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dena 24-11-2011 09:07 AM

why do I have the urge to die?
I have the urge to die .. not to kill myself but just die

I'm not desperate or anything

but I don't know why

could it be from this memory that I have .. I was talking to my spirit guide before i was born ... and I asked him about someone .. and he told me that he died long time before me .. because he is a good person

I'm not sure if this is the reason why I want to die or not

any ideas?

why would a person want to die?

silent whisper 24-11-2011 09:25 AM

I would ask myself... why isnt the urge to live? Pehaps their is some resistance to life as it is. Perhaps its that life beyond in death, is perceived as more contentment to the soul. I guess their are many reasons why people wish to die. Is an urge the same as a wish?

doubleg35 24-11-2011 09:29 AM

you're learning to accept death I guess..

psychoslice 24-11-2011 09:39 AM

It could be curiosity, and you know what that did to the cat lol....no serious, it could be your inner SELF, calling to you, when one is Awakened, they realize this inner SELF, then they can come back and not even think of death, they know that there is no death.

dena 24-11-2011 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by silent whisper
I would ask myself... why isnt the urge to live? Pehaps their is some resistance to life as it is. Perhaps its that life beyond in death, is perceived as more contentment to the soul. I guess their are many reasons why people wish to die. Is an urge the same as a wish?

I don't know also why isnt the urge to live
yes there are many reason but i have limit it
no an urge is not the same as a wish .. not at all
thank you ,,

dena 24-11-2011 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by doubleg35
you're learning to accept death I guess..

I accepted it long time ago .. but maybe I accepted it too much :D

NiteOwl 24-11-2011 07:11 PM

There is a lot going on in the Universe and people are having an urge to "go home". It's a part of the planets ascension and our heightened state of awareness. I also believe it's also part of being sure you fulfill your soul's purpose here.

Love, Light and Blessed Be.

Golden28 24-11-2011 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by dena
I have the urge to die .. not to kill myself but just die

I'm not desperate or anything

but I don't know why

could it be from this memory that I have .. I was talking to my spirit guide before i was born ... and I asked him about someone .. and he told me that he died long time before me .. because he is a good person

I'm not sure if this is the reason why I want to die or not

any ideas?

why would a person want to die?

My old man had a friend like this who worked with him, he wasnt suicidal either he was a normal guy but he said exactly the same thing as your saying.. and a few years later he actualy jumped off a bridge onto the Busy M25 that goes arround london, he tried to take his life, but when asked why he did it he said he didnt actualy remember a thing like no memmory of it, yet he didnt hit his head or anything so thats just completely weird.

A few months later he did it again and this time jumped off of Tower bridge (this is usualy where most people end there life its a hotspot for it now)
The thing is he didnt hurt himself at all apart from a graze, yet again he didnt remember a thing.. I dont know what to make of this at all, but the guy acts completely normal and he has said exactly the same thing although he isnt suicidal so yeah.. i had to reply to this post seeing as its just ironic that my dad knows someone in the same possition.

Also i will add that a week later he went beserk because he got Tinnitus (high pitch ringing in the ear) which medical services still cant propely identify the cause of, this led to him having a nervous breakdown.. So overall a very strange occourance for someone who was normal one minute and just gone the next. He also had no history of mental illness in the family.. so again "weird"

sesheta 24-11-2011 10:37 PM

I never actually have the urge to die, but I do have days when I have to wonder "why." Why is my life the way it is? Why are things so hard? Why is the world in the state it's in? Why am I bothering? There is a quote I read somewhere once that has stuck with me:
"bored by the sheer monotony of the days."
This applies to me a lot - most of my days tend to be the same routine, and it gets boring...I think this is what leads us to the urge to just be done with it! However, I then get the moments that make me smile and laugh, or just feel total joy....and I remember the "why." Those moments are the why....hold on to them.

knightofalbion 29-11-2011 03:28 PM

Dena: Why do you have the urge to die?
Because you haven't found the reason to live!

We all have a mission, a purpose in life. I think that you just haven't found yours yet.

We all incarnate on the earth to learn and to advance the soul, but more than that, to fulfill our life on earth we need to give something of ourselves to enrich the world; to make it, even if only in small way, a better, brighter, more beautiful place.

vulkus 29-11-2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by dena
I have the urge to die .. not to kill myself but just die

I'm not desperate or anything

but I don't know why

could it be from this memory that I have .. I was talking to my spirit guide before i was born ... and I asked him about someone .. and he told me that he died long time before me .. because he is a good person

I'm not sure if this is the reason why I want to die or not

any ideas?

why would a person want to die?

personally I am gob smacked that no one has bothered to suggest that this may be a form of depression. Not everything is connected with paranormal.
You say your not desperate or anything, and this in itself is akin to a little light that goes on.
I have written this before I'll write it again. Always rule out the obvious before reverting to the paranormal/psychic solution. aka get yourself checked out medically, psychologically and nutritionally.
I am interested in what you do, do you work in a stressful job, shift work at home/with kids.
What kinds of dreams have you been having in the last 3 weeks. How long have you had this feeling, all your life thus far, since a prescribed time. When you were a child?

When did you remember this spirit guide memory? Did you remember it yourself, or did someone else induce it?


Blaze 03-12-2011 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by dena
I have the urge to die .. not to kill myself but just die

I'm not desperate or anything

but I don't know why

could it be from this memory that I have .. I was talking to my spirit guide before i was born ... and I asked him about someone .. and he told me that he died long time before me .. because he is a good person

I'm not sure if this is the reason why I want to die or not

any ideas?

why would a person want to die?

It may comes from curiosity, or it may has something to do with how you're feeling about yourself and the life you're living. You didn't go into details and asked a very general question so it's hard to know exactly why you got this feeling about dying.

mattie 03-12-2011 08:47 AM

Reuniting With Extended Energies?
It may be that you’re misinterpreting the urge to reunite w/ your extended energies as wanting to die. Many are having this urge. Not to die, but to reconnect w/ their extended energies.

mattie 03-12-2011 08:51 AM

Chastizing Other Posters For Not having A Particular POV

Originally Posted by vulkus
personally I am gob smacked that no one has bothered to suggest that ...

I’m gobsmacked that there is some sort of NEED to chastise other posters for not offering the POV that you have. What purpose does spanking other posters for not providing your POV serve? Does it strengthen your POV in some unknown way?

IMO the poster doesn't sound depressed, but curious.

Left Behind 03-12-2011 02:56 PM

How old are you? What is your state of health? Have you lost someone very close to you recently, or have you lost many friends and relatives in recent years?

I'm 60, and starting to feel the aches and pains and limitations that come with age. I retired from work in 2009, lost my wife in 2010, and have come to realize that most of my life is behind me, and that most things in life that I wanted to do, I've already done or now no longer will.

In the past several months I've been reading a lot about the afterlife.

I'm less fearful of death now: more conscious of it, and more curious about the next world. But I still haven't reached the point where I WANT to die.

I believe that until we reach the point where our physical or mental limitations tell us otherwise, we all still have a lot of work to do, and a lot to learn, in this world. Else, why are we here? :confused:


Lynn 03-12-2011 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Left Behind
How old are you? What is your state of health? Have you lost someone very close to you recently, or have you lost many friends and relatives in recent years?

I'm 60, and starting to feel the aches and pains and limitations that come with age. I retired from work in 2009, lost my wife in 2010, and have come to realize that most of my life is behind me, and that most things in life that I wanted to do, I've already done or now no longer will.

In the past several months I've been reading a lot about the afterlife.

I'm less fearful of death now: more conscious of it, and more curious about the next world. But I still haven't reached the point where I WAN T to die.
PHP Code:

I believe that until we reach the point where our physical or mental 
limitations tell us otherwise
we all still have a lot of work to do, and a lot 
to learn

this world. Else, why are we here? :confused:

Hello Jim ( Left Behind)

Hmmmm life never really ends....one door simply closes for a new one to open.

While I am blessed not to have lost a mate....I know well that pain that is there with the many that over the year's I have talked to. As a Medium I know that we simply transform from the phsyical flesh and blood that be our bodies back to energy but we too keep that physical appearance of us. We keep to with out those precious human traits.

I would not go to say that what one wanted to do in life can never be done, at times it can simply be redefined. I live so in the NOW this moment in time that I do not worry on what was or what might have been or what will be. I see the NOW and what I can do in that NOW that defines me.

When I left work some 16 year's ago now I was happy and blessed to be done but too I was ok WHAT NOW ? I found that wonderful gift of TIME that time to give back of me even more. I for year's volenteered with Special Needs children and it was so rewarding, I would go read to seniours, help with charityies ext. LIFE became at times almost too full. Then life at 37 transformed again along came three kids...and Motherhood started, again that shift of what now....as part of me was done and a new part started....now the kids are older and the time is mine again but the body is not in form to do the physical challenges it once did.

Its always a transformation in what and where one is at. Too maybe there is MORE LOVe to find a path to ye. Yes fear not the transfomration in death....

LOVe and Light Lynn


Second Childhood

Forgive me for my gypsy soul
And all my wandering ways
Don't scold when I neglect the chores
There will be other days.

I must explore the mystery
Of every pot of gold
Hitch a ride on every rainbow
Over every winding road.

And follow every falling star
When the moon is bright
Meander through the daylight
'Till it turns into night.

Ride the crest of every wave
Dancing in the sea
Like a child escapes in play
Biding time, until eternity.

~ Adeline C. Wood ~

Nightmare 04-12-2011 11:50 AM

Why do you think you want to die? Were you close to death? Many think they want to die, but they're happy just to think. They won't be happy to die.

Toolite 06-12-2011 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by dena
I have the urge to die .. not to kill myself but just die

I'm not desperate or anything

but I don't know why

could it be from this memory that I have .. I was talking to my spirit guide before i was born ... and I asked him about someone .. and he told me that he died long time before me .. because he is a good person

I'm not sure if this is the reason why I want to die or not

any ideas?

why would a person want to die?

i just think sometimes the mind mis understands the message.. the goal is for our ways or will to die but like always we mis understand the message and do the opposite.. lol..

All The Glory Beloings To God Forever!

MutedBlue 07-12-2011 12:51 AM

I have felt like this. There is nothing in life that I want in particular so I feel I'm not moving forward in any direction. I haven't found anything to actively work toward so I wonder alot as to why I'm here. Helping others is all I can think to do. When it comes to just me, I feel I'm ready to move on whenever my time comes.

Toolite 12-12-2011 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by MutedBlue
I have felt like this. There is nothing in life that I want in particular so I feel I'm not moving forward in any direction. I haven't found anything to actively work toward so I wonder alot as to why I'm here. Helping others is all I can think to do. When it comes to just me, I feel I'm ready to move on whenever my time comes.

meditate so you can hear clearly..sometimes - no most of the time our soul has an agenda and when our mind does do it - our soul is frustrated.. can you say spoiled in spirit..lol.. just meditate but think you- or ask the question show or tell me whats for me?

All The Glory Belongs To God Forever!

Celeste 12-12-2011 03:51 AM

Why would a person want to die, maybe they're running from something. As opposed to, being at peace, and ready to go at anytime God wants them. I don't fear death at all. I would say, I am afraid of everything but death. (Whereas my husband is afraid to die, but he is fearless about just about anything else.) I don't feel comfortable in this highly material place.

Celeste 12-12-2011 03:51 AM

Why would a person want to die, maybe they're running from something. As opposed to, being at peace, and ready to go at anytime God wants them. I don't fear death at all. I would say, I am afraid of everything but death. (Whereas my husband is afraid to die, but he is fearless about just about anything else.) I don't feel comfortable in this highly material place.

A peaceful mind. 12-12-2011 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by dena
I have the urge to die .. not to kill myself but just die

I'm not desperate or anything

but I don't know why

could it be from this memory that I have .. I was talking to my spirit guide before i was born ... and I asked him about someone .. and he told me that he died long time before me .. because he is a good person

I'm not sure if this is the reason why I want to die or not

any ideas?

why would a person want to die?

A spiritual stage understanding "Death" as a part of your evolution and a part of your spiritual evolution. Something has to die so new things has to be reborn.

Old habit and ways of thinking must be brought to an end so new things can emerge. Death is a part of you transformation and before you start you need to understand this, because you are going to experience this many times.

To understand death is also to understand evolution, to understand one’s own evolution is to understand who we are.

You are in a stage of preparation; you need to understand before you continue. That’s why you are at a stop. Learn before you travel further. Learn not to fear death in all the different forms it has and understand the evolution you are coming to go through.

You want to know when you die and what kind of death.
You can answer that question

Meditate and imagine what kind of changes you have to go through so you can be your true self? Imagine the changes as the death of the false you to become more you.

Death has many aspects; the physical understanding of death is only one of them.


Peace and love from me to you

A peaceful Mind

Yassi 12-12-2011 07:21 AM

I think you have some ideas why you don't want to live. I can only say that it's so easy to end your life but staying alive and trying to change yourself and your environment need so much courage. Stay with us. Let's try to change the world together. :smile:

AngelaMarie111 14-12-2011 10:03 PM

Same feelings
I don't know, I feel the same way. It's not like a sadness but just a feeling of not wanting to be here anymore.

Yet, as has been suggested, I am trying to go outside of myself and find reasons to want to be here.

For now, thats the best I can do....

A peaceful mind. 15-12-2011 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by AngelaMarie111
I don't know, I feel the same way. It's not like a sadness but just a feeling of not wanting to be here anymore.

Yet, as has been suggested, I am trying to go outside of myself and find reasons to want to be here.

For now, thats the best I can do....

This may seem strange but sometimes we need to be lost to find ourselves. Need to relay on other things than what the eye can see.

Finding ones place in the world is something that is important.

When I were young I had the feeling like I were a stranger in a strange land, I could not understand why I were born in this country and in this family. Until I chose to - until I found the answers within.

When I understood I chose to live I the life I was meant and wanted to live.

I will include you In my prayers


A Peaceful Mind

PanBaccha 16-12-2011 03:29 AM


Originally Posted by dena
I have the urge to die .. not to kill myself but just die

I'm not desperate or anything

but I don't know why

could it be from this memory that I have .. I was talking to my spirit guide before i was born ... and I asked him about someone .. and he told me that he died long time before me .. because he is a good person

I'm not sure if this is the reason why I want to die or not

any ideas?

why would a person want to die?

Soul remembrance has a lot to do with it. Who would not want to go back
to an ineffable realm of pure Light and Love? But then what of the purpose
and reason you chose to be born into this particular realm if goals are not readily embraced as well?

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