. When the soul disincarnates and exencarnates from the world it takes time, not because the soul is bound by time but because the soul might have some work to do with those among the living.

Jesus's ascension wasn't something that happened like a linear event. It was a process as described by St. John's gospel.

Jesus' spirit and body were resurrected which was a rare event, something God (Father/Mother, Great Spirit, Great Grandfather) had done unto him for the sake of humanity's learning in the material realm.

His presence was still active in Jerusalem and parts of Palestine as he guided the apostles and new disciples into the movement. What makes anyone think Paul was the only one to have such a thing to happen? Paul was just the one who had the most dramatic conversion because he was technically a murderer turned mystic.

Paul could also read and write which is why we have Paul's writings. I believe Christ appeared to many people through his world during this period it just isn't recorded. Paul is also an example of the human being who is a spiritual being having a human experience filled with contradictions, warts and all.

Paul was a better example as to how anyone can be transformed. Paul also was a good example of a soul going from the old law (Karma) into the new ever-lasting timeless law of Grace. Karma is a law that God created for souls to undergo in this world and the next and in between for their soul growth based on the good and bad deeds committed by them. You receive what you put out. But to be saved from your own actions because majority of humanity acts from a place of ignorance and narrow-mindedness, God has a Higher Law that is uncreated, flows from his eternal Beingness which is his Personal activity, whereas Karma is impersonal.

Wrath of God is not directly from the Great Loving Grandfather Creator, but from a Law he designed from the beginning. The Mercy of God is directly from the mouth and hands of Spirit.

But Jesus never stopped guiding people. If you look at the Saints and mystics in the Middle-Ages there were countless stories of him appearing to them with his resurrected body. He may not seem as active nowadays but that's only because we have fallen asleep. We also have angels, guides, ancestors, family members on the other side of Life who have jobs and duties to help us. Jesus is just one of many but he is more powerful than most since he lived a perfect life on earth. Karma and grace were perfectly harmonious in his life as a Man.

A lot of people claim to see and experience CHrist and they say his presence and aura is an intense powerful force of love, a love that can not be described. It is the closest vibration and energy you will feel next to God which you will experience when you die and cross over.

He is just not speaking directly like as he did with Paul because during those days Jesus had a more active mission to get his teachings spread throughout the Gentile world. That's all

Ab Origine 10-09-2017 03:39 PM

Hi Folks..

Amilius; Yes I can agree with the general gist of that... I should mention a very famous gnostic text here - the Pistis Sophia - which is actually Christ CONTINUING to deliver His truths - after the Resurrection, in spirit directly - out of body direct communion just as He taught - and the teaching of the Pistis have Him here among us for many many years indeed..

These days Christ is still very very active...I myself as said "met" him - I have spoken to many over the years that share similar experinces.. But look - whenever we come forward, places such as this, we are inevitably met with criticism, disbelief, hostility, slander, confrontation, bigotry, jealousy and eogic challenges constantly.... Its no wonder many would choose to stay silent or end up doubting their own truths in the face of such overwhelming negativity..

And the reason WHY we face such hostility..??...Is SIMPLE - read ay number of spiritual accounts of near death experiences or spiritually transformative events (google nde`s and ste`s) - we soon see the overwhelming majority of modern Christic encounters are NONE RELIGIOUS - and the vast majority of them end up turning AWAY from all religion after they have such a direct encounter....

MANY people meet CHRIST - but not many at all meet the "religious jesus" - the first is universal spiritual truth - the second is man made religious confusion (done with intent to us) - those who glimpse the truth in spirit directly, turn from the religious confusion completely - which is what Christ actually taught when He was among us.. Then, we come here to places like this to share His legitimate truth, only to have to face 2000years of inbred lies and deception that must be broken down first....It becomes more like a battle and we are often outright just - rejected - before His truth can even be heard they drown it out with religious dogma that is actually mostly wrong...

Im reminded as He said - blessed are you when you are persecuted in your heart and no peace shall be found wherever you are persecuted... Christ truth disturbs the religious mind completely - they cannot bare to hear it for it shows their delusion clearly and shatters their entire foundation - and so those who KNOW Christ will always be attacked when they speak His truth, they soon learn this, and so it becomes rare to find one with courage enough to speak His truth boldly...

Jeremy Bong 10-09-2017 05:41 PM

Ab Orgine,

Up to now you still obsessed by your mind of not Jesus that "you meet in the Paradise". It's obvious that Jesus never teaches you the good things that he tells others. But you never think that he's the fake.

I've captured the demon from your body . He's a dry up corpse and an image of projection of his soul or spirit in your head that you think is holy spirit. I use Jesus's ability to take sickness or darkness energy from my patients. That's Jesus's ability and with no mistake here.

But your meeting is in your body or astral playground but not outside of your body. It's because your description of you meet with Jesus in the Paradise isn't true or real. So I tell you again and again but you still interested to spreading it as truth that you've met the real Jesus.

And you are misled or misunderstood the whole truth of the religions as all the lies in Christianity that means you've made yourself an anti-christ or anti-christianity. So you're not Christian in this aspect but you're criticize the religion in a Christian forum but you don't understand the truth at all. I think you better listen to all of us carefully. Or you mustn't spreading fake truth here. That's your petty knowledge and demon misconception which is a misleading mind to do something wrong and obviously it's a processed mind.

theophilus 11-09-2017 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Ab Origine
And look - it HAS been exactly that - the NEW testament is a man made fraud and that is NOT the actual disciples writing those canon gospels, and in fact nobody speaking in those canon gospels even knew Christ or the disciples directly -the new testament is a manufactured book with stated intention to "stop a civil war" - it is more like a POLITICAL MANIFESTO rather than a spiritual text..

The Bible was inspired by God. If God could inspire the writing of the Bible, don't you think he has the power to preserve it from being corrupted? You are wrong when you say that no one who wrote the Bible knew Christ or the disciples. Matthew and John were disciples. Mark lived in Jerusalem and probably knew the Jesus and the disciples since his mother's home was later a meeting place for them. Mark 14:51,52 says, " And a young man followed him, with nothing but a linen cloth about his body. And they seized him, but he left the linen cloth and ran away naked." Most people think this young man was Mark. He not only saw Jesus arrested but it is likely that he overheard the prayer of Jesus while the disciples were sleeping. That would explain how we have the record of what he prayed.


Constantine had it manufactured - pieced together - like cut n paste - from HUNDREDS of pre existant manuscripts... Once they had assembled the bits they wanted as "truth", they then OUTLAWED everything else and simply murdered anybody who didn't agree... Thus they FORCED that bible truth upon us all - but it was never WHOLE or LEGITIMATE or ORIGINAL truth - it is done to enable them to continue to dominate you (all)..
We have manuscripts of all of the New Testament from before the time of Constantine, so we know he could not have changed the New Testament to suit his agenda.

Ab Origine 11-09-2017 04:14 PM

Hi Folks..

Theopjilus; Hmm - I suggest you check out your NEW testament origins - those are NOT the disciples writing there my friend - clearly admitted BY the catholic church - and freely admitted IN THE GOSPELS THEMSELVES.. Does any one here read their bible accurately..??.. or do you (all) juts hear a thing and make believe it fits your truth without checking..??..

Read the first and last paragraph of any of the gospels that are claimed to be written by disciples - see there clear admission, that it is NOT the disciple writing, nor its it ANYONE who knew disciple or Christ directly - those gospels as they appear NOW in your AUTHORISED bible version, are NOT the ORIGINAL gospels at all !! Your bible NEW testamant as it is presented in your modern bible DID NOT EXIST until mid FOURTH CENTURY....!!

The ORIGINAL gospels that ARE WRITTEN BY THE DISCIPLES..??...Guess wjhat happened to them..??...Your religion FORBAD YOU TO KNOW THEIR TRUTH !! And anyone who went against that order, was termed "heretic" and MURDERED in the most gruesome fashion to deter any others from seekin gout the truth.... The gospels YOU have in the bible are NOTHING LIKE THE ORIGINAL VERSIONS...I mean - take John - he is a SAINT to your religion, has a CANON gospel - but look - he ALSO has OTHER GOSPELS that your religion says are HERASY !!!

Seems THEY pick and choose HIS truth for you and THEY decided what you are allowed to know - ALWAYS through out the ENTIRE bible as it was manufactured with sole intent to STOP A CIVIL WAR and to DOMINATE them all with....NO, the religious authority do NOT have ANY actual gospels from the time of Christ that MATCH the ones they present as "truth" and that they can hold in their hands and show to people... Their EARLIEST copies of their own gospels, THEY FULLY ADMIT, only date back to mid FOURTH CENTURY.. Look, this is what the catholic authority say intheir own encycopedia :


"Our documentary sources of knowledge about the origins of Christianity and its earliest development are chiefly the New Testament Scriptures, the authenticity of which we must, to a great extent, take for granted."
(Catholic Encyclopedia, Farley ed., vol. iii, p. 712)

They say the ONLY sources they have are the new testament gospels themselves, and basically tell us we MUST TAKE IT FOR GRANTED....lol.....

They further admit :

the earliest of the extant manuscripts [of the New Testament], it is true, do not date back beyond the middle of the fourth century AD

(Catholic Encyclopedia, op. cit., pp. 656-7).

Just as I said - the earliest ones that they ACTUALLY HAVE can hold and show people, ONLY go back to MID FOURTH CENTURTU !!! That's the CATHOLIC AUTHORITY telling us that THEIR OWN COPIES only go back to that late age....350 years AFTER they MURDERED Christ, they MANUFACTURED A TRUTH to ensure they remained dominant and in control !!

They have LIED to you - fully so - for Christ said quite blatantly in the ORIGINAL gospels, that Our Father whom HE ALONE reveals, is NOT the jewish god you know as Yhvh - that jewish god is an imposter He said - and of course, for His truth, the jews murdered Him, as we know...

Seems I need to say it often here - if you REALLY want Christ truth, then for your own sakes seek out EVERYTHING that your religion forbad you to know - see what they are HIDING from you !!

Jeremy Bong 11-09-2017 04:38 PM

Ab Orgine, so far do you get any grace from what you say about "what's true and not true"? I don't see anything that you can gain or lingering to your saying of the Bible making. So your own encountered experience is a fake or cheated by demon. Then you want to complain the Bible. That's the agendas of the demons.

But you never know why God Jehovah or Jesus Christ never interfere in the making of the Bible by the Roman. And RC is the largest Christianity group in the world now days. So you're against the majority. That's you're greater than the majority..... They're stupid and you're stupider than them. Hahaha!!! that's great.

Then you believe even Jesus, holy ghost, father, or something like that? They're all can be not true, innit? So why you bother about it is true or not or even God is not true....

I gain the most important factor from the Bible. That's why it's important Bible is an introduction of God and Jesus to all Christians and it does has its power for the true Christians but it's a fake for the anti-christ or anti-christianity, the unbelievers.

anthony c 15-09-2017 08:45 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Wow. Nice post. Thank you.
I believe he still speaks to whomever and some have written books or somewhere told about it...cuz it wasn't
just a couple times but an on-going message...that sometimes went for years!
I don't need to tell all the books I know about...but they are very intelligent,
clear and all for the purpose of helping us come Home. :angel1:

Hi Miss Hepburn

...helping us come Home
Wowww this really peeked my interest :icon_eek:

Could you please let me know more about this place?? or your suggestion of the best book that is about this place, that is easy to read as i don't understand some of these very intelligent books.

Oops hope i did not give out my IQ here hehehe

Thank you

winter light 17-09-2017 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Just that.
He obviously did not stop speaking to humans after his 'death'...he is still
Do you ever read messages from him to others or do you shun them
thinking they are from some devil/demon? Has he spoken to you?

Here is an example of something he said in 1987 to someone...from a demon? Or can you tell?

''Are you willing to allow yourself to see everything around you
and within you as the doorway to the Kingdom of heaven, waiting only
for you to acknowledge its presence and to open it?''

To me this is a quality message. I cannot say whether it was from Jesus but I see no reason to doubt. How do I know this is not from a demon? Because the simple beauty and peace of the message is clear to me.

I think that the holy spirit is available directly and speaks to all of us. And Jesus is the brother who never forgot this and joined with us on earth to remind us of what is real. I also believe he is still with us and can communicate as needed.

I am sad when I see people get caught up in doubts about being deceived. Especially when I know how close the messenger is to them. You can only be deceived when lost in appearances but what is real is still always present. So I need to remind myself that each of us has their own path and that everything will be and is ok.

theophilus 17-09-2017 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Here is an example of something he said in 1987 to someone...from a demon? Or can you tell?

''Are you willing to allow yourself to see everything around you
and within you as the doorway to the Kingdom of heaven, waiting only
for you to acknowledge its presence and to open it?''

These are clearly the words of a demon because they contradict what Jesus himself said.

"Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few." Matthew 7:13,14

One way Satan and his demons deceive people is by telling them that they are already on the path that leads to life, so they don't need to look anywhere else for the truth.

Miss Hepburn 17-09-2017 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by winter light
To me this is a quality message. I cannot say whether it was from Jesus but I see no reason to doubt. How do I know this is not from a demon? Because the simple beauty and peace of the message is clear to me.

I think that the holy spirit is available directly and speaks to all of us. And Jesus is the brother who never forgot this and joined with us on earth to remind us of what is real. I also believe he is still with us and can communicate as needed.

I am sad when I see people get caught up in doubts about being deceived. Especially when I know how close the messenger is to them. You can only be deceived when lost in appearances but what is real is still always present. So I need to remind myself that each of us has their own path and that everything will be and is ok.

You sound just like ME! :hug2:
You know what...I'm going to start a Jesus' Messages type thread in 'Channeling'...I really
do not want to start a debate in both places...it will just be quotes from what people have channeled from him...
they can take 'em or leave 'em....just a Quote thread.

winter light 19-09-2017 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
You sound just like ME! :hug2:
You know what...I'm going to start a Jesus' Messages type thread in 'Channeling'...I really
do not want to start a debate in both places...it will just be quotes from what people have channeled from him...
they can take 'em or leave 'em....just a Quote thread.

Yes it seems we have studied a lot of similar spiritual material. Mostly I notice your resonance with ACIM which I also relate to strongly. Though I never finished the course it really affected me. Recently I was thinking about posting about Love Without End and I noticed you already did that too! Another great inspiration for me is the movie Astral City. That helped me as a bridge to bring into focus the ideals of where we are going. Here's to hoping that heaven on earth is nearer than we can imagine. Have a good day!

Miss Hepburn 19-09-2017 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by winter light
Yes it seems we have studied a lot of similar spiritual material. Mostly I notice your resonance with ACIM which I also relate to strongly. Though I never finished the course it really affected me. Recently I was thinking about posting about Love Without End and I noticed you already did that too! Another great inspiration for me is the movie Astral City. That helped me as a bridge to bring into focus the ideals of where we are going. Here's to hoping that heaven on earth is nearer than we can imagine. Have a good day!

Astral City: a Spiritual Journey ...Chico Xavier, for others.
Yes, I own a copy, hahaha. :smile:
Ever hear of the the James E. Padget messages? Wow.
I learned about them here.
Summary of them....ask the Father for His Divine Love ....well, and
he is a servant of the Father's, not God, Himself.
Actually, that is what I get from all his humble messages...not that I am making any point of
that; someone wants to believe that ...that's their thing.

OmniRedVT 19-09-2017 06:39 AM

Miss Hepburn
Instead of posting a link I suggest you witness the pages at www.DivinaMadre.Org .This is a site whose sponsors are from the Marian Center of Paysandu Uruguay.They're devotional order Nuns and Priests.Notice the right side of the page has three listings. One mentions Mary's Messages and the other mentions Joseph's messages yet the middle mentions something no other apparitionally suggestive site does.It mentions Christ's Messages.That's right these Nuns and Priests suggest they're witnessing invariably messages from Christ.The Priest who receives the Messages deemed from Christ is Friar Elias Del Sagrado Corazon.They're monks it seems.You can read the past messages of course yet I suggest additionally you watch the ones they visually record and put on You Tube.Priest and Nuns are usually not prone to Spiritual Hysteria and I emphasize one thing before you begin that can help you understand from the instant you witness.This oracle's conversation directs itself only at the Priests and He's invariably admonishing supplemented with praise and directives.The one's that are filmed are shared with whoever wants to witness yet the thematic content and actually the perspective is directed to those who do His work 24-7-365.Some of the messages' videos include the Priests and Nuns witnessed via a congregation sharing the Eucharist together.That would suggest the Lord actually witnessing His prophecy of the Body and Blood with 21st. Century witnesses.See what you think yet it suggests how lucky we are to witness this.Wo He is torqued though sometimes with the Modern Clergy and they do respond with their reception of His messages aquiescently responding over the years and I mention that with great respect for the Clergy.It seems the messages have been occuring since 2013.See what you think.Take care and God bless the blessed!Absolutely no twisted parallels!
Absolutely straight forward!Gary V. Giardina!This sent before 1:41 A.M. September 19th. 2017.

Amilius777 25-09-2017 03:50 PM

I really don't think Paul was the last person Christ spoke to. I think Christ whether it be from Jesus or the God within us all that keeps speaking in our everyday lives.

The reason Saul of Tarsus had a direct encounter with Christ was probably because he knew of him while he was alive. Saul also was a rigid and devout Pharisees who kept the Law. He was a great candidate or example of the kind of teaching Jesus was getting at.

Jesus didn't teach anything new. He was simply amplifying the true, greater parts of the Law, the spirit of the Law that needs to be lived out on Earth if one is to bring the kingdom of heaven into their lives, to ascend. The way out for souls who feel overburdened by the material realm.

The other parts weren't entirely discarded by Christ. Jesus was still a man of his time. He even said once "how come your not killing your own children for being disobedient". We don't usually think of this when we think of the New Testament but Jesus was a devout spiritual Jew (raised among the Essenes), and kept the Law as best anyone could. But Jesus realized in his own life that there is something greater behind the letter of the law and that is Compassion, Mercy, and Forgiveness; the hallmarks of his teachings. Those energies are far more powerful and trump the "eye for an eye". Those aspects exist, the Law of Karma can not be avoided but we are not suppose to be the deliverers of Karma. Karma (biblical term is Wrath of God) is left up to people with their own devices.

Saul came to this realization himself after having murdered and killed so many followers of Jesus. Saul realized that the Law was in fact making him a zealous, mean, cruel hearted person. He thought one needed to do such things.
And guess the number ONE REASON most people KILL?
MORAL CAUSE. Majority of murderers kill because they feel the other party was being immoral, or wronged them, or they weren't keeping religious law. Even the greatest serial killers felt they were doing things for a just reason.

This comes from our obsessive need for moral order, karma, law, etc. But that isn't always justice. That is retribution. Justice is when both parties forgive, understand, and evolve. And if anything needs to be paid they will have to pay it themselves in this life, or another life, or after life but it's always a temporary thing.

Redemption violence, retributive justice is the sin that killed Christ and kills most innocent people everyday. It needs to stop and that is why Paul was a perfect candidate as to show someone transformed.

AHIYAH 26-09-2017 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Just that.
He obviously did not stop speaking to humans after his 'death'...he is still
Do you ever read messages from him to others or do you shun them
thinking they are from some devil/demon? Has he spoken to you?

Here is an example of something he said in 1987 to someone...from a demon? Or can you tell?

''Are you willing to allow yourself to see everything around you
and within you as the doorway to the Kingdom of heaven, waiting only
for you to acknowledge its presence and to open it?''

If Matthew 25:35 is anything to go by I'd say many people have spoken with Yeshua, he sometimes asks me for a couple bucks, and even my children who aren't religious even give him/them money. Seriously though I prefer to give those Jesus' food rather than money.
That something you posted like everything spiritual can be seen from the spiritually unclean and the spiritually clean its how one views it.

Jeremy Bong 26-09-2017 01:51 AM

You can't just assumed that he's Jesus. Anyone can talk similar to Jesus style but unless, you can testify that he's Jesus, otherwise it's just an assumption. And be careful , they're pretender also. Just not jump to any conclusion and haste to say it's saying from Jesus. Or you meet Jesus? Unless you can distinguish the fraud from the true Jesus.

AHIYAH 26-09-2017 03:01 AM

Maybe someone here missed the part where I said that I preferred to give those hungry Jesuses food rather than money and maybe that person also forgot about how a particular woman in the bible gave all that she had for tithing. I suppose he is still heavily confused as usual on what it's like to be giving and sharing. I suppose that's what we get for allowing others to cause doubt among us.
So as it happens when I come across a person not busking but has a hat out wanting money I ask them if they are hungry and if they say no I don't leave them money, its pretty simple. Looking around at a particular confused person and I'm guessing this is rocket science.

Jeremy Bong 26-09-2017 04:04 AM

For beggars, I've another type of treating. When a lot of people give them money. When he ask from me I'll never give any..... But if I see, no one give them then I give them some money. That's my thoughts.

AHIYAH 26-09-2017 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy Bong
For beggars, I've another type of treating. When a lot of people give them money. When he ask from me I'll never give any..... But if I see, no one give them then I give them some money. That's my thoughts.

I'm guessing we could have a conversation here, where I'm from most people I have given money to in the past will go to gambling places or the liquor store so I learned to just ask them if they're hungry and if they say no then they won't be getting money from me. I don't have much money and would like to see it given to those that really need it. I've even seen people begging for money while texting on their late model phone. I'm a cyclist so I tend to know which ones are the homeless. One time I saw a man scrounging for food in a city rubbish bin with tears in his eyes, when I handed him food to last a couple feeds the joy on his face was enough for me to know what is right. By the way giving to the poor is my way of giving tithes rather than giving it to a religious establishment. I'm sure many on here would agree.

Jeremy Bong 26-09-2017 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by AHIYAH
I'm guessing we could have a conversation here, where I'm from most people I have given money to in the past will go to gambling places or the liquor store so I learned to just ask them if they're hungry and if they say no then they won't be getting money from me. I don't have much money and would like to see it given to those that really need it. I've even seen people begging for money while texting on their late model phone. I'm a cyclist so I tend to know which ones are the homeless. One time I saw a man scrounging for food in a city rubbish bin with tears in his eyes, when I handed him food to last a couple feeds the joy on his face was enough for me to know what is right. By the way giving to the poor is my way of giving tithes rather than giving it to a religious establishment. I'm sure many on here would agree.

As you said, you only give those who needs our real help (foods) that's a good point. And it's a rational response according to our ability.

As for religion it depends on the same principle, but because we need their services then it's not wrong to give some of the money.

But some of them fix for 10% or more of one's wage that's a different story. I disagree with such arrangement of giving money. That's blackmail. We give as we wish. So you can choose which church to do your church service or Sabbath.

AHIYAH 27-09-2017 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy Bong
As you said, you only give those who needs our real help (foods) that's a good point. And it's a rational response according to our ability.

As for religion it depends on the same principle, but because we need their services then it's not wrong to give some of the money.

But some of them fix for 10% or more of one's wage that's a different story. I disagree with such arrangement of giving money. That's blackmail. We give as we wish. So you can choose which church to do your church service or Sabbath.

I've done enough Church hopping in the past to know that I don't need their services which is why I ended up finding a Messianic group(Sephardi) that answered all my questions at the time and sometimes the response was " I don't know" which is more acceptable than the cold shoulder I received from the churches I attended. I don't have an income at the moment so 10% of zero is zero. This post would get lengthy if I was to show a word study I did on the word church. 10% is the bare minimum according to the bibles, but I don't like attending church just to watch someone pull a few verses out of the bible and spends the next two hours talking about it I much prefer the Hebrew way where a certain reading is done on the Sabbath and later a discussion of what has been read is open for the entire congregation. Just so happens that the one I use to attend opened it up for women to discuss. In its shortest, the word church is just a technical term churchy people use.

mickiel 27-09-2017 04:00 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Just that.
He obviously did not stop speaking to humans after his 'death'...he is still
Do you ever read messages from him to others or do you shun them
thinking they are from some devil/demon? Has he spoken to you?

Here is an example of something he said in 1987 to someone...from a demon? Or can you tell?

''Are you willing to allow yourself to see everything around you
and within you as the doorway to the Kingdom of heaven, waiting only
for you to acknowledge its presence and to open it?''


Outside of the bible, I don't think Jesus actually speaks to humans now.

I think one day up ahead he might.

Jeremy Bong 27-09-2017 04:17 AM


Originally Posted by AHIYAH
I've done enough Church hopping in the past to know that I don't need their services which is why I ended up finding a Messianic group(Sephardi) that answered all my questions at the time and sometimes the response was " I don't know" which is more acceptable than the cold shoulder I received from the churches I attended. I don't have an income at the moment so 10% of zero is zero. This post would get lengthy if I was to show a word study I did on the word church. 10% is the bare minimum according to the bibles, but I don't like attending church just to watch someone pull a few verses out of the bible and spends the next two hours talking about it I much prefer the Hebrew way where a certain reading is done on the Sabbath and later a discussion of what has been read is open for the entire congregation. Just so happens that the one I use to attend opened it up for women to discuss. In its shortest, the word church is just a technical term churchy people use.

You should solve your daily expense first before you can argue with all the world problems. Otherwise you'll have no mood or different mood to see all things in a different ways. That's my advice. I'm retired so I don't work. But my children give me sufficient to live happily. So we're different.

AHIYAH 27-09-2017 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy Bong
You should solve your daily expense first before you can argue with all the world problems. Otherwise you'll have no mood or different mood to see all things in a different ways. That's my advice. I'm retired so I don't work. But my children give me sufficient to live happily. So we're different.

I think you have it wrong, I give with all my heart with what I have. I could explain it to you why I have no income ATM but that would get political. How I will overcome this has to do with what I am doing now, and that's is to ease the way for to be received by those honest onlookers. One spiritual step at a time in the way of a spiritual journey that has been predestined. Or something along those lines.

Jeremy Bong 27-09-2017 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by AHIYAH
I think you have it wrong, I give with all my heart with what I have. I could explain it to you why I have no income ATM but that would get political. How I will overcome this has to do with what I am doing now, and that's is to ease the way for to be received by those honest onlookers. One spiritual step at a time in the way of a spiritual journey that has been predestined. Or something along those lines.

I know what you mean, I'm glad you can manage it . But you better don't abuse it. Everything has its limit. And it can be good and it can be bad, so just to get my advice seriously.

theophilus 27-09-2017 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by mickiel

Outside of the bible, I don't think Jesus actually speaks to humans now.

I think one day up ahead he might.

You are right. He only speaks through the Bible today but someday he will return to rule the earth and I think he will have a lot to say to us then.

AHIYAH 28-09-2017 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by theophilus
You are right. He only speaks through the Bible today but someday he will return to rule the earth and I think he will have a lot to say to us then.

And by what law will this Jesus be ruling by? Not all bibles are created by man equally so which bible are you speaking of?

Miss Hepburn 28-09-2017 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by AHIYAH
.. I handed him food to last a couple feeds the joy on his face was enough for me to know what is right.
By the way giving to the poor is my way of giving tithes rather than giving it to a religious establishment.
I'm sure many on here would agree.

Just thought I'd tell you...I'm loving all your posts. :wink:

Gosh, I have been busy elsewhere, so sorry...anthony I will send you a pm....OmniRed thank you for that link! :smile:
And thank you all for posting!

AHIYAH 29-09-2017 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Just thought I'd tell you...I'm loving all your posts. :wink:

Gosh, I have been busy elsewhere, so sorry...anthony I will send you a pm....OmniRed thank you for that link! :smile:
And thank you all for posting!

You're welcome, if I can get people to consider a different outlook by whats already in us I think my job is done so a blessed spiritual hug goes out to you.

AHIYAH 27-11-2017 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by Amilius777
I really don't think Paul was the last person Christ spoke to. I think Christ whether it be from Jesus or the God within us all that keeps speaking in our everyday lives.

The reason Saul of Tarsus had a direct encounter with Christ was probably because he knew of him while he was alive. Saul also was a rigid and devout Pharisees who kept the Law. He was a great candidate or example of the kind of teaching Jesus was getting at.

Jesus didn't teach anything new. He was simply amplifying the true, greater parts of the Law, the spirit of the Law that needs to be lived out on Earth if one is to bring the kingdom of heaven into their lives, to ascend. The way out for souls who feel overburdened by the material realm.

The other parts weren't entirely discarded by Christ. Jesus was still a man of his time. He even said once "how come your not killing your own children for being disobedient". We don't usually think of this when we think of the New Testament but Jesus was a devout spiritual Jew (raised among the Essenes), and kept the Law as best anyone could. But Jesus realized in his own life that there is something greater behind the letter of the law and that is Compassion, Mercy, and Forgiveness; the hallmarks of his teachings. Those energies are far more powerful and trump the "eye for an eye". Those aspects exist, the Law of Karma can not be avoided but we are not suppose to be the deliverers of Karma. Karma (biblical term is Wrath of God) is left up to people with their own devices.

Saul came to this realization himself after having murdered and killed so many followers of Jesus. Saul realized that the Law was in fact making him a zealous, mean, cruel hearted person. He thought one needed to do such things.
And guess the number ONE REASON most people KILL?
MORAL CAUSE. Majority of murderers kill because they feel the other party was being immoral, or wronged them, or they weren't keeping religious law. Even the greatest serial killers felt they were doing things for a just reason.

This comes from our obsessive need for moral order, karma, law, etc. But that isn't always justice. That is retribution. Justice is when both parties forgive, understand, and evolve. And if anything needs to be paid they will have to pay it themselves in this life, or another life, or after life but it's always a temporary thing.

Redemption violence, retributive justice is the sin that killed Christ and kills most innocent people everyday. It needs to stop and that is why Paul was a perfect candidate as to show someone transformed.

I almost completely agree with this well put together post, its only a minor issue and that is the part where Paul was a Pharisee and he kept the law. Um sort of agree, it's just the Law in question I have an issue with, according to Yeshua when describing them at times they are the 'commandments of men' type people, just like today in so many forms. So heavy were those commandments of men that were put on other men it felt like a millstone was tied around their necks and thrown in to the flood I mean ocean. He also went on to say that those law makers(according to their greed) wouldn't go in themselves. At times He says things like "why do you also break the commandment of God with your traditions" when talking about the Pharisees. Don't get me wrong theres some things in that Judaism I agree with, to a certain extent. So yes I agree that Shaul did keep the Law according to the Pharisees before the change. Now I know the debates about Paul and there's a lot of things I agree with what he says just differently to most. So the change was when he realised the leaven in the Pharisaical system/law and ofc Shaul would've heard about Yeshua because word travels quickly in those days(and others) by word of mouth. He would've come upon some of his teachings and realised who was his enemy. Shaul couldn't see it at first because of his zealous nature, but later the message hits home. It usually happens this way. Thanks for the read, appreciate it.

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