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Robert Urbanek 26-02-2023 05:27 PM

Are people coming back as dogs?
The Animal Network show Pet Star (2002-2005), hosted by Mario Lopez, was a contest between owners and their pets who performed tricks for cash rewards that ranged from $2,500 to $25,000.

One episode featured a woman whose dog would turn over alphabet blocks to spell words. She claimed that when she first exposed the animal to the blocks, the dog spelled out the name of her late mother, which led her to believe that the dog was the reincarnation of her parent. Lopez had no reaction to this revelation.

Could people be returning as dogs or other pets? Considering the moral decline of America, many people could be demoted in their next turn of existence.

The growing acceptance of pets as family members suggests that people may intuitively sense some human background in their animals. In the United States, older people have fewer grandchildren to dote on; reincarnated humans in pets could be a substitute.

Miss Hepburn 26-02-2023 06:42 PM

Well, if the mother's name was Geraldine I would be darn impressed.
If her name was Jo...not so much. :tongue:
More likely the dog was empty headed - so the mom's spirit influenced his paws.
OMG...that sounded like I think Mediums are empty-headed..no, no.:D
Only in the most complimentary of terms, I assure you.

Native spirit 26-02-2023 08:56 PM

In my opinion the answer is No a human does not come back as an Animal


inavalan 26-02-2023 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Urbanek

As far as I understand these, not as you infer it, as a punishment, or imposed by somebody or something.

An evolved entity may decide for its own reasons to have part of itself experiencing a lower form of consciousness in Earthly terms: an animal, even a plant.

Miss Hepburn 26-02-2023 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by inavalan
An evolved entity may decide for its own reasons to have part of itself experiencing a lower form of consciousness
in Earthly terms: an animal, even a plant.

As a rest?

Redchic12 27-02-2023 02:12 AM

Re Robert
Miss H: “More likely the dog was empty headed - so the mom's spirit influenced his paws”.

Funny you saying that because straight after I read the above I thought the exact same thing! Lol

inavalan 27-02-2023 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
As a rest?

Yes. It seems so.

Seth said that he had, at the time, a fragment incarnated as a dog (didn't get into details about why, where), and he also said that he enjoys vacations as a tree.

Seth said that everything is self-conscious, not in the sense of human self-consciousness, and that we humans are thinking about us as being more special than we actually are.

Redchic12 27-02-2023 08:24 AM

Invalan, that certainly makes sense to me.

I feel that we are not the body, we are consciousness. So when you look at it from that point of view then consciousness can go into a tree a plant a rock and just about any living thing cos consciousness doesn’t have a form. I think!

Altair 27-02-2023 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Urbanek
Could people be returning as dogs or other pets? Considering the moral decline of America, many people could be demoted in their next turn of existence.


Or perhaps it has nothing to do with any hierarchies. I don't believe my dog is inferior to me, not generally. Maybe inferior at doing x or y, just like I am inferior at other things. Shouldn't walk throughout life, looking in the mirror, and thinking ''I'm a human therefore I own this universe''

Miss Hepburn 27-02-2023 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by inavalan
...Seth said that he had, at the time, a fragment incarnated as a dog (didn't get into details about why, where),
and he also said that he enjoys vacations as a tree.

Oh, I did not know 'he' had ---I thought he was speaking of some others that have...
AND it could be for a century of 'rest'. :smile:

kris 27-02-2023 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
empty-headed..no, no.:D

I think neither dogs nor mediums are empty-headed. But who can deny some similarities between the two? And between dogs and people in general?

iamthat 27-02-2023 07:45 PM

In my opinion those who believe that humans can reincarnate as dogs are barking up the wrong tree.


PastPilot 28-02-2023 09:26 AM

Buddhists say yes but past life regressionists say no.

Redchic12 28-02-2023 11:37 AM

Hey Miss H I read that article you posted by Seth on Buddhism. It was really good. I liked what he said so thanks.

Altair 28-02-2023 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by Robert Urbanek
The growing acceptance of pets as family members suggests that people may intuitively sense some human background in their animals.

Pets have been around for a long time...
What you see in them is not them having a ''human background''. What you see is another clever and social mammal.

Tal M. 01-03-2023 05:19 PM

Human souls are divided from the animal kingdom. We do not mix up in forms.

kris 23-03-2023 08:24 PM

"Are people coming back as dogs?"

In another thread, I said we reincarnate because we want to. If I am right about that, then it stands to reason that if one wants to come back as a dog, that would create a possibility for coming back as a dog. Does anyone here thinks they want to come back as a dog?

dream jo 24-03-2023 08:58 PM

Well I'm coming back as a man a few of us absolutely family if not that I'll come back as a tomcat
But if I do come back as a man I'll be a gentleman my dad was on this every time Life
Because I am sick of feeling lady and like that I'm branded like something you still have your shoe and getting Val and evolved into look at the only want I'm beautiful and kind and loving is funeral directors but men think I'm vile
But I am definitely coming back as a man and I'll be respectable I've not a man I'll come back as a tomcat how to teach a cat as respect as well I will try shake at outfit the she cats as respect as well brought up light on this life respectable kind loving and thoughtful I just don't like being put down and put it especially when I do good things
But I'm definitely coming back as a man but I will not be a nasty piece of work I've had done to me of a tomcat buy orchid Jason because I can't but the sweet cat like my account now I've got Alex who's a bit of a fruit cake but I love him to bits my brother's cat bunny he is a fruit cake I'm not normal either I wouldn't be surprised if bunny is my cat father
But I'm definitely coming back as a man ever human form form or cast form or a cat from

RedEmbers 26-03-2023 11:57 PM

One of the supposed laws of the universe is the Law of Free Will...

If that is so, then I suppose that the soul has the freedom to choose to come back as whatever it desires to.
My cat, I have the very strong sense, was brought to me through my ancestors to protect me and my family.

I ask my ancestors for help in many areas of my life and they do help me.

kris 27-03-2023 12:59 AM

Free Will is one input. Another input is karma. I think both matter.

Maisy 27-03-2023 06:27 PM

I think dogs have souls as do ants. Every living conscious thing has a soul I think. Even plants. But I think there are different kinds of souls. I not sure why any soul that could be human would want to be a dog. You give up advanced awareness.

I think that is one difference in types of souls. Some have more capacity of awareness.

Altair 27-03-2023 06:41 PM

Human hubris is a big thing.

Maisy 29-03-2023 03:29 AM

Some animals are said to be very intelligent, like dolphins or the great apes, but they still don't create like humans. Dogs and smart, feel emotions, remember things, but they can't build things like planes. They can't write books. All these animals seem to have very limited language abilities.

Altair 29-03-2023 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by Maisy
Some animals are said to be very intelligent, like dolphins or the great apes, but they still don't create like humans. Dogs and smart, feel emotions, remember things, but they can't build things like planes. They can't write books. All these animals seem to have very limited language abilities.


RedEmbers 31-03-2023 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by kris
Free Will is one input. Another input is karma. I think both matter.

I suppose if a soul is closer to getting off the wheel, there is possibly more awareness and control of free will, just my speculation of course as many things spiritual seem to be in my humble opinion :smile:

desert rat 01-04-2023 12:41 PM

Its called trans migration of souls . I think its possable but unlikly . There is Jason the horse . A guy that has memories of have been a horse in a past life . You can find some info on him with a web search . Some one needs to do the letter block trick with some one other the dogs owner . Yeas ago there was a horse that watched the face of its owner when slecting the right letter . The owner did not know that horse saw him simle when it got the letter right .

entenmanns 11-04-2023 10:29 PM

There is a wonderful story of Sri Ramana Maharshi's cow named Lakshmi as was told by many but mainly David Godman, great story but i believe it to be true that under certain instances a devotee can reincarnate into animal form. read david godmans account of the great sage

MidasCloud 17-04-2023 09:02 PM

Influencing the living through possession is a characteristic of Clairaudience Clairalience psychic modality, which means your grandmother likely uses that psychic modality when she was alive. Interestingly, dogs also have their own psychic modalities, with one of them having the happiness of population growth.

That being said, souls do not physically reincarnate downwards, though if dogs are to be "physically capable" like humans, so they can build houses, talk and write, as well as write books, then humans certainly can reincarnate into the man-dogs.

Miss Hepburn 17-04-2023 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by MidasCloud
That being said, souls do not physically reincarnate downwards.....

That 's what I read, too...a yogi type compared it to can you fit an elephant into a breadbox?
So, no we do not incarnate into animals

RedEmbers 18-04-2023 09:26 AM

That is assuming that animals are in fact lower form.
Some people might feel that some animals are in fact more evolved. Another perspective is that every single living entity has innate wisdom to impart, so there is no real hierarchy if all matter belongs to the same pool.

There is a saying, something about judging something or someone else as more primitive, simply because we may not understand it/them.

There is a reason why I choose to sit with specific trees and go to specific locations and be near specific people and energetic spaces... because energetically, every single living thing has wisdom to imprint and the wisdom is there for all to experience.

Altair 18-04-2023 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by MidasCloud
That being said, souls do not physically reincarnate downwards, though if dogs are to be "physically capable" like humans, so they can build houses, talk and write, as well as write books, then humans certainly can reincarnate into the man-dogs.

''Downwards'', so said the human, placing himself on a pedestal.

Building houses? Many animals build stuff that functions as a ''house''. Ants, bees, badgers, birds. Need I go on? It's not really illustrative of being 'up' or 'down'. Writing and talking? Other organisms have their own ways of communication.

Altair 18-04-2023 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by RedEmbers
Another perspective is that every single living entity has innate wisdom to impart, so there is no real hierarchy if all matter belongs to the same pool.

All pieces of a puzzle. An ecosystem with producers, consumers and decomposers. It is not a pyramid but a circle.

Civilization has taught us 'pyramidical thinking', because we are every day confronted with 'our' many achievements and mastery we start to imagine we are separate from the natural world.

Redburyva 18-04-2023 12:12 PM

No. A human can never incarnate as an animal or in any other form other than that of a human while living upon the earth. Likewise, an animal can never incarnate as a human.

The human spirit has its origin in a different sphere of substance to that of animal souls, whose origin lies in the animal kingdom. The animal kingdom is also home to souls of other species we know as fairies, gnomes, elves, giants, and the like. It also contains the souls of other living organisms like plants and trees.

Altair 18-04-2023 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Redburyva
The human spirit has its origin in a different sphere of substance to that of animal souls, whose origin lies in the animal kingdom.

Humans are animals.

Miss Hepburn 18-04-2023 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Redburyva
No. A human can never incarnate as an animal or in any other form other than that of a human while living upon the earth.
Likewise, an animal can never incarnate as a human.

That's nice - but remember, if you are going to state something as fact ...
give us a link or something.

Or else say: "I believe or I have read or imo..." See what I mean. Thanks :)

iamthat 18-04-2023 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Altair
Humans are animals.

That is one perspective.

Another perspective is that human beings are spiritual consciousness incarnated into animal bodies. But human consciousness is very different from animal consciousness. Hence the struggle for those on the spiritual journey, pulled between their spiritual nature and their animal nature.

And yet another perspective is that the human body is actually very different from the animal body, and most of us are completely unaware of the potential of this human body.

We each choose whichever perspective makes most sense to us. But declaring that humans are animals is an opinion, not a statement of fact.


Altair 18-04-2023 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by iamthat
That is one perspective.

What we call 'human' is organic, so it's a biological fact that humans are animals. It's not a perspective.

iamthat 18-04-2023 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Altair
What we call 'human' is organic, so it's a biological fact that humans are animals. It's not a perspective.

Organic only refers to the dense physical body.

Some of us consider the human in terms of consciousness, mind and emotions plus an energy body, as well as the dense physical body. These are nothing to do with biology.

All we can do is share our opinions, but it helps to be aware that our opinions are not necessarily facts.


RedEmbers 18-04-2023 06:59 PM

Scientifically speaking and biologically speaking, when we die and get buried, or cremated and flung out to sea or what have you, our basic elements are in fact the very same elements which make up everything on planet earth.
We get recycled by the fungus and bacteria which breaks us down, become compost which the trees feed off which in turn the animals feed off.

It is indeed a circle "the circle of life". For this very reason I do not feel that it is at all a ridiculous notion of people reincarnating into animals.

Plenty of earth based cultures have beliefs of ancestors coming back as animals to watch over their human families.
I personally feel that it is quite short- sighted to place humans in a hierarchy above plants and animals, bacteria and fungus because without them, we would not even be here.

RedEmbers 18-04-2023 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by iamthat
Organic only refers to the dense physical body.

These are nothing to do with biology.

All we can do is share our opinions, but it helps to be aware that our opinions are not necessarily facts.


Everything is energy, that includes all the biological elements which make up the human body. None of it can be separated, just recycled into a different form. Human physicality, is part of this system and therefore just as spiritual as whatever a person might views the soul or the spirit.

Every living thing has energy which has its own wisdom and cannot be destroyed, simply recycled. This includes every single thing in the entire system, even the bacteria which help to recycle everything.

Everything has wisdom within this system. Even viruses have their own concious program which works for and within the system, imparting its wisdom about the state of the body, mind, emotional or spiritual of the human or animal.

This entire thread and forum is mostly a bunch of opinions since nobody has really proven that the soul exists. Biology is an observed science, easier to find facts there. I'm not personally discounting the existence of soul, I just am of the opinion that it is inseparable from all living and organic, vibrating atoms of matter, including bacteria, fungus and viruses... and everything else.

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