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Emmalevine 26-12-2010 09:32 AM

Can anyone be a medium?
I was just curious...does everyone contain potential for mediumship? I realise some people are just naturally gifted and/or born with the ability, but can anyone learn to tune in or will some people never be able to communicate with spirits no matter how hard they try to develop?

LadyB. 26-12-2010 10:21 AM

Well we all have the ability to communicate with spirit.

Some have a more natural aptitude for it than others and some may choose or be guided to turn their ability into mediumship.

Some are born hugely gifted already and some have to work harder at it.

I know some will say there are only 'born mediums'. In my experience through the many I have met this through various circles and workshops this is not the case.

As the world becomes more spiritually awakened more and more people are able to communicate with spirits in many different ways. I find a lot of the old school 'rules of mediumship/spirit communication' dated. Times have changed, the veil is thinning and many many people are having huge spiritual experiences...

It's a very exciting time for us all..:smile:


Smiler 26-12-2010 10:42 AM

Hello Starbuck

Every person is spiritual and every experience has a learning. We as people put titles on things.
A medium is to me a person who has dedicated part of life to the light and humanity for good! They are a channel to hear and relay!
So in one form to answer your question in my opinion ...yes anyone can be ... if that is why the person is here and they have made a commitment to light!
Its not an easy road. As mediums have to check their egos and remain conscious of universal law and seed planting (for relaying wrong information by coming from ego has a karmic kick)
My Mum wanted to be like Mother Theresa.. I remember her saying " what good do I do on the earth" ???
She tried so hard to be like some-one else. My answer was
" Mum you smile... not many people can truly smile with love at a stranger"
There is no greater or less in the eyes of the light(God) etc.
We each play an important role as we each help each to develop soul aspects of self!

Love and blessings

Sira 26-12-2010 12:47 PM

I would say that if a person feels an urge to communicate with the spirit world, it is in itself an indication of an opening to mediumship. How this person achieves it? It may sound simplistic, but I think the sincere intent alone opens the doors. Since I am not a great fan of telepathy, I would suggest calming down, going into a meditative state while looking at for example a candle, then picking up a pen and a piece of paper, starting to doodle and see what comes. Maybe nothing happens the first time, maybe it takes several rounds, but at some point you will start feeling like someone else was guiding your hand.
Also I would like to point out that there are spirits and then there are spirits. To discern between these spirits is essential for your peace of mind, so use protections and question these spirits, do they come from Light, are they of Light and are they returning to Light.

glenos 26-12-2010 12:58 PM

Wanna be a medium as opposed to a fortune teller then sit in a proper development circle with an experienced leader, and be prepared to devote a large chunk of your life to it. Do it for the highest reasons and you should with luck show some results.


Native spirit 26-12-2010 01:08 PM

:smile: Well i agree with smiler for the most part i was born seeeing spirit so to me its a natural part of who i am.
but everybody is psychic but not all psychics are mediums.


A peaceful mind. 26-12-2010 01:15 PM

Can anyone be a medium? The answerer to this question is YES

But whey wan´t to be a medium when you would be a better healer or Clairvoyant.

The question when trying to find ones potential should be. – How can I be of service? How can I be of service in the best way with the potential I have.

Be not what you want to be fore selfish reasons but be what you are good at for the sake of humanity

A peaceful mind

Smiler 26-12-2010 01:20 PM

Hi Native

I was born seeing spirit too :) maybe we are lucky we remember ! Many children are conditioned, who can tell what a persons gifts of spirit are; my friend. As from a deep sleep they can awaken... maybe?

Blessings to you

Sira 26-12-2010 01:28 PM

To be of service to the world requires the inner work first, to work through the ego, experiences, pain, hurt, the lot. Only then can you fully serve the world, because you do not have the need to serve yourself any longer.
To serve oneself and to serve the world are two paths and although service to the world is considered higher than service to oneself, I see both of them crucial.
I am not sure if it's appropriate to question someone's needs and wants from the outside. All experiences are equally valuable and to question someone's choices feels like there is some lack of trust, unless the question is asked to genuinely learn more.

Smiler 26-12-2010 01:37 PM

Hi Sira

"chop wood carry water before enlightment and then after enlightment .. chop wood carry water" we are all learning .. its our intent that counts.


Sira 26-12-2010 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Smiler
Hi Sira

"its our intent that counts.


Yes. :hug2:

Smiler 26-12-2010 01:50 PM

HUGS *** to Sira


Emmalevine 26-12-2010 06:38 PM

Thanks all of you for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Sounds like most people feel we can all tune into spirit but when the time is right and the intent is there. I agree labels can get in the way sometimes.

There is a local spiritual development group that I'm considering going to but haven't made any definite decisions as yet because of my personal circumstances It is something I would really like to do but it might not be the right time. I will keep open and see.

glenos 26-12-2010 07:08 PM

My best advice is to go to the local Spiritualist Church, make some good contacts, and after a while quietly ask if there is a closed development circle locally. It'll take time so have patience. As others have said, you may make a better healer so be open and sincere with yourself because Spirit often engineer paths for you if you are serious about what you want to do and if the potential is there for mediumship. I think it's an incredible responsibility because there are those "upstairs" who want to communicate that life goes on and pass a message on to loved ones who may be still grieving, and also those who bring a more profound message of survival and teaching of the ways of the Spirit. Accuracy is all inevidential Mediumship and this often takes time to perfect. But boy oh boy there's nothing better than seeing a quality medium letting fly, and the faces of the ones getting the messages. Wonderful and priceless in every way.
Being a good healer is of great importance too. To bring the ease of suffering to another is working for Spirit in a lovely way. It takes less time to perfect (mainly) It can be used just about anywhere, and if you are good then the rewards are again wonderful and priceless. Also dont forget that many a good healer has progressed to Mediumship.


Serenity Bear 27-12-2010 05:28 PM

The answer Im afraid is NO, not everyone can be a medium.

Most of those who are mediums are born that way even if they come to it after severe long term illness or accident.

There are reasons for this:

1. The physical body needs to be a certain way to be able to deal with the energy used.

2. The persons mind needs to be a certain way to deal with the spirit who will come to guide, or bring messages. To weak a person would soon fall down.

3. The person needs to have a certain emotional make up to deal with the emotions that the spirit brings (ie the moments before their deaths, how they died etc).

4. The person needs to be able to cope with the 'awakenings' when their energy is increased to enable their mediumship to advance.

On top of this there is how the social family treat a medium etc.,

It is not an easy life, its very hard, so those who are born into it have to be a certain way.

Those who want to be mediums but are not born to it, sit for years in circles getting absolutely nothing at all - Iv seen it, they often go on to be great administrators in the church.

As said before everyone is psychic but not everyone is a medium.

Sira 27-12-2010 05:34 PM

Krhm. I gently disagree. Anything is possible when our thought patterns do not hinder us. To believe that not everyone can be a medium is already limiting the experience. I'd rather say: everything is possible. Believe.

Lynn 27-12-2010 06:02 PM


YES and we all are. What I think it is more than anything is that we do not all CHOOSE to open that door. I know me mate does not, but he fully supports me in the work I do and seeing how strong it be with our three kids he too learns.

Tells me when I wake screaming how odd it be they do not wake and hear....like they know Mom has a vision an embrace that as me. Its NOT easy and I would wish it on NO ONE to be as strong as I be....but its me.

I teach at times Workshops and its amazing to see a total sceptic get a message. We are all with this. Too I tell all I work with be careful and work with WHITE LIGHT and Blessings and Protections . Like with people there are good and not so good....same be with Spirits.

What holds most back is " fear" and that is not always a bad thing. At times once a door is opened it be hard to get closed.


earthprowler 27-12-2010 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by Serenity Bear
The answer Im afraid is NO, not everyone can be a medium.

Most of those who are mediums are born that way even if they come to it after severe long term illness or accident.

There are reasons for this:

1. The physical body needs to be a certain way to be able to deal with the energy used.

2. The persons mind needs to be a certain way to deal with the spirit who will come to guide, or bring messages. To weak a person would soon fall down.

3. The person needs to have a certain emotional make up to deal with the emotions that the spirit brings (ie the moments before their deaths, how they died etc).

4. The person needs to be able to cope with the 'awakenings' when their energy is increased to enable their mediumship to advance.

On top of this there is how the social family treat a medium etc.,

It is not an easy life, its very hard, so those who are born into it have to be a certain way.

Those who want to be mediums but are not born to it, sit for years in circles getting absolutely nothing at all - Iv seen it, they often go on to be great administrators in the church.

As said before everyone is psychic but not everyone is a medium.

curious to know where you got your information. I for one have never sat in a circle of any kind. I was not born with it but when I found out about it, I WANTED it and I worked at it very diligently for several years. It didn't take that long at all, intent, intent, intent. I don't go to a church, nor would I want to be some great administrator of one. The way you have worded it is it is only meant for "special" people and the rest of us sit back and make sure the rest of the work is done. How droll. :icon_frown: You can be what ever you want in life and with a little work you can have this too. :hug:

LadyB. 27-12-2010 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by earthprowler
curious to know where you got your information. I for one have never sat in a circle of any kind. I was not born with it but when I found out about it, I WANTED it and I worked at it very diligently for several years. It didn't take that long at all, intent, intent, intent. I don't go to a church, nor would I want to be some great administrator of one. The way you have worded it is it is only meant for "special" people and the rest of us sit back and make sure the rest of the work is done. How droll. :icon_frown: You can be what ever you want in life and with a little work you can have this too. :hug:

I agree. :smile:

The best medium I have ever known never sat in a circle...and she's a tiny little thing.

I was not a 'born' medium I didn't start developing until I was 40. I have sat in circles and developed on my own. Both happily. I work very hard at it and am reaping the rewards (spiritually,I don't charge.) I do it to help people in grief, and the more mediums 'out there' helping others in this world 'see the light' the better as far as I am concerned...

We are spiritual conductors, no more no less. I keep myself as fit as possible and run up to 10 miles every other day. I try to eat healthily and watch what I put in my body in the hope that it helps....That however is my choice. I certainly would not say that it is a perquisite to being a good medium.

A good medium needs the right intent, compassion and to contain their ego's....that is all. :smile:

We should all be helping and encouraging people interested in mediumship...and be open minded to peoples experiences which may not fit with what others have been taught...The mediumship part of this forum would be a much better place...and have many more regular posters...myself included.


shaya48 28-12-2010 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Starbuck
I was just curious...does everyone contain potential for mediumship? I realise some people are just naturally gifted and/or born with the ability, but can anyone learn to tune in or will some people never be able to communicate with spirits no matter how hard they try to develop?

Hi Starbuck,:smile:

We are all born with intuitive awareness, some more than others, some will be chosen and chose to except the gift of being able to communicate with our loved ones in spirit to offer comfort and proof of life after.

We are given the gifts to help others according to our energies to be able to connect in more ways than one whether it is healing, reiki, spiritual guidance, mediomship, clairvoyance, clairaudinece, cleansing, clearing, counselling, whatever we have been gifted with for that purpose of being able to help another soul.

Some may have healing abilities, with clairvoyance and clairaudience but not mediumship, some will just be healers, some will just be spiritual counsellers, it doesnt matter we all play an important part and contribute something unique and valuable to others.

Not everyone can connect to our loved ones in spirit, but they will be gifted in other ways to help those in the way they have been chosen and chose to work.

It doesnt matter what name we put to our gifts, we work for the good and through the love of God, with all his love, compassion, wisdom, strength, truth and guidance.

We have the necessary experiences to lead us to our spiritual path, as individuals we all experience what we are meant to in our own way, for our growth here on the earth plane and for our spiritual growth and progression from spirit,

What ever energies you are meant to be working with, will be shown to you by your spiritual helpers your guides, in the time and in the way you are meant to be shown and learn from.

You will be around and meet the necessary earth plane help from those who are being progressed by spirit already, and they will help to understand better the spiritual side of your life here and the purpose you are here to use your gifts.

We are always guided by spirit, they bring the necessary ways in and the necessary people we will meet to help us, then they progress our learning also when they know we are ready to go into a higher level of learning so it all works out for us in the way it is meant to just trust that we all come to our true purpose here according to what we have chosen and excepted to how we are meant to help those in need with our gifts.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience here, we have always been connected to spirit, we are created in spirit then born here into this earth plane to experience in this life time all the new experiences we chose to have for our learning here and our purpose here before we came here.

Hope that has helped Love and light shaya.:hug3:

Emmalevine 28-12-2010 10:39 AM

Thanks for your kind and informative replies everyone, they've been really helpful :hug3:

Serenity Bear 28-12-2010 12:13 PM

Iv been a medium for 40 plus years, and Im now at a level where I could teach it if I so wished.

Iv had other mediums (lecturers in the subject) say Im the equivalent to a concert pianist of mediums, and should be working in the top International level (if I so wished).

Everyone believes their own thing, it matters not to me, if you agree or disagree with me, for we will all find out when we pass to the Spirit World.

Believe me I can tell the difference between those who have sat for development and those who havent. It sticks out like a sore thumb on the platform. I can also quickly tell those who are mediums and those who try to be and are not (cold reading can appear very convincing even to the experienced sitter).

LadyB. 28-12-2010 12:34 PM

There was me thinking the greatest mediums were humble....

How wrong of me......:smile:


mac 28-12-2010 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by LadyB.
There was me thinking the greatest mediums were humble....

How wrong of me......:smile:


No you weren't wrong at all - humility comes from the highest of evolvement. Below that, egotism may be present in any individual's approach....

I mentally cringe when I think back to a certain individual I know who was once proclaiming that 'her' mediums would be known as 'xxxxx xxxxx' (name omitted) mediums after she had trained and taught them to be the mediums she believed she could create.

With great sadness I later realised that not only was she horribly egotistical in such an approach she was also mostly a psychic, much less so a competent evidential medium.

I had many such hard lessons to learn. :icon_frown:

Serenity Bear 28-12-2010 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by LadyB.
There was me thinking the greatest mediums were humble....

How wrong of me......:smile:


I was replying directly to a question asked..... I suggest you read back for the question!

As I said it really matters not what you think, I am judged by God and not by you. I wonder how those antagonists among this forum, who come up time and time again, and would on most forums be band, will fair.

PS: I would suggest you get to know the difference between being humble and sticking up for ones rights! You dont need to be a submissive sheep to be humble.

LadyB. 28-12-2010 07:35 PM

"I have had other mediums (lecturers in the subject) say Im the equivalent to a concert pianist of mediums, and should be working in the top International level (if I so wished)."

With the greatest respect for your experience...

Repeating sentences like this at every given opportunity is hardly sticking up for ones rights.. It comes across as superior, condescending and hugely ego driven.

If you feel I should be labeled an antagonist for pointing out the truth of how your posts come across so be it...

We all need to look at ourselves through others eyes from time to time..:smile:


Lynn 28-12-2010 08:22 PM


There in lies the question are be BORN to it at times. Like we came in with it switche ON I so feel I was. Having found it how strong it ran in the family line on me Dad's side but sadly the "times" I was born into were not open to such things I had to repress it for many year's . I am told by top Medium's i well could be them and I passed on an opportunity to work with one. That is not whom I am.

When I look to me kids one expecially I see he did come in with it as like me it does flow natually from him. He does not have to work at it at all for the information to be there. Now what he chooses to do with that is up to him. Has as of yet not said he wants to study in something.

I so feel we all come in with it but it might lead to what journey our Soul has been on or has come in to learn.


Enya 28-12-2010 08:51 PM

If I might take a little issue with the phrase 'born to it' (or similar....) To me, that can smack of superiority, of being 'special' because that person came here already primed to be a medium. It's a matter of perception and the words chosen...

A better way to put it might be - some mediums bring their spiritual experience/knowledge with them into this life and are able to access it right from childhood. Others may do the same but awaken to their abilities in adulthood. Some mediums have to learn to close down, others to open up. Each has their part in the work to be done in service.

Whichever way you look at it, mediumship is an ability with many aspects but it takes inner work, good teaching and dedication to uncover all its treasures.

Lynn 28-12-2010 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Enya
If I might take a little issue with the phrase 'born to it' (or similar....) To me, that can smack of superiority, of being 'special' because that person came here already primed to be a medium. It's a matter of perception and the words chosen...

"born to it " I can see how it could be taken in EGO, I guess as that is not whom I am I might tend to foget to see it in that way. I do though feel that we are place in the life path we are to be on. I in no way feel "special" or "superior" but YES I do know that I am different from many. I do feel too that I did come forth for a reason. I never have and never would charge a fee for what I do, and I was given that path of study. I said NO that is not me. I do know that have touched many and even helped bring closure to many. Even it if sadly be a body that comes home its knowing and closure that matters to a family.

A better way to put it might be - some mediums bring their spiritual experience/knowledge with them into this life and are able to access it right from childhood. Others may do the same but awaken to their abilities in adulthood. Some mediums have to learn to close down, others to open up. Each has their part in the work to be done in service.

Here I respectfully feel that yes from early childhood it was there, but as it was never from early childhood encouraced in any way. I feel that the Soul hold much fo the core knowlege we are to have with us. Past lives memories or Soul memories. With me Son I can trace it back in him from almost day one. He never settled as a baby til I finally clued in he was really seeing Spirits. Nothing we tried ever worked til that was egknowledged. Then finally he slept in his room and settled.

Others yes do awaken later in life via study or at times some event that brings it open to the. We are all born with all that everyone can do I feel its in the very makeup of our DNA. We might well all have our part of work to do in service but not all do follow a path, sadly some never find that step in life.

Whichever way you look at it, mediumship is an ability with many aspects but it takes inner work, good teaching and dedication to uncover all its treasures.

Mediumship is to me a word that just being said places that Pedesle for one to stand on, I am not a fan of the word BUT it does tell one's that need the service whom one is. Does it take inner work to be a Medium, I wonder on some that I know that are very not balanced in self. The number that have never had successful relationships is huge. That truly do not embrace whom they are but "look" at what they can make from it. Good teaching, I have had no formal teachings but I guess self learnings and a ton of reading and doing is a form of teaching.

I open to all that is out there, as a young adult I would read anything I could find on anything seen to be Paranormal. It is really in the last few year's that the doors are finally opening up to MORE study groups ext.

Would I go to call what I do a treasure not really it comes with a tole I more see it as a blessing and a curse. :angel12: .

I respect in what one said. I speak from me and that is from me very heart and Soul that I embrace that we all see things in our own way but we all learn something from all that is said when we learn to listen.


OceanWaves19161 29-12-2010 06:33 AM

I think everyone can be a medium to some degree but there's definitely a continuum according to my guides (it's the same with just about every psychic gift). Those who are strong mediums tend to be people with stronger energy who can form direct channels (kinda like t.v reception I'm told). Spirits then use the mediums energy to get their messages through apparently. The majority of people will need to work on their gifts whether they were born with it or not to help them to reach their full potential. This will depend on their soul path though.

Serenity Bear 29-12-2010 09:14 AM

Lady B

You are continueally trying to de-rail this thread by showing things up that you feel would make those who give a toss, less then confident.

You will also learn in time Truth is a perspective.

I suggest you look at yourself before trying to pass the bucket.

Now back to the conversation at hand.

Ocean - it is all to do with the use of energy. The higher the vibration your body can take, and the higher amount you can take through the chakras gives you more or less energy to work with spirit.

We as mediums mostly need to spirit half way or more then that depending on the spirits ability to communicate.

It amazes me that people can squabble about this, its OK for those like Linford Christie, etc to win gold medals for their country and be born for it, but as 'spiritual people' we squable about mediums being born or not!

People can be spiritual there is no denying that, they can have awesome psychic abilities and also intuition but sadly unless you have the initial genetic makeup for mediumship then you wont be able to do it. The physical body simply would not be able to cope with the energy - its a sad fact, we cant all be what we want to be. It happens across life, its just one of those spiritual lessons to learn. Maybe those who come into late in life (usually through illness or accident) still have it from birth but just havent switched it on yet.

It would be interesting to see if the Psychic Research Society could do some genetic research to find the common denominator between those with mediumship abilities and those without.

LadyB. 29-12-2010 09:27 AM

"A better way to put it might be - some mediums bring their spiritual experience/knowledge with them into this life and are able to access it right from childhood. Others may do the same but awaken to their abilities in adulthood. Some mediums have to learn to close down, others to open up. Each has their part in the work to be done in service."

How beautifully and sensitively put, Enya.

Exactly. :hug:


Smiler 29-12-2010 09:28 AM

Hi My lovely friends :)

So I see dead people sometimes and other stuff .. yes can have a talk .. etc etc .. Yes I can get a tissues and wipe a persons face that has no arms... Yes I can pick up something some-one has dropped ... Yes I can cry with sorrow for anothers Lost.. There are a lot of yes's we all do. Each A choice..
*ignore the dead person
*dont say what I get .. shut up
* walk away from the person who cannot wipe their face
*walk around the item the person dropped
* block my heart from anothers lost

My point is we are all Mediums in some way ( messengers of love to aid and assist others if we choose)


mac 29-12-2010 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Starbuck
I was just curious...does everyone contain potential for mediumship? I realise some people are just naturally gifted and/or born with the ability, but can anyone learn to tune in or will some people never be able to communicate with spirits no matter how hard they try to develop?

Looking back to refresh everyone's thoughts on what was asked originally by Starbuck, perhaps each of the contributors would indicate what they mean by 'mediumship'?

Is smiler's version, quote: "messengers of love to aid and assist others if we choose" how other members also see mediumship or is it something much more specific than that....?

When the differences emerge (as I expect they will if members respond) I predict the range of answers may help to explain the strong emotions surrounding the central question of "Can it be taught?"

Orbie 29-12-2010 11:12 AM

Even now I can still shake my head with sadness at the lack of discernment and genuine love of fellow man on this board sometimes :( when reading certain responses on this thread.

Back on topic I think the word taught here is key. I would hope this would include guidance, support, patience and most of all love from those teaching me.

Everyone one is different... some connect without effort, some need teaching/mentors . That's our challenge on this board!:hug3:

Smiler 29-12-2010 11:47 AM

Sorry Mac

I am looking at the world with different eyes at present as my sister is dying.

logically it runs in both my parents sides and family members.
so is that DNA?
could it be part of every-ones soul process to raise vibration?
I have taught workshops many years ago.. teaching others to communicate themselves with own guides .. it takes discpline and dedication. All in workshops could commune with their own spirits themselves.. by doing their own home work . The skills they used in their abilities may have differed,
Yes it can be taught to answer question .. when soul is ready.. pathways open.

:( for my sis

Smiler 29-12-2010 11:50 AM

oh and by using the word "I" as in I taught workshops..
I was pushed out of my hiding hole and had to mediate on each workshop from scratch.
So spirit delivered and I opened my mouth

Love and light

Smiler 29-12-2010 11:51 AM

*hugs Orbie*

mac 29-12-2010 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Smiler
Sorry Mac

I am looking at the world with different eyes at present as my sister is dying.

logically it runs in both my parents sides and family members.
so is that DNA?
could it be part of every-ones soul process to raise vibration?
I have taught workshops many years ago.. teaching others to communicate themselves with own guides .. it takes discpline and dedication. All in workshops could commune with their own spirits themselves.. by doing their own home work . The skills they used in their abilities may have differed,
Yes it can be taught to answer question .. when soul is ready.. pathways open.

:( for my sis

Smiler I am sorry to hear that your sister is dying. None of my remarks was directed at you. I simply asked if others saw things your way.....:hug3:

But you make some interesting points concerning DNA. I don't have a clue if there's a hereditary component to the issue of sensitivity - I'm deliberately staying away from specific terms such as 'mediumship'. There might be but it might equally be the principle of attraction - those who are already of that disposition will be attracted to to others of a similar disposition. Sensitive children will be attracted to sensitive parents. I don't have a clue, it's just a suggestion....

On the issue of teaching - actually I misquoted the thread's title here :icon_frown: - it can never be resolved whether the teaching is from a base of no-knowledge, no 'ability', or a position of drawing out that aptitude, that attribute and teaching the individual how to make the most of it...

On a final point, as a contributor to this thread, and as I've asked others, I'll make my position plain about how I see mediumship. For me 'mediumship' is the attribute whereby one can be a go-between facilitating communication between discarnate and incarnate individuals. Without that specific involvement, much of what I hear described as 'mediumship' is actually not that at all for me....

Put more simply, awareness of or communicating with discarnates is not in itself the 'mediumship' I recognise.

Serenity Bear 29-12-2010 02:06 PM

Mediumship is usually that which is the go between with the dead and the living, wether that is a person, animal etc. So a medium is much like a telephone box, the recipient comes to us, and so does the messenger, we just pass one on to the other.

However, mediumship is not all about the messages. We often forget the healers, those that write great philosophy, the teachers of the pathways of the world that often get over looked.

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