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WhiteWarrior 19-02-2024 06:33 PM

Guide talking, a method and report
This post comes on the end of a handful of guide connections over the last few days that now are concluded. I offer this now and then, for the help of others and for the education of me. The thread for this can be found under Reading Requests in the Members Only area. I was going to post this there in that thread but realized it would drown pretty quick so here we are.

I am glad the email storage volume was increased; those 11 cases generated about 70 pm's in total. Now I want to sum up the results, and say a little about how I do this work presently. There has been changes since the first time I did this.

I have found now that I can focus spiritually best right out of bed, before shower and food and meds and the news of the day, barely awake - actually I do the connecting after going back to bed. But first I play my drum, sort of to ring the spirit world's door bell, and read the questions of the seeker one more time. In bed I do my energy and protection rites, then ask for that specific seeker's guide to come. From that moment the images come like water from an open tap. I often get an image of the guide now, or some sign that he/she/it is present, and a sort of scene like a place. Then I present the questions, one at a time, and the response come in the form of more images. They may be thematically related to the first images, as if a style was decided upon, but even if I have had a lot of time by then to reflect on the question, the answer that comes is rarely what I expected. Some times I am in awe, other times I am confused and may ask for clarification, but there is always an answer.

During all this I am putting an effort into not judging if I can help it; the answer is meant for the seeker not me, so my job is to pass the message. I am usually asked for an opinion by the seeker anyway, but by not offering it at once they get the time and chance to form an opinion themselves and that is very important to me. When the connection with the guide ends I am some times offered a parting message. Then I get out of bed and write it all down while it is still fresh in my mind.

I repeat most of that process for each set of questions, except for some of the energy rites that won't need redoing that day. Once I have dealt with all the cases I can get up and get my day started, before returning to the laptop and sending the messages out. But first I do one more energy rite, to cleanse myself of all unwanted energies that may have accumulated in the process.

When I first started this type of tasks, I worked with the blackboard/window techniques. These are methods to help with the visualization that can also allow writing. They were useful but now that the images come so very easily I have not needed them for quite some time. Now that I think of it, I should perhaps take a step back and try them again, see what happens. I'll have to ponder that. Back then, I considered myself privileged to get a word or even two. It's not so useful. Entire sentences could be.

One of the things I used to worry about when I started this, was that I was really just imagining it all to myself on some unconscious level, that my brain and ego was playing games with me. This worry has ceased; the guides tell me things I could not possibly know, and say things I would not have said. They also behave differently than I would expect. So basically, that is bygones.

I was also worried about interference. It is an unfortunate fact that while I try hard to avoid 'cold reading', which is to pick information from the seeker and a standard trick up the sleeve of the sketchier mediums, it is pretty hard to achieve total anonymity on a forum where we talk and spread personality traits like confetti. I could probably make a bio on most of the people here based on what they have posted in hundreds, thousands of posts. Even the user name can easily convey a lot of information. On top of that I may have previously talked with that person myself. So, the best I can do is actively avoid the 'find posts by user' button. But still there can be a lot of information in my memory when I sit down for a connection, and it does not surprise me that I often see a guide, an enviroment and symbols that match that precollected information. Fortunately it seems that even if the decorations match my expectations, they make no difference to the actual messages and might make the message easier for the seeker to relate to.

Regarding the connections for this group of 11 persons, I had some very interesting experiences. Since most of them posted their questions in the open it will likely be easy to see which quoted connection fits with which person, and I am not so keen on that. It feels indiscrete. But I can mention a few bits and bolts without upsetting anybody, hopefully?

I was asking one guide regarding someone's health, but had no indication of what could be amiss. The guide showed me a paper cutout of a human body, or I showed him, and then we had a pulsating little light wander up and down the body until it started to blink faster in a precise spot. The seeker afterwards confirmed that exact spot to be a place of illness. The odd thing is that I also felt another specific place was troubled, and I felt that as soon as I read the question and long before I started my rites and started a connection. Again this was bullseye. I have been thinking about this since then. First, joy of a physically correct reading - no small thing. Second, no small puzzlement that the second bullseye came outside a connection - I have no record whatsoever of sensing things like that. Then third, realization: if I can now find illness from a distance, even if it is with the help of guides, it will bring me MILES forward in distance energy healing which is something I have long wanted to do because it is such a powerful way to help others. Until now I had thought that goal was way beyond my talents, never mind skills. This could change much.

I see the guides during connection now, at least in many cases. I never used to do that. They can take many and some times quite unexpected forms; humans, nonhumans, lights, things, elements, mountains. I had one appear sitting on a rock like Rodins 'The Thinker', a statue I have not seen a photo of for something like a decade. Looks aside, they also behave differently. Some are energetic, others barely move. Some are playful, others sombre. Some will answer my questions only, while others want to say more on a subject than I expected or volunteer a parting gift for the person their guide. In one case my own guide joined into the session and the two of them had a great time sharing jokes I could not hear. That has never happened before.

Something else new happened. I got a negative response from a guide to a question. Not something bad, just in the way of "they shouldn't do that, but do something like that instead' but it is the first time a guide gives me a clear rebuke to pass on even in this mild form. For a few moments I wondered if I should ask for a different wording or different message, but I. Am. A mailman. I am not the guide, I am not a moderator, my job is to bring the message and only forum rules should make me look for a different message. I don't ENJOY giving a negative message, but what is the point of what I do if I will rewrite at my whim?

What else. When I pass on the responses to those who asked, I understand how some seem confused, I am confused too for some of those images. Some of them has such a clear message. Others require thinking. In this session I have seen images of people paddling a canoe with books, a helicopter, various flowers, dirt and ash and earth, lamps, bells, wagons, lego blocks... there is usually at least one meaning found though when comparing these elements to the questions they were answered with, and I think I am getting better at interpreting these symbols. But the asker must always have the first go at comprehending them.

I can't think of anything else to add right now. I'm not taking any more cases right now but when I do again, I'll post it in that other thread. However I am here if anyone has comments or questions to this activity in general.

CosmicWonder 19-02-2024 07:24 PM

If it was my guide giving negative advice then yes that happens often and I am aware this rarely happens. Always makes me wonder lol...

Podshell 19-02-2024 08:42 PM

I am wondering if Edgar Cayce is contactable in the spirit realms,he would be a great catalyst for you WW.

Karma_Eleon 19-02-2024 08:49 PM

What a beautiful post, WhiteWarrior! I have not read your private message yet, on my way there in a minute - but what you explain seems to have some common threads with my experiences!

WhiteWarrior 19-02-2024 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Podshell
I am wondering if Edgar Cayce is contactable in the spirit realms,he would be a great catalyst for you WW.

Hm. I have a feeling he would already have been reincarnated once or twice by now, he seems to have enjoyed life. However as it happens I have briefly heard his name mentioned in the past but otherwise known little about him, but now I go to the wikipedia page and look it up it seems I could benefit from reading it carefully and maybe some of his writing too. Thank you for nudging me in that direction.

Podshell 19-02-2024 09:26 PM

Hopefully will aid,think there is stuff on Youtube and maybe a thread on here.But I do sometimes nudge people off course! You'll know best.

WhiteWarrior 19-02-2024 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Podshell
Hopefully will aid,think there is stuff on Youtube and maybe a thread on here.But I do sometimes nudge people off course! You'll know best.

I have read through the entire Wiki article now. Yes, I think Cayce is worthy of further study. And of discussion here on the forum in a dedicated thread, if enough people are interested. But where to put that thread I do not know, he seem to have literally affected most of the subjects this forum is for.

Podshell 19-02-2024 10:23 PM

Yes would be hard to know exactly,I think the mods. move them to a more apt folder if it is not exact.

WhiteWarrior 20-02-2024 12:52 PM

I posted the Cayce thread in:

And now, back to the scheduled program.

One of the things that irks me, as a writer, is that my guide messages are generally very short. Anything from a couple of lines up to a single paragraph. I have gotten readings from others on this forum in the past and they have been much, much bigger - some times an entire page. Of course, my initial messages do not include my opinion so the real total size is probably closer to two paragraphs, but it just feels so naked. On the other hand I do want to bring the message, not the trimmings that would add to the volume but not add to the message. The color of the dog, the freshness of the grass, the strength of the daylight - unless I get the impression that it is important, I will not tell it. I am not doing this to paint pretty pictures. I WILL tell the color of things if they pull my attention. I don't know what to do about this so for now, the messages will remain fairly naked. Maybe in time the connections will contain more information, but will the seeker benefit from it? Or will the vitals drown in the fluff?

CosmicWonder 20-02-2024 01:02 PM

I always see it like this: the message the guide sense, every detail means something... There is nothing without meaning.

Karma_Eleon 20-02-2024 01:43 PM

Personally, my readings usually used to include many details, because they convey a general athmosphere. I think this will still be the case now, I actually enjoy the details of what I see.

I think, describing those things sometimes contains the element the receiver needs, to allow them to understand, and just describing is not fluff. You're still not adding an interpretation or opinion.

I once saw a pillbug rolling around in a tin with a red label - mentioning the colour of that label meant something to the person. Without it, the pillbug would have lost part of its meaning to them, if that makes sense?

The giggle I hear behind a lacy curtain, the ginger cat I see on a kitchen countertop, they would mean nothing if I did not mention the lacyness or the ginger colour.

So I try to be complete as much as I remember (sometimes there is so much going on that it is possible I forget, but I usually remember later and add.)

Just my two cents - but then, remember, everyone has their own style, and I had no trouble hearing the message, even if "short". It was full of meaning to me!

moonincancer 22-03-2024 04:24 PM

Thank you for sharing these fascinating observations. Did you do anything intentionally to improve your connection with people's guides or did all the steps of your evolution happen naturally?
Some of us struggle to connect with our own guides:)

WhiteWarrior 23-03-2024 02:19 PM

Moonincancer. My conscious relation to guides go about a decade and half back. Before that I'd heard a little about them but put them in the same league as elves, angels, demons, space aliens - beings not part of the world I could perceive. And I was a sceptic to the point I considered myself an atheist. But then I made a connection with a woman who, among many other things, was also a medium. She became my first teacher of spiritual things and opened my eyes thoroughly to such things. She also let me talk with many spirits, a fairly hair raising activity for me, and eventually I met my guides through her. I learned a lot over the span of a couple of years but could not make spirit connections of my own.

After a while I started putting what I had learned to use, on this forum. I was still not connecting by myself, but I found that I could help others by teaching others how to do it - and then, make a connection through THEM. Not something to be done by any random crowd, but the people on this forum are more spiritually aware than your average citizen. This was done through direct communications in the forum Chat or other systems. I had more than a hundred cases and while it didn't always work, it actually did to some degree in most cases, and in a few cases astonishingly so when the seeker let the guidee take over the keyboard and consciousness. These were obviously cases where the seeker had more mediumship abilities than they were aware of. In one memorable case like that, the guide left at the end of a very long and detailed communication and the seeker refused to believe her fingers had written that, and accused me of having hacked her account. I assured her that if I had had the inclination and skill to do such things, I wouldn't be hanging out on a spiritual forum.

Becoming the communicator myself, the mailman, is a fairly new thing for me. I think I have done a lineup of cases twice before the latest one. It has become easier each time, but I still mainly get images, rarely words. I intend to try to improve on that next time. Will I get words or sentences? I don't know. Most mediums I have heard of or worked with get sentences, even paragraphs, and hardly images - but they are used to talk with people face to face, not writing down what they see.

Spirituality is not a constant in my life. Other things happen and I leave the topic for years, then when I get some kind of nudge I return here to this forum and eventually get involved again. Some topics are more important to me than others even if I can't explain why, and guides are one of them.

I have read a few books on this topic. One that was an eye opener to me was Rosemary Altea's The Eagle And The Rose; her awakening and experiences had many similarities to my own. I have also read a number of books written by mediums in my own country. These books have helped me accept what can be done, why it should be done and when it shouldn't, and helps me staying motivated as the years go by. Because they will. This is no fast journey. Currently I am looking into Edgar Cayce.

So, to answer your actual queston. How do I improve the connection with each guide? In the first post I describe my routine preparations; the little protection rites, the calming of mind etc. What you are looking for is the anchors I am placing. The first anchor is the seeker's identity. There is always one; yours to me is 'moonincancer'. I do not need anything more specific or more details. The reason is simple. When you send me a personal message we form an energetic connection that has nothing to do with the Internet. As the message contains your identity tag and my identity tag, the energetic connected also does. So, when I call for your guide to appear, I can just call for 'moonincancer's guide'. That guide has name tags of her own, and will hear herself being called for in the same way your phone rings. Extremely different technology, but it works. I open my inner 'screen' and wait for something to happen on it. And it almost always does. From there on I pass on my questions with my own voice and gets images as a reply.

So, for you to communicate? You can call on your guide by simply saying 'I wish to talk with my guide. Are you there?' And then look, and listen, to what comes in. I can't tell if video or still images or audio or morse code is what will work best for you. 'Open minded' is a key in more than one way here; don't fight what comes to you; if you don't like the message then you must NOT pretend you didn't hear it, or discard it because you didn't understand it right away. It's like asking someone for advice; you are not obliged to follow it. At the very least, write it down so you can review it again later. If you are not willing to listen, why should the guide make the effort to talk? And finally, do not expect the guide to give you information randomly. Have questions ready for that guide talk. They don't have to be important ones, but remember that also guides have rules they must follow. They won't be helping you to win lotteries, won't be steering you through relationships, and won't be making life decisions for you. They are allowed to guide, not lead. I didn't write those rules and I am not going to guess which entity did, but all patterns I can see indicate this.

WhiteWarrior 30-03-2024 10:49 PM

Well that was interesting. I did six more readings, which will be all for now. This time I intentionally asked the guides for a reply in words rather than in images, and quite to my surprise that worked very well. Oh, I some times got images anyway and had to ask for words instead, but I got them. After all this time working with images and trying to describe and subsequently interpret them, I got multiple sentences on each case and had to say stop so I could get to a keyboard and write them down before they left my memory. I had planned to try the window/blackboard techniques to hopefully pick up words, but never had to reach for any such thing - the sentences formed up like a column of soldiers without need for any kind of tool. This time I could barely see visuals of the guides and hardly any other image at all. Looks like text is what it will be from now on. And with that goes away the need for interpretations from my side, as far as I can tell - these messages were pretty clear, unless there were hidden meanings in them. But that would not be for me to understand anyway.

Six is not a big load of cases to judge from. But compared to the old image-only messages I feel the messages have become very direct. Some times the guides sound kind or even affable , other times they are more factual and distant.

Based on the feedback most of these messages have been hitting straight onto the seeker's recent life and thoughts, being supportive and offering hope. Here and there they make references that mean nothing to me but the seekers have found great meaning in.

From here, I will need to do a bit of practice to get longer communications down than 3-4 sentences, but I will work with that on my own and with my own guides. If they can't help me with this, who can?

I intend to do more readings, once I feel I am ready for it again.

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