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lovetruth 23-02-2012 05:06 PM

Messages from Babaji
Dear ones, to raise your consciousness, it is helpful to align and then merge your energies with that of the masters. This is accomplished by visualizing an ascended

master and keeping in your awareness all the obstacles that have been overcome. Align yourself with a master that best fits your own method of attainment, for

example Jesus would be unconditional love. By merging yourselves with a master, you are taking on some of the qualities that have been attained by careful adherence

of the law. Feel the masters protection and aspects as your own. This can be done with any being that you greatly admire, but this being should have overcome the

ego and attachment to the material plane. You are carrying the idea then, of perfection in your being. This is most easily done in meditation without distraction. This

exercise will help you in many ways, you are holding in your own field the higher vibration and attuning you body toward holding greater light. See this being with your

inner sight merged in your own light-body. You may feel a strong vibration, or sense this in another way. Ask the master to bless you and help you in your evolution.

If you have a particular problem that you are having trouble overcoming, bring this up. Dear ones, the masters know your struggles but it is well to put into words what

you are attempting to achieve. This exercise is for your spiritual advancement, not for material gain. Just keep in mind when you are attuned to a master and make

the commitment to move forward in your spiritual life, all aspects of your life will become easier. Be sincere in your use of this exercise, it is a powerful form of

experiencing the boundless vision of a saint. The masters are ever at your sincere calling and many work with you as you sleep, for you are still and open at that time.

This will only occur if you invite these divine presences into your heart. It will also help to dissolve old issues that seem to hold you bound in materiality. Always thank

the master after your meditation and be willing to help others as you have been helped. Be of service in whatever capacity you are able. One need only be a friend or

assist in whatever small way you can, even if it is only a smile or kind word. You are beginning to hold the all in your awareness then, and developing greater

compassion for your fellow beings. In divine light, Babaji

Miss Hepburn 23-02-2012 05:50 PM


lovetruth 24-02-2012 09:00 PM

Thank you Miss Hepburn, I can tell you this does work, as I have been using it at night and during meditation. It is powerful. I just wish I could remember all the beautiful things experienced. I just wake up feeling blissful and I remember Jesus making me laugh ,(probably at myself). :wink: Love to all, lovetruth

sunny shine 25-02-2012 03:13 AM

Thank you lovetruth!

lovetruth 25-02-2012 04:37 PM

You are welcome sunny shine.

lovetruth 25-02-2012 04:56 PM

Dear ones, let your sorrows of the past dissolve in the ocean of divine love. All fears, by design, are of a temporal nature, and return again to the dream substance of

idea. The clouds of illusion part, and the new dawn is revealed. As a world, you are all being washed with cosmic light and made anew so you can awake fully from the

deep stupor of the spent dream images. The cosmic show is revealing all past error and exposing these false beliefs. Your mirrors of the dark past out-picture this folly

and when understood and it is let go of, it will then fall to its knees. This dear ones, is the false that has not yet been cleansed from your own belief , and the sooner

you release these forms from your field, the sooner the images will be cleared from the earth. I remind you, there is no fault only realization of a better way with the

vision of truth as a new guide. Your fellow counterparts are healing in this new vision. It is bringing up all the old images of a limited dream, but the final awakening will

distill the substance of ancient lies and the new waters will be the cleansing agent of your minds. You have always been free to awaken and take hold of the vision-

that is your greatest tool for changing yourself, thus the world. The pressures of the old era now are being released and you can breathe freely, without the old

anxieties. Remember dear ones, your vision will lead you to your greatest power of love. In this, the will united in wisdom co-creates with the divine as has been

ordained from creations dawn. Babaji

lovetruth 27-02-2012 04:53 PM

Dear ones, the soul becomes clear and reflective as old habits and beliefs are released. In those who have not come to spiritual awareness, the soul is opaque;

covered with the veils that entrap it. So the process of spiritual growth, is an actual cleansing of the soul. Past actions bound in fear or control tend to close it off

from knowing the truth. One must make the effort to uncloak the soul that is encumbered with false concepts. There is truth in becoming innocent as one takes the

responsibility for their actions, they begin to see the world as children who are, loving and transparent. This is the goal of the developing soul. Its first desire is to

remove the refuse of many lives, by becoming aware of the cause of the problem. This requires the willingness to forgo the old ways and be reestablished in truth. The

process can be quick or prolonged depending on the will and karma of the being. It is important to remember though, even if the karma is heavy, a true willingness for

change will attract the grace of God and help to undo the entanglements of past karma. Therefore a strong desire for change is necessary, then responsibility for past

actions, next commitment to stick with these new concepts that enact change. To some this will seem an impossible accomplishment and until the soul is ready to

advance it will continue to suffer in ignorance. This is where your guides and master teachers are of profound assistance. If asked these will assist in remaking the

being toward perfection. I cannot stress enough the power of assistance from those who have already overcome. One has the free will to make the journey on its own

and in its own way. Spirit is ever available in helping to uplift the soul and it is wise to align with those waiting to assist. As more beings choose perfection, it becomes

easier for all because oneness does not know separation. Some persist in making the same mistakes over and over because it never occurs to them that there is help

for every obstacle. Those who look upon humanity can see the sorrows created from stubborn adherence to ignorance. Therefore dear ones, do not be as those who

love suffering and victimization. You are here to overcome in every way, the purely material existence and transcend it with a vision of unity. Creation is beautiful and

filled with joy when one understands and lives the law of cause and effect with wisdom. Folly will only hinder your progress and cause useless suffering. Dare to be the

whole and loving being of Gods design, in this you will find unlimited peace. Babaji

krishna 27-02-2012 05:30 PM

Babaji lives to this day and is a friend and a most wonderful world teacher.
Thank you for this.
In pure light and truth.

lovetruth 28-02-2012 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by krishna
Babaji lives to this day and is a friend and a most wonderful world teacher.
Thank you for this.
In pure light and truth.

I do appreciate the feedback, and I will keep posting Babaji as long as it is helpful to others. I know Babaji has helped me in my own life immensely. lovetruth :hug2:

Dreamer_love 28-02-2012 06:35 PM


thank you for the channelings.

Do you think we could direct the flow of information? For example that certain questions are asked and so that a channeling answers it?

I don't want to come across as not value the channelins and information presented, I am just curious. I still have to study all of the channelings and translate it into my day to day life.

lovetruth 28-02-2012 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Dreamer_love

thank you for the channelings.

Do you think we could direct the flow of information? For example that certain questions are asked and so that a channeling answers it?

I don't want to come across as not value the channelins and information presented, I am just curious. I still have to study all of the channelings and translate it into my day to day life.

I am a little reluctant to do so as I feel honored just getting what Babaji wants to reveal. This is for the good of all and it may become personal questions. So perhaps you can see my reluctance. I will run it by Babaji though, and let you know what he says.

lovetruth 29-02-2012 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
I am a little reluctant to do so as I feel honored just getting what Babaji wants to reveal. This is for the good of all and it may become personal questions. So perhaps you can see my reluctance. I will run it by Babaji though, and let you know what he says.

This is Babajis reply:

Dear ones, you are all capable of tuning into the mind of God. It is simply an attuning to the frequencies of of never ending streams of knowledge. One must focus on

a station (frequency), the heart enables this. You are each a broadcaster and receiver as was given as your birthright. Unlimited knowledge constantly emanates from

source, which is within you. You have forgotten your innate abilities as children of God, and have become somewhat lazy in your spiritual practices. Take the time to

tune in. You will be required to be still and quiet the inner chatter. All knowledge is given in this manner. It is when you tune in that you access this knowledge. This

dear ones, is part of what you are learning. When you understand where all knowledge springs from, you can tune in and never feel disconnected from source again. It

is the inner senses that require practice, you have all had remarkable success with the outer senses, utilizing them to the extreme, in some cases. The pure essence is

savored by going within with the intent of changing your focus from the outside world to your true inner reality. Beloveds, you are all capable beyond your limited

views, take the time to meditate, the inner realms once realized, will so captivate you that you will wonder at your preoccupation with matter and finally fulfill your true

purpose, inner realization. I leave you with a question. to what degree are you willing to dive within yourself? You must be willing to dive deep to experience beyond

the mundane, and this is your greatest challenge. Babaji

lovetruth 29-02-2012 05:59 PM

Blessed ones, the souls purpose is twofold, first it realizes its nature as love and oneness. When it has gained this understanding it can then turn all of its energies to

reestablishing a relationship with the whole. This can take many forms, it works within the whole to bring all disharmony back to unity. There are many who have

raised their consciousness to the degree that they are able to accelerate consciousness on the planet, and thus raise humanity as a whole to a higher state. This of

course was the purpose of so many incarnating on the planet. There is a second wave of souls who are near perfection and these beautiful beings will become your new

leaders in spirituality, helping those who lag behind, only because their beliefs hold them in fear of change. As order is reestablished, these will at some point willingly

let go of the old as they learn again to trust. So much of the established system will be shattered. The more experienced souls will help to ease those who fear

change. Therefore there are many to forge a path for humanity. Your multidimensional fragments will unite and all knowledge will once again be yours to utilize in

remembering your true unlimited natures. It is as if many tributaries of a stream come back together and what was dissipated becomes strong and easily cuts through

all obstacles. What was once divided reunites in divine purpose. A new earth emerges from the ashes of duality. Light will direct you in the language of love and

knowledge will more easily be accessed to utilize toward divine creation. It is a positive transition dear ones. Just remember you are all contracted to be here for this

purpose and many of you are feeling uplifted with these new energies, revealing your true natures. As you move into your soul groups of like vibration and reestablish a

healing resonance, the shifts in consciousness will quickly replace the old order. These groups are re-membering all over the planet, creating change, and as each

connects to one another awareness is raised. You are all where you are supposed to be dear ones, remember that. Babaji

Miss Hepburn 29-02-2012 06:00 PM


I leave you with a question. to what degree are you willing to dive within yourself? You must be willing to dive deep to experience beyond
the mundane, and this is your greatest challenge. Babaji

Gee! Thank you again for the reminder!

It reminds me of-

"You can be as close to God as you want to be.
It just depends on how much time you are willing to put into it."

~Joyce Meyer

lovetruth 29-02-2012 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
Gee! Thank you again for the reminder!

It reminds me of-

"You can be as close to God as you want to be.
It just depends on how much time you are willing to put into it."

~Joyce Meyer

So true, well said. It is easy to become complacent and forget why the heck we are here. :hug3:

EricDraven 01-03-2012 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by lovetruth
I do appreciate the feedback, and I will keep posting Babaji as long as it is helpful to others. I know Babaji has helped me in my own life immensely. lovetruth :hug2:

Thank you lovetruth, I appreciate your time relaying Babajis messages, I always find such peace and comfort in them. :hug:

lovetruth 01-03-2012 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by EricDraven
Thank you lovetruth, I appreciate your time relaying Babajis messages, I always find such peace and comfort in them. :hug:

Thank you EricDraven, I also get comfort from him. God Bless

lovetruth 02-03-2012 05:16 PM

Dear ones, as you finally realize you can take none of your material gains where you are heading-there is no repository for the finite in the infinite, you will gain a better

understanding of your true nature. The material nature only understands the material, and guards possessions as if they were real and meaningful. The spiritually

aware, live life with wisdom and regard the material as a mere phase in the process of illumination. If one is resistant in learning this truth, the material existence will

bring trials to steer that being back to the seat of truth. For many this is a hard lesson. One becomes attached to the material world if there is no deeper

understanding of their divine nature. Thousands of lives can be wasted in illusion, before gaining wisdom. In your present world, you are bombarded with information,

all of this must be sifted through the heart center to gain clarity of what is useful and what is not. If your mind is cluttered with fearful scenarios, it would be hard to

put that aside and concentrate on your inner vastness. The concept of simplicity has become overwhelmed in this world of mindless busyness. However you are able to

take time for reflection, will become of more importance as your world shifts into an even higher vibration, at some point, it will become a necessity to keep in balance.

Carry God in your every action and you will not become forgetful of your true nature. Gratefulness will pierce through the veil, because it puts you in a place of

remembrance. We are ever mindful of your busy schedules, yet we also see that many of your lives are readjusting, which is forcing you to become cognizant of the

greater truth. This dear ones is mandated by your own spirit, so you do not miss the point of existence. Complications appear, to make one realize the ego is not the

self. the ego will reveal its many limitations until one surrenders to the unlimited being. Suffering is but a wake up call to the soul to look deeper, beyond the material

dream. Look around you dear ones, do you not recognize the chaos of a world gone mad with greed. Do not let your needs dictate your life, rather let your life dictate

you needs. pursue the hearts greatest desire and you will begin to lose interest in the fruitless material dream. In divine truth, Babaji.

lovetruth 04-03-2012 05:14 PM

Dear ones, if you would take the time to bless every one of your situations, you would find your lives blessed as well. Before reacting, stop and silently bless the people

and all elements of what is occurring. This in itself would improve the performance of every thing you deem useful in everyday life. All is energy and all reacts to love

and gratitude, just as you do, when it is offered. See the value of Gods creation in the most insignificant, and enjoy the result of this practice. This earth schools is

designed to help you see both sides of duality and the result of choice. You have grown weary of taking the same actions, have you not? The ancients intuitively

understood this simple concept; love magnetizes the very atoms of creation and this is because your recognition reflects back to the all. Pleasure and pain are but the

scenes erected for the benefit of expanding localized awareness into un-localized all. Use awareness in all you do and say. Keep the mind ever attuned to the heart

and when you do err, do not be angry with yourself, but note that there is a better way. Forgiveness must be offered to the self before it can be offered to others, so

understanding and patience with self will reflect in your encounters with your counterparts also. Be generous dear ones, generous with your kindness, generous with

love and especially generous with understanding. Love, like water, is the universal solvent, it smooths the way by restructuring disorganized patterns into unity. Are

you not happiest around those who are positive and generous with their love and kindness? It is so with all creatures and creation. You have all advanced to this basic

understanding, yet the power, is putting it to work in your lives, each moment. Every hardship has a positive outcome when love is applied as an antidote. In this you

will learn the lesson quickly and move to a consciousness that attracts positive balance toward joy versus hardship. Whatever means is available to you, to remember

throughout your day is useful. When you meditate, choose a theme for the day to help you stay in balance in all you encounter. Perhaps link the theme to the color of

the garment you wear that day, so every time you see your garment you remember. It is simply making an appeal to yourself to pay attention, lest you become

distracted and forgetful of self. Spiritual practice take diligence as many of you know, but if you also become mindful daily it will soon become habit. Let love color

your encounters, then bless the day, the birds, trees, bless your world and all you see projected on the screen of life. Not only will you uplift your own soul, you will

uplift everything in your field of vision, and dear ones, life will bless you back. Babaji

lovetruth 07-03-2012 04:29 PM

Dear ones, how large can you dream? Can you look past what you thought was your reality and grasp a vision far beyond finite imaginings? Let your innermost visions

gain sanction by believing that they exist. Now is the place to build those beautiful ideals beyond your material structure. If it helps, look back to your childhood

memories of pure enthusiasm for natures grand display. It is only later you lose touch through dour beliefs that lack imagination. You need not let go of the beautiful

visions, these are your new building blocks for the future. You will be building with with ideas based in love wisdom and joy. These have no limitation, nor do they

demand anything. Your vision can be as large and inspiring as you wish. You are generating a plan then, that unites the whole in grandeur. The now is endless, ever

ready to unfold. draw your power from this inner source, the well that never dries up but gives forth continual sweet nectar to the soul. Clean the slate that had been

your life and draw upon it these beautiful images of a perfect world. Such is your future, which will be inclusive in past and present. Here you can heal all the old

wounds because your vision will be transformed. You will understand that the lessons were but a dream template that now dissolved, creates a new foundation based

on the true inner values beyond duality. Rest assured, dear ones, your future is filled with light and hope. Let this dream fade away as you uphold your visions before

you. In every dream one must eventually awaken. You now stand at the threshold of this grand awakening. Babaji

lovetruth 09-03-2012 04:37 PM

Dear ones, you are all in the process of creating with the vast reserves of spiritual talent that has lain dormant for many lifetimes. These are the whole formula toward

creating with wisdom and love. When the veil is rent, the facade falls away, to reveal a palate replete with colors you did not know were at your disposal. You are

indeed configuring a new world and this time you will remember your mistakes fully, so that they are eliminated from your consciousness in recreating your world. Pay

attention to your lives, your dreams, and all information that comes your way of a spiritual nature. You are re-emerging with your highest nature and being taught a

new way to create. Force is of the past, the new creation will be based in love and cooperation. The earth will fully be respected and honored and this will extend to

yourselves and your neighbor. The new insights will be shattering to your old concepts because the revelation will be far beyond your expectations. You are all being

observed at this time, observed on many levels. What will you do and how will you do it? Using wisdom in your decisions will be somewhat foreign at first as you have

mostly acted out of your emotional bodies, now your higher self will lead the way. You still have free will, in wisdom you will link your will to the divine concepts and

know the body from a higher perspective. This will be a time of self rule. No longer do you need to have another maintain your order. Balance and order are your

spirits innate qualities that are a true morality based on understanding oneness as truth. You are not confined in your thoughts, these will link to the cosmic mind and

ever inspire you to create scenarios expansive and joyful. There are innumerable outcomes being presented by your spirits. All will insure that you leave behind disorder

and chaos, these are no longer a part of your spiritual evolution and will be purged from the earth. There is so much for you to be grateful for. You have reached a

turning point in your progression and this leads to advanced insight and new approaches to old problems. Your inner eye will be this new guidance, the inner will

manifest your outer world and you will at last understand that creation is a process of inner realization first and outer reality follows suite. You will distrust that which

comes from the outside, a definite shift from your old perception of reality. Your densities lighten, your minds being cosmic, cannot be fooled, your hearts are your

greatest ally in remembering who you are, and as your multidimensional aspect is revealed, you are no longer tied to the earth but allowed to reach beyond limitation to

the sublime realms beyond your old 3D existence. It is a time to celebrate your homecoming dear ones, it is the beginning of wisdom. Babaji

lovetruth 11-03-2012 04:38 PM

Dear ones, freedom is the choice to overcome the false self and relinquish all the false perceptions that you adhere to out of habit. One cannot pretend that victory is

at hand, it must become your very nature. In choosing alignment with the Divine, you are letting go of all the false precepts, so you can again open to the last goal,

which is fulfillment of the spirit in truth. Each has set a timetable for their progress back to the divine and then must choose to adhere to this timetable. You can

always choose to accelerate your progress and are encouraged to do so, especially at this time. The changes that are occurring in you solar system have a direct

effect on all of creation on your planet, and this supersedes the past. It is the overlay of the Divine awakening in matter. This overlay will eventually soften the illusion

of duality and hold each of you again in unity. It is the light that transforms matter, and love that reveals form into formless. Your levels of ego experience will fall

away because this will no longer fit true perception. It is a turning inside out the false nature by removing that which has no true value. The ego has served as a

mirror to the earth and to humanity. Your will, will no longer be covered with the veil of ignorance as nature reveals her secrets to the meek and loving. If one has not

overcome their inner density but has made the choice to fulfill their inner blueprint, these will be given yet another chance to overcome. None are truly lost, not all

have chosen to ascend in this journey, many are here to observe and take note for another time. As you integrate these energies, remembrance will descend and the

knowledge once hidden opens again to the earth. It is the peaceful and humble spirits that will move the earth to the higher octaves. One acts as a conduit for this

energy but the soul must be cleared of all darkness, projections and fears. If this were no so dear ones, these vessels could not hold the light required to up-shift the

earth. It is important that you look deeply within and cleanse your being of the false nature. Recognize the fear, jealousy, blame and anger that still resides in your

cellular matrix and cleanse with meditation and awareness. You are invited to open your hearts fully now, and surrender the false to the Divine, so you can be remade

in light. All darkness will flee if you sincerely call for this cleansing, then hold the light and refuse to fall back into the trap of ignorance. It need not be a struggle, you

are making a choice to upgrade your level of awareness by letting go of the untenable past. Some misunderstand surrender for weakness, but dear ones you are weak

when aligned with the ego and strong when aligned with truth. The worldly view, has long been distorted to hold captive you soul, that yearns for eternal release. In

returning to oneness, we are living as we were designed, as fully conscious beings. Babaji

lovetruth 13-03-2012 04:10 PM

Dear ones, whatever you have learned from your past will again be presented to you in the coming months. This will test your mettle and remind you again that you are

more than a mortal being. You will be required to stand your ground and broadcast to the ether who you are. You are stepping up then, and acknowledging what you

stand for and why you chose to incarnate in this time. In this is your greatest glory, for you are proclaiming who you are, and when this is done it cannot be denied by

any powers that exert control. The fear based mind must be wiped clean and the mind of love adopted as your own. Whether you stand up to abuse in the physical,

mental or emotional is up to you, but each will face the outer conflict if not resolved within. Therefore dear ones, be strong. repeat to yourselves your worth as

children of light and express your unwillingness to give in to repression. The forces of love always conquer the forces of deceit, there is nothing to fear in this, it is one

of the prime reasons you have chosen to be here as bearers of light so you can broadcast love to all living on your planet. The earth will speak through you, she will

express through your own will and her purpose shall also be fulfilled. Do you see your purposes are the same? She expresses through all life and life is given to these

expressions. She holds each of you dear, there is no blame yet she releases your expressions in earthly events such as earthquakes and volcanoes. The more love you

hold the easier the passage for all. The children of light are spread throughout the earth so that balance is brought without undue stress in a few areas. Do you

understand, dear ones, how important your presence is. It is not a time to go into fear. Know that you are the strength and power of love and nothing can topple your

divinity. As every passage is presented in time and space, the children of light are present, as you are now. See your bodies holding light and let that light shine into

the world. Hold love in your heart and extend your heartfelt love outward to all beings, without judgement. This dear ones is your most urgent task. In all

circumstances that are presented to you, be calm and centered, holding light. I am confident you will all surpass the expectations of those who observe you. This is

not your first assignment, many of you have volunteered to carry light in other realities. We perceive your iron wills when pushed to your limits. Perseverance and

intent toward a peaceful and loving existence will turn around the present conflicts. Those who have attempted to hold you back, fear your power. They know only

force and have fallen deep into delusion, losing sight of their own divinity. You will remind these of who they are, although they may falter and refuse to turn to light,

the memory will be rekindled. You see, dear ones, healing is for all, and the dramas presented for all are deeply based in love and honor for all your brothers and

sisters. None can walk away without a shift in awareness. It is the law of balance playing out, for all involved. Creation in duality offers the greatest lessons, because

the mirrors are vast and not easily missed. In balance all are winners and those who leave the earthly realm will again rise in consciousness, just as you are doing.


lovetruth 15-03-2012 04:00 PM

Dear ones, every nation in the world has made an agreement to play a certain role in this cosmic play. At one time these nations were merely land masses before

being thought of as property or ownership. There was once unity and peace in the world for long periods, golden ages before your mostly false histories were

recorded. (You are better served to look at your so called myths and study these). The nations of the world are representing certain aspects of human emotions.

Some are warring, some imperialists, some peaceful and humble. Each is a part of the mirror that sends a message to the cosmos. Those nations that do not

respect their inhabitants or the inhabitants of another nation will fall. If a nation is not united in peaceful action, it will fall. A nation that destroys in the name of

progress will fall. Does that not give you pause? The nations of the world have moved in the direction of self preservation without a thought of the rest of the

world. This repression and greed has become a cancer on the planet and it cannot continue in this way. You are all aware of this. You can see that it cannot

continue. Chaos only creates more chaos, and then it destroys itself. In the same manner, you are acting as fragments of the divine, undergoing the same process.

If you are not united in love and concern for others dear ones, you are heading for destruction. The body was made to interact with the world and relate in a loving

manner. When there is a lack of unity the facade begins to crumble. Therefore, recognize the darkness, the chaos that resides within your body and mind and heal

it. As this is taking place in each being, it translates to the earth- to the place that one resides, so as numbers of those who choose love increase, there will be less

chaos apparent, yet the old standard must go, it is based on the false and as a defective construct it cannot continue. As all is energy, you will all have an hand in

how this energy will be restructured in a positive construct that unites instead of separates. The nations that are humble and care for their people will be the

leaders. The first shall be last and the last shall be first. Life is not disconnected as you have all been taught. The entire cosmos is based in love and through

creation all eventually come back to love. The experiment on earth is certainly not over, you all have a hand in recreating in love and peace, learning to love all

peoples as one. Hardship is only created in cause and effect, the balances that bring all back to order. There is order, dear ones, lest it seem the world has gone

mad, there is a plan and a greater structure in place that is not apparent to most, yet it stands ready to fulfill its purpose and pass the lesson on to other emerging

planets. The players are all assembled to complete the experiment begun long ago in this linear time construct. Always align yourselves with love, dear ones, it is

what will pull the pieces together to form a new and beautiful creation. There is still to come true unity and balance. Babaji

lovetruth 17-03-2012 04:05 PM

Please remember, dear ones, your efforts toward peace do not go unnoticed, as has been mentioned, all loving thought and actions are recorded by the cosmos. You

are all adding to the cosmic knowledge in all you do and feel. Some direct you toward fear, because this energy has been manipulated. Dear ones what do you feel

is the strongest, love or fear? You can trace your lessons back to a place where you began to understand that love always creates a positive result. Some forget

and then it is necessary to repeat lessons again and again until love is chosen as the energy of wisdom. It always comes down to choice and you are living choice in

every moment. When the balance toward love increases in your field, you will notice this. Those in denial, are choosing also. There is always movement toward

balance, but it is not always implemented and in the imbalance more lessons emerge. You are creating on such a level that sometimes you may feel overwhelmed.

Too much, too fast as the spirit within waits to be acknowledged and recognized as truth. Some hold back out of fear, fear of making change, fear of creating

differently. Not all respond to love dear ones, because they have shut off the inner senses and look only to the outside for information. Hence, these your brothers

and sisters choose ignorance for a time, but do not be surprised if many more turn to the light when understanding dawns. It is ever helpful to surround the earth

with light and loving intention, recognize your power in this. You are all remembering that there is more to you than you had previously imagined. The creative spark

is ever ready to be tapped into and aligned. The spirit is sovereign, wise, its' reality is vast and unlimited. Think about this , dear ones, let your imagination stretch

beyond your past limited ways of solving problems. Remember all knowledge is available as you learn to tap into this vast reservoir. Think of the creative thought of

every being that has ever lived upon the earth. Each has added its own unique knowledge to the world. This is what is available to all of you. As you extend

yourselves in love, this vast knowledge integrates once again on your earth. Babaji

lovetruth 19-03-2012 04:52 PM

The challenges that you face each day, dear ones, are purposeful. These help each of you eliminate those thoughts and actions that no longer serve you or

humanity. Be gentle with yourselves, you are creating more quickly, as all comes to a fine focus. Use your powers wisely by integrating your lessons fully. Whatever

has not been fully integrated will again come to your awareness to be healed. Are you meeting your challenges with love or fear? Recognize your part in creating,

then remember your spirit has the solutions to your problems. It is simply seeing in another way. You are working toward freedom as you build again with love and

regard for one another. There is vast energy focused on your planet, and this shakes things up. Perhaps you will feel that life is targeting you. Dear ones, it is so

important that you learn to be in integrity with yourself and each other without blame. You are spiritual beings, and most of you realize you are in the process of

cleaning up what does not align with love. As more awaken to light, the understanding of unity will spread and many will make the connection that hate accomplishes

nothing. There is a great deal of emotional release in gaining wisdom. Let yourselves release dear ones, all the old programs and fears, then live in confidence that

peace and love will once again reign. Your bodies are letting go of so much it is wise to visualize golden light filling your being and assisting in releasing cellular debris

from your ancient past. You are all, ever connected. As volunteers on earth you chose to help release the old patterns deeply ingrained in the past. We assure you

that you are capable of accomplishing what you came to do. Let gratefulness fill your heart when you are feeling down. There is always so much to be grateful for

in every life. Each of you are mastering life in your own unique way and passing on the learning to the cosmic mind. All may draw wisdom from the source of divine

mind. Your every lesson is important to the whole. We recognize in each of you great potential, unlimited resources spring from your spirits. As you let go and let

life flow from your inner spirit, greater beauty and peace will be yours to enjoy and share. In diving light, Babaji

lovetruth 21-03-2012 05:02 PM

Dear ones, as you unfold your inner wings of glory and emanate the sweet essence of love, the attraction of love will flourish in your field. It is keeping oneself

vigilant and watchful in all circumstances to overcome the false nature. Purity is your essence and your divine nature is sweet and innocent beyond the reaches of

deceit. When you open your hearts to this truth and in living this inner essence, you will understand fully all that I have shared with you. Once the inner divine is

contemplated, one will never go back to the slavery of the purely material concept. This is a freedom that is yours, beyond anything the finite mind can

contemplate. Therefore, dear ones, set your standards for the highest realization, which is the divine within you. You are all in various positions of making this

discovery. Some of you have reached the point where you are not easily deterred from your desire for perfection. It is most important you all understand that if

your will is aligned with the divine in these times, you can accelerate your growth beyond every expectation you may have believed. There are many of you who are

yet unsure of where you stand. Some waver in the material mind and stay stuck in illusion. This is your chance to make leaps in consciousness, you are not confined

to one outcome. You are emerging as spiritual light, as you heal the darkness upon your earth, and your minds. Remember dear ones that free will is a two edged

sword. Babaji

lovetruth 23-03-2012 05:27 PM

Dear ones, you are all connected in the light and each of you expresses in your own geometrical pattern, your unique vision. Each links to the whole, the geometries

create a pattern that continuously extends toward infinity. In truth, all creation is based in geometry, ever building upon itself. Divine expansion is limitless, yet it all

resides in the now. Imagine everything occurring where you stand or sit. There is but one experiencing, but each being acts as a different filter in which the divine

experiences in. Can you imagine the divine seeing through the eyes of all? If you take this further, you will realize that all being (the one), serves as a conduit of

experience in seeming separation. When you close your eyes and slip into sleep, you are reuniting your individual consciousness with the whole. The fragments that

you call yourselves, are but a projection, there is but one. All functionality is processed within the brain, which is a matrix of light. If you are able to let go of the

idea of individuality, you would realize that the dream images are just imprinted upon the divine idea, and do not truly exist as separate. This concept can be

disturbing to some, but when fully understood, the idea of oneness will sink in, and open you to a greater awareness beyond the dream state that holds your

attention. As you choose to meld back into the divine ocean, that is love, you regenerate in the cosmic oneness. If this were not true dear ones, the dream could

not continue, for you would lose the thread of continuation that is connected to each of your dream lives. The masters fully realize that there is but one being ,

dreaming each life-stream in an illusive world of dreams. In this realization, one no longer identifies with the body as self, because the dream bubble has burst

through self realization, and instead the true realm of the spirit is experienced. All idea of fragments dissolve and love upholds the true reality beyond matter unto

light. If all should awaken, there is no need for the material construct. This, dear ones serves as a platform for experience. When we no longer identify with the

dream but only with the dreamer, which is the divine, time and space collapses on itself, the construct having served its purpose. Can you understand that this

construct dissolves for each seeming being that returns to the idea of oneness. Through the geometry of light the divine distributes this idea throughout creation.

This in essence is what is occurring upon your earth, and solar system, as each idea awakens to the all. Should you take time to meditate on this, much will become

clear. Connect to the oneness in your heart and mind, knowing that each being is but a continuation of self, upheld by agreement in self. The divine is simple, dear

ones. You have made complicated something that is perfect in its simplicity. As all merges ever deeper back into the all, illusion is cast away, dissolving the dream

vault of time and space. Babaji

lovetruth 26-03-2012 03:40 PM

Dear ones, whatever stands in your way and appears to block you is your greatest teacher. You are prompted to look deeply at all that is presented to you and then

solve the problem using your spiritual strength and wisdom. Examine the outcomes of your past and what you have learned in seeing from a different angle, whatever

stumps you. Be creative in how you solve problems, these are just the many tests to understand your own resolve in shifting your awareness. All of your experiences

are colored with your perceptions and beliefs, yet once you become accustomed to seeing life as a game, you will begin to enjoy the many aspects that your lessons

manifest as you learn to see all as one, in all its various guises. Have you gained the sensitivity to realize that every appearance is but the one acting as

a mirror for your greater awareness? See beyond the obvious, the opposite ends of polarity are actually joined. Stretch your wisdom by understanding how creation

operates as a bridge to your own heart. In this play called life, it appears there are many actors, some are dark, some light, some between. Could the outcomes be

otherwise with so much to be gained in wisdom once you are seeing that that there is but one actor playing all the various parts. You will surely gain wisdom and the

dream you view as reality will begin to unravel. Notice dear ones, what it is that most upsets you. What moves you to anger? Here is what you need look at, then

heal. If you are feeling anything beyond peace and appreciation, then there is some element of outside blame that you have overlooked. These appearances and

feelings are for you to understand as unhealed aspects of yourselves. The deeper you dig, the more you will find what is hidden. The masters do not scowl or find

unhappiness in their existence because in understanding the finer details of duality there is freedom born of seeing beyond the obvious images. You are meeting

yourselves every day and in every opportunity so you can finally understand your value and beauty. Each actor that brings you to emotional blows or balance are your

teachers and dear ones, truly you are your own teacher. The deeper understanding of oneness does not leave room for blame. When there is self love, there is love

for all. As each of you awaken to these ideas, be gentle with yourselves and hold each lesson dear. What you gain in understanding on the earth, will be shared as a

gift to others. Set you spiritual goal to the highest standard, know yourselves as oneness, then love yourself, forgive and let go of the illusion of separation. Your glory

is in your varied expressions of love toward yourselves and each other, as the all. In love, dear ones illusion is overcome. Babaji

Dreamer_love 26-03-2012 06:50 PM

thanks you so much Babaij:hug: :hug:

and lovetruth :hug: :hug:

lovetruth 28-03-2012 04:13 PM

Dear Dreamer love, I know Babaji loves each and every one of us unconditionally, it is the reason he stays earthbound to help each of us overcome. Many blessings to you, lovetruth

lovetruth 28-03-2012 04:36 PM

Dear ones, every experience you have had throughout your lives, acts as a stair step to the next level of your development as a divine spirit. You each hold your own

perspective, thus, your experience is unique to the whole. As you assume bodies and act out as separate, your experiences build on each other and add to the whole.

Whatever experiences are chosen, those of joy or those of suffering all have a purpose in directing humanity toward greater awareness and understanding. Offer each

of your experiences to the divine and let your choices be coupled in the divine. In this way you are acknowledging the divine in every way. Your expressions shared

with the divine are based in truth because you are realizing that there is but one who experiences. When you remember to do this, you are in essence remembering

who you are. These are the steps that will set you free from the delusive state of amnesia. There has always been a means of connecting with the divine and it is but

a choice to create with the divine or or create in the delusion of separation. Do you see dear ones, your choices create your every emotional state based on truth or

fiction. The caring and love that go into your method of living all have a huge impact on how well your part in creation is balanced. Surrender is simply

acknowledgement of who you are, and a willingness to work within the divine idea in every moment. Once you live in balance, joy will be a natural outcome of your

experience. As you spiral ever closer to the divine, karmas fall away as awareness increases. Do not doubt dear ones, you are all on this divine path, each fulfilling a

unique vision of the creator. The idea of separation cannot continually exist, at some point it no longer fits the emerging awareness of awakening humanity, and will fall

away. It is how well you accept divinity in yourselves and each other that will ease the path ahead. Those who hesitate, create their own difficulties in awakening.

be in the habit of grateful acceptance of your experience, remembering that the play is a temporary bridge to selflessness. Surrender your hearts dear ones, let them

expand beyond conditional love. Your true expression is unconditional love for all. Babaji

lovetruth 30-03-2012 04:31 PM

You have always been responsible for your own creations, dear ones. This is a basic lesson in gaining clarity, so you create in integrity. How you use your power of

discretion will come back to heal or haunt you. Free will has made you aware of your varied creations by bringing them back to your self for inspection. A being uses

wisely or abuses its power according to it use of free will. Power can be given or utilized in the dual realities to bring awareness to how well one integrates within the

structure of that reality. There are realms beyond the dual state, but the dual state is a great tool for learning about who we are, as seemingly separate beings. The

dual state presents its own problems but is also a motivator for change. In the dual state one is constantly put in the position of choosing- choosing sides, choosing

good from evil, etc. It is but a mock up of reality and generally cannot be overcome without moving toward spiritual awareness and the idea of unity. The dual nature

must be overcome, by bringing into balance the opposites. It is why surrender is important to the process. One is captivated by the ever changing constructs that

keep one locked in a state of confusion. Surrender implies that one is ready to let go of belief, so that another way can be presented. This state is overcome by

allowing for truth in ones life versus falsehood. Let your beliefs go, because you will always be presented with another belief to replace it as you grow. It is important

not to hold too tightly to a concept or you do not allow yourself the latitude to continually expand. Have you not changed your idea of who you are along with the

many beliefs that upheld the old idea of you. As the earth continues to shift, you will need to shift with her, and let those old perceptions go. Those who hold to the

old, will feel lost for they will not allow room for expanding awareness, which is what you are now all experiencing on some level. You see dear ones it is like 100 of your

years passing in the blink of an eye with all the accompanying ideas beliefs and constructs changing in that instant. Be open and able to flow with the changes. If

you hold to the old, your body will not be able to flow with the new energies that penetrate your earth and solar system. Let life rewrite your story without resistance,

you are expanding beyond the lesser finite mind to a higher consciousness. It is a positive move toward the next step in your vast evolution. Love, forgive, let go, and

remember that all the pictures presented in duality were of a purpose to move you wake you, and force you to look at your creations once more before shifting into a

more loving and balanced reality. It is chosen, dear ones beyond the dual state, as one chooses, that reality will continue or shift. You are all making the choice now.

Will you take your power and use it for the purpose of building in unity and love or will you give up your power in fear? Many are ready to move forward in the positive

use of power and for the empowerment of the all, and in this a great lesson has been grasped which allows for the next step in your spiritual progression. Babaji

lovetruth 01-04-2012 04:13 PM

Dear ones, great is the spirit that is able to forgive, even those who have persecuted unto death. Forgiveness is the healing salve of the earth. It is the energy of

change for it purifies the spirit that embraces and lives its message. There will be much to forgive in the coming months dear ones. This is a good time to really see

the plan as far reaching, for the story that plays out is a very ancient story. If you have gained wisdom in seeing with that vision which includes the bigger picture,

you will easily see forgiveness is the only answer. It is a great soul that can perceive in this way beyond anger and blame. Many will perceive differently and will need

assistance in seeing the larger picture. As all manipulation is exposed to the world psyche, it will open old wounds, therefore the door for healing of all old patterns,

beliefs, and pave the way for a new identity based in a common truth that has been long hidden from humanity. Cooperation will pull all the old false fronts apart, and

in unity, peace will again become your choice as a world. This is so far reaching dear ones, if you could see the scope of your earth and its greater importance in the

scheme of spiritual evolution. A great cancer is being obliterated from your hearts and minds, for the control of your world has gone deep. Your concerns now are to

help each other by remembering your commonality in oneness. You will all be extending a hand toward the greater purpose that brought you to the planet as midwives

to a rebirth of yourselves and your planet. It is no accident that each of you are placed to be of service in restoring the earth to a peaceful and loving creation. There

is still much inner work to be done dear ones, but now there will be no interference to distract you from your divine purpose and each of you are ripe to remake

yourselves in perfection. It is a time to be strong and stand up once more as you remember your innate powers as co-creators in your realities. Do not be afraid to live

your inner purpose by letting your light shine for one another. As many of you stand at the forefront of change, many others will look up to you for help in gaining

clarity. Be gracious dear ones, some will refuse help but all are free to make that choice. We regard you with the greatest respect. Babaji

Xan 02-04-2012 02:49 AM

ahhh... Forgiving... Thanks for the reminder, Babaji.


Present 02-04-2012 08:12 PM

Channeling Babaji
Hi All,

Just came upon this thread. Can someone please tell me which "Babaji" we are referring to in this thread?

Thank you!

lovetruth 03-04-2012 04:35 PM

Dear Present, Do you think the 2 Babajis are different? He made an appearance in the 1970s, but he never really left the planet. He is in the Himalayan Mountains with several devotees at this time. Hope this helps.

Dear ones, each of you holds within, the divine spark. Your essence is ever broadcasting your desires, intents and feelings. The intensity of your signal corresponds to

the power behind each desire or intent. Tied with this, is the mass mind, which is holding your realities' form. When your power increases with dedicated desire for the

good of all, your signal as a beacon thus broadcasts to the group mind and gently influences it back into balance. Every being that adds positive and loving intent to

the all, is impacting the whole. Believe dear ones, this has a greater impact then you might imagine. Form cannot exist without first being imagined as idea. Just as

the creation was implemented as an idea,the process continues as each co-creator adds its own frequency to the idea. It is the strongest signals that creates the

greatest change. Test your thoughts, dear ones, strong emotion has power behind it. As the mind and heart unite in loving emotion, great intensity is generated and

adding to the positive structure of creation. Meditation will help each of you to add creative impact, but in a focused manner. Thought that is fragmented, has little

power beyond your own field. Can you imagine how quickly change could be implemented as each of you send focused images and intent based in cooperation and

loving thought to the earth and each other? It takes but practice and conscious awareness to put your minds and hearts toward such change. One will benefit from

the immediate effect of living with strong intentions of peace and love. The forerunners of change have already manifested change by living in this manner. Whenever

one has moved beyond fear, the frequency produced will be on the positive side, or higher, and this higher frequency helps to shatter the lower frequencies of fear and

hopelessness. Can you see dear ones, how important it is to have some awareness of what you are transmitting. It takes but intent to move your frequency upward,

and this becomes choice in every moment. If you are feeling down, choose to shift into a higher gear. It is up to each of you to effect change in this way. I promise,

you will be happier and feel empowered if you make the effort to shift upward in each moment. You are being prompted with cosmic energy to move ever closer to your

authentic self, which is naturally based in joy and love. Innumerable changes are taking place on the planet, yet you may not be aware of this so much in your

physical, you are certainly aware as a multidimensional aspect of the divine. Remember dear ones, although it seems you are fully planted in the physical, your spirit is

always moving dimensionally. You may experience periods when you feel out of alignment with your body. You are merely shifting more often into the multiple

dimensions that are yours to explore. Many of you are experiencing this more profoundly at night as you sleep. Eventually, it will be the norm to slip in and out of

different realities as is your true nature. Some are already proficient at this and are no longer disoriented by the higher frequencies that implemented the process. You

are all walking in these new energies and each of you are handling them in your own best way. Remember to flow with what you are experiencing, resistance or freezing

up will only delay your process and bring discomfort. This is meant to be a joyful experience, you are reconnecting to the greater part of yourself while embodied and

holding greater cosmic energy within. Such shift is overdue for the earth and her children. Relax and know that you are now generators of such perfection and as you

hold yourselves in an uplifted idea, the whole cannot but shift as your divine counterparts. Babaji

Present 03-04-2012 11:40 PM

Message From Babaji
Dear Lovetruth

This is very confusing. There was a yogi in the Himalyas calling himself "Babaji "Can't remember exactly the other part of his name. It began with an H. Some of his followers started a kriya yoga center I think in the USA. This yogi was said to be in his 20's and stayed in the region somewhere in the range of 11-14 years before disappearing or leaving. Of course the story goes that he appeared mysteriously and departed in the same way. Then there is the "Babaji" that Yogananda portrays in his "Autobiography Of A Yogi" . The portrait appearing in the book was drawn by Yogananda's brother. Then we have the speculation that Lahiri Mahasaya and Babaji are one and the same. So, there is a lot of confusion and speculation surrounding "Babaji". I was hoping you could shed some light on this.


Xan 03-04-2012 11:42 PM

There was also the Babaji who gave Kriya yoga back in the 1950's I think. My impression is he was quite detached and austere... not the heart master this Babaji is.

Babaji is a fairly common title in India.


Present 04-04-2012 12:24 AM

Channeling Babaji
Yes, Xan, good point. This is very true. In India, "Babaji" is a term of affection,respect of/for an older gentleman. This is how an older man from India has explained the name Babaji to me. So, given the name, Babaji can be any older man that one respects and admires.


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