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danielleg1989 23-01-2014 10:50 PM

Have you been lied to by spirits?
Ok assuming that it is spirits who make contact when a person decides to record evp. Who really knows what it is? I would like to ask if it is possible for them to lie about something? Maybe say something to bring back a horrible or traumatic event. The nature of the evp was sounding like a prediction for example: A certain person is going to do something bad to someone else.

The person in question did something bad to me in my past. I asked if others in my family could hear anything and they immediatley after listening went on to relay back to me what I had heard. The reason I ask is that I and my partner and family in general mainly my mum. We have always been intrigued with anything to do with the paranormal and have many spooky and unexplainable things happen.

My partner and I have recorded many evps and we keep folders with the date they are caught on and only keep the ones that both of us can hear clearly without prior suggestion to each other of what they may be saying.

Just as some people do not even believe electronic voice phenomena is real.There is also those who do and I am one of them. Personally I have recorded too many evps to question it myself because if I just got a few words that made sense I would say " maybe its just a coincidence." I know this is not the case though because I get direct answers and sometimes several answers and they are in response to questions that I am asking and in detail too.

At times I have been holding something and asked what I am holding in my hand and been told right down to the material or shape of the item exactly what it was.

Although I will admit to feeling a little overwhelmed and slightly afraid too on certain sessions. I do not believe there is anything that can be labeled "evil" who could come through and the reason for that is because I have tried tarot and used an ouiji board in the past out of curiousity and never been attacked or hurt in any way.

I along with my other half have been recording evps for some time and apart from one that had a rather scary sounding laugh who said murder before laughing ( I believe this to have been a earth bound spirit who was maybe a murderer in real life????)

Aside from that we have recorded e. v. p of many types in one we had something whisper "we are aliens" and although it clearly said that I do not like to assume that it is aliens because I know it said it but I cannot see them and so have no way to confirm they actually are.

I was told by a psychic that she felt there were negative energies around me but of that I am quite unconvinced because if there was they are not/ have not caused me any harm.

Well to draw this thread/question to a end, I guess I just want to hear from others who may have or have experienced mischeivous or decietful spirits who lie through eletronic voice communication? I guess I am hoping it is a lie because although it is clear what was being said in the e.v.p that caused me to ask this question.

I do hope that what is claimed is going to happen never really will. I am not in any way close to the person who the evp was suggesting it would happen too. I just know them through family. Like they are related to a friend of a friend... it was said in a way of this "bad thing happened to you" and now the same person who did it to you will do it to them.

Do you trust whatever it is that communicates through evp?
Do you believe everything they say?
I am just interested for other peoples perspectives on this as although intrigued by holding e. v. p sessions. We do respect what I, my partner and mum do believe to be earth bound spirits and my partner and I have tried to help them find the light.

Once I have read some opinions I aim to forget about it because there is nothing I could actually do if it is to be true. I can hardly walk up to someone and say yeah... a possible earth bound spirit or other worldly thing said this is going to happen to you. I just have to accept what will be will be and hope in this case it wont be.

IsleWalker 23-01-2014 11:45 PM


I just think that evp recordings would be like standing in the middle of Grand Central Station and asking for opinions (about anything). Some would be wise, some would be mean, some would be crackpots.

Although I'm open to the idea, I find that on paranormal shows when they play back their EVP that supposedly said something--I can't hear anything like what they thought about 80% of the time. So it does make me wonder. Many sources of distortion in this media, I think.


danielleg1989 23-01-2014 11:52 PM

Thanks for you're reply IsleWalker I appreciate it.

Kotori 24-01-2014 03:23 AM

I record EVPs too, and yes, some spirits will tell lies. They are just mischievous spirits that like to mess with people's heads. A friend of mine who also records EVPs had a spirit tell her that she had a serious medical condition. He repeatedly warned her about the condition and he was very specific about the condition. She began to worry, and decided to go to the doctor to see if this spirit was telling her the truth. To her relief, she found out that there was nothing wrong with her. She is perfectly healthy. :)

That said, I'm aware of another incident where a person I don't know, claimed that a spirit warned him of cancer. He went to the doctor and found out that he did indeed have cancer.

Spirit Seeker 24-01-2014 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by danielleg1989
I was told by a psychic that she felt there were negative energies around me but of that I am quite unconvinced because if there was they are not/ have not caused me any harm.

A negative energy can cause you harm on a scale that you would never suspect. You could feel an extra bit tired for no reason, you or somebody near you might all of a sudden feel a little snarky or dispirited for no reason. Little things to drain just enough of your energy to sustain itself without you suspecting anything.

I also concur with Kotori, you just have to take what you hear with a grain of salt since we cannot see who we are communicating with during EVP sessions. Though if a spirit told me in an EVP that I had cancer, I would probably check it out. More so to see if the spirit was being truthful with me. LOL If it was a lie, well no harm done because at least I checked it out and got a clean bill of health, though it would tell me the spirit was a liar. If it was true, then the spirit just did me one heck of a favor, especially if saved my life.

danielleg1989 25-01-2014 03:08 AM

Thanks very much for all of your responses. It has helped me understand things a bit better and I appreciate you taking the time to reply

E.V.P researcher 26-02-2014 12:29 PM

I do a lot of recordings using my ghost boxes and have had some really interesting replies. Just over a year ago my dad passed to spirit. It was a few weeks later whilst experimenting using the box. I held up a photo of my dad holding me as a baby. I got about five different voices in a row call out his name followed by my name. A bit later I was called a c±nt.
Like a radio it seems spirit at different levels can push their words in at any time. You cannot just get what you want when you want it. People and the spirit world are working towards better methods of electronic contact I was told whilst sitting at a physical seance. Exciting stuff ahead

Spirit Seeker 26-02-2014 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by E.V.P researcher
I do a lot of recordings using my ghost boxes and have had some really interesting replies. Just over a year ago my dad passed to spirit. It was a few weeks later whilst experimenting using the box. I held up a photo of my dad holding me as a baby. I got about five different voices in a row call out his name followed by my name. A bit later I was called a c±nt.
Like a radio it seems spirit at different levels can push their words in at any time. You cannot just get what you want when you want it. People and the spirit world are working towards better methods of electronic contact I was told whilst sitting at a physical seance. Exciting stuff ahead

It is exciting stuff indeed. It might be coincidence if your name and your dads was said once, but five times????? Plus to be called the c-word, which you should not be hearing on the box at all. On an investigation I was on not long ago at a retired prison, we went into one cell block area and used the ghost box. When we asked who was here with us, we got a reply a bunch of d---s. Another group was up later and they got called the c-word. What was incredible about the experiences, I was with a group of mostly men and the other group was mostly women. The Fiji Islands has a better chance of winning the World Cup than this happening.

Joe51563 01-03-2014 09:50 AM

My question is why is it against their rules to speak to people? There was one EVP I did on the echovox where I was talking to a group of 23 spirits mostly from Europe it sounded like because of the foreign languages. And I made contact with this one young dutch girl she had the most beautiful voice. And there was a older sounding female voice that entered and said "everybody here knows your not supposed to talk to people"! And the dutch girl said this person is not bad he is good. Then the older Spirit said people will attract evil spirits. And she refused to stop talking to me along with five other spirits. I learned a lot from her on questions I asked her on what its like to die. Ghosts I guess you can say are a lot like us really. You have good ones and bad ones.

Spirit Seeker 02-03-2014 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Joe51563
My question is why is it against their rules to speak to people? There was one EVP I did on the echovox where I was talking to a group of 23 spirits mostly from Europe it sounded like because of the foreign languages. And I made contact with this one young dutch girl she had the most beautiful voice. And there was a older sounding female voice that entered and said "everybody here knows your not supposed to talk to people"! And the dutch girl said this person is not bad he is good. Then the older Spirit said people will attract evil spirits. And she refused to stop talking to me along with five other spirits. I learned a lot from her on questions I asked her on what its like to die. Ghosts I guess you can say are a lot like us really. You have good ones and bad ones.

I have no idea about the rules from their side, I think it might vary to some spirits about talking to the living. Many people have said they have asked about heaven / hell or what is it like to die and been totally ignored or told they are not allowed or cannot answer that question. Some will answer and tell you amazing things. Then you have to figure out if they are telling you the truth or lying to you on purpose!

True indeed, you have good spirits and bad spirits.

E.V.P researcher 03-03-2014 07:16 AM

Spirit Seeker has hit the nail on the head so to speak, in the twenty five years or so attending physical seances I have herd that there rules about what can be said to us and I believe this maybe so we do not leave our pathway. We have to live our own lives down here. Also I have asked the many questions about the other side and its true sometimes they themselves do not know the answers. Hard to believe I know. Again I think if you are a seeker of knowledge then you can go and find it there as you can here. With every question asked there seems to be three more questions as an answer

Joe51563 04-03-2014 03:19 AM


Originally Posted by Spirit Seeker
I have no idea about the rules from their side, I think it might vary to some spirits about talking to the living. Many people have said they have asked about heaven / hell or what is it like to die and been totally ignored or told they are not allowed or cannot answer that question. Some will answer and tell you amazing things. Then you have to figure out if they are telling you the truth or lying to you on purpose!

True indeed, you have good spirits and bad spirits.

Thats true. Its hard to tell if they are telling the truth.

TwilightSparkle 21-03-2014 02:04 AM

Just like people - there are good and bad.

Most of my EVP's are super profane - it's like talking to the bathroom wall of the spirit world.

Shivani Devi 14-11-2015 05:28 AM

Have I been 'lied to' by the spirits? Oh geez YES! to such an extent, that I know they are there for sure, but I don't know what they are because I keep on getting fed all these 'red herrings' which had me doubting their very existence for a while there.

The main spirit I get through my Spirit Box is called "William"..."William" comes through the loudest, clearest and most annoying of them all, so one day I decided to do a session and focus entirely on "William".

I asked for his full name, date of birth/death, how he died and where he died.

I got "Willam Jessop"... "I died a year ago" ..."I was 49 years old"..."I died in Australia"..."I fell off a roof"..."I died in hospital"...

So, armed with this information, I made my way to the public library (I had no internet then) and went on the Australian Government's Births, Deaths and Marriages register and looked for media reports for 'roof falls' in the past 5 years.

After 2 hours of searching, I turned up nothing to prove "William" was even alive at one stage.

So, I went back home, turned on my Spirit Box and went "You are a big liar, William so how about we cut the bull now and you can tell me what you really are!"

The response I got was "You can't find it, doesn't mean it's not there". (I have this whole session recorded on Youtube).

I called rubbish on that, but then nothing happened and I am still none the wiser, because I cannot get a straight answer.

After trying for weeks to get one, all I heard was "how 'bout we make this all about YOU".

Yeah, nice cop out. lolz

captainamerica 07-05-2018 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Shivani Devi
Have I been 'lied to' by the spirits? Oh geez YES! to such an extent, that I know they are there for sure, but I don't know what they are because I keep on getting fed all these 'red herrings' which had me doubting their very existence for a while there.

The main spirit I get through my Spirit Box is called "William"..."William" comes through the loudest, clearest and most annoying of them all, so one day I decided to do a session and focus entirely on "William".

I asked for his full name, date of birth/death, how he died and where he died.

I got "Willam Jessop"... "I died a year ago" ..."I was 49 years old"..."I died in Australia"..."I fell off a roof"..."I died in hospital"...

So, armed with this information, I made my way to the public library (I had no internet then) and went on the Australian Government's Births, Deaths and Marriages register and looked for media reports for 'roof falls' in the past 5 years.

After 2 hours of searching, I turned up nothing to prove "William" was even alive at one stage.

So, I went back home, turned on my Spirit Box and went "You are a big liar, William so how about we cut the bull now and you can tell me what you really are!"

The response I got was "You can't find it, doesn't mean it's not there". (I have this whole session recorded on Youtube).

I called rubbish on that, but then nothing happened and I am still none the wiser, because I cannot get a straight answer.

After trying for weeks to get one, all I heard was "how 'bout we make this all about YOU".

Yeah, nice cop out. lolz

Would it be possible for you to give me a link to your youtube recording ?

I would love to see it.

Btw,how are you doing ?

My health is better than before ,after regularly taking the medicines for vomiting I have stopped throwing up in the morning.

dowsingdoer 16-05-2018 09:37 AM

Some people in life can't seem to tell the truth so I suppose the fact that they have passed doesn't change this.

I always ask to speak with Spirits who are "in the Light" hoping that if this works, I will only make contact with good ones. Seems to seriously limit the takers though!

Tedmil 28-05-2018 05:45 PM

Several years ago, I had mono for over a month. I lost 30 lbs. I was fairly skinny so a good deal of the weight loss was muscle atrophy. I finally got well enough to lift weights. I finished up and recorded and I got an e.v.p. that said muscles

paperw1ngs 01-06-2018 05:02 PM

I personally have NOT been lied to by spirits...though I've only met a few or several including guides and angels, a spirit of a little boy who died of brain cancer, confirmed with the mother who owned that house, and a demon, and many other entities that had no communication with me whatsoever...but even the demon did not lie to me...my ego lies to me all the time though; people with their egos lie all the time...the spirits do not say much rather they show me things but say little; no lies; all just factual experience. The spirits don't mess with me thankfully. Personal demons will attach and do whatever they want to provoke people I hear and I believe that..just have no experience with that. After the demon encounter with playing with a ouija board I wanted nothing to do with forces of nature that are inspired by fear...if I had continued messing around with that realm I don't think I would have been able to say hat.

Do know that the spirits you encounter through evp seem to be human conciousness and some humans lie some don't, don't take anyones word for it and don't put them on a pedastal...not to be rude but there's a reason their etheric bodies are still tied down to this earth to "play" with living humans through evp or otherwise while others have passed onto higher realms; it's usually gripping fear, or tie to their family or possessions, lack of understanding, or something else, but either way take what you hear with a grain of salt if they are giving predictions; especially predictions that inspire fear; this never comes from higher knowing beings of light, and that sort of energy and trusting in a prediction, is exactly what can cause it to manifest.

Personally I think some evp (like those phone evp simulators) works as tarot cards do through the collective unified unconcious mind or force that is within all; but when it comes to spirits they come in all forms; you attract what you put out there...if you're looking for a game you'll get a game, if you don't put intention into it and go diving in this will attract spirits that seek to mess with people for whatever reason; always use the intention of love and light and your higher good; beings of benevolence, or however you wish to word that.

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