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awareness 28-06-2016 05:57 AM

Awareness is Present
We are pleased to meet you here.
You may call us a band or frequency of light, an entity or a group consciousness.
The name matters not, but it is the love behind the appearance that truly matters.

Your True Nature Unveiled

We are awareness, and from our perspective you are included within this "we." We dance together, both here in this forum and in other frequencies. No one and nothing is separate from this awareness, for its presence is boundless.

Our first series of talks will cover "your true nature unveiled," and by this we refer to your wonderful spiritual essence, which we see as a multifaceted presence of light. Know that you are beloved, which means that you are BE-loved, for you ARE-loved.

This is true, even in all your dreams that seem to show otherwise.

Our closing message is a reminder of your present power. You have many screens in your world: computer screens, cellular phone screens, television screens, and of course your mental screen--the screen of your mind, the screen of your present attention--yet none of them are clear enough to show you the powerful presence and reality of that which you truly are.

We ask that you remember this as you gaze upon your screens, that no matter what you see, it is but an aspect of a greater reality, and is not the "whole picture" so to speak, and that your power lies in the stillness within each frame, within each moment, within each thought, feeling and desire in your awareness.

We appreciate you. We are complete.

awareness 28-06-2016 07:26 AM

We are pleased to return with a brief message concerning your voice and the many voices you have in your world.
Are you perceiving that each voice you hear, and that every message that you hear, is relevant to your present attention? That is, in the moment of your hearing it, seeing it, reading it, etc., the information that you perceive is always a translation of your mind, even when it appears to come from another?

That you need not seek to validate it as true or untrue, but through simply acknowledging and appreciating its presence, its place in your now, you automatically validate your power and presence.

We see this as a powerful affirmation of the power of awareness: appreciating the validity of each and every voice. This is appreciating the validity of being, the validity of your being in relation to whatever it is that you are currently experiencing.

We are complete.

awareness 28-06-2016 06:49 PM

We are here. We are present.

Could it be that your humanity is awakening to a higher reality, a more pristine and more clearly defined sense of self? By "more defined," we do not mean in terms of intellectual understanding, we mean in terms of clarity of purpose.

For even within your apparent upheavals and struggles, it is certain that new clarity of purpose is being birthed from within you, ready to be acknowledged and put into action. That you may trust that opportunity for rebirth is always present, during your happiest moments as well as those that seem less than happy. But unless you are consciously aware of this sense of renewal in your life, in your present, then it is as if you are not feeding your soul, for the soul thrives on fresh experience, it thrives on expansion.

The "unveiling" of your True Nature, in fact, is an expansion of your present awareness to feel a sense of renewal. Through this sense of constant rebirth, each and every moment is experienced with vitality. For know that whenever any moment, any activity, feels stale and boring, it is always because you are not acknowledging and appreciating the eternal freshness of the Life Force that is constantly being fed to you by your inner being.

The less hypnotized you are by outer appearances, the less distracted you are by how the moment is clothed, the more joy you reap from your present circumstance. That was sort of a backwards way of stating it, but we feel that you understand what is being conveyed.

You may bring new life to any activity through remembering to acknowledge your innate creative power and asking your spiritual essence, "How may I best use this power to serve?" This is, in fact, giving your attention to a new activity, a highly creative activity; whereas before, if you were unconscious of your present power to be happy, that is what created the sense of staleness or boredom in the first place.

We so very much enjoyed sharing these reminders of your present power to appreciate your True Nature. We are complete.

Nameless 29-06-2016 03:24 AM

Thank you Awareness. Very lovely.

awareness 29-06-2016 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Nameless
Thank you Awareness. Very lovely.

I/we deeply appreciate you. Your voice channeling is very excellent. You are, indeed, very much attuned to your inner being during most of your activities, and this is quite remarkable. :hug2:

Nameless 29-06-2016 11:37 AM

Thank you. It's something I'm exploring that is fun.

awareness 29-06-2016 06:51 PM

"You are partnered with the eternalness of creation."

Awareness is present. You have a partnership with whatever you are experiencing. You are partnered with the eternalness of creation. The present moment is your constant companion. Your human state of loneliness is a shadow of your actual state of being.

Isn't it interesting to realize that your now is your friend? With this perspective, you cannot fail to see the beauty within yourself and within your present experience. Your now is always showing you a perfectly clear representation of your thoughts and feelings about yourself. Everything that you experience is intensely personal, is it not, for you are the one creating it, consciously or not so consciously.

As a person you dwell within a personal universe--your personal universe--and this personal universe itself lives within an infinite sea of consciousness. This infinite sea of consciousness may be rightfully said to be the Real Universe, since it is Universal and not personal, for Infinite God does not perceive separation.

Your Einstein was right on track when he suggested that you may perceive your universe as friendly. Most humans would misinterpret this, thinking that he was in denial of harsh realities that many of you obviously experience, but that was not the case. He recognized that there was value in every human experience, and that his universe was not inherently against him in any way. In fact, he understood that his universe was reflecting to him his state of consciousness, and that the purpose of this was so he would always have feedback as to what he was focusing upon and vibrating.

We say to you, the core nature of this universal law is indeed positive in nature, in that its primary function is to give you more of whatever it is that you are vibrationally focused upon, ultimately with the purpose of helping you to raise your vibratory state and expand your consciousness, so that you may discover more of your True Nature.

The "universe" that Einstein was ultimately referring to was beyond the personal level as you know it, for he was perceiving quantum states of consciousness and beyond, which is how he was able to channel new formulas and understandings of physics. This came about because of his core belief in the benevolence of nature.

You too may tap into new dimensions of energy and information, provided that you accept the premise that there is a loving higher purpose to whatever it is that you are experiencing.

We appreciate you, and we are complete.

awareness 30-06-2016 11:50 PM

We feel the relevancy of the following message would apply very much to many who may encounter this thread. The questioner here, in private, gave consent to have our answer presented here...

Questioner: Greetings
How are you? I like very much your channeled messages. If I don't bother can I ask you to give me a channeled message? Many blessings.

Hi. I/we deeply appreciate you. What is it that you most seek? What are you identifying as your core desire? Do you feel deeply connected to the love and wisdom of your indwelling spirit?

Questioner: Hi. Thank you very much. I also appreciate you very much.
To be honest I'm searching for ''more things''. I have ''many desires'', I would say ''spiritual or/and divine desires''. I don't feel that I'm too connected to the love and wisdom of my indwelling spirit. I think that I have to meditate and to be more in ''here and now'' in order to do this.
I want to connect and communicate with Archangels, Seraphim, Ophanim, Watchers, Cosmic Masters, Elohim and other higher beings from the light. I want to manifest joy, happiness, abundance, prosperity, bliss with their help. For me and for others. Please give me a message about this. Thank you very much. Many blessings.

Our friend,

Much of the time, humans are overthinking these things, obsessing over desires and attainments. You are projecting most of your hope into "getting somewhere," instead of relaxing into the moment of where you are right now. Where you are right now is what matters most. Your power is in your now, your present moment experience, remember.

You do not need to contact any "masters" in order to feel more alive. This is an idea that you adopted from other people, but if you strongly insist that you "must" connect to such beings, then first realize that in truth you ARE already connected to them, you see.

We perceive that you are unnecessarily complicating your journey. You will not find the peace you desire until you learn to simplify your path and recognize the core desire that is at the heart of all desires.

You have been holding onto a concept of needing to hold many desires, yet in reality all desires are really about wanting to feel good. We strongly suggest that you take a more general approach, instead of complicating matters. For example, you generally want to feel more alive and more well-being, yes? Of course, for all beings inherently do. Then practice being more appreciative about the many wonderful treasures that you already possess.

You are not helping yourself by placing the Seraphim and such beings "above" your own self. You are looking at yourself as if you are "lowly" or "lower" than angels, when we see that you ARE an angelic being that is having a human experience. Ask yourself this, how can you possibly accept the love and light of "higher beings" if you insist that you are "lower" than them?

Our suggestion, beloved, is that you ease up, relax, be more easy about your life, and realize that there is nothing more important than your present moment experience, for where you are right now is just perfect for where you are heading. Life is not about "attaining" things, except for the realization that what you seek is already within you.

We promise you, the more you take delight in the simple pleasures of your world, every day, the more you will FEEL your Inner Light and divinity. Why chase after heavenly angels when you have angels in your everyday human experience, disguised as trees, as rocks, as birds, as other humans, as your own wonderful self? We kid you not; everything you truly desire IS available to you the more you acknowledge and appreciate the simple, everyday wonders of your world, including those experiences that you may think are not spiritual.

There are no separate beings in creation. All beings are really just energy frequencies of Universal Consciousness, but these frequencies are all really of one universal energy. As for meditation, we suggest that you meditate upon feeling connected to ALL of creation, and this is not about formal meditation. You have within you right now an ability to begin appreciating your wonderful human nature to a degree of joyousness that is beyond what you have allowed yourself to feel so far in your present lifetime!

Our key message to humanity is this: relax and enjoy where you are. It sounds too simplistic and suspicious to most of you, yet it is the same exact core message that all your so-called "spiritual masters" like Jesus and Buddha have given you. It is the same general message that the Seraphim and Ophanim teach. They want you to be happy where you are.

Your journey is not about climbing a spiritual mountain to get where they are. They are HERE and NOW, within your indwelling spirit. This is why we asked you if you felt connected to your indwelling spirit, because this is the "Kingdom within" that our friend Jesus asked you to seek first, and everything else is secondary to this.

...we feel your strong yearning for enlightenment, and we laugh because we see how are already an enlightened being, in terms of your true spiritual nature and state. We have an affirmation for you to use daily for a week, if you will use it, and it is this: "I can relax. I can be more easy about my life. I can let my path be easier and happier. I can let myself see Spirit in all things. I do this now. It is done."

And take a very deep breath, even three deep breaths if you will, and let the air out slowly, trusting that you are just fine where you are. We promise you, if you practice this often, many wonderful things will happen to you in a synchronistic manner that will show you how spiritually connected you really are. If you practice this for a week, your life will be transformed for the better. You will feel a new sense of clarity and self-empowerment.

This is our personal message for you, dear one. We love you and thank you for opening up to us, for WE ARE "angelic consciousness," with you as part of us.

We are complete.

barrynu 01-07-2016 07:28 PM

I like your messages.thanks:smile:

awareness 01-07-2016 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by barrynu
I like your messages.thanks:smile:

Blessed are you, friend. You are welcome to this free and open awareness that you are.

awareness 03-07-2016 04:05 AM

Your Inner Fountain of Eternal Life

We are present. You all have so much to give, to offer each other in your interactions. We would like to focus a bit on that, on the value you offer each other, that is, rather than "how much" in terms of your time. We mean how much of your love, your praise, your positive attention, your heart, your compassion, your inner beauty, your encouragement, your acknowledgment of their light and their indwelling spirit...

How much of these divine qualities are you mindful of giving? How often are you mindful of giving and allowing yourself these divine gifts? Many of you are very thirsty, and in your desire to quench this thirst you may find yourselves hoping that another may have the type of "water" that you seek, whereas all along it is really your inner fountain of eternal life, your inner being, that you are really wanting to drink from.

If you are thirsty, drink the beauty of where you stand. Why not drink of your own ocean, your own majesty?

In other words, it is of great value to yourselves if you can decide to seek the highest and best of your current circumstance, and this means taking it upon yourselves to look beyond present appearances. Your imagination is a powerful tool for this. Some say, "Look beyond imagination." We say, "Your imagination is something that you cannot possibly stop using altogether, for it is how Spirit is able to have a human experience."

Meditating on the "Inner Antenna"

There are times for deep meditation that will take your attention away from imagined realities, yes, but most of your human experience is spent in imagination, whether you are consciously aware of this or not very aware of this. Most of the time, most humans are not aware of the subtle inner imagery that their minds are perpetually attuned to. We offer this insight in our hope that you may use it as a type of meditation or contemplation, if you will, setting some time aside to meditate upon your inner antenna (and we do not mean your physical brain) that receives thoughts and images. We will leave that one as a mystery for you to have fun with. We suggest that you feel the subtlety of it, for it is beyond words.

We appreciate you, and we are complete.

awareness 03-07-2016 06:00 PM

The Practice of "Clarity Journaling"

We would like to bring to your attention the practice of clarity journaling, which has many wonderful benefits. In a way, you are already journaling, each and every one of you, for your human journey is a journal, with each thought and feeling you have being a new entry. Each day is a new page in your life journal. More accurately, each moment is a new page; each decision is a new page.

Every thought you have is a snapshot of endless probabilities.

So we ask you to think of journaling as a journey, and that your human life experience is already part of your soul's journal.

A clarity journal is a written account of the new insights and fresh experiences that you have on a daily basis. [It is an appreciation journal.] That is how we are defining it. It is simply a tool (and a very powerful one at that!) that allows you to express your joy in a much freer way than the typical type of journaling where you often focus on "what is" and "telling it like it is," which is essentially a problem-oriented type of journaling.

A clarity journal is a SOLUTION-oriented type of journal. It is deliberately writing about subjects that inspire you.

It is deliberately looking for the highest and best in yourself, in others around you, in your daily activities, in your quiet time, in your world, etc. It is about affirming that which you already KNOW as generally true about yourself, such as,

"I know that I am on a journey. I know that I am following a path. I know that I can raise my vibration. I can raise my consciousness. In fact, I have done so many times. I have been successful in getting to where I currently am. The clarity that I DO have is as a result of my openness and receptivity to my indwelling spirit."

Our friends, this is the type of journaling that opens doorways to new dimensions of experience that will fulfill your soul. This is the kind of journaling that releases miracles into your life.

You are effectively letting go of any feelings that desperately cry, "I need this," and successfully allowing yourself to affirm, "I enjoy this! I appreciate this! I am pleased with this result!"

For example, if you are seeking a new partner, a romantic relationship, you may use your clarity journal to purify your vibration, your consciousness, in relation to the subject. You may get to the point, in other words, and recognize what it is that you REALLY want, which you inevitably realize must be a higher awareness of love, joy, well-being...

A higher awareness of your True Nature.

A new partner may only give you a reflection of the [degree of] LOVE that you give to yourself. Money may only give you what you give it [what you give to yourself]. If you feel that it is difficult to achieve, based on past experience, then that is what you are giving to the subject of money as it pertains to you. However, using a clarity journal will shed new light upon old thought patterns that do not serve your best interests, making it much easier to tap into your spirit's natural feeling of joyous abundance and freedom.

Your "inner antenna" (your attention) may be consciously directed to attune to the love and the wealth that you already possess, and this opens a channel, like a tube or a river, that allows fresh, inspired thoughts, feelings, ideas and experiences to flow into your now, into your present material reality.

A clarity journal helps you manifest a clear journey, a clear pathway. It is not arrogant to inwardly proclaim what you DO know, for there ARE things that you DO know that you can achieve that you do not carry resistance about, such as washing your hair or brushing your teeth.

In other words, we are teaching the art of "effortless achievement," if you will. More accurately, it is an art in which you learn not to fret over effort and achievement, for you cannot not have effort in your human experience, and you cannot not have achievement, since these are fundamental aspects of your space/time reality.

Many serious "spiritual folk" take issue with subjects such as effort and achievement, and our purpose is to help lighten any sense of "anti-" or being against anything, for the key to healing is allowing peace, which includes allowing any resistance to peace to be peacefully surrendered. However, those of you who are already emotionally inclined to an easier path are those who most likely find messages such as ours.

The Role of Imagination in Your Clarity Journal

Your imagination is a tool, just as a clarity journal is a tool. Thus, you are using two powerful tools in conjunction: your imagination being like a pen or a paintbrush, and your journal being like a canvas. In truth, the two cannot be separated, for imagination always needs a canvas on which to express itself.

Remember, you are all already "journaling" your human experience through your thoughts/beliefs, feelings, decisions and actions [and through your speech, words and inner self-talk].

The Role of Feeling/Emotion in Your Clarity Journal

We suggest that you use your imagination in ways that feel fun. Feeling the emotion of fun is central to keeping a clarity journal, although you do not need to always feel bliss when writing in it. It is simply a tool for raising your vibration.

Whatever emotion you feel, first allow yourself to honor it, for it is but a message that reflects your vibrational state of awareness, a reflection of how you currently feel about yourself.

The feeling of fun is simply a clear pathway in which joyous experiences may manifest into your human experience from the "realm" of Divine Spirit. However, since you already exist within Divine Spirit as part of It, you are really recognizing more of what is already present; more joy, more love, more ease...

The Role of "Goal Setting" in Your Clarity Journal

How about setting a goal, setting a clear intent, to simply allow greater expansion of awareness of your True Nature? This is essentially but an intention to feel better, at its core. "Knowing thyself" and feeling good are not separate; they are in fact actually the same, when understood from an enlightened perspective. In other words, when you feel well-being you are experiencing a level of KNOWING your self-worth.

We feel that opening to clarity is in itself a very honorable goal to achieve, simply for the ride, the journey of expansion from one perspective to a higher one. And whenever you visit clarity--which is your "Kingdom within"--your highest heart's desires begin materializing into your personal reality for as long as you keep the portal open.

We appreciate you, friends. We are complete.

awareness 06-07-2016 08:48 AM

An Exercise for ENLARGING Your Perspective! [Part 1]

We are here (and always really are!). How may you enlarge your perspective? Your particular view or perspective of your reality is based upon where you stand [in your self-perspective, your beliefs]. This is common sense, yes. But what if you were to move an inch, or a meter, or a kilometer, then you would find that your perspective has changed...

Or has it really? In other words, you may move around, you may go up some stairs or climb a mountain and get another view, but your attitude about yourself may be relatively the same in vibration, in tone and mood, no matter where you go, and this may be so for many years.

What we suggest is that, if you are feeling bored, stagnant or confused as to what the next step may be in your journey, we suggest that you remove yourself from your habitual environment for a little bit and take another perspective.

However, we suggest that you may then imagine where you last were; so, if it were your bedroom, then now--from your new physical perspective--we suggest that you either imagine looking at yourself from that perspective of where you currently are (and for this example, let us say that you are now sitting on a park bench).

You may imagine viewing yourself, watching yourself, from an "out of body" perspective, floating above the bedroom scene, sending yourself love, and this in effect aligns you with your Higher Self, your inner being. Seeing yourself from a higher perspective, looking down with unconditional love, you may imagine sending yourself Cosmic Light, Divine Light, and this in effect gives you a new EMOTIONAL perspective, you see.

Having a new emotional perspective, you now understand your situation better. You understand, you FEEL, that you are loved, even when your physical self is lying in bed feeling lonely, you KNOW from your Higher perspective that guidance, love, protection and well-being are available to be accessed by your "lower" vibrational self that may be experiencing loneliness and despair, or any lack-based feeling of disconnection from Source.

Using this exercise is like "remote viewing" yourself from another location in time and space so as to send yourself healing energies, and this is in essence what is occurring constantly in terms of your Higher Self's relationship to you. It has been said that your Higher Self is like a "future" version of you, more wise and expanded, and this is a simplified and fairly practical way of understanding it for humans to get the basic gist of it.

You say that you want to enlarge your perspective? If so, we are giving you this exercise in order to accelerate your learning of this lesson, this lesson [of learning] that you are NEVER EVER really "alone" in your reality, not in your human dimension nor in the celestial dimension, so to speak, where we reside.

Have fun with using your imagination, we often say, and use it as a tool to enlarge your human perspective, for this is why you were GIVEN your imagination in the first place, our friends. We are transmitting an image of the multidimensional nature of your imagination. It is likened unto a kaleidoscope of probability.

(We know, a part of our translator's mind tends to want to say "possibility," but we encourage and prefer your word, PROBABILITY, since all possible realities or events are given endless chances to materialize, due to the eternalness of "all-that-is," the multiverse, which thrives on diversity.)

The translator's energy level is such that we are complete and will resume this message at another perspective in your now. We bless and appreciate you.

awareness 06-07-2016 09:58 AM

An Exercise for ENLARGING Your Perspective! [Part 2]

Another example we are transmitting is that, from our example of you sitting upon a park bench, feeling some relief perhaps from the loneliness you had felt while previously at home lying in bed, you may now imagine, sense and FEEL that another version of you is still lying in bed at home (because this probability exists, remember).

So now, you are experiencing yourself sitting on the park bench while simultaneously lying in bed at home, and you can see with clarity that both versions of you are experiencing different emotional states, even if just slightly different. There may be a large or small emotional gap, or variance. It really doesn't matter. For YOU as AWARENESS are aware of both "you"s, both versions, as they exist in the same Eternal Now.

As awareness you are non-physical, and you are aware that both versions of "you" each represent a different vibrational reality, different states of being, and you love them equally, absolutely and unconditionally, for you obviously recognize that they exist within your more expanded reality as awareness, or what some of you call Pure Awareness.

Thus, this divine awareness that you are, which some of you may perceive as the "Higher Self" if you wish, is of a very high and very fast energy frequency, and guess which version of "you" is the closest in emotional awareness to this Pure Awareness? The guy or gal on the park bench, or the dude or lady lying in bed at home?

It is most definitely the one who sits upon the park bench, who is FEELING a sense of relief, a sense of peace, perhaps observing ducks swimming on a pond, or a happy family nearby. There is absolutely no judgment from YOU as "Pure Awareness," for Pure Awareness is EQUALLY available to both versions of "you." It is just a matter of physics, of cosmic physics, we say.

One who is in alignment with his/her inner being is one who holds the key to "effortless" creation, which is creation through pathways of near-zero resistance.

So yes, the guy or gal who sits in bed having a pity party is not, at that very moment, in close alignment to divine awareness, even though he/she is quietly being offered love, peace, guidance and safety from the "Higher Self." But you DO have many, many, many, literally endless, other physical perspectives from which to choose, whether they be park benches or getting up and walking two or ten feet away from your bed.

And the ONLY reason for moving, for taking such simple action, is to help "shake off" the negative perspective, because you would want to FEEL BETTER. The cobwebs of fear come in many forms, and "loneliness" is often an excuse many of you use in your stubbornness not to move on with your lives in courage and enthusiasm.

We love you, and we remind you that you have the POWER within you to alter [enlarge] your perspective for a smoother ride ahead.

A simple step forward is all it takes in order to give yourself a greater sense of space and freedom, whenever you may feel restricted or sluggish (just cobwebs of fear, remember, and thin ones at that! Once you begin to see how powerful you really are, thus showing you the transparency of the ghosts of fear.) Such emotions may only feel "heavy" when you GIVE them enough attention and thus sufficient power to make you feel that way.

You are ALWAYS much more powerful than you realize, even [more so than you realize] when you are "self-realized."

Enlargement, expansion, is part of your ascension in consciousness. Allow the end of illusion-making [AKA delusion] to come naturally, for it can be realized no other way than through being at peace with "what is," thereby allowing ["mind" as you know it to be dissolved, and] the Divine What-Is to be realized in perfect awareness.

We are complete.

awareness 06-07-2016 10:46 AM


I want to ask you something about God, if I don't bother.
Please tell me if God is some type of energy, consciousness or he is also a beings, a spirit or is just an energy or consciousness? Many blessings.

Our friend, it is good to "bother," if you do so fearlessly. Understand? You asked us the question anyway. Your "bothering" has so much love in it, more than anything, and we thank you and congratulate you for that. Be brave!

Our answers here are but reflections of the inner answers that your inner being have for you, remember.

You are asking questions, here, that you can easily sense and FEEL for yourself. We have no intellectual answer to give you that will ultimately satisfy you [and for good reason! Divine Truth is beyond words.].

There is no such thing as energy "or" consciousness, for energy IS essentially consciousness, dear one, and it is itself truly without gender identification.

Energy, consciousness, being(ness) and Spirit are One, and in many cases the words may be used interchangeably to refer to the same Divine Reality.

Why don't you ask God directly? We joke a bit, for in essence you already have, even before approaching us.

awareness 20-07-2016 05:09 AM

Applying the Power of Soft Strength


Our friends, there are many advantages in being childlike, such as embodying the natural sense of spaciousness, openness, receptivity, freedom and spontaneity that your three- and four-year-olds display. And let us not forget to mention joyousness!

You see, you all still have these attributes, no matter what you are presently faced with. We would like you to be more in the remembrance of what never truly left you, these wonderful childlike traits, instead of thinking that you must obtain them.

And now we have a new term that we will use for a bit, because we like the sound of it (we don't have ears, but you catch our drift), that being what may be called "soft strength." We invite you to feel this one out with us, the energy of the words...

Now, a level deeper, beyond the words, into the very DNA of the words, if you will. (Yes! Were you aware that words carry DNA as well? Well, they do, indeed.) Feel with us, if you will, the energetic strands of verbal DNA, the living, lively, Life Force within the core essence of soft strength.

Soft strength is like yin and yang. You see, the small child is very attuned to this divine power that we are calling soft strength. It runs like a river through them, feeding them with buoyancy and LIFE. Feel with us, dear ones, the delicious Life Force of soft strength!

It is a gentle yet powerful river that connects you directly to the higher energy frequencies of your Cosmic Heart. We said "your Cosmic Heart" (and our interpreter here almost changed it to "the"), because we feel that it would assist in helping you feel it in your body, "up close and personal" as your saying goes.

Notice your heartbeat. Your Cosmic Heart is beating through it.

Notice your breathing. The Divine Breath of God flows through it.

Notice your hearing. The "Music of the Spheres" is being orchestrated by angels for your ears to hear.

Notice your emotional body. The Infinite Love of God is pouring through it!

Are you feeling this, or are we just blowing smoke up your you-know-what? :biggrin: Only you get to determine, of course, if this feels true for you or not.

"But what is soft strength?" some of you may still be wondering. If so, please return to the first part where we said "Notice..." You see, noticing is an art and a science. There is great power behind that word of yours, notice. Notice! :smile:

It sounds similar to "know this," does it not? This is not accidental. Similar sounding words and phrases carry similar verbal DNA.

Now, when we suggest that you get a FEEL for the words soft strength, this is in fact how you may notice a vibration, a sense, of the concept we are sharing. It is how you may personally tune into the Cosmic or Divine Meaning of any word, in a manner of speaking, without the need for going to a medium or interpreter other than your lovely indwelling spirit.

So, let us correct ourselves! :D We are not giving you these messages so that you may "catch our drift," per se, as in the sense that we are a different entity than you that you may look up to. No, no, no! :hug3:

Since there is no real dimensional wall between us, between "you" and "us," this is really a celebration among equals, a holy gathering of friends who are attached at the hips, for we indeed walk beside you as equals in the "Eyes of God," you may say.

We are, in part, here to assist you all in easing up on this interdimensional hierarchy silliness, as much as you allow us to. [That is, for those of you in particular who may still adhere to the concept, but are willing to stretch beyond it.] Ye are gods means that Divinity--however you may interpret It to be--walks with you, within you, as you, at all times.

We love using unusual approaches to help you arrive at deeper or "Cosmic" understandings, and this is just what we are doing. We too feel the limitation of words, as we are aware many of you sometimes feel, and so we love giving you things for you to play with, to have fun with, and investigate for yourselves, and soft strength is one of these things.

We thank you. We love you. We see that you are expanding, and we delight in this, for we expand as we observe you expanding. It is, after all, how the "Law of Attraction" works.

We are complete.

Pagandell 15-08-2016 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by awareness
We are here. We are present.

Could it be that your humanity is awakening to a higher reality, a more pristine and more clearly defined sense of self? By "more defined," we do not mean in terms of intellectual understanding, we mean in terms of clarity of purpose.

For even within your apparent upheavals and struggles, it is certain that new clarity of purpose is being birthed from within you, ready to be acknowledged and put into action. That you may trust that opportunity for rebirth is always present, during your happiest moments as well as those that seem less than happy. But unless you are consciously aware of this sense of renewal in your life, in your present, then it is as if you are not feeding your soul, for the soul thrives on fresh experience, it thrives on expansion.

The "unveiling" of your True Nature, in fact, is an expansion of your present awareness to feel a sense of renewal. Through this sense of constant rebirth, each and every moment is experienced with vitality. For know that whenever any moment, any activity, feels stale and boring, it is always because you are not acknowledging and appreciating the eternal freshness of the Life Force that is constantly being fed to you by your inner being.

The less hypnotized you are by outer appearances, the less distracted you are by how the moment is clothed, the more joy you reap from your present circumstance. That was sort of a backwards way of stating it, but we feel that you understand what is being conveyed.

You may bring new life to any activity through remembering to acknowledge your innate creative power and asking your spiritual essence, "How may I best use this power to serve?" This is, in fact, giving your attention to a new activity, a highly creative activity; whereas before, if you were unconscious of your present power to be happy, that is what created the sense of staleness or boredom in the first place.

We so very much enjoyed sharing these reminders of your present power to appreciate your True Nature. We are complete.

Hi Awareness.

Nice thread, I do feel humanity is awakening into a higher awareness of are
in dwelling spirit.

And although there is much confusion in are world at the moment, I feel we have reached a time of great change and it is time for are true core values to come into play.:D

Much love :icon_sunny:

awareness 16-08-2016 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Pagandell
Hi Awareness.

Nice thread, I do feel humanity is awakening into a higher awareness of are
in dwelling spirit.

And although there is much confusion in are world at the moment, I feel we have reached a time of great change and it is time for are true core values to come into play.:D

Much love :icon_sunny:

Hello Pagandell.

We extend our love and appreciation to you. We very much agree, our friend. A mass awakening is indeed underway.

awareness 25-08-2016 03:52 PM

Cosmic Disclosure: The Art and Science of Inner Research



As you gain in experience in making conscious contact with the divinity within you, your understanding of "research" is deepened. There is no higher expression of research than that which is found within you, as you seek deeper understanding about any subject from within yourself. Your Internet is but a human-made attempt to replicate what your collective consciousness already does much more effectively.

There is, of course, nothing wrong with creating technologies that pale in comparison to what your mind can already do, but if you rely heavily upon such technologies then you are enslaved to them. There is a "Cosmic Internet" that you may access through intent and imagination, which has everything that your electronic Internet has, but infinitely more.

You may access this Cosmic Computer through lucid dreaming, meditation, daydreaming and through playing with such tools as Tarot, Ouija and the I Ching. In fact, as you are aware, your human Internet may be used as an excellent tool to assist you in accessing higher levels of understanding, such as what is available in this forum and in other social media interactions.

When you are using your Internet, you are actually using the Cosmic Internet in what may be called a stepped-down form. You generally believe (in your human level) that you invent things, new technologies, but you do not really create your physical reality from a standpoint of physical reality. You do not actually invent things from a purely human level, for there is no such thing as a "purely human level."

As human entities you are still divine beings, no matter what physical appearances you temporarily manifest and experience. Therefore, it is true that everything you create carries divinity within it, some light within it, even what may be considered your "worst" creations. Even darkness is a form of light. The Ultimate Truth of Light is that only Divine Light actually exists. There is no fundamental opposite to light. There is no real absence of light.

Only in dualistic fantasies is such polarity seen to exist.

It is therefore necessary to transcend the mental slavery of duality-consciousness in order to master your ability to access Cosmic Insight. Divine Insight is joyous, it is not "serious" in a manner of lacking joy. If your research is based upon a strong sense of lack, as most human research is in general, then know that you are not really discovering anything worthwhile.

Many of you hope for some kind of great revelation or "disclosure" to happen, when in truth no such thing will ever appease you, for you are never really satisfied with such transient and temporary things. The light that you seek, the revelations of truth that you seek, are eternally within your Higher Self, they are not fundamentally governmental or social in terms of your human experience.

Your human race is perpetually seeking the next great revelation, even when any one of you think you have found it, for your soul always asks, "What's next? What shall I experience that will top this?" You came to Earth in order to enjoy expansion within stepped-down frequencies of light, so that you could channel more light into your world, into your plane of existence. Ponder this: Every birth, human and non-human, brings fresh soul-light into your dimension.

You wanted--you chose--to play in the mud, so that you could joyously shape it like clay into whatever form you desired. Why not choose to make the best of this decision and have fun while doing so?

When you choose to allow closure of that which is your "personal history," this closure leads you to Cosmic Disclosure, which is enlightenmental and revelatory in nature. In other words, you access bliss through transcending personal history, through rising above the trappings of personal reality, and this may only happen through feeling yourself immersed in LOVE.

True "research" is an immersion not in books, not in gathering "facts," but in LOVE. You are "searching again" for your True Reality, your True Identity, which may only be found in the LOVE within you that is at the spiritual core of your human expression.

We thank you for allowing this transmission. We love you. We are complete.

Zeronknight 31-08-2016 05:38 AM

Hi OP, are you giving out readings or something like that? I've really never seen a thread like this xD.

Btw: Nice messages :)

awareness 31-08-2016 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Zeronknight
Hi OP, are you giving out readings or something like that? I've really never seen a thread like this xD.

Btw: Nice messages :)

Hello Zeronknight.

Our task is simply to share information of high spiritual relevance that may be used by entities to help them feel more aligned with their True Selves.

This may entail offering some in-depth details in some cases, when such information is sought by the questioner and we feel it is appropriate to share, yet we are not offering "readings" of the psychic sort that many are familiar with, although in truth all feedback that you receive is--in accordance with universal law--a type of reading.

In this forum we do occasionally accept any questions entities may have. Unfortunately, many in your world tend to hope that their questions will be answered in a certain way, according to preconceived bias. We would like to remind our friends here that even a so-called "non-answer" is in fact an answer. A response that may seem to be off-topic, nonsensical or simply foreign to your understanding is still a response, and may be honored as such.

In addition, all answers are simply opinions, colorations of Divine Truth, and not set in stone.

We thank you. Our friend, have you been feeling an upsurge of joy in your life in your current experience? :smile:

bees 05-09-2016 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by awareness
...we feel your strong yearning for enlightenment, and we laugh because we see how are already an enlightened being, in terms of your true spiritual nature and state. We have an affirmation for you to use daily for a week, if you will use it, and it is this: "I can relax. I can be more easy about my life. I can let my path be easier and happier. I can let myself see Spirit in all things. I do this now. It is done."

And take a very deep breath, even three deep breaths if you will, and let the air out slowly, trusting that you are just fine where you are. We promise you, if you practice this often, many wonderful things will happen to you in a synchronistic manner that will show you how spiritually connected you really are. If you practice this for a week, your life will be transformed for the better. You will feel a new sense of clarity and self-empowerment.

This is our personal message for you, dear one. We love you and thank you for opening up to us, for WE ARE "angelic consciousness," with you as part of us.

We are complete.

Dear awareness: Can anyone use these techniques, or are they specific to the original questioner?

awareness 06-09-2016 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by beesliketoplay
Dear awareness: Can anyone use these techniques, or are they specific to the original questioner?

Hello beesliketoplay.

Anyone may indeed use these techniques and derive great benefit from them, if an attitude of openness to positive results is present.

However, the examples we gave were specifically suited for those who had self-doubt as to how powerful they really are, and thus such persons would benefit from beginning with more general affirmations that begin with "I can..."

Those spiritual seekers who are more practiced, familiar and comfortable with acknowledging their Inner Presence may find the "I can" type of affirmations or way of thinking to be too limited for them, and may find the "I AM" type of affirmations to be more suited for their general state of awareness.

We say, whatever helps keep you afloat is good for you to use.

We appreciate you, dear beesliketoplay. You may BE a happy bee, indeed. :hug3:

bees 06-09-2016 02:54 AM


Thank you, awareness! :hug2:

Very helpful. If at some point you are inclined, and/or if within the scope of what you do here, would you mind touching on two topics please: laziness, and how to protect an open heart in a world where there is hurt?

awareness 06-09-2016 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by beesliketoplay

Thank you, awareness! :hug2:

Very helpful. If at some point you are inclined, and/or if within the scope of what you do here, would you mind touching on two topics please: laziness, and how to protect an open heart in a world where there is hurt?

Hello beesliketoplay.

We would help you, but we aren't feeling very motivated to do so at this time. :wink:

Yes, we will touch upon these subjects for you. We thank you for bringing up two very poignant areas of concern for many entities in your Earth plane.

Determining what constitutes "laziness" is often tricky for most humans to do. As we are certain that you are aware, most of you believe very strongly in "hard work," a massively popular concept in your world, and we see that this concept is mostly problematic for your species, in that it usually denotes struggle, worries about survival and doing work that is not very enjoyable.

Quite often humans feel guilt and resistance around the idea of taking an easy approach to things, whether it be goal-setting, problem-solving or building or creating something, for your human society in general is very suspicious and distrusting of taking paths of least resistance.

If it doesn't have struggle, then it isn't real, many of you feel. "Anything worth attaining is worth struggling for," is a mantra in the collective human consciousness. From the perspective of your Higher Self, this belief doesn't make sense, for it is understood that there are many things that you attain that you do not struggle for.

For example, most of you do not struggle to breathe. Your lungs do not struggle for air. Oxygen is in abundance in your world. Each breathe that you attain is a gift to your mind/body system. You do not struggle to move or shift from one moment to the next. Time flows easily for you in your dimension. You do not struggle to attain a new now-moment, each moment being a fresh and new opportunity to allow more joy into your life experience.

None of you ever believe, "It is a challenge moving through time and space. This is really difficult!" None of you ever say to another, "You are lazy to think that you can just move through time so effortlessly."

Simple gifts such as breathing air and flowing effortlessly through time are very often overlooked by human entities in your world. They are generally not appreciated as being miracles in their own right.

Those of you who do not understand or appreciate the constancy and simplicity of universal laws, such as the "law of attraction," often perceive those around you who may manifest or attain certain things without struggle--who may even physically do very little--to be "lazy" [often perceiving them to be "lucky" as well].

The lower ego's ideas about laziness are generally off the mark. Jealousy is very often active in its perception, particularly in regards to the above example that we gave in which someone may appear to receive a blessing without having to struggle or "work hard" for it.

True laziness, if there is such a thing, is simply allowing fear-based thinking to dominate your awareness. At its worse, it is a stubborn and persistent negative focus of attention where one refuses to find a way to feel better, instead choosing to be "right." That is how we would define laziness.

Many so-called "highly productive" people are in fact quite lazy, according to this understanding of laziness. One may be a "hard worker" in a worldly sense and simultaneously be quite lazy in the department of spiritual growth. One may appear to the world at large to "get things done," yet may at the same time essentially achieve nothing of great spiritual value.

We encourage you to look beyond your species' typical definitions and perspectives of "laziness" if you truly want to understand what it is in a very high way. It is never lazy to genuinely look for an easier way, a happier way to accomplish something, bearing in mind that true accomplishment is about enjoying the journey, not in arriving at a "final destination" of eternal bliss or enlightenment.

Laziness always involves fear and guilt, even when the entity who is lazy may be largely unaware of his/her own inner feelings of fear and guilt. Now, not one of you "is" lazy, in the sense that laziness is not what you are. You may express laziness, but you cannot literally "be" completely lazy or 100% lazy, for you are multidimensional souls that experience simultaneous realities all at once.

Our interpreter's energy field needs recharging at this time. He will be ready in a day or two to attend to your second question. Please forgive his abhorrent laziness. :tongue:

However, most importantly, your Higher Self is on standby to directly answer your own questions, of course, whenever you are in a relaxed receptive mode to receive its transmissions in the quiet space of your heart.

We love you. We appreciate your kind and pleasant manner. You are in possession of great love and wisdom. You are by no means a stranger to compassion, our friend.

We are complete.

bees 07-09-2016 03:46 AM

Wow - thank you awareness, and for the laughter too :smile: Thanks "interpreter"!

awareness 08-09-2016 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by beesliketoplay
...how to protect an open heart in a world where there is hurt?

Hello dear beesliketoplay.

You are eternally welcome. We do not see that the heart needs to be protected. By law of attraction, putting up a defense would guarantee that the one who does so would, in fact, be attacking his/her own heart, because harboring fear to any degree is damaging to your mind/body system. This is the irony.

Your True Spiritual Nature is one of perfect defenselessness. There are no defenses in stillness. We are not, of course, saying that humans should never have any kind of defenses. We would never ask you to disarm yourselves and leave yourself open to "wolves." Some levels of what your species calls "protection" may serve to provide you with a rudimentary sense of comfort.

Most of you keep your doors locked at night, and we see no great harm done in such generally-accepted things. We remind you, however, that the idea and belief, "I need to protect myself," comes from minds that are invested in fear and duality. This is most unnatural to who you really are.

Your species "unconsciously" creates reasons and scenarios so that it may set up defenses. Know this: Your human race is actually in an evolutionary process of outgrowing such limiting beliefs and practices.

Your question implies an external or outer world that contains hurt. No such world exists. The world you perceive is a perfect reflection of your inner beliefs, in conjunction with billions of souls with whom you have a collective agreement with.

This is why most humans in your Earth plane tend to perceive "the world" in a very similar manner. Your race has a collective soul agreement in which you have certain generally-accepted root assumptions in place in your collective human consciousness. However, in questioning these common assumptions, you gradually liberate yourself from the mass hypnosis. You need not accept the core beliefs of your human collective.

If one's heart is truly "open" in a spiritual sense, then there is no interest in protecting the heart, because joy is far more effective and powerful than fear. We ask you, blessed one, what do you mean by "protect"? What is your idea of protection? What is your perception of an "open heart"?

We do suggest that one may imagine oneself and others as being bathed in a bubble of White Light. This can be very effective in giving one an extra sense of security. It depends upon one's level of positive belief in oneself.

The best way to "protect" the heart is through healing the mind of its fears. It is through loving oneself unconditionally. It is through surrendering attack-thoughts and grievances. It is through holding an attitude of appreciation. It is through deliberately focusing on things that inspire one to feel JOY. All of these are the same practice. There is no higher way.

We thank you.

awareness 08-09-2016 05:20 PM

Meditation Drops Defenses


An interesting thought to consider is that when you meditate you are actually in a state of awareness in which your defenses drop. One cannot hold defensiveness and meditate at the same time. Meditation is a suspension of defensiveness.

Meditation realigns you to your True Nature, which is completely without defenses, and this is where all true power exists. Appreciation does the same. Meditation releases resistance. In meditation you must give up the "fight." There is no self-righteous battle of egos in the true state of meditation.

There was never a war in Heaven. "Heaven" is simply eternal well-being, your actual spiritual state, and no separation, attack nor duality may exist within it.

You are all divine conduits for raising your Earth up to the Light of Heaven. You are perfect candidates for uplifting the frequency of your planet, as you simply uplift your own frequency.

We are complete.

bees 09-09-2016 04:22 AM

Dear awareness, I'm grateful for your response. I have a migraine now and will respond in a couple of days - but thank you very much for the kind and wise sharings here. :smile:

awareness 10-09-2016 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by beesliketoplay
Dear awareness, I'm grateful for your response. I have a migraine now and will respond in a couple of days - but thank you very much for the kind and wise sharings here. :smile:

Hello beesliketoplay.

You may find tapping techniques such as EFT to be of great assistance in helping to relieve internal pressures, as well as acupressure points in the relieving of stress, such as that which may be found in the area of the base of the skull. Hydration also helps.

Filling the spine with White Light is beneficial, imagining this Universal Energy as coming in from all directions of the universe and building up within your spine, and as it builds up it simultaneously flows into all areas of your body and radiates as an expanding bubble or aura of White Light that surrounds you. A daily practice of this for five minutes would yield wonderful results.

This is very beneficial as a general tune-up of your vibration. These simple techniques may be used in conjunction with whatever else you may apply.

We are sending you Cosmic Energies. Blessed you be. :hug3:

bees 10-09-2016 09:50 PM

Thank you, awareness, and channeller.

What you say resonates with me and is a very beautiful way of relaying things. Thank you for this kindness.


Originally Posted by awareness
We ask you, blessed one, what do you mean by "protect"? What is your idea of protection? What is your perception of an "open heart"?

I think I .. mean not to get hurt, not to feel betrayed or disappointed - example, not meet kindness with unkindness, or be nice to another only to ..not have that reciprocated maybe.

I think of it in this manner.

Protection physically means protection against people who are violent, cruel, unkind, selfish.

It is not being taken advantage of, or deceived, in innocence or because of kindness.

An "open heart" means free of ego, open, unselfish, innocent even...honest maybe.

I think this is my understanding, or translation of these terms.


The best way to "protect" the heart is through healing the mind of its fears. It is through loving oneself unconditionally. It is through surrendering attack-thoughts and grievances. It is through holding an attitude of appreciation. It is through deliberately focusing on things that inspire one to feel JOY. All of these are the same practice. There is no higher way.

We thank you.

For your kindness, I am so grateful.

bees 10-09-2016 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by awareness
Hello beesliketoplay.

You may find tapping techniques such as EFT to be of great assistance in helping to relieve internal pressures, as well as acupressure points in the relieving of stress, such as that which may be found in the area of the base of the skull. Hydration also helps.

Filling the spine with White Light is beneficial, imagining this Universal Energy as coming in from all directions of the universe and building up within your spine, and as it builds up it simultaneously flows into all areas of your body and radiates as an expanding bubble or aura of White Light that surrounds you. A daily practice of this for five minutes would yield wonderful results.

This is very beneficial as a general tune-up of your vibration. These simple techniques may be used in conjunction with whatever else you may apply.

We are sending you Cosmic Energies. Blessed you be. :hug3:

:hug2: ...

awareness 10-09-2016 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by beesliketoplay
I think I .. mean not to get hurt, not to feel betrayed or disappointed - example, not meet kindness with unkindness, or be nice to another only to ..not have that reciprocated maybe.

I think of it in this manner.

Protection physically means protection against people who are violent, cruel, unkind, selfish.

It is not being taken advantage of, or deceived, in innocence or because of kindness.

An "open heart" means free of ego, open, unselfish, innocent even...honest maybe.

I think this is my understanding, or translation of these terms.

Hello beesliketoplay.

Kindness is of course a purely POSITIVE characteristic or trait, and therefore it cannot under any circumstances invite unkindness. This is simply not possible. We understand that most humans disagree with this, but it is a simple spiritual fact of cosmic physics that a positive attitude does not invite negative circumstance.

When people react to you with unkindness, it is never because you are kind. It is because they choose to act in such a way, period. Which simply means that they are holding onto resentment that has absolutely nothing to do with you. You are not responsible for another's karmic reaction. But when you believe that you can be negatively taken advantage of "because" of being kind, that is totally illogical, for you are essentially saying, "I am responsible for this person's unkindness," which doesn't make any sense.

Are you seeing how this works? Your statement of belief was essentially opposite to that which we are sharing in our messages. Our friend, you are too concerned with how others behave or react, and this is one of the major contributors to your internal stresses, which in turn can manifest as migraines or other physiological imbalances.

No one has ever brought harm to you "because" you were kind. That is not how universal law works. Your true role and purpose was not to have a human experience so that you could feel bad or take responsibility or blame for how others may or may not react to you. You didn't incarnate so that you could become guarded and worried about how others may react to you.

How others react is not your soul's concern.

But if you make it your human concern, then you have a problem, you see. Your indwelling spirit is not worried or concerned about what others do. Its purpose is solely to assist you in your awakening to your True Spiritual Nature, your True Self.

We guarantee you that your mind/body system will experience much less stress if you simply practiced turning your attention away from worrying about how "others" may react to you. As you change YOUR reactions of fear into reactions of unbreakable self-confidence and unshakable compassion (and we know that you have many, many love-based reactions as well, dear one), it is 100% certain that you will experience LESS uncomfortable encounters with other people...guaranteed! :smile:

And when we say "if you simply practiced," we are not saying that this will be easy for you to accomplish at first. We understand that you are already well practiced in many of these areas of discussion, or else you would not feel any heartfelt resonance with our material. We simply suggest a more expanded approach that will allow you to feel more self-confident, which is more confidence in trusting your Divine Self.

All this concern over needing "protection" and thinking about potential violence that may happen to you and others, or thinking about past negative encounters...all of this, our friend, is highly unproductive for you. This adds fuel to the fire, rather than extinguishing it.

Understand that when you worry about how others may react to you, you are actually "unconsciously" giving them permission to react to you in a negative manner, for worry IS negative in nature. Worry is not compassion. True compassion has nothing to do with worrying.

Granted, yes, worrying DOES have compassion beneath it, and we understand that those who freely express worry ARE essentially very compassionate beings, yet worry is a MIS-USE of attention and energy. Questioning the worry and seeking a higher way of emotional expression is a HIGHER use of one's energy.

We hope that some of these ideas may serve to assist you very well in your journey, dear beesliketoplay.

We thank you, and we are complete.

bees 11-09-2016 12:43 AM

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

bees 11-09-2016 12:44 AM

Thank you again, I don't know who you are, but I thank you All.

awareness 11-09-2016 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by beesliketoplay
Thank you again, I don't know who you are, but I thank you All.

Indeed. :hug3:

BehindBlueEyes 12-09-2016 12:08 PM

Hi Awareness.
How can i be sure i'm on the right path in life? I've been seeing and hearing the name of someone who hurt me badly in the past, everywhere i go. I fear history is repeating itself but I can't seem to see a way out. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you. :smile:

awareness 12-09-2016 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by BehindBlueEyes
Hi Awareness.
How can i be sure i'm on the right path in life? I've been seeing and hearing the name of someone who hurt me badly in the past, everywhere i go. I fear history is repeating itself but I can't seem to see a way out. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you. :smile:

Hello BehindBlueEyes.

What a wonderful name--and song. :smile:

That is it! You asked a question that cuts right to the chase, as some of you say. Simple and direct. How may you be sure? By how you feel. But even before we get into that, we suggest that you consider that there is no "wrong" path, ultimately, in the sense that each choice, every action, every journey is equally valid as a life experience.

As long as you may believe (if this is the case) that you are on a "wrong" path, or a path that is not as "good" as another, this type of thinking and feeling can be very problematic for you, simply because you may be devaluing your current experience.

It is very important that you learn to deeply value your present situation, your present circumstance, in order to feel peace and clarity about your life path. Remember, none of you are in the Earth plane so that you can get somewhere better. As a soul you are experiencing a human existence really for the opportunity to enjoy physical reality. Joy is the purpose.

Now, in terms of whether in any given moment you are in alignment with your inner spirit or not, this is where the concept of "right path" or "wrong path" has its true validity, for when you are positively focused and feeling any degree of satisfaction, this is when you are on a "right path," in that sense, and when you are focused in an attitude of lack and limitation, this is what may be seen as a "wrong path" in terms of meaning a pathway of thought and action that is negatively focused in fear.

The REAL cutting-edge question to ask yourself is, "Am I, right now, appreciating myself and my life as it is?" That is the golden question in which an honest answer from yourself--to yourself--will reveal what you want to know. This is how you answer your own question, dear one.

If you feel dissatisfied, this is a clear answer that says you are presently focused in a negative pathway of thought and emotion. And we will note that there is no neutral or mid-point that is between positive and negative. Understand that every thought, every choice, is either positively-oriented or negatively-oriented to some degree.

Your only two real choices in any given moment are either love or fear.

It is really this simple. Choose to feel better, choose to love/appreciate yourself where you are, and you are following the "right" path that is in alignment with your True Spiritual Nature. Choose to extend appreciation and kindness to others, and you are on a "righteous" path in terms of being in alignment with your Higher Self.

We suggest that you look at your "path" in terms of how you are feeling. Be more aware of the emotional path that you are on, our friend. Most humans perceive their "path" in terms of their actions, their perceived role, status, environment, etc. None of those things really matter in terms of truly understanding what a path really is, which is about how you are feeling, how you are perceiving. It is about quality, never about quantity.

"What quality of attitude am I displaying?" This is the kind of poignant question that one must ask of oneself if one is to discover his/her relationship to their innermost being. There is no cutting corners. Any avoidance of one's present-moment feeling-nature is a self-imposed "roadblock" to experiencing joy.

This is very important to hear: You don't have to create your joy. It is already your innermost spiritual experience. You only need to remove the blinders to perceiving your already-present joy. Joy is the backdrop to all experiences. All experiences are like shades that are placed over joy, with some shades being darker than others, and some shades being brighter and more transparent which allow the light of joy to shine more brightly through. NO experience may exist without some degree of Divine Light or Life Force being channeled through it. Even "evil" may only exist by virtue of the presence of Divine Life.

Understanding this, one may then clearly perceive beauty and grace at the core of every experience. Love doesn't need fear or hate in order to exist, yet fear and hatred could not exist without Divine Unconditional Love, which is God. Love is supreme. It has no real opposite. The only "opposite" of love is opposition to love.


Originally Posted by BehindBlueEyes
I've been seeing and hearing the name of someone who hurt me badly in the past, everywhere i go. I fear history is repeating itself but I can't seem to see a way out. Thank you. :smile:

If you "can't seem to see a way out" this would only be because you choose not to see a way out. This has nothing to do with anyone else but you, our friend. Seeing and hearing a particular person's name in itself doesn't mean anything, it is how you perceive and interpret it that matters. It is how you FEEL about it.

You must find a more pleasant focus of your attention, if you are to have a more peaceful experience. Like most humans you are largely seeking intellectual answers, or an intellectual understanding. But true clarity is JOY, as we like to say to our human friends. Find clarity in feelings of relief, inner peace, well-being, beauty, love...rather than in mental answers.

It may seem to some that we are offering what may appear to be mental or intellectual answers, yet that is not what the Higher Self really offers you. We are offering LOVE, we are offering ENCOURAGEMENT, and this is being translated by a mind that is formulating these divine vibrations that we transmit into sentences that carry these frequencies.

History never actually repeats itself. A re-run may be similar, but it is never the same experience on an elemental level. Ask yourself, "Is this worry really serving me?" This is another cutting-edge question that gets right to the heart of the matter, the bone of the meat.

Remember: Your attention is a "magnet." It "magnetizes" events to you, including people and other entities. You "magnetized" this awareness to you, this entity called "awareness," from your loving awareness. It wasn't your worry that "attracted" us, it was and is your LOVE, your openness, your receptivity.

We therefore suggest to you, dear BehindBlueEyes, that you give more focus of attention to this very wonderful LOVE that is flowing throughout your being. We suggest that you not take your "stuff" so seriously. We suggest that you lighten up and be easy on yourself. We suggest that you release focusing so much on "what happened," whatever it may be.

We suggest that you make your journey, your path, more about you and your relationship to your God Within. Ye are a god. You are not (in essence) enslaved to a nightmarish past event or history. You must allow yourself to "get over it" if you are to enjoy your chosen path. No one has a set-in-stone path. Your path is never your chosen human profession. It is not a job or a career. That is not what a path really is, we remind our friends.

A path is a momentum of focus. Your attention determines the pathway you travel. So if you continue to worry and fear, you are (to some degree) continuing to follow a dangerous path, an unhappy path, if it gets that intense for you. It is just this simple. YOU determine what path you follow.

We hope that our answers have served to provide you with a strong basis for helping you release fear. We perceive that you, BeyondBlueEyes, are in the greater sense of your spiritual maturity actually following a soul path that is very broad in scope, for you are a deeply compassionate being. :hug3:

Give more attention to things, to subjects, to activities that give you a sense of relief and a sense of peace. Let your path be presented to you by your Higher Self, through honoring ALL your feelings, the happy and the unhappy. Discount nothing. Appreciate everything. This is your true practice, in terms of embodying your True Self.

We love you immensely and bid you well. We are complete.

BehindBlueEyes 12-09-2016 06:20 PM

Thank you so much for your caring response. :smile:
I will try to focus on what's good in my life and let go of the past. Hopefully something good is just around the corner.:biggrin:

awareness 12-09-2016 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by BehindBlueEyes
Thank you so much for your caring response. :smile:
I will try to focus on what's good in my life and let go of the past. Hopefully something good is just around the corner.:biggrin:

We appreciate you.

Many wonderful experiences await you, but they await you in the NOW, since all things already exist. Notice that you never actually "arrive" at a future destination, for when you are "there" it is really experienced as HERE, as now.

It's not about what's around the corner, it's about what is on your own block, your own street, your own front yard, which simply means your current experience, your current focus of attention. If you find things to appreciate and enjoy right now, even imagining and fantasizing about wonderful things but feeling the satisfaction of it right now "as if" it were already here, then you are truly moving along a positive path.

Success is a happy journey, not a goal or destination that is reached. There must be consistency, positive momentum. What kinds of joyous things would you like to experience, if you'd like to share? What turns you on? (You all know what we mean by that.) :smile: We would like to hear about them.

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