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Wandering_Star 31-01-2024 05:50 AM

Channeling my guide through writing
For years, I tried channeling by sitting and getting into a trance state, with no results, so I eventually gave it up.

Then, last year, I realized that the mental image I'd always had of my guide, but never interacted with, might just be an attempt on his part to initiate an interaction.

So I decided to try automatic writing, to see if he'd come through. I started by imagining my guide sitting in a comfortable room with me, and initiating a conversation. I then wrote what I received (the entire dialogue, between the two of us).

It surprised me how fast and how clearly he came through. I was clumsy and awkward at first, and felt like I was just saying dumb things and asking dumber questions, but he made it clear that he's there to discuss anything that concerns me, and I'm not to worry about whether it's "profound" or not.

After a couple of weeks of daily conversations (which were short, and I spent most of my time wondering, "Is this even real, or am I just making it up?"), things really began to click. I relaxed, and it really started to flow and feel natural, like talking to another person would.

I buy those cheap composition books kids use in school, and have been filling one (which is 200 pages) every two to three weeks or so for almost a year now. I've accumulated quite a stack of them. I write quickly, without revising, and my handwriting isn't the most legible, so anybody who tries to read them is in for a hard slog (including me). But the act of writing, in itself, is important, because as I'm conversing with him I get this quick, steady, uninterrupted stream of words washing over me really fast, and writing is how I can pin it down and make it solid—otherwise it's just a rushing babble that I can't grasp to comprehend, and won't remember.

Some days, it's just me checking in with him and telling him how whatever issue I've been working on with his help has been going. On other days, he does most of the talking, and I end up with 11-15 pages of material. The content of what we discuss, who does most of the talking, and how long and intensely we converse really varies.

It's been incredibly helpful because he doesn't let me dwell on problems, or the past. Much of the time, he's like a really good old-school psychotherapist who gently but firmly prods me to examine my thoughts, and dig down into previously unaddressed feelings and beliefs. He makes me unpack my baggage, which is difficult sometimes, but he's also given me some sudden bursts of illumination into my own "stuff" that has really helped shift my thinking for the better.

He also tells me what to read, and what freaked me out most at first was that he'd give me a title and the author's name, which I'd never heard of before, and when I went to look it up, there it was. Sometimes I got spellings or word order wrong, or the title wasn't exactly what I thought he said, but that's due to my own fast and imperfect translations of what he's saying. I get enough information to track down the book, and when I find it I can hear him confirm that's the right one. That was a little spooky the first few times, but it's normal now.

We chat every day, and I look forward to our time together. He's pretty firm, and doesn't let me weasel my way out of my own sloppy thinking or desire to avoid discomfort, but he's extremely understanding about it. He's very clear and precise in his language—more than I tend to be, though I'm trying to follow his example—so there's nothing cryptic or ambiguous about what he says, nothing that needs to be interpreted. He says what he means, and means what he says.

So as a method of channeling, I can't recommend this enough, especially if you've already been living with a sense of your guide being present. It'll be awkward at first, but stick with it; give it a month of daily writing, as an experiment, before giving up on it, because if it's going to work for you, it definitely will within that time. I also recommend continuing to do it as a daily practice. Even when I can only cram in fifteen minutes, it's still a chance to connect, and to strengthen contact.

vortex 31-01-2024 07:51 AM

awesome i relate a lot to what you said i definitely don't go in to a trance state

the thing with me i knew i was not making it up because i didn't know the stuff i was writing and i would not put it that way, more for me was
i was an atheist so, am i going nuts, where is this coming from extra

it awesome just ask questions

its been an awesome gift for me

they "spirit" have totally changed my life and how i view the world, people and the self

i am so happy for you for i would love to give this gift to the world if i could so keep doing it

and yip It's been incredibly helpful because he doesn't let me dwell on problems, or the past. Much of the time, he's like a really good old-school psychotherapist who gently but firmly prods me to examine my thoughts, and dig down into previously unaddressed feelings and beliefs. He makes me unpack my baggage, which is difficult sometimes, but he's also given me some sudden bursts of illumination into my own "stuff" that has really helped shift my thinking for the better.
but for me they do it in a nice loving way

some time try automatic drawing

have fun

Miss Hepburn 31-01-2024 05:00 PM

Hey, thank you, Wandering Star!!
And vortex I'm glad your advocating therapists, gosh they help us so much. :smile:

Native spirit 31-01-2024 08:47 PM

Guides can make themselves known to us through a variety of ways
mine stood in front of me and told me who he was.
words were not needed.
For myself they have always made themselves known, some by just saying I am so and so.

others see them through meditation or sitting in a spiritual circle.


vortex 01-02-2024 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
And vortex I'm glad your advocating therapists, gosh they help us so much. :smile:

haha i don't think i would call them therapists, but yea they helped me so much if it was not for them i would have left this planet long ago
from a dumb dyslexic to i am whole and complete as i am

and the best thing they gave me i know i am truly loved for who i am and i know that and feel it, for me i cant express how that makes me feel inside

i am so grate full to have them in my life every day

ill shut up

Akira 08-02-2024 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by Wandering_Star

Then, last year, I realized that the mental image I'd always had of my guide, but never interacted with, might just be an attempt on his part to initiate an interaction.

I love your story wandering star. This is wonderful. My first encounter wasn't with my guides, they are not really the chatty type to be honest. They tend to be more the guidance in that silent way types. They often just say something if it's necessary.

Anyhow I was going through the roughest time in my life and two wonderful angels started to guide me and then I realised too that the best way to talk to them was for me to write. I wrote reams and reams about whatever they were talking about, handwritten and I realised that all that time those two supported me, they picked me up off the floor, they held my hand,pulled the hair out of my eyes when I was sobbing. That's how I learnt that I could hear and connect into spirit, guides and angels. :hug3:

Akira 08-02-2024 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by vortex
awesome i relate a lot to what you said i definitely don't go in to a trance state
Much of the time, he's like a really good old-school psychotherapist who gently but firmly prods me to examine my thoughts

I love what you have shared here Vortex and yes that is exactly how it was for me too. I knew it was not me because I had no idea what they were talking about, also the words that they were using, I had never heard of many of them, had to keep looking them up in the dictionary! That was fun.

As for the therapist, how cool ~ I haven't got that myself. Sounds brilliant though, I love the direction and help in this way. Guess it depends on what we came to learn I think I am meant to be a little bit more independant.

Alokina 17-02-2024 06:34 AM

Wow, your journey with channeling your guide through writing is truly amazing! It's so cool how you shifted from trying to channel in a trance state to discovering this powerful method of automatic writing. It sounds like once you started, things really started to flow, even if it felt a bit awkward at first.

Your advice to stick with it and give it time to work is spot on. It's inspiring to hear how this daily practice has become such a meaningful part of your life, helping you grow and gain insights into yourself. Thanks for sharing your experience with us—it's truly inspiring!

DesertRose 23-02-2024 08:48 PM

It's fascinating how channeling works, but at the same time I'm kinda scared of it..
I've heard too many stories about possession and other scary stuff that can happen
when you open yourself up to spirits.. :redface:

astralsuzy 25-02-2024 09:38 AM

I am afraid as well DesertRose. For that reason I do not want to do it. Perhaps it is because we are not used to it and if we practiced often it would be fine. We would realise there is nothing to be afraid of. I did a lot of astral projection. A lot of people are afraid of it but I am used to it and it is nothing to me.

DesertRose 25-02-2024 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by astralsuzy
Perhaps it is because we are not used to it and if we practiced often it would be fine.
I did a lot of astral projection.

I think so too, maybe it's fear of the unknown..
Astral projection is something that I'd like to try someday.. :smile: Seems less frightening, for some reason..

vortex 26-02-2024 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by DesertRose
I think so too, maybe it's fear of the unknown..

out of all the things i do i was not kidding about "i would love to give this gift to the world"

have your own conversations with god, get answers tailored for you, be your own guru, sit in their loving care, and the list goes on

i have never had a problem doing it and the breakthroughs, understandings, realizations are just awesome life changing

may be im a bit to passionate about it:biggrin:

DesertRose 26-02-2024 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by vortex
may be im a bit to passionate about it:biggrin:

You should be, if things go well and you get the answers and insights that are of great use to you and others,
then that is certainly valuable.. :smile:

Wandering_Star 28-02-2024 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by DesertRose
It's fascinating how channeling works, but at the same time I'm kinda scared of it..
I've heard too many stories about possession and other scary stuff that can happen
when you open yourself up to spirits.. :redface:

I had avoided channeling for a long time because I had my doubts about who/what might decide to come through. And that was before the last four years, when I finally accepted that posession is a real thing. It's a legitimate concern.

But I'd had just enough contact with my guide, over a long enough span of time, to get familiar with his energy and know that this was who I was channeling. We didn't speak, but sometimes I'd feel a "nudge" to pay attention to certain odd events, or read a certain book, and if I followed it I'd get guidance. On very rare occasions, I'd hear a single word, or a very short phrase (no more than five or six words), and these would turn out to be important. I also kept getting a clear mental picture of him. So I was aware of him. But his guidance had to make its way through a lot of resistance, which was basically due to me not really believing I could establish a clear channel, and being a bit worried about the safety of doing so, which meant he had to get through to me via symbols, which I then had to decipher.

When we're having one of our conversations, he doesn't take over my body, and I don't surrender my consciousness; I'm completely aware of myself and my surroundings. I can stop at any time, and if I tell him I want to stop, he won't pester me.

Similarly, he will sometimes stop transmitting if he thinks it's going nowhere, or if I'm using our conversation to avoid doing something I need to do. Yesterday, it was contacting a real estate agent about looking at a house; I was nervous about it, and had gone a couple of days without doing it, even though the house is perfect. He told me straight-out, "Go make that call, and don't come back until it's done," then ended the session (and I can feel it when he "hangs up" like that). And if I were to try to get him to "pick up" again, he won't do it—I get silence, in the form of no energy.

What it feels like is opening up to receive a transmission of energy that flows right alongside, and is completely distinct from, mine, and I interpret that energy into words, while also keeping up my own conversational flow. In a way, I become like a radio that is receiving and broadcasting two completely different stations at the same time, both with crystal clarity, and each mutually comprehensible. It isn't anything like what I'd imagined channeling would be.

DesertRose 28-02-2024 01:34 PM

Wandering_Star, sounds like you have a great connection with your guide. It sure helps you on your path.
In my case, I know and can feel they're around and they do give me signs, but I'd love to have a more direct way of communicating.
Who knows, in time, it will happen..

vortex 28-02-2024 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Wandering_Star
When we're having one of our conversations, he doesn't take over my body, and I don't surrender my consciousness; I'm completely aware of myself and my surroundings. I can stop at any time, and if I tell him I want to stop, he won't pester me.

this is how it is for me too
but at times it feels like they or he takes over my body but i can all way say stop and i am in control

i have been doing this for just under 30 years now and when you trust them channeling is awesome like they made stuff like alter, art box extra
i don't auto write much these days we just have conversation in my head now

also when started i new my mind was not helping me in the way it worked so the main focus for me was how my mind worked so i had a lot of questions and very clear intentions

Elements 06-05-2024 07:49 PM

Thank you for sharing this wandering star, I paint channel but I gave this a go once, I found it was a bit too overwhelming at the time, because the words I was writing I had no knowledge of, yet it was coming through me, it is more acceptable painting, because words are not exchanged, it is more of an expression an imprint coming through me. When I did this with writing i go inside my body, as I do when I paint, only I am exchanging thoughts, I was asking question about the human body and the capabilities of exploring the unseen, while my right hand was writing, the same way when I channel paint, I becomes hazy.

I do feel inspired though to work with this again. Your experience of calmness and trust the whole time tells me that you’re in a good place with this and in control, I also felt like this and so I should trust it and allow the connection to evolve. I believe he is the same spirit that has been working with me painting, only through writing this allowed me to make a deeper connection, which I will gradually explore. I also see many of you and vortex who has done this for 30 yrs wow!

Elements 07-05-2024 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by vortex
haha i don't think i would call them therapists, but yea they helped me so much if it was not for them i would have left this planet long ago
from a dumb dyslexic to i am whole and complete as i am

and the best thing they gave me i know i am truly loved for who i am and i know that and feel it, for me i cant express how that makes me feel inside

i am so grate full to have them in my life every day

ill shut up

They are there to help guide you in this life, your connection is beautiful vortex, and your trust makes this connection stronger. I thought it could even be my true higher spirit connecting, I often wondered this, now Its opened much more possibilities for me.

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