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Sapphirez 05-11-2018 01:53 AM

Fruitarianism ♥
I believe now through my years of research that humans are designed to be frugivores/fruitarians and eat primarily fresh fruits and some young leafy greens.

I must say first that my main source for this information is a Dr. Robert Morse, but I hope that supporting a single person doesn't damage my credibility as I have listened to many people and used lots of resources to arrive at the conclusions I believe are the truth now. I also don't believe every single thing one person says, but most of what Dr. Morse says is I think verifiable reality and makes sense.

That being said let me try to share some key pieces of information.
First, unrelated to Dr. Morse you can find species comparison charts around the internet. I don't want to link any of the comparison charts because I can't verify 100% of the information, but some information is obvious or apparent just by looking. We most closely resemble other frugivorous creatures and not even herbivores as our bodies are not designed the same. We're not the exact same as any other species but as most know fruit digests the quickest and easiest, as long as nothing is obstructing that digestion which is a matter of simple food combining (and drinking water at appropriate times) and is one of the main issues of even a clean vegan diet.

What seems clear is that herbivores have much longer intestines than humans and other frugivores. herbivores have hooves and walk on all fours while we do not, and they also have more nipples than us. apparently our vision is able to see a wider array of colors than herbivores too. makes me think that it is interesting most species eat some type of green because that is in the middle of the spectrum and easiest on the eyes. but humans have trouble getting nutrition and nourishment from greens and vegetable matter especially, so the best greens for us are young tender leafy greens. So we and some other fruit-eating species have three color receptors (I found out there's this crazy mantis shrimp that has 12 and he does some outlandish sonic boom light explosion stabbing attacks and stuff omg lol) while herbivores usually have just two. the list goes on and coupled with the action fruits have on our beings it just seems logical we are actually fruitarians by nature. Afterall, most of us know that what the mainstream teaches is usually misleading.

Fruits are the most vibrant, highest vibrating, and have the strongest electromagneticism. Vegetables and other foods can have high frequencies too but are simply not as easy to digest, or as detoxifying

There is much to be said on this topic and I know I've went on a lot already so I won't cover everything but welcome discussion and challenges. If I don't have an answer I'd like to find one or speculate given what we do know.

I didn't want to share any of the comparison charts cuz I doubt their full accuracy, but here is a site with some and other interesting and thought-provoking information written


I've missed a lot so please let me know and feel free to share your opinion but don't dismiss facts and available information please. Lastly let me say many including Dr. Morse don't necessarily recommend an all fruit diet indefinitely due to the condition of the world we live in today. To begin it is absolutely important for detoxification and ridding the body of disorder as only fruits (and he is an ardent admirer and promoter of herbs which I agree with) are capable of accomplishing this so easily, but in a practical sense considering the 'vibration' of society and whatnot, if one were to constantly eat fruit they may find themselves floating away and unable to cope more and more with the deviation from humanity's intended nature and dwelling on the Earth here. makes sense right?

inavalan 05-11-2018 06:10 AM

This is what I know on the subject:

Fruits have fructose, which isn't metabolized by your liver, so it is worse than glucose. Eating more than a couple of servings of fruits per day is deemed unhealthy, causing diabetes and autoimmune diseases.

Gem 05-11-2018 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
I believe now through my years of research that humans are designed to be frugivores/fruitarians and eat primarily fresh fruits and some young leafy greens.

I must say first that my main source for this information is a Dr. Robert Morse, but I hope that supporting a single person doesn't damage my credibility as I have listened to many people and used lots of resources to arrive at the conclusions I believe are the truth now. I also don't believe every single thing one person says, but most of what Dr. Morse says is I think verifiable reality and makes sense.

I very much doubt Morse (or any doctor or dietician) advocates fruitarianism.


That being said let me try to share some key pieces of information.
First, unrelated to Dr. Morse you can find species comparison charts around the internet. I don't want to link any of the comparison charts because I can't verify 100% of the information, but some information is obvious or apparent just by looking. We most closely resemble other frugivorous creatures and not even herbivores as our bodies are not designed the same. We're not the exact same as any other species but as most know fruit digests the quickest and easiest, as long as nothing is obstructing that digestion which is a matter of simple food combining (and drinking water at appropriate times) and is one of the main issues of even a clean vegan diet.

What seems clear is that herbivores have much longer intestines than humans and other frugivores. herbivores have hooves and walk on all fours while we do not, and they also have more nipples than us. apparently our vision is able to see a wider array of colors than herbivores too. makes me think that it is interesting most species eat some type of green because that is in the middle of the spectrum and easiest on the eyes. but humans have trouble getting nutrition and nourishment from greens and vegetable matter especially, so the best greens for us are young tender leafy greens.

Humans have no trouble taking the nutrients from leafy greens and other vegetables.


So we and some other fruit-eating species have three color receptors (I found out there's this crazy mantis shrimp that has 12 and he does some outlandish sonic boom light explosion stabbing attacks and stuff omg lol) while herbivores usually have just two. the list goes on and coupled with the action fruits have on our beings it just seems logical we are actually fruitarians by nature. Afterall, most of us know that what the mainstream teaches is usually misleading.

What science has discovered is repeatedly verifies by experiment, and eating fruit alone will not provide a human (or any ape's) body with all its essential nutrients.


Fruits are the most vibrant, highest vibrating, and have the strongest electromagneticism. Vegetables and other foods can have high frequencies too but are simply not as easy to digest, or as detoxifying

There is much to be said on this topic and I know I've went on a lot already so I won't cover everything but welcome discussion and challenges. If I don't have an answer I'd like to find one or speculate given what we do know.

I didn't want to share any of the comparison charts cuz I doubt their full accuracy, but here is a site with some and other interesting and thought-provoking information written


The site says fruit 'doesn't really contain sugar', but fruit contain a range of sugars including glucose, fructose and sucrose. Fruit also contains fibre, which seems to regulate the absorption of sugars somehow... and many fruits such as berries are low GI foods... so fruit is an excellent source of the range of sugar along and rich in micronutrients.


I've missed a lot so please let me know and feel free to share your opinion but don't dismiss facts and available information please. Lastly let me say many including Dr. Morse don't necessarily recommend an all fruit diet indefinitely due to the condition of the world we live in today. To begin it is absolutely important for detoxification and ridding the body of disorder as only fruits (and he is an ardent admirer and promoter of herbs which I agree with) are capable of accomplishing this so easily, but in a practical sense considering the 'vibration' of society and whatnot, if one were to constantly eat fruit they may find themselves floating away and unable to cope more and more with the deviation from humanity's intended nature and dwelling on the Earth here. makes sense right?

Gorillas are not frugarian. They are mainly vegetarian which includes fruit, leaves, shoots, nuts, seeds etc, and they eat a few grubs and insects as well. Chimps and bobobos are closer related to humans than gorillas, and are classified as omnivores.

Gem 05-11-2018 08:31 AM

I looked into 'Dr' Morse's credentials. He is not a medical doctor nor does have a legit PHD in any field. He's a 'diet guru' with no understanding of biological processes. He 'diagnoses' all ills as 'lymph system' and prescribes the same treatment, fruit and the herbal supplements he sells, to everyone.

He recommends his brand of 'detox kit' which cost 100 bucks a week for 14 weeks = 1400, and you purchase a book to go with that and there are a whole range of very probably bogus 'tonics' 'capsules' and 'heal all teas' for sale at around 25-35 bucks a bottle. One such product is called 'Happiness Capsules' and it contains a few normal everyday plant extracts in miniscule quantities - It's hocum, my friends.

Lucky 1 05-11-2018 02:19 PM

If you ask me Gem...calling it Hocum is being pretty charitable.

Sapphirez 05-11-2018 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by inavalan
This is what I know on the subject:

Fruits have fructose, which isn't metabolized by your liver, so it is worse than glucose. Eating more than a couple of servings of fruits per day is deemed unhealthy, causing diabetes and autoimmune diseases.

inavalan I was confused about the whole glucose fructose thing just a month or two ago myself.. having learned what the mainstream teaches that glucose is the body's ideal fuel involving the krebs cycle.. but guess what? the fructose in fruit is not the same as glucose because it is better. It gets into the body by diffusion! doesn't that sound magical? it doesn't require burden on the liver or other organs or creation of insulin to be absorbed and assimilated, it works by diffusion into cells. I have more to learn on this subject but was enchanted to learn of the existence of this diffusion phenomenon because it really does put things into a different perspective and show how superior fruit sugar is. besides that, Dr. Morse has healed thousands and thousands of patients in his career, including people suffering with the disorders you mentioned. but people have healed themselves without Dr. Morse too. He has been a health practitioner for decades and has stumbled himself throughout the years but now knows what works and makes weekly videos to answer people's questions and help anyone heal more easily

Sapphirez 05-11-2018 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Gem
I looked into 'Dr' Morse's credentials. He is not a medical doctor nor does have a legit PHD in any field. He's a 'diet guru' with no understanding of biological processes. He 'diagnoses' all ills as 'lymph system' and prescribes the same treatment, fruit and the herbal supplements he sells, to everyone.

He recommends his brand of 'detox kit' which cost 100 bucks a week for 14 weeks = 1400, and you purchase a book to go with that and there are a whole range of very probably bogus 'tonics' 'capsules' and 'heal all teas' for sale at around 25-35 bucks a bottle. One such product is called 'Happiness Capsules' and it contains a few normal everyday plant extracts in miniscule quantities - It's hocum, my friends.

well since you mention the book that brings us to the simple fact that you've liklely not read it so how can you really speak on the matter of whether he's right or wrong if 1. you didn't read his book and 2. you haven't done subsequent research or experimentation to support your counter-arguments?

Of course he is not a medical doctor, do you honestly have no idea what that entails and how many are murdered and mislead by medical doctors every year and every day? Unlike medical doctors he has a high success rate of healing people. did you investigate how many people have actually been helped by him? bedridden MS patients begin walking because of his help and teachings. and yes he sells products and wrote a book (uhoh call the Better Business Bureau someone trying to help teach people wrote a book *gasp* did you call them? since you're so offended that he wrote a book that's for sale...?) He does have decades of experience, thousands of patients treated successfully, and other credentials that actually mean something and don't require jumping through evil mainstream fiery hoops. Look at his actual life accomplishments and credentials. You say he has no understanding of biological processes? That is entirely inaccurate and if you took a little time to listen to what he says and looked into it yourself you would find he is one of the only ones who understands and teaches about actual biological processes

Do you know anything about the 'lymph system'? Do you know anything about the immune system? Even mainstream murdercine is not oblivious to the immune system and the little they do teach about the lymph system shows that it is involved in the detoxification process of the body. Can you wonder why so many cancers involve lymph in the title or call for cutting it out and up? Please do a couple minutes of research into what the lymphatic system is and does and come back to me with what you've learned.

Considering we are all humans (and frugivorous species if you are open to researching that) why wouldn't we all be treated with the same modality? I wonder if you know anything about herbs or how mainstream medicine bases a lot of its prescriptions and otcs on them.. but they take them too far away from their natural state and they become toxic chemicals that cause death and all the sick side effects anyone with a tv can hear about during commercials. if you don't have a tv you can google what a random prescription drug or otc threatens to do to the body. and you can also look up the scientific studies supporting the healing efficacy of herbs, and fruit if you want. I can do it for you if you want just let me know.

and Dr. Morse sells herbal products because he has done the journey for us and found combinations that are effective and quality sources to get them from as not all retailers and resources are the same or worth investing in as I'm sure you know. If I was a practitioner I would want to find and create the best products for people listening to me because I wouldn't want them to be misled or waste money on inferior products. I don't make money at the moment and don't buy his products, I just take herbs that my fiance buys us from the sample wall of a health store because they seem cheap at just a few dollars or less for most ounce sized bags, but actually we're paying more because buying them in bulk or in stronger doses like Dr. Morse sells would be less expensive in the long run. and more effective surely but anyways I am still in the process of learning and healing myself. and you know what is free? The hundreds of videos that Dr. Morse has made for people. He sits there most weeks, sometimes multiple times a week, and answers questions that people send in and most of his videos are an hour or even longer. He does it because he loves to help and teach people and wants the truth spread around so people don't have to suffer. He is a spiritual man and cares more about that but knows how important it is for people to feel well while here and be able to lose the distraction of bodily pain and live a greater existence.

Green.Heals 07-11-2018 08:32 AM

Sapphirez, I think you are with the Gorillaz from 30BaD

Gem 07-11-2018 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
well since you mention the book that brings us to the simple fact that you've liklely not read it so how can you really speak on the matter of whether he's right or wrong if 1. you didn't read his book and 2. you haven't done subsequent research or experimentation to support your counter-arguments?

I've done research and have a fair understanding of nutrition and biological processes of metabolism.


Of course he is not a medical doctor,

Nor is he a PHD, and titling himself Dr. is deceptive.


do you honestly have no idea what that entails and how many are murdered and mislead by medical doctors every year and every day? Unlike medical doctors he has a high success rate of healing people. did you investigate how many people have actually been helped by him?

I have see numerous testimonials.


bedridden MS patients begin walking because of his help and teachings. and yes he sells products and wrote a book (uhoh call the Better Business Bureau someone trying to help teach people wrote a book *gasp* did you call them? since you're so offended that he wrote a book that's for sale...?) He does have decades of experience, thousands of patients treated successfully, and other credentials that actually mean something and don't require jumping through evil mainstream fiery hoops. Look at his actual life accomplishments and credentials.

He doesn't seem to have any credentials. If so, what are they and what institutions did he obtain them from.


You say he has no understanding of biological processes? That is entirely inaccurate and if you took a little time to listen to what he says and looked into it yourself you would find he is one of the only ones who understands and teaches about actual biological processes

I listened to two of you tube videos and he obviously doesn't understand the lymph system, and can't seem to coherently explain anything about nutrition.


Do you know anything about the 'lymph system'?Do you know anything about the immune system?

You could explain them to me if you do.

[quote]Even mainstream murdercine is not oblivious to the immune system and the little they do teach about the lymph system shows that it is involved in the detoxification process of the body. Can you wonder why so many cancers involve lymph in the title or call for cutting it out and up? Please do a couple minutes of research into what the lymphatic system is and does and come back to me with what you've learned.

[quote]Considering we are all humans (and frugivorous species if you are open to researching that)[quote]

If the apes are anything to go by, we are omnivores.


why wouldn't we all be treated with the same modality?

The reasons are:

1) Our biological system has evolved to ingest plant and animal products.

2) Human beings live all over the world in a wide range of natural environments, including places like mountains, deserts, islands and cold climates which have very little vegetation or fertile soil. We survived and thrived by utilising the resources of diverse environments.

Thus the evolution of our species has necessitated a very wide range of dietary practice, which in turn allowed humans to inhabit all sorts of environments/climates. Prescribing a 'true human diet' is a fundamentally flawed concept.


I wonder if you know anything about herbs or how mainstream medicine bases a lot of its prescriptions and otcs on them.. but they take them too far away from their natural state and they become toxic chemicals that cause death and all the sick side effects anyone with a tv can hear about during commercials. if you don't have a tv you can google what a random prescription drug or otc threatens to do to the body. and you can also look up the scientific studies supporting the healing efficacy of herbs, and fruit if you want. I can do it for you if you want just let me know.

The primary problem with the medical health system is doctors are not well educated in nutrition. They take the Hippocratic oath, but don't abide by "let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food" (Hippocrates).


and Dr. Morse sells herbal products because he has done the journey for us and found combinations that are effective and quality sources to get them from as not all retailers and resources are the same or worth investing in as I'm sure you know. If I was a practitioner I would want to find and create the best products for people listening to me because I wouldn't want them to be misled or waste money on inferior products. I don't make money at the moment and don't buy his products, I just take herbs that my fiance buys us from the sample wall of a health store because they seem cheap at just a few dollars or less for most ounce sized bags, but actually we're paying more because buying them in bulk or in stronger doses like Dr. Morse sells would be less expensive in the long run. and more effective surely but anyways I am still in the process of learning and healing myself. and you know what is free? The hundreds of videos that Dr. Morse has made for people. He sits there most weeks, sometimes multiple times a week, and answers questions that people send in and most of his videos are an hour or even longer. He does it because he loves to help and teach people and wants the truth spread around so people don't have to suffer. He is a spiritual man and cares more about that but knows how important it is for people to feel well while here and be able to lose the distraction of bodily pain and live a greater existence.

I'm pretty sure he runs a scam with his 1500 dollar 'detox kits' and other supplements (it's common practice in the supplement industry). He is being deceptive about his qualifications so as to mislead people (which common in the nutrition industry). His approach has some success because he restricts all the processed junk with added sugar, high calorie/low nutrient content, and chemical additives - but he does not explain nutrition in terms of nutrients or biological processes in a coherent way. He rambles a vacuous narrative and does not display even rudimentary knowledge.

inavalan 07-11-2018 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
inavalan I was confused about the whole glucose fructose thing just a month or two ago myself.. having learned what the mainstream teaches that glucose is the body's ideal fuel involving the krebs cycle.. but guess what? the fructose in fruit is not the same as glucose because it is better. It gets into the body by diffusion! doesn't that sound magical? it doesn't require burden on the liver or other organs or creation of insulin to be absorbed and assimilated, it works by diffusion into cells. I have more to learn on this subject but was enchanted to learn of the existence of this diffusion phenomenon because it really does put things into a different perspective and show how superior fruit sugar is. besides that, Dr. Morse has healed thousands and thousands of patients in his career, including people suffering with the disorders you mentioned. but people have healed themselves without Dr. Morse too. He has been a health practitioner for decades and has stumbled himself throughout the years but now knows what works and makes weekly videos to answer people's questions and help anyone heal more easily

Everyone of us should do whatever they believe to be right, and this is valid not only for diet.

In domains where we don't have personal expertise it is quite difficult to form an opinion about what / who is right, but we should apply common sense.

One of the sources for health recommendations I peruse is dr. Mercola.

He wrote several articles about fructose, and if you're interested, you could start with: Surprising Health Hazards Associated with All-Fruit Diet

This is its abstarct:
Ashton Kutcher recently disclosed he suffered pancreatic problems brought on by following an all-fruit diet adopted in preparation to play the character of Steve Jobs in the upcoming film “Jobs.” Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer in 2011

Fruits are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which is why eating a small amount of them is fine for healthy people. However, many benefit by restricting their fruit intake due to its high fructose content

Research suggests fructose may have a particularly significant impact on pancreatic cancer, as pancreatic cancer cells have been shown to use fructose for cell division, speeding up the growth and spread of the cancer

As a general guideline, I recommend limiting your total fructose consumption to 25 grams of fructose per day. If you suffer with any fructose-related health issues, such as insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, obesity or cancer, you would be wise to limit your total fructose consumption to 15 grams of fructose per day. This includes fructose from ALL sources, including whole fruit

Gem 08-11-2018 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
inavalan I was confused about the whole glucose fructose thing just a month or two ago myself.. having learned what the mainstream teaches that glucose is the body's ideal fuel involving the krebs cycle.. but guess what?

That's not what they say.


the fructose in fruit is not the same as glucose because it is better. It gets into the body by diffusion! doesn't that sound magical? it doesn't require burden on the liver



or other organs or creation of insulin to be absorbed and assimilated, it works by diffusion into cells. I have more to learn on this subject but was enchanted to learn of the existence of this diffusion phenomenon because it really does put things into a different perspective and show how superior fruit sugar is.

Fruit sugar, (including fructose, glucose and sacrose) is indeed an excellent way of ingesting sugars for so many reasons.


besides that, Dr. Morse has healed thousands and thousands of patients in his career, including people suffering with the disorders you mentioned. but people have healed themselves without Dr. Morse too. He has been a health practitioner for decades and has stumbled himself throughout the years but now knows what works and makes weekly videos to answer people's questions and help anyone heal more easily

Gem 08-11-2018 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
inavalan I was confused about the whole glucose fructose thing just a month or two ago myself.. having learned what the mainstream teaches that glucose is the body's ideal fuel involving the krebs cycle.. but guess what?

That's not what they say.


the fructose in fruit is not the same as glucose because it is better. It gets into the body by diffusion! doesn't that sound magical? it doesn't require burden on the liver



or other organs or creation of insulin to be absorbed and assimilated, it works by diffusion into cells. I have more to learn on this subject but was enchanted to learn of the existence of this diffusion phenomenon because it really does put things into a different perspective and show how superior fruit sugar is.

Fruit sugar, (including fructose, glucose and sucrose) is indeed an excellent way of ingesting sugars for so many reasons.


besides that, Dr. Morse has healed thousands and thousands of patients in his career, including people suffering with the disorders you mentioned. but people have healed themselves without Dr. Morse too. He has been a health practitioner for decades and has stumbled himself throughout the years but now knows what works and makes weekly videos to answer people's questions and help anyone heal more easily

Gem 08-11-2018 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by inavalan
Everyone of us should do whatever they believe to be right, and this is valid not only for diet.

But what people think is right is often wrong.


In domains where we don't have personal expertise it is quite difficult to form an opinion about what / who is right, but we should apply common sense.

Well, when one supposes that they know when in fact they don't know...


One of the sources for health recommendations I peruse is dr. Mercola.

He wrote several articles about fructose, and if you're interested, you could start with: Surprising Health Hazards Associated with All-Fruit Diet

This is its abstarct:
Ashton Kutcher recently disclosed he suffered pancreatic problems brought on by following an all-fruit diet adopted in preparation to play the character of Steve Jobs in the upcoming film “Jobs.” Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer in 2011

Fruits are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, which is why eating a small amount of them is fine for healthy people. However, many benefit by restricting their fruit intake due to its high fructose content

Research suggests fructose may have a particularly significant impact on pancreatic cancer, as pancreatic cancer cells have been shown to use fructose for cell division, speeding up the growth and spread of the cancer

As a general guideline, I recommend limiting your total fructose consumption to 25 grams of fructose per day. If you suffer with any fructose-related health issues, such as insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, obesity or cancer, you would be wise to limit your total fructose consumption to 15 grams of fructose per day. This includes fructose from ALL sources, including whole fruit

The role of fructose is complex, but when we say fruit causes cancer we start to say ridiculous things. I agree the 25g daily fructose as a rough guide is reasonable, but taking sugar from fruit is not the same as taking refined added sugars. It is perfectly safe to eat larger quantities of fruit but nit perfectly safe to eat large quantities of fructose extracts. Of course, eating only fruit is unsustainable and it does cause malnutrition and metabolic damage which can be permanent.

Most besterest is glucose and fructose (and sucrose) from whole foods in balanced moderation including starchy carbs combined. The body metabolises sugars more efficiently when mixed. Ie, fructose from fruit with glucose (including from starch) is more efficiently metabolised than either one of these alone - but from whole food - not 'added'.

Bottom line: eat a wide variety of whole food which supplies all the nutrients in the appropriate quantities. (Anything other than that is hocum which leads to harm).

inavalan 08-11-2018 04:31 AM


You seem to be very sure of what you know, and categorically dispense judgement on nutrition related subjects.

I agree with some of your beliefs, while I disagree with others. Honestly, I am convinced that some of the advice you give is bad if followed. You probably believe similar things about my opinions on the subject.

So, I'll state here that whatever I write are things I follow in my daily life (diet, exercise), I don't discuss theoretically here. In spite of this, I don't suggest anybody should follow what I do without firstly double check, and them taking full responsibility for what they do.

Maybe you should consider yourself adding a similar disclaimer, because statements like "It is perfectly safe to eat larger quantities of fruit" carry a lot of responsibility, and I am sure are health wise dangerous.

Otherwise, I appreciate your knowledge, and the way you express it. :smile:

Gem 08-11-2018 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by inavalan

You seem to be very sure of what you know, and categorically dispense judgement on nutrition related subjects.

I know in two ways: 1) Dietary practice for optimum physical performance (which isn't the same as optimum health/longevity); and 2) scientific findings of controlled research, and 3) It's a very nuanced, complex process, which is highly individualised and has no cut and dried answers.


I agree with some of your beliefs, while I disagree with others. Honestly, I am convinced that some of the advice you give is bad if followed. You probably believe similar things about my opinions on the subject.

Well, saying people who wish to reduce fat should use a ketogenic diet contradicts the evidence the fat reduction/muscle retention involves increasing one's protein quota and reducing calories from fats and/or carbs. So in principle, very low carb diets are effective when individuals comply, but the protein quota is minimalist rather than optimum.

I don't give advice except to say establishing a calorie balance with proper nutrient distribution is the way to establish a healthy way of eating. That can be done in many different ways depending on the circumstances and lifestyles of individuals.


So, I'll state here that whatever I write are things I follow in my daily life (diet, exercise), I don't discuss theoretically here. In spite of this, I don't suggest anybody should follow what I do without firstly double check, and them taking full responsibility for what they do.

Maybe you should consider yourself adding a similar disclaimer, because statements like "It is perfectly safe to eat larger quantities of fruit" carry a lot of responsibility, and I am sure are health wise dangerous.

It is safe provided it is within the proper nutrient distribution. For example, if a person is most satisfied with 150g of carbs a day, a variety of fruit could make up less or more of that quota, but if you make up the quota on fruit alone, then you can't eat any veges because they too contain carbs. Indeed, veges high in protein such as legumes are also carb dense... and all of this effectively reduces fruit consumption to around about the quantities you have specified.


Otherwise, I appreciate your knowledge, and the way you express it. :smile:

I'm pretty sure I'm preaching the gospel! teehee. But the only universal principle is calorie balance. Nutrient distribution can be high fat/low carb or high carb/low fat depending on what is sustainable for individuals, and the micronutrients can come from such a range of plant and animal products that there are countless ways to arrange that.

Your information is good, within reason, and well balanced, so I don't disagree with it at all. I just talk about the general nuances it implies.

Altair 08-11-2018 05:05 PM

Keep it simple, Keep it Vegetarian...
Disagree with the main message here (fruitarianism).. humans aren't ''frugivores'', although, yes, fruits do seem the most 'benevolent' foods from a spiritual point of view..
I also prefer just fruit after a long meditation, regardless of what time it is..

But we need plenty of protein, carbs, and vegetables. Vegetarianism is great as it is, I don't see why we should take it to extreme levels..:smile:

Sapphirez 09-11-2018 10:22 AM

Please look into what the body has to go through and the byproducts created when foods besides fruits are consumed and compare what happens

Sapphirez 09-11-2018 11:14 AM

I don't understand what is the point of posting in a thread or even on a forum with new ideas if you're not open to learning about them at least a little?

Gem 09-11-2018 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
Please look into what the body has to go through and the byproducts created when foods besides fruits are consumed and compare what happens

Fruit does not provide a complete nutrient profile for any human being. The human body needs essential nutrients not found in fruit (essential amino acids, iron, calcium, B vitamins etc etc etc.)

A health body has a robust metabolic system, and it is supposed to metabolise a wide range of different foods. Optimal nutrition necessitates eating a wide range of food to ensure the body receives its caloric requirements and all its essential nutrients.

May the truth reign.

Gem 09-11-2018 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by Altair
Disagree with the main message here (fruitarianism).. humans aren't ''frugivores'', although, yes, fruits do seem the most 'benevolent' foods from a spiritual point of view..
I also prefer just fruit after a long meditation, regardless of what time it is..

But we need plenty of protein, carbs, and vegetables. Vegetarianism is great as it is, I don't see why we should take it to extreme levels..:smile:

It's really true, Altair.:smile:

inavalan 09-11-2018 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
I don't understand what is the point of posting in a thread or even on a forum with new ideas if you're not open to learning about them at least a little?

This happened to many visionaries, but many new ideas and hypotheses are erroneous. Time tells.

Also, the truth isn't ever decided by vote, but that doesn't mean that the vote's result can't actually be the truth.

You should always do whatever you believe to be right, being aware that you will face the consequences of your thoughts (action & inaction).

Altair 09-11-2018 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
I don't understand what is the point of posting in a thread or even on a forum with new ideas if you're not open to learning about them at least a little?

Sapphirez.. please don't take it the wrong way, I don't think any of us mean you any harm..:hug2:
Our bodies have many needs.. I actually think a fruit fast could work well in combo with a lot of meditation. It sounds very attractive! But long term? I don't think so.. :smile:

Sapphirez 09-11-2018 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Gem
Fruit does not provide a complete nutrient profile for any human being. The human body needs essential nutrients not found in fruit (essential amino acids, iron, calcium, B vitamins etc etc etc.)

A health body has a robust metabolic system, and it is supposed to metabolise a wide range of different foods. Optimal nutrition necessitates eating a wide range of food to ensure the body receives its caloric requirements and all its essential nutrients.

May the truth reign.

You're just repeating the things you already think you know rather than trying to learn or fathom anything new. Who says the human body needs what exactly and what condition were the bodies for which that was said anyway? I hope you don't really think the nutrients you mentioned are not adequately present in a frugivorous diet. as you say a healthy body is supposed to have a sound metabolism, so vast amounts of foods with toxic byproducts and disease symptoms are unnecessary and detrimental by design. what is the point of getting a thousand calories or 20mg of iron if you get two cups of acid the body has to dispose of or is unable to dispose of along with them? If the source of nutrient is better then the body wouldn't need to get boatloads just to be able to extract a smidgen. the phytonutrients and biological as well as other activity of fresh produce have been severely overlooked and that can't be swapped out for a bowl of oats or any cooked food that's lost lifeforce or never had the appropriate qualities for human consumption to begin with. sure these things might have a specific profile that looks desirable, but at what cost and what actual effect does it have on a human body? I should however reiterate that herbs are helpful and important for the best lifestyle, and many contain lots of nutrients which are much more bioavailable than cooked food or other inferior sources.

just because something can be eaten, which is almost anything, doesn't mean it was meant to be or should be if you want to live well. You can look at it with the balance of the scales and see how much negative impact a chosen food has compared to the positive impact.. if it's even or there's more toxic byproduct and pestilence created then what is the point? Most cooked, complex carbohydrate, protein-rich and other undesirable foods are harbingers for microbes to infest the body because they are beckoned to clean up the mess that these things create. the microbes in turn eat away at the body too, or the further acids and toxins they create do. whereas the ideal foods and fruits clean up after themselves and others in addition to the other wonderful activity they are responsible for. with a healthier body one can afford to experiment and eat things that are damaging, but most can't afford to do that because their systems are already plagued and bogged down. as I hopefully said early on the high fruit diet does include some young leafy greens, and may not be suitable for long-term in the modern world because we've got things so messed up.. but it is extra important for people, including clean-eating vegans or vegetarians, who are still not feeling well after all the work and commitment they've dedicated, because a diet high in all kinds of vegetables or any cooked foods cannot truly heal most of the damage that's been done due to the modern diet and misguidance

Sapphirez 09-11-2018 07:47 PM

just want to say thank you for your posts, I appreciate them. I was hoping that more would be open to considering the idea and examining the evidence. afterall I didn't believe or have any awareness of this either, nor was I even a vegetarian, when I joined this forum 7 years ago. but I am passionate about learning and figuring out how to overcome illness for myself and others has been of utmost importance. I wonder if any of you would be open to hearing Dr. Robert Morse, a spiritual man who has been in the health field for about 40 years and has helped heal thousand and thousands of people. He did not always know or realize what he does now but has spent years learning about the human body and foods to come to the conclusions he has, and proves it in his practice. He has helped heal people with all sorts of issues, from late stage cancer diagnosis to diabetes and even things like MS helping bedridden people walk again.

He has made hundreds of videos but the topics are scattered as he often answers questions people send in. So I will share this one which hopefully has some worthwhile information in it.

He starts talking about food properties mostly at 14 minute mark


Also just in case anyone is open to it, he also has a searchable site Rawfigs where you can enter a keyword and find multiple videos where that topic was talked about, it even takes you to the second where that topic starts, and the other portions of the video are detailed on the side too.

Lastly he has a video about the lymphatic system, though he talks about it frequently


Gem 10-11-2018 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
You're just repeating the things you already think you know rather than trying to learn or fathom anything new. Who says the human body needs what exactly and what condition were the bodies for which that was said anyway? I hope you don't really think the nutrients you mentioned are not adequately present in a frugivorous diet. as you say a healthy body is supposed to have a sound metabolism, so vast amounts of foods with toxic byproducts and disease symptoms are unnecessary and detrimental by design. what is the point of getting a thousand calories or 20mg of iron if you get two cups of acid the body has to dispose of or is unable to dispose of along with them? If the source of nutrient is better then the body wouldn't need to get boatloads just to be able to extract a smidgen. the phytonutrients and biological as well as other activity of fresh produce have been severely overlooked and that can't be swapped out for a bowl of oats or any cooked food that's lost lifeforce or never had the appropriate qualities for human consumption to begin with. sure these things might have a specific profile that looks desirable, but at what cost and what actual effect does it have on a human body? I should however reiterate that herbs are helpful and important for the best lifestyle, and many contain lots of nutrients which are much more bioavailable than cooked food or other inferior sources.

just because something can be eaten, which is almost anything, doesn't mean it was meant to be or should be if you want to live well. You can look at it with the balance of the scales and see how much negative impact a chosen food has compared to the positive impact.. if it's even or there's more toxic byproduct and pestilence created then what is the point? Most cooked, complex carbohydrate, protein-rich and other undesirable foods are harbingers for microbes to infest the body because they are beckoned to clean up the mess that these things create. the microbes in turn eat away at the body too, or the further acids and toxins they create do. whereas the ideal foods and fruits clean up after themselves and others in addition to the other wonderful activity they are responsible for. with a healthier body one can afford to experiment and eat things that are damaging, but most can't afford to do that because their systems are already plagued and bogged down. as I hopefully said early on the high fruit diet does include some young leafy greens, and may not be suitable for long-term in the modern world because we've got things so messed up.. but it is extra important for people, including clean-eating vegans or vegetarians, who are still not feeling well after all the work and commitment they've dedicated, because a diet high in all kinds of vegetables or any cooked foods cannot truly heal most of the damage that's been done due to the modern diet and misguidance

Really, If people want health 'let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food' is a great standard.

I am continually learning about nutrition, but I'm not the person why can recommend a clinical diet.

I know there is inadequate nutrition in an all fruit diet.

Of course some foods, especially processed sugary foods with chemical additives, are not good for health - but everyone knows that.

Oats are find source of carbs, one of the best, and have a little protein to boot.

The body needs nutrients and one needs a variety of foods to get them.

I'm all for a vegan lifestyle if people want that route, because it is very healthy provided people get the nutrients the body needs. Vegans will need supplemental B12.

The nutrients in fruit are metabolised and the body disposes of the waste products. It's not a magic food that cleans up after itself.

Microbes are a natural part of the digestive system, and a balanced gut microbiome is pretty important.

Fruit and leafy greens isn't going to meet a human's nutritional needs. It will likely cause metabolic damage, and is not advisable as a sustained way of eating.

If people are unwell and want or need to go on a clinical diet, they need to consult a qualified dietician.

If people are still unwell after going plant based, it might be a malady which can't be rectified by food alone. Almost anything can be significantly improved if not healed by proper nutrition, though.

Sapphirez 10-11-2018 09:44 PM

sweet Gem I am sorry but you are just simply misguided and it's not all your fault because that is how the mainstream world is set up, and almost everyone is confused and misinformed. I appreciate that you try to read a lot of research and welcome new information, though I don't feel you're doing that in this situation with me, but again I am not surprised as that is the norm..

but while there are so many things I could say or show you, and would be glad to, I don't want to waste my time with things falling on deaf ears or blind eyes so how about I just show you a sampling of videos that might help you understand the significance of the things I am trying to share here.

there are patients with all kinds of condemned diagnosis that follow Dr. Robert Morse's advice and heal from all sorts of "diseases, disorders and death sentences"

MS patients bedridden and condemned by conventional medicine become able to walk again


this lady begins telling her story at the 7 minute mark and after 13 minute mark shows herself walking


There are more and anyone can heal from any diagnosis if they follow the divine plan that was set here for us, it just takes faith, courage (which I can't claim at this point myself) and of course figuring out what that precise plan is since there is so much confusion surrounding the issues of human consumption and detoxification. I have devoted more than a decade of my life to finding the answers and I was not always a vegan or vegetarian or believer that fruits were superior. but I know now because I have not given up on the quest for truth and answers to healing. as I have said before even Dr. Morse doesn't say that people should indefinitely eat fruit alone the rest of their lives, or that it is easy in this world. but for deep healing which almost everyone needs, it is the best way and the most conscious food that exists. There is a reason God made it fall off of trees or pluck off of vines and regrow. there is a reason why it tastes so good fresh without any processing or cooking needing to be done to it. if you have to destroy your food just to be able to eat it what is the point? it destroys a bit of you and your body every bit what you consume is destroyed.

anyways, the people who have been brave enough to open their minds and hearts to the simple teachings speak for themselves with their recovery from devastating diseases and life crippling illnesses. The lymphatic system is key because it is what ushers out the stuff that doesn't belong and threatens the wellbeing and harmonious homeostasis of the human body. it is involved with important organs and bodily processes and as mainstream medicine knows it goes hand in hand with the immune system, and we've all heard about the almighty immune system. but mainstream medicine understands little about the lymphatic system and how to honor it. because that's not their bag, honoring life.. but it is mine and life is the only bag of magic tricks there is. there are lots of ways to honor life and nature all around us and within and beyond us is a key, but what we directly put inside our bodies every single day is extremely important and vital to our present and future

Gem 11-11-2018 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
sweet Gem I am sorry but you are just simply misguided

I understand things in a nuanced way.


and it's not all your fault

...if it's fact at all.


because that is how the mainstream world is set up, and almost everyone is confused and misinformed.

Because they aren't educated in nutrition.


I appreciate that you try to read a lot of research and welcome new information, though I don't feel you're doing that in this situation with me, but again I am not surprised as that is the norm..

... but I did follow up on the links you posted and looked into Morse.


but while there are so many things I could say or show you, and would be glad to, I don't want to waste my time with things falling on deaf ears or blind eyes so how about I just show you a sampling of videos that might help you understand the significance of the things I am trying to share here.

there are patients with all kinds of condemned diagnosis that follow Dr. Robert Morse's advice and heal from all sorts of "diseases, disorders and death sentences"

He's not a doctor, though.


MS patients bedridden and condemned by conventional medicine become able to walk again


As far as I know it isn't uncommon for people with MS to gain and maintain motor function. I'm pretty sure there is nutrition based approach that instigates the regeneration of myelin, and coupled with physical therapy, patients have significantly improved outcomes. I don't know much about it, and I'm not an allied health professional, but I did a few lessons on it in personal training school.


this lady begins telling her story at the 7 minute mark and after 13 minute mark shows herself walking


I didn't watch that one, but I get the point. They remove all the processed junk and start eating clean and surprise, surprise, their condition improves.


There are more and anyone can heal from any diagnosis if they follow the divine plan that was set here for us, it just takes faith, courage (which I can't claim at this point myself) and of course figuring out what that precise plan is since there is so much confusion surrounding the issues of human consumption and detoxification. I have devoted more than a decade of my life to finding the answers and I was not always a vegan or vegetarian or believer that fruits were superior. but I know now because I have not given up on the quest for truth and answers to healing. as I have said before even Dr. Morse

(not a doctor)


doesn't say that people should indefinitely eat fruit alone the rest of their lives,

Right, because that would be a very harmful thing to recommend.


or that it is easy in this world. but for deep healing which almost everyone needs, it is the best way and the most conscious food that exists. There is a reason God made it fall off of trees or pluck off of vines and regrow. there is a reason why it tastes so good fresh without any processing or cooking needing to be done to it. if you have to destroy your food just to be able to eat it what is the point? it destroys a bit of you and your body every bit what you consume is destroyed.

anyways, the people who have been brave enough to open their minds and hearts to the simple teachings speak for themselves with their recovery from devastating diseases and life crippling illnesses. The lymphatic system is key because it is what ushers out the stuff that doesn't belong and threatens the wellbeing and harmonious homeostasis of the human body. it is involved with important organs and bodily processes and as mainstream medicine knows it goes hand in hand with the immune system, and we've all heard about the almighty immune system. but mainstream medicine understands little about the lymphatic system and how to honor it. because that's not their bag, honoring life.. but it is mine and life is the only bag of magic tricks there is. there are lots of ways to honor life and nature all around us and within and beyond us is a key, but what we directly put inside our bodies every single day is extremely important and vital to our present and future

No use arguing mainstream medicine because they don't typically address nutrition in their 'treatments'. Most MD's don't have extensive knowledge in nutrition.

No one totally understands the lymphatic system, but the science is quite thorough. I don't know much about it myself, and Morse doesn't explain anything.

I saw a Ted Talk of a lady named Dr. Terry Wahls (who is actually a doctor), and like us, she gives more merit to proper nutrition than her own field of medicine. She speaks about diet, the toxic diet of Western civilisation, which is obviously the chronic cause of most disease, and she explains things properly in terms of nutrients. She was diagnosed with MS, and being a doctor herself, accessed the best medical treatment and latest drugs, but to no avail. Her condition became degenerative. She didn't give up. She started to investigate the nutrients which are the building blocks for myelin and started to experiment on healing herself through food. She no longer has MS, but she did not go all fruit and bogus supplements, and she didn't go vegan, and she didn't even go vegetarian. She cleaned up her omnivore diet and took the nutrient profile best suited to addressing her circumstances. Here is her testimonial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ypqaogsfw6k

This is language I speak. Nutrients and metabolic function.

I don't tell people to eat only fruit because it isn't nutritious or sustainable. I don't tell people to eat vegan or vegetarian, but either of these two could be optimal for many people. I claim that if a person has all their necessary nutrients from whole unprocessed whole foods, the likelihood of them becoming ill is drastically reduced and their potential for healing is orders of magnitude stronger.

You are strong enough, Sapphirez.

Sapphirez 12-11-2018 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by Gem
... but I did follow up on the links you posted and looked into Morse.

He's not a doctor, though.

(not a doctor)

No one totally understands the lymphatic system, but the science is quite thorough. I don't know much about it myself, and Morse doesn't explain anything.

If you didn't learn anything about the lymphatic system from Dr. Morse then that answers what was going to be my inquiry of how much time you actually spent looking into Dr. Morse or trying to learn from him.

clearly you discovered he is not a doctor by your standards lol.. but are those really your desirable standards anyways? I'm guessing you're not a fan of pharmaceuticals so why would you be disappointed or think it is shaming to say anyone is not a doctor according to mainstream standards? to do that you have to go to school for years and be brainwashed into thinking that people need all kinds of terrible pills and injections of poisons to be healthy and you must learn many of them by name and get familiar with their lobbyists, etc..

As for Dr. Morse's credentials, I'd trust him over a "doctor" any day even if he had no letters behind his name, but he has acquired some in his score of practicing actually healing and helping people instead of harming them

"Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., I.D., M.H., is the creator and founder of God’s Herbs. He has lectured and taught in the Natural Health Sciences throughout the world for the past 40 years and has authored many books on Health and Spirituality. He has appeared on numerous television news programs and International Documentaries presenting findings, case studies, and educating on Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration.
Dr. Morse holds a Doctorate of Science in Biochemistry and a Doctorate of Naturopathy from the Brantridge Forest School in Sussex, England.
Author, lecturer, practitioner and teacher, Dr. Morse is degreed in Naturopathy, Naturopathic Medicine, Biochemistry, Iridology, Herbology, Nutrition and Fitness.
He travels worldwide teaching others the secrets of Detoxification and Tissue Regeneration."

(just in case you want to see the source of that https://grapegate.com/robert-morse-nd/ )

He may have even got some degrees online, I'm not entirely sure, but the point is that he invested his life and time and spiritual energy into learning how to help people heal, and teaching anyone who wants to learn how to do it for themselves or share it with others, for free and he does it with passion and purpose. He has healed thousands and thousands of patients in his decades of experience and practice. and even if you don't want to adopt a fruitarian lifestyle or attempt deep healing for a few weeks there is still a lot to be learned from him. but you know what is weird? I listened to him years ago and somehow the emphasis of fruit never sunk in til recently. The first video of his I saw was The Raw Truth About Cancer, and I don't recall but I'm sure he mentioned fruit in there yet strangely while I listened to him on and off for years I somehow missed it and a lot of his messages and didn't look into them with other research or contemplation til recent months. I guess I should rewatch this one


I did share the one about the lymphatic system right? cuz you said he doesn't say anything about it but you didn't watch that right? it's kinda long like most of his videos, though some are even a few hours long! His Q&A videos are numbered up to the 480s but he said somewhere that he had made more than 800 videos already. well surely in at least one of them he mentions the lymphatic system :tongue: but Idno I'm not sure what all you've spent time looking into on him besides the whole him not being a doctor thing


Originally Posted by Gem
I don't tell people to eat only fruit because it isn't nutritious or sustainable. I don't tell people to eat vegan or vegetarian, but either of these two could be optimal for many people. I claim that if a person has all their necessary nutrients from whole unprocessed whole foods, the likelihood of them becoming ill is drastically reduced and their potential for healing is orders of magnitude stronger.

I am with you about whole unprocessed foods and the truth is that the human body tries to do the best it can with whatever it is fed. but the problem with most of the other foods besides fruits is that they have unwanted side effects and excess unnecessary waste as the aftermath. if you keep bogging down your lymphatic system it can't work properly and the body starts shutting down and things get chaotic aka diseases and disorders til death ensues. why do you think that fruit isn't nutritious or sustainable? for one thing, technically anything with a seed is a fruit, right? that includes a surprising majority of vegetables, and avocado and coconut, etc. but besides that, when not working toward extreme detoxification and regeneration, there is strong emphasis on including leafy young tender greens. and you can do that anyway it's just that it can tend to slow down detoxification which is the quickest way to healing, because no matter what you pile on in the form of other nutritious foods, if the body is not functioning and it's already overloaded, what is it going to do with them? and how is it going to efficiently deal with the aftermath that many other foods that are considered healthy carry with them? look into what kinds of acids and unsavory byproducts are created with proteins and starches and such. lastly, nuts and seeds are also considered part of the frugivore diet, but the body when working optimally just simply does not need foods that are that jampacked with so much. and they need to be soaked before consuming which you may know. they can be great but there are a lot of fallacies about what the human body actually needs and does

Gem 12-11-2018 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
If you didn't learn anything about the lymphatic system from Dr. Morse then that answers what was going to be my inquiry of how much time you actually spent looking into Dr. Morse or trying to learn from him.

I watched his video on the lymphatic system and just rambled without explaining anything.


clearly you discovered he is not a doctor by your standards lol.. but are those really your desirable standards anyways?

It is an ethical standard by which a person who uses the title DR., but isn't a doctor, is not being honest.


I'm guessing you're not a fan of pharmaceuticals so why would you be disappointed or think it is shaming to say anyone is not a doctor according to mainstream standards?

But we cant be sure he's a doctor (which is very unusual).


to do that you have to go to school for years and be brainwashed into thinking that people need all kinds of terrible pills and injections of poisons to be healthy and you must learn many of them by name and get familiar with their lobbyists, etc..

As for Dr. Morse's credentials, I'd trust him over a "doctor" any day even if he had no letters behind his name, but he has acquired some in his score of practicing actually healing and helping people instead of harming them

Is he a doctor, really?


"Robert Morse, N.D., D.Sc., I.D., M.H., is the creator and founder of God’s Herbs. He has lectured and taught in the Natural Health Sciences throughout the world for the past 40 years and has authored many books on Health and Spirituality. He has appeared on numerous television news programs and International Documentaries presenting findings, case studies, and educating on Detoxification and Cellular Regeneration.
Dr. Morse holds a Doctorate of Science in Biochemistry and a Doctorate of Naturopathy from the Brantridge Forest School in Sussex, England.

I can't find a listing for that school. Fake degree maybe?


Author, lecturer, practitioner and teacher, Dr. Morse is degreed in Naturopathy, Naturopathic Medicine, Biochemistry, Iridology, Herbology, Nutrition and Fitness.

He travels worldwide teaching others the secrets of Detoxification and Tissue Regeneration."

(just in case you want to see the source of that https://grapegate.com/robert-morse-nd/ )

The bit you cut and pasted is repeated all over the internet. I take it as post truth era.


He may have even got some degrees online, I'm not entirely sure.

Who can be sure when there is no means of checking it? You can be sure that authentic doctors can be checked on, and their schools have websites.


but the point is that he invested his life and time and spiritual energy into learning how to help people heal, and teaching anyone who wants to learn how to do it for themselves or share it with others, for free and he does it with passion and purpose. He has healed thousands and thousands of patients in his decades of experience and practice. and even if you don't want to adopt a fruitarian lifestyle or attempt deep healing for a few weeks there is still a lot to be learned from him. but you know what is weird? I listened to him years ago and somehow the emphasis of fruit never sunk in til recently. The first video of his I saw was The Raw Truth About Cancer, and I don't recall but I'm sure he mentioned fruit in there yet strangely while I listened to him on and off for years I somehow missed it and a lot of his messages and didn't look into them with other research or contemplation til recent months. I guess I should rewatch this one


I did share the one about the lymphatic system right?
I think that might be the one I watched where he rambled on and didn;t explain anything. Not even basic things. He also says things that are incorrect, such as saline solution IV is alkaline. It's actually acidic.


cuz you said he doesn't say anything about it but you didn't watch that right? it's kinda long like most of his videos, though some are even a few hours long! His Q&A videos are numbered up to the 480s but he said somewhere that he had made more than 800 videos already. well surely in at least one of them he mentions the lymphatic system :tongue: but Idno I'm not sure what all you've spent time looking into on him besides the whole him not being a doctor thing

There is no way to validate him as a doctor, so it's VERY unlikely that he is. It's looks scammy - pretty well done - but smells like a rat.


I am with you about whole unprocessed foods and the truth is that the human body tries to do the best it can with whatever it is fed. but the problem with most of the other foods besides fruits is that they have unwanted side effects and excess unnecessary waste as the aftermath. if you keep bogging down your lymphatic system it can't work properly and the body starts shutting down and things get chaotic aka diseases and disorders til death ensues. why do you think that fruit isn't nutritious or sustainable?

It does not contain all the essential nutrients.


for one thing, technically anything with a seed is a fruit, right? that includes a surprising majority of vegetables, and avocado and coconut, etc. but besides that, when not working toward extreme detoxification and regeneration, there is strong emphasis on including leafy young tender greens.

Fruit + greens is nutritious, but only provides a few of the body's essential nutrients. You need a wide variety of plant foods including fruit and veges which include the complete profile of essential nutrients. Vegans will require supplementation to complete their nutrition. That's true.


and you can do that anyway it's just that it can tend to slow down detoxification which is the quickest way to healing, because no matter what you pile on in the form of other nutritious foods, if the body is not functioning and it's already overloaded, what is it going to do with them?

You have to eat the nutrients the body needs. If there is some excess here and there the body will either store it as fat or expel it as waste.


and how is it going to efficiently deal with the aftermath that many other foods that are considered healthy carry with them? look into what kinds of acids and unsavory byproducts are created with proteins and starches and such.

The body is designed to deal with all that. We need protein because it's the body's primary building block. It is vital and essential.

Indeed, Dr John McDougall (real one) who is most famous for healing MS patients through diet recommends a starchy carb/low fat diet. I sincerely recommend the resource.


lastly, nuts and seeds are also considered part of the frugivore diet, but the body when working optimally just simply does not need foods that are that jampacked with so much. and they need to be soaked before consuming which you may know. they can be great but there are a lot of fallacies about what the human body actually needs and does

Good idea. Have soaked nuts and seeds. Beans are seeds too. Peas. Lentils. Chickpeas. You plant them and they grow. Eat lots of those. Eat lots of fruit. Eat lots of greens = proper healthy diet.

Add some peppers as fruit. Add tomato. Have some avocado....

Check out all these highly esteemed Vegan medical practitioners and PHds.

Sapphirez 13-11-2018 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by Gem
I watched his video on the lymphatic system and just rambled without explaining anything.

I think that might be the one I watched where he rambled on and didn't explain anything. Not even basic things. He also says things that are incorrect, such as saline solution IV is alkaline. It's actually acidic.

You watched the hour+ long video about the lymphatic system? If so I'm impressed and very grateful. He does tend to ramble sometimes but in actuality if you actually listen he is almost always making sense and sharing important and interesting information. He talks about he lymphatic system in most of his videos, I'm not sure how you could miss it.. basically the lymphatic system is the body's sewer system. it is really amazing to learn about and puts things into great perspective when you contemplate matters of health and illness. For one thing I guess that you might miss anything pertinent he says since you have been against him from the beginning and aren't really willing to learn from him or listen to what he's saying. would that be a fair assessment or did you truly sit down and listen with an open heart and mind and eyes? there is a big difference when we are actually willing and wanting to listen to something than when we just keep our ears partially open to hear it, and even then somehow our hearing ends up being strangely jeopardized.

Where you say he says things that are incorrect, since you used plural is there another instance you'd like to share? I really don't mind being objective and learning more even if it disagrees with my previous beliefs. As I said in this thread or another I've mentioned him, I don't agree with 100% of what he says, but I could say near 99%. and the main thing I disagree with is that he uses animal glandulars on some patients though he generally touts veganism of course. I don't think they should be necessary in any event but anyway that is one of the very few things he's said that I found issue with. for saline solution, I'd have to see where he says that and in what context but while I don't really know much at all on the subject, I sort of thought that salt in water, known as sol by some who tout its health benefits, has an alkalizing effect. I have much more to understand and learn about chemistry and all that though.. but you know how like lemon is acidic yet has a very alkalizing effect on the body sort of thing, it is the "ash" of it that is alkaline so it doesn't matter if things seem to be one way, in practice lemon is alkalizing not acidifying. can't say I know about salt though but that is just what came to my mind as a possibility.


It does not contain all the essential nutrients.

Fruit + greens is nutritious, but only provides a few of the body's essential nutrients. You need a wide variety of plant foods including fruit and veges which include the complete profile of essential nutrients. Vegans will require supplementation to complete their nutrition. That's true.

a few of the body's essential nutrients? I think that is of course incorrect, but also who is to say what the body actually needs from which sources? the body is a chemical factory capable of quite a lot on its own. but let's not forget the addition of herbs in the ideal frugivorous diet because they supply nutrients and also help in wonderful mind-boggling (or un-boggling) ways besides that. and if the factory/body is not able to work optimally then it matters little what good you throw at it because it won't be able to produce the energy and mechanisms to use it properly, and if it's a "flawed food" it couldn't even begin to deal with the excess waste and utilize the nutrients that may be available. You know the body has some sort of electric or magnetic or electromagnetic properties, and raw foods share that property, so in ways beyond just nutrition it's like plugging in an outlet or turning on a battery or something. that's not the best analogy but hopefully you get what I mean


You have to eat the nutrients the body needs. If there is some excess here and there the body will either store it as fat or expel it as waste.

expelling it as waste is where the lymphatic system comes into play, and the main argument for fruit is that it marshals the lymph system like no other. almost everyone has a lymphatic problem, almost any symptom stems from that. cuz you know it's constantly trying to work, but it just can't keep up under modern conditions for the mostpart.. because people have lost their way and the fact fruit is our main food is long gone as common knowledge. there is some evidence that early humans were frugivorous with paleontological discoveries. and you've just got to think, what would humans want to eat if they were out in nature and happened upon the various "food groups"? fruit makes the most sense to eat across pretty much all spheres. anyway, if you get your lymph aka waste system going properly and feed it the fuel it needs you can forget about any disease and your body will be able to dispose of waste efficiently, though of course you will still experience side effects if you deviate from the ideal divine diet after you've cleared yourself up, but not in the same way as when your waste management isn't able to work at all


The body is designed to deal with all that. We need protein because it's the body's primary building block. It is vital and essential.

the body is designed to deal with waste but that doesn't mean it wants to subsist primarily on it. and protein is not the body's primary building block. I think you are confusing that with amino acids being the building blocks of protein but that works in a different way. do you realize that if you introduce a complex protein, or complex carbohydrate, the body has to work overtime just to convert the protein into separate amino acids? and the complex carbohydrates need to be broken down into simple or monosaccharides. now what do you think happens to the body when it has to work so hard to revert these things to their simpler purer states? and there is the issue of coagulation with the complex "nutrients" also. and acidity is a regular occurrence with consumption of proteins especially. amino acids are vital and essential yes, and they are present in all real food right? but if you do weird stuff to them then the body doesn't appreciate it so much. like cooking and crazily processing them. the body does what it can, but we need to help it more. just because we can eat plastic doesn't mean we should or that there won't be repercussions


Good idea. Have soaked nuts and seeds. Beans are seeds too. Peas. Lentils. Chickpeas. You plant them and they grow. Eat lots of those. Eat lots of fruit. Eat lots of greens = proper healthy diet.

Add some peppers as fruit. Add tomato. Have some avocado....

Thanks for the other doctors information. to be clear, I would proclaim the healing teachings of Dr. Morse no matter what. His having extra letters by his name has absolutely nothing to do with it and naturally I tend to stay away from anyone called doctor. but since you want to make such an issue about it, I don't think he is being dishonest, I think that he achieved what he said he did and he has no reason to lie lol. the people who follow him should know better than to respect or seek out medical doctors and most don't claim to be healers to begin with. You know what is much more important, or important period? the learning and experience that he has accumulated through his years practicing healing. He has no reason to lie about understanding how the body works or what it wants, and he will be the first to say he didn't always know something but found a better way with his earnest approach to life and helping people.

He has his own school, that teaches things no other school out there teaches, because they don't know or get it. so I think that makes any diplomas from elsewhere rather laughable. just as I said I don't automatically follow 100% of what he says, he certainly didn't accept the totality of any one teaching either, he put his own solutions together, and has proved they work by helping thousands of patients. and he loves helping people advance by making his youtube videos for anyone to view and learn from and hopefully teach others. a lot of this stuff comes down to common sense. I can't expect everyone to like his style or I also wouldn't want you to just trust him or anyone without questioning. but if you really ask the right questions and search for answers from a myriad of sources, preferably outside of the mainstream, I think it is obvious that this man is a divine doctor, and who are we to let mainstream society define what doctor means anyways, especially when for the mostpart it's synonymous with murderer.. isn't doctor supposed to mean healer and helper? He could care less if he is called a doctor, but some sort or assortment of degrees or teachings he accumulated justify him being called one and that's just fine. He's been in the biz for like 40 years, I imagine he has been a lot of places that don't exist anymore or existed before the internet did. the point is he makes sense and he shares important information that will benefit you if you let yourself learn and realize the awesome truth

Gem 13-11-2018 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
You watched the hour+ long video about the lymphatic system? If so I'm impressed and very grateful. He does tend to ramble sometimes but in actuality if you actually listen he is almost always making sense and sharing important and interesting information. He talks about he lymphatic system in most of his videos,[I'm not sure how you could miss it.. basically the lymphatic system is the body's sewer system. it is really amazing to learn about and puts things into great perspective when you contemplate matters of health and illness.

He talks about lymph in all videos because he rationalises his fruit+supplement diet on lymph :rolleyes:.


For one thing I guess that you might miss anything pertinent he says since you have been against him from the beginning and aren't really willing to learn from him or listen to what he's saying. would that be a fair assessment or did you truly sit down and listen with an open heart and mind and eyes? there is a big difference when we are actually willing and wanting to listen to something than when we just keep our ears partially open to hear it, and even then somehow our hearing ends up being strangely jeopardized.

I listen to everyone who talks about nutrition with a critical ear.


Where you say he says things that are incorrect, since you used plural is there another instance you'd like to share?

A 'Dr.?' (unverified) who claims to have worked the ER saying saline IV is alkaline... no need for more than that. He also said 'you have 3 kidneys' (the skin is you largest kidney). The lymph system is like a sewer system. If your urine is clear you are not filtering your lymph system anymore. Natropathy doesn't kill any people... that was in 10 minutes.


I really don't mind being objective and learning more even if it disagrees with my previous beliefs. As I said in this thread or another I've mentioned him, I don't agree with 100% of what he says, but I could say near 99%.

He makes some true statements, but give me any 5 minutes of him talking ant I'll show you at least on error, or possibly a lie. Better to listen to all the vegan Medics (who have proper qualifications) so you get reliable and well rounded information. I have listened to most of the Doctors on the site I linked and I'd rate them excellent.


and the main thing I disagree with is that he uses animal glandulars on some patients though he generally touts veganism of course.

Is there such a thing as a 'glandular'? Or is that one of his made up things? Besides, there are no dieticians or food based medics that recommend supplements a person could get from whole foods. They usually explain why supplements do not work, the risks of supplements, and how you should only consider supplements if you cannot get that nutrient from food. Supplements do not work except perhaps when a person has a well established nutritious eating habits.


I don't think they should be necessary in any event but anyway that is one of the very few things he's said that I found issue with. for saline solution, I'd have to see where he says that and in what context but while I don't really know much at all on the subject, I sort of thought that salt in water, known as sol by some who tout its health benefits, has an alkalizing effect.

Saline is acidic.


I have much more to understand and learn about chemistry and all that though.. but you know how like lemon is acidic yet has a very alkalizing effect on the body sort of thing, it is the "ash" of it that is alkaline so it doesn't matter if things seem to be one way, in practice lemon is alkalizing not acidifying. can't say I know about salt though but that is just what came to my mind as a possibility.

Don't worry about acid and alkalyne and all that diet guru nonsense. Just eat food of all sorts.

Just thought - pumpkin is a fruit. Legumes like string beans and snowpeas are a kind of fruit and beans or peas are their seeds. Eggplant is fruit. Okra, too. Olives. Zuchini. Corn kernels are a seed.

You can eat all that stuff + the others I mentioned with a ton of leafy greens, and that'd be a pretty well rounded way to eat. You can eat as much raw and only cook the small amount you need to if that's the happier way for you... Does that sound reasonable and pretty well balanced to you?

a few of the body's essential nutrients? I think that is of course incorrect, but also who is to say what the body actually needs from which sources? the body is a chemical factory capable of quite a lot on its own. but let's not forget the addition of herbs in the ideal frugivorous diet because they supply nutrients and also help in wonderful mind-boggling (or un-boggling) ways besides that. and if the factory/body is not able to work optimally then it matters little what good you throw at it because it won't be able to produce the energy and mechanisms to use it properly, and if it's a "flawed food" it couldn't even begin to deal with the excess waste and utilize the nutrients that may be available. You know the body has some sort of electric or magnetic or electromagnetic properties, and raw foods share that property, so in ways beyond just nutrition it's like plugging in an outlet or turning on a battery or something. that's not the best analogy but hopefully you get what I mean

expelling it as waste is where the lymphatic system comes into play, and the main argument for fruit is that it marshals the lymph system like no other. almost everyone has a lymphatic problem, almost any symptom stems from that. cuz you know it's constantly trying to work, but it just can't keep up under modern conditions for the mostpart.. because people have lost their way and the fact fruit is our main food is long gone as common knowledge. there is some evidence that early humans were frugivorous with paleontological discoveries. and you've just got to think, what would humans want to eat if they were out in nature and happened upon the various "food groups"? fruit makes the most sense to eat across pretty much all spheres. anyway, if you get your lymph aka waste system going properly and feed it the fuel it needs you can forget about any disease and your body will be able to dispose of waste efficiently, though of course you will still experience side effects if you deviate from the ideal divine diet after you've cleared yourself up, but not in the same way as when your waste management isn't able to work at all

the body is designed to deal with waste but that doesn't mean it wants to subsist primarily on it. and protein is not the body's primary building block. I think you are confusing that with amino acids being the building blocks of protein but that works in a different way. do you realize that if you introduce a complex protein, or complex carbohydrate, the body has to work overtime just to convert the protein into separate amino acids? and the complex carbohydrates need to be broken down into simple or monosaccharides. now what do you think happens to the body when it has to work so hard to revert these things to their simpler purer states? and there is the issue of coagulation with the complex "nutrients" also. and acidity is a regular occurrence with consumption of proteins especially. amino acids are vital and essential yes, and they are present in all real food right? but if you do weird stuff to them then the body doesn't appreciate it so much. like cooking and crazily processing them. the body does what it can, but we need to help it more. just because we can eat plastic doesn't mean we should or that there won't be repercussions

Thanks for the other doctors information. to be clear, I would proclaim the healing teachings of Dr. Morse no matter what. His having extra letters by his name has absolutely nothing to do with it and naturally I tend to stay away from anyone called doctor. but since you want to make such an issue about it, I don't think he is being dishonest, I think that he achieved what he said he did and he has no reason to lie lol. the people who follow him should know better than to respect or seek out medical doctors and most don't claim to be healers to begin with. You know what is much more important, or important period? the learning and experience that he has accumulated through his years practicing healing. He has no reason to lie about understanding how the body works or what it wants, and he will be the first to say he didn't always know something but found a better way with his earnest approach to life and helping people.

He has his own school, that teaches things no other school out there teaches, because they don't know or get it. so I think that makes any diplomas from elsewhere rather laughable. just as I said I don't automatically follow 100% of what he says, he certainly didn't accept the totality of any one teaching either, he put his own solutions together, and has proved they work by helping thousands of patients. and he loves helping people advance by making his youtube videos for anyone to view and learn from and hopefully teach others. a lot of this stuff comes down to common sense. I can't expect everyone to like his style or I also wouldn't want you to just trust him or anyone without questioning. but if you really ask the right questions and search for answers from a myriad of sources, preferably outside of the mainstream, I think it is obvious that this man is a divine doctor, and who are we to let mainstream society define what doctor means anyways, especially when for the mostpart it's synonymous with murderer.. isn't doctor supposed to mean healer and helper? He could care less if he is called a doctor, but some sort or assortment of degrees or teachings he accumulated justify him being called one and that's just fine. He's been in the biz for like 40 years, I imagine he has been a lot of places that don't exist anymore or existed before the internet did. the point is he makes sense and he shares important information that will benefit you if you let yourself learn and realize the awesome truth[/quote]

Sapphirez 15-11-2018 08:49 PM

Gem, I am sorry that you are having trouble understanding the reality and simplicity of the human body and the divinity of food here on Earth. I don't know how else I can put it but the information is there. I am sorry I am not great at explaining things or putting them succinct enough, but I don't like to give up so let me attempt this again so hopefully you can get the truth

number one, if you have to mess with it or destroy it in different ways just to even put it in your body as food, hint hint it isn't what your body wants and needs
Raw fresh foods are divine foods created here for us and they act that way in the body

number two, as would seem logical, when you put foods in the body that require processing in order to even go into the body, the body then has to do a bunch of processing to them inside the body to even begin utilizing any remnants of nutrients or nourishment in them. If you give the body complex carbohydrates it breaks them down to simple ones, monosaccharides and not all monosaccharides are created equally or appreciated by the body so much. If you give the body complex proteins, it has to break them down into individual amino acids which creates a lot of acidic byproduct the body has to try to deal with and get out of the body. why would you not just give it the pure amino acids or sugars instead? and most foods that have one have the other. And when you cook foods you globulate them and create all kinds of other icky shenanigans the body sees as toxic and suffers because of.
Foods with readily available amino acids and sugars are fresh unprocessed unheated foods

Most of the foods you are recommending fall under the undesirable detrimental categories. I have shared that I am not eating the way I want to and recommend people do, and that is not right. though of course there are many instances of not practicing what we preach in life and I do live a lot of the ways I share as ideal. there are many things I don't eat, and some I quit but slipped up again with since I started living with someone else. anyways I'm not making excuses, just being transparent. and I know that if I followed what I am trying to reveal as truth here my life would get a lot better hopefully quickly. it is hard as I'm sure you know since you have worked on transforming your own diet and thoughts on everything too.

that being said just so you know, I do eat a lot of the things you say. starchy foods, cooked foods, cruciferous vegetables, legumes, nightshade vegetables/fruits, etc.
and I do not feel good.

the diet I am describing as true for us humans is an almost lofty goal.. but that has to do with the way the world is set up right now as you know. for one thing it's said we are tropical species in origin and it'd be much easier to munch on fruit and coconuts all day if we lived where we originate from but that's another story. humans adapt yes that's true. but that also doesn't mean our bodies still don't appreciate and work best with the best food sources and preparations, or lack of preparation.. best grains are technically seeds

right now I eat almost all vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds though not every day, and some grains besides gluten-containing ones but again I stay away from them for the mostpart cuz I don't feel good when I eat them and I don't need them. a lot of the best grains are technically seeds anyways, like quinoa and buckwheat and teff etc. but they are generally cooked to be enjoyed so there is part of the flaw besides the other issues like them not having a water content and whatnot. Grains have sustained populations but that doesn't mean they were ideal or that people didn't suffer because of them. I also occasionally consume stuff like coconut sugar and agave syrup in the ice cream I am "allowed" to eat. I try to not eat any "flavors" and citric acid which is made from black mold and other stupid ingredients like that which are allowed in organic foods. I used to be better about this before moving in with my fiance. I became gluten free cuz of him though and also finally dairy free cuz I was just vegetarian when I came, but anyways I've got to go sorry to cut this short, or leave it this long lol

Sapphirez 15-11-2018 08:49 PM

Gem, I am sorry that you are having trouble understanding the reality and simplicity of the human body and the divinity of food here on Earth. I don't know how else I can put it but the information is there. I am sorry I am not great at explaining things or putting them succinct enough, but I don't like to give up so let me attempt this again so hopefully you can get the truth

number one, if you have to mess with it or destroy it in different ways just to even put it in your body as food, hint hint it isn't what your body wants and needs
Raw fresh foods are divine foods created here for us and they act that way in the body

number two, as would seem logical, when you put foods in the body that require processing in order to even go into the body, the body then has to do a bunch of processing to them inside the body to even begin utilizing any remnants of nutrients or nourishment in them. If you give the body complex carbohydrates it breaks them down to simple ones, monosaccharides and not all monosaccharides are created equally or appreciated by the body so much. If you give the body complex proteins, it has to break them down into individual amino acids which creates a lot of acidic byproduct the body has to try to deal with and get out of the body. why would you not just give it the pure amino acids or sugars instead? and most foods that have one have the other. And when you cook foods you globulate them and create all kinds of other icky shenanigans the body sees as toxic and suffers because of.
Foods with readily available amino acids and sugars are fresh unprocessed unheated foods

Most of the foods you are recommending fall under the undesirable detrimental categories. I have shared that I am not eating the way I want to and recommend people do, and that is not right. though of course there are many instances of not practicing what we preach in life and I do live a lot of the ways I share as ideal. there are many things I don't eat, and some I quit but slipped up again with since I started living with someone else. anyways I'm not making excuses, just being transparent. and I know that if I followed what I am trying to reveal as truth here my life would get a lot better hopefully quickly. it is hard as I'm sure you know since you have worked on transforming your own diet and thoughts on everything too.

that being said just so you know, I do eat a lot of the things you say. starchy foods, cooked foods, cruciferous vegetables, legumes, nightshade vegetables/fruits, etc.
and I do not feel good.

the diet I am describing as true for us humans is an almost lofty goal.. but that has to do with the way the world is set up right now as you know. for one thing it's said we are tropical species in origin and it'd be much easier to munch on fruit and coconuts all day if we lived where we originate from but that's another story. humans adapt yes that's true. but that also doesn't mean our bodies still don't appreciate and work best with the best food sources and preparations, or lack of preparation.. best grains are technically seeds

right now I eat almost all vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds though not every day, and some grains besides gluten-containing ones but again I stay away from them for the mostpart cuz I don't feel good when I eat them and I don't need them. a lot of the best grains are technically seeds anyways, like quinoa and buckwheat and teff etc. but they are generally cooked to be enjoyed so there is part of the flaw besides the other issues like them not having a water content and whatnot. Grains have sustained populations but that doesn't mean they were ideal or that people didn't suffer because of them. I also occasionally consume stuff like coconut sugar and agave syrup in the ice cream I am "allowed" to eat. I try to not eat any "flavors" and citric acid which is made from black mold and other stupid ingredients like that which are allowed in organic foods. I used to be better about this before moving in with my fiance. I became gluten free cuz of him though and also finally dairy free cuz I was just vegetarian when I came, but anyways I've got to go sorry to cut this short, or leave it this long lol

inavalan 15-11-2018 09:27 PM

Do any of you have an opinion of the body's needs for collagen? Just finished browsing a book (published 2018) about it. Obviously, the author claims that collagen can solve or at least positively influence a lot of aspects of the body's health and needs.

Gem 17-11-2018 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by inavalan
Do any of you have an opinion of the body's needs for collagen? Just finished browsing a book (published 2018) about it. Obviously, the author claims that collagen can solve or at least positively influence a lot of aspects of the body's health and needs.

As far as I know, which is not much, collagen is not an essential nutrient, meaning the body produces it, but essential nutrients (nutrients the body does not produce) are needed to give the body the ingredients it need to process collagen, so well rounded nutrition that includes all the essential nutrients would optimise the body's capacity to produce the right amount of collagen.

There is no point taking a collagen supplement (or other supplements) unless proper whole food nutrition is first established.

I think this article sounds reasonable and it sites scientific sources.

inavalan 17-11-2018 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by Gem
As far as I know, which is not much, collagen is not an essential nutrient, meaning the body produces it, but essential nutrients (nutrients the body does not produce) are needed to give the body the ingredients it need to process collagen, so well rounded nutrition that includes all the essential nutrients would optimise the body's capacity to produce the right amount of collagen.

There is no point taking a collagen supplement (or other supplements) unless proper whole food nutrition is first established.

I think this article sounds reasonable and it sites scientific sources.

Thanks. The book I read is "The Collagen Diet: Rejuvenate Skin, Strengthen Joints and Feel Younger by Boosting Collagen Intake and Production" by Pamela Schoenfeld. Nicely written.

Gem 17-11-2018 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by Sapphirez
Gem, I am sorry that you are having trouble understanding the reality and simplicity of the human body and the divinity of food here on Earth. I don't know how else I can put it but the information is there. I am sorry I am not great at explaining things or putting them succinct enough, but I don't like to give up so let me attempt this again so hopefully you can get the truth

Everyone has trouble understanding it, and it isn't simple. Nutrition and metabolism are extraordinarily complicated.

"Divinity" is only a vacuous term which people who are not properly informed use. It's fuzzy spiritual grandure which isn't informative.


number one, if you have to mess with it or destroy it in different ways just to even put it in your body as food, hint hint it isn't what your body wants and needs
Raw fresh foods are divine foods created here for us and they act that way in the body

Cooked foods are also very nutritious, and the body has no problem digesting and metabolising it.A mixture of raw and cooked foods is most optimal for obtaining a complete nutrient profile.Saying foods are 'divine' is not information.Some like the idea of divinity, so have traditions of blessing the food, which is actually a pretty powerful placebo effect. So considering food to be divine is a healthy practice, it has nothing to do with essential nutrient profile.


number two, as would seem logical, when you put foods in the body that require processing in order to even go into the body, the body then has to do a bunch of processing to them inside the body to even begin utilizing any remnants of nutrients or nourishment in them.

All food goes through a complex metabolic process.


If you give the body complex carbohydrates it breaks them down to simple ones, monosaccharides and not all monosaccharides are created equally or appreciated by the body so much. If you give the body complex proteins, it has to break them down into individual amino acids which creates a lot of acidic byproduct the body has to try to deal with and get out of the body.

All food protein is broken down into amino acids. I don't much about complex carb metabolism, but the body has no problem with complex carb sources such as rice. It is easily digested and efficiently metabolised.


why would you not just give it the pure amino acids or sugars instead?

Because 'pure amino acids' don't exist in foods. Protein in broken down into amino acids in the stomach so digestive tract can absorb them.


and most foods that have one have the other. And when you cook foods you globulate them and create all kinds of other icky shenanigans the body sees as toxic and suffers because of.
Foods with readily available amino acids and sugars are fresh unprocessed unheated foods

"Gobulate"? Is that even a thing?As far as the research says, very high temperature cooking produces carcinogens, but that doesn't mean it gives you cancer. The research involved giving rats high doses of these compounds, about a thousand times higher that a human would consume, and they were fed it in pure form - not as a part of food.

It is possible if human consume the small amounts that they do over a very long period of time it might contribute to cancers, but there are no studies that can make that correlation, let alone establish cause. In short, humans do not consume enough of these compounds to have any significant effect, if there is any effect at all.

It is also true that populations with very low rates of cancer and other chronic disease practice high temp cooking such as stir frying, grilling and cooking over open flames an in hot embers.

If, at any rate, people are concerned, they can cook food a lower temps (boiling, steaming, roasting, low temp frying) as low temp cooking does not produce these compounds.

Other than that, it's all stories made up by nutrition gurus who misinterpret the research, and use words like 'divine' and 'globulate'.


Most of the foods you are recommending fall under the undesirable detrimental categories. I have shared that I am not eating the way I want to and recommend people do, and that is not right. though of course there are many instances of not practicing what we preach in life and I do live a lot of the ways I share as ideal. there are many things I don't eat, and some I quit but slipped up again with since I started living with someone else. anyways I'm not making excuses, just being transparent. and I know that if I followed what I am trying to reveal as truth here my life would get a lot better hopefully quickly. it is hard as I'm sure you know since you have worked on transforming your own diet and thoughts on everything too.

I mention the foods I mention because I understand the body processes individual nutrients best when the overall nutrient profile is complete. This is why supplements do not work if a person has not already established a proper balanced diet.

Diets that restrict foods also tend to restrict essential nutrients, and it is certainly the case that an all fruit diet is severely restrictive, and does not provide a complete nutrient profile (unless the whole gamut of beans and all the others I mentioned is included as 'fruit').

The main problem with restrictive diets is the body down regulates digestive enzymes it doesn't need to use, and some of these recover very slowly and some don't recover at all, which results in acquired food intolerances including auto-imune conditions. Ths can also affect the body's ability to dispose of particular waste products. Diet gurus who say 'don't eat this and don't that' are grossly over simpifing the complex process of the body, and no one who understands this subject even remotely says nutrition is simple.


that being said just so you know, I do eat a lot of the things you say. starchy foods, cooked foods, cruciferous vegetables, legumes, nightshade vegetables/fruits, etc.
and I do not feel good.


the diet I am describing as true for us humans is an almost lofty goal.. but that has to do with the way the world is set up right now as you know. for one thing it's said we are tropical species in origin and it'd be much easier to munch on fruit and coconuts all day if we lived where we originate from but that's another story. humans adapt yes that's true. but that also doesn't mean our bodies still don't appreciate and work best with the best food sources and preparations, or lack of preparation.. best grains are technically seeds

The 'human diet' is a myth. People evolved in different environments and had different diets. Even if we consider the African origin, that is big continent with a vast array of different environmental conditions. The rainforest people of the Congo would have a completely different diet to those inhabiting dry dessert areas.


right now I eat almost all vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds though not every day, and some grains besides gluten-containing ones but again I stay away from them for the mostpart cuz I don't feel good when I eat them and I don't need them. a lot of the best grains are technically seeds anyways, like quinoa and buckwheat and teff etc. but they are generally cooked to be enjoyed so there is part of the flaw besides the other issues like them not having a water content and whatnot. Grains have sustained populations but that doesn't mean they were ideal or that people didn't suffer because of them. I also occasionally consume stuff like coconut sugar and agave syrup in the ice cream I am "allowed" to eat. I try to not eat any "flavors" and citric acid which is made from black mold and other stupid ingredients like that which are allowed in organic foods. I used to be better about this before moving in with my fiance. I became gluten free cuz of him though and also finally dairy free cuz I was just vegetarian when I came, but anyways I've got to go sorry to cut this short, or leave it this long lol

OK. I eat only fruit, veg, lean meat, grains and seeds. I have a snack on junky food such as doritos, chocolate, icecream or something less that once a week. I drink coffee and supplement protein with whey protein concentrate which I have every morning blended with a cup of oats and a cup of berries. I haven't been ill in more than 20 years besides a slight sniffle here and there. My systems of metabolism and immunity are stronger than average. I think this resilience is because I don't eat processed foods (hardly any) containing added refined sugars or other refined plant extracts, and artificial additives.

Gem 17-11-2018 03:24 AM


Originally Posted by inavalan
Thanks. The book I read is "The Collagen Diet: Rejuvenate Skin, Strengthen Joints and Feel Younger by Boosting Collagen Intake and Production" by Pamela Schoenfeld. Nicely written.

I don't know what message the book is sending, but I did some background on the book, and going by the list of references it seems to be well researched. The author is well qualified as well, so I'm assuming it is, at the very least, reasonable information. You would know a lot more that I do having read it.

I think the most important thing to understand is collagen is a protein chain in food, and these proteins (like all food proteins) have to be broken down into their constituent amino acids so the digestive tract can absorb them. IOW the protein collagen is 'disassembled' into amino acids in digestive system and the body has to construct collagen from amino acids in conjunction with other nutrients.

That's why I say ingesting collagen is good in the sense that collagen protein contains essential amino acids (though not all of them), but is not necessary if the body has sufficient essential amino acids along with a complete micro-nutrient profile. IOW, if the body has all the building blocks available, it will make the collagen it needs. Eating collagen in foods, of course, provides the amino acid building blocks, but without the other required nutrients, the body will not efficiently build collagen proteins.

Sapphirez 19-11-2018 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Gem
Everyone has trouble understanding it, and it isn't simple. Nutrition and metabolism are extraordinarily complicated.

"Divinity" is only a vacuous term which people who are not properly informed use. It's fuzzy spiritual grandure which isn't informative.

It's not a vacuous term it means or implies that God/divinity made it so.


Cooked foods are also very nutritious, and the body has no problem digesting and metabolising it. Saying foods are 'divine' is not information.Some like the idea of divinity, so have traditions of blessing the food, which is actually a pretty powerful placebo effect. So considering food to be divine is a healthy practice, it has nothing to do with essential nutrient profile.
"Gobulate"? Is that even a thing?

cooked foods are generally toxic and dead, or on their way to it. and the consequences in the human are toxifying and deadifying. words schmords globulate suggests it turns into globules which are unhealthy balls of unwanted stuff, kind of like what ungrounded blood looks like compared to grounded in scientific studies. same thing happens with foods that are cooked and processed inappropriately. look it up if you're unfamiliar.

placebo effect is actually part & parcel of human power, as may actually be proven in more scientific studies than much else. but I guess the extent or reality of placebo effect is another crazy issue to open and address. it can't work 100% for everything though


All food goes through a complex metabolic process.

not so much, as I thought we covered with simple sugars and free amino acids...


All food protein is broken down into amino acids. I don't much about complex carb metabolism, but the body has no problem with complex carb sources such as rice. It is easily digested and efficiently metabolised.

yeah the body definitely has a problem with complex carbs such as rice, seems like you need to do more deeper research into the matter and not just keep repeating what you think you learned


As far as the research says, very high temperature cooking produces carcinogens, but that doesn't mean it gives you cancer.

cancer is a situation in the body where it can't work to evacuate toxins efficiently, and that is the point of what I am trying to teach you. the body has to try to deal with the waste in all kinds of crazy ways, enter symptoms and diseases such as cancer which are not what they're claimed to be. because it is all always a matter of what the body wants and doesn't want and what it can't deal with anymore, and the only way out is clearing a path or passage like I am trying to say with the lymphatic system being honored, cuz it is your sewage system like it or not, that fact must be accepted and dealt with.


It is also true that populations with very low rates of cancer and other chronic disease practice high temp cooking such as stir frying, grilling and cooking over open flames an in hot embers.

and do they die? but while cooking isn't good, and using oil isn't either (though I still really do right now) stir frying is among the better cooking preparations because the vegetables are still usually crisp and more raw than most other cooking methods

I mention the foods I mention because I understand the body processes individual nutrients best when the overall nutrient profile is complete. This is why supplements do not work if a person has not already established a proper balanced diet.

Diets that restrict foods also tend to restrict essential nutrients, and it is certainly the case that an all fruit diet is severely restrictive, and does not provide a complete nutrient profile (unless the whole gamut of beans and all the others I mentioned is included as 'fruit').

The main problem with restrictive diets is the body down regulates digestive enzymes it doesn't need to use, and some of these recover very slowly and some don't recover at all, which results in acquired food intolerances including auto-imune conditions. Ths can also affect the body's ability to dispose of particular waste products. Diet gurus who say 'don't eat this and don't that' are grossly over simpifing the complex process of the body, and no one who understands this subject even remotely says nutrition is simple.


The 'human diet' is a myth. People evolved in different environments and had different diets. Even if we consider the African origin, that is big continent with a vast array of different environmental conditions. The rainforest people of the Congo would have a completely different diet to those inhabiting dry dessert areas.

but who says that deserts existed like that or were inhabited at the forefront? do you not know about the desertification of Africa that has been at least partially intentional even in recent years? the human diet is not a myth, I don't understand how it is so hard for you to see what the human body is designed for ideally. do you know what happens to animals in zoos or wildlife when they're fed cooked or processed food? (or foods not typically meant for them) do ya? they die prematurely.. same thing that happens to most humans eh

Lucky 1 19-11-2018 05:09 PM

Actually....a whole bunch of foods are more nutritious cooked than raw.

Just a few of examples out of many?

How about tomatoes? The nutrients in tomatoes are locked up in cellulose.
Cooking tomatoes increases the available nutrients 10 fold and the most nutritious tomatoes are found in things like spaghetti sauce which is cooked a lot!.

How about spinach which is considered a super green?? Almost all of the nutrients in spinach are locked up in oxalates which cooking releases.

How about Beans...like pintos , navy and red beans etc?? Same thing...cooking releases all the nutrition and soluble fiber found in beans plus makes the (incomplete) protein available for absorption.

The scientific evidence is that if humans had NOT discovered fire, cooking and the eating of animal protein including animal fats...we would have never developed the brains we have or have become the dominant species on this planet.

So while I agree that raw foods are a great part of any balanced healthy diet.....cooking is part of that equation too!

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