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tealily 11-06-2017 01:51 PM

Feedback for Pisces Moon

Yeah, it's a big learning month - I've had the privilege of being around some great people in the industry who have given me some great ideas about what I need to do over the next few years, but there's also stuff going on at work (challenges etc) and LOTS of 'should' coming from my workplace mentor :P

They are the person who is sure they are helping - but seriously irk me with their talk-down criticism (they forgot the nurturing gene when they were building his DNA). There have been times I've almost left the room because he can agitate me so much. I'm quietly, but gleefully, looking forward to the day our 1-on-1 sessions end.

The emotions thing is because he agitates me enough that I get emotional - and when I get into that state, I become a sucky communicator, which gives him more reason to think I'm less competent than I am and therefore need more 'advice', grrr.

Reading for Pisces.
Career question
My area boss is trying to get me to move branch with a promotion, I like where I am currently and still feel there is a lot to learn, but there are a few things that concern me within the current location. What is the best course of action to take. Do I take the promotion or stay put?

* Happy Tarot

Taking the promotion - 9 of Wands + Ace of Wands. I see this as being a stressful, "I don't really want to do this and am worried about it", but if you go this route I also see you embracing the opportunity with open arms and potentially being a very dynamic force. You'd do good work here and possibly even enjoy it.

Staying where you are: Ace of Cups rev + The Star. I see the reversed Ace here as being "you can take that promotion and shove it back where it came from!" :D There's a LOT of resistance against the move, and I see you enjoying continuing where you are because you've poured a lot of effort into it. It looks like it's become a project of sorts and you legitimately want to follow it's process, you're mentally/emotionally invested in its development now.

General advice: 3 of Swords is an interesting card which suggests there may be some bitterness/sadness regardless of which decision you make, so don't go expecting a super-smooth choice. It also feels like an early heads up to snoop a bit deeper - eg is one of the branches scheduled to close or be sold anytime soon? As a hidden influence, I'm seeing Page of Wands which is a 'studying' card (as you said, more things to learn) but could also indicate new starts... even if unanticipated ones!

As a likely outcome I'm seeing Empress rev, which is a card of 'no growth' to me - so I suspect either you stay where you are, or opt to take the promotion but it may get delayed/postphoned. I'd dig a bit deeper for info if I were you.

Hope this helps!

EDIT: Whoops, read for the wrong person! Never mind, will leave it up - here's one for angelic star
Any positive messages coming through for me ?

2 of Pent, Ace of Cups, 2 of Wands

'Juggling act' comes to mind - as in you have either been doing a stack of decision-making or seriously weighing up options in terms of what will make you happiest, what's the best solution etc etc.

I feel like there IS a good option ahead, and you'll either find it soon or it's a matter of getting a bit more creative with your solution-finding. For advice, 2 of Wands is saying "look further afield" to me - so consider thinking laterally, or expanding your options. Don't give up hope :)

Next reading for tealily

Q: "Is the worst of what I'll experience this month already over?"
(I've drawn self-cards for myself on this one and keen to exchange results)

The backstory to this is I got a yearly forecast from my favourite reader at the start of the year, which heralded that this month could see an unexpected upheaval (The Tower!). It's got me walking on tenterhooks slightly as each previous month has been spot-on. Here's the thing though - I feel like it's already happened (late May). Would love a second opinion on this :)

55Degrees 19-06-2017 10:17 AM

Ooh 2 for the price of 1
I'll start with angelic star

Feedback for angelic star

Originally Posted by angelic star
Next reading for Pisces.
Career question
My area boss is trying to get me to move branch with a promotion, I like where I am currently and still feel there is a lot to learn, but there are a few things that concern me within the current location. What is the best course of action to take. Do I take the promotion or stay put?

Six of pentacles reversed, the emperor reversed, The chariot

It feels that your boss means well, and this will bring more money, however the working situation might be hard. Things will be hard to keep moving and there might be a lot of things around work place that might be not right, and it will be more hard work than it is right now.
If you stay where you are, things will be as they are, there might be no new surprises around work situation. Everything is well known to you. Feels a little mellow, like routine than if you were take the first opportunity.
There is a new beginning in the picture for you. So either way whatever you chose will accordingly adjust this to meet a change for you. whether you stay in your current place or take the promotion either way there is development and beginnings in the picture for you. So chose wisely as they are two different opportunities, none better than the other, but with one yes there seems to be much effort needed than right now.
As new start is anyways in the picture for you, chose what feels most comfortable to you.

I hope this helps, let me know, smiles your end ~

Next reading for angelic star
Any positive messages coming through for me ?
thank you blessings

Thank you, if new beginnings are showing up I'm assuming that means I shall be moving on. The location I'm currently at is one of those where there is no change.......ever, it's same old, same old.
The familiarity you mention is right. I have only been there 3 months and I know the floor plan like the back of my hand and trade patterns are steady as a rock. I think it's because of this that the new challenge looks appealing haha.

Feedback for tealily

Originally Posted by tealily

Reading for Pisces.
Career question
My area boss is trying to get me to move branch with a promotion, I like where I am currently and still feel there is a lot to learn, but there are a few things that concern me within the current location. What is the best course of action to take. Do I take the promotion or stay put?

* Happy Tarot

Taking the promotion - 9 of Wands + Ace of Wands. I see this as being a stressful, "I don't really want to do this and am worried about it", but if you go this route I also see you embracing the opportunity with open arms and potentially being a very dynamic force. You'd do good work here and possibly even enjoy it.

Staying where you are: Ace of Cups rev + The Star. I see the reversed Ace here as being "you can take that promotion and shove it back where it came from!" :D There's a LOT of resistance against the move, and I see you enjoying continuing where you are because you've poured a lot of effort into it. It looks like it's become a project of sorts and you legitimately want to follow it's process, you're mentally/emotionally invested in its development now.

General advice: 3 of Swords is an interesting card which suggests there may be some bitterness/sadness regardless of which decision you make, so don't go expecting a super-smooth choice. It also feels like an early heads up to snoop a bit deeper - eg is one of the branches scheduled to close or be sold anytime soon? As a hidden influence, I'm seeing Page of Wands which is a 'studying' card (as you said, more things to learn) but could also indicate new starts... even if unanticipated ones!

As a likely outcome I'm seeing Empress rev, which is a card of 'no growth' to me - so I suspect either you stay where you are, or opt to take the promotion but it may get delayed/postphoned. I'd dig a bit deeper for info if I were you.

Hope this helps!

Well, it's a tough call, angelic star's reading came out similar. I suppose nothing is set in stone yet as there is a lot of internal shuffling going on in the company. I understand the 3 of Swords though, I had a similar situation with a previous job, where I moved location to set up a new branch and never felt the same about it (some regret and missing work colleagues). Maybe it's suggesting that it could be the same this time.
Yeah the promotion would be stressful as I'd be in the position of 'the buck stops here' if there are any issues.
My current location was a failing location 6 months ago and needs a lot of input to turn it around, which we are slowly doing. So yes, I am invested in it as project.......failure is not an option :biggrin:
Many thanks tealily.

Next reading for tealily

Q: "Is the worst of what I'll experience this month already over?"
(I've drawn self-cards for myself on this one and keen to exchange results)

The backstory to this is I got a yearly forecast from my favourite reader at the start of the year, which heralded that this month could see an unexpected upheaval (The Tower!). It's got me walking on tenterhooks slightly as each previous month has been spot-on. Here's the thing though - I feel like it's already happened (late May). Would love a second opinion on this :)

55Degrees 22-06-2017 09:59 AM

Reading for tealily

Q: "Is the worst of what I'll experience this month already over?"
(I've drawn self-cards for myself on this one and keen to exchange results)

Instead of listing the cards, I thought it would be easier to post the photo and go through some patterns in it.

I feel this is centred around someone else's recent negative behaviour, and your feelings and thoughts towards them have changed because of this. Ideally you'd like to be able to get along and refuse to let their negativity influence your behaviour and outlook, so you're still displaying a positive, friendly attitude (even if you don't feel like this towards them).
The Tower moment may be, realiseing if you don't stop this they feel they can do as they wish and you won't react, cos ultimately that is what they want (and then you'll be the bad guy).
I don't think the worst of it is over, it's been stressful and they know they are pushing you. You fear you will blow (Tower). I feel you'll take so much and then stop the facade of trying to be nice. It's making you careful of what you say and to whom you say it to, guarding yourself and trying to remove yourself from the situation as a form of self preservation.
It depends on your next action whether to it blows or not, but for things to improve, I think your Tower still waiting to happen.

Hope that helps, feel free to PM if you want some clarification.

Next reading for Pisces
Something positive for the weekend please.

tealily 22-06-2017 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
Reading for tealily

Q: "Is the worst of what I'll experience this month already over?"
(I've drawn self-cards for myself on this one and keen to exchange results)

Instead of listing the cards, I thought it would be easier to post the photo and go through some patterns in it.

I feel this is centred around someone else's recent negative behaviour, and your feelings and thoughts towards them have changed because of this. Ideally you'd like to be able to get along and refuse to let their negativity influence your behaviour and outlook, so you're still displaying a positive, friendly attitude (even if you don't feel like this towards them).
The Tower moment may be, realiseing if you don't stop this they feel they can do as they wish and you won't react, cos ultimately that is what they want (and then you'll be the bad guy).
I don't think the worst of it is over, it's been stressful and they know they are pushing you. You fear you will blow (Tower). I feel you'll take so much and then stop the facade of trying to be nice. It's making you careful of what you say and to whom you say it to, guarding yourself and trying to remove yourself from the situation as a form of self preservation.
It depends on your next action whether to it blows or not, but for things to improve, I think your Tower still waiting to happen.

Hope that helps, feel free to PM if you want some clarification.

Next reading for Pisces
Something positive for the weekend please.


(still clearly to do with work)
One of the boys at work tripped out slightly over lunch last week, then the other guy basically justified it by saying 'we were just having fun' / 'that's just his personality'. For me it was a bit of a final straw moment, so I moved all my lunchbreaks and started closing my office door. I'm still positive and friendly towards them, but I interact minimally to a) avoid future conflict moments and b) to avoid moments where I just 'take' their behaviour. I appear to be the only one in the office who thinks there's anything wrong with it (this doesn't change the fact that it's still awkward/bad behaviour).

It has been stressful and I'm glad/intrigued/entertained to hear you think they know it. I do fear I'll blow at some point - that's why I've cut back on official mentoring time (actually warned the boss that I might walk out of the mentor's office soon).

I am definitely guarding myself and removing myself from the situation as a form of self-preservation :D

I hate conflict so things are more likely to stay like this, but it's been infinitely better than hoping things would improve on their own. My caseload has grown rapidly, to the point where the business is currently advertising for a new employee, so my hope is that I'll get a new friend at work and the power balance will shift slightly (or someone else will go through what I did, validating my experience/indicating to the boss this is a legit issue).

Next reading for Pisces Moon
Something positive for the weekend

tealily 25-06-2017 02:34 PM

reading for Pisces Moon

King of Cups, 6 of Wands rev, Adv: Blank Card

I feel like something ahead next weekend isn't as easy as you'd hoped (or there's further things that need ironing out) BUT you show remarkable emotional restraint. This whole thing, though frustrating, is a door that could lead to other doors - any time I see Blank Card show up, it indicates a turning point where the end result is something you can't predict at this time.

So in a nutshell - things that seem frustrating may actually turn out to be very meaningful turning points for the better later on :)

Next reading for tealily

Q: What's the best thing about my current work situation? (conflict-ridden and all!)

55Degrees 27-06-2017 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by tealily
reading for Pisces Moon

King of Cups, 6 of Wands rev, Adv: Blank Card

I feel like something ahead next weekend isn't as easy as you'd hoped (or there's further things that need ironing out) BUT you show remarkable emotional restraint. This whole thing, though frustrating, is a door that could lead to other doors - any time I see Blank Card show up, it indicates a turning point where the end result is something you can't predict at this time.

So in a nutshell - things that seem frustrating may actually turn out to be very meaningful turning points for the better later on :)

Ooh this strikes a chord for the weekend just gone. I had a huge task dumped on me with less than 3 days notice. Not happy would be an understatement, but I realised it was wasted energy that was better channelled into getting the job done. I'm still quite annoyed about what happened, however the fact that I made the effort has not gone unnoticed to the right people.

Next reading for tealily

Q: What's the best thing about my current work situation? (conflict-ridden and all!)

angelic star 01-07-2017 04:19 AM

Next reading for tealily

Q: What's the best thing about my current work situation? (conflict-ridden and all!)

Hi there I am traveling and I do not have my tarot, instead chose to read archetype cards by Caroline Myss if that's okay.
The card is Poet.
Light attributes expresses soul insights in symbolic language. This shows that there might be a lady at work who is considerate and will understand you if you are able to talk to them. Understanding in a professional set up.They might also have experienced similar things as you from the current situation and they feel the same. They will also be able to offer more insights for you here. I am feeling compassion and understanding from employer/ co worker. You are not experiencing this alone.
There is also a need to step back in any situation that might have conflict. You do not have to think to act in any situation where there in conflict. The best way to turn around a negative situation in your favor is by not reacting to it. It will give you more control and when you will be able to understand the situation from a better perspective and act with more tact and diplomacy. There isn't a need to to be proactive or resolve conflict in every situation. Stepping back has its advantages.
I hope this helps. Let me know.

Next reading for angelic star.
I have received a bunch of negative comments from someone I am helping through negative situation. They are going through a lot of depression , anxiety and phobias due to past traumas. It's been a little strange for me because I want to help but at the same time hearing negative things being said about myself and my situation is just a little stressful, I feel like I am not getting the responses that I should for my own peace and well being.
So my question is, Should I trust the messages that K gave me ? What do I need to know here.


55Degrees 04-07-2017 01:03 PM

Reading for angelic star

I have received a bunch of negative comments from someone I am helping through negative situation. They are going through a lot of depression , anxiety and phobias due to past traumas. It's been a little strange for me because I want to help but at the same time hearing negative things being said about myself and my situation is just a little stressful, I feel like I am not getting the responses that I should for my own peace and well being.
So my question is, Should I trust the messages that K gave me ? What do I need to know here.


I changed the question to "what does angelic star need to know about the messages K is giving her?"

To make it easier I'm going to assume the friend us female (apologies if I'm wrong).
I'll place this here

It looks like this behaviour is very out of character for this friend. It even leaves them a bit shocked.
It appears obvious that this mental health issue has been going on for a while, your friend feeling there was nowhere to turn to (or not being offered the support she (?) needed), this has led to continued reluctance to explore her emotions even trying to forget them (possibly being told to 'get over it, move on'). Maybe she's believing that she doesn't need help, she's handling it, but it's a never ending battle.
She's scared and confused by your gentle determination to help (and maybe fears that you're going to hurt her), this is a trust issue.
You aren't prepared to give up tho, this is someone you do care about and if you can help her through this period then you will
What your friend wants is peace, internal peace, to be able to rest properly (has insomnia or agitation been affecting them?).
It appears that things will get getter for her, but she has a long way to go.

The whole top and bottom of K's messages is fear of being let down, but because of her issues she'd rather believe she pushed you away (as opposed to feeling that you walked away). She's distrustful due to lack of support and her issues.
Being negative about your situation is a way of deflecting her issues and focusing on your past issues (8 of Cups). It feels as though there'sresentment that maybe you have a support network or inner reserves that she can't recognise in herself at the moment.

Now I don't read on health/medical situations but I get the sense that medication may be an option she's toyed with but cannot decide if she wants to go down that route.
The 2 of Cups reminds me of medical intervention and the Ace of Coins reminds me of a pill

I hope that throws some light on the situation, it's a difficult position to put yourself in but I admire your patience in sticking by your friend, she needs it even if she doesn't recognise it yet.

Next reading for Pisces
What do I need to know about accepting the corporate gig I've been offered?

angelic star 04-07-2017 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
Reading for angelic star

I changed the question to "what does angelic star need to know about the messages K is giving her?"

To make it easier I'm going to assume the friend us female (apologies if I'm wrong).
I'll place this here

It looks like this behaviour is very out of character for this friend. It even leaves them a bit shocked.
It appears obvious that this mental health issue has been going on for a while, your friend feeling there was nowhere to turn to (or not being offered the support she (?) needed), this has led to continued reluctance to explore her emotions even trying to forget them (possibly being told to 'get over it, move on'). Maybe she's believing that she doesn't need help, she's handling it, but it's a never ending battle.
She's scared and confused by your gentle determination to help (and maybe fears that you're going to hurt her), this is a trust issue.
You aren't prepared to give up tho, this is someone you do care about and if you can help her through this period then you will
What your friend wants is peace, internal peace, to be able to rest properly (has insomnia or agitation been affecting them?).
It appears that things will get getter for her, but she has a long way to go.

The whole top and bottom of K's messages is fear of being let down, but because of her issues she'd rather believe she pushed you away (as opposed to feeling that you walked away). She's distrustful due to lack of support and her issues.
Being negative about your situation is a way of deflecting her issues and focusing on your past issues (8 of Cups). It feels as though there'sresentment that maybe you have a support network or inner reserves that she can't recognise in herself at the moment.

Now I don't read on health/medical situations but I get the sense that medication may be an option she's toyed with but cannot decide if she wants to go down that route.
The 2 of Cups reminds me of medical intervention and the Ace of Coins reminds me of a pill

I hope that throws some light on the situation, it's a difficult position to put yourself in but I admire your patience in sticking by your friend, she needs it even if she doesn't recognise it yet.

Next reading for Pisces
What do I need to know about accepting the corporate gig I've been offered?

Hi Pisces_moon,

Thank you for your messages. Yes she does need medication and she needs to do some serious work on self and needs an expert to help her. I have tried my best, now somethings I must let go and someone else needs to step up and take her case. She needs medical intervention and therapy, and needs to talk to an expert.
Thank you very much for taking the time to do a reading, it has been quite spot on. Thank you so very much. I very much appreciate it. smiles your end ~

Next reading for Pisces_moon,
What do I need to know about accepting the corporate gig I've been offered?

tealily 09-07-2017 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by angelic star
Next reading for tealily

Q: What's the best thing about my current work situation? (conflict-ridden and all!)

Hi there I am traveling and I do not have my tarot, instead chose to read archetype cards by Caroline Myss if that's okay.
The card is Poet.
Light attributes expresses soul insights in symbolic language. This shows that there might be a lady at work who is considerate and will understand you if you are able to talk to them. Understanding in a professional set up.They might also have experienced similar things as you from the current situation and they feel the same. They will also be able to offer more insights for you here. I am feeling compassion and understanding from employer/ co worker. You are not experiencing this alone.
There is also a need to step back in any situation that might have conflict. You do not have to think to act in any situation where there in conflict. The best way to turn around a negative situation in your favor is by not reacting to it. It will give you more control and when you will be able to understand the situation from a better perspective and act with more tact and diplomacy. There isn't a need to to be proactive or resolve conflict in every situation. Stepping back has its advantages.
I hope this helps. Let me know.

Feedback for angelic star
Agree re: stepping back and not reacting - had similar discussion with my mother today.
Not sure who the female figure would be but would be MUCH more likely to get sympathy from one of the admin staff - or at least the other sole contractor who shares our building.

Reading for Pisces Moon

What do I need to know about accepting the corporate gig I've been offered?
Justice, Ace, 4 of Wands.

This is a legit offer - and it's not a bad one. It looks like they're really crossed their t's and dotted their i's here - if you've had any issues with previous jobs where things were a bit ashambles, you may be pleasantly suprised that this new job offer comes with none of that and seems a lot tidier from an admin/transparency/procedures kind of view.

The new job also comes with further successes down the road - although I see it as being a bit "away" so it's either going to involve some travel (as in, work trips) or literally be physically further away than your current place of employment.

Net summary - not a bad job, could be quite good, but does seem to involve a bit more travel.

Next reading for tealily

Struggling to do this as a self-read because too invested in the outcome.
My financial situation has shifted a bit, and something will need to change if I'm to continue living in my current house (which I love) at the end of the year. I've been doing well at my main place of employment and am wondering if I'll be promoted to a commission-based role soon. (I'll be asking my boss about this on Wed, so it'll be a fun prediction question).

Q: Will I receive a promotion within the next two months at my main place of employment?

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