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Belle 11-10-2015 07:27 PM

A job
So I'm in a job which is adequate but not perfect. Sure there is always compromise (?) but I am not happy.

To me, this is fantastic. I've never really thought about manifesting - or taken it seriously - but sitting there in the little job with my manager blowing hot and cold, moving goalposts, I walk on egg-shells, working wtih people where most people I'm older than their mother - some of whom are very nice but there are the dominant whipper-snappers know it all. Sometimes the work is interesting. The pay is good. All of this, it makes me think - hey. Negative experience - or this experience, I can build up my wish-list of what I want:

- I want a manager who treats me with respect
- I want decent working conditions
- I want a set of colleagues of varying ages, some older and some younger and some my age
- I want a good salary, pension, holidays, bonus
- I want a manager who will develop me and use me fully
- I want a manager who trusts me and brings out the best in me
- I want a manager who is kind to me and works as a team with me
- I want to work in an office where there is daylight
- I want to work in an office where we have a lot of FUN
- I want to be a valued member of the team

I'm sure there is more but this is a starter for 10 for the universe as I job-hunt!

Faith33 11-10-2015 08:25 PM

Belle, I was just thinking, and forgive me for intruding here, perhaps changing the "want" to "have" as if you already have it instead of creating more of a "want" for it......Just a thought...

~Runs off~

Elric 11-10-2015 09:00 PM

Hey Belle, your list of ''wants'' sound quite reasonable to me : )

What Hope33 says is extremely relevant. The Universe takes things quite literally. Using the words 'want' or 'need' can put us in the state of wanting or needing what we asked for.

Belle 11-10-2015 09:17 PM

Thank you so much both and no need to hide . I am grateful .

What I struggle with is the present tense. I don't have these things . So it feels like a lie.

However I see how the universe would look at these and say "how nice".

ArtisticAthlete 12-10-2015 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Belle
Thank you so much both and no need to hide . I am grateful .

What I struggle with is the present tense. I don't have these things . So it feels like a lie.

Hi Belle,

I used to feel the same way about "present tense" when it came to manifesting things. It may feel / sound odd (to you) at first but give it a few days... You'll be surprised as to how fast you'll start feeling like you have those things; and, it's those feelings that will bring you whatever you want. Just stay focused and try to ignore the negative thoughts that pop up; just keep saying your affirmations!

Also, if I can add a suggestion? I think you should be a bit more specific when it comes to "decent working conditions" and "good salary", as decent and good varies from person to person. Describe the working conditions (if it's more than what's listed) and your ideal salary.

Best wishes!

Belle 12-10-2015 06:10 AM

this is really helpful everyone - thank you.

I'm reading them this morning - adding in a bit of clarification of "decent" and let's see.

Elric 12-10-2015 11:31 PM

"So it feels like a lie." reminds me of one of my first intentional affirmation, (given by Imre Vallyon I think), that many find 'impossible' to say.

Looking oneself in the eye using a mirror, say; "Good morning _____ (say your name) you are a beautiful person. I love you."

After a childhood of nothing but abuse, insults & putdowns (never once heard anything positive towards me from my father) this affirmation was not something I believed.
But...... with perseverance, I'm able to look anyone in the eye & say "I'm a beautiful person." : )
This does not make one conceited, but rather, it focuses ones mind on ones positive attributes rather than allowing the mind to drag us down by dwelling on our failings.

That's the point of affirmations. To reprogram one's mind, to exchange a negative for a positive.

It took a lifetime of negative affirmations to believe that 'I'm not good enough', so it takes repetition/practice to replace that with the belief that 'I deserve the best'.
In time, it will no longer "feel like a lie", but rather, as something that you actually believe : )

Belle 13-10-2015 06:21 AM

Thank you Lucifer777 and an interesting name - oh angel of light with the magic 7 in a three!

Yes, many of us sensitives have had the abusive childhoods.

I really need to focus on this stuff. Good for you for working it through, people like you are inspirational.

Elric 13-10-2015 08:05 AM

The Shining One

Originally Posted by Belle
Thank you Lucifer777 and an interesting name - oh angel of light with the magic 7 in a three!

Thank-you Belle :hug2: you're the very first responder who understands my 'name'.
Everyone else who's made comment has referred to the Shining One as something negative :icon_eek:
As a clearer of negative entities, I regularly 'call on' the Light & those that dwell within that realm. Couldn't think of anyone better than the Bringer of Light.

666 represents man at his worst, most ignorant state, when the soul is born into physical incarnation.
777 represents the souls desire of achieving enlightenment/Godhood & earn our birthright to be 'seated at the right hand of God'.

It's surprises me that on a spiritual forum, so many haven't seen through the false propaganda of a corrupt Mother church :icon_frown:

Belle 13-10-2015 08:26 AM

I guess that is a subject for a different thread, apologies for bringing it up and causing a distraction! I expect more people do understand but just don't comment. Lucifer gets a terrible press.

guthrio 13-10-2015 10:26 PM

A job

Originally Posted by Belle
So I'm in a job which is adequate but not perfect. Sure there is always compromise (?) but I am not happy.

To me, this is fantastic. I've never really thought about manifesting - or taken it seriously - but sitting there in the little job with my manager blowing hot and cold, moving goalposts, I walk on egg-shells, working with people where most people I'm older than their mother - some of whom are very nice but there are the dominant whipper-snappers know it all. Sometimes the work is interesting. The pay is good. All of this, it makes me think - hey. Negative experience - or this experience, I can build up my wish-list of what I want:

- I want a manager who treats me with respect
- I want decent working conditions
- I want a set of colleagues of varying ages, some older and some younger and some my age
- I want a good salary, pension, holidays, bonus
- I want a manager who will develop me and use me fully
- I want a manager who trusts me and brings out the best in me
- I want a manager who is kind to me and works as a team with me
- I want to work in an office where there is daylight
- I want to work in an office where we have a lot of FUN
- I want to be a valued member of the team

I'm sure there is more but this is a starter for 10 for the universe as I job-hunt!


When I was suddenly forced to job-hunt (see 1st reference), I didn't realize at the time....that it would result in the Universe exceeding all my expectations with that very outcome....the best job I've ever had in my life!

In the 2nd reference, I've come to see WHY it happened that way....though I didn't know it at the time I was searching.

Am hoping these references help you see that you are actually already connected to your dream job.....and won't be in the least surprised (afterwards) when and how finding it feels more like it was searching for you.

I can hardly wait for you to tell us about it :smile:

Reference: http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/sh...0&postcount=23

Reference: https://www.livealifeyoulove.com/brain-surgery/

Reference: http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/sh...93&postcount=1

Reference: http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/sh...26&postcount=1

Lorelyen 14-10-2015 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Belle
Thank you Lucifer777 and an interesting name - oh angel of light with the magic 7 in a three!

Yes, many of us sensitives have had the abusive childhoods.

I really need to focus on this stuff. Good for you for working it through, people like you are inspirational.

I read Lucifer777 as Bringer of the Light via Liber 777 - most interesting and very apt. I'm probably wrong but still....

Belle. Manifest is nice but also remember that managers may not be in the same league. It also depends what her/his manager is like and the situation they're in. Plus the occupation itself. Some occupations are fast moving and need people to think on their feet.

But more to the point, why they're manager.

It could come down to the principle of reaching their "level of incompetence" or that they were promoted to keep them out of mischief on the actual job. There are plenty of managers who were bunglers when doing the actual work! It could also be that she/he was promoted because they had good manager potential.

However, visualisation and affirmation can only lead to better.


Elric 15-10-2015 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by Lorelyen
I read Lucifer777 as Bringer of the Light via Liber 777 - most interesting and very apt. I'm probably wrong but still....


Hey Lorelyen, you are correct. The Revealer of Truth goes by several names.

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