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norseman 15-11-2010 06:55 PM

Tarot 101
This thread is here to help beginners to the Tarot understand the basics of a Tarot deck and give guidance in carrying out a reading. There is a wealth of experience in SF to give help in the Tarot and allow the beginner to make a start at gaining experience by doing. I imagine that readers at all levels have questions also that they would like some help with too. So, a Self-Help thread.
So, folks, we have comfortable virtual seats and excellent virtual coffee and cookies, so lets begin. OK, we are open for business :D

Kaere 15-11-2010 07:02 PM


I have a question about spreads actually. I wonder if people have their favourite spreads that work for them and do they stick to them religiously, do you find it hard to switch from one spread to another, do you use several together?

I find that I get stuck on the three card spread almost all the time. Celtic Cross just about does my head in with all the possibilities and maybe this's that come up.

norseman 16-11-2010 11:39 AM

Like you, Kaere, I find the Celtic Cross too complicated. I prefer simple, just like me, so I stick to three cards. I see that some people use three cards as Past, Present, Future but I just look to link the three cards in a continuous narrative.

My question concerns Reversals. I just ignore them. Anyone else got a feeling about that ?

Lostgirl 16-11-2010 12:00 PM

If its a reading for someone else i generally do a three card spread past, present and future, unless its a specific question or situation then i do a question and answer spread. One card represents the situation and the other 2 cards represent 2 diffrent paths they could take.

For my self i do either the three card or a daily spead which is 4/5 cards.

tsb 16-11-2010 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by norseman
Like you, Kaere, I find the Celtic Cross too complicated. I prefer simple, just like me, so I stick to three cards. I see that some people use three cards as Past, Present, Future but I just look to link the three cards in a continuous narrative.

My question concerns Reversals. I just ignore them. Anyone else got a feeling about that ?

I'm a beginner, but have learnt basic readings. What I learnt about reversals are to go back to the preciding cards, e.g. if it's a reversed 8 of cups, I'll go back to 7 of cups. The card that precedes the Fool is the World, and the cards that precedes Aces are the tens of the respective suits. As there is no obvious preceding card for the Page cards, we can pick a card from the Minor Arcana to help us identify the aspect of life the reversed Page is referring to.Once we have considered what the reversed card is telling us, we can turn the card upright, because that is the energy we need to attract and apply, like overcoming barriers.

Thus in my opinion, if the deck is arranged with no reversals, we may not know whether the cards in the spread is reversed, as message will be different. Just my personal opinion.

LightBearer 16-11-2010 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by norseman
Like you, Kaere, I find the Celtic Cross too complicated. I prefer simple, just like me, so I stick to three cards. I see that some people use three cards as Past, Present, Future but I just look to link the three cards in a continuous narrative.

My question concerns Reversals. I just ignore them. Anyone else got a feeling about that ?

i have found reversals to be very usefull, given one instance, if you ignore a reversal, you may read a strong male figure in dominance, but if you include the reversal it would read a strong male figure in the background supporting. just one example of how i have read it in the past.

Kaere 16-11-2010 05:11 PM

Interesting stuff. I don't read reversals - I use the other cards surrounding to give an idea of reversal. Ace of Cups with 5 of Pentacles would tell me that the sitter should avoid being too insular and focusing on the lack or they'll miss seeing a potential romance. Whereas the Ace on it's own would tell me that it's right there in front of them and they're aware.

At least, that's how I'd read it.

sunny shine 17-11-2010 03:51 PM

thank you noresman for considering beginners like me. I too find the three card spread easy as of now, because for you guys if its complicated, it would be like moving mountains for me be :-D

i think i can create stories with my imagination when i pick up cards, but how do i know what i am imagining would be true for who i am reading?

norseman 18-11-2010 05:54 PM

Imagination plus Intuition SS. Two guide lines to follow
1. Does it make sense ? 2. Does it FEEL right ?

But dont forget to "read" the card. What is happening in the card ? What happens next ? How did the card come to be where it is ? A sort-of past, present, future of the card. If the card could actually speak, what would it say to you ?

Some people say that the best way to come to know a card is to sleep with it under your pillow and it will "talk" to you while you are asleep. :hug2:

Spiritlite 18-11-2010 06:18 PM

I love this even though I'm such a novice at tarot I just can't get it into my thick brain on how to use them even though I've had tarot decks for all of 20 years......this is great because it's in plain simple language...thankyou Norseman.

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