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cweiters 12-11-2006 02:20 AM

Black Magic
Have you ever felt like someone was trying to harm you with black magic?
I have been to my GP, who referred me to a dermatologist, who then sent me to a neurologist, my last attempt to resolve this condition was an old witch doctor..
I currently have this condition in both my hands. This conditions changes, sometimes its a dark stain in center of my hands, it will itch at times, sometime it feels as if someone is sticking pins in my hand. There have been times I have seen a dark spot in the same place I felt the pin prick.

The old witch doctor's solution worked better than any of the medicine the doctors gave me, however this condition continues. I have also notice it will get worse when this certain man come around or call, Today my right hand is itching like crazy, I called his house today. I know you say just leave him alone. It’s not so easy he has bonded with my children. This condition started after our break up 2 years ago. I’ve been living with it since then. Can anyone shed some light on this subject?

Love to all

Makoorakoo 12-11-2006 11:20 AM


this sounds like a classic case of doll working. The person who is using this technique on you must have a few of your personal belongings such as hair or nail clippings. This can be difficult to stop as it binds your life force to the doll just enough to cause an effect on you. It would be wise to meditate for half an hour to prepare yourself, then with your energy pull all that is yours back into your body until you feel a ring shatter from around you (usually its the waist where the bind is). After doing so release that energy and ground yourself quickly. It may take a while before your energy is back to its original state but its better than being bound to an inanimate object. It would be wise to ward off binds such as this when its all over. If the problems continue give us word and perhaps i could get a friend who does voodoo to help you out. Hope this works well for you.

love and blessings to all

cweiters 12-11-2006 11:33 AM

Oh thank you so much Makoorakoo I shall meditate the half hour, will do my best to feel the ring shatter as you mention then ground immediately afterward. Been meditating for healing as I thought this was a health issue.

Much Love to all


Originally Posted by Makoorakoo

this sounds like a classic case of doll working. The person who is using this technique on you must have a few of your personal belongings such as hair or nail clippings. This can be difficult to stop as it binds your life force to the doll just enough to cause an effect on you. It would be wise to meditate for half an hour to prepare yourself, then with your energy pull all that is yours back into your body until you feel a ring shatter from around you (usually its the waist where the bind is). After doing so release that energy and ground yourself quickly. It may take a while before your energy is back to its original state but its better than being bound to an inanimate object. It would be wise to ward off binds such as this when its all over. If the problems continue give us word and perhaps i could get a friend who does voodoo to help you out. Hope this works well for you.

love and blessings to all

Makoorakoo 12-11-2006 11:38 AM

no problem cweiters,

meditating and healing could be worthless because the bind connects to the doll, making your body like the doll in some respects

love and blessings to all

cweiters 12-11-2006 12:44 PM


I will continue to meditate on the return of what has been stolen from me.
This was good please allow me to tell you what happen:
In the beginning of my meditaion I felt as if a pin was sticking inside my right hear, now this was a new place to feel the pin stick. My spirit tells it can hear me coming. I ask the angels to protect me as I retrieve what is mine. I begin to feel myself floating away I also could feel pin sticks. I now feel them in new places my stomach around navel area vagina area, pin stick in left hand. As I am out for a while,I start to feel something return to my body as my body begin to jolt three jolts with a feeling of something being returned but with the return came this stinking smell very fowl. I asked for protection to help me keep and hold what is mine. I feel very weak and tired now I just want to lie down. Now instead of pin sticks I feel slight burnning in many places weak and tired right now.

[font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000]Love to all

Makoorakoo 12-11-2006 01:02 PM


interesting what happened and im glad my advice was of service to you. It is logical that you feel tired you have basically pulled yourself from anothers grip. Take time to rest and gently heal, perhaps a warm bath will ease the remains of what has harmed you.

love and blesssings to all

cweiters 12-11-2006 03:15 PM

Thank you again Makoorakoo I feel rested now, after that meditation I was tired and cold to the bone I even touched my son to be sure someone else could feel how cold I was. After two hours of rest, I just got my boby warmth back and now will have a good hot bath still feel weak God bless all..........



Originally Posted by Makoorakoo

interesting what happened and im glad my advice was of service to you. It is logical that you feel tired you have basically pulled yourself from anothers grip. Take time to rest and gently heal, perhaps a warm bath will ease the remains of what has harmed you.

love and blesssings to all

Makoorakoo 12-11-2006 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by cweiters
Thank you again Makoorakoo I feel rested now, after that meditation I was tired and cold to the bone I even touched my son to be sure someone else could feel how cold I was. After two hours of rest, I just got my boby warmth back and now will have a good hot bath still feel weak God bless all..........


im always glad to help ^_^, your energy should return after getting back into your lifestyle.

love and blessings to all

Ascended Master 12-11-2006 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by cweiters
Have you ever felt like someone was trying to harm you with black magic?
I have been to my GP, who referred me to a dermatologist, who then sent me to a neurologist, my last attempt to resolve this condition was an old witch doctor..
I currently have this condition in both my hands. This conditions changes, sometimes its a dark stain in center of my hands, it will itch at times, sometime it feels as if someone is sticking pins in my hand. There have been times I have seen a dark spot in the same place I felt the pin prick.

The old witch doctor's solution worked better than any of the medicine the doctors gave me, however this condition continues. I have also notice it will get worse when this certain man come around or call, Today my right hand is itching like crazy, I called his house today. I know you say just leave him alone. It’s not so easy he has bonded with my children. This condition started after our break up 2 years ago. I’ve been living with it since then. Can anyone shed some light on this subject?

Love to all

Yes I have cweiters.
And the pain you feel is what I have felt.

They tried working on me for 14 months and I'm still here, firmly as a being of light. There is nothing really to fear.
Unless we make matters worse for ourselves?

In my experience, if you fill yourself with love, they can't do anything that lasts.

Bring in the light, and fill yourself with love vibrance. Lighten your energy, as much as possible.

It can be hard, but keep going with it.

Beings (and people) like this are completely weak, because light is our nature?
And this is why they sneak around and pretend they are what they are not! :D :wink:

They are also very outnumbered...

Be head strong, and don't let negative thought creep in, and you will be just perfect.

It did with me, so I hope it will with you.

If not, let me know.

With love and light,


cweiters 12-11-2006 07:33 PM

Thank you Ascended Master I too believe love will conquer all. I will continue to let my love light shine.

The center of both my hands are still dry, a little dark but not as much as before and pealing. However, the pain, and itching is gone just a slight tenderness at the lower joint of my pinky finger on my left hand.

Thank you Ascended Master so good to hear those people are not the majority. I asked Makoorakoo about a state I was in when I ground myself, after I retrived 3 jolts to my body as if it were missing parts returning to me. My body was cold to the bone. my whole body from head to toe felt like a block of ice. This feeling continued for 2 hours I asked my son if he could feel it too just to make sure I was not imagining this. He jumped to feel how cold my hand were so he went to get extra cover after he saw my whole body was like an iceberg.

Can someone tell me why the coldneess set in for so long after grounding myself did I do something wrong?

Love to all........


Originally Posted by Ascended Master
Yes I have cweiters.
And the pain you feel is what I have felt.

They tried working on me for 14 months and I'm still here, firmly as a being of light. There is nothing really to fear.
Unless we make matters worse for ourselves?

In my experience, if you fill yourself with love, they can't do anything that lasts.

Bring in the light, and fill yourself with love vibrance. Lighten your energy, as much as possible.

It can be hard, but keep going with it.

Beings (and people) like this are completely weak, because light is our nature?
And this is why they sneak around and pretend they are what they are not! :D :wink:

They are also very outnumbered...

Be head strong, and don't let negative thought creep in, and you will be just perfect.

It did with me, so I hope it will with you.

If not, let me know.

With love and light,


pepperi 14-11-2006 09:04 PM

I just wanted to put my two cents in here: That coldness you feel is probably a spirit next to you. I'm not sure if they were good or bad. I have much experience in this area as my religion is vodou and this happened to my father. When I was younger I was surrounded somewhat with spirits and tarot reading spells and such. My father never really believed in these things. He became different one day, sorda zombish. He freaked me out because he used to leave forks and knives under the sofa. At the time I believed he was going nuts. As I got older and studied more, I realized my father in some way was trying to protect himself by hiding the utensils everywhere. Anyway we tried to fix the problem but he was too far gone. After that I realized that there are evil people out there but they can't hurt me unless I let them. My spirits protect because I acknowledge them and pray to them always. I feel you need to do the same. Everyone has a guardian angel spirit guide or whatever. You can continue doing meditation because I feel you may have been connecting to your guide. Once you do this your guide will begin protecting you. To go one step further, place three pieces of garlic and camphor(little white blocks of menthol) in a clean cup(never to be used for anything else) and placed in the corner of the front door to the house or apartment. This will protect your home against negative energies. If you also like I can prescribe a spiritual bath that "may" help. You can also carry around a blessed citrine stone to help your body recover somewhat. Hope this helps some. Be blessed Kat

cweiters 14-11-2006 11:56 PM

Thank you Kate, I do my best never to doubt anything, for I feel all is spiritual to me. I have used simular protectors at front and back door of house. I have seen spiritual rituals perfromed for the good of many people. I have garlic haven't heard or camphor in a very long time. I believe I know where to find the crystals which have proven to be helpful long time ago when used for protection. If it is the tree I must find please let me know. I will also find the menthol blocks. Ya see Kate I feel if it is of natural property it has an energetic force and energy can be directed my man. Thank you for taking time to share with me I appreciate you, blessing of love my dear Kate.

Love to all


Originally Posted by pepperi
I just wanted to put my two cents in here: That coldness you feel is probably a spirit next to you. I'm not sure if they were good or bad. I have much experience in this area as my religion is vodou and this happened to my father. When I was younger I was surrounded somewhat with spirits and tarot reading spells and such. My father never really believed in these things. He became different one day, sorda zombish. He freaked me out because he used to leave forks and knives under the sofa. At the time I believed he was going nuts. As I got older and studied more, I realized my father in some way was trying to protect himself by hiding the utensils everywhere. Anyway we tried to fix the problem but he was too far gone. After that I realized that there are evil people out there but they can't hurt me unless I let them. My spirits protect because I acknowledge them and pray to them always. I feel you need to do the same. Everyone has a guardian angel spirit guide or whatever. You can continue doing meditation because I feel you may have been connecting to your guide. Once you do this your guide will begin protecting you. To go one step further, place three pieces of garlic and camphor(little white blocks of menthol) in a clean cup(never to be used for anything else) and placed in the corner of the front door to the house or apartment. This will protect your home against negative energies. If you also like I can prescribe a spiritual bath that "may" help. You can also carry around a blessed citrine stone to help your body recover somewhat. Hope this helps some. Be blessed Kat

pepperi 15-11-2006 01:41 AM

no problem.

FRANK789 18-11-2006 04:11 AM

Yes CW, Some very good people sure come to your aid here. They have spoken well concerning your troubles with Black Magic. I have encountered it a few times. My cousin who is roughly my age was divorcing his wife, but I believe it was her who actually wanted the divorce.

He suddenly began to act crazy. He was doing all sorts of weird things and getting himself into a lot of trouble. I didn’t think much of it until I received a call from him telling me that he hated me and no longer considered me in council or even as family. Then I knew something was wrong other than emotional problems…… I started into prayer and meditation concerning his soul.. It was about 3am as I entered into the Spirit. I found myself among a group of young kids 16 to 18 yrs old. Although they did not know one another in the physical, they shared much in common in Spirit, and were having a great time enjoying each others company. They were hanging out in a caf

cweiters 18-11-2006 07:08 AM

The power of God
My dearest Frank there is not struggle in the world of spirits. We fight not against flesh and blood. A matter of fact the fight is not ours at all. Forgive, Frank forgive, so you can heal, there is no healing in blame, even if the culprit admit guilt. Spiritual truths are the same today, tomorrow and forever more. One truth you can put you life on the line for and that is; just as our mother and father grow older than us, so is the same regarding the power of God our heavenly father.

[font=Times New Roman][size=3][color=#000000]We will never advance beyond the power of God and his majesty, which will endure forever. Those who think they can alter our fate, with their petty manifestation, are no match at all for the wrath of God. Be not discouraged my dear Frank, for the workers of negative persuasion. For it is people like you who influence those of little faith, those who are living with doubt to keep believing in God. Because his love is best exemplified by people like you and me. People who deeds are driven by good intentions. So please continue to do what you do

FRANK789 18-11-2006 03:40 PM

Thank you CW for your kind words. I accept the council and I take to heart your words. We are all one by way of our Love and Grace. It's my hope that all people will find the joy and peace that comes with the knowledge of God our Creator. Thanks CW

Light Mage 18-11-2006 08:36 PM

I'm not sure how effective it would be, but have you tried setting up a "reflection shield" to counter-act it?

It's not really White Magic, but it's not really Black Magic either. It's a way of returning magical influences to the person sending them, either for good or ill. (Depending on the nature of what's being directed at YOU.)

There seem to be many different ways of invoking it, depending on what feels best for you, either through meditation, invocation, or... darn, I can't think of a rhyming word. Or a ritual.

Of course you could combine all three.

One way of creating a reflection shield (and of course it's not the only way) is to sit in a circle of salt with a small mirror, on a moonlit night. You use the mirror as a focus for meditation, by concentrating on the reflection of the moon in the mirror, not the moon itself.

Try to imagine moonbeams shining off the mirror and encompassing you in an aura of moonlight, protected within the circle of salt. An incantation should help focus your mind into creating that effect.

"Lunar Light surrounding me
Magically protecting me
From their will, releasing me
Intention sent right back to thee."

Of course there's nothing stopping you from making up your own incantation - that's one of the best things about magic, it's very user-friendly.

The mirror-reflected moonlight should "condense" into a pearlescent glow within your own aura which should reflect magical influences back to their sender. Keep that same mirror you used, with you when you are out and about.

This works with both good and not-so-good influences, so you may not want to keep the shield "active" all the time.

To turn it "off" simply thank it for it's help, and imagine you're breaking out of the shield, like a chick hatching from an eggshell. (You, or someone else, can cancel the effect by breaking the mirror, but that's not advisable for a number of reasons...)

Ascended Master 25-11-2006 02:35 AM

Cweiters my friend.
Sorry about the delay...

The cold can quite often be a negative 'spirit', and if it is, then you will also feel a tingling sensation when it is in your 'space'. This is especially the case if you are being targeted too. They do try and jump into you and they are doing this for a reason. But it is wise to laugh and know they can't do anything when your vibration is high.
They want your vibration to be low, which doesn't seem to be working!
Well done...

Just remember that they can't touch your spirit, so if you can connect your physical element to your spirit element, they can't touch your body either!
They will pass your space, and pass straight back out again with a scorched rear end!

In spirit mode though you would become a naturally charged forcefield of something they really can't touch.

I'm having to climb the growth ladder in order to make every part of my being (on every astral level) climb into the 'no negativity' zone.
ie, to live and breathe my own spirit.

It's hard, and I am fully with you on that.
But even if you climb a little you more than appreciate the benefits.

Free yourself from negative situations and you will climb naturally.
Also think over past issues and release them... sometimes they lie dormant, and these 'spirits' use them to locate you. As the energies of them exist in their plane?

Keep going, you are doing amazingly well. And stay in touch via PM if you can.

With everything I have,


cweiters 28-11-2006 09:16 PM

Am Afraid
Something is telling me not to let yall know how scared I am right now. I want to cry, am know for being strong woman. Nobody will treat my children as I do. nobody will teach them like I do. All the suggestion I have received have been wonderful and have been working.

Meditaion feel so good for this conditon while I am doing it I feel no discomfort at all. then shortly after here come the pin sticks they seam to be geting worse. I feel them everywhere now not just my hands. I can see a mark or print in the spots where I feel I am being stuck with pins. I really don't want the doctors practiceing on me anymore. My spirit is speaking even if you harm the body you will not harm me. My soul belongs to God no harm can come to it... I just think about the children. I am afraid been going on a week now.

now I said it!


Makoorakoo 29-11-2006 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by cweiters
Something is telling me not to let yall know how scared I am right now. I want to cry, am know for being strong woman. Nobody will treat my children as I do. nobody will teach them like I do. All the suggestion I have received have been wonderful and have been working.

Meditaion feel so good for this conditon while I am doing it I feel no discomfort at all. then shortly after here come the pin sticks they seam to be geting worse. I feel them everywhere now not just my hands. I can see a mark or print in the spots where I feel I am being stuck with pins. I really don't want the doctors practiceing on me anymore. My spirit is speaking even if you harm the body you will not harm me. My soul belongs to God no harm can come to it... I just think about the children. I am afraid been going on a week now.

now I said it!


hiya cweiters,

in my opinion through meditation you are either opening up to a vengeful spirit or your being put through a trial. If it is a vengeful spirit it would be best to keep a note of any dream you have, both in sleep and daydreaming. I cant say why a vengeful spirit would be doing this because i dont know what influences are around you. I have had experience fom vengeful spirits and they can be hard to get rid of. It may be good to try an exorcism or dismissal of all energies so you get a neutral atmosphere to develop protection. It might be good to know when and where(eg. house, work etc.) these occurances of pain take place. If this is a trial then take it as it is and stand strong, keep your faith in your God.

If problems develop into anything different no matter how slight keep a note of it.

I give my advice, its up to you as to what happens with it.

Love and blessings to all

Ascended Master 08-01-2007 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by cweiters
Something is telling me not to let yall know how scared I am right now. I want to cry, am know for being strong woman. Nobody will treat my children as I do. nobody will teach them like I do. All the suggestion I have received have been wonderful and have been working.

Meditaion feel so good for this conditon while I am doing it I feel no discomfort at all. then shortly after here come the pin sticks they seam to be geting worse. I feel them everywhere now not just my hands. I can see a mark or print in the spots where I feel I am being stuck with pins. I really don't want the doctors practiceing on me anymore. My spirit is speaking even if you harm the body you will not harm me. My soul belongs to God no harm can come to it... I just think about the children. I am afraid been going on a week now.

now I said it!



Please believe me when I say I've cried alot too. It does hurt and it's scary.
You don't know why it's happening, and you can't find anyone who is prepared to help.

There are so many people out there afraid of this subject. To believe it would be difficult, so it remains unheard.

You are like me in as much as, you have no choice to believe it. Because it's your experience, it's very real.

We will both end up having experienced something that will make us grow however. We can also understand a new arm of the work that can make us even more developed at the end of our days on this earth.

I am right behind you, and I know that you will walk away stronger than ever having come across this.

Hopefully you feel free to PM whenever you feel like it. Offload it on someone who understands! :smile:

With love and light,


dark_veil 27-01-2007 06:05 PM

I have read all this with extreme interest, I didnt really believe this kind of thing worked, how can a doll be bound to a person, like a voodoo doll, has anyone ever died because of such things

Pounamu 28-01-2007 02:44 AM

Dark Veil, these things work because of the intent and resultant thought-form and thought force which the perpetrator focuses by using the doll (or whatever). And in a particular case, they may also work because the victim has ancestral karma for having done this themselves. If such a thing happens to one, therefore, it gives a prompting that there is some karma to research, forgive and release... once this is completed thoroughly, it cannot continue to happen to one - or if it does, can be stopped by intending to reverse the energies back to the sender; and this is allowed by True Spiritual Law, as once the karma is complete, there is no lawful reason for the attacks to continue, and you are allowed to honour yourself by rejecting the energies.

cweiters 29-01-2007 01:54 AM

Pounamu I could not agree with you more as the victim (me) cleanse myself not only of the negative karma I have created but also of those who have practice these deeds before me. Yes I would not be able to ask this question unless this is of my teachings. Forgiveness is the gateway to healing, to regard spiritual law with little or no value the reward is law of karma, which has no bounderies. It can go on for many generations.

Thank you Pounamu for this message of karma, and another way to break the cycle.

Love to all


Originally Posted by Pounamu
Dark Veil, these things work because of the intent and resultant thought-form and thought force which the perpetrator focuses by using the doll (or whatever). And in a particular case, they may also work because the victim has ancestral karma for having done this themselves. If such a thing happens to one, therefore, it gives a prompting that there is some karma to research, forgive and release... once this is completed thoroughly, it cannot continue to happen to one - or if it does, can be stopped by intending to reverse the energies back to the sender; and this is allowed by True Spiritual Law, as once the karma is complete, there is no lawful reason for the attacks to continue, and you are allowed to honour yourself by rejecting the energies.

cweiters 29-01-2007 10:18 AM


I have read all this with extreme interest, I didnt really believe this kind of thing worked, how can a doll be bound to a person, like a voodoo doll, has anyone ever died because of such things

Dark Veil voodoo and black magic was not always considered dark energy. Over time man as misused, and misinterpreted the knowledge. There still remain those who practice for the benefit of all mankind. Medicine Man/Woman, Witch-doctors Herbal-doctors, and Wicca’s just to name a few, light workers are of every profession.

As some gain knowledge of how to use this powerful ability to heal or kill, the more peaceful worker will perform with respect of nature and spiritual laws. While some perform with no concern at all.

You asked has anyone ever died because of voodoo or black magic; I feel yes, however, when it is one-person time to died regardless of the cause we must go. With all the modern technology Forensic specialist still file cases of undetermined death today.

I am not here to promote belief or disbelief for the workers of magical medicine, spells and rituals dark or light. It is my beliefs that voodoo dolls, potions, of magic were not originated to do harm to others.

Love to all

Ascended Master 29-01-2007 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pounamu
Dark Veil, these things work because of the intent and resultant thought-form and thought force which the perpetrator focuses by using the doll (or whatever). And in a particular case, they may also work because the victim has ancestral karma for having done this themselves. If such a thing happens to one, therefore, it gives a prompting that there is some karma to research, forgive and release... once this is completed thoroughly, it cannot continue to happen to one - or if it does, can be stopped by intending to reverse the energies back to the sender; and this is allowed by True Spiritual Law, as once the karma is complete, there is no lawful reason for the attacks to continue, and you are allowed to honour yourself by rejecting the energies.

Very intelligent information Pounamu, as always! :hug3:

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