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Miss Hepburn 19-05-2024 04:54 PM

Why, Sparrow that was very thoughtful of you to be concerned about my tongue, thank you, m'dear.

Originally Posted by Sparrow
There are many beings, even within the physical state,
who have the technology to project into future timelines.

They themselves will tell you that those timelines are never set in stone...

Pardon me....what? :tongue:
Your question was astute...I was asking and expressing disbelief. :)
That is some statement above ''tech to project into the future''.
When you have a minute - yes, could you elaborate on this?
(And thank you Another Bob. xo)

AngelBlue 19-05-2024 05:57 PM

Sparrow...# 3160...
Hilarious .
Can't stop laughing !.. Touch of genius !
( Sorry MissH , not meaning to be dis-respectful to you, but that was bleeping funny..!!)
( Plus your reply was equally funny !!!)

Native spirit 19-05-2024 07:27 PM

Have to agree Angel


AngelBlue 19-05-2024 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Native spirit
Have to agree Angel

I'm still laughing Native...
And we do all need to laugh now and again.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 19-05-2024 10:25 PM

Dear Miss Hepburn,

I do not have a minute, but I will borrow one in order to respond to you.

Perhaps you will wish you had not asked...however...

There are many beings, not specifically human, yet not excluding human, who have the technology to project into what is understood as future timelines. The technology is somewhat based on similar principles to portal technology, or toroidal field technology, but some instances are based upon remote viewing and consciousness projection, particularly in cases of human origin; though some are also in possession of non-native technologies.

The technologies, similar to interplanetary space travel, track, plot and project the resonant frequencies of a "distant location", and then use specific apparatus to allow the operator to view said location on a panel or consciousness connected device. This is in a similar way as you would tune an old television set to certain frequencies in order to project visual images on a glass screen. Since such technologies exist in physical state, it does not require a stretch of the imagination to conclude it also exists in so-called higher dimensions, or in the afterlife. It is, in fact, similar in principle to how the Akashic records are viewed in such apparatus as, for example, holographic books.

The problems associated with this is that time is essentially an illusion, or more accurately, an induced state of mind adopted by an individual or a collective consciousness. Navigating time involves altering the perception of the individual or the collective consciousness of a group, to match a specific state of perception you would identify as a past or future event. That is to say, a point in time is only that point in time because of the consciousness observing it at that point of view defines it as such. So what is actually occurring is you are tuning in to a collective consciousness at "points in time", which consciousness has defined "in memory" to be here or there, and thus, contains its own resonant vibratory state which can be tracked, plotted and projected. I emphasise the word, in memory, to assist your understanding of my former dialogue regarding the influence of memories on reality.

Further to the problems associated with timelines, because a timeline is not a rigid linear film real, as portrayed in Hollywood movies, you cannot simply go back into the past and change what has already occurred within mass consciousness. This is because a timeline is completely dependent upon the individual or mass consciousness who perceived it in their memory. You cannot therefore go back in time and change the perception of another sentient being; all you can do is alter your own perception of the same events in time by becoming aware of a completely different timeline, that looks just like the one you intended to change. You have therefore changed nothing but your perception of Self within your own awareness.

Further again, are the issues associated with viewing the future. Whatever you have seen that looks like your future is merely one timeline, or one perception of consciousness, from an individual or a collective, and does not represent the actual future you yourself have to experience. The vision of the future which was observed represents a memory in consciousness adopted by one individual or collective, but does not represent the memory in consciousnesses of those who experienced a different future in an alternative timeline. Every time you become aware of something new, that you were not aware of before, you become conscious of another timeline. If you were to become aware of a future event in the present, you would not come to experience that exact viewed timeline. This is because in viewing it, it is no longer the future because it is now part of the present awareness, so you would actually move into a new timeline. This is why those who insist they know the future, because they have seen it, are somewhat inaccurate when making that statement. This is to say, in becoming aware of it they have diverged to another timeline; even if that timeline looks extremely similar.

This is ultimately why I have stated that those with this capacity are often surprised when events occur that they did not anticipate.

Ultimately, the human experience of time is far different than time experienced by other species on other planets. Unexpected events will always occur; the experience of time for a collective species involves what each of the individuals are becoming aware of within that shared environment. If you want to experience time differently to your present human experience, you must disconnect from the collective consciousness you connect to which is holding you within your presently perceived shared timeline.

I trust this has adequately expanded upon my previous remarks.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 19-05-2024 10:28 PM

Dear AngelBlue,

Such mild levity is but a demonstration that Sparrow does not take himself too seriously!


Bluefonsy 20-05-2024 08:33 AM

Sparrow, the whole thing about not taking yourself too seriously. This is kind of my natural inclination and I like it. After-all, most of us on this planet are just scared/confused/unhappy so if we are cruel it’s just because of that rather than a true reaction to the energy of others. However. Often when I speak to psychic advisors/mediums/channellers I get messages about standing up for myself, challenging rude comments, not letting people walk all over me.
So I get very confused, because if it’s only words shouldn’t I just stay in my own power and ignore it, but I feel compelled to take it seriously and become worked up through some sort of social expectation which is even being re-enforced by others in forward thinking spiritually minded communities.
I have acted in a light, whimsical fashion before and it has been taken very badly by certain people. Especially other males. When I was younger I was more devil may care and just wanted to have fun, the state of being you described. Many other males literally called me ‚a joke’ to my face.
Sometimes I really grated on others nerves and was attacked. The energy of it reminds me of this interview. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=If-oWqUYzlQ

Miss Hepburn 20-05-2024 09:48 AM


I trust this has adequately expanded upon my previous remarks.
You did WELL! What a plus you are for this Forum!! :)

Spirit Guide Sparrow 22-05-2024 03:45 PM

Dear Bluefonsy,

Standing up for yourself does not necessarily mean you have to challenge the comments made by others. As I have recently mentioned, be mindful of the energies you internalise, as well as the energies you externalise.

When you take words of disapproval and interpret them personally as an attack on you, you bring negativity into your energy field and any response is going to become a defensive reaction.

When your response is that of a defensive reaction you are externalising energy that is reinforcing the behaviour of the individual who provoked it.

The purpose of a verbal attack is to provoke an immediate emotional reaction. It is the reaction the individual procures from you which reinforces their learned behaviour. In a similar way as domestic pets learn from your reactions to their behaviour, which they will then repeat, because they have memorised that behaviour results in more of their desires response.

Rather than yield to a defensive reaction, would it not be more favourable to dismiss the expectations of others; to choose not to be a victim of mere words by not interpreting them as a personal attack. You may do this by developing your awareness that you are secure in who you are, and this does not require the validation or approval of others whose own perceptions are deficient in good, God, or Self understanding.

An individual will typically attempt a verbal attack if they have inadequate ability to see you for who you really are, and all that you do that defines you. Instead of being angry or defensive that another is deficient in their perception of you, raise their awareness by demonstrating through action just who you are, and what you represent.

You may do this by responding in a way which, in martial arts, is often referred to as deflection. That is, you use the attackers own energy, or words, to make themselves look bad in their own eyes, rather than you having to lash out defensively to obtain the same outcome.

You do this by blunting their remarks with a pleasant friendly response, to deescalate further comments, demonstrate such comments were not taken personally, and provide an opportunity for them to choose another interaction. Joke about yourself, pay them an unexpected compliment, or you can shrug it off with a friendly smile and say "Well, alright, thank you".

Once again, standing up for yourself does not necessarily mean you have to challenge the comments made by others. Ultimately, standing up for yourself is truly knowing yourself well enough that you no longer need to defend who you are. This is expressing your true power.

Males in particular, as you say, take such approaches badly because they are expected by society to behave prideful and masculine. It is thought that a male who does not act tough and defend himself is weak and a pushover. That is not your weakness but theirs, for it is your male masculine dominance and egotism which is tearing your world apart; it is the return to a feminine maternal strength society requires if you ever wish to overcome your present world situation.


Tiss 24-05-2024 03:44 PM

Dear Sparrow,

It feels good to see you show up here more often. I am always grateful for your help in bad moments. I still treasure those days' words.


Sorai Rai Aorai 24-05-2024 05:45 PM

I echo Tiss's sentiments word for word. Thanks Sparrow.

pixiedust 24-05-2024 11:21 PM

Dear Spirit Guide Sparrow,

Would you comment please on anger, and a "short fuse?"

I guess anger had once dissipated after practice and now it has returned. I would be grateful for your perspectives herein.

And thank you for what you have shared as always. I share resonance with what Tiss and Sorai Rai Aorai have said.


Tiss 26-05-2024 04:34 PM

Dear friend Sorai Rai Aorai, I hope your life is going well.

Love and light.


Sorai Rai Aorai 26-05-2024 05:53 PM

Thank you, Tiss, life is going well! It shows the value of persistence! I have a strong romantic possibility in my long-time friend in China. My health is quite good! I'll keep this short to keep the thread on topic, but feel free to inbox me and tell me about your life.

Your friend, Justin

Spirit Guide Sparrow 27-05-2024 03:00 PM

Dear Pixiedust,

Anger is a learned response, like fear, which comes from your defensive behaviour of thought and animalistic survival instincts. When something occurs which makes you feel threatened and uncomfortable an emotional reaction is triggered to compel you to lash out and create distance between you and the situation.

Where love and tolerance seek closeness and inclusion, fear and anger seek distance and exclusion. In the same way as a threatened dog will bark to seek to create distance, or a cat will hiss out in fear in seeking the same.

To understand why you feel angry you must address those things which make you feel threatened. It may be you feel physically threatened, or emotionally threatened, or that your personal values and rights feel threatened.

Although a spiritual being should never need to defend who they are, what you have created or seek to create will always need defending in physical state, in the presence of adversity and in the prevention of atrocity. There are examples of this all over the planet, from the decimated environment to the ill-treatment of people.

It is therefore perfectly natural to feel angry about something which should compel you to act on something which clearly is not done in love. Who would you be, and who would benefit, if you chose to do nothing?

The most important thing is how you choose to act on your anger. This will define your relationship to fear and anger, and ultimately with yourself. Do not seek to distance yourself from that which threatens you or you will constantly live in fear. Instead, seek to understand what it is you fear most, and then take action to reduce its threat to who you are or what you seek to create.

You can choose to act defensively or proactively. A defensive reaction reinforces the behaviour of a misguided person because it causes you to become their victim, thus they feed on that adrenaline rush of power. A proactive response retains your personal power; it grants you a clear mind to better steer you towards a more productive action.

Do not beat yourself up simply for having emotions; focus instead on productive actions which blunt the sourness of anger, with a remedy of the sweetness of a good action that makes you feel better about the situation. And once again, try not to take life so seriously; it is meant to be fun.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 27-05-2024 03:00 PM

Dear Tiss,

It is always a pleasure to see you step forward into the light of your own voice, and bless us all with your company.

As a more general message; the purpose of the old dialogues were really to lay some initial groundwork for people to question their reality and think about their own lives more intimately. My present consciousness has surpassed beyond much of my former dialogues, and I felt it was more appropriate to speak in the present, than others lose themselves within dialogues of the past.

For this reason, I make myself more available in the present.

Once again, the pleasure of your words is a feast in thought and in heart; may you and your loved ones never stand apart.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 27-05-2024 03:02 PM

Dear Sorai Rai Aorai,

...and I echo the sentiments of your spirit and applaud your perseverance for the passion for life.


Tiss 27-05-2024 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Dear Tiss,
My present consciousness has surpassed beyond much of my former dialogues, and I felt it was more appropriate to speak in the present, than others lose themselves within dialogues of the past.

Dear Sparrow, I understand the concept behind what you said. It is great that you decided to continue sharing the jewels of your current state of consciousness here.

With the affection of always, in the distance.

Tiss 27-05-2024 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by Sorai Rai Aorai
Thank you, Tiss, life is going well! It shows the value of persistence! I have a strong romantic possibility in my long-time friend in China. My health is quite good! I'll keep this short to keep the thread on topic, but feel free to inbox me and tell me about your life.
Your friend, Justin

Dear friend,

Thanks for the update, I am very happy for you!


Native spirit 27-05-2024 07:51 PM

Please note quotes are to be no more than two or three sentences long


Sorai Rai Aorai 28-05-2024 12:55 AM

As do I praise your ongoing service to we who are enriched by your words which shine forth like the heart of your Spirit.

Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Dear Sorai Rai Aorai,
...and I echo the sentiments of your spirit and applaud your perseverance for the passion for life.

pixiedust 29-05-2024 03:59 AM

thank you Sparrow yet again


marcin458 02-06-2024 11:20 PM

Ascended Masters teach humanity that after that life on planet Earth we choose next incarnation depends of our spiritual plan and start life next life in a new body of a baby and then again and again.

We can also choose if thats ok with our spiritual needs lessons choose different planet different galaxy even different universe but thats rare.


AnotherBob 04-06-2024 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by marcin458
Ascended Masters teach humanity that after that life on planet Earth we choose next incarnation depends of our spiritual plan and start life next life in a new body of a baby and then again and again.

Greetings to You, Marcin!

Recently, I heard from an interview with a notable QHT Practitioner (among others who claim contact with such matters) that all that's changed now -- it's hard to keep up with Spirit news, here in this molasses density.


We can also choose if thats ok with our spiritual needs lessons choose different planet different galaxy even different universe but that's rare.

"Several of my research subjects and I saw while in the afterlife that incarnation is an entirely voluntary activity. We souls can choose whether to incarnate, how many times, where in the universe, into what type of physical matter, and when to stop reincarnating. There is no possibility of being locked in." ~Nanci Danison NDEr


Sorai Rai Aorai 04-06-2024 08:32 PM

Yes, AnotherBob, while I believe it has always been a matter of free will, not actually some kind of change in the way of things.

AnotherBob 04-06-2024 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Sorai Rai Aorai
Yes, AnotherBob, while I believe it has always been a matter of free will, not actually some kind of change in the way of things.

I believe both, and neither. It is all a fantasy of interpretation on perception, only the Real is Real.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 22-06-2024 02:05 PM

Dear Marcin458,

Ascended Masters, you say?

Oh, what I would give to be an Ascended Master.

Please feel free to share more of their wise council.


Miss Hepburn 22-06-2024 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
Oh, what I would give to be an Ascended Master.

Hi there, Now, if I may be so bold...I think
you know exactly what you would have to give...or give up. :glasses9:
Am I wrong?
I think I will take 5 minutes to ponder that myself.

Spirit Guide Sparrow 22-06-2024 05:44 PM

Dear Miss Hepburn,

If I may equally be so bold; yes, you’re quite wrong...

I hope those five minutes in contemplation were well spent realising my words were a statement of jest! Is my humour still that difficult to perceive? :glasses9:

I have no interest in becoming, in been seen as, or wearing any self-idolising label as Ascended Master. I have yet to meet any genuine evolved being who desires this, or anyone who calls themselves this in the spirit world.


AnotherBob 23-06-2024 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
I have yet to meet any genuine evolved being who desires this, or anyone who calls themselves this in the spirit world.

It is a private and exclusive club for which you need a special handshake and clever password to get by security at their transdimensional pub. However, you won't need no stinkin' badges, unless you visit their Resort in the Sierra Madres during the 3 Days of Darkness.


Miss Hepburn 23-06-2024 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Spirit Guide Sparrow
I have yet to meet any genuine evolved being who desires this...

I forgot you said this.
I'm not shy to say, tho, I am content with whatever the Father has in store for me anywhere -
I want to learn, grow, expand the love and wisdom in my heart, know the All That Is more and more.
If that were to end up with me being very high, ascending to higher realms closer to my Maker, paling around with the likes
of, say, St. Germaine...and esp away from all you bozos :icon_jokercolor: ...I desire that...but, obviously not enough...yet.

AnotherBob 23-06-2024 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Hepburn
I want to learn, grow, expand the love and wisdom in my heart, know the All That Is more and more.

Then you might want to cease differentiating between Bozos and Bodhisattvas -- there is no higher or lower, except as figments of our conditioned imagination.


Spirit Guide Sparrow 23-06-2024 09:05 PM

Dear Miss Hepburn,

What a beautiful humoristic angel you are; I do deliciously dine on your previously noted riotous vivacity. Your jester hat does remind me of outfits I have observed you wearing, under different circumstances.

Without precociously circumventing your applaudable levity, I pass recognition to the remark of our fellow, Bob, who grasped my point perfectly.

You are your own maker; when you realise and accept this you will experience both Ascension and Mastery beyond anything you believe St. Germain, St. Nicholas :icon_santa:, or any other venerated persona to be.
You created these people; you are not beneath them.

As long as you continue to believe your Higher-Self and your Self-Mastery lies in some "higher" place than where you are presently, so shall you continue to experience the fullness of it beyond your reach.

A long time ago I was given a very distinct name within the Asceleottyi, and within dimensions far removed from the Earth, which holds a uniquely specific meaning. It is a meaning I have become associated with and known by through my own Self-Mastery in many other domains of reality. This name has always been more than enough to indicate to all others who I am, and what my experience is. The need for frivolous decorative titles as Saint, Guru or Ascended Master simply carry no weight in any noteworthy dimension beyond those of human prisons of pride.

These titles of prestige and hierarchical mentality are only found in physical state and its associated etheric shadow realms, which orbit the condition of human consciousness.

Orbiting back to a more jocular tone; if you think St. Germain is "up there", you haven’t seen anything yet!


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