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Lynn 05-01-2024 02:15 AM

Hell Loops ?

Well its been a year now since the EX I had for 33 years past. We sure celebrated on December 12th. OK I get it, some will feel that is not spiritual but I was so abused for those years. Too there was no exit plan at times when you are so controlled by $$$ behind the family. Ever move I made was known. I finally got to the point where our kids were of age for me to be free, and I also had a new support in place with Heart from here. He was abusive to his kids too but they were blessed with an inheritance.

It took a long time for him to cross over as I was told that he had to stay around and "hear" what others were saying about how bad he was how sick he was as a person. For the abuse he caused and what he created. He not only left his kids behind but he created 2 more...with very young mothers that are now in care of the ministry. Sad sic man that the world is better of not having around. On his memorial page there is only "Likes" and "Loves" that he is gone !

So this leads me to what I am told can happen and yes I am a fan of Lucifer the TV show....as a lot of it can tie to reality.

The EX is now in a Hell Loop where you re live the wrongs you did, in Hell not the pit of fire but that place where you go to learn your Karmic Debt lessons. I am blessed he is not able to pop in and out now to my life or my kid's lives, as that was a nightmare.

What are your thoughts on what happens to you is your truly an evil person n life ? Not a pit of fire that would be getting off too easy.


hazada guess 05-01-2024 07:49 AM

What goes around,comes around.:cool:

Native spirit 05-01-2024 10:31 AM

I'm with hazada What goes around comes around I don't believe in Hell loops either I believe in the layers of the spirit world you stay on the bottom LAYERS until you amend for what you have done


CosmicWonder 05-01-2024 10:48 AM

Hell loops can actually happen while alive too, coming in a form reoccuring worry/feelings of whatever you need. Until you learned. Those who get it during being alive are deeply blessed.

AngelBlue 05-01-2024 11:07 AM

Never heard of em !!
I don't believe in hell , but I firmly believe in what goes around comes around.
We all have to be accountable for our own actions at some point , whether in this life , the afterlife, or the next life.

That's why I'm trying to be "good" ...
But being honest I think I failed the test many moons ago..

WhiteWarrior 05-01-2024 11:12 AM

I don't believe in hell as such. It would be an incredibly large place by now. Arguably, bad people would LIKE it there and swiftly start helping to run the place. Bullies are at home everywhere when they have buddies there. But maybe evil people are forced to be reincarnated on a level more appropriate for their kind. One would hope that at least they would have to face the full view of the bad things they have done, before being sent off to live again.

Lynn, I am glad to hear you are free at last.

CosmicWonder 05-01-2024 11:13 AM

@AB all here to learn right.. we try, for whatever intention (not necessarily being good), fail sometimes and try again. We live life here right... But its a complex world, not all is going in that pattern.

Kind regards,


AngelBlue 05-01-2024 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by CosmicWonder
@AB all here to learn right.. we try, for whatever intention (not necessarily being good), fail sometimes and try again. We live life here right... But its a complex world, not all is going in that pattern.

Yes , all here to learn , and none of us perfect.
We all make mistakes , but within reason as long as we Realise our mistakes and try to correct them and become a better person then that is all we can do.

( The bad UN's are the ones that never see the wrong or harm they do and just carry on doing it !..)

AlignedWithTheHeart 22-01-2024 02:01 AM

When we make terrible mistakes, we pay terrible consequences. Suffering teaches you compassion and sensitivity, it often makes me wonder if people who get stuck in hell loops will come out of it with deep spiritual gifts and a lot of compassion.

Native spirit 22-01-2024 08:37 PM

We are all capable of going the right way or the wrong way.
it is up to us which road we choose to walk.
Every action has a consequence we either do good or we do bad
I made the conscious effort to do good,
do we always get it right no we don't that I'm afraid is a Human trait


Colorado 22-04-2024 08:45 AM

He will incarnate into a hell loop where what he did, will be done to to him as a woman and mother in his next incarnations. I’ve been through alot in this life & the higher consciousness showed me that I wasn’t a very nice man in my past life. And I committed suicide in an earlier life before that. So a lot of that is being balanced in this life. I chose to do it this way. Get it over with. But, yeah he will come back as a woman, and go through what he put you all through. The energy we put out will come back to us… in this life or the next. We own it. It will make a full circle. And he won’t be able to pray, change it, or commit suicide out of it. He will have to go through it, because that energy belongs to him…. It will find its way back to him. He cannot ascend without paying his dues back. His only option is to incarnate again. It’s a blessing when we get our karma fast in the same lifetime, incarnating is a lot harder, because it accumulates more karma.

Baile 22-04-2024 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Lynn
truly an evil person n life

I'm sorry for your pain, Lynn. Human pain is real.

There is no hell and therefore no hell loops. Creation, The ALL, is entirely benevolent.

There are states of spirit awareness where the departed soul reflects upon its just-completed life before moving on, yes. Every soul undergoes that process upon physical death.

There are no evil people. There are evil deeds, perpetrated by souls in human form who, most often as the result of their upbringing, are taught to create pain in the lives of others. We have all lived lives in which we have created pain and performed evil deeds.

All souls are the same. We are of love and light, and will eventually ascend. Our task as each other's sisters and brothers is to help in every way we can. Through forgiveness, understanding, mercy and love.

Starman 22-04-2024 11:30 AM

I do not believe in hell, but I have definitely experienced what I can call “hell” here on earth. The out of body experiences which I have had were all incredibly beautiful, no judgment, just an awesome overwhelming intoxicating feeling of love.

It takes time but eventually we can come to a place where we forgive those who hurt us. Forgiveness for our sake if for no other reason; else we live in hell here on earth ruminating about the pain and suffering we received from others. If being glad and celebrating the death of a person who hurt you, helps you heal, then so be it.

I do not judge you or how you respond to your pain, and the pain inflicted on your child. We all handle pain differently, but we suffer ourselves from holding on to pain and anger from the past. My prayer for you Lynn is to let go of the past and find peace. I don’t feel anyone knows what happens to another person after their body dies. God bless you sister.

CosmicWonder 22-04-2024 01:02 PM

Hell is guilt, hell is suffering, hell is stuckness... Hell is where things do not move, its where no one visits... Hell is also within earthly places.

Native spirit 22-04-2024 08:11 PM

posts 12 and 13 make a lot of sense


Baile 23-04-2024 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
posts 12 and 13 make a lot of sense

Post 15 is lovely and makes a lot of sense. :hug3:

Redchic12 23-04-2024 09:12 AM

Dont believe that there is a hell.

I feel that when we die we gravitate towards others who have similar thoughts and feelings such as “like attracts like”. Much the same as here.

If you have dark, violent thoughts then you will be surrounded with like minded souls but there will always be someone their to try and assist you towards the light but some souls want to stay there and don’t want any assistance for various reasons.

Sometimes higher beings/angels/guides will bring someone along, who knows the dark soul and who can assist in moving him along. There is always help.

These comments are based on all the research I have done in the last 30 years.

I could I be wrong but it kinda makes sense to me.

Baile 24-04-2024 10:57 AM


Miserere mei, Deus.
God have mercy on me.


We are beings of love and light, who are capable of manifesting any thought-reality -- and some would also say any physical reality -- we wish.

Free thinkers, who can choose of our own accord to follow, embrace, and take hold of any philosophical and/or consciousness stream of belief we care to imagine.

What is the soul impulse and motivation in imagining ourselves as limitless beings of light and love, unbound by any and all self-imposed consciousness and spiritual limitations?

What is the soul impulse and motivation in believing in a dark and suffering reality where we are fettered and bound according to the will of the gods and/or spiritual worlds?

Miserere mei, Deus. Human beings, and western European thinkers and their descendants specifically, have been locked in mental battle with themselves for centuries.

It is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Lift one foot off the earth and gently place it into the water, into the Eternal Stream of Life. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself.

Have mercy on yourself.


Miss Hepburn 24-04-2024 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by Redchic12
I feel that when we die we gravitate towards others who have similar thoughts and feelings such as “like attracts like”.
There is always help.

Yes! This is what has been reported! :smile:
'Hellish' loops seem to exist, for sure.

Native spirit 24-04-2024 07:45 PM

This is not the first time that I have read or been told we are entering the age of Aquarius


Starman 25-04-2024 01:29 AM

Just curious, what makes it “hellish? Is there like pain, burring fire and brimstone, etc. I do not have a clear picture of “hell,” except that it is a word I’ve used in the past when I felt emotionally tortured, gravely disappointed, or in physical pain.

Most people are aware of the Christian version of hell, Muslims also believe in hell but not as a permanent place where one goes. Jews believe hell is a kind of “kindness;” in their belief it is called “Gehinnom,” and it is a place where you go to wash and cleanse yourself. Different beliefs about the same concept.

Any punishment which I have had in this life was self imposed; I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, made a bad decision, or just was not aware enough to keep myself out of trouble. I do not believe that God punishes us rather I believe that we punish ourselves, mostly due to unconscious actions. As Jesus said, “forgive them for they know not what they do.”

Baile 25-04-2024 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Starman
Just curious, what makes it “hellish?

Any punishment which I have had in this life was self imposed

Starman you clever rhetorical fellow, of course the answer to the former is the latter. :hug3: Brilliant. And I mean that sincerely, Brother. Thank you.

Starman 25-04-2024 09:00 AM

Ditto, brother Baile, you know it takes one to know one.:hug3:

Baile 25-04-2024 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
This is not the first time that I have read or been told we are entering the age of Aquarius

One sign of a change in Ages is that the previous one essentially implodes, after which the new one is constructed from the ground up. Stick your nose out your door in the morning, the smell of napalm and dawning whiff is unmistakable, hehe. :hug:

Starman 25-04-2024 04:16 PM

It is so very important to forgive ourselves for whatever hell we have put ourselves through or in. Even if the pain was inflicted by another, the anguish we go through from that pain is best short lived.

Sometimes people beat themselves up for “bad” decisions they may have made. Sometimes we beat ourselves up so badly that if someone else where to do that to us we would want to call the police and have them arrested. But it is us doing it to ourselves; putting ourselves through hell.

Emotional and mental stress can cause physical problems. I have seen people who held on to their hell for a long time, and by the time they began to let go of their pain and anguish, they have done lasting damage to themselves, contributing to the damage which they may have received from someone else.

Hell is only a word, a label, which we use to describe painful or uncomfortable conditions; either inner or outer conditions. But some people like hell, they thrive on conflict and pain. Some people want to be punished, they may find it erotic. Those people may be called “masochist,” while those who like to inflict pain are sadist. So if there is a place in the afterlife called “hell” it may be a desirable place for some, i.e. demons love hell.

But as I said earlier, I do not believe in hell.

Baile 25-04-2024 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by Starman
It is so very important to forgive ourselves for whatever hell we have put ourselves through or in.
Sometimes people beat themselves up for “bad” decisions they may have made.
But it is us doing it to ourselves; putting ourselves through hell.
Emotional and mental stress can cause physical problems.

All of the above apply to me and I so know the self-imposed hell of not forgiving myself... I call myself a practical spiritualist and I really appreciate your down-to-earth, soul-human insights and wisdom, Starman.

Like you, I don't believe in hell. And the truth is it's not about believing or not believing, I simply choose to never give a moment's thought to negative human-created concepts of that sort. As the Bible says, and as Bobby Zimmy sang on Slow Train Coming, strengthen the things that remain. That's what I spend my time doing.

Here's what remains: Love. Light. The Eternal All. Our eternal souls. Goodness. Kindness. Forgiveness. Compassion. Mercy. The fragile beauty of our glorious, wondrous humanity.

Starman 26-04-2024 01:30 AM

Bless you Baile, so very happy you found the light. Sometimes we have to go through hell to find heaven; that has been my journey as well, and it was all self-imposed. Water under the bridge; let it flow.


Traveler 26-04-2024 01:33 AM

I am a big fan of the show Lucifer too. I love that it was also a story of redemption of Lucifer and Maize. And Lucifer became the counselor instead of the punisher. I wasn't too crazy about the ending though where Aurora grew up with just Chloe and not Lucifer too. I mean he could have popped down to the "office" every morning and come home for dinner every night and still done his job.

I think that the show got it right too. Hell is a creation of the mind.

Baile 26-04-2024 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Traveler
I think that the show got it right too. Hell is a creation of the mind.

Hell is driving to the store to buy a scraper, and then the next day finding a forgotten one at the bottom of your tool box! :smile: Unless you like having two scrapers, then it's actually Heaven. :hug2: P.S. to everyone other than Traveler: this is an in-joke and no I haven't lost my mind, ha.

Baile 26-04-2024 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by Starman
Sometimes we have to go through hell to find heaven

I call this the incarnation caldron for a reason... :smile: (smile emoji 60+ years in the making, wasn't always like that)

Starman 26-04-2024 08:17 AM

In my 77-years of living I have been through hell many times, and sometimes it was so unbearable that I wanted to take my own life, but that was not meant to be. The pain started very young for me, and I do not like pain, so I strived to find peace and comfort within myself, still often blaming others for my anguish and misfortune.

It was not until I was in my forties that I realized I was making myself a target for pain and blaming others, playing the victim did not help. I had to take responsibility for my feelings, or said another way, develop the ability to respond to myself on many levels. It took a lot of work, and I realized that the work, or lack of work, that we do on ourselves is what we give to others.

I love the sweetness of love which I feel inside of me, but a good portion of my human life I did not feel that sweetness. It is there within all of us, regardless what we have done or been through. I discovered fulfillment inside of myself that had nothing to do with money, material goods, or even being in a loving relationship. In my opinion, at our core we are love. It took some time and a lot of bruises for me to come to that realization.

BigJohn 26-04-2024 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by Starman
In my 77-years of living I have been through hell many times, and sometimes it was so unbearable that I wanted to take my own life, but that was not meant to be. The pain started very young for me, and I do not like pain, so I strived to find peace and comfort within myself, still often blaming others for my anguish and misfortune.

It was not until I was in my forties that I realized I was making myself a target for pain and blaming others, playing the victim did not help.

In recent years, I like reflecting back at my life; especially my childhood. My Father died when I was 3. When my Mother remarried, it would seem we became one big family.... but we didn't. My step-Father was 'mean'. As for me, the whippings began when I was 5. By the time I was about 8/10 years old, I had developed on my own some martial arts techniques so I didn't feel the pain. What helped the most is when I was 7, I would disappear and go exploring. In my growing years, nobody ever expected I was doing that.

And today, I look back at all the things I did and experienced that others never got the joy of doing.

As for the "Hell cycle"......
Some would say I experienced it when my first marriage came crashing down upon me. The divorce was a nightmare. But as I look at it today, it was the best thing that could have happened to me. Strange as it might be, virtually every day I think about her but in an erotic way. Will I ever get back with her? No.

Starman 26-04-2024 11:38 AM

We all have our portion of hell, some more intensely then others, but it is not a competition about who has suffered the most or the worst. For me I have realized that even my demons were my teachers; teaching me about myself and pain. I felt I could have done without those kind of lessons but evidently not. Even at a very young age, things which happened to me put me on a path which contributed to my further journey. Life is definitely for learning and some learn quicker than others, and some do not learn at all. The thing is what have we learned about ourselves from our misfortunes? Spirit is more resilient than the mind can imagine; that is what I have learned. I am also learning not to take things so personally, not even my own death.

Peace and Good Journey To All

Baile 27-04-2024 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Starman
I am also learning not to take things so personally, not even my own death.

This could be the most poignantly human comment I've ever read on this forum.

SF needs a proper Namaste emoji, for moments and posts like this.

AngelBlue 27-04-2024 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Baile
This could be the most poignantly human comment I've ever read on this forum.

SF needs a proper Namaste emoji, for moments and posts like this.

Baile, in members only forum, in "members cafe" there is a thread called "Quotable SF members " to contribute quotes like this that have inspired you.
It's about the 12th thread down.
Hope that's helpful.

Baile 27-04-2024 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by AngelBlue
Baile, in members only forum, in "members cafe" there is a thread called "Quotable SF members " to contribute quotes like this that have inspired you.
It's about the 12th thread down.
Hope that's helpful.

Thank you so much AngelBlue, that was incredibly thoughtful of you.

Namaste emoji!

AngelBlue 27-04-2024 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by Baile
Thank you so much AngelBlue, that was incredibly thoughtful of you.

Namaste emoji!

Most welcome.
I'm an angel ! It's my job to be helpful and guide people on the right path haha.

Native spirit 27-04-2024 09:41 AM

Hell is different to a lot of people Like Starman I have lived through Hell. but the turning point for me was when I was in school I had long hair. one girl we were in pottery I made a figure which won firs prize, this certain Girl was jealous of it and smashed it,
Then she committed the ultimate sin she yanked my hair. my foot was on the potters wheel I grabbed her and put her face down on the wheel and kept it spinning, didn't she scream she never touched me after.

I gave her a warning but she wouldn't listen I was very shy when I was in school and so was picked on not just because i was different I was a target,
I went with my friends to Karate and I did that ,no one ever touched me after
it was no good telling my parents they didn't care because I wasn't my siblings

In every stage of my life I have had to face something someone asked me one day why so I said I was put here to suffer for everyone, because that is how it felt


Redchic12 27-04-2024 12:51 PM

Oh Native I laughed my head off with the girl and the pottery wheel. Good on ya lol.

Funny enough, I remember spinning a lovely dish on the wheel and left it there overnight. The next morning I came in and found someone had smashed it. I was gutted. Jeez where do these hateful people come from. Just can’t relate to that kinda behaviour.

Most of my life I have experienced jealousy from many people and have had so many betrayals that I’ve lost count. But hey, who cares. That was then and this now, and I don’t let those things define who I am and I’m just thankful for the exciting life that I’ve had and the beautiful friends I have today.

Evil does exist because I’ve encountered it with a few people way back.

Just my opinion tho.

BigJohn 27-04-2024 03:01 PM

People use Hell in all kind of expressions such as "What the Hell?, Who the Hell? Where the Hell? Go to Hell!, Colder then Hell!, and Hotter then Hell!"

I tell people it is all my fault!

And then I tell them when I was a boy, I used to 'catch Hell all the time ......... and let it go!"

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