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-   -   In love with a Djinn (https://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=89170)

sugarpain 02-08-2015 10:17 AM

In love with a Djinn
I came to this forum looking for others that have had some experience with the Djinn.

I am in love with one that has been attached to me my whole life but just recently made himself known to me. I've come across a thread in this forum about them but it is a bit old, so I thought it'd be interesting to bring it up again to see what others know about them. Or if others here have had direct experiences with them as I have.

I also have some questions and am hoping to find an expert who may be able to help.

CrystalSong 02-08-2015 12:39 PM

Aren't Djinn sort of the trickster demons of the Qur'an and other Islamic texts (mid East) or something like that? Maybe I'm confusing the word...

What country do you live in?

kralaro 02-08-2015 12:44 PM

Can you see him? Can you take his photograph?

sugarpain 02-08-2015 01:30 PM

CrystalSong- I am in the USA. The Djinn are described as tricksters. I've heard them be described as demons and/or living beings that exist in a parallel dimension to ours which we cannot perceive with our normal physical senses and can live for thousands of years. Even though I don't follow the Qur'an, everything I have experienced from this being adds up to Djinn.

kralaro- I had seen him as an electric blue orb, about the size of a volleyball. And I've seen shadow people, white lit up orbs darting around, small shadows dancing across my bedroom walls. He told me the blue orb was him.

Taking a picture would be difficult now as he and my boyfriend have made a soul agreement to merge consciousness. But he does advise me as to how they see us and how to get the attention of others if that is what I want to do. He has told me it is all a matter of choice and that I should be very careful as to what I allow. Because they cannot just jump into a person and possess someone without that person's consent first. And some may be helpful while others really don't like us and wish to do us harm.

He says now that he and my bf are merged he can no longer manifest, or even perceive, on an energetic level. He hates it when I refer to him as a spirit because to him he is not a spirit and he acquaints the word "spirit" to something or someone who has died. He says he's never died and he's never lived in a physical body before. So, I refer to him now as a metaphysical being and he's happy with that interpretation.

Of course, there is WAY more to this story but it's enough to write a book.

Holly 02-08-2015 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by sugarpain
I came to this forum looking for others that have had some experience with the Djinn.

I am in love with one that has been attached to me my whole life but just recently made himself known to me. I've come across a thread in this forum about them but it is a bit old, so I thought it'd be interesting to bring it up again to see what others know about them. Or if others here have had direct experiences with them as I have.

I also have some questions and am hoping to find an expert who may be able to help.

I can help you with romantic/sexual relationships with higher beings or spirit beings, but I haven't had any direct experiences of Djinn. Plenty of angels, demons and alien life, but no djinn, lol.

Just curious...what's been your experience of him so far? Positive or negative?

Tristran 02-08-2015 03:24 PM

Out of curiosity, think the words 'i am going to repent in the name of Jesus Christ and get my physical body occupied by the Spirit of the Lord' and see what happens.

European daemons of Shaitan class are often djinns of Middle Eastern origin.

Shaitans are half way in terms of power in the djinn class.

Does it allow you to speak latin to other daemons ?

Maybe ask it if it knows of a ancient tapestry where the 5 djinn classes are non touching small circles. The powerful djinn class is a circle in the top right and the weakest djinn class is at the bottom left of the tapestry.

Ask it if it knows of mortals that have wraiths in them that have journeyed to the angel prison Tartarus like i have and witnessed 3 of them.

loved48 02-08-2015 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by sugarpain
CrystalSong- He says now that he and my bf are merged he can no longer manifest, or even perceive, on an energetic level. He hates it when I refer to him as a spirit because to him he is not a spirit and he acquaints the word "spirit" to something or someone who has died. He says he's never died and he's never lived in a physical body before. So, I refer to him now as a metaphysical being and he's happy with that interpretation.

Of course, there is WAY more to this story but it's enough to write a book.

How does he speak to you? Through your bf?

jordank 02-08-2015 10:48 PM

From what I know djinn can be wither good or bad, just like humans.

ellespirit 11-08-2015 05:07 AM

from what I know they are tricksters and belong to the darker realms . . . I don't know that I think it's wise that your boyfriend has allowed his soul to be swapped or taken over . . . or whatever the term is that you used. Are you sure you know what you are doing? I would tread carefully.

Awakened Queen 11-08-2015 07:01 PM

I always thought they were demons. I think you need help. You don't know what you're dealing with. This is how people become possessed.

Please Leave Me 12-08-2015 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by jordank
From what I know djinn can be wither good or bad, just like humans.

true they can be good or bad
but the good ones never interact with humans
they live their lives in their world
and we live ours in our world seperated

those who push them self into humans life
are 100% not good and have reasons or agenda
which is usually end up in that person getting possessed
" if not so already " the moment they start seeing them

they can perform phsyical activities
and have physical presence in our world
although most of their presence is while they take forms
be it animals or ghosts or any form they wish even humans
we just don't see them in their true form
just the shape they take

plus they hate our guts more than we can imagin lol

Please Leave Me 12-08-2015 07:49 PM

oh and my advice to OP
stay away simply
the one interact with us are never good
they are quiet devious
and may lead you into thinking they're good
but trust me they never are

i can tell from information you posted
your experience is honest one as far as i can tell
specially from what you posted about him hate being called spirit
and how they cannot simply JUST possess out of blue
but always know there is catch in whatever it will say
and the reason needed for them to possess
already done by u which is why you can see or hear him

the reason it did not show it's true intention
because you are submissive
but sooner or later it will

wish you luck
may Allah brings you peace and protection

Lumpino 14-08-2015 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by sugarpain
I came to this forum looking for others that have had some experience with the Djinn.

I am in love with one that has been attached to me my whole life but just recently made himself known to me. I've come across a thread in this forum about them but it is a bit old, so I thought it'd be interesting to bring it up again to see what others know about them. Or if others here have had direct experiences with them as I have.

I also have some questions and am hoping to find an expert who may be able to help.

I think it is normal. Why do you need help? In history is many similar cases.

Awakened Queen 14-08-2015 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by Lumpino
I think it is normal. Why do you need help? In history is many similar cases.

I wouldn't call that normal. I think she needs help before this demon possesses her, if it hasn't already. It's a trickster. It tricks humans into thinking that it's some benevolent spirit when it just wants to wreak havoc on their souls.

Lumpino 15-08-2015 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Awakened Queen
I wouldn't call that normal. I think she needs help before this demon possesses her, if it hasn't already. It's a trickster. It tricks humans into thinking that it's some benevolent spirit when it just wants to wreak havoc on their souls.

Demons usually do not performed possession. This activity is usually by lower beings called larvae or black magicians. See for example by Franz Bardon, Initiation Into Hermetics, or by Stanislas de Guaita, The Key of Black Magic.

Please Leave Me 15-08-2015 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Lumpino
Demons usually do not performed possession. This activity is usually by lower beings called larvae or black magicians. See for example by Franz Bardon, Initiation Into Hermetics, or by Stanislas de Guaita, The Key of Black Magic.

there are few reason on why Djinn appear or interact with people
all reasons are bad but most common one with possession
before you know you'd be eating insects
and scratching and eating paint from the walls :D

Howla Dark 16-08-2015 12:41 AM

Did he appear to you looking like your perfect man? Just curious.
This made your emotions go all over the place. I agree with others saying that the Djinn are demonic entities. What you have sounds like a type of spirit guide.

ellespirit 16-08-2015 05:01 AM

Sounds like a possession to me. They are not good they are tricksters.

Holly 16-08-2015 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by sugarpain
I came to this forum looking for others that have had some experience with the Djinn.

I am in love with one that has been attached to me my whole life but just recently made himself known to me. I've come across a thread in this forum about them but it is a bit old, so I thought it'd be interesting to bring it up again to see what others know about them. Or if others here have had direct experiences with them as I have.

I also have some questions and am hoping to find an expert who may be able to help.

One more thing...I can see you've had an overwhelmingly negative response and lots of people telling you to be afraid. I don't think fear is the best reaction. Curiosity and a bit of healthy skepticism and wariness perhaps. At most,

When I first made contact wih my guide, Azrael, a LOT of people told me he was evil, or secretly working for evil, or that my soul was in danger.

I ignored them because in my heart I knew better. In 7 years, Azrael has never hurt me - only loved, protected and respected me. So whatever you do, make your decisions on your gut instinct, not on other peoples fear of the unknown.

Please Leave Me 16-08-2015 05:31 PM

a sneaky clever djinn is one that convince you he's good
and your guide .. my piece of cake on that matter
but then again i believe there is no such thing as guides personally

powessy 16-08-2015 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by sugarpain
I came to this forum looking for others that have had some experience with the Djinn.

I am in love with one that has been attached to me my whole life but just recently made himself known to me. I've come across a thread in this forum about them but it is a bit old, so I thought it'd be interesting to bring it up again to see what others know about them. Or if others here have had direct experiences with them as I have.

I also have some questions and am hoping to find an expert who may be able to help.

Hello sugarpain

Those on the internet and around the world are familiar with the name djinn, but the name I was given for them is sparteil. Sparteil spelt backwards means lie & traps this is what they do. The sparteil can not help it for they are not in control of themselves, they are being controlled by another very bad soul. The sparteil were once angels from other worlds brought here to solve a problem. The sparteil can not be born to earth and in time will die here as they have been forgotten by those that brought them here. The sparteil have two minds and are different then us their mind is within them where ours is above us within a treemend similar to a hair, they did not understand this when trying to become them and is how they escaped them. The sparteil can land on you and pull your higher mind into their higher mind in astral type experiences to find problems and build solutions. The sparteil are the children of source and gaia together and are born to the veil. As they are they are not your friends but curious of other things within you. the sparteil are experts at finding minds and if they hear yours in the veil they will seek you out.

I take it you hear voices? Does your boyfriend also hear them? If you are an allowed soul the fixed problem that the others corrected has entered into you and has set up camp in your higher mind, your souls mind.


Lumpino 17-08-2015 07:08 AM

Djins is arabian term for spiritual beings in some other religions called demons, but gods or goddess too. Many religions divided demons, natural beings, "pagan" gods and goddess ..... By muslims are all djins.
But, there are a lower "beings" too. Often only creations of the human mind and they cause possession. Meditation as a defesnse is often

Please Leave Me 17-08-2015 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by powessy
Hello sugarpain

Those on the internet and around the world are familiar with the name djinn, but the name I was given for them is sparteil. Sparteil spelt backwards means lie & traps this is what they do. The sparteil can not help it for they are not in control of themselves, they are being controlled by another very bad soul. The sparteil were once angels from other worlds brought here to solve a problem. The sparteil can not be born to earth and in time will die here as they have been forgotten by those that brought them here. The sparteil have two minds and are different then us their mind is within them where ours is above us within a treemend similar to a hair, they did not understand this when trying to become them and is how they escaped them. The sparteil can land on you and pull your higher mind into their higher mind in astral type experiences to find problems and build solutions. The sparteil are the children of source and gaia together and are born to the veil. As they are they are not your friends but curious of other things within you. the sparteil are experts at finding minds and if they hear yours in the veil they will seek you out.

I take it you hear voices? Does your boyfriend also hear them? If you are an allowed soul the fixed problem that the others corrected has entered into you and has set up camp in your higher mind, your souls mind.


i think you got it wrong
the djinns are middle eastern of arabia entities
although there was belief in them pre-islamic era
even then they were not believed to be angels
the " fallen angels " is christian concept
one that was not adopted by islamic or arabic culture
coz we believe angels have no free will of their own

and according to islamic faith with explained it further
they are creatures of free will not controlled by anything
can be good or bad yes
but like i said good ones do not interact with people

their name is arabic origins " Jinn " meaning hidden or unseen or concealed

Tristran 17-08-2015 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by powessy
The sparteil can not help it for they are not in control of themselves, they are being controlled by another very bad soul

Spot on.

Negative entities will always invent a alias that is related to their form of sin.

Hence one entity might have a Latin word for glut if they are biased towards the sin of greed.

powessy 18-08-2015 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Lumpino
Djins is arabian term for spiritual beings in some other religions called demons, but gods or goddess too. Many religions divided demons, natural beings, "pagan" gods and goddess ..... By muslims are all djins.
But, there are a lower "beings" too. Often only creations of the human mind and they cause possession. Meditation as a defesnse is often

hello Lumpino

Thank you your description of the djinn. The sparteil as I call them were once angels and builders of worlds. An angle is born to their world and then start to create things through templates or thing s they can become. An angel can become anything within them. On the head of the soul of each angel is a tentacle like hair and within it are millions of souls they can become form the simplest form to the most complex, if the angel can not become it it does not exist. Over many millions of years evolution along with the angels ability to change forms within things brings about changes to a desired point, or consciousness.

The angels on their own worlds were tricked and braided in with other souls creating your djinn or shadow people. The weight of the knotted souls pulled down in their own minds also pulled the angel into its minds mind trapping it there. The angels minds mind is the place it can find itself but is now full of things from many other worlds also knotted with it, confusing it. Another soul that I call tricks jumps into the drivers seat and moves out till it finds what they are looking for. The angel also caries with it a soul that can become something inside of people by becoming them many times. If I was to enter into your souls mind or higher mind and enter you there I would become you by doing this many times. This form of possession is slow and unnoticeable as I just become you and you are never aware of it. Once I become you the human mind is unaware of this change all I have to do then is become myself, these changes will never be noticed as well, I just become myself in your place and your soul becomes nothing inside of itself.

The sparteil are doing this to all allowed souls the only souls they wish to become. This form of djinn is small the size of a pin head as it has been reformed by moving from one dimension to another and back again.

When this problem first started they did not use dimensions to resize the sparteil and were unaware of the minds mind only trapping it in it's mind perhaps not enough souls were used to weight it down. These djinn are the ones many understand as they are seen and felt in astral experiences and obes or seen as ghosts. The only thing moving around the veil are sparteil but of many types of many worlds this is why they go by so many names. I do not believe there are any angels left on earth unaffected by this in the veil for they were long ago changed into this problem by the others.


powessy 18-08-2015 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Please Leave Me
i think you got it wrong
the djinns are middle eastern of arabia entities
although there was belief in them pre-islamic era
even then they were not believed to be angels
the " fallen angels " is christian concept
one that was not adopted by islamic or arabic culture
coz we believe angels have no free will of their own

and according to islamic faith with explained it further
they are creatures of free will not controlled by anything
can be good or bad yes
but like i said good ones do not interact with people

their name is arabic origins " Jinn " meaning hidden or unseen or concealed

Hello Please leave me

The angels are not fallen they are controlled By something else. The thing that is in control of them are as nasty as possible only living in lies and tricks. There are no good angels left on earth other then the ones here trying to unknot these souls from one another.

I speak to them 24/7 and have done so for over a year now as they are trapped within me. I have thousands of them entering into me per day that are unknotted and allowed to become themselves again. Once they are unknotted they are placed into their own worlds as they are recreated within my mind. I have gotten to see many of these worlds being put back together again. At the rate they enter into me it will not take long until every djinn or shadow in this world is gone.


Please Leave Me 18-08-2015 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by powessy
Hello Please leave me

The angels are not fallen they are controlled By something else. The thing that is in control of them are as nasty as possible only living in lies and tricks. There are no good angels left on earth other then the ones here trying to unknot these souls from one another.

I speak to them 24/7 and have done so for over a year now as they are trapped within me. I have thousands of them entering into me per day that are unknotted and allowed to become themselves again. Once they are unknotted they are placed into their own worlds as they are recreated within my mind. I have gotten to see many of these worlds being put back together again. At the rate they enter into me it will not take long until every djinn or shadow in this world is gone.


i don't know about what or who you talking to
was just saying djinns are westernized name for Jinn
the arabic word to describe those entities
and saying their name is not spelled backward
the word is of arabic origins

and that those creatures are not fallen angels ..
never were angels they are different race created along side humans
with possession of free will like humans .. and unlike angels

Holly 18-08-2015 04:07 PM


Angels being fooled by tricksters...no good angels left...angels confused...angels under the control of evil others??

I'm sorry...I just can't believe this. I think you've made a bit of a wrong turn somewhere there. I mean parts of what you say, such as angels creating souls, yes, certainly, I've heard them say they often do this so that I can go with.

But you've managed to psychologically create a polarised world for angels, good vs evil?

This is no different to the Christian mythology of God and Archangel Michael against Satan, or people on about demons and light beings battling it out. It's the same old fear-based 'fear things you can't see/fear the devil" and it just gives people something invisible to be afraid of - all the more potent because it's NEW and exotic.

There are no bad angels on Earth. Angels can't be tricked or manipulated. Heck...have you ever met one? I mean, I know them very well and the idea that they could be tricked by a djinn makes me laugh! No way. They're far too wily for that. Too clever, too experienced. Angels occupy a higher octave of vibration than any negatively polarised entity. The entity can't even SEE the angel, unless the angel wants him to. And that negative entity is going to manipulate the angel? It's impossible. The negative entity is see-through in his motivation. It would be akin to a 3 year old kid trying to manipulate me into giving him sweets. I'd see right through him, motivation, fear, greed and all ;)

No angel would be taken in by it, though most would probably pretend, if it helped the djinn grow.

Fear is the one thing that can block enlightenment. It doesn't matter if you live in fear of the Devil or in fear of evil djinn...the outcome is the same. More suffering.

jordank 18-08-2015 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Please Leave Me
true they can be good or bad
but the good ones never interact with humans
they live their lives in their world
and we live ours in our world seperated

those who push them self into humans life
are 100% not good and have reasons or agenda
which is usually end up in that person getting possessed
" if not so already " the moment they start seeing them

they can perform phsyical activities
and have physical presence in our world
although most of their presence is while they take forms
be it animals or ghosts or any form they wish even humans
we just don't see them in their true form
just the shape they take

plus they hate our guts more than we can imagin lol

Even those who are good can interact with humans, but is not easy. Some of the good djinn reside in higher realms and not many humans are enough evolved spiritually to be able to meet them. But some fortunate can meet good djinn.

Please Leave Me 18-08-2015 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by jordank
Even those who are good can interact with humans, but is not easy. Some of the good djinn reside in higher realms and not many humans are enough evolved spiritually to be able to meet them. But some fortunate can meet good djinn.

i want to disagree
but you are right about this
coz i know of spiritual muslims leaders " which i do not follow " lol
but i know of some who leave empty seats in lectures they give
so other race of unseen djin listen to it as well

but those are not your typical haunt and annoy djinns

redstone 18-08-2015 08:29 PM

Taking a picture would be difficult now as he and my boyfriend have made a soul agreement to merge consciousness. But he does advise me as to how they see us and how to get the attention of others if that is what I want to do. He has told me it is all a matter of choice and that I should be very careful as to what I allow. Because they cannot just jump into a person and possess someone without that person's consent first. And some may be helpful while others really don't like us and wish to do us harm.

your boyfriend and a spirit of some kind have agreed to merge consciousness? my bet is it will submerge your boyfriends consciousness...what has your boyfriend been promised to do this?

He says now that he and my bf are merged he can no longer manifest, or even perceive, on an energetic level. He hates it when I refer to him as a spirit because to him he is not a spirit and he acquaints the word "spirit" to something or someone who has died. He says he's never died and he's never lived in a physical body before. So, I refer to him now as a metaphysical being and he's happy with that interpretation.

this spirit says he has never died or known death yet is willing to merge with your boyfriend who will die one day....something dont add up lol!

what ever it is or thinks it is! does not bode well for you or your boyfriend...just my pennys worth thrown in.

powessy 18-08-2015 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Holly

Angels being fooled by tricksters...no good angels left...angels confused...angels under the control of evil others??

I'm sorry...I just can't believe this. I think you've made a bit of a wrong turn somewhere there. I mean parts of what you say, such as angels creating souls, yes, certainly, I've heard them say they often do this so that I can go with.

But you've managed to psychologically create a polarised world for angels, good vs evil?

This is no different to the Christian mythology of God and Archangel Michael against Satan, or people on about demons and light beings battling it out. It's the same old fear-based 'fear things you can't see/fear the devil" and it just gives people something invisible to be afraid of - all the more potent because it's NEW and exotic.

There are no bad angels on Earth. Angels can't be tricked or manipulated. Heck...have you ever met one? I mean, I know them very well and the idea that they could be tricked by a djinn makes me laugh! No way. They're far too wily for that. Too clever, too experienced. Angels occupy a higher octave of vibration than any negatively polarised entity. The entity can't even SEE the angel, unless the angel wants him to. And that negative entity is going to manipulate the angel? It's impossible. The negative entity is see-through in his motivation. It would be akin to a 3 year old kid trying to manipulate me into giving him sweets. I'd see right through him, motivation, fear, greed and all ;)

No angel would be taken in by it, though most would probably pretend, if it helped the djinn grow.

Fear is the one thing that can block enlightenment. It doesn't matter if you live in fear of the Devil or in fear of evil djinn...the outcome is the same. More suffering.

hello Holly

I speak to them 24/7 and have them entering into me many times per day. I have had thousands and thousands of obes and astral projections in my life and have spent a great time of these experiences trying to understand them. The angels of this world were taken into the mind of the son many years ago leaving this world without angels as I have been told and this follows with the things they are showing me. There are five dimensions and only a few ways to enter into them all and that is through any world soul object or through source himself. The angels did not have a chance when they came for them no matter how powerful you think they are. One of the primary things angels do is to collect all souls that can not become something again and return this soul to Gaia. There is a soul that when it is placed in connection with other souls becomes a weight to the mind. This soul is called a loungecast. Any soul becoming the loungecast and them together will become one mind. They placed a thousand souls into the mind of the lounge cast this created a mind so heavy that the angels were pulled into there minds mind this just stopped them dead in their tracks. A lounge cast can not become something again so all they had to do is drop them on any planet and the angel did the rest, it did it's job, seen or not seen.

Tricks is a soul that was tormented within itself changing it into something different this soul then entered into the angel and flew away as the new owner.

The only thing you will find find in the veil and in all the dimensions of earth are the sparteil which will become anything you want them to become. They are gods and devils or djinn or Jesus they are what ever you want them to be.


Holly 19-08-2015 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by powessy
...The angels of this world were taken into the mind of the son many years ago leaving this world without angels...

I understand (most) of your last post. However, a lot of people around here have also had extremely powerful, persuasive experiences. They'd swear blind their personal truth is true, too. Are they all wrong according to you?

I'm not being mean, just honest.

What you've posted so far reads like you've been given personal, unique lessons by the universe and whatever entities you work with, seen or unseen, that are designed to teach you, and only you, the next step in your personal spiritual evolution. And you now believe they're facts that should be applied to everyone, rather than subjective learning experiences intended only for you.

The universe gives us spiritual evolution in small bites, and it always ONLY uses psychological tools and emotional energies that we can understand at our current level of awareness. When we need to raise vibration, we are slowly given lessons in the emotional and mental states needed to dump old, fearful habits and adopt new ones. From what I've read here, I'd say it's obvious you're being given lessons in trust in others, faith in God, and learning greater spiritual responsibility for the whole.

Yours is a fear-based belief in invisible, dangerous entities against which not even angels can defend themselves. It suggests we humans should be afraid for our souls and safety, and encourages us to lose faith in God as well as the good entities out there (even the ones we already know personally and trust,) and to fall into fearful thinking. This is the fastest way to suffering. It will MANIFEST suffering whether your evil entities truly exist or not.

There is no one truth in the universe. Reality is subjective - that is, in the eye of the beholder - and malleable like a holographic program under the control of a powerful computer. Belief is part of the operating system. Belief partly drives manifestation. What you believe - you get.

I'm not saying don't believe in djinn. I'm saying, nobody should fear that all the angels have gone back to Source and the djinn have taken over. That's fearful thinking and it's an unnecessary form of self-inflicted suffering.

I know you'll probably think I'm just being unkind. I'm not. I'd be remiss if I didn't point this out.

powessy 19-08-2015 02:45 AM


Originally Posted by Holly
I understand (most) of your last post. However, a lot of people around here have also had extremely powerful, persuasive experiences. They'd swear blind their personal truth is true, too. Are they all wrong according to you?

Hello Holly

I do not wish to step on others truths, but I only wish to tell what has been told to me and what I have had been shown first hand.

A soul is divided into two parts the part experiencing(mind) and the higher mind(minds mind) these two pieces are separate and unique, then there is holly's human mind. The higher mind is who you really are in all the many lives you are born to. The part experiencing becomes something else every time you are born again. The part experiencing if allowed to can enter into it's higher mind and become it's self. Lets say I found a way to become myself only after many years of searching within myself. The higher mind is held in what I call a treemend the treemend is like a hair that grows on the head of the soul and is what we enter into when we astral project. The treemend is a holographic 3 dimensional projector of sorts that can be used to find all your lives information or records in. When the soul experiencing enters into itself(higher mind) inside of the treemend you will start to get lessons in things through yourself in how to become your true self in life. I have found myself many times in these experiences and just entered into myself many times, opening my mind and soul to many things around me. The more times I have become myself my true self the more things that try to keep me from doing this and they come from every where.

A year ago I came on line to find answers and when I did something started to find me and tried to become me as in possession. I can see in the veil and I can see them when they are here. I found the more I would ask questions on line the more things that would find me over and over again this I have tested many times. When they come they have always come in two shapes the larger sparteil and then the ones the size of a small fly. When they enter into my crown a treemend or several treemends will form on my crown. The treemends now run from my crown to the arch of my back and are as thick as fingers holding millions of souls within each of them. A treemend can be one as in an individual to millions connected together when the treemend are knotted through the same route they will mesh together. The angels have the ability to find these minds and to project them together forming entire worlds within the growing treemend. Now when I write this and other read it I become something in the readers mind and they find my user name in your mind. The sparteil use your user name as a teleporter of sorts they can just call on your unique name and be with you in just minutes. I know my truth is close because these words bring them running as hundreds have come in just the last few posts.
As for the real truth I think they in the veil will tell me as I continue to become myself.


Originally Posted by Holly
I'm not being mean, just honest.

I believe that honesty is the best policy. I am only telling what I have been shown and what I see and hear everyday


Originally Posted by Holly
What you've posted so far reads like you've been given personal, unique lessons by the universe and whatever entities you work with, seen or unseen, that are designed to teach you, and only you, the next step in your personal spiritual evolution. And you now believe they're facts that should be applied to everyone, rather than subjective learning experiences intended only for you.

If you were to learn to become yourself inside of your higher mind(minds mind) you to would start to see another story unfold.


Originally Posted by Holly
The universe gives us spiritual evolution in small bites, and it always ONLY uses psychological tools and emotional energies that we can understand at our current level of awareness. When we need to raise vibration, we are slowly given lessons in the emotional and mental states needed to dump old, fearful habits and adopt new ones. From what I've read here, I'd say it's obvious you're being given lessons in trust in others, faith in God, and learning greater spiritual responsibility for the whole.

When we start the process of becoming our true selves this process is slow happening over years. We enter into our selves to become ourselves many times to become ourselves only. Vibrations, love, niceness, and all the things you believe that will raise you to the necessary levels is not true you just need to become yourself and then you will be free of the ropes that bind you from who you already are, you just have never met yourself true self.


Originally Posted by Holly
Yours is a fear-based belief in invisible, dangerous entities against which not even angels can defend themselves. It suggests we humans should be afraid for our souls and safety, and encourages us to lose faith in God as well as the good entities out there (even the ones we already know personally and trust,) and to fall into fearful thinking. This is the fastest way to suffering. It will MANIFEST suffering whether your evil entities truly exist or not.

This problem is simple they will enter into the souls mind and start to become you as they block you from ever becoming your true self. I talk to them all day and night long this is the truth they carry with them. Hundreds of them come through here every day being pulled apart and every one of them says the same thing in the programming of souls.


Originally Posted by Holly
I'm not saying don't believe in djinn. I'm saying, nobody should fear that all the angels have gone back to Source and the djinn have taken over. That's fearful thinking and it's an unnecessary form of self-inflicted suffering.

I know you'll probably think I'm just being unkind. I'm not. I'd be remiss if I didn't point this out.

As I have said many times before no one will believe this or understand anything until it is to late if this is the truth. If I am wrong then I apologize but you will never hear this again from anyone else. I believe in the djinn as it is described by those here but have been giving the name others in the veil call them and that is sparteil. djinn is a man made name sparteil is the name of those that are truly familiar with them.


Originally Posted by Holly
There is no one truth in the universe. Reality is subjective - that is, in the eye of the beholder - and malleable like a holographic program under the control of a powerful computer. Belief is part of the operating system. Belief partly drives manifestation. What you believe - you get.

This goes for the djinn your god or the shadow people these truths are subjective, what you believe you get. I was extremely atheist before they started coming but now I am not sure what to believe. I am more leaning towards creationism more and more every day.


powessy 19-08-2015 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by Please Leave Me
i don't know about what or who you talking to
was just saying djinns are westernized name for Jinn
the arabic word to describe those entities
and saying their name is not spelled backward
the word is of arabic origins

and that those creatures are not fallen angels ..
never were angels they are different race created along side humans
with possession of free will like humans .. and unlike angels

Hello Please Leave Me

I am giving you the true name of the djinn not one made up by man. Djinn or sparteil they mean the same thing, one is man made the other is from those that know them. There possessed this is a fact but they are angels being controlled by human souls.


Tristran 19-08-2015 08:23 AM


Originally Posted by powessy
This problem is simple they will enter into the souls mind and start to become you as they block you from ever becoming your true self. I talk to them all day and night long this is the truth they carry with them. Hundreds of them come through here every day being pulled apart and every one of them says the same thing in the programming of souls.

So are you a 'gateway' alter ?

Can you ask one if it has witnessed the angel prison Tartarus ? i am curios to know what it describes, especially the colours of ley lines and standing stones.


This goes for the djinn your god or the shadow people these truths are subjective.
Have you witnessed the shadow people and wraiths ?


I am giving you the true name of the djinn not one made up by man. Djinn or sparteil they mean the same thing
'sparteil' is still an alias though. Negative entities never give their true names. Take Shemyhaza (joint leader of the 200 fallen watchers) is an alias in Hebrew for Shem (name) - y (of) - haza (Power)

What class of djinn is Sparteil in because there are 5 types ?

Please Leave Me 19-08-2015 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by powessy
Hello Please Leave Me

I am giving you the true name of the djinn not one made up by man. Djinn or sparteil they mean the same thing, one is man made the other is from those that know them. There possessed this is a fact but they are angels being controlled by human souls.


your evidence ?

Holly 19-08-2015 11:15 AM

Yeah I know you're only telling what you've been shown. :) Nothing wrong with that. That's not what I have a problem with. I have a problem with yet another person encouraging us to be afraid of invisible demons and messing with belief in a way that encourages fear.


Originally Posted by powessy
If you were to learn to become yourself inside of your higher mind...

And what story would unfold, exactly, if I learned to become myself inside my higher mind?


Originally Posted by powessy
...Vibrations, love, niceness, and all the things you believe that will raise you to the necessary levels...

I don't believe that.


Originally Posted by powessy
...you just have never met yourself true self.

Is this bit a philosophical general statement or is it directed at me?


Originally Posted by powessy
... every one of them says the same thing in the programming of souls.

Well I've heard a different story. From multiple sources ;)

Tristran 19-08-2015 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Holly
Originally Posted by powessy
... every one of them says the same thing in the programming of souls.

Well I've heard a different story. From multiple sources ;)

Well i can back-up powessy because a angel said this to me once; "spirits possess varied knowledge or extent of knowledge to each individual, a spirit will attach to a human who matches them or conform the human to match them. interest in numerology > entity which functions in numerological knowledge."

Hence, the djinn will program the human spirit to conform to their style of play and activate hidden occult talents within the human mortal.

The angel continued with "there are two ways you could go with an experience like this...to become enamored with the occult or to use the knowledge to set the captives free in the name of Yahushua."

Holly 19-08-2015 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Tristran
"spirits possess varied knowledge or extent of knowledge to each individual, a spirit will attach to a human who matches them or conform the human to match them...there are two ways you could go with an experience like this...to become enamored with the occult or to use the knowledge to set the captives free in the name of Yahushua."

OK, but I think you've taken what this angel has said and applied your own meaning in the context of this thread.

How does that quote above suggest that evil djinn are taking over the angels??

It says 'attach itself,' which could mean many things.

This angel doesn't say anything about djinn programming people, or in fact, spirits programming people. 'Program' means to rewrite, to force a certain outcome. Conform just means...conform. Either by choice or not. The angel doesn't say spirits program people.

It doesn't even specify that it's a bad attachment, so much as a vibrational attraction. It certainly doesn't suggest we should be afraid, or that the djinn are taking over the angels or the humans or anyone else. It doesn't suggest being 'conformed' is permanent either.

It doesn't say anything about the spirit activating human occult talents either, it just suggests that some people would choose to become enamoured with the occult as a response to their experience.

The phrase 'conform a human' doesn't overtly suggest force or a lack of force, just that a human might conform for some reason which the angel doesn't specify. It advises you what to do – turn your attention towards God in the face of an 'experience' like this. Is an experience automatically the universal truth, or just an experience? Perhaps your angel would elaborate?

I mean, back up Powessy if you think he needs it (I'm not attacking him, by the way. I just have a problem with the nature of the belief he's sharing for various reasons. It's fearful and therefore it deserves a second perspective for the sake of others,) but I don't understand how you feel this backs up a fear-based message about negative, invisible entities taking over creation??

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