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Phaedron 14-12-2010 09:24 PM

Between Souls?
Im wondering if I may have had more then one soul, an exchange at some point.

Up until age 13 (a number synonymous with death) I had a more serene and free spirit. at 13 I fell in love, which was very hard in my position and led to a lot of sorrow. At age 15 my father committed suicide, and a few months later my grandmother died. I continued. Two years ago I finally found a deep relationship, it seemed perfect, lasted a year. She seemed a bit too good to be true, in fact the her that came to live with me for a year could have easily been a different soul. Maybe it was my twin flame and then she left.

When Mary went home, supposedly just to visit, it was for keeps. The year I experienced after that was very dark and upsetting indeed. At the end of it I feel as though I've gotten my original spirit back. I'm like I was before. I mean I could just be that I needed to have the relationship that I did, but it feels like it's much much more then that. It's something that is affecting my entire outlook on life, and the daily vibrations of my energy. The full story is full of meanings and great awakenings.

Anyway, just hoping to see some opinions. Can be as simple as yes or no, you don't have to explain your reasoning to me if you don't want to.

Phaedron 14-12-2010 09:39 PM

I have been thinking about the quality of "agreement" that someone suggested is necessary in a soul exchange.

At 13 I had also been moved to a different school, against my will although I wasn't consciously anger at my parents for it. I didn't know anybody, and for the first time in my life I actually wanted friends and a girlfriend, where before that I was distinctly different, and had also taken the friends I had for granted. And I recall a very auspicious day where it felt like only sorrow would lie ahead, and there was some idea of an oath of some sort.

It's really kinda scary. It wasn't me, but who was it and why did they all have to die?! My father often spoke of an inverted pentagram of 5 abortions that he signed off on, he said that their spirits haunted him. Without their deaths their wouldn't have been a child 6 though. Then there was that portal for summoning demons we had out in the living room where I often slept. Heard some strange voices cause of them at times.

Anyway, I THINK I'm between souls and my original won't be fully manifest until the beginning of the year or something.

Sangress 14-12-2010 10:06 PM

I have shared and swapped souls, among other more complicated matters regarding identity...etc before.

I have found that the main feature of sharing or swapping souls is a loss or gain of memories that you feel are not your own, and an influence on your outlook on life after having recognized those memories and perhaps consciously or subconsciously claimed them as your own.

I am in no position to judge or decide anything about you, but I will say that I have shared a lot of the misfortunes and events that you have experienced before and I understand how it can all change a person for good or for worse.

Phaedron 14-12-2010 10:24 PM

hmm. I'm not too sure about unusual memories, but thanks. If there is knowing know I'll know soon enough.

Sangress 15-12-2010 02:20 AM

I know. ;p

flutterangel 15-12-2010 03:23 AM

I wish you well on your search.
How did you learn this? "I have shared and swapped souls, among other more complicated matters regarding identity...etc before." How do you suggest going about it for those of us that do want to learn?


Sangress 15-12-2010 03:50 AM

I learned through personal experience.

I suggest you don't do it unless you can face dire consequences that are irreversible and permanent.

Not many things regarding spiritual matters stay the same forever...this is one of those rare things.

90% of souls should not, and hopefully will never deal with any manipulations to their own or another's soul.

You can PM me if you like, so that I don't hijack this topic and throw it off course.

Rah nam 15-12-2010 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Phaedron
Im wondering if I may have had more then one soul, an exchange at some point.

Up until age 13 (a number synonymous with death) I had a more serene and free spirit. at 13 I fell in love, which was very hard in my position and led to a lot of sorrow. At age 15 my father committed suicide, and a few months later my grandmother died. I continued. Two years ago I finally found a deep relationship, it seemed perfect, lasted a year. She seemed a bit too good to be true, in fact the her that came to live with me for a year could have easily been a different soul. Maybe it was my twin flame and then she left.

When Mary went home, supposedly just to visit, it was for keeps. The year I experienced after that was very dark and upsetting indeed. At the end of it I feel as though I've gotten my original spirit back. I'm like I was before. I mean I could just be that I needed to have the relationship that I did, but it feels like it's much much more then that. It's something that is affecting my entire outlook on life, and the daily vibrations of my energy. The full story is full of meanings and great awakenings.

Anyway, just hoping to see some opinions. Can be as simple as yes or no, you don't have to explain your reasoning to me if you don't want to.

First I like to say, we are spirit and we are the soul, so swapping souls and changing souls how could it be?
Yes, there are walk in's, where with agreement one soul leaves (actually it is the spirit that leaves )and the other walks in. It takes a close to death situation, for one to disconnect and the other to attach.
I have come across someone where the original soul is still there in the background and an other one has taken over. A little bit like a hostile take over.

But in my understanding, neither is the case with you. There seam to be no attachments either. What I can see is a lot of unwanted energy; like darts.
All this energy seams to come from one particular person. Do you know someone working within the Occult?
There are spiritual workers who can remove those energies for you, if they confirm what I say is correct. Don't see what I say as a certainty, but rather as a possibility.


Sangress 15-12-2010 08:50 AM

I was shy to mention much in regards to that because almost everyone has some kind of energetic issue these days.

As I said, I'm not one to judge or decide...but I suppose an opinion wouldn't hurt.

I saw the unbalanced energy as well and felt it was not a soul matter, but a matter of stagnant or "negative" energy wreaking havoc on a misfortunate young man and changing his perceptions in ways that seem odd to him.

It could be intentional on someone elses part or something natural.

But I honestly cannot be sure, so further opinions would certainly make things clearer, I'm sure.

I think that ruling out a soul matter would be a bit too quick, so I'm keeping my perceptions open with this one.

Phaedron 15-12-2010 02:21 PM

I used to think it impossible to, but if it's one thing I've learned is that Anything and everything really is possible to he that believe.

A spirit has a purpose. When that purpose becomes impossible why shouldn't it have the option to leave?

Identity is first and foremost of the mind. The rational mind interprets reality in a coherent manner for us, but in terms of spiritual pursuits I does nothing but get in the way. In this effort I have discovered something most profound.

The rational mind is just an afterthought. The way doubt and science perceive the world in accordance to what was already happened and was has been proven. It is an entirely backwards process. Period. Faith is literally our power to create our gods in much the same way they create us. It is an entirely forward thinking process that not only tackles, but literally creates the unknown.

There was a mistranslated Y in my numerology reports which led me to believe my soul was a 1 and my personality was an 8. Since clearing this up I have awakened a 1000 fold. This entire 7 year I have felt "between souls" and that something completely new is coming into focus.

The knowledge of soul exchange has also gotten provided an answer to a personal problem I have been struggling with regarding another. Now I am certain that what will be accomplished will be for the highest love and justice of all involved.

Xan 16-12-2010 12:02 AM

I know soul exchanges happen and I have experienced a shift in souls myself.

But, Phaedron, what you are describing doesn't sound like that. It does sound like you've had a lot of intense emotional experiences in your life, which often make us feel completely changed. Spiritual awakening can have that effect also.

As you go on with healing your past hurts, conflicts and confusions it will become more clear if you are the same or a different soul. In the long run what matters is not which soul you are, but how you are with yourself each present moment.


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