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Unseeking Seeker 10-10-2018 01:40 PM

Presence in stillness

Noise external received by the senses
Contracting thoughts also take their chances
Bouncing off crystalline spherical perception
No point of entry for dualistic deception

The domain of inner stillness is rippleless innocence
Energised by divine entwined expansive presence
Movement of images are watched with equanimity
The core untouched, always retaining its vital pristinity

Call it all time stillness or any time meditation
Presence without thought, divine love fructification
Such is the default position of unified consciousness
A continuum of alert stillness in free flowing be-ness

The body self void is filled with the nectar divine & magnetised
By unified non self presence, Universe energised
Outer & inner both become one, in the staid, deep stillness
Awareness just is, as it is, in a state of expansive wellness

There is neither any doing, nor any seeking
Save presence alive & aglow within, in motionless being
No egoistic clutter, no calculation, no computation
Simply engaged as That, in a continuum of ecstatic elation

As the That essence, now occupy the body vehicle
The That being the stillness itself, egoistic force is null
Inner stillness within outer movement, the game is yet played
As Universe ordained, zestfully though detachedly engaged

Unseeking Seeker 11-10-2018 01:43 AM

The shifting stillness fulcrum

Dynamically aware unfettered consciousness
Motionless in silently shifting stillness
Movement is of the current, not our mind
Free floating, unresistant, dissolved, aligned

Alertly still & trustingly unexpectant
Fragmented narrow thoughts decadent
The exalted ineffable divine essence
Imbibed automatically by soulful presence

Inverted image, apparent reality being illusion
Worldly knowledge known to be delusion
Inner wisdom ignited within stillness accentuated
Effortlessly, as a nondoer, divine-centre gravitated

Stillness being nothing but freezing the external
Disowning all instruments resident in the ephemeral
Movement is at the periphery but the centre is still
Self merged in the Universe, as a unified will

There is neither any coming nor any going
Save an observer attentive to divine energy flowing
In just being, becoming, transforming magically
Awareness without self, blossoming automatically

Unseeking Seeker 11-10-2018 03:17 PM

Oxymoron: am still

Am not it, so who is still?
Save egoistic will
That separate self
Devious elf!

Dissolved yet distinct
In a boundary-less precinct
Awareness devoid of thought
Divine love begot!

Not stillness then but dissolution
No self, so no conflict resolution
In being, becoming, the That presence
One with Universe manifested divine essence!

The vessel magnetised
Divine love energised
Am of the whole, in the now, complete
Dissolved in stillness, with joy replete

What is stillness then, save alignment within?
In the continuum of now, at each moment we begin
As ordained, invariably as a non-doer receptor
On occasion, a divine-entwined transmitter!

Unseeking Seeker 12-10-2018 03:30 AM

Stretching stillness

Stretch as in time
But time dissolves
No thought, no chime
Self control devolves

Movement imperceptible
Not as in linear sizing
Subtly perceptible
Magnetism rising

Presence observing
Unfettered, free flowing
Joyfully accepting
Surrendered allowing

Love being the enablement
Unreservedly sharing
That Universe endowment
In connectedness bestowing

Wills unify, spirit caring
Nonjudgmental pairing
Outpouring love ceaselessly

Stillness be alive
It’s movement heightened fragrance
Elixir of life deep in its hive
Manifesting as divine radiance

No struggle in extended stillness
For there is no struggler
Presence imbibes the essence
Universe is itself the adroit juggler

Automatic unfolding
In the now
Wonderful beholding
Within; if we but allow

Unseeking Seeker 12-10-2018 01:59 PM

Stillness within the flow

Relaxed awareness
Consciousness still
Continuum of be-ness
Voids within fill
The seed germinates
Felt within ecstatically
Nectar divine precipitates
The humming divine energy
All encompassing omnipresence
Singularity, convergence, synergy
Embraced in innocence
By just being
In aligned oneness
Unseekingly seeing
Within flowing stillness

Unseeking Seeker 12-10-2018 02:04 PM

The off-button

Flurry of thoughts; Passing through
Not mine; Curious to their origin
Familiar patterns; Stale brew
Stillness within; Calm & sanguine

Fearful thoughts; Feral desires
Attachment driven; Whose?
Mind is still; Yet the brain tires
Awareness staid; Ego does confuse

Here it is! The thought off-button!
Allowing fulcrum shift! To the still centre!
A divine gift! Thanks a ton!
Door within open! I enter!

Unseeking Seeker 13-10-2018 08:20 AM

Stillness: Back to the basics

Nothing new in the electrochemistry
It no longer is a scientific mystery
Waves Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, Gamma & Epsilon
Descending from buoyant ecstasy to a persona forlorn

Zodiac signs & rainbow colours assigned to chakras renamed
Esoteric yogic techniques, exponents aplenty, all self-proclaimed
Fiery verbal duels, by many an argumentative eristic
Each it seems is the ultimate mystic

Leaving profundity to theorists whose verbosity we acknowledge
What matters is assimilated wisdom, not vicarious knowledge
So we go in within, alone, in meditational stillness, upon a virgin path
Each moment in the time continuum, a holy sabbath

What we seek is expansive consciousness & joy eternal
And what is eternal is obviously not embraceable in the ephemeral
So we chop off perishable egoistic attachments, fear & desire
And straightaway plunge our non-self into the divine fire

How? In unseeking stillness within ... deep within
Where at each moment we anew begin
No conflict, no violence
Effortless stillness, rippleless silence

No agenda, no seeker, no doer
We are still, yet there is a mover
The flow of the Universe within into which we dissolve
Emerging from which we automatically evolve

What do we gain & what do we lose?
Irrelevant, for we are not, yet desirelessly choose
What we lose is our sorrow generating gross contaminant
Gain being ineffable, exalted, joyous divine love enablement

There is no way; our choice itself is the way
Save unendingly effusing love, no rules to obey
Thoughts sublime, words kind, actions benign
Self, Soul & Spirit thus align

Trust the Universe, plunge into its loving stream
We need to wake up now, from our narrow dream
Upon lighting a candle, darkness is instantly expelled
Surrendering to the divine, ignorance is automatically dispelled

And that is all there is to it
Doable if we do & never ever quit
Simpler the truth, it seems the more elusive it is
So perplexed we are by life’s jigsaw quiz

Unseeking Seeker 14-10-2018 03:53 AM

A stillness koan

Expanding bubbles within bubbles within bubbles
Circumference nowhere, yet centres multiple
Free flowing in the current, although the self is still
Awareness still, yet expanding within unified will

Unseeking Seeker 15-10-2018 04:18 PM

Unconditioned stillness or humble stillness?

So, as much as we are able, we still our thoughts & our body
Having previously cleansed egoistic fears & desires shoddy
Plunged into meditation thus constituted we are yet graced
By the exalted, ineffable divine love embrace

Yet, how still is our stillness in terms of its pristinity?
Does it not contain some memory linked egoistic vanity?
If not, why at each moment in time are we not surprised?
To what measure then do we truly allow the Universe to be our guide?

If the stillness we engage in be coloured by past perception
Our cup not empty, the limited stillness becomes a deception
Although we yet receive the divine grace since love judges us not
Conditioned stillness may perhaps leave us feeling a bit short

As in any experience, in meditation too we anticipate its trajectory
Inevitable, since we recall the past experience through imagery
What enables, also disables, constrains
Boon becomes bane

It appears then that abandoning pursuit of unconditioning, we choose humility
While knowing that we know, the humble know that they know not the entirety
And totally surrender
Beholding unfolding within stillness in childlike wonder


End of contemplation for this moment
Until we are presented with a truth more potent
Until then engaged in staid stillness
We be to become in a continuum of be-ness


Nowayout 16-10-2018 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Presence in stillness

Noise external received by the senses
Contracting thoughts also take their chances
Bouncing off crystalline spherical perception
No point of entry for dualistic deception

The domain of inner stillness is rippleless innocence
Energised by divine entwined expansive presence
Movement of images are watched with equanimity
The core untouched, always retaining its vital pristinity

Call it all time stillness or any time meditation
Presence without thought, divine love fructification
Such is the default position of unified consciousness
A continuum of alert stillness in free flowing be-ness

The body self void is filled with the nectar divine & magnetised
By unified non self presence, Universe energised
Outer & inner both become one, in the staid, deep stillness
Awareness just is, as it is, in a state of expansive wellness

There is neither any doing, nor any seeking
Save presence alive & aglow within, in motionless being
No egoistic clutter, no calculation, no computation
Simply engaged as That, in a continuum of ecstatic elation

As the That essence, now occupy the body vehicle
The That being the stillness itself, egoistic force is null
Inner stillness within outer movement, the game is yet played
As Universe ordained, zestfully though detachedly engaged


That ripped me to the core.

I dig it..

At some point

We slow it down

What is it?

At the core.

Unseeking Seeker 16-10-2018 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by Nowayout

That ripped me to the core.

I dig it..

At some point

We slow it down

What is it?

At the core.


Although the word is not the thing
The essence of your core gives me wings! :smile:

Nowayout 16-10-2018 02:44 AM

Life can be frustrating..

The core never melts down.

Only upholds the external venting...:wink:

Unseeking Seeker 16-10-2018 02:53 AM


Originally Posted by Nowayout
Life can be frustrating..

The core never melts down.

Only upholds the external venting...:wink:


Yes: the core does not melt but are we at the core?
The external venting arises from ego seeking more
We are at each instant that as where we choose to be at
Can we in the choiceless choice always be That?

Nowayout 16-10-2018 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker

Yes: the core does not melt but are we at the core?
The external venting arises from ego seeking more
We are at each instant that as where we choose to be at
Can we in the choiceless choice always be That?

"That" becomes the ego's struggle?
That holds the spaces.

That is indifferent.

We vent all over the place

That remains



Unseeking Seeker 16-10-2018 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Nowayout
"That" is the struggle..

It holds the space.

That is indifferent.

But we vent all over the place

That is!


Touché :smile:

I’d replace ‘indifferent’ with ‘nonjudgmental love absolute’ but yes.. no word play, I get the core! :smile:

Nowayout 16-10-2018 03:20 AM

Yes, nonjudgmental but not! indifferent.:hug3:

I like it..


Blessings eternal flowing from the core.

Nowayout 16-10-2018 03:24 AM

Enlightenment is right there, just over that little egoic hill..:biggrin:

Unseeking Seeker 16-10-2018 02:11 PM

Stillness : promising nothing, granting everything!

In stillness, Universe-connected, divine-unified
No theorem remains that needs to be derived
Love is just love, unconditionally giving & agendalessly unseeking
The reward is the divine-connect itself, embraced by our being

So stillness promises nothing & we too seek nothing
And yet we receive an abundance of divine grace all encompassing
For as long as our orientation stands still
Within stillness, in, as and one, with the divine will

To get to this orientation, we must first transform by choice
Walk the talk in reality, high in deeds, low in voice
A step at a time, erasing our deep rooted negativity
Let’s call it the first step towards curing our chronic insanity

The stillness is
The divine gives
But to receive, we must first create space within
By removing age old toxins

Abdicating the egoistic throne of thorns
Love be the sole garment that adorns
Our consciousness
In free flowing be-ness!

Unseeking Seeker 17-10-2018 12:15 PM

Essence of stillness

I Am for I am not, the visible face
If ‘I’ be naught, going in within, we embrace ...
Subtle divine fragrance, exalted wisdom essence
Seamlessly imbibed by our pristine presence

Within stillness

Unseeking Seeker 17-10-2018 12:17 PM

Ripples in our stillness

External ripples often seek to vilify & agitate ...
Our stillness within where we intuitively meditate
Nonjudgmental stillness interferes with the ripples not
The potency of unnoticed ripples thereby becomes naught

Life experience increases the degree of turbid difficulty
We may chance to face an uncompromising gross entity
Grateful we must be to the Universe for the offered lesson
But observantly detached to the ripple creating person

There being no permanent enemy, irritant or detractor
Outpouring of love being our sole energising factor
We engage as ordained, then completely exit, feathers dry
Spontaneously empathetic in embrace if the ripple creators cry

Key lesson : engage as needed for self defence with gusto, not anger
Let the coarseness of our past be an unwelcome stranger
Carrying no baggage in the now when the event is of our past
Our rippleless stillness is in the continuum that must enduringly last

Unseeking Seeker 17-10-2018 12:45 PM

Shift from conscious thought to awareness in stillness

Fragmented thought being of the self and hence limited
Awareness, divine-entwined, free, unfettered & unlimited
To access the infinite, we must choose to be present therein
Self surrendered, dissolved in the divine current within

Employing logic to voluntarily choose direction
Without egoistic deflection
Beginning with thought, moving to awareness
We flow in the continuum of expanded be-ness

In silent stillness
Allowing divine embrace
Our attention rippleless
Ascension by divine grace

Unseeking Seeker 20-10-2018 02:14 AM

Stillness : equal eye

All points on the giant Ferris wheel
To the still consciousness hold equal appeal
High assumes significance only relative to the low
Ecstasy in movement within, oh so slow!

Employing free will
Persona still
Divine love empowers
Grateful acceptance of both sun & shower

Each moment : embrace, imbibe, release
Unexpectant, always pleased
Universe bestowed equal eye
Free flowing consciousness, without the ‘I’

Unseeking Seeker 21-10-2018 01:32 AM

Observing chakras in stillness

Chakras activation, though not even remotely the object of focus
Happen to awaken naturally within in silent stillness without any fuss
Stillness being the orientation, awakening a divine blessing
In as a free flowing being, we are in each instant automatically becoming

Accentuated selfless awareness in rippleless still observation
Each chakra then displaying a different vibrational coloration
Based upon its inherent Universe structured prismatic filtration
Higher the receptor fulcrum, subtler the awakening manifestation

Stillness instilling a continuum of effortless Universe connect
Being thus, we are joyful, blissful, expanded and may choicelessly select
There being no actor, no doer, no seeker, we are an unfettered experiencer
Will entwined with the divine, we be to become a present moment seer

Love enablement being the reorientation, the transformation, the visible effect
The chakras tingling & surging, just a happening, a byproduct
Observing, witnessing, just being, in stillness deep within
Reclaiming unity with the source, timelessly at each instant we begin

Unseeking Seeker 23-10-2018 02:29 AM

Stillness: Observer mode

Observer-observing-observed from backstage
Observed, being the uninhibited actor on stage
Both us, observer dynamically still
Observed, being watched, now without self-will
Being entwined with the observer, thoughts in tandem
So acting in unison, actions no longer random
Effectively a slow down to stillness
Ego temporarily motionless

So far, so good, all seems tranquil owing to the observer-anchor
But what happens when the observer sleeps, in deep stupor?
It happens when our still-attention wavers
The ground beneath our soul then quavers!
The reflex responses of the observed again manifest
The Phoenix rises from the ashes, who we cannot resist
For we are at any moment only as high or low as that
Where our attention chooses to be at

Unseeking Seeker 24-10-2018 07:06 AM

Stillness: Anxiety antidote

It is rush hour traffic and I am getting late
Cars ahead judged to be moving at a pace too sedate
Not patiently but rather in observational agendalessness I wait ...
An opportunity! In the continuum of be-ness within, I meditate!

Within staid stillness

Unseeking Seeker 25-10-2018 07:41 AM

Stillness : Betrayal

The agitated, externalised consciousness shrivels when betrayed
By a loved one ... with whom self-serving expectations are bound
The boat is rocked, there is darkness at noon, tranquility is swayed
The root cause of disorder in our life is an egoistic orientation, unsound

Stillness recognises not betrayal, having in its pristinity no matter to do so
Stillness is vibrant presence: unexpectant, alive, unclinging & ceaselessly loving
Thoughts, fears, desires, attachments all disowned, distant, ebbing & slow
When betrayal meets stillness, momentary regret arises perhaps but no misgiving

Ego invariably self-servingly seeks, narrows, deludes & bisects
Either enmeshed in past-regrets or future-fears, never in the vibrant present
Stillness nonchalantly observes, outpours love, unifies & accepts
Free flowing & dissolved yet distinct, within the exalted divine current

The stillness continuum of divine-connect
Knows only unconditional love & warm embrace
Nonjudgmental, empathetic, mindful & honestly direct
Always One with the Oneness, face to face!



A flower is trampled upon by an unknown
By a soul gone astray
Seeds of love within the flower deeply sown
Yet for the detractor pray

So exalted love is the flowers inner wealth
That even when condemned to decadence
With its last dying breath
It pours out loving fragrance

Unseeking Seeker 25-10-2018 03:15 PM

Stillness within conflict

Naked aggression
By the harbinger of tension
On a matter not slight
Where he is wrong and we right!

When kind words & warm smiles
Prove to be futile
We reluctantly take up arms
To defend; not inflict harm!

There is a storm in the sky
Yet the hurricanes eye
Is still
That is free will!

War in stillness, we engage & release
While the acts to be done may not please
Yet we engage exuberantly as ordained
We suffer not but are momentarily pained!

The battle may be gruesome
But whatever be the outcome
When the swords are sheathed
We disperse love as bequeathed!

What is over is over & now dead memory
Why rekindle it by making a summary?
Embracing the now continuum, the all
We hark our inner divine call!

In stillness

Unseeking Seeker 26-10-2018 03:34 AM

Revelations in Rippleless Stillness

We as the Universe connected consciousness eternal
Resident in the delusional ego domain ephemeral
Discover that the body shell we occupy is a void
Which only when divine love energised is buoyed

In rippleless stillness, all embracing intuitive cognition
Our consciousness expands to a magnified proportion
And our body energy receptors then align
With the staid pulsation of the divine

The divine energy epitomising pure love most exalted
Our presence alive therein in stillness with thoughts halted
The divine love attribute, we : Engage, Imbibe & Assimilate
With the Universe harmonised, our body senses, an interface

It is in the continuum of rippleless stillness
That we absorb the exalted divine essence
Restructuring our core permanently
Automatically, effortlessly & gently

Unseeking Seeker 27-10-2018 03:49 AM

Singularity within Duality

Life cognised now, concealed behind the egoistic veil
New horizons appearing within, as we continue to sail
With an almost imperceptible shift in attention fulcrum
In stillness, our consciousness & Universe entwine as one

Unseeking Seeker 28-10-2018 08:34 AM

look at the moon in wonder!

Once while trekking on a mountain
I chanced upon a magical fountain!

The water seemed alive, aglow and frizzy
It's delightful nectar sent me into a tizzy!

Then my thoughts threw around me a dragnet
And reeled me in like a magnet!

As soon as my attention did waver
That elixir of life seemed to have lost its flavour!

Nowayout 28-10-2018 01:05 PM

I told you to bring the scotch...:wink:

Unseeking Seeker 28-10-2018 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Nowayout
I told you to bring the scotch...:wink:


:smile: :hug3:

Unseeking Seeker 30-10-2018 02:30 AM

There comes a time
Alerted by the chime
At each moment we begin
Our consciousness
The sea of be-ness
The mirrors fall aside
The divine within & beside
All interpretations cease
Direct seeing does please
Limited analysis is paralysis
Undergoing a catharsis
We dissolve the self to embrace
God as love, face to face

In stillness

Unseeking Seeker 30-10-2018 11:44 AM

Still & fulfilled

Flurry of activity
In which immersed
Engaged in with levity
Bubbles of joy dispersed

Periphery moves
Am at the still centre
To the music we groove
Conversation a light banter

Agendaless doing
Outcomes of no consequence
Nonjudgmental viewing
Aura aglow in magnificence

Stillness the default status
Life is a breeze
No egoic hiatus
God is so easy to please!

Moonglow 30-10-2018 11:53 PM

Hi Unseeking Seeker,

I enjoy your reflections and sharing.

Thsnk you:smile:

Unseeking Seeker 31-10-2018 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by Moonglow
Hi Unseeking Seeker,

I enjoy your reflections and sharing.

Thsnk you:smile:


Thanks but you know better
Thought matter
It’s orgin
Is not virgin :smile:

Unseeking Seeker 31-10-2018 04:36 AM

Single eye

I see
The single eye
It approaches
In stillness

Implants, enables
Unadulterated wisdom
Singular vision
In stillness

The void within fills
With love divine
Which we become
In stillness

Love we were
Love we are
Embraced in joy
In stillness

The bubbles of ignorance
Which never were
Burst noiselessly
In stillness

Still_Waters 31-10-2018 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by Unseeking Seeker
Single eye

I see
The single eye
It approaches
In stillness

Implants, enables
Unadulterated wisdom
Singular vision
In stillness

The void within fills
With love divine
Which we become
In stillness

Love we were
Love we are
Embraced in joy
In stillness

The bubbles of ignorance
Which never were
Burst noiselessly
In stillness

That is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. :smile:

Unseeking Seeker 01-11-2018 04:07 AM


Originally Posted by Still_Waters
That is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. :smile:


Easy sharing
But the pairing ...
Resonating ...

Just kidding! :smile:

Unseeking Seeker 01-11-2018 11:50 AM

Kindergarten tales: Frog in a Pond

A frog, confined in a small pond
Of which it grew very fond
Fear of freedom
Confined it to its narrow kingdom

The swirling river adjacent
Ever present
Invited the frogs presence
In loving innocence

Restrained by fear of the unknown
Pond a seeming secure zone
A self made prison
Of egoic froggy-vision

One day a snake vicious
Seeing the frog so delicious
Entered! The frog didn’t hesitate or quaver
Without thought, jumped into the river!

Thoughts frozen, in stillness supreme
Free flowing, surrendered to the stream
Embraced a never seen world so magical!
Delighted to observe its own inner joy amicable!

Free flowing, unfettered & unthinking
Ecstatic, expanded & trusting
Ineffable joy & inner wellness
Imbibed & assimilated in intuitive be-ness

The frog thus evolved, in stillness!

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