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-   -   Does everyone resonate with their life path number> (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=103425)

wanchain 12-07-2016 06:07 PM

Does everyone resonate with their life path number>

Last night I watched a program on numerology. I found that I resonate a lot more with 9 than with 8, which is my life path number. I checked multiple times, through different websites, and confirmed that my calculation is correct. I am an 8, and I agree with some of it, but I am more 9.

Why is that?


Clio_86 03-10-2016 10:35 AM

I'm a life path 5 and i definitely resonate with it. I am restless, love adventure, and like change. I have lived in four different provinces, and many different cities within each of these provinces. I love moving!

Umm, maybe you don't see yourself as an 8 because you already have financial security? I don't know. I find the life path numbers easily overlap with one another. My best friend is a life path 4 but could easily say she resonates with the life path 5 characteristics because she is always moving and travelling. She lives in Africa, just finished school in Scotland but is Canadian. Interestingly, astrologically she is a sagittarius. So makes sense.

Clio_86 03-10-2016 10:36 AM

I just looked at your profile and it is interesting you are a life path 8 and work in accounting… LOL. Sounds like a life path 8 to me.

wanchain 08-10-2016 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Clio_86
I just looked at your profile and it is interesting you are a life path 8 and work in accounting… LOL. Sounds like a life path 8 to me.

You are saying that I am probably following the path of an 8 without realizing it right? I thought about that too. It is not the accounting part that I resonate with, but I am neutral to it, but I resonate with the "goal-oriented" mentality of an 8 the most.

Clio_86 08-10-2016 04:20 AM

I'm in a personal year 8 right now… and have reached quite a few goals! Some financial and some personal! I love personal year 8's! Such a relief after personal year 7's, where I am always depressed. I wish more people followed the personal years, as I find they always match up with my life.

sweetrainbowfire 12-10-2016 11:13 PM

I'm a 4 and I resonate with it strongly. I am organized, I thrive on routine and structure, I'm determined, practical, hard-working, I'm very cerebral and I definitely have a tendency to be stubborn ;)

Clover 12-10-2016 11:29 PM

Sure, to an extent. I am an 11 and I was born on month/day 01/01

In Tarot, my favorite card is the Justice Card, which happens to be number 11 in traditional decks. Justice is a woman who represents justice an fairness, and I actually have an undergraduate degree in the pre law field.

I never associated my number ( 11) with people like they do in the soul mate section of the forum when they see all 1's. When I was young my aunt always told me to make a wish when I saw the number, it was related to the Divine and Angels. :redface:

Lerena 15-10-2016 04:03 AM

Surprisingly, I do relate to my life path number. In the past I've doubted it, but I've always described myself with life path 4 personality traits.

wanchain 22-10-2016 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by Clio_86
I'm in a personal year 8 right now… and have reached quite a few goals! Some financial and some personal! I love personal year 8's! Such a relief after personal year 7's, where I am always depressed. I wish more people followed the personal years, as I find they always match up with my life.

Oh good to hear ... I don't know anything about "personal year".

Will Bontrager 10-11-2016 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by wanchain
I found that I resonate a lot more with 9 than with 8, which is my life path number.

The energies you resonate with (assuming I understand your experience of resonance) generally are those represented by calculations with your name. The resulting numbers represent energies related to the essence of the person that is you.

The life path number is calculated from your birth date. The energies the number represents generally has to do with events and circumstances that occur often or are persistent as you live life -- and as Clio_86 alluded to, the career a person is best or really good at. It is a "things you do and things that happen" number rather than being the essence of you, the person.

All cycles, from daily to the three-cycle life period, are calculated using the birth date.

Consider also that there are many positions in your numerology chart. Some or a few name calculations may contain the number 9 and be the reason you resonate with that number.


wanchain 12-11-2016 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Will Bontrager
The energies you resonate with (assuming I understand your experience of resonance) generally are those represented by calculations with your name. The resulting numbers represent energies related to the essence of the person that is you.

The life path number is calculated from your birth date. The energies the number represents generally has to do with events and circumstances that occur often or are persistent as you live life -- and as Clio_86 alluded to, the career a person is best or really good at. It is a "things you do and things that happen" number rather than being the essence of you, the person.

All cycles, from daily to the three-cycle life period, are calculated using the birth date.

Consider also that there are many positions in your numerology chart. Some or a few name calculations may contain the number 9 and be the reason you resonate with that number.


Okay, that makes sense! Thanks ~

Lynn 12-11-2016 09:00 PM


Not looked at mine for a long time now. I am a Master Number 11
I have I am told a lot of power behind my birth date October 10 1962

With the 10's being so for front. Add to that the time LOL 12:01 AM I was born at on the night of the biggest recorded storm the city I was born in has had....I am a storm child LOL .

- very intuitive - yes I am a Medium/ Psychic
- sensitive and a great understanding of others - yes can read most anyone like an open book
- pick up on relationships and health ext of others without being told a thing about them - yes and yes (but learned do do this with permissions)
- use the gift of intuition to help others - this is so me
- spiritually aware - yes
- a visionary - on some levels only
- inspiriting - always see the light at the end of the tunnel of life
- charismatic - (definition Websters)
exercising a compelling charm that inspires devotion in others. - do not seek it out but could easily have the path of fame and attentions if that door was to open in me
- rely on faith rather than logic - more the shades of grey here of common ground that both are equal and balanced
- instinctive understanding of metaphysics - yes but always open to learn more
- finish what is started - so right on here
- good at forming partnerships - yes first relationship 33 years
- Marry young (yes 18) first one - committed and faithful - yes 33 years there -
faithful for your entire life - yes

When one door closed with an abusive relationship of 33 years a new door opened to a place where life is good with the Twin Flame Mirror Soul I now have.

Its like all things we can take parts of a whole and form an image around it all. At times we do not know whom or at times what we are in this life so it does not make sense to us. This is where that intuitive side we all have can come into play.


wanchain 24-11-2016 06:46 PM

I was drawn back to my life path number 8 recently, and began to realize that I am indeed living the energy of that number.

Money and power are the biggest themes. More specifically, I have this theme about financial insecurity and lack of power.

I tend to see the big picture, and this is so true in the job that I do in that I am the one to consolidate the financial results of the company, and I have been doing this for nine years. When I tried to change my specialty, I sensed a lot of obstacles, and felt stuck or lost. But when I am in the consolidation role, I feel an enormous degree of job security, actually, too too much! It's overwhelming and I feel locked in to this position.

The other thing that surprised me about 8 is that I am a 35/8, which means that I have health problems. Rather annoyingly, I was born with health problems, those that doctors cannot diagnose, and so I live my entire life trying to take charge of my health rather than be damaged by medical professionals who don't know what they are doing.

FairyCrystal 24-11-2016 09:34 PM

Maybe you recognized a lot in 9 cos that is the number of this year, 2016.
My life path is 4, my current personal year is 9, and this year is also 9.
Maybe your personal year is also 9.
But the influences of the 9-year 2016 go for everybody. In my case twice as much, as it is also my personal year, and man, could I tell!

Thank goodness the influences of both the personal and universal year start to decrease around September and then the energies of the consecutive year start coming in more and more. I've really had it with the energies of a double 9 year, lol.
But life path never changes of course.

55Degrees 24-11-2016 11:35 PM

I identify very strongly with mine (I'm a 7).
I'm a solitary person by nature, a deep thinker, taking nothing at face value and always seeking to find answers.
Life path 7's are also known as the 'courageous truth seekers' although I prefer the term 'spiritual anarchist'.

Clio_86 25-11-2016 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Maybe you recognized a lot in 9 cos that is the number of this year, 2016.
My life path is 4, my current personal year is 9, and this year is also 9.
Maybe your personal year is also 9.
But the influences of the 9-year 2016 go for everybody. In my case twice as much, as it is also my personal year, and man, could I tell!

Thank goodness the influences of both the personal and universal year start to decrease around September and then the energies of the consecutive year start coming in more and more. I've really had it with the energies of a double 9 year, lol.
But life path never changes of course.

I also feel the new personal year energies start up around fall… which sucks cause I am finishing a year 8! Starting my personal year 9… How was your year by the way? What kinds of endings did you experience?

My least favourite year is the 7, as I get depressed and it takes me awhile to recover. Personal year 4's aren't my favourite either. Lol.

wanchain 25-11-2016 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by FairyCrystal
Maybe you recognized a lot in 9 cos that is the number of this year, 2016.
My life path is 4, my current personal year is 9, and this year is also 9.
Maybe your personal year is also 9.
But the influences of the 9-year 2016 go for everybody. In my case twice as much, as it is also my personal year, and man, could I tell!

Thank goodness the influences of both the personal and universal year start to decrease around September and then the energies of the consecutive year start coming in more and more. I've really had it with the energies of a double 9 year, lol.
But life path never changes of course.

Thanks for mentioning the personal year. I didn't know what it was but now I know, and 2016 is a personal year 1 for me. Interesting discovery.

For almost the entire year 2016, I keep asking myself, what kind of a life/lifestyle (job, home, relationship) do I want, what is best for me, what would make me the happiest, etc. Because the underlying intent is, I want to change my life, just don't know what direction and how to change it.

wanchain 25-11-2016 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
I identify very strongly with mine (I'm a 7).
I'm a solitary person by nature, a deep thinker, taking nothing at face value and always seeking to find answers.
Life path 7's are also known as the 'courageous truth seekers' although I prefer the term 'spiritual anarchist'.

I did not know that there are solitary people "by nature". So from the moment you were born, you enjoyed/preferred being alone?

I am alone a lot, but I think that's from some issues like control/domination/manipulation and so on. I want deep connection, not a shallow one. So naturally I don't have many friends.

I don't know if I am a deep thinker or not, but I think excessively, and spend my entire life trying to stop it.

FairyCrystal 28-11-2016 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Clio_86
I also feel the new personal year energies start up around fall… which sucks cause I am finishing a year 8! Starting my personal year 9… How was your year by the way? What kinds of endings did you experience?

My least favourite year is the 7, as I get depressed and it takes me awhile to recover. Personal year 4's aren't my favourite either. Lol.

My 9 year ... I'm glad it's coming to an end, haha. Not to discourage you...
It doesn't always have to be bad, it isn't bad really. Endings, letting go off things, working through old stuff means that you can open new doors, which is great.
Of course it would depend on what you still got to going on that you'd need to let go off, or are ready to let go off.

for me... it started in January when my fencing was blown over by a bad storm. Some 8 meters of fencing down the drain, no money to replace it. It worked out okay as the neighbour had it fixed in the end.

In February I went on holiday to see my daughter, we seriously fell out and I went home early. Dented our relationship, but in a way it also was stuff that needed to come out I guess.
I did put my back out the day after I got back, due to stress from the entire event. I'm still recovering from that.

My dad passed away in March...

I met an absolutely great man in July. Really wonderful! But it also dragged up old stuff from my previous relationship with a narcissist. Fears and old hurts got triggered. I had a real bad summer in that sense, even though I'm still happy I met him! It's well worth it, I'm growing, getting over all these old pains and fears. We're taking it easy, both for our own reasons. Mine is that I need to have time to work through these things.

Then August came and I started to feel a shift in energies. I began to feel the 1 energies slowly coming in.

Basically it's been like cleaning out the closet. It does create space for new stuff. And I'm rearing to go now, glad the 9 year is almost over. It's been quite the year.

The man I met is going from an 8 to a 9 year as well. But the 8 year hasn't been easy either, probably also cos of the underlying 9 energies from the year 2016. He will have his 9 year in 2017, but with the underlying energies of 2017, which is 1. I doubt his 9 year will be as bad as mine, as he will still have the support of that 1. Maybe the 1 energies will make it easier, faster, to work through the letting go of things, who knows?!

My personal year is always in synch with the year's number. Meaning it's always stronger for me. Meaning it can be worse or better, lol. Lord knows I'm going to be totally overwhelmed in 2017 by (too many) new things and experiences. Could also be quite the roller-coaster.

Just don't fear it. Working through the old so you get ready for totally new, a brand new cycle, is a wonderful thing!

nellie 26-01-2017 07:56 PM

I'm a seven and I identify with this number A LOT. I have very similar qualities in my astrology chart (Moon in Pisces) and a recent tarot reading compared me to the Hermit ;) Funny how it all lines up.
I moved from a big city to live in a small town in the woods, love nature. definitely a loner, if I don't meditate regularly I tend to fall into the trap of thinking too much.

gentleheart 18-02-2017 03:07 AM

strictly resonate with my life path and destiny
My life path and destiny number is 3. The corresponding tarot card is the empress.
Ive recently uncovered what i am. I am a keyholder and with all the information revealed to me i became curious about numerology due to beginning life path tarot readings. I figured i would check mine and see how accurate it was. Insanely accurate indeed.
My name kayla means keeper of keys. Everything about me has to do with creation and tranquility and harmony. Even the empress card is about creation. The keys i have allow me to maintain the law of harmony, all creation. Im amazed by the results no matter if its numerology or readings or channeling... Its all the same for me...
Also for those of you who dont feel like you resinate with your numbers, dont forget there are sometimes mishaps in information or that you need to look into something like your astrological chart... Just a guess. Keep your chin up and be open and curious. Things will come together some way or another.
For example some of us could have the wrong name. Like my dad might not be the father of one of my sisters so i dont believe the whole last name thing with my dad and her would work out. Or what about were the parents married when they had you or not married? Which last name should you look at then? Maybe this helps or maybe im just rambling. Anyways enjoy curiosity. Its a powerful thing.

Lucky 1 19-02-2017 12:11 AM

From having consulted a professional numerologist.

My life path is 6

My soul number is 4

My personality number is 1

My power name number is 5

My birthday number is 5

My attitude number is 6

My destiny number is 7

My prime numbers are 4,1,5,5 and 6

I'd say I am really feeling the 6 life path urges the last 3 or 4 years! (I'm 55 now)

thegambler7 26-03-2017 12:48 AM

MY life path number is 7, ApPARENTLY I HAVE PsYHIC POWERS

Izz 30-03-2022 04:46 PM

I'm life path number 1 and yes I resonate to some extent

I am goal oriented and driven first and foremost

"If your Life Path Number is 1 you probably give new meaning to being a workaholic and Type A personality"

"It is unwise to get in 1’s way. Like a bull in an arena, you’re likely to get run over" Yes

"1 is best suited to home in which they can tackle on-going challenges that distract them and provide creative outlets (like a fixer-upper). Such efforts also give 1’s a chance to be in the spotlight and show off their efforts"

"Self-doubt is this number's Achilles heel. Their drive to achieve means they often set goals that are hard to reach." But I wouldn't say they're hard to reach :biggrin:

FallingLeaves 30-03-2022 11:55 PM

i calculated it the other day and got an 8... the explanation the sight I was on gave for that didn't sound much like me (other than my craving for security) so I dunno.

Izz 31-03-2022 11:42 AM

Another factor that makes me resonate with my path number 1 - the more goal oriented I am, the more I know I am on the right track in life

girlsearching 26-05-2022 08:57 PM

I'm not too knowledgeable about Numerology but I'll learn it. my life path number is 5 - one of*resourcefulness, discovery, choice, change, freedom, and the physical aspects of life. You must learn, by trial and error, about your own physical presence and the effect your presence has on others.
I'm not sure if I resonate with it but I can see why it fits me, I'm an introvert and kind of a homebody. I don't have the best self esteem and I care too much of what others thonk of me while , also projecting my insecurities of thinking people don't like me when I don't know or never met them.

girlsearching 26-05-2022 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by Lucky 1
From having consulted a professional numerologist.

My life path is 6

My soul number is 4

My personality number is 1

My power name number is 5

My birthday number is 5

My attitude number is 6

My destiny number is 7

My prime numbers are 4,1,5,5 and 6

I'd say I am really feeling the 6 life path urges the last 3 or 4 years! (I'm 55 now)

That is what I need to do talk to a Numerologist.
I feel like numerology correlates to astrology kind of that how I look at it.
Heart's Desire # = moon sign

Personality # = rising sign

Life Path # = sun sign

Expression # = hmm... This is like your potential or destiny..I guess that would correlate to where someone look for career inspirations or Passions, one if the houses I guess... Or maybe your north Node?

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