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mindanalyzer 11-02-2019 10:07 PM

only spontaneous, never at will
I have achieved several OBE, all of them in dreams. I was not even sure if they were ordinary dreams, but after posting all the details here, mostly everyone that answered agreed they were clearly OBE.

What makes me curious is that I have never achieved this at will. I have tried doing meditations, also taking some CBD oil, theanine, galantamine, etc and I can feel the buzzing but It would be a no go and I would fall asleep. No matter how hard I would keep trying, no results.

... Then I would forget about it and then there comes a spontaneous OBE; so I've almost come to accept it and not try to force it: if/when it happens, I accept it and if it does not happen, well, there should be a reason for that!

PS: It is also very strange that even when I admit to being extremely negative/dark in my thoughts (something for which I have no control, that has affected me a lot throughout my life and in my marriages, and for which I am even considering past life regression therapy .. btw any thoughts on that ? :confused: ), all my OBE are very enlightening, empowering and positive; I would see myself very free, extremely powerful, absent of fear of any kind, able to unfold my beautiful jetblack feathery wings and fly through beautiful places . It is interesting that I am experiencing this in these days, in the past it was the complete opposite: I had to fight endless battles with evil beings/aliens, but after I got my wings a few years ago and after some fights in that state, these bad guys started avoiding battles so thankfully I hardly see them these days

mindanalyzer 15-02-2019 03:35 PM

deleted ... no point in answering to myself

Tobi 16-02-2019 01:04 AM

Maybe this is meant to be?
A kind of Grace?

We are so focused on "being in control" and having things to order. Maybe there is a part of us....a deeper part....that knows when the time is exactly right for things, and when it is maybe not so auspicious?

I'd say go with the flow. It seems you have wonderful OBEs when they happen, and maybe ride on that?

Quantum Light 17-02-2019 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by mindanalyzer
I have achieved several OBE, all of them in dreams. I was not even sure if they were ordinary dreams, but after posting all the details here, mostly everyone that answered agreed they were clearly OBE.

What makes me curious is that I have never achieved this at will. I have tried doing meditations, also taking some CBD oil, theanine, galantamine, etc and I can feel the buzzing but It would be a no go and I would fall asleep. No matter how hard I would keep trying, no results.

... Then I would forget about it and then there comes a spontaneous OBE; so I've almost come to accept it and not try to force it: if/when it happens, I accept it and if it does not happen, well, there should be a reason for that!

PS: It is also very strange that even when I admit to being extremely negative/dark in my thoughts (something for which I have no control, that has affected me a lot throughout my life and in my marriages, and for which I am even considering past life regression therapy .. btw any thoughts on that ? :confused: ), all my OBE are very enlightening, empowering and positive; I would see myself very free, extremely powerful, absent of fear of any kind, able to unfold my beautiful jetblack feathery wings and fly through beautiful places . It is interesting that I am experiencing this in these days, in the past it was the complete opposite: I had to fight endless battles with evil beings/aliens, but after I got my wings a few years ago and after some fights in that state, these bad guys started avoiding battles so thankfully I hardly see them these days

this is usually the way that it works. after practicing it is very common to end up doing it out of a dreamstate.

When you learn how to astral project it's literally like learning how to drive. After a year or so on the road the maneuvers you would be doing as a new driver you are now doing automatically without any second thought.

You need to give your body a window of time when you know you are most likely to astral project. The best times are usually when your body is in the sun for an afternoon nap or in the morning. When you know you are likely to leave your body you can stay aware and then control it. Stay calm and don't be attached to any outcome of you absolutely having to do it on any particular day. If you focus with enough clear intent, your skill will eventually sharpen.

I would also recommend mastering the theta and delta brainwave frequency! If you can stay aware riding these two bandwidths like a wave you can allow your body to fall asleep while your energy is still awake and aware in your vessel, and then exit at will!

hope this helps :smile:

mindanalyzer 19-02-2019 06:16 PM

Thank you for your answers Tobi and Quantum

Labyrinthus 22-02-2019 02:15 AM


Originally Posted by mindanalyzer
Thank you for your answers Tobi and Quantum

The only question mark I saw in your post was concerning past life regression. I have not tried that myself and I would not know where to begin, other than a dreamquest. If you journal every morning the odds are good that something will come together, eventually. I suggest you try to formulate the question very specifically in order to get a clear, specific answer.

desiredaspiration 28-02-2019 11:02 PM

I've recently also been experiencing astral projection without trying and I agree with everyone else that once the best times are in the morning or during an afternoon nap.

I would also try meditating, laying down on your back and doing guided meditation practices, I always find myself falling asleep and slipping into astral projection.

Mila Ru 26-03-2019 11:16 PM

Hi, I also have only spontaneous experiences, regardless of how hard I try.

At least for me, the case is, as I believe, that since I have a very strong psychic power, I must be "perfect" in order to consciously project or I might attract go to darker regions in a blink of an eye. So whenever I'm awake on the other side all the danger is gone and my counscious is well taken care off.

I also few that is possible due to having important missions to complete on the other side and being wide awake could make us distracted, which has a lot to do with strong psychic power.

What I am doing now to address this situation is I'm living my day to day life as if I was projecting, that is, I'm keeping my counsciousness elevated and I'm trying to be aware of the same laws that are there! The rest is for Superior to decide, but I won't stop doing cleaning techniques before sleeping (I don't like to do the techniques to pull you out of the body though).

Mila Ru 27-03-2019 02:30 PM

Hi! I'm back again, sorry for double posting. After reading your post, I was wondering... I think the reason on my previous post is it, but I'm not sure. And I'm in a similar situation to yours. So I had a projection this past night:

I was walking in a very dense plane, it was actually the plane that best mirrors my city's reality now. It was super dark, almost impossible to see anything too far away, but it had many buildings and felt like dark energy/thought/beings were forming a solid dome around the plane. And this is to show how risky it can be for some of us. So I was wearing a dark blue robe, covered in runic symbols, covering all my body and only my eyes were uncovered, a disguise. We, after a certain point in our light journey, become a light source, like a light bulb or a star if you will. Which can draw a lot of unwanted attention in places like that. So, after a while I found a friend (perhaps I was there to rescue this friend), she was not wearing a robe, she was probably walking unnoticed there, since she is unaware. I hugged her and told her to take me to this place, since I could barely see. But what I could see, I saw: flying beings like swarms, running beings like zombies but super fast, humans in hatred (thousands). The most were humans in hatred and flying beings, the running beings were most probably humans too. So I met someone in the path and the person gave me a code to get in the bunker, as I arrived at the bunker I said the code (it was color and number code) and they let me in. Even inside the bunker it was dark, a little lighter than outside, like a very dim light. They can't emmit light or they would be noticed. After inside, they put me in a box of glass in the middle of the chaos, and I could see another person in the box of glass. But the beings started attacking both boxes! And I began panicking, as they got in my box, it became a public bus interior after they breached, and they got in and began attacking each other! They were humans in hatred! It was terrible, like seeing a massacre, and about a few weeks ago there was a school shooting here with 10 dead (and people were cheering this online). Anyway, I blacked out and woke up inside a car, still in the middle of the darkness, it's as if you are in a super dark room, where you can barely see something other than infinite darkness. But I was very conscious and I could see the depth of the darkness and the sky dark dome (which was all consciousness). And the beings there were also super fast, I couldn't give any signs of being the light, I felt as if I was walking in a lane full of snipers pointing at me, and if they got a clear shot they would shoot those fast bullets. I probably blacked out as they rescued me from the glass of box. When I woke up, I was inside the car, even though it was super dark, it became kind of lighter and I could see a water stream and big waterfalls, they were very dim but still some source of light. The driver drove the car to fall in the waterfall, it was a water portal, and the water also cleaned my energy and gave me a bath, and I woke up!

So... yeah. This is probably why some of us can't just pop out of the body! We need to be in intense missions. A lot we know on astral projection will change soon as new souls awaken, regardless of what your age is, and I don't really like names like "rainbow/crystal children", you hold a light-DNA code that is unique to you, and right now the world is on the verge of ending, so it is important to keep those codes unharmed, untill you are a true master and can walk in those dimensions without worries. We are the new and we are awakening. Don't give up doing your meditations and energy work before sleeping, it helps. But respect the higher that you serve.


mindanalyzer 27-03-2019 05:44 PM

Thank you for your messages Mila;

For me all of this is very mysterious but thankfully my experiences nowadays are mostly positive and empowering. I have stopped trying too hard: If I am meant to have a spiritual experience, I would welcome it and that's it. I trust the superior beings [as you call them] to give me what I am meant to receive and what I can take [at a given time]. btw whenever there is something dark in my dreams (whatever they are and wherever I am) I would sense it right away and wake up.

Like I said before there was a time in my life when I struggled badly with bad nightmares night after night, constantly battling evil beings, demons and the like ... but after a while all of this stopped (Not trying to be preachy, but interestingly it did stopped when I stopped practicing santeria rituals and submitted myself to God, jesus and his angels).

You mention runes on your body for protection while you are in the astral. I once had a dream where I could see myself separating from my body. Then I could see that I was standing in my bedroom; I decided to look myself in the mirror: My image was very different from how I look in this reality: "My image" was very tall and muscular, kind of blonde, with a short beard and had one eye missing. I noticed many marks on the skin that I thought were scars and I asked "my image" what they were and I got as answer "the mark of a thousand battles"

starlight11 06-04-2019 06:50 PM

I was shown by my intuition(during a terrifying sleep paralysis lol) to concentrate on my third eye during sleep paralysis and put out an intention to lucid dream and it always works. Maybe you can try it with OBE?
I have my eyes close when I concentrate on my third eye btw. I say my intention is to lucid dream and there I am. In a dream able to control stuff lol

WildHairedWoman 08-04-2019 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by mindanalyzer
I have achieved several OBE, all of them in dreams. I was not even sure if they were ordinary dreams, but after posting all the details here, mostly everyone that answered agreed they were clearly OBE.

What makes me curious is that I have never achieved this at will. I have tried doing meditations, also taking some CBD oil, theanine, galantamine, etc and I can feel the buzzing but It would be a no go and I would fall asleep. No matter how hard I would keep trying, no results.

... Then I would forget about it and then there comes a spontaneous OBE; so I've almost come to accept it and not try to force it: if/when it happens, I accept it and if it does not happen, well, there should be a reason for that!

PS: It is also very strange that even when I admit to being extremely negative/dark in my thoughts (something for which I have no control, that has affected me a lot throughout my life and in my marriages, and for which I am even considering past life regression therapy .. btw any thoughts on that ? :confused: ), all my OBE are very enlightening, empowering and positive; I would see myself very free, extremely powerful, absent of fear of any kind, able to unfold my beautiful jetblack feathery wings and fly through beautiful places . It is interesting that I am experiencing this in these days, in the past it was the complete opposite: I had to fight endless battles with evil beings/aliens, but after I got my wings a few years ago and after some fights in that state, these bad guys started avoiding battles so thankfully I hardly see them these days

The part in Red, Not true, the only real control you have is what you think, how you define your feelings is linked to how you think. It is the big lie that we have no control of our thoughts. Even if someone else is talking in your head, you have control to send them away or to make them quit talking in your head.

As for the OBE, achieving that at will takes practice. And like anything else, if you are in a frame of mind that you are not powerful then you will not have suceess and you will attract energies that will mess with you. So get your head straight before you try OBE. Your dreams are giving you clues.

MissAnnThrope 14-04-2019 09:05 AM

I have yet to be successful in any of my OBE attempts, but I do have lucid dreams. I can't control when I'll have them though. Most of my dreams are normal, then seemingly at random I'll have a lucid dream.

ThatMan 14-04-2019 08:37 PM

It happens to me too.

I am at a "level" where I can completely change the environment around me in my OBEs, I even meditated in one of my OBEs, but I just started to have this new "skill".It's very difficult for me not to fly, every single time I have the thought of flying, I don't know why... maybe because it is so amazing.

MissAnnThrope 17-04-2019 12:38 AM

My lucid dreams are like that... very random.

ImthatIm 19-05-2019 06:35 PM

Not sure if this has anything to do with the topic.
I once had an experience while crashing a car.
It was told to me by witnesses that I rolled 5 times,not endo but side to side roll.
So when rolling I had a connection with a single blade of grass.
I seen it as my roof of the car was upside down and rolling so the blade of grass was at the top of my windshield along with the rest of the grass in the ground.
The funny thing was it was like I wasn't aware of the flipping car only the blade of grass and I was concerned for it. After pondering it years later I figured out my consciousness or awareness was 180 degrees or upside down from my body.
So I figure it was similar to some type of out of body experience.
There was no fear while rolling and all that was important was that blade of grass.I remember and can still see it to this day clear as a bell.
I must have popped out briefly for some kind of protection or something.:smile:

Legrand 21-05-2019 09:24 PM

Hello Mindanlyser,

It’s a ver interesting tread you brought up.

About the dark or the loving side we encounter in the astral, it mostly depends of our attachment to our ego.

Let’s say you invoke the Goddess Kali in Tantra Yoga, she will appear as an Evil destroyer if one is still attached to the ego. It’s her function to crush the ego so one may see/become Shiva. If one is not attached to the ego she will appear as the most loving Mother. If ever your Kundalini is just starting to awake, I would suggest to invoke the goddess Tripura Sundari instead of Kali. She is more gentle in helping one to let go of the ego attachement.

On another note. There are two basic ‘forces’ in the astral: Fear and Love. Some entities are very attracted by our inner fears. Once our inner fears are brought to the light of our consciousness, there's is only Love left.


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