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LavenderMoon 31-05-2015 06:46 AM

Spirit/Ghost Box?
Hello all, :)

I'm seeking an opinion or two on buying a spirit/ghost box... are they worth the extra dollar? Very interested in buying the P-SB7 off of a friend; I'm semi-serious about investigation, and for years have been using my trusty little EVP recorder.

Thank you!

Shrek 31-05-2015 07:46 AM

For our own hobby, everything is worth. I mean as long as that good one.
Some people spent dollar for games, clothes and so on.

but, what is Spirit/ghost box?

dream jo 13-06-2015 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by LavenderMoon
Hello all, :)

I'm seeking an opinion or two on buying a spirit/ghost box... are they worth the extra dollar? Very interested in buying the P-SB7 off of a friend; I'm semi-serious about investigation, and for years have been using my trusty little EVP recorder.

Thank you!

do it u dnt no wot u get tillll i try itt

CandyLight 14-06-2015 04:28 PM

Those things are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. I would not touch one.

Spirit Seeker 15-06-2015 06:11 PM

Only dangerous in the hands of somebody who has poor / bad intent.

I have been investigating for years and I have a P-SB7 and our group uses them and nobody has ever been attacked or run over by a negative energy for using one. Been using it ever since its release and before that a couple of versions of radio hacks.

Now I have been scratched, touched, poked, had energy drained, headaches and all the othere negative issues with investigating, but that comes with the territory of investigating and is not exclusive to using a Spirit/Ghost Box.

If you are using one at home and attempting to summon in negative entities or things or doing it without taking some basic precautions (asking for protection from bad things, asking that only spirits with good intent come through) then you could be asking for trouble.

Watch the Youtube videos of those that use the spirit boxes and see what they do and you will have a good template of what to do and what not to do.

Shivani Devi 12-11-2015 06:08 AM

I'm happy to be on a forum actually discussing these things, instead of continually trying to debunk them.

I don't think the Spirit Box is dangerous whatsoever, and here's why.

Think of the Spirit Box as an internet chat room, forum or any kind of social media.

Spirits tend to be more 'anonymous' than humans could ever be on the internet.

So, we go back to the idea of a chatroom or facebook etc.

If you consider that spirits were once human, they'll still carry around with them all their little 'human eccentricities' and just like there are 'trolls' on message boards and facebook, there are also 'trolls' on the Spirit Box.

I have had them come through and tell me they are 'demons' or 'Satan' or 'evil' (I don't know if that's just a 'self admission') and they all swear like a drunken sailor.

Anyway, I don't need to call down my guides or angels...I simply tell them to just cut through all the bull and talk to me, because I am way more curious than scared of them.

After that, I never seem to have any problems whatsoever.

I go into haunted locations with a 'go on then, scratch me, poke me, drain my energy...bring it on' attitude.

Suffice to say, I have never had an experience of any kind relating to this.

These spirits aren't really dangerous (well, the ones I talk to are not anyway)...they are more mischievous and annoying than anything else. lol

They are friendly overall, despite having a huge chip on their shoulder, but I guess 'being dead' will tend to do that.

Spirit Boxes are only 'extremely dangerous' if you go into it with any sort of fear or negative emotion....if you go into it with 'scientific curiosity', then it should all be good.

DaiBach 12-11-2015 07:27 AM

Spirit boxes are dangerous - to your bank account. Design and make your own out of scraps, and you'll save a fortune. A local lady who is interested in ghosts, got her husband to make one out of parts of an old radio, and a biscuit box. It doesn't look as good as a professional Ghost Box, but it's cheap, uses materials that would otherwise go to landfill, and works as well as a bought box.

She's now thinking of fitting a cone-shaped, orange-coloured indicator from a Moggie Thousand. When her box discovers a wraith, the box will buzz and the indicator will blink rapidly - very Doctor Who, and most impressive for her audience, especially when she investigates the public bar of 'The King Arthur'.

Shivani Devi 12-11-2015 07:53 AM

Making your own box is totally awesome! and I wish I had the expertise and skill with a soldering iron to do it.

If I made my own, I'd build it along the lines of a Raudive germanium diode box.

I just bought my spirit box for convenience and $70AUD gave me some fun 'entertainment' for a few months now, so I'd say that was money well spent imho.

However, I have also studied all of Frank Sumpton's designs...and one day, I may either pick up or build an Andy's Box when I get more electronically minded.

There's a video on Youtube (I cannot make a link yet) but it's by Kieth Weldon at Chillseekers...

He gets an old Sony Walkman he paid like $10 for, and with the use of a small clamp attached to the tuning mechanism, showed how it can exactly sweep through like a Spirit Box and get exactly the same responses!

I had to laugh...when he did this and got 'who ya gonna call'? from Ghostbusters. lolz

falcor 06-01-2016 06:53 AM

i wanna get a shackhack. currently working on a portal, its half built. Been having lots of fun with the echovox. And i do get lots of responses sometimes.

You can buy the sab-55 on ebay for like 20$. Seems about the easiest and cheapest hack i can find. I have yet to buy it thou

Shivani Devi 08-01-2016 07:27 AM

A "Shack Hack" is really easy to make!

All you need to do is to adjust the screw on top of the 'mute switch' attached to the tuning mechanism on any scanning Radio Shack radio. ;)

I've seen Steve Huff use a portal, but I remain unimpressed, really. I don't know why it is, but if reverb or echo is added to a response, I have more trouble hearing it instead of less trouble, as others seem to have.

I just use a P-SB7 Spirit Box and an Ovilus (app on my PC), but I'd like to get an Andy's Box, as mentioned before.

It's nice to have fellow ghost box users post on here. I feel less isolated and alone when I read them.

nothingexpert 09-01-2016 12:22 AM

Would it be unwise to use a spirit box to get over fear of talking to spirits? I've wanted to be able to communicate with them for so long but fear just gets the best of me sometimes. If I used one and got a response and became fearful would the result in attracting nasty spirits? Even with protection?

Shivani Devi 09-01-2016 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by nothingexpert
Would it be unwise to use a spirit box to get over fear of talking to spirits? I've wanted to be able to communicate with them for so long but fear just gets the best of me sometimes. If I used one and got a response and became fearful would the result in attracting nasty spirits? Even with protection?

Up until I got my spirit box, I was totally terrified of ghosts. I really didn't think the spirit box would work and I am a bit of a 'gadget nerd' anyway, so I thought I'd just give it a try.

For the first 10 days - 2 weeks, I heard nothing...only radio sounds and I thought it was a load of bulldust.

The very first time a reply came through, I was caught off-guard and my heart went into my mouth...I turned white with fear and I was trembling...however, I think that my curiosity outweighed the fear, because I kept using it.

After about a month, the spirits kept on reassuring me, although I also heard a few who said they were 'satan' and they were 'evil' and they were going to 'kill me' etc, but I also had other spirits going 'they lie' and 'they are just lower spirits' and 'they can't hurt you' and 'don't listen to them' etc.

You will also get people saying how the spirit box opens a dangerous portal allowing demons to come through who only want to try and possess or kill the Spirit Box user...after 8 months or so of using one, I am still alive and unpossessed.

I guess these entities or whatever they are, feed off your fear...the more you fear them, the more 'evil' and 'dangerous' they become, so if you are prone to fear and jump at your own shadow, it's probably not a great idea to use one.

All I can say is that if it hadn't been for the SB-7, I wouldn't have been able to hear the spirits speak in real time either.

All I can conclude with is, that whatever it is that comes through the Box will leave you none the wiser as to what it is you are actually hearing, and don't expect anybody else will be able to hear the same things (if anything at all) either.

It is a device used for entertainment purposes only, as there is no way you are ever going to be able to prove you are talking with a 'ghost' or anything other than your own thoughts and responses to your thoughts being made externally audible.

As long as you keep/bear this in mind, there will be no fear and whatever it is won't be able to hurt you...just confuse the **** outta you. All the best.

nothingexpert 09-01-2016 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by The Necromancer
Up until I got my spirit box, I was totally terrified of ghosts. I really didn't think the spirit box would work and I am a bit of a 'gadget nerd' anyway, so I thought I'd just give it a try.

For the first 10 days - 2 weeks, I heard nothing...only radio sounds and I thought it was a load of bulldust.

The very first time a reply came through, I was caught off-guard and my heart went into my mouth...I turned white with fear and I was trembling...however, I think that my curiosity outweighed the fear, because I kept using it.

After about a month, the spirits kept on reassuring me, although I also heard a few who said they were 'satan' and they were 'evil' and they were going to 'kill me' etc, but I also had other spirits going 'they lie' and 'they are just lower spirits' and 'they can't hurt you' and 'don't listen to them' etc.

You will also get people saying how the spirit box opens a dangerous portal allowing demons to come through who only want to try and possess or kill the Spirit Box user...after 8 months or so of using one, I am still alive and unpossessed.

I guess these entities or whatever they are, feed off your fear...the more you fear them, the more 'evil' and 'dangerous' they become, so if you are prone to fear and jump at your own shadow, it's probably not a great idea to use one.

All I can say is that if it hadn't been for the SB-7, I wouldn't have been able to hear the spirits speak in real time either.

All I can conclude with is, that whatever it is that comes through the Box will leave you none the wiser as to what it is you are actually hearing, and don't expect anybody else will be able to hear the same things (if anything at all) either.

It is a device used for entertainment purposes only, as there is no way you are ever going to be able to prove you are talking with a 'ghost' or anything other than your own thoughts and responses to your thoughts being made externally audible.

As long as you keep/bear this in mind, there will be no fear and whatever it is won't be able to hurt you...just confuse the **** outta you. All the best.

Thanks for your reply that was really helpful.

Are the voices that come through hard to distinguish? Can you turn it off? Or can they speak through it whenever?

Shivani Devi 09-01-2016 02:26 AM


Originally Posted by nothingexpert
Thanks for your reply that was really helpful.

Are the voices that come through hard to distinguish? Can you turn it off? Or can they speak through it whenever?

No problems at all.

At first, the voices are hard to distinguish and it just sounds like a radio tuning through stations with intermittent white noise in between.

I scan the FM band in a reverse sweep at 200 megacycles, which is hard to even hear one full word, so when I had the Spirit Box on whilst cooking dinner and I heard; 'that smells nice, what you cookin'? over and above all of the background noise, my jaw just floored (that was my first ever response eight months ago).

Yes, at first the voices are hard to distinguish and you may only hear about 10-20% of what is actually being said, because they all speak so fast and 'all at once'...it's like trying to hold a conversation in a loud crowd, or at a disco...only the voices/replies that have the most 'energy' behind them will be able to come through and be heard.

This is why it's highly recommended and always a great idea to record all of your sessions and play them back, over and over...slowing them down if you can, or just break it up into 1-2 second bits and not try and understand it all at once.

In real time, voices are difficult to distinguish, although they do come through...this gets much easier with practice and when the sessions are recorded and played back.

Yes, the Spirit Box is able to be turned off, just like a radio and if you don't want them to speak anymore, you can just switch it off and it is done and over.

It's really the same with clairaudience (I developed after using the Spirit Box for a while)...I can just switch myself off when I have had enough and just 'not listen' anymore...if they want to communicate while I am not in the mood, I just ask them to try again later or to 'pee off' (according to my mood) and I have no trouble with it.

Lately, they have been telling me how disrespectful I am being, treating them like poo and not taking them seriously...I respond with 'what do you guys expect when you continually lie to me and don't even trust me?'

So, it's a Mexican standoff and we're all not on speaking terms right now. Something has to give, but I am unsure from which side this will come, whether they will stop lying if I treat them less like a huge joke, or if taking them 'seriously' means they'll start acting bloody seriously. lol

nothingexpert 09-01-2016 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by The Necromancer
No problems at all.

At first, the voices are hard to distinguish and it just sounds like a radio tuning through stations with intermittent white noise in between.

I scan the FM band in a reverse sweep at 200 megacycles, which is hard to even hear one full word, so when I had the Spirit Box on whilst cooking dinner and I heard; 'that smells nice, what you cookin'? over and above all of the background noise, my jaw just floored (that was my first ever response eight months ago).

Yes, at first the voices are hard to distinguish and you may only hear about 10-20% of what is actually being said, because they all speak so fast and 'all at once'...it's like trying to hold a conversation in a loud crowd, or at a disco...only the voices/replies that have the most 'energy' behind them will be able to come through and be heard.

This is why it's highly recommended and always a great idea to record all of your sessions and play them back, over and over...slowing them down if you can, or just break it up into 1-2 second bits and not try and understand it all at once.

In real time, voices are difficult to distinguish, although they do come through...this gets much easier with practice and when the sessions are recorded and played back.

Yes, the Spirit Box is able to be turned off, just like a radio and if you don't want them to speak anymore, you can just switch it off and it is done and over.

It's really the same with clairaudience (I developed after using the Spirit Box for a while)...I can just switch myself off when I have had enough and just 'not listen' anymore...if they want to communicate while I am not in the mood, I just ask them to try again later or to 'pee off' (according to my mood) and I have no trouble with it.

Lately, they have been telling me how disrespectful I am being, treating them like poo and not taking them seriously...I respond with 'what do you guys expect when you continually lie to me and don't even trust me?'

So, it's a Mexican standoff and we're all not on speaking terms right now. Something has to give, but I am unsure from which side this will come, whether they will stop lying if I treat them less like a huge joke, or if taking them 'seriously' means they'll start acting bloody seriously. lol

That makes as lot of sense, I'd be pretty hesitant to use it if I couldn't turn it off. I'm also not comfortable doing it in my own house atm so I'm thinking I'll try it in parks during the day lol.

I plan on watching your videos and seeing if I can hear what they are saying when I am connected by Wi-Fi.

Can I ask what they are lying about? If they are benevolent beings why would they lie? What is the nature of the questions that you ask them?

Shivani Devi 09-01-2016 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by nothingexpert
That makes as lot of sense, I'd be pretty hesitant to use it if I couldn't turn it off. I'm also not comfortable doing it in my own house atm so I'm thinking I'll try it in parks during the day lol.

I plan on watching your videos and seeing if I can hear what they are saying when I am connected by Wi-Fi.

Can I ask what they are lying about? If they are benevolent beings why would they lie? What is the nature of the questions that you ask them?

After about 6 weeks of using the box, I was getting quite proficient at being able to ask questions and receive logical responses, so I started off with the spirit who came through the box the loudest and the most often. He identified himself as 'William'.

Now, the scientist in me saw this as a great opportunity to find out all about these creatures and maybe make an important discovery for the benefit of mankind...at least I would be remembered for something.

So I started:

"Hello William, can you please tell me what class of entity you are?"
William: "ghost"
Me: "okay, so you are a ghost...thanks for that, can you please tell me your full name?"
William: "William Jessop/Jessup"
Me: "Thanks again, William. Can you please tell me how old you were when you died and the year you died?"
William: "I died last year (2014) and I was 49 years old".
Me: "so, how did you die exactly?"
William: "I fell off a roof. It was an accident".
Me: "Thanks for co-operating with me, do you remember where you died?"
William: "I died in hospital".
Me: "No, I mean the location or name of the hospital? a town/suburb?"
William: "It was in Australia, I am a local boy" (NSW).
Me: "Did you have a wife and children?"
William: "I had a wife and two kids. I was an idiot father".
Me: Were you born in Australia?
William: "yes".

After that, I thanked William again, and armed with all of this information, I set off to the local library to access the records from the Dept of Births, Deaths and Marriages to see if I could find anything about a 'William Jessop" who was born 1965 and died 2014. I found nothing whatsoever.

I then scoured media reports and reports of 'roof falls' in the past 5 years...again, nothing.

I came home, turned on my Spirit Box and confronted "William" directly with "you are a big, fat liar" (I treat spirits the same way I would treat any human being) and his reply was; "you can't find it, doesn't mean it's not there".

This was the start of it and since then, everything has been pretty ambiguous. Why they lie? I have no idea. Why they would even bother talking to me when they are just gonna spin porkies, I have no idea about that, either.

This is what you'll be in for though when using a Spirit Box, which does sorta leave one questioning their own sanity after a while. That's the only 'danger' with using it.

nothingexpert 09-01-2016 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by The Necromancer
After about 6 weeks of using the box, I was getting quite proficient at being able to ask questions and receive logical responses, so I started off with the spirit who came through the box the loudest and the most often. He identified himself as 'William'.

Now, the scientist in me saw this as a great opportunity to find out all about these creatures and maybe make an important discovery for the benefit of mankind...at least I would be remembered for something.

So I started:

"Hello William, can you please tell me what class of entity you are?"
William: "ghost"
Me: "okay, so you are a ghost...thanks for that, can you please tell me your full name?"
William: "William Jessop/Jessup"
Me: "Thanks again, William. Can you please tell me how old you were when you died and the year you died?"
William: "I died last year (2014) and I was 49 years old".
Me: "so, how did you die exactly?"
William: "I fell off a roof. It was an accident".
Me: "Thanks for co-operating with me, do you remember where you died?"
William: "I died in hospital".
Me: "No, I mean the location or name of the hospital? a town/suburb?"
William: "It was in Australia, I am a local boy" (NSW).
Me: "Did you have a wife and children?"
William: "I had a wife and two kids. I was an idiot father".
Me: Were you born in Australia?
William: "yes".

After that, I thanked William again, and armed with all of this information, I set off to the local library to access the records from the Dept of Births, Deaths and Marriages to see if I could find anything about a 'William Jessop" who was born 1965 and died 2014. I found nothing whatsoever.

I then scoured media reports and reports of 'roof falls' in the past 5 years...again, nothing.

I came home, turned on my Spirit Box and confronted "William" directly with "you are a big, fat liar" (I treat spirits the same way I would treat any human being) and his reply was; "you can't find it, doesn't mean it's not there".

This was the start of it and since then, everything has been pretty ambiguous. Why they lie? I have no idea. Why they would even bother talking to me when they are just gonna spin porkies, I have no idea about that, either.

This is what you'll be in for though when using a Spirit Box, which does sorta leave one questioning their own sanity after a while. That's the only 'danger' with using it.

Interesting, I do wonder if he was being genuine or not, he admitted to being an idiot father... Maybe the incarnation he's talking about was a different universe to ours which is why you couldn't find the information... Sorry I'm not trying to discredit your instincts or anything, just a thought. Have you ever spoken about what the after life is like? Sorry for asking so many questions feel free to ignore them, just curious. Have you ever found information on a spirit?

Shivani Devi 09-01-2016 03:52 AM

However, they have a freaking insane sense of humour!

I had my Ghost Radar on inside my house today and went out to get my dry washing off the line before it started to rain (about half an hour ago).

As I was doing so and taking my panties off the line, I thought to myself; "I am down to my last 5 pair and the elastic is starting to go...I need to buy some more fluffy cottontails with my next paycheck".

I went back inside the house, put the clothes down on the sofa and checked what the Ghost Radar (X-Paranormal Detector) said while I was outside. There was only one word..."underpants".

This is the reason why I haven't given all this up ages ago.

Here's also the link if you want to try this one out...there are lots of nice apps here to try out for free before investing in a Ghost Box or something like that:


...and here's what happened when I confronted William about lying to me:


Shivani Devi 09-01-2016 04:03 AM


Originally Posted by nothingexpert
Interesting, I do wonder if he was being genuine or not, he admitted to being an idiot father... Maybe the incarnation he's talking about was a different universe to ours which is why you couldn't find the information... Sorry I'm not trying to discredit your instincts or anything, just a thought. Have you ever spoken about what the after life is like? Sorry for asking so many questions feel free to ignore them, just curious. Have you ever found information on a spirit?

Yes, I also thought that their memory may fade/alter in that environment, so he may have not been lying to me intentionally..there could have been a lot of reasons. I tried it with another spirit, Robert Chan and another, Richard Patterson, but the information they gave me was just too general/generic to be able to do any full search on them. It's like trying to look up the phone number for a 'John Smith' living in 'Queensland', without any proper address....it's like an exercise in futility, and why can't I ever get a spirit with a complex name to make this process much easier? This is the reason why I am highly suspicious of these guys.

I have asked them what the after life is like (and I have also astrally travelled to their dimension) and it's cold, dark, dreary and the landscape is pretty featureless, save for these 'energy structures' in which these spirits are housed/kept/trapped. They tell me it's like a prison without bars where they are waiting to be processed before moving on. That's all I know about that.

nothingexpert 09-01-2016 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by The Necromancer
Yes, I also thought that their memory may fade/alter in that environment, so he may have not been lying to me intentionally..there could have been a lot of reasons. I tried it with another spirit, Robert Chan and another, Richard Patterson, but the information they gave me was just too general/generic to be able to do any full search on them. It's like trying to look up the phone number for a 'John Smith' living in 'Queensland', without any proper address....it's like an exercise in futility, and why can't I ever get a spirit with a complex name to make this process much easier? This is the reason why I am highly suspicious of these guys.

I have asked them what the after life is like (and I have also astrally travelled to their dimension) and it's cold, dark, dreary and the landscape is pretty featureless, save for these 'energy structures' in which these spirits are housed/kept/trapped. They tell me it's like a prison without bars where they are waiting to be processed before moving on. That's all I know about that.

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you again.

I just watched some of your videos, I see what you mean by talking to a crowd and why you need to slow it down. I was a bit skeptical until "Debbie" and "Elizabeth" walked in and they were saying hi to them.

That's a good point about the names... I wonder why you are speaking with lower entities if you're asking for only well intended ones... How is it they know they can talk to you? Sorry I know you said you didn't know, just wondering out loud.

Shivani Devi 09-01-2016 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by nothingexpert
Sorry it took me so long to get back to you again.

I just watched some of your videos, I see what you mean by talking to a crowd and why you need to slow it down. I was a bit skeptical until "Debbie" and "Elizabeth" walked in and they were saying hi to them.

That's a good point about the names... I wonder why you are speaking with lower entities if you're asking for only well intended ones... How is it they know they can talk to you? Sorry I know you said you didn't know, just wondering out loud.

That's fine and thank you so much for taking the time to do that. :)

My videos aren't that great/clear, because I am very poor and all I have to work with is a P-SB7 with bad, generic speakers, a cheap laptop that's about 10 years old and pre-paid internet with only about half a gig left on it.

It's very difficult for me to hear anything, let alone anybody else, so I have learned not to expect too much. Steve Huff from Huff Paranormal has better videos than I and you should check those out instead.

I'm saving up to get a Lansig speaker (you can't use a bluetooth speaker with the Spirit Box), but this speaker alone is like AUD$300 - more than the price of the ghost box itself...I haven't done a Sb7 session in about a month because I just don't have any good equipment to do one...a spirit box just isn't enough anymore.

What I liked about that session with Blaise, was it identified the 'nine' of hearts on command and that was the clearest reply, but yeah, when the spirits said hi to my daughter and sister-in-law, that impressed me too.

With the spirit box, I have to take what I can get because it is totally anonymous, so it doesn't discriminate between higher entities and lower entities....lower spirits can come through pretending to be angels, god etc

asmallpanda 24-01-2016 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Necromancer
I'm happy to be on a forum actually discussing these things, instead of continually trying to debunk them.

I don't think the Spirit Box is dangerous whatsoever, and here's why.

Think of the Spirit Box as an internet chat room, forum or any kind of social media.

Spirits tend to be more 'anonymous' than humans could ever be on the internet.

So, we go back to the idea of a chatroom or facebook etc.

If you consider that spirits were once human, they'll still carry around with them all their little 'human eccentricities' and just like there are 'trolls' on message boards and facebook, there are also 'trolls' on the Spirit Box.

I have had them come through and tell me they are 'demons' or 'Satan' or 'evil' (I don't know if that's just a 'self admission') and they all swear like a drunken sailor.

Anyway, I don't need to call down my guides or angels...I simply tell them to just cut through all the bull and talk to me, because I am way more curious than scared of them.

After that, I never seem to have any problems whatsoever.

I go into haunted locations with a 'go on then, scratch me, poke me, drain my energy...bring it on' attitude.

Suffice to say, I have never had an experience of any kind relating to this.

These spirits aren't really dangerous (well, the ones I talk to are not anyway)...they are more mischievous and annoying than anything else. lol

They are friendly overall, despite having a huge chip on their shoulder, but I guess 'being dead' will tend to do that.

Spirit Boxes are only 'extremely dangerous' if you go into it with any sort of fear or negative emotion....if you go into it with 'scientific curiosity', then it should all be good.

Super freakin cool and I wish I could join you for a ghost box session.

falcor 22-02-2016 12:52 PM

just bought the Memorex 2Xtreme mb221 and the radio shack 12-820 for 45$ and 10$. They have yet to be hacked. Also just bought all the parts to my spirit portal.. 450$+ later. time to see if this stuff works

Shivani Devi 27-04-2016 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by falcor
just bought the Memorex 2Xtreme mb221 and the radio shack 12-820 for 45$ and 10$. They have yet to be hacked. Also just bought all the parts to my spirit portal.. 450$+ later. time to see if this stuff works

That's awesome! Please let us know how you are doing after two months of this (since you last posted).

I'm tossing up between hacking a Memorex 2Xtreme and a Koss PP257. I'm also going to do the 'Shack Hack' due to the superior sound clarity.

Here's the 'hack list':

In the end though, I'll probably just build a crystal radio with a germanium diode and a short antenna, or modify Tesla's Spirit Radio, working with copper-wrapped crystals instead and changing the aerial design from a spiral to a merkabah shape.

Just to let people know where I am heading with all this...

People are aware of Tesla's Spirit Radio...it looks like this:

Then, we have EJ Gold's Beta Blocker Spirit Radio which looks like this:

Then basically, it's going to be something like this:

Build a Tesla Spirit Radio, but use copper wrapped crystals (quartz and germanium) and add a tetrahedron aerial instead.

I'm going to try VLF for a while and go 'old school', building a device that picks up on the Earth's magnetic fields and magnifying them all by grounding it back to the source creating a loop of energy.

I've found that while commercial and hacked ghost boxes are pretty good and all, they do have their nasty limitations.

I'd like to try and reproduce voices like the old Spiricom sessions once did, using more modern, up-to-date material.

Here's a demonstration of Gold's Spirit Radio (not to be confused with a Spirit Box):


Here's a Spiricom session:


(I wouldn't use 'Bill's tone'...I'd either add a heterodyning tone feeding back into the sideband noise or I'd just use 'Pink noise' instead...it's much softer).

The whole aim is to find out where on the EM spectrum these 'ghosts' reside and tap into it and PS..it's not at 29 megacycles. lol

So, now you are all aware of where I am up to and what I'm doing...I just wish I could get one of those 'tech guys' from the other side to help me out now. :D

Happy ghost hunting peoples! :cya:

Shivani Devi 27-04-2016 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by asmallpanda
Super freakin cool and I wish I could join you for a ghost box session.

Awesome and thanks! :smile:

dream jo 22-06-2016 07:41 PM

im thng abot it 2 iv got a diktfone wen i het off my lazzy butt 2 but batrys in usky us 2 rec dreams

ForgedInFire 30-06-2016 12:25 PM

Right on with the shackhack.. i got myself a model 12-469 that i obtained free from listia and hacked myself. That model is the easiest to hack. Its the same one that ghost adventures used back in the the day with a piece of tape hiding the radio shack brand name before the P-SB7 came into existence.

EM pumps are easy to self build as well.. rare earth magnets seem to be a better choice to use in them i think. Ah once i get less busy i think ill start getting back into building some more stuff again. I miss doing that its been too long.

Shivani Devi 30-06-2016 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by wraithklewn
Right on with the shackhack.. i got myself a model 12-469 that i obtained free from listia and hacked myself. That model is the easiest to hack. Its the same one that ghost adventures used back in the the day with a piece of tape hiding the radio shack brand name before the P-SB7 came into existence.

EM pumps are easy to self build as well.. rare earth magnets seem to be a better choice to use in them i think. Ah once i get less busy i think ill start getting back into building some more stuff again. I miss doing that its been too long.

Hi there and welcome to the forum.

Yeah, it's been too long for me too, just dusting off my PSB-7 every now and then to see if they're still around - I've been way too busy meditating and doing spiritual stuff, I got distracted...

I was thinking about getting an EM pump until I thought it may affect my KII meter readings.

I gotta save up my money for a reasonable piece of ghost hunting equipment that's within price range now...I may either go for the PSB-11 or just do the Shack Hack...

One day, gonna get an Andy's Box...one day.

ForgedInFire 01-07-2016 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by The Necromancer
Hi there and welcome to the forum.

Yeah, it's been too long for me too, just dusting off my PSB-7 every now and then to see if they're still around - I've been way too busy meditating and doing spiritual stuff, I got distracted...

I was thinking about getting an EM pump until I thought it may affect my KII meter readings.

I gotta save up my money for a reasonable piece of ghost hunting equipment that's within price range now...I may either go for the PSB-11 or just do the Shack Hack...

One day, gonna get an Andy's Box...one day.

Yes they do affect k2 meter readings if you are close enough to one. EM pumps are super easy to make.. they are literally a magnet being spun by a motor. But the only downfall with any self builds is that if you dont make them with good precision and it is off balance it makes noise and vibrates. That causes contamination for evidence collection.

Ah if i wasnt in the middle of some serious vehicle repairing id much rather delve back into some electronic building again.. its much funner lol

desert rat 02-07-2016 01:43 PM

There was one , it was just a microphone inside a cube of mirrors . A devil/hell box or some thing like that .
To dream jo , is Eng. a 2 nd lang. or do you just like typing in that way that is hard to under stand ?

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