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002 Cents 12-09-2016 11:56 PM

Eid Al Adha
Eid Al Adha Mubarak!

... or... I think that says Eid Mubarak... I still struggle with being able to identify all the lettering in Arabic.

I hope you are all having a lovely holiday.

This is all new to me and...

...being that I am not sacrificing an animal... (not even sure where you would do that here in the states)... and I haven't just completed the pilgrimage...

How does one celebrate Eid Al Adha? Like what else do I need to do?

One article said donate food, clothing and money.... which is good I can do that... but is there anything else?

002 Cents 13-09-2016 03:43 AM

I messaged one of my friends who is a convert and he laughed at me and said, just donate and enjoy a nice meal to celebrate. So, we (me and the fam, not the aforementioned friend) ended up going out for a beautiful meal at an Afghan restaurant. Was so delicious! Our first time going there. So clean and elegant. Looked like food that should have been about $10 more a plate than it was and I got to try a drink called dough.


knightofalbion 15-09-2016 09:11 AM

I am glad that you didn't sacrifice an animal. In the very beginning of Islam, it was largely a pastoral society. So sharing a part of your livestock was a form of tithe, en lieu of coinage. And it helped the poor, elderly, disabled and so forth.

Today, it is a different world. Muslims ought to make charitable donations instead.
As if God wants millions of animals slaughtered! He is not a monster. Animal sacrifice is the domain of devil worshippers, in my opinion.

Did you see in the newspapers about the 'rivers of blood' in Dhaka?

Have a look too at the 'Ban Live Exports' campaign of Animals Australia ....

Faith, any faith, should be about LOVE

Tobi 15-09-2016 11:53 PM

Whatever religion or belief system we decide to follow, we know in our Hearts that no spiritual leadership would ever demand "rivers of blood" from sacrifices of another sentient Being.
Any leadership/ 'priesthood' which demands such things is controlling others through mind-control and superstition. It is not new. It has been going on since early times.

Those who are capable of thinking, will by their choices and their actions, seek to change such things, and bring a new awareness.

Giving to the poor (as the dear Knight mentioned) is a valuable option, and does more good.

Imagine someone destitute...how they would appreciate a gift given kindly by someone they don't even know during the festival of Eid?

I was once given a gift by a devout Muslim during the festival of Eid. We talked a little while, and he gave me a gift. It's not the place to go into that story here but it is one of the blessings of my life which I shall never forget....or that kind man....or the help that small gift gave me at the time.

002 Cents 16-09-2016 04:17 AM

So... Demanding rivers of blood has nothing to do with Eid.

It is a holiday that marks the end of the pilgramage for many and remembers the story of Abraham whose devotion to the lord never waivered even when he was asked to sacrifice his son, then the lord provided him a Lamb to sacrifice in his sons place. The idea is you sacrifice an animal and divide the meat into thirds. 1 to keep, 1 to give away and 1 to donate to the needy.

That is all. It's not a senseless massecure in fact in Islam it is frowned upon to be wasteful. It is food. So before you go passing judgement on this tradition maybe look at how much is actually wasted every day in our own nations.

How much blood is produced in a slaughter house on a single day?

How much meat goes to waste in a single day?

Fascinating how quickly these facts escape someone whose heart is set on judgement.

How many animals die for Thanksgiving and Christmas every year?

knightofalbion 16-09-2016 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by 002 Cents
So... Demanding rivers of blood has nothing to do with Eid.

It is a holiday that marks the end of the pilgramage for many and remembers the story of Abraham whose devotion to the lord never waivered even when he was asked to sacrifice his son, then the lord provided him a Lamb to sacrifice in his sons place. The idea is you sacrifice an animal and divide the meat into thirds. 1 to keep, 1 to give away and 1 to donate to the needy.

That is all. It's not a senseless massecure in fact in Islam it is frowned upon to be wasteful. It is food. So before you go passing judgement on this tradition maybe look at how much is actually wasted every day in our own nations.

How much blood is produced in a slaughter house on a single day?

How much meat goes to waste in a single day?

Fascinating how quickly these facts escape someone whose heart is set on judgement.

How many animals die for Thanksgiving and Christmas every year?

The slaughter for Thanksgiving and especially Christmas is equally wrong!
No-one is saying that it isn't.

The Eid sacrifices are ritual sacrifices. Simple logic would show it's a glorified 'pass the parcel'. You give your neighbour a third of yours. He gives you a third of his. It's a charade!
And if there was someone who was genuinely destitute, they wouldn't have a fridge! Meat spoils if not refrigerated. Again, a charade.

As I said, it would make far greater sense to give a monetary donation instead, that could be used to help fellow Muslims in dire straits in refugee camps in Syria or Lebanon, or in Africa.

Be it Eid or Christmas, if people want to show their devotion, let it be a LOVE sacrifice (i.e. an act of kindness/Service) rather than a blood sacrifice.

Here is the Ban Live Exports website.
{And before anyone says it, yes, there is plenty of inhumane slaughter in Western slaughterhouses too. There is no 'nice way' of having your throat slit.}

002 Cents 16-09-2016 05:09 PM

I have my own beliefs around the matter and have always found halal slaughter to be admirable and preferable. Why? Because they say a blessing for the animal in it's passing for starters. Death is something we each experience in our own way. But I have always considered life and death to be sacred even for animals. As a child I felt compelled to stop and say a prayer for every dead animal I crossed paths with. It seemed to undignified lying flattened and forgotten in the street. As though it was nothing more than a piece of debris. So naturally, a method of slaughter that takes into account the fact that this life to deserves a blessing in its passing would appeal to me more. As far as how they slaughter... from my perspective it is better that the spirit is able to realize it is moving on with a minimal amount of trauma, respect and regard for that creatures life. Slitting the throat is a way that allows the animal to acknowledge it is crossing over. The animal is then drained of it's blood through that slit and the product you end up with is extremely clean.

I am not against eating animals for food I am however for ethical farming practices which take into account the quality of the creatures life as opposed to the very narrow scope on purely those brief moments before death which account for a mere fraction.

As far as people who don't have refrigerators, it is fairly common in some parts of the world. Not a matter of wealth. I once knew a woman from Afghanistan who grew up without a refrigerator. It may be difficult for us to imagine but for them it is a way of life that they are very apt to thrive in...but also... It seems you are pulling for straws with this point as we all know there are other methods for handling meat that will preserve it for consumption on a long term.

Please Leave Me 16-09-2016 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by 002 Cents
I have my own beliefs around the matter and have always found halal slaughter to be admirable and preferable. Why? Because they say a blessing for the animal in it's passing for starters. Death is something we each experience in our own way. But I have always considered life and death to be sacred even for animals. As a child I felt compelled to stop and say a prayer for every dead animal I crossed paths with. It seemed to undignified lying flattened and forgotten in the street. As though it was nothing more than a piece of debris. So naturally, a method of slaughter that takes into account the fact that this life to deserves a blessing in its passing would appeal to me more. As far as how they slaughter... from my perspective it is better that the spirit is able to realize it is moving on with a minimal amount of trauma, respect and regard for that creatures life. Slitting the throat is a way that allows the animal to acknowledge it is crossing over. The animal is then drained of it's blood through that slit and the product you end up with is extremely clean.

I am not against eating animals for food I am however for ethical farming practices which take into account the quality of the creatures life as opposed to the very narrow scope on purely those brief moments before death which account for a mere fraction.

As far as people who don't have refrigerators, it is fairly common in some parts of the world. Not a matter of wealth. I once knew a woman from Afghanistan who grew up without a refrigerator. It may be difficult for us to imagine but for them it is a way of life that they are very apt to thrive in...but also... It seems you are pulling for straws with this point as we all know there are other methods for handling meat that will preserve it for consumption on a long term.

well said...

knightofalbion 16-09-2016 05:58 PM

Explain to me how this is 'paying homage to the glory of God'?

Halal: Fine words, but a grim reality (Gaza, and Turkey and UK - secret filming) (Fair warning, it's not pretty)

And there a multitude of other videos I could post.

I'm sorry, but the naivety of some people who think the animal had a wonderful life (it didn't) happily gave its life (it didn't) and met a quick, humane, stress-free, pain-free demise (it didn't) ....

Please Leave Me 16-09-2016 06:07 PM

Meet Harry. He is one of 500 Aussie sheepwho are being illegally held in the Al Rai ..... priceless

i pity a world where people level of conscious wakes up for goats and sheeps
but their conscious sleeps on bigger issues

pathatic world

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